Posted in: Dan Bongino, News, Patriots



➡ This text is about a show hosted by Dan Bongino, where he discusses highlights from the RNC and promotes products like Beam’s dream powder and Birch Gold. He also has a conversation with guests about JD Vance, praising him for his sincerity, his ability to admit when he’s wrong, and his service in the Marine Corps. They believe Vance could carry on the MAGA movement in the future.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including their views on politics, military service, and the importance of honesty. They express frustration with certain politicians and their actions, and praise others for their integrity. They also discuss the issue of border control in Arizona, expressing concern about the current situation.
➡ The speaker discusses concerns about border control, election integrity, and the economy. They believe that the current state of these issues is negatively impacting middle-class Americans and express a desire for stricter border control and improved election systems. They also mention a potential assassination attempt on a president, asking for thorough investigation into the incident. Lastly, they express their support for President Trump and his policies.
➡ The speaker emphasizes the importance of fair elections and expresses their desire for a level playing field. They also discuss their appreciation for prayers and votes from Arizona residents. The conversation then shifts to various products and services, including wellness and weight loss products. Finally, they discuss political issues, including the challenges faced by Biden and Trump, and the potential for an October surprise in the upcoming midterm elections.
➡ The speaker discusses their frustration with the current political climate, expressing concern over perceived censorship and bias. They mention the importance of influential figures, like Elon Musk, endorsing Trump and how this can inspire others to voice their support. The speaker also highlights the growing dissatisfaction among younger generations, who they believe are realizing the negative impacts of current policies on their future.
➡ The text discusses a conversation about bathroom etiquette, a podcast show, and a serious discussion about a concerning moment in American history involving President Trump. The conversation also includes skepticism about the FBI’s actions and the need for more security around President Trump. The text ends with criticism of government overspending.
➡ The speaker expresses confusion and frustration over a security incident involving a former president, questioning the effectiveness of the security measures in place. They also discuss the importance of fitness standards for security personnel, regardless of gender. The conversation then shifts to politics, praising JD Vance as a potential vice presidential pick due to his relatability and intelligence. The speaker ends by praising the fighting spirit of Americans and the former president’s embodiment of this spirit.


Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that’s not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. We had so many amazing moments at the RNC, we didn’t want you to miss any of them. So if you missed the second, we put together my production team, which did a great job here, a best of for you folks. You know, I only bring you the best guests. I don’t want to waste your time, so let’s get right to the show. You’re not going to want to miss a second of this. There are so many moments we honestly had a heart hard time segregating out which ones we would put in here and which ones we wouldn’t.

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I’m spending enough time with both of you. I think we agree on probably everything. This is news. And this one was something we went all in on. We all agree JD Vance was the best pick. Amen. Given the portfolio of people available. Don, your initial thoughts. I mean, no one’s closer to your dad than you. I mean, I know your dad had this short list. I know. You know, Bergam seems like a nice enough guy. I went to a fundraiser. He was there. He’s actually a pretty good speaker. You know, I guess Rubio has his assets, too.

Whatever. I don’t get it. The politicians, I don’t want to date these guys. I got a wife. I don’t really care. However, JD, to me, is the one guy, I’ve had a couple of conversations, but I don’t have coffee with him. And not best friends, but he came off as the most genuine and sincere. And even though you may disagree with him on some things, I don’t. But you may disagree with him on Ukraine or trade policy. He’s not fucking around. Like, he says what he means, at least he’s going to take a stand. He’s the real deal.

I mean, he listen to. I read his book. That’s how I got to know him before. You know, I read his book back in like, whatever. It was early, early teens when it came out. I go, man, this guy’s got to be in politics. I loved the story. And then he actually sort of started this thing like, never Trump or, because he didn’t have any information. But he was also the guy that didn’t just say, okay, well, I’m gonna accept Trump now and roll. He was like, I was wrong. I did not think that the brash guy from New York was gonna fight for XYZ.

I didn’t think he was gonna, like. I was wrong. I bought into the media narrative, and he became, like, a champion of the America first of the MAGA cause and just articulates it so well. So, like, we became friends, but I was, like, crushed. I was like, oh, this guy. I love it. Is it never trump? I can’t even believe it. But. But it wasn’t just he came to terms with it. Like, he was just, like, I was wrong. And from that moment on, just started fighting for all of the things that we believe in. So I was really passionate about that.

I was also passionate about having a guy that’s young, that can take that mantle of America first, not go back to Neocon bullshit where we haven’t been in a war in three minutes. Let’s make sure we spend $4 trillion and mortgage our children’s futures to hell. I don’t want it to end in four years after my father’s done right. I want that to be conservatism going forward, not a reversion back to the stuff that has failed us and that doesn’t represent the people across the country, but it plays great in the swamp. It’s a big deal.

Your dad started a movement. It’s not about him anymore. It is now. He is obviously the guy who’s the, you know, the head of the MAGA movement, but your father’s not going to be around for, hopefully a long time. But he started a movement. And I, you know, I said, are these other guys the guys to take the mantle or JD Tucker, I know you were team JD. Can I just say, I was at a dinner a few years ago in my old neighborhood in DC before I left, probably five years ago, and they’re experts talking about Trump.

