Posted in: Gregory Mannarino, News, Patriots




➡ Gregory Mannarino discusses the rise of gold and silver prices in 2024, outperforming the stock market. This is due to central banks globally reducing the value of their currencies and buying more gold, which has tripled since 2022. He criticizes both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump for supporting the Federal Reserve’s actions, which he believes are against the interests of the people. He also notes that despite gold’s performance, silver has been outperforming gold, and he briefly mentions the controversial topic of cryptocurrencies.



Okay, everybody. Here we go. It’s me, Gregor Anorino, Wednesday, September 25th, 2024. Pre-market report, people. We’re going to talk. We’re going to talk about something very interesting here. Now, let’s start off with this. We’ve been watching gold and silver basically outperform the stock market in 2024. It’s not getting that much attention here, but Forbes did a nice article about this, and I highlighted a few things I want to cover with you. What’s driving it and where we are going moving forward. First of all, you and I understand what’s happening here. We have a mechanism here of massive.

I can’t underscore this enough, people. I really can’t. It’s out of control already, but we haven’t seen anything yet. This collective effort by central banks in a race to the bottom to suck the purchasing power out of their currencies. This is nothing new. We’ve been talking about this you and me for 10 years, and this mechanism here with what the Fed just did with their 50 basis point cut last Wednesday here. Now, we have these Fed creatures crawling out of the woodwork. I mean, they already laid their case out here. They’re going to continue to cut rates through the rest of this year, all through next year.

Obviously, this means, look, man, the promises of we promise you lower rates. You know who I’m talking about here? They’re colluding here with the Federal Reserve, and yes, I’m talking about Kamala and Trump, both of them. They’re both colluding with the Fed to bring about the massive currency devaluation, which empowers the Federal Reserve. You all know this. We’re not going to cover it again, but this mechanism here is causing more extreme distortions across the spectrum of asset classes. But more specifically, what we’re seeing with gold and more specifically, silver here is an incredible phenomenon. So let me just cover this real quick, this article here from Forbes.

Let me read this to you real quick. So gold keeps hitting new record highs. I think we’re all aware of that. Why is it outperforming stocks as a rate cut provides the latest boost? Now, look, when they say something like this, and I’m going to cover this in a second here, rate cuts, you can’t have one thing without the other. Rate cuts means a weaker currency. Nobody’s going to tell you that, all right? Trump ain’t going to tell you. Kamala ain’t going to tell you. Neither one is going to tell you that they are working as close as they can with the Federal Reserve to make them stronger, not weaker.

You understand? It’s an incredible phenomenon, but what would you expect? This is what we’ve been seeing, the last three presidents, Obama, Trump, and Biden, the best friends that the Federal Reserve has ever had since the inception of the Federal Reserve. Go back every president to George Washington, take the last three, they’ve helped the Fed more so than every one combined reached the pinnacle of power. It’s not going to stop. No matter who is selected here, whether it’s Trump, whether it’s Kamala, they’re already playing into the Federal Reserve’s game of, okay, we promise you, Lawrence, you know this.

And this is exactly why we’re seeing what we’re seeing here. Now, let me just finish this here. So this is, again, Forbes, gold prices continue to skyrocket and several factors are helping boost the precious metal, which has outperformed the blistering stock market of 2024. Absolutely. The mechanism here is insane. Since June of this year, right under everybody’s nose, not yours and mine, okay, the Fed’s been in here buying all the debt, pushing bond yields down. As a matter of fact, the entire yield curve has been reshaped. This is yield curve control. This is what the Fed’s doing.

And this is massively currency purchasing power negative. You all know that. It’s too simple. Anyway, this is where this gets very interesting. And I was not aware of this. So listen to this part here. The volume of global central bank purchases of gold has tripled since 2022. I personally was not aware of that. Maybe some of you were. But this is kind of an interesting news to understand. Look, we know that central banks are loading up on gold. They’re betting against their own system. My blood’s starting to boil. I can feel it already. Think about what they’re doing.

They’re doing what we’re doing. You and me have been in here, betting against the debt, becoming our own central banks, well, since time immemorial. Now, central banks, again, they don’t hold gold just for tradition. This is what Ben Bernanke, freaking monster creature that it is, said. He said, he was asked, why do central banks hold gold? Well, they hold it for tradition. I guess they’re increasing their allocation to gold or purchases. They’ve tripled this for tradition as well. People we are being lied to on a scale that we’ve never seen before. So obviously, central bank purchases of gold are vaulting the price of gold here.

