Storms Scandals and the Election: Wading through the Chaos





➡ This week’s episode of the Richard Leonard show discusses recent events in the country, including the upcoming election and recent natural disasters. The host expresses concern for those affected by these disasters and sends out positive vibes. The show also promotes Cortes Wealth Management and their tax-free retirement plan. Lastly, the host delves into conspiracy theories about weather manipulation, questioning if recent disasters were orchestrated and if they’re connected to political and financial gains.
➡ The text discusses Tampa Bay’s plans to modernize the city with electric transportation, and the author’s suspicion of wealthy individuals like Bill Gates owning property there. It also criticizes the government’s response to recent storms and the perceived lack of aid to affected areas. The author expresses frustration with the current state of politics and the upcoming election, questioning the promised fairness and legitimacy of the process.
➡ The network is inviting viewers to join the Stu crew for $9 a month or $90 a year, which offers premium access to extra content and other benefits like giveaways. This support will help the network continue to grow and provide truthful and informative content. Additionally, an organization called Vet the Vote has recruited nearly 160,000 veterans or their family members to work as election workers, aiming to restore trust in U.S. elections. The article also discusses the significant influence of the veteran population on election outcomes due to their large numbers.
➡ The text discusses the importance of voting and the role of veterans in ensuring fair elections. It highlights the significance of voting as a privilege and a civic duty, and the demographic information gathered from it. The text also mentions the American Community Survey, which collects data to improve infrastructure and services. It expresses concerns about potential post-election disputes and the impact on veterans involved in polling stations. The text ends by questioning the security of ballots after polls close.
➡ The text suggests that veterans should be involved in ensuring fair and accurate vote counting, possibly even by hand, to protect our democratic rights. It also questions the accuracy of our historical knowledge, hinting at the possibility of a hidden advanced civilization and the manipulation of information by powerful families like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.


Week around this country of ours. And when I say interesting, I don’t necessarily mean great. There wasn’t a whole lot of people having a whole lot of fun this week in watching all this stuff, all these things going on around this country in this last little while. It really made me start thinking pretty heavily about this upcoming election, and I think everybody’s thinking about it. Well, anyway, we have some things to talk about today. I have some, some things that are kind of grinding my gears, I guess. So we’re going to have a discussion about those things.

So stick with us. Don’t go away. We start now. Hey, everybody, and welcome here to the next episode of the Richard Leonard show. Before we get started on the show, I would like to say thank you. Thank you for being here. But I also want to take a second just to put out good vibes, good vibes from the Richard Leonard show and from everybody here in the studio that, that works on the show, which is just a few of us. But our thoughts and our prayers are with everybody who is suffering or going through this catastrophe that has happened throughout our country in the last week or two.

Our thoughts are with you. We are praying for you. And so I just wanted to put that out. You are not forgotten and you never will be. Especially with as tumultuous as the last couple weeks have been, we hope and pray for your speedy rebuilding, getting settled and getting a resemblance of whatever your life was back as soon as possible. So we are hopeful for you and we are praying for you. So I just wanted to put that out there. Lastly, we won’t, we can’t go forward with the show without talking about how it’s made possible.

And that is Cortes wealth management. Get yourselves on over to carlos and his staff want to talk to you and help you plan and execute a tax free retirement plan. So get on over to every Tuesday and Thursday evening at 07:00 p.m. eastern Standard time they run a webinar. And through the course of this webinar, you are going to get information about how to build, plan and execute a tax free retirement plan. Sign up. It’s free when it’s over. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, contact them and let them know what your concerns are and let them help you get over those hurdles.

You owe it to yourself. Most everybody has put in the time they’ve put in the work. And so when you decide to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor and retirement time, you deserve to do so with as little tax liability as possible. And that’s what Carlos Cortez and his staff are there to help you do. So get on over there, check them out. Okay, so as I said in the intro, all these things, all these things from hurricanes, there’s all this election campaign b’s happening. It seems like you can’t even get on x without hearing about weather manipulation, Kamala Harris or Donald Trump.

And maybe rightfully so, maybe we’re at that time of year, in the election cycle where this is what we should be hearing. We should be hearing about some truth, maybe, or some, some information to add to our opinions about said candidates, especially for those of us who maybe on the fence. Although I would say that at this point, if you’re still on the fence, maybe you haven’t been awake or maybe you haven’t participated in being informed about what’s happening. And so there’s many things we could talk about. We could talk about weather manipulation and these ideas that the powers that be, whoever and wherever they are, have figured out how to speed up, slow down, strengthen, weaken and steer, possibly storms, hurricanes.

