Posted in: News, Patriots, The Healthy American Peggy Hall

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➡ Peggy Hall from shares her observations on the similarities in logos of certain companies and the United Nations, noting recurring themes of spheres, stars, semicircles, and certain color patterns. She also shares her findings about the history, creator, and symbolism behind the UN logo, which was designed by architect Oliver Lincoln Lundquist, an OSS officer (CIA predecessor) during World War II.


Hey, friends. Peggy hall back with you from thehealthyAmerican. org. I have been collecting different logos from companies that are a part of what I call the new world disorder. And I saw some striking similarities. And I’m going to show these to you in just a moment. And we’re going to finish off with the United nations logo and something very, very curious that I uncovered. So it may not be what you think.

You may already think you know what you think about this, but I think it might be something different. It’s so obscure, so strange. Maybe you’ve done the digging and I’ll share with you what I uncovered. Friends, we are going to take a look at some interesting logos and some interesting similarities. I would like to know from you if you have seen these logos, and I would love for you to send me the ones that you come across.

I’m sure that I have just scratched the surface. So you can email support@thehealthyamerican. org you can either include a link or you can include a frame, grab a screenshot of the logo, and I will add it to my collection. And what I’m going to do is take you right on over to a slideshow that I created, and we’ll take a look at this and we will finish off with the UN logo and something very curious that I uncovered.

All right, here we go. I’ll share my screen once more. And you can see the similarities here. Similarities in color. And then these little dots. And it is creating something of a sphere, a circular pattern. Do you know what that means? I actually don’t know what it means. I want to dig a little deeper now. I do have some ideas regarding the orange, the color orange. And here’s another one.

Let me know if you know what that is in a comment below. These are very similar. Again, here’s the little dot, dot, dots. They’re disconnected. This one is even called Sphere. I think collective was some kind of online program for doing your taxes, something like that. I need to dig a little deeper, but I’ve just been collecting these logos over the last couple of years. Very interesting. VeRy similar.

Now you may say, well, Peggy, it’s just because it’s a trend. Well, maybe, but why is it a trend? Here we go. Let’s continue. And Partel pharmacy. I mean, that just looks exactly like what we just saw. And this is Expo 2020, Dubai in the UAE. Again, the little dots, the circular pattern. And then this you’re going to see strikes a resemblance to the next screen. And there’s British petroleum BP.

I don’t know what first draft is, but again, the star. The star. Let me see if I can back up just a little bit. Very similar with the star. And two, four, 6810. I didn’t count how many points there are and if that has any meaning. Very similar to my eye. What do you think? Let’s continue. This is a little bit different pattern. I thought these just look so similar.

So San Diego Unified School District. And then I guess these are little dots are supposed to represent people’s heads. And of course, these kind of look like people or some sort of figure. And then the airplanes are also creating a star and they’re using the same similarities. This is a star. This is a star. This is a star. This is a star. And we just saw the previous stars.

What do you think that is about? Let’s continue. These now are health departments. And you may say, well, Peggy, that just looks healthy. People doing exercise. Maybe it does. Why is it so similar? And then we’ll take a look at these similarities. Of course, this makes me think of Google and Microsoft using the same colors. I would love for any of you to tell me what these colors mean.

They must have some significance. Now, I want to thank a healthy American who pointed this out to me. So here is the logo, the World Economic Forum. And again, here’s that kind of semicircle that we saw in the previous logos. And I just added the number six on top because that’s what he pointed out. He said, this actually is creating a series of sixes. Do you think so? I think that’s very interesting.

The blue and the white. And here, this is the United nations logo. Those of you that have been Researching the truth about the shape of our Earth will know right away that this is a more accurate map than a globe. And we’re going to take a look at the UN in just a moment. And we’re going to look at their website and we’ll see what they say this logo means, why it was designed this way.

And then the grand finale, I’m going to share with you who designed it. And a very interesting, unique surprise at the end. It’s very strange to me. I don’t even know how I come across these things, other than I’m just digging deep. All right, let’s continue. We’ll take that. Went. I jumped ahead a little bit. Okay. I gave you the punchline before I gave you the info. What we’re going to do is we’re going to hop right on over to the UN.

