Steve Bannon Jeffrey Epstein Guo Israel Trump | The David Knight Show

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➡ The David Knight Show talks about Steve Bannon, a former advisor to Trump, who reportedly recorded over 15 hours of footage with Jeffrey Epstein, a notorious sex trafficker. The footage was supposedly for a documentary, but it was never released. Some believe Bannon was trying to help Epstein improve his public image as allegations of sex trafficking grew louder. The footage, which remains unseen, was recorded before Epstein’s arrest in 2019.
➡ The text discusses Steve Bannon’s association with Jeffrey Epstein and his alleged plans to create a documentary about Epstein’s connections with global elites. It also mentions Bannon’s influence on the MAGA group and his alleged involvement in fraudulent activities. The text further discusses the conviction of Guo, a Chinese businessman associated with Bannon, for a billion-dollar fraud involving cryptocurrency schemes. The text suggests that Bannon has a history of associating with controversial figures and participating in questionable activities.
➡ The text discusses how figures like Trump and Bannon are connected to controversial individuals and actions. It mentions Bannon’s pre-2020 election strategy of claiming victory regardless of the actual outcome. The text also talks about a man named Guo, who allegedly scammed his followers to fund a luxurious lifestyle. Lastly, it emphasizes the danger of false news to democracy and encourages support for independent news sources.


Jeffrey Epstein. CIA Mossad Steve Bannon reportedly recorded hours of video footage with Jeffrey Epstein. Multiple articles have come out about this now, today, last 24 hours. And he gave notorious sex trafficker pr advice. That’s the headline from the New York Post. And it’s kind of interesting because just like Epstein’s other long term friend, Trump, Bannon had close ties to him. It is kind of interesting, isn’t it? All the people that are surrounding Jeffrey Epstein. Again, Alex Azar was a prosecutor, got him a sweetheart deal, made sure that he had a jail sentence. It was kind of like Otis, the town drunk from Mayberry, where he kind of let himself in to sleep at night and then he was free to go around during the day, do whatever he wanted to do during the day, and then not Alex Azar.

Alex Acosta, I get them mixed up in his. Alex Azar was the big pharma guy that Trump put in after he got millions of dollars from the pharmaceutical industry using RFK junior. And then he had Alex Acosta, who had been the prosecutor for Jeffrey Epstein. He put him in the Department of Labor. Ken Starr, who had basically given a pass to all the crimes, sexual and financial, of Bill Clinton. Alan Dershowitz, big ally of Trump. And so you got all these people surrounding Trump and Jeffrey Epstein. A long term, very close friendship between Trump and Jeffrey Epstein.

A couple of party animals together who had a falling out over who was going to buy a very expensive house in West Palm beach. But it turns out that Steve Bannon got involved in an effort to try to rebuild the image of Jeffrey Epstein. Bannon, former advisor to Trump, apparently recorded over 15 hours of footage of an interview with Jeffrey Epstein. The footage that Bannon claimed was for a documentary that he would call monsters Epstein’s life among the global elite that was to be released under Bannon’s victory films. However, that movie never came to fruition, and those who reportedly knew about the footage found the claim to be dubious.

Another explanation given was that Bannon was helping Epstein improve his public image, and that explanation was given by Epstein’s brother to help him improve his public image as allegations of sex trafficking became louder and louder. The interview video was recorded in the months leading up to Epstein’s arrest in July 2019. And so it looks like this is an effort to try to get him back in the good graces of the public. And yet, because he had all these PR issues and everything, uh, wouldn’t it have made sense, as people did see him as a monster, wouldn’t it have made sense for Bannon to jump in on that, if that was what it was.

So we have two different narratives. One of them was that he was documenting what a monster this sex trafficker and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was. Seems like if that was your angle, that would have been the perfect time to release that movie. But if you were trying to do footage to help him to figure out how he’s going to manage the PR disaster, seems like you probably wouldn’t release that footage. The footage remains under wraps. It’s not resurfaced anywhere, not surfaced anywhere. Not in the criminal trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, who was convicted of assisting Epstein’s sex trafficking, not in numerous civil lawsuits from his victims.