And then when people and those of us who care start digging, then there’s a lot of information that comes out that all kind of just falls in line. And I don’t think we need to go over all of it. I think most everybody has either heard or knows, but it’s, it’s really, it’s really difficult to imagine that no matter what side of the spectrum you fall on, what side of the aisle you sit on, that if you are listening and your ears and eyes are open, that none of this stuff, speaking of storms and hurricanes and whatnot, that none of this stuff at least makes you suspicious.

There’s just too many, there’s too many coincidences for it not to seem suspicious as hell. And I know, I know we, I know I said we won’t get into it, but, like, just to add context, a place in this country who has never seen the devastation or whether that it saw ever, ever since we’ve been keeping records, is destroyed by a natural disaster. So they say. And then once the storm is over and people are devastated and stuck, some people stuck next to their loved ones who are, who didn’t make it through the storm, they’re just there, nowhere to go, nothing to eat, no water to drink, no cell phone service, no electricity.

We all, we know all that. And then information comes about the richest lithium deposit in the world. And then more information comes out about the local community, right where this hurricane destroyed, has been fighting with this company, Albemarle, to keep the mind closed. This is our community. We don’t want that. We don’t want this happening. You’re not going to take over our land. Our families have spent generations and generations to have what we have and be where we’re at. Well, now it’s all gone, as we all know. And then more information comes out that one of the people that stands to make the most money, hundreds of billions of dollars over time, quite possibly, is the husband of our sitting vice president, who is a prime investor.

And Blackrock or Van Vanguard, one of them or both of them or whatever, doesn’t really matter. And then more information comes out. The only way for these people to even be able to pursue opening this mine and secure whatever paperwork or whatever permits or whatever it was, is for our sitting vice president to sign off on. And when the community fought back, there’s a tropical storm that completely ravages their whole existence. Now, if you know any part of that story previous to me saying it, which I’m quite certain most or all of you do, don’t you agree that if you know any of that and have heard any of that, or read any of that, or had a conversation about any of that, that it’s suspicious as hell? And so then the conversation was, well, there’s no way possible.

There’s no way possible. There’s no way possible that anybody can manipulate weather that way. It’s not possible. And boom. Now we see interviews and press briefings and recorded conversations from years ago when they started doing all this bullshit, trying to play God, that it is possible. Then all of a sudden, we see evidence and videos that NASA, somewhere in this country, owns a cloud machine. And the dude. The dude was standing there while this thing’s making clouds, and not long after, he’s drenched from the rain that came from this cloud they just made. Hmm. Well, seems that they can make weather.

And so, is it possible? Last week, we talked about keeping your conspiracy theory hat close. This might be a time for that. But is it possible, even just a little bit, that some of this, all of it. Most of it, a tiny bit of it was orchestrated? I think it’s possible. Do we have evidence of it? Yep. I know that I’ve seen anything that’s concrete evidence. But here’s the thing. There’s just too many separate stories that all seem to line up, and it’s all. There and nobody, nobody from the other side, Mister Imhoff, has never came out publicly and said, this is, this is bullshit.

No, there’s not a, there’s not a chance in the world that I would be involved in killing this kind of people, destroying these lives, wrecking this land. Not like this. Didn’t say that. Didn’t even come out and go, yeah, we fucking killed everybody. You’re not going to tell us we’re not taking the land. Isn’t it pretty interesting? And it is. A very similar type of situation happened in Hawaii not long ago when supposedly there was some laser beam that started the whole, the whole joint on fire. And not long before that, Oprah or something was trying to buy it and turn it into a 15 minutes city.

So, like, all this information comes out, all these things are happening, and, and part of me thinks this. I know that I just said, yeah, I think it’s possible that they can do these things. They have the capability, and I don’t put it past them to have the balls to do it, because they think they can. They’ll never get caught. If they do get caught, they’ll buy their way out of it, whatever they think. But where is, where is, like, there’s, there’s no, there’s no humanity in it, in my opinion. So all this comes out, and then, check this out.