So United nations blog. And it says that an architect designed the UN logo. Well, that is kind of interesting to me. Architects are designers, so that makes sense. But let’s dig a little deeper here, shall we? First of all, it says this article was originally published on the CIA, the Central Intelligence Agency News and Information blog. Here is the person, we are told, who created this logo. Did you know this? Let me know in a comment below if you already knew this.

Oliver Lincoln Lundquist, a talented architect and industrial designer, worked for the Office of Strategic Services, the OSS. Now, when I was getting my master’s degree in international law and policy, I learned all about the OSS, and that indeed, is the CIA’s predecessor. So he worked for basically the CIA during World War II, and he led the team that designed the official United nations emblem. So the team set out to create a lapel pin for the delegates that could serve as their official form of identification.

Ooh. What do you think about that? He designed a pin that would be an official form of identification. Oh, I find that very interesting. It was initially designed by another OSS officer, Donald McLaughlin, who worked for Lundquist as the director of graphics. All right, this became the prototype for the UN logo we see today. Here’s how they describe it. The design consisted of a top down view of the globe.

Oh, really? Centered on North America and showing all of the continents except Antarctica. And those of you that have been studying the truth about our world will know that that would be right in this circle, right around the Earth. Yes. We’ll have to have some deep dives on that. Coming up. With two olive branches on each side to symbolize peace, the design was in shades of blue, a purposeful choice to contrast with red, a color traditionally associated with war.

The final emblem chosen by the UN was a slightly modified version of the design. All right, now we get to the punchline, friends, I find this very, very interesting. It says the designer. After his OSS service, Lundquist joined a private practice as an architect, working on hospitals, schools, private residences, and even the former Kodak building in Manhattan. He passed away at the age of 92. All right, here we go.

I’m going to increase the size a little bit. Here’s the punchline. Why they would even include this is curious to me. The UN logo isn’t the only design of Lundquist around today. He also created one of the most recognizable product packages still found on store shelves, the blue and white Qtip box. All right, we’re going to talk about that. I know it sounds strange, but I never stop digging.

Now, a couple of things are jumping out at me. The Q tip box is also blue and white, just like the Un logo is blue and white. I need to do a little more digging to see if those colors have any significance. Please let me know in a comment below if you know something about that blue and white and if that means anything to you. What I want to focus on is the Qtip box.

First of all, it’s strange to me that an architect who is designing hospitals, schools, private residences is going to design a package. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen. I find it very interesting that he did. I find it extremely interesting that the UN decided to include that in their description. SO then let me come off the screen, share for a moment because I want to talk to you face to face.

There is something strange about the letter Q. Those of you that followed early on the Q Anon using the letter Q, there is Q also was in, I think the seven movies. And this also is very strange to me. And I always am collecting these bits of information and then they become more significant as time goes on. I still need to get to the bottom of the queue.

We use it in terms of IQ and many other things. Let me know in a comment below the abbreviation that we use for Q, or if you have seen it in other applications as well. I heard a podcast. It is called how I built this and it was purported to be an interview with the creator of Wikipedia. All right. Now, I’m not saying he didn’t create it. I’m not saying that somebody didn’t bankroll the creation.

I’m not saying that he was selected as the person to be the face of Wikipedia. I’m not saying any of that. But I am saying that there was a question that was pitched to him at the end, and this was a planned question. I’m sure that it was. And the question was to the Wikipedia creator. What was the very first entry in Wikipedia? What do you think the very first entry in Wikipedia? It’s even difficult to say Wikipedia is or was when you think about the encyclopedia.

I grew up with a set of encyclopedias at home and it was really interesting to read and learn and you could discover all kinds of things. I would think that perhaps maybe the first entry in Wikipedia would be, I don’t know, maybe something about the Constitution, maybe the age of the earth, maybe fill in the blank something of significance, something that would be amazing and incredible that we would say, yes, that needs to be in an encyclopedia.