According to the article, Bannon became friendly with Epstein in 2017 after Bannon stopped working at the White House. When the. For Trump, when the walls started closing out on Epstein’s seedy sex trafficking activities, Bannon reportedly came to the rescue. Epstein’s brother, Mark Epstein, described the nature of their relationship. Mark Epstein, Jeffrey Epstein’s brother, said Bannon was trying to help his brother, quote, rehabilitate his reputation, unquote, after the Miami Herald in 2018 published a series of articles. Think about that. Got Ken sar trying to help him stay out of jail. Holland Dershowitz trying to help him stay out of jail.

Steve Bannon trying to help him fix his image. All these people in and around the inner circle of Trump after the Miami Herald, and of course, the prosecutor trying to help him stay out of jail most of the day. Then he becomes an appointment for Trump after the Miami Herald in 2018 published a series of articles which ultimately led to an indictment by federal prosecutors in Manhattan about his sexual abuse of girls in Palm beach. That was when Bannon came in to, quote, rehabilitate his reputation, unquote, according to Mark Epstein, brother of Jeffrey. Mark Epstein told Business Insider that his brother had sent him footage of some of the interviews that Bannon did with him.

In that interview, Mark Epstein told Business Insider last year, quote, Jeffrey said that he stopped hanging out with Trump when he realized Trump was a crook. Yeah, okay. Well, again, I think it was over there, the Palm beach mansion that they fought about. And it was kind of interesting in the aftermath of that fight over the mansion that some anonymous call came in talking about Jeffrey Epstein and that kind of kicked it off. The Miami Herald also reported that Epstein lost his Mar a Lago membership. They said it was because he had harassed another member’s daughter.

And yet, I don’t have it in the deck today. But the picture that I showed you the other week of Epstein and Trump sitting on a couch with a couple of young girls flanking them, very, very young girls having a good time. He told me that he had like 16 hours of videotaping with Jeffrey in his vault, said Mark Epstein, talking about Bannon. He asked Bannon about the footage after his brother’s death. He said Bannon wouldn’t tell him anything other than he had about 16 hours of videotaping. He also told any, and he told me that it was protected because it was witness preparation and it was protected under attorney client privilege.

He said, the thing is, Bannon’s not an attorney. Yeah. You know, Bannon said just before he went to jail, he, they said, you know, why’d you do this? He said, well, it was under advice of my attorney. I got bad advice from the attorney. So Bannon is not an attorney. He doesn’t really understand, I guess, even that he could take the fifth if he had actually gone to the January 6 commission. No, he wanted to make a big display of that. And the thing that I find kind of interesting about this is that when you look at the way he attached himself to Jeffrey Epstein, how many people do you know or know of who have constantly ingratiated themselves with some of the most corrupt billionaires out there? And I’m talking about Guo, his BFF, this chinese guy, this guy who was one of the wealthiest people in China because he was in the chinese communist party until there was a political move that pushed him out and started to come after him.

So then he supposedly came to America to oppose the chinese government. He’s just been convicted of fraud as well. We’ll talk about that in a moment. But Steve Bannon, who used to work for Goldman Sachs and then worked for, attached himself to Trump during the campaign. After he leaves the White House, he attaches himself to Jeffrey Epstein. Then he leaves Jeffrey Epstein, he goes to Guo, who has just been convicted of fraudhouse. Bannon himself convicted of fraud along with three other people for the we build the wall thing. And he will still be facing charges for that.

He was found guilty with federal charges, and Trump pardoned him for that. But New York is coming after him for defrauding people who are citizens of New York. And of course, there’s nothing that Trump can do to protect him from that because those are state charges. So it is kind of interesting to see all of this stuff. We talk about insider trading as we began the program. This is the ultimate insider trade, isn’t it? Attaching yourself to a lot of corrupt billionaires. One of them after the other Mark Epstein said he inquired about the footage, like I said, and was told he had 16 hours, but it wasn’t going to be released.

