Squatters Evict Homeowner – Homeowners Are Losing Control

Posted in: I Allegedly, News, Patriots



➡ Daniel, a homeowner in Kentucky, allowed his friend Amy and her boyfriend Tyler to stay in his garage after their car broke down. However, Amy and Tyler claimed squatter’s rights and refused to leave, even after Daniel posted a 30-day eviction notice. This situation led to Daniel becoming homeless, highlighting the growing issue of squatters taking advantage of homeowners. The article also mentions a service called Delete Me, which helps protect personal information online, and discusses the current state of the housing market, noting a drop in housing prices and stricter requirements for mortgage approval.
➡ The speaker discusses rising unemployment rates, the impact of COVID-19 on restaurants, and the struggles of the food industry. They mention the increase in food prices, making it difficult for people to afford meals. They also touch on the issue of companies like Boeing laying off employees and the global economic problems. Lastly, they encourage support for hunger awareness and express concern over the future of social security.


Hey, welcome back. I’ve got a good one for you today. This is I, Allegedly. I’m Dan, and how about this one? Squatter Avics the Homer. Crazy. Please don’t forget to the like button. Please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel. Today we have a sponsor, Delete Me, and I will talk about them in a bit. But first things first, Daniel Tomah is a homeowner in Kentucky, and he had a friend Amy that came over to his house over the summer, beginning of the summer, and she brought her boyfriend Tyler with her.

They stayed at his house, Daniel’s house, and their car broke down. Hey, we can’t go. Well, you know what? Why don’t you guys fix the car in the garage and just stay in the garage until you get the car fixed? Oh, that sounds great. Thanks, Daniel. So Amy and Tyler really don’t try to work on the car very much, and in fact they went out and they got spectrum cable, got a cable box installed in the garage, moved a mattress in, and before you know it, they said, hey, we have squatters rights.

And they’re like, what are you talking about? Now, Daniel has a roommate who is in fact paying rent, who has an agreement, who got upset over the whole situation, says, hey, you’re taking advantage of my friend and landlord here. You guys need to pay up or get out. And guy comes back and says, they almost got into a fight, the roommate and Tyler, so they went and they said, hey, you need to file paperwork to get us subjected. Is this insane, guys, or what? So they called the cops on the roommate, and the roommate hauled off Daniel, hauled off the homeowner, and said, you can’t live here during this time.

So the only way to get rid of these squatters, guys, is with the judicial process, going to court. Daniel posted a 30-day notice of eviction, pay up or get out, nah, who cares. You know, while we wait for this hearing, you’ve got to leave. Now, the homeowner is homeless now because of this. So you get these degenerates that go in and move in on people’s houses. And here’s the thing, so many articles about self-addiction, you doing it yourself, you know, hey, I know Large Lewis, I’ve got Big Ed, I’ve got people like that, that’s not the way to do it.

And what’s going to happen as the economy gets worse, because I’m going to see this happen more and more and more right now. It just is. Nobody intends, hey, we’re homeless. You know, nobody intends on this, but then they also take advantage of the situation. Now, Tyler and Amy, the squatters, no lease, they haven’t paid nothing. They have nothing that they have given this person to say that they have a rental agreement. But in Kentucky, they’re living there, buddy. Now, I am telling you guys, shut off utilities, do things like that, all the stuff I would do, okay, hey, you know, you get a spectrum cable box.

Well, Daniel has spectrum, so they just added another box. I’d contact spectrum, I’d say, what are you doing? What are you allowing these guys to siphon off my box? Now, here’s the thing, when you go, you’ve all experienced this, hey, we’re sensing that there’s three cable boxes in your house and not two, you’re going to have to pay another $29 a month. Now, why is this not happening to this poor guy? Something’s got to be done. They’re still in the house right now. It’s been months now, so this poor person.

Now, where this is going is that I have had six people write me over, let’s just say, summer, since July, that have written me to say, hey, I’ve got, you know, my aunt has her son, my cousin, the degenerate, who won’t leave the house, and he’s an adult, and we don’t know what to do, do you have any suggestions? And the problem with it is when you get some unmotivated loser that doesn’t have a job, that’s the problem, you need to make it uncomfortable. Now, if a family member won’t step in, and you know, one woman wrote me this very detailed story, and I said, you got to have a family member do it, how about his dad, how about this person, hey, they don’t like confrontation, which is what this guy is taking advantage of, the fact that people don’t like confrontation.

You have to stand up for these people, because so many people are getting taken advantage of right now, but this is the sign of the times, guys. This is going to get worse right now. Things are not going to get better, things are getting worse right now with this economy. You can lower interest rates to the floor, they can pull any political stunt they want. You know, Jerome Powell brought up a great thing about how, hey, we should have done this in July. Yeah, you should have. Well, the economy was booming. Remember, everything’s great, everything’s good, but people have no job, people have no means of feeding themselves.