And since we’re on the topic of storms, it was just a few days ago, maybe early this week, maybe it was Monday or something that I had read somewhere that Tampa Bay had put out this, this literature about how they wanted to rejuvenate the city and electric railways and electric boats and cars and blah, blah, blah. Just rebuild it. Look like the Jetsons. If you’re old enough to remember, the Jetsons looked like a Jetson city, just more realistic, not in the clouds. It’s real interesting because at that time, it was a day or two before milton was going to hit Tampa, and that thing went right over Tampa Bay, as we all know.

And then there, then more information comes out that a large chunk of waterfront property in Tampa is owned by none other than the grade a douchebag Bill Gates. Hmm. Another advertisement for a 15 minutes city. In my opinion, that’s what it looked like. Everything you could ever need or ever want is in very close proximity, and you don’t need your own transportation. Just jump on some bullet train that’s electric and run over to run over to target and get your, you get your groceries, your wife or your girlfriend can go get all her creams and powders.

Or whatever it is she needs to do her ablutions in the bathroom in the morning or in the evening or whatever. You get your dog food, you can get some groceries, whatever. I just find it really interesting that the places that all this stuff is happening is either owned by or is, there’s being extremely strong interest shown to these places by very rich people who I think we all know have some kind of weird effing motive. Motive. Isn’t Bill Gates the guy that wants to decrease the world’s population by a significant amount because he believes that if we keep making babies at the rate we are throughout the world, that we’re going to be killing each other for food at some point? Didn’t he say that? Maybe he didn’t.

I think he did. I think, I remember reading it. I remember people talking about it few years back, probably in the, in the midst of COVID But it’s, it’s crazy. And then you see the way that our government reacts to this stuff. And our, the whole, the whole point of our show is to talk about the election, right? And there’s, we got a lot to get to and hear them off on a go trail. But North Carolina, for example, how long after that storm and that destruction did we see Donald Trump there in a windbreaker with, with pizzas and water and stuff and supplies and whatever else and GoFundMe accounts to donate money? Meanwhile, the other side of the ticket and hear nothing for a few days.

In fact, if I remember right, the storm hit on a Thursday or Friday, and old President Joe Biden and his little teddy bear footy jammies didn’t show his face and send military or government aid until the following Tuesday or something like that, three or four days later. Donald Trump was there the day after when it was safe. And so, like, this isn’t an ad for Donald Trump, but let’s, let’s call a spade a spade. Let’s recognize the, the people for who they are and where they were when their people, their people, their constituency needed them. It’s very clear.

One side was there, the other wasn’t. And then this bitch has the audacity to come out and tell all these folks they’re going to get $750. And then they, and then they, they have people, they have people standing up for them and talking about, well, you know, there’s more money. There’s more money, but it’s for the people that really need it. Why don’t you just tell us the truth where the truth is that you assholes have spent millions and millions, possibly billions of dollars on the infestation, infiltration of this country. And now we have our own people, destitute, dying, hungry, thirsty, cold, out in the wind.

And meanwhile, not only are we spending millions of dollars on illegal immigrants, but we also sent another $157 million or something like that to the Ukraine after this storm hit or while it was hitting. But you know what? As maddening as all of that is, maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe there’s a silver lining in it somewhere. Because after that happened, if you were to scroll through TikTok, if you were to scroll through Twitter or X or whatever you call it these days, if you were to scroll through, and not necessarily Facebook or Instagram, because they block everything.

I mean, hell, I tried to put a video on Facebook. I think I mentioned Tim walls twice, and they blocked it. But you start scrolling through these other platforms and you start seeing what all these people are going through. I just don’t understand how anybody in a position of power in this country can see what’s going on and see that our people are hurting and dying and cold and sick and in immense need. And our government takes days, days to get there. And when they get there, by the way, they threaten to arrest members of the community that are there to help their common american brother or sister.

People are spending their own money, their own hard earned money to fly their own helicopters, drive their own trucks, bring their own construction equipment, bring their own tools, take their time off of work to travel there and help these people as much as they can, whatever they can do. And there’s people all over the place that are donating money and sending care packages and just doing all kinds of things. Like, there is a crazy amount of love being sent that way. As if that’s enough for these folks because at the end of the day, they still have to rebuild their lives.

That’s not, that’s crazy. They’re going to arrest them and then FEMA gets there and they don’t do nothing, apparently. I can’t say for sure. I wasn’t there. But I’ll tell you what. The people who are there who are brave enough to tell their story on an open platform, I believe them a whole lot more and a whole lot more solid. Solidly. Solidly. A whole lot more solidly. Is that even a word? I believe them a whole lot more than I believe any words coming out of anybody in government’s mouth than any word we hear on any mainstream media channel or outlet because they’re going to lie to us a thousand percent.

