Take CONTROL of your Weight and Energy and End Chronic Disease!

Posted in: News, Patriots, Stew Peters Network



➡ As we age, our health, physical fitness, and mental conditions change, often leading to weight gain, energy loss, and decreased motivation. These changes are not only due to aging but also to shifting hormone levels. Energized Health’s system of intercellular hydration can help combat these negative effects of aging and regulate hormones, improving both physical and mental health. Many customers have reported significant improvements in their lives after using Energized Health’s program.
➡ The article discusses the benefits of a natural health program called Energized Health, which helps balance hormones and improve overall health. The program focuses on intercellular hydration and doesn’t require painful exercises or fad diets. It has helped many people increase their energy, lose fat, and improve their confidence. The program is sustainable and has been successful for nearly three decades.
➡ This text promotes various health products and services, including Energized Health, Goldco, Cardio Miracle, and Kid Z-Spike gummies. It also criticizes Kamala Harris’s political stance and suggests that our understanding of history is manipulated. The text encourages readers to question mainstream narratives and consider alternative health and financial options for a better life.


You know, as we age our health and our physical fitness, even our mental conditions begin to change. Sometimes very quickly, other times more gradually. But whether it happens fast or it happens slow, as people get older, they start putting on weight and they start losing energy, they start losing muscle, they start losing the drive or the ability to get up and go do all of the things that they used to once do so often and so easily. And this isn’t just due to getting old and your body wearing down from years of use, although that is part of it and we have been programmed to accept that.

But a lot of the changes that we experience while we’re aging can be attributed to our hormones and to the changing levels of hormones in the body. For men, for example, our testosterone levels, they start dropping every year past 40 and that can contribute to a lack of energy, weight gain, muscle loss, even a number of serious health issues if your body gets hit hard enough. Now on the other hand, women go through menopause, usually in their 40s or 50s, causing changes in mood and in outlook and oftentimes a significantly slow metabolism.

So for both men and women, all of these rapid changes in the body and the quality of life, really, that contribute to mental health issues and lasting depression, which in turn contribute to even more physical health issues that can end up shortening your life. So as you can tell, it’s very important that as we age, we get in touch with things that help us to stay strong, both physically and mentally, for as long as we can. Not just for ourselves, of course, but for our families who depend on us, for our kids, for our grandkids, for all the people that we care about.

And that’s exactly what our friends John and Chelsea Jubilee are doing over at Energized Health. Energized Health’s system of intercellular hydration can help to combat the negative effects of aging, help you regulate your body’s hormones to keep you feeling young and full of life and able to do all of the things that you’ve always enjoyed doing, no matter how old the calendar actually says that you are. But don’t just take it from us, take it from Energized Health’s own customers who say, hey, this program has completely changed my life for the better.

Like this lady, for example, who says that her life was completely derailed after going through menopause, and that it was only once that she discovered Energized Health that she got back on track and back in control of her health. When I was growing up, we always had a garden and my dad was an organic gardener and I followed that regime for many years and everything was going really well until I hit my early 50s and menopause and my whole life fell apart. I woke up one day, I felt like I had someone else’s mind and someone else’s emotions and someone else’s body.

I just started gaining weight and my hair dried out and fell out and I had dry skin and weight gain and the worst, though, was the personality change. I went from being a pretty easygoing person to being very hostile and unpredictable and very, very unhappy until finally I started withdrawing altogether and went into a long time of depression. I guess I spent probably about 20 years as a permit. I always felt like there was some real foundational thing missing. I felt like I had energy and I could do things and people told me, oh, you’re so active, but I felt like I never felt like I had any reserve.

50 years of seeking that foundational, fundamental thing that would make everything else work. This is it and so I have put my whole heart and soul into it. This is what I was missing, but I just wanted to say thank you to God who led me here and thank you John and Chelsea for investing in me. I feel like you invested in me personally. Just thank you from the bottom of my heart that this is what I have been looking for and I know it’s going to work. It’s just wonderful. So thank you.