Hedge funds, the biggest hedge funds on this earth are loading up on gold. What are they doing? They’re also betting against the system, betting against the debt, becoming their own central banks. Could you imagine, really, if we would have known just 10 years ago when we started becoming our own central banks that all these other freaks would be riding our coattails because that’s what they’re doing here. You understand that? We’ve been so far ahead of the curve on this. Now, although gold, I want to bring this to your attention. It’s just too amazing, in my view.

Although gold has been outperforming the stock market, this rip-roaring stock market since this year, and again, this is the Fed since June buying it all. Currency devaluation, the promises by both freaks seeking to sit behind or be put behind the Resolute Desk to help the Fed become even stronger. You know who I’m talking about? Kamala and Trump. They’re right on the side of the Fed. They’re not on our side. Let me explain this to you in case you don’t know. No president in the history of the United States has been more pro-Fed than Trump. No doubt about it.

How do we know that? Look at what he did during his tenure, and he doesn’t get enough credit for it. He keeps talking about it. He’s not getting enough credit for what he did for convid. Make it up. Look it up for yourself. Kamala? Of course. You know, her and Biden? Same thing, but to a lesser degree. There’s just no doubt about that. You can just look at what Trump allowed the Fed to do during his tenure, and then look at what Biden has done twice as much under Trump. So we know where they stand, both of them.

They’re both with the Fed. That means they’re against us. You understand? I hope we’re on the same page. But the real takeaway is, although gold is getting all the attention, it’s silver. It’s silver that’s been outperforming gold. So gold has been outperforming the stock market. Silver has been outperforming gold. What does this tell you, people? What does this tell you, man? That you and I are absolutely in the right spots. And with regard to cryptocurrency, I keep getting questions about this. People, I don’t know how to say this another way. I know we’re getting a lot of new people here, and I thank you all for that because you’re sharing the videos.

You’re getting them out there. But I just don’t understand why. First of all, there’s a lot of people that hate crypto despise it. And a lot of this came from Trump saying how much he hated Bitcoin and crypto way back in the day. There’s a lot of prior MAGA people who are still locked into that, although Trump is now the crypto president. That’s what he said. He keeps pushing Bitcoin and his new crypto banking system. I mean, it’s just ridiculous, this new thing that he’s doing here. I think it’s going to fail miserably. It’s nothing new.

It’s supposed to be a revolutionary thing. You remember how they propped this up for like about six weeks prior to the announcement? This is going to change the world. Yeah, we’re going to make the United States the crypto capital of the world, not the constitutional money. No, because that would be against the Fed. So we’re going to make us the crypto capital of the world. No, this business venture where Barron Trump is labeled in the white paper as the visionary, visionary. Oh, really? And Trump is labeled as the crypto advocate, the prime crypto advocate. OK, whatever here.

I’m not hearing anything about a return to constitutional money here. It’s it’s an embarrassment. And this business is going to fail. All it is is a business where people are going to make investors. And the Trump family, they own 70 percent of this, 70 percent make their cash by a transaction, buying and lending cryptocurrency. It’s just another grift, man. I’m telling you right now, just like DJT stock told people to buy it at 40 bucks. It’s 12 bucks. People got destroyed, destroyed and they’re going to get destroyed worse. No doubt about it. Anyway, just going back to this, people look, the mechanism here is too simple to understand.

It’s too simple. We have a federal reserve in full control of the debt market, central banks in full control of the debt market, no more so than the Fed. Why? We still are. We still are the world reserve currency here. The Fed is going to get exponentially stronger. Period. The end. You all know that central banks product is debt. The more debt they are allowed to pull the system or are called upon by a sitting president, a prospective president. We’re just done, man. But what does it mean? It means we’re going to be doing this, which we’ve been doing.

And these guys and girls are riding our coattails. All right. Again, this is just too much. This is nuts. And I didn’t know this. And I want to hear from you. Did you know that the volume of gold that central banks have been purchasing has tripled in 2022? I had no idea about that. I knew that they were vastly increasing their purchases at least through this year, but I had no idea. This goes back to 22 and it’s increased threefold according to Forbes over here. It’s good to know. But again, gold is great. Greg loves gold.

