Thats a Great Acting Job… Woman Drums Up Tears In Accusing Diddy 21 Years Later In New Lawsuit

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels



➡ Sean “Diddy” Combs is facing legal issues as a woman named Talia Graves has accused him and his former bodyguard of drugging and assaulting her in 2001. This lawsuit comes after Combs was arrested on sex trafficking and racketeering charges. Graves claims she was given a drink that caused her to lose consciousness and later found herself restrained and assaulted. This incident has caused her severe emotional distress, leading to PTSD, depression, and anxiety.


So a new woman and I haven’t reviewed the video so I’m gonna be looking at it for the first time just like you guys a New woman is waking up out of the blue and she’s saying that Diddy and his bodyguard or former bodyguard Drugged and Then took advantage of her all right, so let’s look at the latest person to accuse Diddy The diddler of diddling and then we gonna go from there. Let’s let’s go here I love it when I see him cry with the white all white on like an angel when they crying at the same time I don’t know we gonna evaluate it We gonna look at it for what it is and we gonna try to determine whether or not she’s telling the truth legal troubles are mounting For Sean Diddy Combs an alleged victim has filed a new lawsuit against him This is Combs remains behind bars in a Brooklyn jail following his arrest on sex trafficking and racketeering charges I want issues more to Josh Haskell joining us live in the studio with the latest developments on this one Well the plaintiff in this lawsuit Talia Graves as you just heard extremely emotional.

She delivered prepared remarks Explaining how this incident back in 2001 has for I did say it got something to say I seen the UN meeting I’m manning it out I’m putting it together so we can have a whole show for it tomorrow. I’m gonna go through the UN meeting I want to make sure I got all of the facts and I can speak to it clearly ever changed her life More legal trouble for Sean Diddy Combs who now faces an 11th lawsuit Which comes one week after Combs was indicted in New York on federal sex trafficking racketeering and prostitution charges Talia Graves was 25 years old dating a bad boy records executive back in 2001 when she claims She was summoned to a meeting with Sean Diddy Combs Given a drink that caused her to briefly lose consciousness then awoke to find herself bound and restrained Graves says she was raped by Combs and later found out the incident was recorded The trauma of the assault has taken a toll on my mental health I’ve had PTSD depression and anxiety I’m emotionally scarred It has been hard for me to trust others to form healthy relationships I don’t even feel safe in my own skin Also named in the lawsuit Combs is head of security who Graves claims was responsible as well When she was slammed onto a table her cries for help ignored Look at all of the people that they suing they’re doing this for a reason Sean Combs, Joseph Sherman, daddy’s house recordings Because that means they can then go after all of the residuals and stuff like that if they were able to get a judgment And so since he’s already convicted in the court of public opinion It’s easy to go ahead and go after all of the resources because this is not actual criminal investigation This is a lawsuit to get money.