It’s really hard to overstate all of the good news that has come out of Energized Health. So you can check out more firsthand testimonials and get involved for yourself today at energizedhealth.com. Again, that’s energizedhealth.com. But right now, for more on how Energized Health can help you to reclaim control of your body, now joined by Energized Health founders, John and Chelsea Jubilee. There you are. Thank you for waiting and for being patient. I’m glad the cameras are all working in here today. Well, we’re honored to be here, Stu. And thank you so much. And I’ll tell you what, Stu, that just makes me tear up to hear one life transformed.

And that’s just the joy of our life. There’s tens of thousands of others just like that. And on a super joyful note, all the women that are period menopausal, menopausal, postmenopausal, they can relate to that. And the husbands, the husbands, God bless those husbands, Stu, because you can’t imagine, you know, one day you’re married to this joyful, bubbly, bouncy wife, and all of a sudden, like this woman shared, there’s a different human in your house. It’s, you know, I call it the alien abduction. It’s like you got abducted by aliens. They, they put these alien drugs in you and all of a sudden now you’re, you’re hostile, you’re, you lost your personality.

And the husband is looking at her like, who are you and where did my wife go? And this, this literally, it’s traumatizing to marriages, to health, to sleep, to sex life, you know, to a healthy sex life. All of those things change in that. But yet all of that Stu is reversible through the inner cellular hydration, which can help a woman to balance her hormones. Yeah. And it’s really quite simple when you think about it. I mean, we’re talking about inner cellular hydration, which is it’s repairing all of the things that you have done to your body to cause these things.

And so I mean, I don’t know that there’s anything that people can do to their body to prevent menopause. It’s certainly the way that the body reacts to it. I mean, that’s a normal human function that women are supposed to go through and that females are supposed to go through. However, when you hydrate yourself at the cellular level, everything just really aligns, doesn’t it? And this is, this is why energized health protocol has helped to reverse deadly death sentence type diagnoses and ailments. Yeah, what happens physically in the body with a woman, really what what’s happening is it’s easing the symptoms.

It’s easing the symptoms. So we can’t ever prevent it, you know, from happening because it’s a natural occurrence that should happen in a woman, but it eases the symptoms of what she’s experiencing because it helps to really balance out what’s going on inside of her body. And a lot of the reason why women experience so much of the irritability, it’s not just hormones. It’s actually what’s happening with the lack of sleep. So anybody can relate to that. If you’re not getting any restful nights sleep, you’re going to be irritable the next day, especially if that continues on day after day.

And so that’s just one of the biggest joys that we get is just like the testimony you heard. There’s lots of women listening right now that know exactly what I’m talking about. When we have hormonal imbalances, our sleep is absolutely affected. And Stu, just on a super positive note, and you’re going to love this one, you know, I was actually a part of a clinical study for women who were perimenopausal, menopausal, postmenopausal. They gave me 130 patients as part of this trial. And Stu, I had 130 women that literally said their sleep went to super healthy sleep, their sex drive, you know, went back to what it was in their 20s, their energy went through the roof, their hormones balanced naturally.

And Stu, I got a phone call that I was being excused from the study. And of course, I was dumbfounded, like I was 130 for 130 successes of all of my clinical trial female patients. And another doctor called me later that afternoon, and he said, Mr. Jubilee, I’m sure you’re wondering why you’re excused from the study. I said, wondering, I said, did you see my data? I said, I was 130 for 130. My women lost fat, they gained muscle, they gained intercellular hydration, their energy went through the roof, their sex drive returned, their sleep returned.

He said, well, that’s why you were excused. He said, this was a study to prove women needed hormonal therapy, that they had to have clinical hormonal therapy to do that. And because you did it naturally, you skewed the results. And that’s why you were excused from the study. Unbelievable that you were affecting the bottom dollar of the big pharma industrial complex. 100%. Yeah, and that’s the answer they have, you know, most women when they’re experiencing those and they go to their doctor to try to get help, the first thing that they want to throw at them is drugs, you know, horrible replacement injections, you name it.