It was protected with attorney client privilege, but he’s not an attorney. And a post on Twitter after the story was published, they also brought up a past comment by Megyn Kelly, who said on her podcast in January, we’re not done with Jeffrey Epstein. I can tell you that for a fact. I can’t tell you how I know, but I can tell you for a fact that we’re going to hear a lot more about Jeffrey Epstein in the coming year. And you may even be hearing from him directly more on that than I’m allowed to tell you.

Of course, that was back then, before his reported death, referred to the comment as weird and said he wondered out loud if she was referring to Bannon’s recordings. Earlier this year, Megyn Kelly said, we may soon hear directly from Jeffrey Epstein. So that’s after his death that she is saying that, meaning perhaps the recordings. But of course she is some another one of these people who will say anything for audience. Just absolutely amazing to see what she has, how she’s transformed herself for the MAGA group. The transformed herself politically. Talk about a shape shifting chameleon. Talk about somebody who has deliberately adopted a potty mouth to make herself sound to build up her street creds.

I mean, it’s just, it is disgusting. Alexandra Priyad, a spokesperson for Bannon, told Business Insider back in December of 2021 that the documentary about Epstein will be screened probably around Labor Day. That would be coming up just a few months after that. So eight or nine months. The date came and went, and she has not responded to follow up queries for two years since, including a request for comment that was sent on Tuesday. Bannon first publicly claimed the footage was for a documentary in September 2021, more than two years after Epstein’s death. He told the Daily Mail in a statement at the time that the footage was part of a, quote, planned 50 hours of open ended, no holes barred interviews with Epstein for an eight to ten hour expose on his deep relationships with the global elites in finance, science, education, medicine, politics and culture.

Are you starting to see, I hope a picture is starting to emerge of who Bannon really is for you, because it’s very important. He’s become a very, very big influencer of the MAGA people, and he is somebody who will weave tales and attach himself to some of the richest and most fraudulent people around. And of course he will push these kinds of fraudulent narratives on other people to make money, just like Guo has been convicted, just like he was convicted of with we build the wall and the other people with him. But so he says that he was going to do an eight to ten hour expose on Jeffrey Epstein.

He’s just making this stuff up, folks. He’s just like Alex. He’s just making this stuff up. His brother says it was about PR. His brother said it was to help him to figure out how he’s going to reinvent himself. I think Bannon is reinventing himself as well. Mark Epstein said his brother told him that Bannon recorded the video to help prepare him for testimony. At the time, he was facing civil lawsuits from accusers that could have led to depositions, he said. I have also tried to reach Bannon about it a couple of times since our meeting, and I get no response, he said in an email this week.

Bannon’s time in Epstein’s orbit was recounted in his book too famous. Not his book, but it was a book by Michael Wolf in October 2021. It heavily relied on Bannon as a source for his books about Trump’s White House. In a section titled Monster, Wolff wrote that Bannon sought to change the public perception of Epstein. Like I said, if he was going to do a documentary to show what a monster Epstein, the sex trafficker and pedophile, was an intelligence agent, if he was going to show what a monster Epstein was, that would have been the perfect time for him to do it.

But if he was there as a pr to try to recover his image, I think the project was abandoned because it was kind of obvious that there wasn’t much that he could do at that point in time. Bannon believed Epstein needed a public facing communications strategy in response to Julie K. Brown’s perversion of justice series. In the Miami Herald, Brown reported Alexander Acosta, who as a us attorney in Florida in the two thousands, oversaw the criminal investigation into Epstein and arranged the light plea deal, even though law enforcement agents were aware that Epstein had abused dozens of girls underage.