But when you have these entitled kids that are 40, living at your house, it is the problem. And you know, every family member has got the loser in their family. They just do, it just happens. You get this cousin, stepbrother, whatever, they’re just, you know, they’re just sponges off the system. You have to shut it off immediately, immediately. You know, now Daniel, trying to let his friend Amy, yeah, sure, come over, it’d be good to see you. The best of intentions, guys. I’m not saying don’t do this, but the idea with it was, they got completely taken advantage of.

I’m in Seal Beach, California, by the way. So the best of intentions, guys, and look what happens. This guy gets shut down and gets kicked out of his own house. We all have to work on this and trying to make sure that this doesn’t happen to you because it’s getting worse, guys, and it’s gonna get worse before it gets better. Let’s talk about our sponsor, Delete Me. The biggest enemy online right now are the data brokers that get our information and sell this to the highest bidder, everywhere they can. Delete Me is a great company that, when you sign up for it, you can save 20% by using the link below, they will eliminate your personal information from the internet and stop these data brokers right in their tracks.

I have used this service now for about six months. It’s been fantastic. Think about this. Things that can get eliminated by Delete Me, your name, your address, your phone number, your email, your profession, where you live, your address, and what your house is worth. You know, we don’t want this information to get out and Delete Me has a program that will completely eliminate it. Seven days after you sign up, they will give you a report that will show you the status of what they’re working on. And I’m telling you, it’s been absolutely fantastic.

Sign up today. Save 20% off the regular price. Use the iAllegedly link below and save 20%. But again, we need to protect ourselves and make sure that our data is safe. The best thing to do is hire Delete Me. I absolutely love it. Check it out today. Now, one thing that you’re seeing, even with the interest rates cuts, is that over the summer, there was a huge drop off in the number of houses sold. Housing prices over the summer, which is a good time to buy, right? Oh no, it’s not. It’s not home buying season.

Dropped off almost 4%. 3.96%. So this is bad. And what you’re seeing is that you’re seeing more and more housing areas that are going to drop in value. And Dave sent me a great story about three areas of the country. You haven’t seen anything yet, guys. Now, this is a nice resort town. It’s one step below Newport Beach in the sense that you could buy a house for a lot cheaper here. But it’s quaint. It’s simple. It’s not the same thing. You don’t have the high-end restaurants, the high-end hotels, and things like that down here.

The next city over is Long Beach, which is L.A. County. So this is the closest beach city to Los Angeles. And, you know, it’s nice. It really is. But you’re not going to see these three million dollar houses drop to a million. It’s just not going to happen. The whole thing with the interest rates that I get a kick out of. I’ve had two mortgage brokers reach out to me. I want to remind people, Dan, that interest rates for mortgages have not dropped to 4%. This is just a misnomer. You’ve got things that drop half a percent, but basically you’ve got five and a half, six percent mortgages right now.

And again, guys, double what it was three years ago. And, you know, you need to have great credit. The requirements for underwriting, your job, down payment, your credit, everything has to be solid gold right now. Well, I thought I was just going to be able to get into that million and a half dollar house. No, more difficult than ever, guys. Remember that. So go buy your house and, you know, you haven’t seen anything yet, guys, when it comes to this stuff. So a few things, you know, there’s going to be an increase in our unemployment.

Again, I believe none of these numbers. I don’t believe that we’re at 4%. But Chairman Powell yesterday, when he had his little Powell, was talking about how, listen, unemployment’s going to go up because of the migrant situation. You’re going to have more people out of work. You are going to have more people out of work. And look at Boris Head. Look at the mistake Boris Head did by cutting corners. And by cutting corners, people got sick and people died from Boris Head. So again, I, for one, I will never eat that stuff again.

Never, never, ever, ever. Imagine walking into a restaurant, you get a sandwich, and who supplies your meat? Huh? I don’t know. Well, you got to find out before I eat here. Give me the coffee. I’ll have that. What? You’re serious. Yeah, I am. Now, my late girlfriend used to be, you know, crazy about organic food, you know, which was her right to do it. But I’m not going to eat that crap right now, okay, because I don’t want to worry about it. Olive Garden, we talked about them recently about how Olive Garden was doing better because they did that all-you-can-eat soup and salad.

You know, great, enjoy. Okay, you know, starts at $13.95. Oh, you want, you want meat on your salad? Okay, that’ll add five bucks. I mean, it’s just, it’s the bait to get you to other stuff. There was a restaurant called Norm’s that called Norm’s. And so it used to be open 24 hours a day. And with COVID, it got shut down shorter and shorter hours, but discount place to eat like one step above Denny’s. But when you bought a meal that gave you soup and salad, it was just a great deal.