And so we’re just want to encourage anybody listening right now that there’s a natural way that you can absolutely balance your hormones out and reverse the symptoms that you’re experiencing. And Stu, you talk about joyful. I literally get calls on my cell phone from these men that call me and say, John Jubilee, Oh, my word. I just have to thank you. First of all, they say, I would have paid you $100,000 for what just happened. I got a woman bouncing around my house. I haven’t seen for 30 years. Am I excited that now she can fit in a dress she wore 30 years ago? Oh, heck yeah.

But that’s not what I’m most happy about. I’m most happy about my wife got her queen back. She’s got her joy. She’s got her vibrancy. She’s got her bouncing her step. Like she’s back. She’s back after 30 years. It’s really amazing. And you know, as far as men are concerned, I mean, hormonal changes in their body due to a dehydrated cell base will lead to a whole lot of other things. A lot of the same lack of sex drive, you know, the frustrating and stubborn spare tire just below the belly button that just won’t go away.

No matter how much work you do, no matter what fad diet you try, none of this stuff ends up being sustainable. Guys get discouraged. They just end up slowing down. Then they’re not throwing the football around with their kids or their grandkids. They’re not getting out to golf anymore. Their joints hurt, their muscles hurt. And it’s a real downhill swing from there because then of course they can’t work out nor do they have the drive or the energy to work out. And it’s just amazing. I mean, I know that, you know, during my transformation, one of the first things that I noticed was the amount of energy that I had and then how quickly I recover when I’m at the gym and you don’t have to spend hours in the gym on the energized health protocol.

I just chose to add lifts because I still had the energy left. And I was loving the lean muscle that I was already putting on and watching the fat drip off. So I was like, well, let me just, let me just really put this thing into overdrive. And so I started lifting in the afternoon, which was great. And you know, my transformation dashboard is up right now, because as you can see up here in the top right corner, I’m logged in under me because I am not only an advertiser for energized health, but I’m also a very satisfied client.

And I really owe myself or owe you guys a lot of gratitude and a big pat on the back for myself too, because I went in as a skeptic and didn’t really think that I was going to complete it. And when I saw how easy it was and I saw the results just coming immediately, it was like, well, I can’t be a skeptic anymore because this thing is absolutely working. And it’s just like, I mean, the energy that you have, the way that you feel about yourself, the confidence that you get the outlook on life, the complete change in your mindset, followed by shortly thereafter, your skin just starts glowing and looking so great and becoming like it’s like a real age reversal.

And then, you know, as a byproduct, the way that your body looks, when you look in the mirror, take your shirt off at the pool, it really is a confidence booster. Well, well, Stu, you are absolutely a rock star. And yeah, pictures worth a thousand words, you know, your pictures speak for themselves of how amazing and you’ll get a kick out of this. We literally, for men, for men, for their testosterone. So we’ve had men document, clinically document their testosterone went up three hundred and fifty to five hundred points, all natural.

Just from interstate or hydration. So there’s a rock star right there. With no shots, you know, with no shots, with no, no TRT guys have literally documented their testosterone went up three hundred and fifty to five hundred points completely naturally with none of the side effects that happen. And they’re doing something that’s going to perpetuate their health, perpetuate their longevity of life, their strength, their vitality. And hey, every guy wants to look like you, Stu. That was, go back to the other one real quick here. Go back to that first one that you had up there.

Yeah, that one. That’s just week eight. So that’s literally two months. And then on week nine, you see my flex there. I should have done it differently because you can’t see the below my belly button there. But you can kind of tell that I still have that stubborn fat right there. But one week later, I believe I sent this one to you and I was smiling because I’m like, oh, it’s completely gone. It just completely disappeared. You can see the abs really starting to get defined there. And then literally one week later, I could have been an underwear model and look at how defined the abs are there.

And this is without a flex even taking place. But yeah, I mean, so week eight, week nine and week 10. Yeah. And this is all natural. And look at the difference in the way. I mean, even my complexion, my skin tone, and genuine aura, happiness. The guy on the left there does not look very happy. The guy on the right there is absolutely happy and 100% confident. And I owe all that to energized health. So it’s really easy. It’s very sustainable. You’re not going to spend hours in the gym. You don’t have to do these fad diets that take all kinds of time and effort and keep you in the kitchen for hours on a Sunday.