Acosta resigned from his position as labor secretary in the Trump administration following the publication of the series. In the Miami Herald, Wolf’s book says that in a March 2019 conference call, Bannon, Epstein and former israeli prime minister Ehud Barak and Epstein’s defense attorney Reid Weingarten discussed whether Epstein should be given a primetime tv interview. Now, of course, we start looking at the israeli prime minister, and you understand that Robert Maxwell, the father of Ghislaine, was heavily involved with the Mossad. He was honored by the Mossad and so forth. That is a big part of it. This is all a honey trap to set people up with blackmailable offenses, amongst other things.

I’m sure that in this darkness, they took personal delight in this stuff as well. Reid Weingarten discussed whether Epstein should give a primetime tv interview. They flowed. The idea of going on CBS’s 60 Minutes or of interview with Rachel Maddow or Gayle King, said Wolf. At one point, Wolf wrote, Epstein made the gesture of the noose above his head to express his distaste at the idea of being interviewed by Gayle King. According to the book, Bannon said that recording videos would help Epstein prepare for an interview that would convince the world that he’s, quote, not a monster.

He’s got to sit there, he says, and watch the tape all the time. That’s how you learn. So in other words, some of the reports about people who’ve seen some of the clips that, you know, Bannon asked him real pointed, directly harsh questions. And the purpose of that, apparently, was to show him how, you know, to do that, get his reaction, prepare him so that Epstein could see how he had reacted when he was hit with a very harsh question. This is the way they prepare for debates as well, the way they prepare political candidates, and that’s what he is very good at.

This is like preparing for a deposition or political debate, except it’s for the court of public opinion. Wolf’s book includes long excerpts of conversations between Epstein and Bannon, as well as descriptions of Epstein’s activities during the time he was close with Bannon. But the book by Wolf does not disclose whether Wolff viewed Bannon’s footage. Bannon said he also believed that Epstein was an intelligence asset, though it doesn’t describe any evidence that he offered to support the claim. Yeah, no proof of that, right? Yeah. Robert Maxwell’s connections with the israeli government. No proof of that. Bannon, who was the chairman of Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, believed that Epstein knew, quote, dangerous secrets about Trump, unquote, said Wolf.

Now listen to this. Quote. According to Wolf’s book, Bannon told Epstein, you were the only person I was afraid of during the campaign because, remember, for many years, Trump and Epstein were very, very close. Trump was not doing research for a book. Trump was not filming a movie. Trump was not trying to get intelligence to blackmail. I think Trump was there as a party person on Rumble Audi. Modern retro radio says Ghislaine Maxwell’s father was a frequent visitor to Mother Teresa’s orphanages. Mother Teresa was not the saint that she’s purported to be. Well, yeah, that’s something that I don’t know about.

But we do know what is happening with these, with these issues. And when we look at the way Bannon has attached himself again to pedophiles, crooks, criminals, spies, the chinese communist party connected guy, Guo, again, he has just been convicted of massive fraud. He’s found guilty. The amount involved is a billion dollars. Guo lavished the cash that he milked people of on a $37 million yacht. By the way, that was the yacht of that they arrested Bannon on when they arrested him for this, we bill the wall fraud. He also had a mansion. He had Lamborghini.

He had a custom bugatti. Guo, whose criticism of the chinese party won him legions of online followers and powerful friends in the american conservative movement. See, this is the thing. These guys have, have fleeced conservatives, these crooks, these criminals. That’s what Bannon has specialized in. So he was convicted by a us jury Tuesday of engaging in massive multi year fraud that ripped off some of his most devoted fans. Once believed to be among the richest people in China, Guo swindled the cash by guaranteeing investors on social media that they would not lose money if they joined him in a series of cryptocurrency schemes from 2018 to 2023.

He promised them that some of the cash would go towards challenging China’s government. But in fact, the one time real estate mogul spent the money on luxury goods, including a 50,000 square foot New Jersey mansion, 50,000 red Lamborghini and a $37 million yacht, said prosecutors. A massive yacht. He also splurged on a $1.1 million tortoise shell jewelry box and some candlesticks, a million dollar chandelier. Remember this? 136 thousand dollars mattresses. Boy, those must be really special. It’s like those $100,000 Rolex watches. They must tell really good time. These must be really comfortable mattresses. Maybe they talk and, you know, vibrate you around and all this other kind of stuff.