This is what his answer was. He said the first entry into Wikipedia was the letter Q. How do you like them apples? I think there’s something very fishy going on with the letter Q. I happened to just bring up the Wikipedia page of the letter Q. Wouldn’t you think that the first entry in the Wikipedia, if it was going to be a letter, would be the letter a? Why is it Q? Curious minds want to know.

Let’s take just a moment to see about this letter Q, and then wait for the grand finale. And I’m going to show you all about QTiPs and what is stunning to me. I kind of gave you a little sneak peek. So let’s take a look over here now, shall we? So, Q, there you go. This article is about the letter of the alphabet. It’s just very strange. I’m not going to go into too much detail here, but you may want to and find out if something here, perhaps with the Egyptian hieroglyph, does Q have a specific meaning? Why was it called Q Anon? Why wasn’t it called A Anon or B Anon or F Anon? I would like to know.

Maybe, you know, I did not follow that whole situation anyway, so maybe you could let me know. So very interesting. The Greeks used it. It was a Semitic sound, the Latin. And it goes on and on. What I want to share with you is what I found out about QtiPs. Why are they called QTIPs? Isn’t it? You know what a Qtip is? That’s what they stick up your nose.

That’s the other thing I think is really interesting. That’s what they stick up your nose to make sure that you’re not going to be a silent assassin walking around killing people and breathing on them. So they stick this type of qtip up your nose. I think that’s an interesting tie in. I’m also curious as to why it’s called a QTiP. The research that I uncovered states that it’s called a Qtip because it means quality.

Well, that’s a really weird name, a quality tip. A Q tip. There’s more that needs to be uncovered there, friends, I’m sure. But let’s take a look now, shall we, at the craziest thing yet. I started to show you the image and I’m actually going to take you over to a website. And I know it’s getting a little dark, but I wanted to make this video so that we could leave the week and start the weekend on a rather humorous note.

Curious note, I should say. Here’s a video from 2016. Small wonders of design QTiPs. And there is a woman now, and you’ll be able to see a part of the video and she is saying how great QTIPs are and you don’t necessarily need to use them for personal hygiene, that you can make arts and crafts out of them. Hang on to your hats. This is the type of arts and crafts she is making out of the QTiPs.

Oh, yes. There we have it. There we have it. Doesn’t that look suspiciously like something else that we’ve been bombarded with for the last two and a half years? Doesn’t it look like cooties? It does to me. I did a couple of frame grabs out of this video and we will continue. So there we have the tie in. We’ve got the un logo created by an architect who also just happened to create the QTip box.

The Q tip is also what has been stuffed up everybody’s know to make sure they’re not carrying around cooties. And this is seven years ago, 2016. Six years ago. Here we go. They’re telling people in this video I did a frame grab that they should make flowers out of the QTips. And these flowers look suspiciously like the image, the computer generated image, the Photoshop created image of what we are told is Cooties.

I just am astounded. Lots of curiosity around the letter Q. What say you? All right, friends, I’m wrapping it up here. I’m getting a little tongue tied. And I am so grateful to have you on board. I love my healthy Americans. Thank you to the moderators. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. This will be a great time for you to catch up on some of my previous videos.

You can speed watch and binge watch so that you are up to date on all of the breaking news. Peggy to the rescue. Also, positive encouragement, which I have over at my other channel, living swell. And those broadcasts are at 11:00 a. m. . Pacific. And then I’m back with you here in the afternoon starting at 05:00 p. m. . Pacific. And be sure that you are on the email newsletters that you can find out all about upcoming events, especially my mind body makeover, so that you can simplify and declutter your life.

I’ll see you soon, everybody. .


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CIA predecessor color patterns in logos creator of UN logo history of UN logo Oliver Lincoln Lundquist OSS officer Peggy Hall observations recurring themes in logos semicircles in logos similarities in company logos spheres in logos stars in logos symbolism behind UN logo reviews United Nations logo similarities World War II

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