Stew Peters Slays Demons on the Alex Jones Show

Posted in: News, Patriots, Stew Peters Network



➡ The text discusses concerns about the influence of Israel and Zionism on global politics, with the author suggesting that Israel is infiltrating various levels of bureaucracy. The author also criticizes the mainstream media and pharmaceutical industry, suggesting that people are being manipulated and harmed. The text ends with a call to identify and confront the perceived enemy, and a critique of the current state of Israel.
➡ The discussion revolves around the influence of Israel on U.S. policies and decisions, with claims that the nation state of Israel, backed by powerful entities, has infiltrated the U.S. government and military industrial complex. The speaker also questions the loyalty of U.S. representatives to foreign states and criticizes the military interventions funded by the same group of people. The conversation also touches on the role of media and academia in shaping public opinion about Israel and other global issues.
➡ The text discusses various political and societal issues, including Ukraine’s pro-Russia policies, the influence of Vladimir Putin, the potential threat of a one-world government, and concerns about Zionist infiltration in the U.S. government. It also touches on religious symbolism, the upcoming 2024 election, and the importance of aligning investments with personal values. The text ends with a call for patriots worldwide to reclaim their governments.
➡ The speaker expresses concern about the influence of certain groups on the American government and global affairs. They question the authenticity of the Star of David and suggest it’s linked to Jewish mysticism. They also discuss the role of the CIA and other intelligence agencies in global conflicts. The speaker criticizes the U.S. government’s funding of foreign borders while neglecting its own and suggests that the Biden cabinet is influenced by non-practicing Jews and Zionists. The speaker also expresses dissatisfaction with Donald Trump’s administration and its ties to Israel.
➡ The text discusses various controversial topics, including the influence of Israel on American politics, the role of Jews in world history, and the perceived corruption within the U.S. government. The speaker questions the power dynamics between Israel and the U.S., criticizes the American military-industrial complex, and expresses concern about the potential for persecution of those who speak out against these issues. The conversation also touches on historical figures like Hitler and Putin, and organizations like the ADL, with the speaker asserting that not all criticism of Israel or Jewish influence should be labeled as anti-Semitic.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics including crime rates, media influence, government criticism, and the importance of free speech. They express concern about the state of the nation, questioning the effectiveness of the current government and the potential for change through voting. They also discuss the potential dangers facing prominent figures like Donald Trump, and emphasize the need for peaceful solutions and respectful dialogue.
➡ The speaker expresses concern about the current state of the country, suggesting that political solutions may not be enough to address the issues. They hint at the possibility of inevitable violence, but clarify they do not support it. They also criticize the simplified version of history taught to Americans, suggesting it’s a narrative controlled by powerful families. The speaker also expresses concern about Kamala Harris potentially becoming president, citing her support for open borders and her new tax plan as potential threats to the country’s safety and economy. Lastly, they promote a supplement called Cardiomiracle, which they claim supports heart health and various other bodily functions.


Now borns in hell. I hope him and his generals and the far right government in Israel burn in hell. We are looking for babies, but there is no babies left. Maybe I killed a girl. She was twelve. But they’re looking for a baby. We’ll do whatever we need to do to defend ourselves. An investigation is underway into whether israeli forces will blowing up the main drinking water reservoir in Raqqa constitutes as a war crime. You cannot tell me to ever feel comfortable with 18,000 children being ruthlessly murdered. Let me hear you cheer. If you support Israel.

The Jews are everywhere. All the assistance of crime Jews. All the assistance of sleepy Jews. Jews. Obama Jews. Everyone around them. Reformed Jews, conservative Jews, Chabadnik. This. Today, the Jews rule this world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them. Everyone who dares uttering a word of criticism against Israel as accused of antisemitism. When I was very young, I was forced to participate in that in which I had to sacrifice an infant. And the purpose of sacrifices to what is to bring you? What? What are you sacrificing for? For power. Power. You’ve been doing this for decades, right? And now, you know, alone for so long.

And now so many people are waking up. Alternative media is obviously exploding. The fake controlled press is becoming more and more irrelevant. People aren’t listening anymore. But I feel like there’s so many people that are still preparing their dinner in their kitchen, going to soccer practice, going home. Hustle and bustle, Christmas season time, pagan holiday celebrations. They get tied up in turning on the tv and doing whatever it is that they tell them to do. Which is why we now have so many people dying. Suddenly people are injecting themselves with pharmaceuticals that are coming from countries that are adversarial to us.

Our whole system has been infiltrated, all of it. So if we can’t vote our way out of it. One of your callers was talking about a militia. Okay, well, we need to be like 100 or 200 million strong, because they literally are trying to kill us. And so you mentioned globalists, right? People are always talking about they. They are out of control. They are killing us. We have to identify who the real enemy is. We have to. We have to know where does this infiltration come from? While other networks lie to you about what’s happening now, Infowars tells you the truth about what’s happening next.

Visit show and share the link today. I’ve not been this excited ever. Wow. The replatforming begins now. Join mug club and get one month free with promo code. Alex Jonescrowde Stu Peters is a really interesting, informative guy, and he’s here with us in studio. He’s also going to interview me later today for his show. He’s been a former body bounty hunter and so much more. Stu real Stu Peters on Twitter. But I disagree with some of the stuff you say. But what I think overall, we agree on 95% is a sense of urgency and that we have an out of control, illegitimate system that’s really working against us.

So, Stu, there’s so much to cover here with you. It’s great to have you in studio with us. I’m excited to go on your show as well. What do you want to dive into first? Well, I mean, just exactly that. We have an illegitimate government that we’re not going to be able to vote our way out of. So the sense of urgency, you know, is incumbent upon us. So you’ve been doing this for decades, right? And now, you know, alone for so long, and now so many people are waking up. Alternative media is obviously exploding. The fake controlled press is becoming more and more irrelevant.