They’re going to tell you whatever story they’re told to tell you by whoever’s pulling the strings. We’re not going to hear the real story. Did you also notice, did you also catch that when, when they, they put out some mandatory evacuation in Florida, all of a sudden there was roads closed and there were pumps shrink wrapped, gas pump shrink wrapped with signs up. There was no gas until some brave soul said, screw this, I’m going to try. And they cut the shrink wrap and filled up their vehicle with gas and pulled away. And one after the other, other members of the community started following suit so they could get the hell out of there.

Thankfully, that storm died down a little bit and we didn’t have as huge of a tragedy as we had in North Carolina. But people still died. People still lost a lot of thing, a lot of stuff they worked for. And let’s not forget they’re still rebuilding from two years ago or three years whenever that last hurricane came through and decimated Fort Myers beach. And to be completely honest, I have a friend that lives on Fort Myers Beach, Greg. He was on, he was on the show with Stu and I when we were doing patriotically correct radio.

He lives right on the beach. I don’t know if his style, I think he’s still living in a, in a, in an rv on his lot because they haven’t been able to rebuild yet last I spoke with him. So all that, I got all of this to say, oh, and by the way, there’s a hundred something thousand acres mysteriously on fire in Wyoming. Like, I saw about 5 seconds of information about that. Why is nobody talking about that? I’m sure that we will eventually, but I say all those things. One, one reason is, one reason is because it’s frustrating as hell and you got to get it off your chest.

I don’t think I said anything that none of you are aware of, but it makes me think about our upcoming election and how is it, how is it that we are going to, I mean, we’ve been told, we’ve been told for the last little while that there are a lot of, there are a lot of fixes coming. Americans shouldn’t have any doubt in the election process. We’re taking every step possible to ensure that it’s free and it’s fair and it’s legit. And we’re just supposed to buy that? I don’t, I don’t know. I don’t know if I’m buying that.

Anyway, we got to take a break. We’ll be right back. Don’t go away. Hey, folks, we just have a very short break here because we’re running short on time. But I wanted to talk to you quickly about joining the Stu crew. If you have watched the network in the last few weeks, you will have probably seen this already. But if not, this will be new to you. And a reminder for some, the network is growing. We are growing large. For the last four years, everything that we have put together, all the work we have done has all been free to you, the watcher, the viewer.

We are now at a stage where we need some help, we need some support. All of these things take resources. And so if you would consider joining the Stu crew, I’m going to show you here down on the left side, the bottom left of the screen here, you’re going to see this red button that’s labeled Stu Crew. You can click on there and for $9 a month or $90 a year, you’ll get two months for free. You can join the Stu crew to get premium access to extra content. There are also other benefits such as giveaways.

Stu is putting together packages of giveaways for Premium subscribers so you do receive something extra as a thank you for joining us and for your support. This is, folks, a sign of growth. But we have to, we have to, we have to keep growing. We are in the constant search for truth and we are in the constant search of making sure that you, our viewers, are properly informed of to make your own decisions about whatever the topic at hand is. So again, here at the bottom left, the Stu crew, $90 a year, $9 a month. There’s also the ability to make a one time donation if that is what you so choose to do.

You can do anything from as small as $1 all the way up to a million dollars I think is the cap. So feel free to go nuts on there. Whatever you can do. It’s important to mention though, that we of course do not want anybody to go backwards. We don’t want anybody to feel the hurt by supporting the network. We don’t believe that you should have to do with less to support us. So if you can’t do it, we understand it’s no big deal. We still appreciate you watching and participating in the content that is put out to you.

But if you can and you won’t miss $9 a month, please consider joining again. We are running short on time, so I’ll see you back in the show. Hey folks, welcome back here to the next segment of the show. Sorry about the soapbox well, I shouldn’t say sorry. I said I was gonna stop saying sorry and I’m going to. I’m not sorry about the soapbox. I think that the more we talk about this stuff, the more that we put it out into the universe, the better it is for everybody. I just think that there’s a lot of things that are just very curious, a lot of things that line up that maybe shouldn’t be lining up if we’re told the truth about how free and honest things are.

