Texas Governor Greg Abbott Is Raggedy Evil For Busing Sick Migrant To Chicago… Brandon Johnson

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels


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➡ The speaker criticizes Mayor Brandon Johnson for allowing several issues under his jurisdiction, particularly the health crisis in Chicago involving migrants, many of whom are ending up sick and lacking proper care. The speaker lauds Governor Greg Abbott’s approach of sending migrants to so-called sanctuary cities, placing the burden on them for their supportive policies towards open borders.
➡ Chief Keef sings about life experiences while addressing the negative attitude of Greg Abbot, expressing distress about the degradation of conditions for people in cities like Chicago due to political instability, unsustainable immigration policies and the disconnect between government entities. The speaker also mentions the health crisis faced at the border and the insufficient supplies in mental health clinics, placing blame largely on the Texas governor.
➡ The speaker criticizes the governor of Texas for what they see as contributing to the migrant crisis by transporting people throughout the US. Additionally, they express disbelief at the disrespectful language used to describe Governor Greg Abbott.


You know, I couldn’t go without bringing my dog to the front of the congregation. If we gonna have a congregational show, if we’re going to have a congregation filled show, I can’t let this show go on and be finished without making sure that I bring my number one congregational contributant to the front. I know that you thought that it was going away, but it’s not. I know that you thought that I forgot about him.

Oh, it’s not, I’m not cursing motivation. Go ahead and bring your daughter out to the front. Your daughter needs to hear this. I ain’t cursed, not one time in this entire show. I know you thought it was over, but it’s not. And I’m going to tell you why. I’m going to tell you why. Mayor Johnson, similar to Tiffany Henyard, cannot stay off of the microphone. Cannot stay off the microphone.

But he’s recently addressing some issues that are coming to the forefront of the congregation at his doorstep. Let me show you what’s happening over there in Chicago. Shout out to Chicago. This one is for Aaron new at six on the migrant crisis. The Chicago Department of Public Health now telling us they are dealing with chickenpox cases at several shelters, including the one where a five year old died and three other children and an 18 year old are hospitalized.

What they are not saying is if the five year old died from chickenpox, this is happening at the shelter on Halstead in Pilsen. CBS two, Sabrina Franza is on top of the story for us tonight. We watched as an ambulance picked up yet another person from that shelter. By our count, at least six people were taken from there to the hospital. Five children and one teenager. A five year old died.

The mayor was asked about those children today. They’re showing up sick. Are you hearing me? They’re showing up sick. Mayor Brandon Johnson says the city is doing what it can. The issue is not just how we respond in the city of Chicago, it’s the fact that we have a governor, a governor, an elected official in the state of Texas that is placing families on buses without shoes, cold, wet, tired, hungry, working to help families who are seeking asylum.

Sounds like we got beef. Sounds like Greg Abbot over there in Texas said, yeah, I’ll be your huckleberry. I’ll be your huckleberry. This is Tombstone. This is Tombstone. The fight is borders, protection and sanctuary cities the weapon of choice? Migrants. They said, if you’re not going to stand with us, then that means that you standing against us. And Greg Abbot not only employed his own state to continue to prevent what’s happening at the border.

But he said, if y’all want to come in here and y’all want to keep supporting keeping the borders open, and we gonna go ahead and make sure that you get what you asking for. You said you were Sanctuary city. Then I’m going to make sure that you provide. The lord doth provide. And so now we starting to throw names in sling mud when kids start to die from chickenpox under your care.

Like one woman, she asked us to hide her identity. She’s living in the same shelter as was five year old Jean Carlos Martinez Rivera, a little boy who was rushed to the hospital and then died. Witnesses say there was a call for help, but that his family was denied immediate medical assistance. She claims many kids in the Pilsen warehouse turned housing facility have fever, stomach pain. This mother of two, who also asked we shield her identity, had to send her one year old daughter to the hospital in an ambulance this weekend after multiple requests.