People aren’t listening anymore. But I feel like there’s so many people that are still preparing their dinner in their kitchen, going to soccer practice, going home. Hustle and bustle, Christmas season time, pagan holiday celebrations. They get tied up in turning on the tv and doing whatever it is that they tell them to do, which is why we now have so many people dying. Suddenly people are injecting themselves with pharmaceuticals that are coming from countries that are adversarial to us. Our whole system has been infiltrated, all of it. So if we can’t vote our way out of it.

One of your callers was talking about a militia. Okay, well, we need to be like 100 or 200 million strong, because they literally are trying to kill us. And so you mentioned globalists, right? People are always talking about they. They are out of control. They are killing us. We have to identify who the real enemy is. We have to know, where does this infiltration come from? And when you really step back and take an honest look at every single level of our federal bureaucracy, there’s one little nation state of Israel that everybody’s afraid to talk about.

And it’s the one thing that’ll get you nuked off the face of the planet. It’ll get you nuked off the Internet. It’ll get your Twitter shut down. It’ll get you kicked off of rumble. It’ll scare advertisers away from doing business with you. If you talk about zionist infiltration. So if that’s the one sensitive subject that nobody wants us to talk about, then I think it’s pretty obvious. That’s the thing that we should be talking about. One country, one entity, one group of people is infiltrating every single level of our bureaucracy. We have United States congresspeople that can’t even swear an oath to the constitution and take office here to do the bidding of the people of the United States of America until they get the blessings of the nation state of Israel.

That’s a scary thought. They have to go there. They have to swear an allegiance to a foreign state. We have to swear all of this money to the so called greatest ally. Where is this narrative coming from? What makes them our greatest ally? What kind of damage have they done in our country already? What kind of damage are they continuing to do? Where are all these wars coming from? Every single one of these proxy wars goes back to the funding of the Rothschilds. They’ve been involved with every single intervention that we’ve had. The criminal central banking cabal.

This is the banking cabal that Vladimir Putin kicked out of Russia and said, no, we’re going to care about the interests of our country. We’re going to care about the interests of our people. That’s nationalism. And to destroy America from the inside out, they have to destroy the very idea of nationalism. And that’s what’s being attacked right now. We’re so divided, we’re conquered. We are an occupied country. We don’t have a government. We have a rogue, murderous, corporate crime syndicate, and we don’t have any representation in our government. And that’s a scary place to be. So let me ask you this.

I don’t like Israel Firsters in our government. I don’t like the chai comms heavily involved in our government either. But I’m also not against Jews or against Israel in general. And so I think, and I’m nothing what you’re saying, but I’m saying in a third dimensional level, I mean, there’s absolutely a big bureaucracy. You know, there’s a lot of propaganda to just go on with whatever Israel says, whoever’s in charge at the time. But Israel has a civil war going on. Netanyahu is in a parliamentary position where he has less votes than Justin Trudeau, who’s been elected with 27% of the vote, because in a parliamentary system for Americans, you have the majority here of the voters, not in the parliamentary.

You can get, like Merkel, 25%, but they get other, other coalitions to join you. So I don’t see Israel just as one block, and there comes this fetish, though, to like, say, well, someone anti Israel, they pro Israel. My issue is it gets very, very sophisticated, and you have a lot of other big players and big operations. So I don’t mind sitting there and what you said. I figured you’d talk like that. Talking about that. My issue is, is that I don’t think at the end of the day, if we just erased Israel off the map, or if all the Jews on the planet were teleported to another world, that our problems would end.

I mean, are you saying Israel is the problem? And if so, who is Israel? What is their aim? Well, they’re certainly nothing. The Israel of the Bible. This is. This is. This is a pro homosexual, pro baby murdering, abortion loving mandate, fifth booster for your entire population. Are. They’re. They’re all injected with this mRNA bioweapon poison. But isn’t that the rest of the west? This is the. This is the. No, this is the secular state of Israel that I’m talking about. This is. This is devil worshipping, satanic Zionism. I’m not talking about real practicing Jews. None of these people that we’re talking about.

Sure, you got the Nutrikarti. And the orthodox Jews don’t like it either. I mean, look, where did Epstein come from? Where does the Mossad operate? Why are we, without question, forced to send hundreds of billions of dollars to this nation state that’s killed? So are you saying if Israel disappeared, our problems will be solved? A lot of them, yes. How much? 90%. Well, let’s take a look at Biden’s cabinet. How about all of the people that are making decisions for the. For the State Department? How much money we’re sending, how many missiles we’re lobbying, we’re killing millions of people and spending trillions of dollars on behalf of this small little country called Israel? I mean, really, the entire military industrial complex is infiltrated by Zionists from Israel.

The military industrial, by the way, everybody always thinks I pretty people think I pre planned my show. I heard a few days ago you wanted to come to town. I said, great, come in there. We didn’t talk about what you were going to cover. No, I’m just saying everybody thinks my show’s all calculated. I just have a guest on and. Yeah, Alex will tell you that we decided at 06:00 last night that we were coming down last night, stayed at the hotel, and here we are. Yeah. I asked you what you’re about to talk about my whole issue here is, I mean, if you want to talk about one racial group, and I’m not blaming chinese people, they’re homogeneous, a billion, 500 million people.

And China believes they’re going to racially supremacy the world. And they own Hollywood. They don’t run Hollywood. And I talk about China being a major issue, people go, oh, you’re making up. It’s the Zionists there and everything. So it’s like Israel’s this little bitty country with a very small population. And I would have a fallen banana appeal. I don’t say it’s the chinese communist, but they’re, they’re in our business big time. And I’m not saying they run everything either. I don’t see, I see, you know, Israel, whoever runs at the time, having a lot of power and definitely laundering money and corrupt and all the rest of it, it’s like all these governments, I just.