You know, what do you think of Trump? And I said, you know, you know, the smartest guy in that whole constellation is Don Junior. And they’re like, yeah, Don Junior’s the smartest. Oh, yeah, Don Junior. Okay. He shoots animals, right? I was like, actually, Don Junior is the smartest one. It’s true. And that I thought, your analysis is so right, I almost don’t have anything to add to that. It’s exactly right what you just said. And he. So he speaks for me on that. But can I say one thing about JD? He’s like. He’s like a normal person.

He’s like a good person. Politicians are just so hollow. You can’t overstate that. You can’t have a conversation with them. I mean, how many dinners have I had with politicians, senators, presidents, all of them, they’re all the same. They’re all the same. If you say you can predict their answers right, it’s unbelievable. But even in private, they’re false. JD Vance, I mean, I’ve had the privilege of talking to him a lot before he went for senate and this current post, he was like, tormented. Like, what effect does this have on my wife? What effect does this have on my three children? These are real questions from.

These are not fake performative questions. Like, I’m gonna spend more time with my family. It’s like, how do they feel about this? What will this do to my soul? He weighs the moral consequences of decisions. He actually does. By the way, I saw a picture of him today in his marine uniform. I’ve never seen that before. Try to get JD Vance to talk about his marine service. He’s embarrassed of it. He doesn’t parade it around like every. Doesn’t parade. He never talks about it. The best talk. You mean he doesn’t have the Pete Buttigieg photo? No, but it’s different.

You know what? And this was such a critical point. I spoke to, I’m not a veteran, so I spoke to a couple other people who are. I go, there’s a difference here, right? You know, you look at a Buttigieg, they go to Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and then they do like the oblique. Like, I want to be a politician, so I’ll go do some obligatory service. JD enlisted in the Marine Corps out of high school. Yeah, he did that first. Yes. It wasn’t the afterthought because I want to get into politics and it’d be a nice box to check.

He did it first before he knew where his life was going. I remember watching a huge deal and a big difference, and he doesn’t talk about it. Listen, it takes a set of moose nuts to go in the Marines, too. That’s not an easy boot camp. And listen, I think he’s the first king ever to be on a ticket, actually. Actual marines, obviously. Army nuts. Marines are very marines. Leather neck. And I like to see, I mean, I’m in Florida in the winter, but I remember watching one of these debates or something. And DeSantis, in the end, I thought he was on one of the SEal teams because he was talking about it with the SEAL teams and da da da da.

And I’m like, what were you, like, a freaking lawyer or something? Like, stop. It’s too fake. I can’t. And I like DeSantis, but it’s too fake and it’s also, it’s being fake about something that’s kind of important that we all revere as Americans. It makes us all cynical about military service. And JD, to his enormous credit, will never leverage that, because again, it makes everybody cynical when you lie about something important. You know what I mean? I think I’d just like you to address this, if you could. I played a clip of you on my podcast today.

You were, I don’t know what you’re talking heritage or something. You said, you know, all of the right slash wrong people hate JD Vance. And can you just go into that? Because that is so important. Like the Lindsey Grahams of the world, who was, by the way, shit talking J. D. Vance the entire day, the day before, he was trying to get your day. You heard about that? I guess there’s a lot of lobbying efforts going on the day before. And I think, I mean, your post on the. I mean, just. Just brutalized. I think it’s maybe the greatest thing on the Internet in the last week.

And I hate to be mean to Lindsey Graham. I suspect he likes it, actually. Naughty little guy, but he does. Every time we see him, he’s like, hey, man, I’m like, really? I was incredibly cruel to you. This is like some sort of weird whatever trip that you have. But I guess the point I would make is JD Vance, it’s almost. And Trump is exactly the same. It’s almost like to catch a predator. It’s like you wave Trump or JD Vance out there and all the creep show up to hate. You know, it’s like you just.

There such clarifying forces, like catch a predator. It’s like, no, I’m not kidding. It’s like, stand in a room full of people in Washington and say, I think JD Vance should be the vice president. Everyone who has a heart attack is exactly who you don’t want to babysit your kids. Like, it’s totally true. And in this specific case, I just. I watched. And since I spent my whole life in DC, I knew a lot of the people, or actually all of them, and they were all the people whose careers have really. And decisions have really wrecked our country.

And I kept thinking, like, on what grounds do you have any authority to give advice to anybody for anything? It’s like, literally, you pass a homeless guy and he’s giving you real estate advice. You talk to a bankrupt guy and he’s giving you investment strategy, and it’s like you’ve discredited yourself. It’s a fat guy telling you how to get fit. Like, what? No, when you have a track record of success, I will listen to you. But if you’re, I don’t know, fill in the blank. Lindsey Graham? Yeah. Are you joking? Everything that you have advocated for has hurt people and above all, hurt the United States of America.

Why don’t you sit the next 20 years out? By the way, we have ashes and sackcloth. We’re about to cross 175,000 streamers. So. Hey, Chris, I say we’re the biggest in the world, right? We gotta be number one, right? I don’t want to just. I don’t want to just win the war. Wait, are you gonna tell viewers who is actually the floor director of the show? Chris. Chris, wait. Chris, wave hello. Come on. Come on over. These paw. Blowski’s never my producer. Come here. Just sit next to me for a minute. Media moguls like producers, CEO, Rumble.

