Happy New Year! Prepare Now For a World Beyond Debt Based (Theft) Currency | Silver Savior

new-years-goal-convert-dollars-to-gold | Silver Savior

I pledge to chronicle these developments in each article and equip you with the knowledge required to protect and sustain your wealth. Together, we can confront the uncertain future with the certainty that comes from holding assets of unassailable worth.

Argentinian Libertarian Economist on What the Hell is Going On Over There | Rafi Farber

Rafi Farber Argentinian libertarian economists on what is going on over there

Rafi Farber talks about how Argentina’s economy is in trouble due to too much money printing, causing high inflation. This hurts businesses and makes things cost more. The government is trying to fix it, but it’s a tough job. This situation is a warning to other countries about the risks of printing too much money. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

How To Turn Your Savings Into Gold!

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