What about all these other, what about the french government or the UK government, or, you know, the venezuelan government? I mean, to me it’s just like Israel’s this tiny little country, and I get it controls a lot of us policy, but all of it, it controls all of us. Venezuela doesn’t impact our policy. We’re not bombing people on behalf of Israel. We’re not killing millions. Well, then we can’t pump oil here. He shut down new permits, Biden. But we’re getting our oil down from Venezuela. Yeah, and we’re getting. I’m not saying Venezuela runs things. I’m saying I don’t get this thing.

I’m not saying you’re completely wrong about everything. Like, people have to say I work for Israel. Well, all I have is the ADl saying shut me down and suing me. I’m certainly not getting checks from him, I’ll tell you that. But at the same time, do you think the average jew is in on this? No, I mean, not practicing Jews, messianic practicing Jews are worshiping Jesus Christ, just like in 1776. Those men that made all of those sacrifices to liberate a country when they were defeated, George Washington. So you’re saying if they’re not a messianic jew, they’re in on it? No, I am saying that the nation state of Israel and the power structure there, funded by the likes of vanguard and Blackrock and State street and the Rothschilds, who control 100% of our media, have been able to gaslight and propagandize everybody into this unfettered, unquestionable support for this nation state of Israel that is infiltrating our government at every single level? Well, I think it’s very fair to question.

I think it’s very fair to question. And if you say to the average person, they don’t know that our congress members, our. Our representatives at the federal level have to actually swear an allegiance to this foreign state before they can take the oath of our own constitution to do the bidding of our people. That should concern everybody. No, I agree. We should not have dual loyalties or dual citizenship. These people control our. Israel is not the only place with dual systems. But listen. But these people control our military industrial complex. These people fund Lockheed Martin and Raytheon so that we can go and make missile testing sites in Ukraine.

Why are we fighting a war in Ukraine? Has Congress declared a war? No. So that’s Jews, too. So if Congress hasn’t declared war, Ukraine things jews, too. Yeah, it’s. It’s all. It all points back to Israel. Because. Explain to me, because I thought it was a NATO battle with Russia. They’ve been using that for a proxy war. I know Zelensky’s Jewish, but who controls NATO? Who funds NATO? 75%? The United States of America. Where does that funding come from? Every single military intervention that we have ever been involved with is funded by the same group of people and enriches these ngo’s and enriches the fat cats like Lindsey Graham and the Turtle Lord, Mitch McConnell and the DC Beltway.

These people are killing millions of innocent people. We talked last time. I don’t know if it was on my show or yours. We talked about what’s happening in Gaza, one of the most densely populated areas, where 50% of the population is under the age of 1570, 5% is under the age of 25. And you have members of Congress demanding that we go blow up apartment buildings and nuke these people off the face of the planet. What’s the. What is the benchmark for success in Gaza? We delete. Well, I certainly think that you can’t target a civilian population because there’s a terror group within it.

I’ve said I think this is terrible pr for Israel. It’s actually turned. Here’s my next question. Say it how it is. They’re war criminals and they’re committing war crimes right on twitter, right out in front of the war they’re bragging about. Well, then you can argue the marines did it in Fallujah because we got attacked from the city, so we leveled it. Let’s just expand on this for a moment. See, stu, I’m not condescending to you. I think you’re a smart guy, okay? But I’m trying to, trying to really get you to think about something here.

Harvard, Yale, Princeton, all basically say, from the mountains to the sea, get rid of Israel. So to me, it’s not black and white. You’re either for Israel or for Hamas, vice versa. Why is all the academia and the leftists that are funded by Blackrock literally teaching the Jews are inherently evil and they’re attacking them all over the place and the university is saying they’re inherently bad and the Islam is allied with the left? And then I agree. You can’t swing a stick in the dark and not hit a leftist jew in charge of it. There’s some other people that aren’t jewish, but it’s probably half jewish people literally running the islamic groups that hate the west and hate Israel.

So I’m looking at this. You’ve got Israel over here, and then a bunch of leftist academics like Noam Chomsky saying the Muslims are little sweetie cakes, which they’re not. They want to take over on average. And I’m asking you then, if the Jews run everything, which I don’t think they do, why is academia, that is the heart of the globalist, literally promoting the destruction of Israel? We have been gaslit and programmed about Israel for decades, and there are independent people at every level that are going to say things to get the normal person to think in a certain way.

There is a cognitive disconnect in our country because of the media programming, because people can’t turn off the fake Fox News Channel and people can’t turn off, you know, CNN or MSNBC, however you believe in this fake two party representative government system. Well, I’m a conservative, so I’m gonna watch Fox not knowing that they’re funded by the same people. And so if academia is being, you know, infiltrated by the same people, in order to cause discord, in order to keep us divided, there has to be a contrary message. So for. Okay, so, yeah, no, no, no.

Now you’re talking my turkey. It’s a giant hegelian dialectic. So you have like, MSNBC, CNN. 80% of their coverage is pro Palestinian. I’m not saying bad things are happening to him. It’s terrible. I played the clips, the kids dying, all this stuff. But I mean, there’s a larger dialectic here. What is that? I mean, look at that. What is the star of David? Is there a star of David in the Bible? What is this? There actually is. It’s the seal of Solomon. Is that it? That’s the seal of Solomon. You know, that’s the seal he was given by God to control any demons he wanted.

Because to me, that looks like a pentagram. Why? Why are. Why are our sitting members of Congress wearing this nation state’s flag on their lapel pins? Why are we. I don’t like the Ukraine flag. I get it. I’m not against Israel or Ukraine. I think it’s weird to. Well, given what’s happening in our. Well, this predates bathroom at. This is the seal of Solomon pre 1940. Right. So Ukraine. Where did Ukraine come from? What happened in Ukraine in 2014? RCIA affected a violent coup in that country. Why did they do that? Because the democratically elected administration where both sides admitted that the vote was fair, that administration, prior to Zelenskyy’s installation, was adopting some pro Russia policies.