Chris. Hey, chat. What’s going on? We got 175,170. 5000. Biggest stream in the US. Holy fuck. I hope you don’t mind me cursing. The reason I am the way I am is because I didn’t grow up like the conventional billionaire son. My dad stuck me on job sites, so I grew up with construction workers, so I talk like that. I want to thank you, though, brother. This is because of you creating rumble and giving us an opportunity to not have to do this bullshit censorship stuff on YouTube. You know, they kicked me off for saying masks don’t work.

These motherfuckers. You believe that shit? And you think they’d apologize to me now? That’s how we know that masks don’t work. I don’t know if it was. If they thought it may be true at the time. There’s never. There’s. There’s never accountability for just being wrong about everything. Right. Thanks, guys. The four marshal for this thing. We appreciate it. Ladies and gentlemen, I am a man of my word. I told you only the best guests from the RNC. I was not gonna waste your mutinous. Jim, can we. You sure? I. That’s not true. No, there’s definitely a midweek exemption.

Okay, there’s not. All right. I want to waste any more time. Us senate candidate from the great state of Arizona and a good friend, Carrie Lake. Welcome back to the show. You’ve been out many times. How are you? I’m doing great. It’s good to be on, in person with you on the show. I know we’re usually over the phone. You’re. You’re a little bit away from me over there in Arizona. My. My wife just spent some time in Sedona absolutely fell in love with it. I couldn’t make it. I had to work on that specific trip.

But how. We need to go back to Sedona with her. I got married there. It’s beautiful. It’s just so much to see in Arizona, but your race. I want to get into a couple different things here with you. We have limited time with you. How are you feeling about your race? I mean, I don’t trust polling, but the polling is now trending significantly in your direction. No red wave talk on this show. It’s absolutely forbidden. But given all the controversies in arizona with the balloting, honest take. How are you feeling about this? I feel good. We just got another poll.

I don’t know if we put it out or if it’s been put out, but we’re up a couple. That’s good. We were, we were down a little bit before. This is a tight, going to be a tight race because no doubt $250 million is going to be poured into the arizona Us senate race. It’s a lot of money and, and it’s a lot of ads. They’re able to buy and lie. And my opponent is, is truly, and we hear this a lot. He’s far right. He’s the most far right person running for left. I’m sorry. Far left.

Yeah. Okay. I’m lacking sleep. He’s the most far left person running. Thank you for correcting me. No, no. I believe you’re only here 4 hours a day. This happens all the time. Did I say that? Believe me, my audience. Far left person running. And I don’t, I’m not just throwing that around. No, just listen to what he says. Guy who’s voted with Joe Biden 100% of the time. Not 95. 100. He’s voted with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s agenda 100% of the time. That’s more than California. That’s more than the squad. Yeah. He’s running in Arizona.

He’s not running in California where that might fly. He’s in the House of Representatives. He’s a congressman in central Phoenix, the fastest growing homeless population. Vets are living on the street, dying on the street. He’s marched and defund the police rallies. I mean, that’s disqualifying right there. He wanted to get rid of the filibuster in the House of Representatives, get rid of the filibuster to pass the George Floyd legislation, which would have defunded the police nationwide while they run on democracy. While they run on democracy. They want to pack the supreme Court. I’ve read his stuff.

He is, his positions are absolutely insane. Now you’re in an actual border state that has been just overwhelmed by this southern border collapse. We don’t have a border. I always say to people, we have a suggestion, hey, stop. Well, what if I don’t fly you around the country? I’ve got to imagine I’m not from Arizona. We’re on there on the radio, and I don’t pretend to understand what you do. What I don’t understand now is how there’s a single Democrat left politically standing in the state of Arizona. I mean, you’re literally looking at the border invasion problem right there.

I’m in Florida. We don’t share a border with Mexico. And how is it, I mean, what, how are they, are they trying to go centrist? Am I missing something? Well, I mean, I don’t want to go into, too deep into what? All of our problems with our elections. But there’s still problems and we’re working, I’ve seen it, to resolve those in the courts. I’m still fighting in the courts. And we’re trying to make some changes because I think when you have elections run like a third world country, these are the result. These are the people you get into office.

But the Democrats increasingly are on our side. When you look at polling, and I agree with you, I don’t, my polling is what the people are telling me on the ground. But I do, I do look at polling as well. The Democrats are fed up. I saw a poll number that the Democrats are for and majority of the Democrats are for sending people back. I call it repatriating people back to their country. Panics are in favor of sending people back. Sending people back. One pollster asked, do you want to militarize the border? And the majority of people said yes, temporarily until we get this thing under control.

So this is why my opponent, Ruben Gallego, is now trying to backpedal and act like he’s mister moderate when he is the most radical. He’s the reason he is, he’s Biden’s favorite congressman. He’s the reason we have an open border. His plan for the border is keep it open. And then, no, no, let me summarize. His plan for the border is there is no border that says, but he said to me one time, he said, we just need to put more money into these communities. They want to put money into the symptoms rather than solving the problem.