I had both children with a fever, she says, but was told there was no reason to call an ambulance. She says this wasn’t the first time they’ve had to go to the hospital since they’ve been in Chicago. She tells us she’s asked to move, but claims her request was laughed at. Mayor Brandon Johnson said that he wanted to address this directly. So let me go ahead and show y’all what Brandon Johnson had to say about this whole situation directly from the horse’s mouth.

Again, make sure y’all get the likes up because they’re a little low. But let me show y’all what Brandon Johnson had to say about this. They’re showing up sick. Do you hear me? They’re showing up sick. Good afternoon. You only recently were able to clear migrants out of the police station, but now it appears that the flow is back and they’re migrants at police stations again. And there are now reports that the buses that could be subject to seizure or towing if they don’t obey the rules are starting to leave people outside of Chicago and giving them train fares to get into the city.

First off, what do you think about that tactic and what can the city do? Well, first of all, this Internet shout out to Ms. Crow T. Shetty. I’m going to read that shortly, Cris, that the entire world is dealing with the type of chaos that’s being administered at the border is what we’re working to solve. And from the very beginning, the buses coming from Texas have not centered people’s humanity, and it’s actually been quite raggedy.

What I’ve attempted to do, because it’s important in this moment, because the entire world is reeling for answers. The city of Chicago is providing some structure and parameters around this mission. That’s what leaders do in this moment. And so we’ve stood up multiple shelters. We have thousands of children who are in our public schools right now. Most of them are in preschool or up to third. You know, it’s disheartening that the governor of Texas is literally invoking chaos without having a real clear willingness to coordinate.

Let me tell you something. Governor Greg Abbot ain’t playing no games with you. Governor Greg Abbot is playing no games. He said, oh, you want to spar? Okay, I’ll be your huckleberry. Greg Abbot is playing no games with these liberal cities and these liberal states. Okay, you don’t want to support us, then that means that you against us. And I’m all for it. I’m all for violence. When it comes to legislation that Greg Abbott is implementing across what he deems as nobody coming to the aid and trying to close off the borders in order to get federal fund.

He said, okay, what, are y’all gonna leave us for dead? Watch how we play this. You gonna leave us for dead? You thought that was how it was gonna happen over here in Texas? Watch how we play this out. All we simply did to your question around the ordinance was to create better coordination. Now, alderman hall is here. There were others who went to the border to have conversations at the border, and having coordination is what is the minimum expectation.

Now, if you remember back in May when I was sworn in, I believe there were almost 900 or so people living in police districts. And I said from the very beginning that this is shout out to ash, I appreciate you. I’m a rot read that we’ve worked hard to eliminate people from living on floors who are showing up in Chicago in some of the worst health conditions. And I did get rid of, guess what? You didn’t support legislation against having our borders closed off in the first place.

You said, we a sanctuary city. You supported Biden when Biden said that we’re not going to build another inch of border fence yet. We’re going to allocate billions and billions of city money for y’all to be able to manage through this crisis. You ain’t say nothing. You had nothing to say whatsoever. And Greg Abbot, and to a larger extent, Ron DeSantis, said, not only are we going to drop them off in your city, we dropping them off at Cam Cam’s house.

We’re going to drop them off in California. We’re going to fly them over into Chicago, New York, all of that. And so now you, Greg Adams, Mike Johnston, Brandon Johnson, the Atlanta mayor, the people over there in San Francisco, la, all of y’all places. Now y’all starting to feel the pain that Texas has been feeling for decades. And when I say decades, decades. And so because you stood against it, now you have to embrace it so that you can see what they’ve been going through.

And I’m going to tell you this. This is a battle that you’re going to lose. This is a battle that you’re going to lose. And the reason that you’re going to lose this battle, my friend, unfortunately, is because you have no way to continue to support yourselves in the ongoing busing and flying of migrants over into your city and the continuous need of using resources or needing resources in order for you to be able to maintain it.

You are going to lose ten times over. Not only are you going to lose, you’re going to bankrupt your city. You’re going to ruin it for the residents of Chicago. And it’s going to be even worse than it was when you all just had chief Keef over there running it up as shy rack King Von. You ain’t seen nothing, Chief Keef. That’s that I don’t like. That’s that I don’t like.