Why? Because when the arbitrary borders of Ukraine, the fake borders of Ukraine were established after Lenin’s color revolution, that area, that uninhabited area, was settled by ethnic Russians. They wanted to just be Russia. There’s a jewish state in Russia people don’t even know about. They wanted to just be Russia. And so we have to have a boogeyman to go bomb. Why is it just relentlessly. Vladimir Putin, who cares about the interest? This guy’s an orthodox Christian who has built not abominations, but has built beautiful cathedrals and places of worship for christians since his reign of power.

He cares about the interests of his people. He’s not going to be controlled by a one world governance. From where I sit, it looks like this might be one of the only guys that’s actually standing between what’s left of the free world and whatever this one world governance is that’s rushing our way. I mean, we have the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, everybody that’s making decisions about who we bomb and where and what is the common element, the one thing that you’re not allowed to talk about. And so if we have a big problem to talk about and a big problem to solve, it’s going to be the thing that they want to shut you up about.

No, I know, but let’s put the seal of Solomon up. This is a lot bigger than jews, my friend. This goes back to Babylon and this goes back to ancient Egypt. That seal predates Solomon. And the point is, it is about ritual magic. So that’s why they’re all so obsessed with it and they shouldn’t be. We are a country founded under God. We are a christian country with a. But you can say the stars on our flag are pentagrams. Right side up. A pinnacle is a symbol of a human. The behavior of those who have infiltrated our guns.

No, but a rainbow. God gave us the rainbow in Genesis, and now it represents Satan. But, I mean, so I’m saying, I don’t see how. I mean, take a star. A pentagram is an inverted person. Okay. All right. But a normal star is just a person. It’s arms, legs. It’s a symbol of a human. And you’ve got the pentagram. That is a human upside down, which is anti human. This is the death cult. This is the life cult. I don’t see a star as satanic. Satanists use it because it’s powerful. Just as I see the seal of Solomon is not a satanic symbol.

It’s a symbol of infinity. Very similar to the hourglass from another perspective. I use it because it’s powerful. And we were told, well, this is the archetype. This is actually. The symbol is an hourglass. Infinity. That’s just infinity laid over itself. Symbolism aside. Yeah. Do you believe that we don’t have a problem with zionist infiltration in our government? I mean, nobody can honestly say that. No. I think under the rubric of that, there’s an organized crime syndicate doing whatever it wants. And there’s a bunch of mafias, and it’s murderous and it’s causing Americans and people. Let me ask you this.

Why do you think the ADL said they want me shut down and trump shut down? Well, the ADL wants you shut down because you give a contrary message to what they pay for in the media. Exactly. So I’m not gonna play their game and hate them and give them what they want. I’m just gonna promote freedom, and they wanna lie about me and be all racist and do all this. That’s fine. People know. Now I have my own page at the ADL. dot. There’s a Stu Peters page. I’m not. I mean, aren’t you proud of that? Yeah, of course.

There’s not a better enemy. To have died suddenly was anti semitic. We’re telling people about, you know, poison. Well, that’s another issue. You know, they targeted jews with some of the worst shots in the world. Why didn’t they get a get out of jail free card? I’m not here to defend Jews. I’m just saying I don’t think the power structure is the Jews. I think it’s a. I think it’s more sophisticated. Well, let’s come back and talk about it. Yeah. So the 2024 election is on our doorstep. And of course, Kamala Harris and Tim walls are knocking on your door.

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8134-483-4462 Peters is our guest here. We did not talk before he came on. He said, I’m going to come into town interview and I want to come on. I said, I come on the show and we’re going down the rabbit hole here on Israel. I certainly think the people that run Israel think that they can do whatever they want. There’s a lot of arrogance there. I don’t like any of these big, modern western governments. I think they’re all despicable and disgusting. Israel clearly stood down on October 7. I said that the day it happened. That’s come out mainstream news.

They admit they did. Where’s the investigation of that? Then you got Biden funding Hezbollah through Iran to Hamas. There’s a lot. You got Obama backing the Muslim Brotherhood. You’ve got the west bringing all the Islamics in. You’ve got the universities backing the Islamics against Israel. I see a much larger clash of civilizations, galen dialectic taking place. And I want is, in closing, I’d love to see. It’s in Canada or Australia or Germany or the us or Israel or Morocco or wherever. I’d love to see patriots in Israel take their government back and not be part of this.

I’d love to see. I mean, I just see them as people, as an America first guy, I’d rather see the american people intervene and rise up against this murderous government that we have here. And going back to the star thing. Why do they call it the Star of David if it’s the seal of Solomon? I mean, that’s not biblical. That’s just more jewish mysticism. It’s fake. If you want to talk about what that is, look up the star of Rem Phan and talk about the ethnic khazars. They’re not even jewish. These are the people who I’m talking about presenting a major problem, you know, globally.

These people are responsible for the infiltration of our government. I think we need to talk about it. And look here. You’re welcome to. In acts chapter seven, it says, yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your God, Remphan. That’s that star. So this is a false goddess. Pull up the star of Rem phram, the star of Remphan figures which ye made to worship them. A false God. And I will carry you away beyond Babylon. So if it’s the Star of David, and we call it the Star of David, and it represents the nation state of Israel, the secular, non biblical nation state of Israel that’s carrying out operations across the face of the planet, particularly inside of our own government, and has infiltrated our intelligence apparatus.