Yeah. It’s not hard like Donald Trump. You’re very friendly with Donald Trump. Just look at the numbers. These are the amount of people that tried to cross Donald Trump. These are the amount of people who made it across under Joe Biden. The numbers are conclusive. Well, on Saturday, he was showing those charts right when they tried to take him out numbers. And he said, thank God he was showing those charts because he turned his head at the last second he looked at it. God. But the lowest number of illegal crossers under President Trump now the highest we’ve ever seen 12 million people in.

And, Dan, I’ve got kids. I’ve got a 19 and 21 year old. They’re being priced out of housing. You know, 12 million people coming in have to be put up somewhere. Our tax dollars are paying for it. They’re taking jobs. They’re depressing the wages of hardworking, everyday Americans. This is affecting people who are middle class and struggling the hardest. And so we got to turn economically, we got to turn it around. The border affects the economy, and the economy is really killing people right now. So I know this is a q and a question answer, but this is more of kind of a request than a favor.

We’ve had Jim Jordan on Speaker Johnson, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and you could potentially, knock on wood, be a very prominent, important United States senator from a swing state in a critical position. You could technically be the deciding vote. We may get 51. That could be you. I’m going to be more optimistic. I want 55. Oh, I would love even more. But on my show, I always pretend like we’re running 50 points behind. It’s better because we got to overcome a lot of obstacles. But I need a favor from you. Obviously, I have some subject matter expertise.

You don’t. You were in a specific space than I was in regards to this assassination attempt. Sources are feeding me a lot of information. Turns out that most of it has now come true. And days later, people reported, they go breaking. It’s not breaking. We, our sources told us. But one of the things I’m really concerned about is a report came out today from a source of mine that the media is now picking up that there should have been some law enforcement post on that building and they didn’t show up. We don’t need to get into minutiae here.

I’m asking you as a potential US senator, can you please. Is that Russell Prince? What’s going on? If you get into the United States Senate, make sure that these committees get a hold of the advanced security documents, because they will tell the story about who’s lying and who wasn’t. That’s all I want. We don’t need any conspiracy theories or anything. The paperwork will tell Kerry that a guy was supposed to be there or not. Can you stay on that? Absolutely. If there was wrongdoing, not just. Not just maladministration or somebody messed up, especially if there was some, something worse than that, this is a serious problem.

Oh, my God. Like, literally life or death. They almost took out our president and we came so close. If not for God, if not for a miracle, he would be gone right now. Oh, no question. And to think we’re just gonna, well, get through, you know? And the left’s making fun of us for talking about divine intervention. They really think this appeals to sane, you know, independents and middle class Americans poking fun at us for saying, what other explanation is there for three shots from. That’s an easy shot, Kerry. An easy. I’ve taken that shot with a handgun in secret service training.

That is an easy shot. They’re making fun of us. Speaker Johnson was talking about it before. They think this is hilarious. Look at these idiots with their God and all this other stuff. They really think this appeals to independence. Well, I feel sorry for them. I really do. Shame for them. I believe purely that it was God. I’ve always thought God has had his hand on President Trump, and I believe that God spared him because we need him right now. And I’ll never let the left shame me into. No, you’ve never been known to be timid.

I’ve known you a long time. And timid as you think. Last question. I know you gotta run. By the way, I don’t have expertise in the Secret Service like you do. I recognize that you don’t have the president spreading across from the building with the rooftop. I mean, it’s unsecured. My wife said the same thing. She’s like, you know, dan, I’m a web database developer. Shouldn’t they have that covered? The answer is yes, of course. I really want the president to be safe. The next. I want him to be safe forever. But I’m really worried that this is not going to be the last just about Donald Trump, everyone.

Can you do him inside? I don’t want any more risk because we need him so badly and we need to protect him. And I felt that everybody behind him, I was looking at the pictures of people, and I’ve been to so many rallies. They’re the most uplifting, wonderful. You leave just feeling energized and ready to take on the world and solve for years. This RNC is insane. The energy I feel that everybody there would have jumped in front of a bullet for. I would jump in front of a bullet for him. Their first reaction was to flip off the shooter.

Last question for you. Voter integrity is a big deal with you, with me, and should be for every american. Why it isn’t is, frankly, bizarre. Are you comfortable if you get elected us senator from Arizona, we’re talking to Kerry Lake, that the republican agenda on the Senate side is going to prioritize voter integrity. I’m watching my chat right now. These people are really, really furious about the voting systems in the United States and the lack of. I don’t know that there’s anybody more furious than me. I’ve lived. Save act. The Save act is incredible. I think President Trump’s right.

You know, we don’t have the majority in the Senate, so it got stuck. Schumer’s, of course, he’s not gonna push that. We need to attach that to every spending bill, force these people to care about our election integrity. My opponent, Ruben Gallego, voted to let non citizens, illegals, vote in this next election. Oh, they love it. They can’t win with their disastrous policies. They know it. They can’t win unless they. That’s why we went from election day to election week to election month. Now election season, they count for two weeks. I heard someone say on stage at the RNC the other, just yesterday, I forget who it was.