And I think that we’re not told the truth a lot of the time from the people that we put in office, or at least they say that we put in office. But let’s move on to actual election. I came across this article that says that this organization called vet the vote, recruited nearly 160,000 veterans or their family members to work as election workers, poll watchers or whatever you’d like to call them. And so there’s some things in here that are kind of peculiar to me and some things that I disagree with, but there’s also some, some information in here that’s, that’s not horrible.

So let’s go through this quickly because I have some, I got some, some opinions and maybe you’ll agree with me, maybe not. Maybe I’m completely wrong. I guess we’ll see. Here we go. So starting out, the nonprofit we, the veterans, is finishing up and I, its vet the vote, campaign to recruit veterans and their family members to work the polls during the November presidential election. And they secured nearly 160,000 volunteers. With only one month until election day, the group transitioned from recruiting election workers to trying to inform the us population that veterans. This is interesting now that veterans will.

I lost my spot. Hold on a second. The group transitioned from recruiting election workers to try and inform the us population that veterans will make up a large swath of the volunteers at election sites this November. During a time when misinformation is eroding. It’s an interesting word, eroding trust in us elections. The group believes veterans are the key to quashing skepticism and restoring confidence about one in every ten election workers in November will be a veteran or a family member of a veteran, according to we, the veterans. Okay, so here’s the thing about this, and I don’t disagree, I don’t disagree with putting veterans, and I suppose even currently serving military members, if they want to volunteer into these positions at the polls.

I think that it is a situation where this could be seen by many veterans as a way to continue to serve and where I agree with this is that there is information that is eroding the trust in us elections. This person says it’s all misinformation. But what I will say is there was a lot of questionable, suspicious evidence last time around that the election was not free fear, fair and honest. And so I don’t know that I agree with this. It’s also true that veterans make up a large, a large percentage of the, of the country’s population.

And I don’t, when I say large, I don’t mean large like it’s 2030, 40% we’re looking at, according to the Pew Research Center. I got it right here. This research was done, and the results were put out November 8 of 2023. And the name of this, this publication or the information they put out was about the changing face of America’s veterans population. And so they did. They did a bunch of polling. They took a bunch of numbers from the VA. They took a bunch of numbers from the dodgesthe about people that were getting out at what rates and what the numbers were.

Then they also compared all their data with the VA to see and make comparisons about how many of these people that reportedly got out recently from the military have transitioned to signing up for VA services and or care or even just registering with the VA medical center, just in case you need to use it at some point down the road. Now, they say that there is more than, there’s roughly more than 18 million veterans that are currently alive, living in the United States. A year ago, almost, almost to the day, I mean, we’re within 30 days of November 8, 18 million living veterans, and that represents about 6% of the country’s population.

And so also remember that we saw a pretty large exodus from the military in the last, in the last year. People weren’t staying in. Contracts were up, retirements were coming, and people chose to bounce right out, just to get out and pursue something else. I think there was quite a few people that chose to stay in for whatever reason, and that’s great, too. We need experienced soldiers in positions in the, in the military. So it’s good. It’s good that people stayed. So I would argue that we’re probably closer to 6.3, to 6.5% a year later, maybe even 6.2.

Maybe it’s still at six. Who knows? But as we’ve discussed on the show before, how many elections, presidential elections come down to very, very slim margins, especially in battleground states and key states and all this other stuff, of course, we have the electoral college, how many of these states are won and lost by very slim margins that are a lot lower than 6%. And I think that if we look back, we can see that total, in total, in different elections, the win loss margin is extremely small, where 6%, if all 6% of the veteran or all 6% of America’s population, which just so happened to be veterans, primarily voted one way or the other, that could change the tide of a whole election.

And so, like, this is a, this is water that we’ve never found ourselves in, in this country ever before. Weve never had a veteran population as large as what we have now. Our country never was at war for 20 plus years, although our government has made some pretty bonehead mistakes over all the years. I dont know that weve ever had a mass exodus from the service like we had during COVID or like we had after our completely embarrassing and debacle of a pullout from Afghanistan. And so that leads me to believe that campaign managers or campaign people who are running campaigns for these people who want to be elected are now having to pay more attention to the veteran vote.

And some people will ask, well, wouldn’t they always have been paying attention to the votes of the men and women that have chosen to put the weight of this country on their shoulders and fight its battles? And the answer to that is, well, maybe they should have, but they don’t. They haven’t. For whatever reason. We could probably have a whole nother show, long conversation about why that might be. But when we’re talking about putting vets in polling stations, this is where I kind of agree. There are many, there are many veterans in this country that take their privilege to vote quite seriously.