The CIA, who’s affecting violent coups in other countries to install governments that will do the bidding of the one world government. Who is funding it? Who is making it happen? Where is it all coming from? Speaker one? Well, there’s definitely been an internal battle in the CIA between Mossad, Mi six, and the CIA teaches the Mossad how to carry out operations on the american people. They teach mi six how to carry out these. Well, but I thought. They thought Mossad’s in charge, though. Wow. How is the CIA, teacher? Where does the funding come from? It’s illegal for the CIA to take and carry out operations on the american people.

Not to say that they don’t do it every single day, but that’s what we did with the installation of a fake government in Ukraine. And then we just go bomb the hell out of everybody. All these military interventions. What’s 20 years and a half? What do we. Because we can get into Elon Musk and the election and the open borders, and I don’t know what we’re going to talk about. We can do that. And I want to. But just to say, like, well, then just five more minutes on who was dancing on September 11. I’ll never forget that.

Dancing Israelis. I will never forget the USS liberty. This is Israel that strafed the USS liberty in cold blood, knowingly murdering and torpedoed and torpedoed and tried to sink and then LBJ tries to cover it up. Why? This is our greatest ally. Have they ever fought alongside of us in one of these fake interventions that enriches all of these ngo’s and sucks the blood right out of the american taxpayer while we kill millions of people for no purpose at all whatsoever? Name one military intervention that the Rothschilds have funded that has made the United States or its people safer.

Why is our border intentionally open right here? You’re in Texas. Why is our border intentionally open while this fake government orchestrates, implements and carries out a physical invasion of our own country, but yet we send speaker one. Well, now you got my attention, because we send all. I don’t like millions for Ukraine’s border or Israel’s. I definitely agree with you that that’s a point we should point out. And we were paying for their borders. They deserve borders, but we don’t. And we send all of our military assets and billions of dollars to go protect their borders.

Why? And why are we not allowed to ask that question? Who’s making those decisions? When you look at the Biden cabinet and you look at ethnicity and heritage and where these people come from, these aren’t practicing Jews. That’s not what I’m, that’s not the claim that I’m making here. I’m not alleging that jewish people are bad. I’m talking about the Khazars, I’m talking about the Zionists. And I think it’s a big problem. Yeah, well, I just encourage people to go do their own research. Yeah, I mean, I mean, I think Israel is a powerful, rich country that has a lot of people around the world that support it.

And I just see it as one more of these big modern western states. I really, I mean, I really just. I mean, I mean, because whenever I try to bring up China, a billion and a half people, ethno state trying to take over 3 million Uyghurs in campsite, you know, millions of their people killed, it’s like, no, no, 1500 Palestinians or 15,000. And I care about that too. So let’s spend half the time on the 15,000 Palestinians and half the time on the Chinese being murdered. But it’s like, no, no, it’s like Israel. And I don’t.

It is spiritual though, because there’s this obsession with, with Israel. I mean, it’s like, I mean, when I had Kanye west in here for 4 hours, all I said, hey, let’s just spend another hour worshipping Hitler. And then we move on to other subjects, like your schools or what you think about music. No, he just was like, I’m on air. You’re not stopping me. Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews. And I’m like, okay, well, we spent now 3 hours on Jews. It’s like, you’re a. I mean, do I just go juju, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew.

24 hours a day, no sleep. Or I’m a sellout. Do I just constantly obsess on Jews, just like, Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews. Explain. Because I want to be a good person. All I’m saying is I see a lot of other forces in the world, and then I look at Jews, and I see a whole bunch of groups. You got all these orthodox Jews that only think Israel should exist, and, like, 60 plus percent don’t. Like netanyahu. They’re in a civil war. And then there’s a setup, and they know it’s an attack, and all this blows up.

I just see Israel being used as an aircraft carrier in the Middle east, and just like Ukraine, a money laundering operation for the Defense department. Yeah, yeah. Israel. You basically nailed it down. Israel is the front lines for the military industrial complex. Because any single cent, any penny, any dime that’s asked for to go and support this secular nation state, our greatest ally will be unquestionably. Unquestionably. You’re not allowed to question it. We’ll just somebody ask you, so what do we do? If you were God, what would you do to Israel? We just talk about Israel all day.

We don’t have to. God already? No, no, no. Just tell me. I don’t know. We’re here. Just. I mean, I just don’t. I’m sorry. There are a lot of Americans that are obsessed with Israel, a lot of evangelicals that worship it. I think that’s sick. I don’t worship Israel. I also don’t have a heart on against Israel. So I see the sophistication of things. Maybe I’m. Maybe I’m blind spiritually. What do we do? If you’re God, what do we do to Israel right now? Well, first of all, I mean, we need to stop funding their wars.

We need to stop helping them, assisting them in what appears to be an ethnic cleansing happening. Well, I mean, I agree with Senator Paul and everybody. I don’t want to send money to Ukraine, Israel, anybody? Congressman Massey is really the only one that’s really actually speaking the truth about any of this, and I’m glad that he is. I mean, he’s probably the only truly America first representative that we have in our fake government right now. What about elections? What about the interference in our elections? Are we gonna vote our way out of this? Are we gonna just pretend like 2024, Trump takes over and then we don’t have any more problems? So.

But you like Trump, right? I like the 2015 going into 2016, America first Trump. Okay. But I mean, you know, his daughter’s married to a jew. That’s right. He did more for Israel than. I don’t like that. But why not? He went and got the Abraham Accords for peace. I don’t. Wouldn’t be good if they all just live in peace. Speaker one, didn’t Donald Trump just basically surround himself with the entire deep state that he swore that he was going to go up against? Speaker one? Okay, well, then I just said, why are you supporting Trump? He was trying to fix it.

I’m not supporting Trump. I don’t support any. I think every political candidate. You think Trump’s bad? It’s a non conversation. Speaker one, is Trump a jewish agent? I don’t know. I don’t know. But what I do know is that talking about any candidate is foolish. What are we going to do? Why shouldn’t we engage with Israel and try to fix this? I think we should. I mean, Benjamin Netanyahu is the de facto president of the United States. If you want to just keep it real. He’s calling the shots. And as a matter of fact, there’s videos of him saying, it doesn’t matter what the american people feel about Israel.