Early voting starts in a little over 60 days. And I’m thinking to myself, that that is unbelievable. I mean, can we, can we just have a national election day? Everybody gets the day off. Show up with your id. This isn’t hard, man. I mean, none of this. We’re the United States of America. You’re telling me we can’t do this and the people want it? Even, even the Democrats, again, get back to the polling that we’ve seen. Even Democrats believe that our elections are fraudulent. I mean, 81 million votes for Joe Biden? Come on. Yeah. I don’t think any sound safe.

Just to answer that question, I vow to you and to your listeners and to american people that that’ll be a huge priority for me. I want to see. I want to see our elections get back for my own children. Yeah. We don’t want, we don’t want an unlevel playing field. I don’t want it to wear. Okay. Okay. That now we’ve got Republicans, and now the Republicans are going to get the advantage in our elections. The elections should be fair. That should never even come up. Yeah, absolutely. Carrie Lake, such an honor to talk to you. Thank you so much for all that you do.

Make sure you check her out, folks. Online on x. Or what’s your website, by the way? Carrie? Lake.com, karilake.com. if you can go, you can go there. Find out where I stand on the issues. If you can make a donation. Great. We’re living in a Biden economy. If you can, I totally understand. I appreciate you saying that. You know what, they appreciate that, too. So many these people come on here and, like, they ask for money and they’re not sensitive to that. You know what I do want? I want your prayers. If you live in Arizona, I want your vote.

Amen. I want your prayers. Those mean the most to me. And I do feel those. I feel that. Thanks, Carrie. We appreciate you coming out. Hopefully calling you Senator soon. Yes. I’ll never call you Carrie again. If you win, even if you ask. That would be great. All right. Thank you. Appreciate it. I hope you really enjoying this show. Gonna take a quick break here. Sponsors keep the show free. We really appreciate your patience. Thank you so much. You’re gonna enjoy the rest of these interviews as well. Hey, bone charge folks. It’s a holistic wellness brand with a big range of evidence based products I use to help optimize your life.

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Come on over here. We got the great Rachel Campos Duffy, who Tucker says he used to work with her somewhere. I don’t know. I work with her, Don. She’s my favorite. He’s the one person I watch. He’s the best. We love Rachel. Welcome to the show. So I’m going to get your thoughts. You know, she is the bravest, actually. He has got cojones bigger than. So we love Rachel. But I’m going to ask you also start with you, Tucker, and then let you go. I really appreciate you doing this. By the way, my nephew is sitting right there.

This is the Bono studio. Is this your nephew here? That’s my nephew, Charles Carlson right there. Good looking people looking like all of us, maybe not, Dom. So obviously, the polls. Polls, whatever, give it, but the polls are trending in a really bad direction for Biden. So I’ll start with you, Tucker. There’s been an October surprise every midterm and election since 2016. Any idea about what it could be this time around? I mean, it could be anything from Donald Trump’s handing Ukraine to Trump because he’s him and Don Junior working on a real estate project. Like, really? When did that.

I mean, any idea what that could be? Speaker one. I have no idea. All I know is, and I didn’t know this till this morning, that actually it was Iran that tried to kill trump the other day. Amazing. It was Iran. You know, I have felt for many years that the real threat to me was wrong. They’re always calling me racist and flooding my country with illegal aliens. They’re pumping fentanyl in. Yeah. What’s the October surprise? Of course, it’s war, probably war with Iran, but I still don’t think, and I’m totally opposed to that, actually. And I’m not pro Iran, but Iran is irrelevant to the country that I live in, which is collapsing in a lot of ways that have nothing to do with Iran.

So don’t tell me Iran is the biggest problem, okay? Or Putin is the biggest problem. That’s not true. I live here. That’s not true. Those may be problems or whatever. You can worry about that. Those are not the pressing problems. And anyone who tells you they are the pressing problems is a liar, a, b. I still don’t think they can cheat Biden in because it’s just so obviously false. No one will ever believe in democracy again. Biden is non compass menace. He appears to have Parkinson’s or some neurological sort, but that’s obvious. It’s not even debated anymore.

And Trump just got shot in the face and stood up, like, pushed off the Secret Service to stand with blood streaming at his face and said, fight. That’s the leader. That’s the comatose patient. There’s no way you can do that. It’s not just in America, but to the world. Not one person on the entire planet, billions of people will believe that. So I don’t think they can do it, Rachel. I actually want to give this over to Don because I actually have a question related to that. And then I want to ask, if you don’t mind, Tucker, something.

You can do whatever you want. You’re the greatest. Heaven. Just take on it, Don. What else can they do? I mean, the impeachment didn’t work. Then they tried, you know, taking his businesses away. Then they fined him half a billion dollars for paying back bank loans with interest on time. Yeah, the banks. The bank is on the stand. They were witnessing him. No, we want to do more business with Trump. We got other business with, like, we’d love to do more. They’re like, no, no, no. You are a victim. I mean, everything’s a victim. Then when that doesn’t work, they try to throw him in jail.