And maybe you don’t even have to put a coin in there for that kind of vibrating mattress. A $40,000 coffee table, a $250,000 persian rug. Guo is also known as Miles quok. He was convicted on Tuesday on nine of the twelve criminal counts that he faced, including racketeering, conspiracy, wire fraud, and a trial that lasted seven weeks. So again, you know, when you stop and think about this, how many people do you know that are billion dollar conmen and monsters? How many people do you know that are pedophiles well, Trump knows quite a few. How many people do you know that are pedophiles and con men? Well, Bannon knows quite a few.

And I would just say, how many people do you know of that are like that? Not just that, you know, personally, you know, how many people do. How many CIA agents, do you know how many CIA agents are there in your family? Oh, you know, when you look at people like Bannon, people like Alex Jones, they got CIA people all over the place. All over the place. And Alex’s family, he talks about it publicly. And Bannon, when he has one of the interesting things about Bannon, which was covered in left wing anti Trump media, but it’s not been covered in conservative media for some reason, I guess, you know, because it kind of burst the MAGA bubble if they did.

But just before the election, he was telling chinese investors, followers, people that were being fleeced by this guo character. Bannon was holding court and telling them how they were going to play the election, saying, well, you know, it’s going to be, it’s going to look like Trump has won. We’re going to claim that he won one way or the other. This is what he told people just a couple of weeks before the 2020 election. And what Trump’s going to do is declare victory. Right? He’s gonna declare a victory, but that doesn’t mean he’s the winner. He’s just gonna say he’s the winner.

More of our people vote early that count, theirs voted mail. And so they’re gonna have a natural disadvantage, and Trump’s gonna take advantage of it. That’s our strategy. He’s gonna clear himself a winner. So when you wake up Wednesday morning, it’s gonna be a firestorm. You’re gonna have antifa crazy, the media crazy, the courts are crazy, and Trump’s gonna be sitting there mocking, tweeting shit out. You lose. I’m the winner. I’m the king. And he’ll be all over. He’ll be going, where’s Hunter? Is Hunter on a crack? Yeah. Again, I was wrong. That was October 31, even closer to the election.

And that’s what he was talking to Guo’s followers. It was a group of chinese people. So we got this under control. Oh, don’t worry. Keep giving some money to Guo. Trump’s got this under control. He’s going to just say, hey, yeah, get out of here, we won, type of thing. Yeah, it was planned. Thousands of Guo’s online followers were victimized so that Guo could live a life of excess. And this kind of rolls out to the same people who were working with them. Mister Guo didn’t care about the money set a defense attorney. He just cared about the movement.

It was all altruism, you know, the $36,000 mattress, the luxury cars. That was altruism. That wasn’t a scam at all. This is the genuine thing. Sky’s sacrificing himself. But the prosecutor said, and at least one of the reasons that he loved it was because it was his personal piggy bank, where he’s able to also get things like a Lamborghini ventador. He also got a custom built Bugatti Veyron. I mean, it’s not enough to get one of the most expensive cars out there, Bugatti Veron. But his was custom built, worth $4.4 million. It’s now been seized by authorities.

False news has become all too common on social media. Exactly what people think. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. Break free from the usual script with a David Knight show, a fresh perspective, bringing you genuine insights on current events. But if the show is going to stay on the air, we’ll need your continued support, sharing the show, subscribing, and even just hitting the like button.

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Bannon Epstein public image improvement Bannon MAGA group influence Bannon pre-2020 election strategy Guo billion-dollar cryptocurrency fraud Steve Bannon controversial associations Steve Bannon Epstein documentary Steve Bannon Epstein global elite connections Steve Bannon Epstein pre-arrest footage Steve Bannon fraudulent activities Steve Bannon Guo association Steve Bannon Jeffrey Epstein footage Trump Bannon controversial connections

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