It doesn’t matter what the american government feels about Israel, because we have them so programmed that they will do anything for Israel. We can do whatever we want and get away with it. He has said that himself on tape. And if that kind of control and power structure exists. I’ve seen that written, but I haven’t quite seen that video. Tell us where we see that video. What’s the name of it? I don’t know what the name of the video is, Alex. Probably pull it up and send it to you. But we’ve aired it on your producer’s name.

Alex. Yeah, he’s like my right hand. Alex. Can you give us that? We’ll play it. We’ll play it. We can play. But if we have that kind of control structure and power over our entire operating system of our. So if you had a magic wand, get rid of the top of the Jews, or just get rid of all of them, or, like, you got a magic wanda, the satanic non practicing fake Jews, the Khazars, the people who, the Zionists who are infiltrating free governments across the face of the planet, ours being. Let me ask you a question.

Let me ask question, because again, I’m not anti jew. I don’t like the leftist and all that. You know, Elon Musk said, hey, why do the leftist Jews want to bring in a bunch of people that and then teach people that hate white people? Don’t get why you’re being attacked. They call it a spinning. No, he’s being honest. I mean, I just, I just never, I mean, because I find humans act the same across the board. They have smart elites, corrupt governments, all try the same tactics. I see Israel, whoever runs it at any one time, doing scams.

And so I see that the Jews are mad about it in Israel. Well, I mean, you’re just saying in the world because all I’m getting is from you or Kanye west is Jews. I mean, like, if you just don’t care of them, then the trains run on time. Or, I mean, what happens if we get rid of a power structure from any government that’s outside of the United States that has infiltrated our government and steals money from the american taxpayer to kill innocent people? Any of those governments. Who is doing this? Who is funding this? When you look at the media and you look at AIPAC and the ADL and the power that they have inside of our government, you can’t deny that they own the military industrial complex.

So is it the only problem? No, I’m not saying that it is the biggest problem. It is the most imminent problem. It is the big problem. Well, just because America supports Israel, are you saying the military and national complex is run by Israel? Yes. What’s the proof of that? I’m saying that the Zionist Khazars, these people, what is the proof of it? Well, go look at as again, I will say Biden’s cabinet, the State Department, Victoria Nulandhenne, who is making the decisions to go and bomb these people when Congress hasn’t even declared war. If we can really fund a government, if we can really send hundreds of billions of dollars, military equipment, military aid, put boots on the ground in a country without our Congress declaring war, where are we as a country? Well, Congress did that in Vietnam.

Was that the Jews too? I’m not as well versed on Vietnam or Korea. There was no declaration war. Let’s see what’s happening in the world right now. We are killing millions of people. The United States government is probably the most corrupt government. Forget Ukraine. We are probably the most corrupt government on the face of the planet. I would agree with that. And at the heart of the CIA, at the heart of the intelligence operation, at the heart of the DOJ, the FBI is imprisoning people like Owen, innocent people who are being taken away from their family.

When he was on the show yesterday, he was talking about all the people that he spent that time in prison with. These are men who have been separated from their families and the people that are putting them in prison who no doubt, inevitably will come after me and come after you. And then they’re going to come after everyone that supports or stands behind the people who have been willing to stand up for the truth and say the truth unfetteringly, not caring who came after them, they’re next. And if these people don’t understand that, if they’re still stuck on fox or stuck on CNN or busy doing your everyday life, they are coming after you.

Let’s get down to brass tacks here. Hitler thought the main problem was the Jews. Do you agree with that? All Hitler, real question. Yeah. I mean, look, I don’t agree with senselessly murdering or killing anybody. I don’t agree with ruthless dictators. Do I agree with everything Vladimir Putin does? No, of course not. I mean, could he be a ruthless dictator, killing innocent people? Of course. Yeah. Well, Hitler killed more Russians than anybody, killed 28 million of them. Do I mean, do I support that? No, of course not. But I’m able to objectively still agree with a lot of the things that Vladimir Putin is doing that we have proof of without being propagandized.

I can watch when the media tells me to do something. If I run the opposite direction, I normally find the truth. Why the incessant push to villainize Vladimir Putin and label him a war criminal? My question was about Adolf Hitler. No, I’m not a Hitler supporter. Well, that’s good. I’m not either. What I’m saying is, you know about the russian revolution, right? Of course. And I’d say half the russian revolution at the top was jewish. The Lenin that they were atheist. You know, Stalin then double crossed and basically poisoned Lenin and then kicked the jewish leadership of the communists out.

That was the Trotskyites, and then developed these arbitrary borders where ethnic Russians just had to resettle. Yeah, you’re talking about Lenin. Yeah, but what I’m. What I’m saying is, though, there is that some of that stuff’s going on there. I’m just simply saying that. That then Hitler killed, even though Lenin was gone. And Jews weren’t running Russia. Hitler killed 26, 28 million Russians. So when I bring up Hitler, you bring up Putin. I’m just saying that this is. Just because there’s some bad jews doesn’t mean then Hitler’s good. And I’m not saying. You’re saying that, but I mean, it’s.

No, I’m not saying, like. Like, Biden’s a horrible person. We don’t blame the Irish for that. I’m not saying Hitler is good, and I’m not saying that Jews are bad. I’m saying that we have a secular nation state that has infiltrated every single level of every federal bureaucracy in our government, that is making policy decisions, that is making military decisions, that is sucking the taxpayer dry. Well, I’ll agree with you on this. We won world War two and defeated Hitler. Both my grandfather’s in the army air corps, and both almost died. So I almost don’t exist because of it.