See, y’all thought that twister was the man. Do or die. Twister. Yay. P-O-P-I-M-P-I-G be learning these chicks biology and obviously, well, p o. Do you want to ride in a backseat of a caddy and chop it up with do or die? Do you want to ride in the backseat of a caddy? It was double O-P-M move to the road with a speed, pimps to the feet. True. And on a we sim move to the left so I could see who was hipping that pope.

Him breathe to the low with a slow limp. Yeah, you thought it was cool because they was just talking about riding the side with the back of their cadillac. And then all of a sudden you seen that’s that I don’t like. Boom. And I’m going to tell you that whatever it is that you thought that you was facing during that time ain’t got nothing on Greg Abbot. Greg Abbot is going to make you pay.

He’s going to make you pay. He don’t play fair. He don’t play fair. Reports that there are about 20 people, I believe, that are scattered throughout the city of Chicago and police districts and we’ll respond to it. But again, a month ago there were 4000. Look, Alderman Burnett has already expressed this. It wasn’t a failure to acknowledge our victories. Sometimes we do so much, we don’t keep track of the work that we’re doing.

We just do it. And no matter how contrite that sometimes people are in this moment, it doesn’t excuse the poor behavior that’s coming from Texas. And so we’re going to continue to provide structure and order and direction in this moment because that’s what the people of Chicago deserve and that’s what we’re giving them. Mayor, the shelter at Halstead and Cermac, a five year old boy was there shortly for his died this weekend.

There have been reports that their conditions are unsafe, unsanitary. Do you have confidence that that shelter is safe for people to live? I believe there’s over 2000 people. Well, again, let me just emphasize again, the conditions in which people are arriving in Chicago are quite disturbing. The people who are at the border sleeping outside in the cold, out in the rain, trekking through thousands of miles of jungles, being forced on buses without any clear direction of where they’re going.

And while children and women were living on floors in police districts and my administration eliminated that practice, there were ambulatory runs, 911 calls, because again, people are showing up in very extreme circumstances, very, very unhealthy. And so what I’m confident is that all of our levels of government are coming together to provide support for these individuals who are seeking asylum. And we’re going to continue to assess our work as we move forward.

And of course, we’re providing support for the family. And we are obviously deeply sorry and hurt by this loss. And it’s not lost on any of us here that the conditions in which people are showing up in Chicago, they’re worse. The last reporter just indicated they’re just dropping all people anywhere. Do you understand how raggedy and how evil that is? You’re just going to put people on a bus and just take them somewhere and drop them off in the middle of the night? Yeah.

And then you want to hold us accountable for something that’s happened down at the border. It’s sickening. But just know that our work is not done. But let’s be very clear. You know where this is promulgating from, right? You do know that, right? That you have a governor in Texas that can care less about those families and literally dropping them off, not just in Chicago, but anywhere and everywhere, is wicked.

God can’t help you big dog. I know what comma just told me. Comma said you about to take the l like Canarsi. We’re gathering information, as I’ve said before, at every single site throughout the city of Chicago. We provide on site medical care. In fact, the county government has just put forth more dollars for more healthcare. But I want you to hear me good. They’re showing up. I got another one for y’all.

Hold on. Do you hear me? They’re showing up sick. The issue is not just how we respond in the city of Chicago. It’s the fact that we have a governor. A governor. An elected official in the state of Texas that is placing families on buses without shoes, cold, wet, tired, hungry, afraid, traumatized. And then they come to the city of Chicago, where we have. We have mental health clinics that have been shut down and closed.

Hold on. You know, we got to put the pie piper up here. I forgot about the pie Piper. Whoo. Tp two. Hit it hard from the back. You remind me of my jeep. I’m going to just give him. Hold on. I got to hook him up. What kind of picture you all want me to put up here? Let me get Brandon Johnson back going employment. The governor of Texas needs to take a look in the mirror of the chaos that he is causing for this country.

