Airplanes powered wirelessly from the ground??
Check out this video…
Nikola Tesla’s Wireless Electric Airship
One of Nikola Tesla’s inventions that supposedly never got created was an electric powered WIRELESS airship…that was meant to be supersonic! (faster than sound, which is about 767 mph, 1,235 km/h)
During the 1920s, Tesla filed a request to patent a peculiar aircraft, which is Patent 1,655,114 titled “Apparatus for aerial transportation,”
Some people say he also had a patent for the world’s first man made UFO. (as seen below)
I have not been able to find this particular patent of his.
It may have been destroyed after he died. We may never know.
However, it seems someone else created a “flying” device…
Check this out!
Ralph Ring Interview on Nikola Tesla About Free Energy Device, Spacecrafts & More!

As you watch that video, you will hear Ralph talk about a man he worked with, Otis Carr.
Here’s A Link To Otis Carr’s “Amusement Device” Patent
Otis Carr’s book, Dimensions of Mystery is available for free to read here.
Also, here on Ralph Ring’s website, you can see more of Otis Carr’s work…
I haven’t gone through much of Ralph’s website or material yet, but you can see a lot more of his information and videos on his site.
It says he passed away in 2022.
He sure seemed like an interesting guy!
I wonder who will be bringing this technology out for humanity this century…
Will it be you??
Thank You For Sharing This Post To Help Others Remember What Amazing Things Have & Can Be Created!

I have read a lot about Tesla’s technology to take energy right out of the ether to power his car and other vehicles! Amazing and we need it NOW!!!
merci et bravo oui je pense que beaucoup de personnes dans le monde sont au courant en 1970 nous l,etions mais il a tout le temps fallu chercher et suivre son coeur ou son intuition….mes enfants et petits enfants sont au courant….et tant d’autres de mon entourage( et subir aussi les railleries….mais on s.en fou completement…si ils savaient… alors on parle avec parcimonie…