And it is weird with the liberals, the left, the ADL, they have literally made America conservatives. We’re Hitler now. And we have to agree with drag queen storytime and open borders and critical race theory and white people are bad, or we’re Hitler. I find that very, very offensive. White males are the biggest threat to our national security. We’re told that white christian males are a bigger threat. Then the CIA created ISIS. Then the Israel created Hamas. Remember, Israel created Hamas. And I know we’ve talked about this before, but this is the. This is supposed to be one of the most fortified borders on the face of the.

Well, see, that’s how I would criticize the leadership of Israel, not Jews in general, who stood down. It’s confirmed. Why’d they do it? Why’d they found Hamas? Yeah, yeah, now you’re talking. And why did Biden give Iran money before this happened? It’s a lot more sophisticated if they formed and funded Hamas. At the end of the day, who did that? Where does all of the money come from? You say that Israel is a super rich nation. Where does it come from? Who gives it to them? How do they earn it? Have they ever fought alongside of us in one single war? Nope, they haven’t.

Have they killed Americans? Yep, they have. Have they carried out war crimes against America? Yep, they have. Why are they our greatest ally? Why can’t I ask that question without being an anti semitic jew hater? Well, somehow Hitler was protected on America. We’re Hitler now. Our government is Hitler. No, no, no. After World War Two, the ADL now has taught us America’s Hitler. We must do what the ADL says or we are Hitler. I don’t necessarily disagree with that point. Explain that to me. Our government is just as murderous. How many millions of. No, but I’m saying the ADL says Christians and white people are Hitler.

Do what they say or we’ll call you Hitler. Yeah, we’re flying. I don’t like what the ADL does. I can’t stand them. I’m just saying the ADL is like a leftist globalist brainwashing operation. I don’t then, like, if a black guy mugs me today, I don’t then see black people and think, oh, they’re. They’re gonna mug me. Or if a white guy mugs me, I don’t think a white guy. White people did it. But objectively, you have to sit back and look at the percentage of violent crime that’s committed by young black males, and then you have to be able to honestly talk about it.

Sure, but what I’m saying is I’m happy to criticize any government and any power structure or mafia, but, you know, the Italians, you know, had a lot of mafia in this country. We don’t blame people in italian last name because there was a big italian mafia. That’s where I’m going with this. Again. I’m not naming the jew as being the bad guy. I am merely pointing out that at every level of our bureaucracy, that we swear an allegiance to this nation state. That we send hundreds of billions of dollars without question. That we bomb people on behalf of this country that will protect their borders and not protect ours.

That our media is 100% funded by these people. Our media, our criminal media, forced people to die and is still forcing people to die every day. Our media is normalizing. Oh, yeah. But then again, and then the big universities agree with you 90%. The presidents won’t even. Won’t even. So how do you get. Did you know those presidents are putting there to say what they’re told? Counternarratives, counter narratives? Of course. What is Fox and CNN? Same ownership. So you’re saying the Israel lobby is using leftist idiots to make any anti Israel thing look discredited? Of course.

That’s a legitimate point. What is, Alexandra? I’m asking you the questions to answer them, Alexandria. I’m not answering, like, say you’re wrong. I mean, I think we should be able to discuss this because we’re all been called Hitler. We’re pro free speech. Elon Musk has been called Hitler. He’s certainly not anti israelite. So I think it’s important to have, I mean, if you can have MSNBC say white people are inherently evil because the right color, their skin, they’ve opened the door to all this discussion. And now I see a lot of the pro Israel lobbies not liking this.

They’re like, wait, wait, wait. We were teaching white people inherently bad. Don’t say we’re bad. They had the ADL said, listen, we’re just saying white people are bad. But now you put jews the bottom of the barrel, the worst. The white people. No, no, white people are bad. We’re good. That’s a very racist, evil person. How do we mobilize the american people? You know, how do we stop them from killing us? How do we stop them from having unfettered, unquestioned sexual access to our children? How do we stop them from forcing injections into our children and into us? Why do we.

Why do we. Are you saying that’s Jews doing that? No, I’m saying how does the american people. What I’m saying is Israel got some of the most poison shots. They have some of the highest death toll. So if the Jews are the magic, you know, pup, the magic dragon, why were they hit with shots as bad as any country? Probably because those are practicing Jews. The people of Israel, the practicing Jews got that poison from the satanic, fake, non practicing khazars that call themselves Jews to prevent you from being able to criticize them or their government to allow them to continue to resist.

You’re saying it was a lethal injection? We know here it was directed at conservatives. You seen the numbers? Yeah, I’ve seen the numbers. They sent hot lots into the most conservative areas. Yeah, we did a big thing on that. We could. You could go fight. How bad is my shot? Or whatever it you can go look and see if you got the serum, if you got the. All right, well, I didn’t censor you. I thought we’d talk about the election, and I want to. And all this. And we just spent 50 minutes on juice so we can do 4 hours like Kanye west.

No, it’s so magic to say. It’s like, this is, this is, this is why I wanted to start talking about elections. Are we going to vote our way out of this? How do you mobilize the american people? Are we really going to pretend that the 2020. Yeah. Well, I mean, what do you think of Trump’s indictments? What do you think of the open borders? What do you think of the Ukraine war? What do you think of Zelensky? Saying, stop crying. Americans. No roads for you. Give me all your money. He actually said that? Yeah. You see that clip? And who is.

You don’t get roads. Give me all your money. Speaker one, who is Zelensky? Who put him there? We did. The totally compromised guy that plays pianos with his wing. Wing he just bought yesterday, by the way, a $22 million mansion in Florida. Yep. This is where our money is going. And then the media gins up the hype. Oh, Toby Keith, let’s write a song. We’ll put a boot in your ass. It’s the american way. Don’t screw with us or we’ll bomb you and turn you into glass. This is what we’re doing. And then they bring the Muslims in, who then are pissed and attackers.