And I think there’s a lot of people in this country that see it as a civic duty, not necessarily even as a privilege, which I think they should see it as a privilege. I think it is a privilege. There’s many places in this world where you’re not allowed to vote. You just do what you’re told and you shut the hell up and go along to get along. But they see it as a civic duty. We are Americans. We must vote. There’s also a lot of people that would say, if you don’t vote, you have no right to bitch about what’s going on.

And I kind of agree with that. But it’s never, it’s never anything that’s really, like, enforceable or anything that you can really hinge a conversation on with somebody who decides not to vote because you’re not going to change their mind, I guess you can kind of just chalk it up to doing a write in vote. Right. Your, your vote, even if you go vote, is not going to really matter much in the grand scheme of things because you’re not voting for one side or the other. But I still think it’s important because you should go and be counted.

You should go and vote just for the mere fact that you should be counted, because there’s a lot of information that comes from our ability to vote. They get a lot of demographic information. The Census Bureau takes a lot of information from, from election information that’s on our ballots. Age groups. What age groups are voting more than others, in particular geographical locations. That’s a stat. That’s a statistic that they look at. And then that also plays into things like the American Community Survey survey, the ACS that the Census Bureau does. It’s completely random to citizens of the United States of America, and they send it to you in the mail.

You must fill it out. A lot of people think it’s intrusive because they ask you how many times you flush your toilet in a day or a week, what time you leave for work, how many miles you drive? Do you have a gas or an electric vehicle or a hybrid? There’s some questions on there that seem ridiculous, but they use all that information, they say, to decide where services go, where do we need to concentrate construction services, where do we need to update infrastructure, such as, like fiber optic Internet or where do we need to build more public transportation, where do we need to put, you know, updated sewer line, all this stuff? There’s a lot of information they take from that, so they say, and people hate it.

People hate the american community survey. In fact, when I worked for the congressman here in Minnesota, one of my responsibilities was to field the questions from constituents who got the american community survey in the mail. And there was a lot of people that were severely pissed off. Why the hell would I tell the government what time I’m leaving my house? What business is it of theirs? How many times I flush my toilet in the day? Why do they, why do they want to know when my kids get on the school bus and where they stand? And, you know, all these, all these things that are, they’re a little intrusive, but if they’re using the information the way they say they are, it makes sense when you know the full story.

And so I wonder, I wonder what’s going to happen. I wonder what’s going to happen this November. I wondered what kind of fallout there’s going to be, because the truth of the matter is, it doesn’t matter who wins. There’s going to be some bullshit. The losing side is going to be pissed. I’m going to be willing to bet that, no, doesn’t matter which side. They’re not going to be willing to accept the results. There’s going to be arguing and fighting about who cheated and who didn’t and where they cheated, and there’s going to be lawsuits and there’s going to be all, let’s, let’s remember something.

Just because Donald Trump was the last one to contest elections in multiple states the last time around, let’s not forget the other side of the aisle has been, has been contesting election results for many, many years. And the only reason it became a really big deal is because they hate him so much he just can’t accept it. But they’ve been doing the same thing for a long time. And so, again, this isn’t a, this isn’t a, a Donald Trump for president ad, but I think we just need to call a spade a spade. So, so when the election is over and when there is disruption in the streets and when there is even more division and more polarization all around our country, is it gonna, is any of this information that we’ve been talking about, about election poll watchers and free and fair and honest elections, any of that gonna matter then? Because it doesn’t matter who wins.

I, Kamala Harris wins. Well, I’m sure there’s going to be some upheaval, and the other side has already told us publicly many of them on all platforms available, if Donald Trump wins, well, there’s going to be chaos or I’m leaving the country forever. And those people, if you want to leave forever, great. Yeah. Fantastic. Don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split you by, Felicia. But here’s my concern with all of it, other than what we’ve talked about already, we now have an organization who seems to be wanting to do the right thing.

Right. They want to quash this idea that elections are fake and stolen and dishonest. They want to build trust back in the process of elections. And so their idea is, well, why don’t we put the men and women who fought for our right to come here and check a box? Why don’t we put them there to ensure it happens? I don’t really disagree with that. My concern, though, is when and if there’s riots and when and if there’s division and all kinds of polarizing issues happening and we become a country even more torn apart. Are folks going to now say that the veterans were the ones that let it happen? You see, I don’t know that anybody in this organization has any desire to put veterans in a bad light.