They’ve been trying to do that for quite some time. They tried to do the same to me because apparently I was an agent of Russia. Had no idea. But you are Putin’s douches. Because we’re willing to say that this is bullshit. Which it is. It was the natural progression. You said we all got called conspiracy theorists, but I wasn’t at all surprised. The rhetoric didn’t stop. I don’t know if you saw the clip yesterday. When I went on, I went to the floor. My brother and I are going over there. Yeah. Okay. So, like, it wasn’t like, I’m there.

We’re there. To historic moment, childhood separations on your dad. Yeah. Even though I go, you mean the Obama cages? And this guy goes nuts. I’m like, he could. It’s either he was too stupid to actually know. I’m so unimpressed with so many of these people. I was like. And I was like, but to our point of, like, where we are as a nation, I was like, oh, my God, they couldn’t even wait 48 hours. Like, my dad was shot in the face. Like, honestly, if I wasn’t sort of part of that movement, I was just a citizen.

And someone spoke to me like that in that period of time that hostile, it usually it would end up in a fist fight. Right? That’s where I’m not allowed to do that. But, like, you would have won. Oh, yeah. Listen, I’m not getting in fights. I’m not going to win. That without one would have been over very fast. But, like, oh, my God, they. The narrative, the talking points, because they have to at least pull back on calling my father a Nazi for, like, you know, another 36 hours, they’ll be back at it. Because they all, what are they going to do? They can’t campaign on the economy.

They’re not going to campaign on jobs. I know Joe Biden’s the greatest. People go back to work. Like he’s going to allow him to be a victim. As if he wanted to be shot in the face. Hey, bro, send that round down. I’m going to duck it. Yes. Send it again. You miss me? I want to be a little. These people are insane. But Tucker’s right, Don, that no one’s going to believe it if he doesn’t win, if your dad doesn’t win. And so then what do they do? I think that’s really fascinating question. And only I think, I don’t think they care.

They’re just happy to hold that power. Like I said, that’s what I was saying earlier. There used to be a Democrat party that would at least, even if I disagree, they at least cared that people believed in democracy. For them, like, democracy is like, they’re, ha ha ha. Those stupid peasants. They believe in what we’re saying. It’s a soundbite for them. It means nothing to them. I mean, they call everyone that they don’t like as a fascist, but they’re the ones locking up their political opponents. They’re the ones fining them. They’re the ones censoring speech. They’re the ones working with the big tech industry to do the same.

Dressed in all black, beating people on the streets. Exactly. I mean, I know there’s grandmothers that walked inside the velvet ropes on January 6, like, holding cell phones. They didn’t even know. They weren’t even supposed to be there. They did jail time. But if you burn down the city of Portland, it’s like, well, that’s different. That’s for social justice, and the vice president can come out and bail you out and raise money for you. It’s so insane. So I hope that people get it. But, like, if you, if you don’t, can you ever win again? Like, as they sort of continue to rig that system and just fill government with more bureaucrats that are going to get entrenched and just do the damage that they’re doing.

I don’t know. It’s, it, I don’t want to be dystopian about it because, I mean, I think, honestly, this week is about hope because I think people realize that we do have a chance, but we are not in a fair fight. You know, you got to beat the margin of fraud. Like, I kind of say, like, to win by two, you got to win by six. Yeah. Too big to rig. Tucker, do you think we can overcome the margin of fraud? I do. I don’t think Trump will lose. I’m a terrible predictor of things. I can do big trends, but fine motor skills are beyond my ability.

But I think in this case, it’s just impossible to believe it. And also, can I just be honest? For the last whatever it’s been, eight years, it’s been kind of Trump alone against every power center in the world. And that’s no longer true. That’s changing, really. Elon Musk, within ten minutes of Trump being shot, endorsed Trump, richest man in the world, followed by your former guest, who was sitting right here, David Sachs. Andreessen Horowitz, biggest venture capital firm in the world. We’re going to send money. I mean, it’s like all of a sudden it’s okay for people who have an awful lot to lose to be on Trump’s side.

It’s hard to overstate how powerful that is. It’s like all of a sudden the stigma of supporting Trump. The only reason they’ve gotten this far in persecuting Trump is because normal people are not allowed to object to it. Yeah, people have been made to be afraid. It’s falling away. Totally falling away. People have been made to be afraid. Right. There was a consequence to being a vocal Trump supporter. There was a con. Once you had enough people stand up, it became easy for everyone else, and once you had critical mass, it became impossible for them to go after him.

Exactly. And it’s almost, it’s accordingly to when Trump gets shot in the face and stands up anyway, it gives everybody heart. It makes everybody courageous. Watching the leader be courageous. When Elon Musk stands up, when David Sachs, who’s a huge deal in the tech world, stands up, when Andreessen Horowitz, huge deal in the tech world. The biggest deal in tech world. When they stand up, everyone else is like, you know what? I’m brave now, too. And I think that’s how movements start. That’s how things change. And I think it’s too far along to stop it. It’s not just people who are afraid of losing their job or putting a sign in front of their house, because, you know, they have a small business and they’re afraid they’ll be persecuted.