And then the TSA grabs our children’s generals. Miles are dialectic. Yes. We got to go to break in two minutes. I get. You know what I want to talk about. You know, listen. Mobilizing Americans. We have to take our gut. We’re in the middle of world war three. Welcome to joining the fight against the new rule. Yeah, pick up. Yeah, absolutely, yes. Real Jews or fake khazars that want to kill us? Yeah. Practicing Jews, of course. I thought we were done on the Jews. No, we’re not going to stop now. But I will tell you this.

I’m going to do a 48 hours marathon. We should. If you want to know the truth, military interventions are killing innocent people across the planet. The only intervention that I believe that we should support right now is when the american people rise up and intervene against this government. Our government. Well, you’re not for offensive violence, though. The answer to 1984 is likely 1776. And then you want to list a military. The thing is, it’s an information war, though. So when I say war, I mean the war of ideas. I think they want violence. I think that’s the worst possible thing they do.

Okay. Because they want a justification to be able to kill us in the street. Without question. All right, Stu Peters is our guest. He wanted to come to town. I’m interviewing him for his show, and I’m having Kanye west flashbacks. I’m not saying your baby Hitler, but take Joe Rogan. He’s gotten a lot better. He’s waking up. He’s not controlled by anybody. I know Joe. He’s in a process. He’s getting better. I think we all do. Every day we try to get better at what we do. Every day we try to dig for more information and kill Trump.

Because I don’t know what else they can do. Now they’re really screwed. The pooch on this. They will absolutely kill Trump. Yeah. And now we’re hearing that Jack Smith is coming with more indictments that Donald Trump actually orchestrated and tried to carry out, you know, an insurrection against the us government. This is a crime that’s punishable by death. So, I mean, they could kill him illegitimately, they could poison him, they could assassinate him, or they could kill him, you know, under the fake law. This. This is really dangerous. The times that we’re in are very dangerous when.

When our DOJ, Trump’s daughter, has jewish children and is super pro Israel, but Trump’s good and they want to kill him. Come on. It’s much what I’m saying. It’s more sophisticated. Speaker one, I didn’t say Trump was good. I don’t know what’s going on with Trump. I know that the Trump of 2015 is not the Trump that we’re seeing right now. So you don’t support Trump? I don’t think Trump is a solution. I don’t think any one man. Well, I don’t think we should put all our faith in Trump. I agree with that. But I think Trump’s good.

He wants prosperity. He’s trying to. I mean, he wants a merited economy. He wants a border. And that’s a great place to start. If we had a border, that was a real border, we have a non existent border. No, I hear you saying there’s a lot of diversity out there in the ideas. What are you going to interview me about? I just want to have real conversation about mobilizing the american people. We’ve got to start moving the ball towards solutions. Yeah. Well, what about your statement? Because I think violence is not the answer. You agree with that, right? You know, I don’t like unnecessary violence.

I don’t think that anybody should be attacked for their ideologies. I don’t think that anybody should be attacked for their faith, for their religion. I don’t think anybody should be attacked for their race or their ethnicity. But I don’t believe that there’s a political solution to the problems that we’re facing. And the last thing that I want to do is leave the mess that we have now, a country that’s deteriorating. So what are the, what are the military targets to my children? I don’t want to leave this fight to them. Well, you think violence might be an answer? Well, who, what do.

I don’t think that it’s the answer, but I think that it may be inevitable. I don’t I don’t. I don’t. If it’s inevitable, then we should be talking about targets. I don’t support violence. I don’t support that. I’m not calling for anybody to go and act violently. But what I am saying is that. Cause you’re ready to party, you’re at 03:00 a.m. right now, the constitution tells us what to do with a government that is oppressive to our God given, constitutional, inherent, inalienable rights, and that is to remove or abolish that form of government and to replace it with a government that’s representative of the people.

And I think that we would be derelict in our duties if we didn’t start talking about what that looks like, because that’s what we have. We have. Well, they’re trying to start a physical war they may trigger with false flags. Then we’re in it. So, yeah, we gotta have a discussion about that. Maybe we’ll talk about that on your show. I guess it’ll air sometime next week. Yeah. Yep. All right. eelstupeters on Twitter. Yeah. You like Elon Musk? I agree with what he’s doing lately, and I’m glad that he reinstated you. Welcome back to Twitter.

Yeah, I mean, you can’t disagree with that. All right. Are you shooting up to advertisers and telling them to f off? That’s great. Fuck yourself. Yeah. All right. Stu Peters. There’s a whole bunch of stories that have to be dug into, rethought, reconsidered, and in some cases, completely discarded. As modern Americans, we’ve been spoon fed this dumbed down, cartoonish, simplified version of history. It’s all fake. It’s all bull. Everything that we have been taught is part of a self serving narrative written by the people who will say and do anything to keep us on a leash.

Now, this version of history, some big name corrupt families like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and their many associates are credited over and over and over again with propelling human development. Throughout the late 18 and early 19, hundreds, almost every major american city, was burnt to the ground. What if we really are quite literally living atop the ashes of an advanced civilization that’s been hidden from us for our entire lives? Kamala Harris, the liberal California professional politician and liar, the farthest left candidate that we have ever seen, could become the next president of the United States of America.

I mean, that should shake you to the core. Just think about it. She has supported open borders. Not only that, she’s completely failed us intentionally. As the current border czar. She even helped to raise money to get criminals out of jail during the summer of love. Worked in concert with Tim Walls right here in Minneapolis to do it. I mean, this could be a disaster, not only for our safety, but for the economy at large. I mean, have you seen her new tax plan? That could be the nail in the coffin for this country. And that’s why you should stop what you’re doing right now and reach out to the top rated precious metals company, gold company Goldco has over 6005 star reviews.

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