Instead, you can just go worship Jesus and be tremendously satisfied with the results that you get that are sustainable and relatively easy. Then you start craving it and then it becomes a lifestyle and it becomes really easy. So you can see it. You can see it in your picture, Stu, you know, it’s actually the first thing I noticed was the joy on your face. You know, we, we see that all the time with our before and after photos. That’s actually my favorite thing to look at is their faces because it really is something like when you go look at before and afters, the face says it all.

Yeah. Yeah, Stu, you’re, you’re countenance. You know what, Stu, you’re a, you’re a super handsome guy, but, but it’s, it’s crazy cool to see that extra level of joy and confidence, you know, beaming through you because you’re, you’re a world changer and, and I’m honored to be your friend and, and to be a part of that in your life. Ditto. I feel exactly the same way. So you guys can head over. You’re not going to see what I’m seeing here because again, I’m logged in, but you can head over to EnergizedHealth.com.

Make sure that you mentioned that you heard about it on the Stu Peter show. You’re going to get a big discount for doing that. John and Chelsea, we appreciate your partnership and we value it so tremendously and so do, so do my family members and so do my friends because they just get a better me. So head over EnergizedHealth.com. John and Chelsea, thank you so much for coming. We certainly appreciate it. Thank you so much for having us. Thank you, Stu. Of course. Again, that’s EnergizedHealth.com. Big changes in my life. Pictures don’t lie.

More on the Stu Peter show as we continue next. If someone told you that you could change your life, change your entire life in 88 days, would you do it? Would you believe it? We are John and Chelsea Jubilee. What would you say if we told you you could reverse most any ailment or symptoms without painful exercises in just 88 days? We have created the only patent-pending intercellular hydration protocol. Don’t miss your opportunity to feel better. We know there’s a lot of false hope out there, and many people have ball programs that work for a moment.

But life’s a lot longer than a moment. You need something that’s sustainable that will take care of you for a lifetime. We have been helping people gain intercellular hydration for nearly three decades. You will lose fat, not weight, fat, fast, including that killer visceral fat. Chronic dehydration is one of the root causes of many ailments and symptoms. We encourage you. Go log on our website and look at these amazing testimonials. Over and over again, we’ve heard our clients say it sounded too good to be true, but it worked for me. I needed to reduce my arthritic pain, and I also had very, very high blood pressure that needed to normalize.

And I’m pleased to say that I have absolutely no arthritic pain anymore, and my blood pressure is normal. It was really cool to be able to get my life back. I didn’t think I’d cry talking about that. I endorsed the program wholeheartedly. It has led to improvements that I can’t fully explain based on my medical knowledge as it was talked to me. Ask your doctor about energized health. Don’t miss your opportunity to transform your health now. So log on to energizedhealth.com. That’s energizedhealth.com. Possible side effects may include increased joy, energy, potential reduction in prescriptions, more fulfilling relationships, fewer doctor visits, and overall bunch of stories that have to be dug into, rethought, reconsidered, and in some cases completely discarded.

As modern Americans, we’ve been spoon-fed this dumbed-down cartoonish simplified version of history. It’s all fake. It’s all bullshit. Everything that we have been taught is part of a self-serving narrative written by the people who will say and do anything to keep us on a leash. Now this version of history, some big name corrupt families like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and their many associates are credited over and over and over again with propelling human development. Throughout the late 18 and early 1900s, almost every major American city was burnt to the ground.

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See more of Stew Peters Network on their Public Channel and the MPN Stew Peters Network channel.


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aging and health changes benefits of natural health program Cardio Miracle advantages combating negative effects of aging Energized Health for hormone balance Energized Health success stories Goldco benefits improving physical and mental health intercellular hydration benefits Kid Z-Spike gummies promoting health products questioning mainstream narratives regulating hormones with Energized Health sustainable health program

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