Right after that moment happened, I got a text from a very nice lady in my church, and she said, I’m so upset, I’m so sad. I’m praying. And she said, I’m done being quiet. Yes. And there were a lot of people that, just out of politeness, because that’s how so many conservatives are. I’m not one of those people, but there’s a lot of people like that. And I thought that was so, to me, that was one of the most interesting texts. I’m done being quiet. And she’s an older very classy lady. And she just said, I’m done caring about what others people’s feelings are.

They don’t give a damn about our feelings. And so that’s where she’s at right now. The TikToks I’m seeing these. Gen Z is actually where we’re making the biggest grand, because they realize, like, they have no future. You know, they’ll never own a home. How old is Gen Z? It’s that, you know, I guess, you know, the 18 to 20 liberals, I never meet any liberals in that. It’s hard to believe, actually, because that’s sort of. They’ve been indoctrinated from childhood. They’ve been, you know, they’ve. From kindergarten on, their teachers are pushing them. They’ve been corrupted by that.

They’re. They’re pushed that way by Hollywood. They’re pushed that way by me. And yet they’re like, you might have. You’re friendly with the Nelk guys. They’re not overly political at all, but they are definitely not what you take for. I’ve got a lot of kids and a lot of nieces and nephews. I’ve got one sitting right there. And, I mean, maybe the people who wind up at my house are, like, self selected. Maybe they are, but. No, but I’m serious. They’re all kind of pretty normal from normal families. I never meet anybody who’s like, you know, trans rights are the most important thing.

I see, like, 22 year old girls be like, the training thing’s driving me crazy, actually. It’s too insulting to women or, like, they’re just sort of sick of it. Doesn’t mean they’re right wingers. Doesn’t mean they’re gonna vote Republican. But they’re absolutely sick of the pointless silliness of liberalism. Cause it’s zero sum. It’s a freaking cul de sac. It doesn’t go anywhere. So I had another great guest lined up for you right now, Congressman Jim Jordan. But Russell Brand over there stole my guest. And he had to go to the bathroom. Russell’s. He fleeced him cold.

Stole. I stole my guest. Yeah, until Jim Jordan comes. Yes. Sit down, Russell Brand now. Because Russell stole my guest now you’re gonna be my guest on radio. So this is Russell Brand, one of the funniest guys you will ever meet, but a guy who really has been blowing up on rumble, because you’ve got a podcast there, and you’ve been speaking some truth over there, Russell. So you fleeced my guest, which was okay. Cause I love you. Thank you very much for forgiving me. Jim is currently in the bathroom where you were literally in the bathroom where we did meet.

And he walked in and what did I say to you in the bathroom? You said, I appreciate you keeping that distance and you’ve got very good bathroom etiquette. And you said, as long as you don’t ask to look at my watch while we’re in this, that is exactly what happened. He, Russell, understands urinal courtesy better than anyone else. There’s like 20 of these things lined up. He goes to the exact end hugging the wall. I’m like, very good job, Russell. But I had you on my podcast earlier. Your show is blowing up. How can people find you on Rumble? Because I’m going to be on your show later in the week.

I’m really very much looking forward to speaking with you there. We’re on central time at the moment. I’m on at eleven. I’m at 09:00 on eastern time. What I really enjoy about being on Rumble is sharing an audience with you because you’ve developed something quite extraordinary here. I think. So still, there are people that are as yet unaware of the kind of phenomena that you have cultivated and the origin people in a way that is reminiscent. I went on Joe, Joe Rogan’s podcast, maybe in the first 500 of them, and I remember the sort of the sense of our media is migrating in this direction.

And I think that you are similarly capturing an audience for your own authenticity. Thank you, my friend. Thank you so much. Now that my guest is back, Jim, I’ve been filling in for this. I don’t know anything about hearing committees. Why don’t you take Valtteri to task? Tell us about wrestling. So we go only on the Dan Bongino show. Thank you, Russell. You’re the best. Do we go from Russell Brand to my good friend? That is great. I said, listen, you got to fill in. A poor guy has to run to the bathroom. What are we going to do? Congressman Jim Jordan, too much coffee, not enough food to day.

And I haven’t worked out. I worked out last night. Thank you. So listen, question for you. I mean, obviously this was a really disgusting, gross moment in american history we all wish we could forget. We almost lost our good friend and an ally to the republican party, our nominee, President Trump this weekend. I asked Marjorie Taylor Greene before she was on the show. You are a senior member of Congress right now, a very powerful man running powerful committees. Is this going to, this is serious. This isn’t about a tax cut, which I get it is serious stuff, but this is literally life or death.

I’m really hoping, Congressman, this doesn’t degenerate into three minute speeches about how great people were. We have to ask serious questions. Are you confident that this is going to happen? No one wants filibustering during this hearing. Yeah, I hope so. I really do. And we had a. We had a briefing from ranking member Nadler, myself, and some of our staff had a briefing from some of the FBI yesterday. And look, I think there’s a healthy skepticism. Is the FBI really going to. Yeah, I gotta investigate. I mean. I mean, I know you share that, but there’s some fundamental questions.