Not anymore. Now soup and salad are each $2.99. So you got to spend $6 more to get the soup and the salad now. And who can afford that? Who can afford Chick-fil-A? A friend of mine called me last night and said, I just bought me and my kids Chick-fil-A and it was $44. What is going on with the world, Dan? And again, I’m the barometer. I guess it’s my fault. So 44 bucks to go eat at Chick-fil-A. And you know, getting crazier, guys. Nobody can afford this stuff right now. Nobody can afford it.

So with these desperate times, I’m telling you, we want to help our friends out. This is Hunger Awareness Month. I’m telling you, donate to Joseph Dreamhouse. Support them. It’s a great organization because they feed families. But I just have a real problem with, you know, the degenerates of the world that don’t want to help themselves. And Amy and Tyler, I mean, come on, take advantage of this guy. And I found it in a veteran, which makes the whole thing even worse that he’s getting taken advantage of. But here and there.

Boeing did a video on them a couple days ago. Boeing’s having massive furloughs now, laying people off left and right. Okay. Oh, company’s doing great, Dan. You don’t have to worry about Boeing. They’ve got millions of dollars from government contracts. Okay. Tell those to the people in mid-September, 2024, losing their jobs immediately. Furlough. No work, no pay. Bye. Bye. We’ll call you guys back when we can. Not here’s a severance package. Not here’s your money. Nothing. Bye. We don’t need you right now. We’re not building anything. Well, or are you guys serious? You mean this? Yeah.

Yes, we mean this. So, getting worse, guys. Getting worse. Pigeons are well fed out here. So, best thing you guys can do is always comment on the video. Let us know what you think about this stuff, because it’s just getting crazier and crazier right now. We have a private channel called iAllegedly Live. You sign up for it at iAllegedly.tv. And if you guys go there, you’re going to see a lot more coverage of the beach-in store that is the total pro-Trump store. So, check it out today and go to iAllegedly.tv.

I always love the stuff you guys send me. A. A. Ron. Or if he likes to call himself Aaron. Aaron sent me a great story as a real estate broker about how hawkers is an Asian eatery out of the Florida area. This is the problem, guys. Nothing is surviving right now. You know, for you to own a restaurant, that’s the toughest gig in the world right now. I’m convinced of it. You buy something that can spoil. You have to have the right quantity. You’ve got to have good service. You’ve got to have fair prices and good portions.

It’s impossible right now. And hawkers, you know, Asian bistro, 15 locations down for the count. But where this comes from, or why he sent me this was from a real estate standpoint. This is a disaster for this area. There’s just 15 more locations vacant. Who’s going to fill those? Who’s going to fill those? The 99 cent store. They’re not going down. It’s too windy today. 99 cent store closed. And they’re, you know, talking about how the Dollar Tree has taken over for some of their locations with just over a hundred.

And they’re complaining about, you know, the remodels. What remodels you have to do in stores like that? Signage? Seriously. They sold 99 cent to five dollar items. And now you’re going to do the same thing. I would think it would be that. So for them talking about remodeling these stores, I think it’s ridiculous. But from a real estate standpoint, you’re going to have people that are going to, you know, correct me and tell me what the big expense is. The world’s second largest economy is China. China just raised its retirement age.

Just one fell swoop. Yeah, you were going to retire next year, Dan? When you hit 60? No, no, no, no. It’s 63 now for men to get the government pension. Women, see, they always talk about women are poorly treated in China. Women get to retire at 50. It used to be 50. Now it’s 55 for women. They’re going to make you work five years. Men have to only work three more years. But still, so many of you have written me about Social Security. So many people that I went to high school with.

As you get into your 50s, people sit there and go, hey, is this going to be around? I don’t think so. And then when you look at it, guys, what are you going to do with $1,600? $2,000? Is that really going to make your day? Is that going to change your life? Is that going to pay for your rent? You don’t have to go live at Daniel’s house and squat in Kentucky. He’s got cable, but you’ve got to go do that. You know what I mean? So it’s ridiculous, guys. Let me know what you think about this.

Globally, guys, there is a problem globally. The fact that, you know, people don’t want to get that. People don’t want to admit that. It’s nuts, guys. Absolutely nuts. [tr:trw].

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Boeing layoffs COVID-19 impact on restaurants Delete Me online privacy service eviction notice for squatters food industry struggles Future global economic problems homeless due to squatters housing market trends increase in food prices Kentucky homeowner squatter's rights mortgage approval requirements Rising unemployment rates squatters taking advantage of homeowners support for hunger awareness

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