Greg loves gold. Greg loves silver mar. It’s outperforming gold, which gold is outperforming the market. But again, realizing what’s going on here makes this too easy for us people. I don’t know another way to put it. It’s just too simple. This mechanism here of artificially suppressed rates of, again, currency devaluation off the Richter scale is going to cause markets to inflate via multiple mechanisms here. Again, the dollar being devalued here obviously takes more dollars to buy anything, even shares of stock. But we’re going to see a multiple expansion cycle like I covered yesterday that people aren’t going to believe.

And this is not real. Again, all those people who are rich on paper, 401ks, investment plans, oh, they’re loving it. This is why we can’t get enough backing here with those of us who want to take on the Fed. And let me just say this. It’s not done. We’re just going to pick a better spot. I know a lot of you are disappointed. Don’t be disappointed. When I was talking about this and I put out those feels in that poll, which was key here to see if we were going to move forward, 26% of you so far don’t want to be bothered with this.

Again, I understand why. You’re comfortable. You’re sitting in a good spot. You’re paper rich. It’s all going away. It’s all going away. And most of you are trapped in investment plans you can’t get out of. Me and my lines who are in and out of this market, we’re not locked into some kind of an investment plan. We do what we want to. We are just free to do what we want. Those of you that are against us that don’t want to support this, you’re going to get yours. There’s no doubt about it. But we’re not done.

Again, we’ve just, we’re going to regroup. We’re going to readdress this, you understand, down the line. The Federal Reserve and the Treasury are going to get there, so we’re going to make sure they get it. Okay, you understand? There’s no doubt about it. We’ve just got to pick a better spot. It’s coming. I will keep all of you in the loop. I promise. So, no reason to get alarmed or discouraged. This should re-empower you. Understand that this is not going to stop. I am not going to stop here. When I get my head into something, that’s it, man.

It’s just going to go, and that’s where we’re going. And I believe, honestly, people that we, and the more I say this, the more I get attacked. I do believe in God the Father, the Creator of all things. If you don’t, do you want to attack me because I believe that? Good for you, man. We’ll see who wins in the end here. But it’s astonishing, you know? But that’s okay, too. Let these people go off and wherever they want to go off. I believe that what we’re doing here, we are on the side of angels.

We are on the side of angels, okay? Some people believe that the Federal Reserve is on the side of angels, and those that align themselves with the Fed are on the side of angels. I’m talking about Trump. I’m talking about Kamala, who have clearly aligned themselves with the Fed by promising lower rates and, of course, weaker currency. And what does that do? It makes the Fed stronger. But we’re going to be on the opposite side of this. Depending against their own system, people, they’re becoming their own central banks, although that’s what they are. I mean, you can’t make this stuff.

It’s impossible to do. It’s impossible to do. But it’s happening. Anyway, people, look, I think all this does for you and me, realizing the situation here, is making it even more clear to us. I think we’re on the right side of this. It’s too easy, man. This debt market hyper bubble time bomb is going to go off. And when it does, it’s going to change the world. We’re going to end up with a resource problem. We’re going to end up with pandemonium on the streets around this world, a credit freeze, a locking up of the system.

And all those people that are rich on paper, we’ll see how that works out for you. Anyway, this guy here from the heart loves all of you. I mean that with all I got. We’re not going to stop what we’re doing, people. We are on the right pathway, not just with regard to gold and more specifically, silver. With regard to the markets, with regard to our mentality of loving each other, caring about each other, be charitable to each other. Sound familiar? It’s only the same story we’ve been hearing for thousands and thousands of years. It’s not going to change.

Anyway, look, man, I’m going to let you all go. This guy here again, you have no idea how important you are to me, how much I love all of you. We are going to take on the Fed and the Treasury. It’s just a matter of time, people. We’ve just got to allow the ducks to line up in the right way, you know what I’m talking about? And we can’t be beaten. You just know that. We can’t be beaten because we’re too smart. And we know who our enemies are. We know who the puppets are. And we know what they want.

And that gives us an edge that is absolutely insurmountable. People, I will see all of you later, 4.05 p.m. Eastern for the live stream. I hope to see you there. And until we meet again, people, what are we going to say? Take care of yourselves and each other. [tr:trw].

See more of Gregory Mannarino on their Public Channel and the MPN Gregory Mannarino channel.


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central banks reducing currency value controversial topic of cryptocurrencies Federal Reserve actions against people's interests global gold buying increase gold outperforming stock market 2024 gold price tripling since 2022 Gregor Anorino gold silver analysis Kamala Harris Donald Trump Federal Reserve criticism rise of gold silver prices 2024 silver outperforming gold

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