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Let me tell y’all why some of y’all are not sleeping the way that you’re not supposed to, because you don’t have systems. You don’t have systems in place, and that’s why you’re not sleeping the way that you’re supposed to. A lot of y’all are sleep deprived because you think that you can just work your way to death. You got to transition. You can’t stay in the I’ma work until I die mode. That is good for motivation. That is good because it shows that you have the skills, the gumption, and then also the stick-to-it-iveness to be successful, but then you have to input systems in place.
The first system that you got to put in place is you need to make sure that you live and die by your calendar. I don’t know anybody, and I say nobody. Zero people who are successful that do not live and die by their calendar. A lot of y’all asked me, Anton, how are you so dedicated? How do you put out the content? How do you remain consistent? How do you never miss? How are you able to do all of the things that you do on a regular basis? It’s because I started to put systems in place.
When you put systems in place, then you can see the gaps. You can then start to schedule when you’re going to rest. You can make sure that you take rest in between certain times. I realize that me in particular, I can’t live stream in the afternoons because it allows for me to reset, get caught up on everything, and then schedule everything for Thursday, Friday, and then get ready for the weekend. I live and die by my calendar. My calendar is my Bible. I can’t exist without my calendar. I have to make sure that every single thing I do, it is in my calendar.
If I’m live streaming, it’s in my calendar. If I’m meeting with people, it’s in my calendar. If I’ve got an interview to do, it’s in my calendar. If I’m traveling somewhere, I check my calendar to see where the gaps are. Okay, so I can only fly on Wednesday this week, and I have to get back by Sunday, or I can fly back by Tuesday if I’m over in Washington because it’s only a less than two-hour flight, so that I got to get this scheduled to get going out, so I got to contact with this person.
If you don’t have systems in place, you’re going to burn out. If you don’t live and die by your calendar, you are going to burn out. Some of y’all say, I’m working 24 hours. I’m working 48 hours. That’s cool, occasionally, but if that’s what you’re doing on a regular basis, you won’t be able to thrive. You won’t be able to survive. You’re going to burn out, and then you’re going to wonder why you can’t remain consistent and how everybody is beating you. It’s because you don’t have a calendar, and then what this affords you to do is to start to see where you can start to add people in there.
Okay, you know what? I need a little bit of help here, so I can create more capacity for myself to go out and sell, to go out and create more content, go out and take care of more business. I need somebody to handle this part of the business, but you can’t see that. You may think that you need help, but then you just add people for the sake of adding people. You get an overlap. You don’t know how to manage them effectively. Everything is systems. Systems, systems, systems. Systems will allow for you to replace yourself.
Systems will allow for you to be as efficient as possible. Systems will allow for you to be able to grow. Systems will allow for you to get rich. If you do not have a calendar, if you’re not starting to look at the gaps, if you don’t live and die by your calendar, you will not make as much money as you think you can, and you’re going to burn yourself out. I’m telling you. I’m telling you. Put systems in place. It’ll change your life. If you just working hard and you don’t live by a calendar, that’s like spending money without a budget.
That’s like paying bills without a budget. If you don’t know where your money is, if you don’t know exactly how much you need to put into somewhere, if you’re not playing a percentages game, then you can’t even project your success. Go and look at the budget video that we just did inside of the Patreon. Go and look at the budget video, not the one that I just dropped, the one right before that where we did the live stream where I taught y’all how to budget differently and look at it from a corporate perspective and look at it from a business perspective, and it’s different from any other budget video that y’all have ever seen.
You can’t project how much money you’re going to make and then plan accordingly to whatever it is that you need to spend to reduce your tax burden. If you can’t look at it and then reevaluate it quarterly and then evaluate it based off of what you did last year or the year before and then be able to project earnings, looking at what your numbers are. If you don’t have a system in place to do that and you just go on by your head and by the whim, you’re going to give too much money to the federal government legally.
You’re going to pay too many taxes. A system allows for you to be able to see clearly. I can navigate. Okay, here’s a better analogy and then we’re going to go ahead and get to the get to the show. Why do people use Google Maps, Apple Maps, Waze, the Tesla Maps? Why do people use maps in cities where they live? You’ve been living there in your entire life, but you use maps. Why? Tell me why you use maps. Why do you still use GPS? Before I get to the car, I go into my Tesla app.
I start the car up to warm it, right? I put it at the temperature that I wanted temperature. Before I even get to the car, 10 minutes before I get to my truck, I start the car up and then I put in my different locations and then I send it to the truck. Okay, I need to stop here. I need to stop here. I need to stop here and then I send it to the truck. Why do I do that? I know this city like the back of my hand. Why do we use maps? Some of y’all got it.
Some of y’all don’t have it. We use maps because it allows for us to move more efficiently through the city because maps are now smart enough to be able to tell where the traffic is or it lets me know exactly what my battery is going to be by the time that I reach my final destination. It then can tell me things that I don’t know even though I know every single way to get home, it may say, oh, it’s an accident over here. So you need to go this way. It assists us.
That is what artificial intelligence is. Artificial intelligence is there to make our lives easier. I know how to go and create a document, a spreadsheet, how to put together a presentation, all of that stuff. But because I know, I now know how to program AI more effectively to allow for me to create something more efficiently and it saves me 12 hours throughout the day. So systems allow using maps is a form of systems. It allows for me to move more efficiently. It’s not that I don’t know. I could just go out here and wing it and drive and get there and probably do okay.
But I can get there faster, more efficiently, save time, and be able to add some stuff to my schedule and plan more accordingly. So now I know, oh, okay. So listen, maps is telling me that I’m going to get here by 8.12. That means that I have an hour and 48 minutes before my next live stream tonight. Okay. So I got some time to do this. I got some time to do this. I could plan this more effectively. Let me call this person and let them know, or I need to schedule this a little bit later.
Systems allow for you to be able to map things, help people, set things up, operate more efficiently. That is what a system is. That is what a calendar is. I can plan what my sleep schedule is going to be. I can plan my flights more effectively if I know exactly what I need to do throughout the week. Right? So you can then plan and be more efficient in your day. We don’t use maps just for the sake of using them. We use them because it makes our lives easier and it allows for us to be more efficient and what we’re doing.
You have to use systems. Systems will save you money. Systems will get you richer. Systems will allow for you to be able to be greater at whatever it is that you do for living. Okay. All right. Just a little bit of insight. Just think about it and then implement it in your life. [tr:trw].
See more of The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels on their Public Channel and the MPN The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels channel.