In fact, I think the opposite. I think that they’re trying to do good things and they’re trying to put veterans in the position to be leaders in their communities. And I think that that’s important. My question would be, did you think about what kind of light these veterans might be standing under when and if this whole election goes to shit? And so the beautiful thing about it being military people is that we have this mentality that, hey, we’re here. We got it. We know what the mission is. We know what we need to do. We know what the job is.

Chill out. Let us cook. Just let us do what we do. We know what the left and right limits are. We know what we can. What we can get away with as far as enforcing the rules. We know how far the people coming in can. Can try to try to disrupt or pull some kind of shenanigans. We know all that. Just let us do our job. And I don’t know that it’s at the pole. I don’t know that it’s necessarily always at the pole where. Where all the bullshit happens, because I agree with some of. Some of this, that they’re saying we didn’t even get through the whole thing and now we’re out of time to get through it.

But they go through and they talk about right here it says, many of our poll workers for this current election are actually from the veteran and military community. We are a very trusted population of Americans. And this was said by Julie Hendricks, who’s the director of operations for Vet the vote. The big push from now on is making sure that as many Americans as possible know that this group of trusted individuals are there to make. Make your vote count when you head to your local jurisdiction. Great. The question is, when that poll closes and the men and women who have volunteered and committed to ensuring that these ballots are filled out correctly, that the dead people aren’t voting, that people aren’t voting twice, hopefully that illegals aren’t voting, and that.

And that poll closes. My question is, who’s watching them then? Who’s watching those pieces of paper then they got to go somewhere. Some places they’re still going to use machines. What machines? We don’t know. Are these. Are these, these people, veterans or not, that are going to be at these polls? Whether they’re veterans or whether they’re not. Are they going to be able to tell if these machines are counting votes accurately? Are they going to be able to tell whether or not these, these things are even counting votes at all? You see, much like, much like we talked about several times on the show about the VA, for example, the people who are there to check in, the nurses that take your vitals, the physical therapist that puts you through hell so that you can grow some, some strength back and get better.

The. The boots on ground folks, they care and they genuinely want to help you, but once you get above them, what goes on, what happens. Same for this. We’re going to put veterans in a place for them to be able to watch polls to ensure that the selection is as free and fair and honest as possible. My advice, or my opinion is find veterans that are willing to do that and stay with those pieces of paper until they get to their final destination and count it. It’s a long day. It’s a really long day. But I bet you there’s a lot of veterans that would do it, much like we talked about, putting veterans in schools to secure our children and make sure they’re safe.

Same with this. These are the kinds of missions that we are built for. These are the kinds of things that we are bred for. The oath that was taken wasn’t just about going to a foreign land, fighting a war and coming home, and then fighting the real war that starts when you get home. No, no, no. This is the type of thing that we’re meant for. Also. This voting is our God given right as Americans. So if we’re going to go as far as to put veterans in a place to watch the polls, to make sure it’s done right, it’s free, it’s fair, and it’s honest.

Keep those same people, keep that same energy until those votes have been counted properly and disposed of, whether they shred them or they burn them or whatever they do. And my last little tidbit I’ll say is, get rid of all those fucking machines. Let’s count these things by hand all across this country. Let’s do that. Let’s try it just once. Let’s try it just once and see how that works out. I’m guessing we won’t even have the opportunity because the puppeteers, they won’t give up that much control. Anyway, folks, that’s. That’s all the time we have for the week.

I really appreciate you being here. As always, please take care of yourselves. Once again, our thoughts and prayers are with all the victims of the storms and the fires in Wyoming. We hope that you are doing well and continue to stay strong. Thank you again for being here. Good night. There’s a whole bunch of stories that have to be dug into, rethought, reconsidered, and in some cases, completely discarded. As modern Americans, we’ve been spoon fed this dumbed down, cartoonish, simplified version of history. It’s all fake. It’s all bull. Everything that we have been taught is part of a self serving narrative written by the people who will say and do anything to keep us on a leash.

Now, this version of history, some big name corrupt families like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and their many associates, are credited over and over and over again with propelling human development. Throughout the late 18th, in the 19 and early 19 hundreds, almost every major american city was burnt to the ground. What if we really are quite literally living atop the ashes of an advanced civilization that’s been hidden from us for our entire lives?

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