This is not just a Chicago dynamic. He is attacking our country. The sensibility and the civility of our country. He is undermining that. Yes. What kind of picture I want of R. Kelly up there? Fire Piper this morning. And what is. I know what I’m going to do to reevaluate using these warehouses as places for shelter. I got y’all. I got. So I just make sure I understand your question.

I’m working. Hold on. I got you. I just want to repeat back to me. I’m going to repeat to you what I believe you’re asking me. You’re asking me based upon an out of control governor who is sending busloads of people all over the country. You’re asking if Chicago should reevaluate how it handles the migrant cris. No, that’s not okay. You aggressive, ain’t you? At this particular shelter.

Hold on. I got you all. I got you. Let me get the pie piper. While we were there, we saw people. I had to make some adjustments. Does the city need to reevaluate the practice as a solution? As I said before, they are showing up sick. Listen, I don’t want to put words in your mouth, but it sounds deserve to be up here. What I’m simply saying is when they give you.

Hold on. Listen. I am saying that they’re showing up sick. Are you hearing me? They’re showing up sick. So we are doing everything in our power to treat the conditions in which they’re arriving in as far as us reevaluating our mission. Look, an international crisis of global population shift based upon policies that have been promulgated for the last 20 years that have caused the night type, not just the sanctions, but have caused displacement for the entire globe.

I just want. Ain’t this the Chicago all star? We are not alone in this crisis. There are hundreds of thousands displaced from the continent of Africa, from Central and South America. So this question about reevaluating. How about we do this? How about we reevaluate all of our international policies that are causing the chaos that we’re experiencing right now? And let’s evaluate the sanctity of someone in Texas who disregards people.

That’s what we should be reevaluating. This is the all star game of Chicago featuring Brandon Johnson. I think that Brandon Johnson is absolutely one of the most idiotic mayors that I’ve ever seen in my entire life. And so this is the all star game right here. You got Chief Keef. Yay. Common twista king, Vaughn, Kels. But we got to get. Kels is in his jail suit on this one.

You all want me to put Obama up there? All right, I got you. Hold on. Let me let him talk. For a little site to help provide medical care and that they’ve been denied that immediately by the city. As Charlie pointed out, there have been a number of annual runs today after this five year old child had died. It’s led people to tell us, hold on. I’m about to make them reach out for Brandon Johnson.

Give me a second. I got. So there are volunteers medical assistance. Hey, hold on a second. Are these medically trained volunteers? Jesse Smoulette should be on. I’m not aware of any medical that want to go into sites to provide medical care. I’m not aware of that. They’ve been. I can’t even see myself no more. Medically trained volunteers who want to provide medical support inside of shelters. Who else need to be up here making sure that Brandon Johnson.

What I can say is this, that the conditions in which people are arriving in, there is no secret that they have been showing up sick. That’s not a secret. There’s been ambulatory runs even at police districts. This is not new information. What we’re clear about is that until we get a real handle on what is happening internationally. The city of Chicago, the city of Denver, the city of New York, and all these other cities in which this raggedy governor.

No, you didn’t just say raggedy governor. No, you didn’t disrespect our shipping to other cities in Chicago. Listen to what he’s saying. City of Denver, the city of New York, and all these other cities in which this raggedy governor in Texas is shipping people across the world and particularly throughout the country. Until we get a handle on that, we’re going to constantly be placed in a position where we’re going to have to come up with innovative approaches to address this migrant crisis.

And let me. How disrespectful. No, he did not say raggedy governor. When we got all stars up here, we got Kels Twister, King Vaughn, Kanye, common Chief Keef Obama. We got the whole Chicago conglomerate up here and you sat here and you got disrespectful and you called Governor Greg Abbot Raggedy. He called Governor Greg Abbot Raggedy. I can’t believe it. Y’all think the brat should be going up there? Should we put the brat pregnant up there?.


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border health crisis Chicago political instability Chief Keef life experiences disrespectful language towards Governor Greg Abbott government disconnect Governor Greg Abbott's migrant approach Greg Abbott negative attitude health crisis in Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson criticism mental health clinic supplies migrant healthcare issues sanctuary cities and open borders Texas governor blame Texas governor migrant crisis unsustainable immigration policies

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