Remember that This is a lawsuit to get money I want y’all to be able to understand the difference between the two. This is a civil suit not a criminal complaint This is a civil suit not a criminal complaint. This is a lawsuit With no evidence Just her word of what she says happened 23 years ago Okay Daddy’s house recordings CE Opa-co I don’t know what that is LLC Combs Global Combs Enterprises Bad boy entertainment holdings Bad boy production holdings Bad boy book holdings Books holdings Bad boy records Bad boy entertainment Bad boy productions Organizations Jesus Christ She want everything Let’s continue Well as well when she was slammed onto a table her cries for help ignored Defendants caused plaintiff to be depicted in a video image Unclothed And with intimate body parts exposed And engaged in sexual conduct with another person She would never have consented to the video taping And did not consent Graves’ attorney Gloria Allred says her client did not come to her after last week’s indictment And that her client first learned of the video recording last year Over 20 years since the alleged incident They believe the recording may still be out there being viewed and asked for it to be destroyed It’s a pain that reaches in They believe that a recording is still out there But they’ve never seen one Yet she learned about it last year Just so happened to be around when? Don’t worry about it And they’re hoping for it to be destroyed But they’re not sure that it actually exists But they heard that it exists And it’s a civil suit from 23 years ago To your very court Let me go ahead and get the whole thing Let me see if I can pull her up and get the whole thing Cause I ain’t no point in going back and forth about this Y’all know how I feel Thank you for coming today I’m attorney Gloria Allred I’m with me Big dog, it’s her My client, plaintiff Thalia Graves Today we filed a lawsuit in the United States sister court Southern District of New York For our client, plaintiff Thalia Graves Who is given permission to use her name The case number of the 26 page complaint John Diddy Combs Also known as the defendant And another individual and other entities The complaint alleges in part In the first cause of action That defendant Combs and another defendant Committed a quote Violation of New York City Victims of gender motivated violence Reporting it Defendants caused plaintiff to be depicted I want to hear her I want to hear the other Got the prepared statement Typed it up On a nice letterhead Give the pat on the back Make sure you rub on the back It’s gonna be okay It’s gonna be good Don’t worry about it Take your time On cue Jesus Christ Oh gosh You can’t make this stuff up On cue And roll The internal pain after being sexually assaulted Has been incredibly deep And hard to put into words It goes beyond just physical harm Caused by and during the assault It’s a pain that reaches into your very core Of who you are And leaving emotional scars Hey lawyer, make sure she’s reading this right The hardest parts of this pain Are the shame and the guilt I have experienced That plays a negative part In my day-to-day ability To function properly Being blamed Question And threatened Has often made me feel worthless Isolated And sometimes responsible For what happened to me My family issues Made the pain even worse I was already going through a divorce At the time of the assault And did not get the support that I needed I was also faced with disbelief and judgment This has put a strain on my selection of men and relationships When many relationships became aggressive and abusive Which has made me feel even more alone in my struggles I go through spells of being distant and withdrawn That sometimes so hard to leave my house The trauma of the assault has taken a toll on my mental health I’ve had PTSD, depression, and anxiety Is that self-diagnosed or is that clinically diagnosed? How do you get diagnosed with stuff like that? I’m just curious, just asking a question Do you go in and you say these are my symptoms? Is it something that they measure? Do they look at your heart rate and say Hey, when I say this word, your heart rate goes faster I’m just curious, just asking How do you then get diagnosed or do you self-diagnose And you go in there and say Oh man, I can’t leave my house, I’m so tired today I remember in 2008 when I was broke, I had PTSD You know, from what? From them repossessing my car I still, when I see a tow truck today I get, honestly, when I see a tow truck today And it say not for hire on that joint And I see that thing in the back Or I see somebody’s car, I start getting PTSD I said, you know what? Let me go ahead into the studio and work a little bit harder I’ll never, ever, ever, ever, ever want to experience that ever again in my life I get PTSD Post-traumatic stress, stress from the stress from the disorder I get post-traumatic stress disorder I don’t know what that S stands for Post-traumatic stress disorder When I see a tow truck from when my car has got repossessed in 2008 2007, 2008, during the housing crisis Ooh, that was a recession I’m emotionally scarred It has been hard for me to trust others to form healthy relationships Me too, baby, me too I even feel safe in my own skin I don’t feel safe either Flashbacks, nightmares, and intrusive thoughts Courtney, tell me about it, I’ll be getting it I know it ain’t no joke It’s a constant struggle I also suffer with physical problems such as chronic pain, sexual discomfort The violation I have experienced during the assault has had lasting effects on my body causing ongoing health problems and complications The combination of physical and emotional pain has created a cycle of suffering from which it is so hard to break free I want to continue on this journey towards recovery and healing I’m glad that he is locked up but that’s a temporary feeling of relief Is that the end of the statement? Let me see if anything else happened Oh, yeah, it’s not going to be taking any questions I’ll be happy to take some questions Why’s she not taking no questions? Hold on, hold on, hold on, we got questions So, alright, so let me get this straight Let me get this straight Because you know me, you know, I’m from Detroit so we got to look at it a little bit different Our lens is a little different than yours I see no TCS, no TCS Telemundo, Fox 11, KTLA 5, CNN, KFL What is that? I see extra, I see the extra microphone over there I see, it looked like one from Atlanta so we know we got Los Angeles, New York, Atlanta, all of them is in there along with extra, extra, CNN, no TCS Telemundo, Telemundo We got all of these microphones in there, alright? So, with that being said, with that being said let me ask just a couple different questions Number one, was there ever any kind of police report filing or do we just go based off of your tears? Because I’m not saying that it didn’t happen That’s not what I’m saying What I am saying is, how do we know that it did happen? I mean, I know it’s easy to just label it but why can’t every woman in America just wake up and say you know what, Diddy did it to me, he did it There’s no way for him to defend himself He’s struggling with this whole FBI case It was Diddy’s fault We know Diddy did it How do we know? I mean, what evidence do we have? Do we just go based off of her testimony? Is it court of public opinion? Why did they call every single news source that they possibly could and why is this only a civil suit? Why did they call all of these people? You’re right You’re absolutely right, Kyla How do we even know that he didn’t even know her? How do we even know that she was, how do we know this? How do we know for sure? For 100% certain, how do we know? How do we know? Honestly And again I’m not saying that it is and I’m not saying that it’s not All I’m asking is how do we know? How do we know? I think it’s a reasonable question to ask How can we verify this? Was it a lie detector test that she took? Is it some sort of evidence? Did she still got the panties? I don’t know All I’m saying is by default By default, I don’t care who you are and what you’re talking about By default I automatically am going to meet every person with an accusation especially if it’s over 20 years later with skepticism And I’m not talking about a kid that went through some trauma and they mama shut him up I’m talking about a grown folk A grown adult that was telling us something for us to believe but have no evidence to substantiate it and is only filing a civil suit So, all right, last question and then we’re going to move over to the next thing Is it the money that fixes the situation? Because I’m trying to figure out Does money, because money solves a multitude of problems We know that, that is scripture Money solves a multitude of problems as scripture Okay, cool So, is the money the thing that’s going to fix all of the things that you’re feeling allegedly based off of the tears And will the money also fix your lawyer’s passion to call all of these reporters out there in order to get the word out? I don’t believe nobody I don’t believe nobody question everything question everything question it When they’re just telling us to believe it just because you said it I don’t know you, man I don’t know you I’m questioning everything and everybody That’s where I stand That’s where I’ve been standing and that’s what I stood on

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2001 Diddy Combs lawsuit assault leading to emotional distress Combs arrested on sex trafficking depression and anxiety from assault Diddy Combs bodyguard assault drink causing loss of consciousness drugging and assault allegations PTSD after assault racketeering charges against Diddy Combs Sean Diddy Combs legal issues Talia Graves accusation

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