And I gotta tell you, thank you for. Well, thank you for all the good work you do, but I watched your interview on Fox where you laid out things, concerns because you’re an expert in this area. I’m not. But everything you said made just so much sense to me. The fundamental question I have is there’s a finite number of buildings in that area that had to be secured. It’s not a huge number, is it? Right. Two, three, four. It wasn’t Times Square. No, it was. There’s a relatively small number. And we know one of them that needed to be secured was because we had the good snipers, the counter snipers, who actually took out the bad guy.

We’re on one of them. So was it three buildings? Was it two other building? Whatever that number is, the question is, why weren’t they secured? That, to me, is sort of the fundamental question. Then I want to. I want to. Hopefully, at some point, our committee gets to talk to the. The local officer who had this brief encounter with the. With the bad guy. I would love to talk to the secret service agent who took the shot and took out the bad guy. I mean, those are all questions and concerns and areas I think we need answers to.

So let’s hope the FBI does it. But I’m a little concerned because this is the same FBI that still hasn’t told us who planted the pipe bombs on January 6. Exactly. Same, same. Same administration can’t tell us who leaked the Dobbs opinion. Same administration can’t tell us who put cocaine at the White House. Well, congressman, it’s, you know, the cocaine at the White House thing. We have the text from the Secret Service on January 6 that mysteriously disappeared, claiming there was a tech swap on January 6. I mean, listen, I don’t say things I can’t back up.

It’s irresponsible. And frankly, you wind up, people lose faith in you. But these are legitimate questions. What do you mean you don’t have the text? So I get it. I have a skepticism of the FBI. I honestly, candidly hope they prove me wrong. But really, as a member of Congress, I hope Congress proves me wrong. You’re one of my friends. You’re one of the good guys. But listen, the Republican Party, you know, not everybody’s intentions are pure. We can’t screw around with this. The first question I want asked, again, no filibustering. This isn’t the time for this partisan stuff.

Go to my website, donate. We’re all gonna vote. We get it. Why was Donald Trump on the stage? They saw this surreptitious, furtive acting guy 26 minutes before he walked on stage. Delay his speech five minutes. Find the guy. Yeah, I mean, it’s common sense, right? Sure is. Total common sense. So, yeah, I think, why weren’t they secured? I want to talk to that both. The bad guy, the cop who encountered the bad guy, I want to talk. That and your question there, once you saw that there was something that didn’t make sense, get him. Get to get the president off the stage and go.

Go figure it out. So I think all that makeshi, all that makes so much sense. And those are the kind of things that we’re going to, we’re going to try to get. We have Director Ray in next week. I don’t know how much he’ll know by that point, but I told him on the call, I told the individuals on the call yesterday from the FBI, we had the deputy director, I said, you know, director Ray needs to be answered, be able to answer as many questions as he possibly can in front of our committee next week.

I mean, Congressman, we’re talking to Congressman Jim Jordan. People are losing faith in institutions left and right. The leadership of our military, not, you know, not the frontline guys putting their lives on the line, but the leadership of our military, you know, our FBI, our secret service now and the republic. It’s a system of kind of trust and confidence, which is, ironically, the secret services motto, worthy of trust and confidence. Once that collapses, anarchy soon to follow. So when you, when people ask simple questions like, like this. So I have a first degree contact, not a second one.

I want someone who is right there. Yeah. Who has told me repeatedly they’ve asked the secret Service for an enhanced security footprint around President Trump. I know who it is. That person needs to speak up. They were rebuffed. So Alejandro Mayorkas is lying. He is 100% lying. But what I find more disturbing is he came out. I played the cut before in the show and said, we’re not lying. We gave them everything they wanted. I would almost rather you be lying because you’re telling me you gave them everything they wanted and you still almost got him killed.

Yeah. There was no drone. It still happened last Saturday. Yeah, good point. Well, I don’t know that many people have a whole lot of faith in things. Secretary Mayorkas says he’s the same guy told us the border was secure. But yet, to your point, this is serious, serious business. And if those guys who jumped on the stage and protected the president when it happened, if they’re saying, hey, we need more, and it wasn’t given to them, and you have an eyewitness who says it wasn’t, that is, that is wrong. That is just speaker one, I think what Mayorkas is doing, one thing about Mayorkas devious, a malicious guy.

I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him, but he’s very good at wordsmithing. Christopher Ray does the same thing. It seems like they all are. They. That’s their thing. They’re politicians. They’re not necessarily acting in that role. And what he’s going to do is he’s going to play with the timeline. He’s going to say, well, they weren’t asked about this specific event on this date, but there’s been constant requests from people close to President Trump for more security. Now, here’s, again an issue I asked Marjorie about. You’d have probably even better insight on.

We have a bloated, fat, grotesque, overspending government that spends $6 trillion a year while taking in four. Are we seriously going to say to the world right now, because my orcas and the secret Service said, this is the best we had, we gave him the best technology. Really? I found a drone on Amazon for 39.9. We can’t put a drone out there to see this guy on the roof. We have a $6 trillion budget. No kidding. No, it, none of this makes sense. You know, like the fact that the video I’ve seen where they’re supporters there of the, you know, attendees at the rally who were saying, there’s the guy there.

I saw a report today where it says it was almost, I think, about 90 seconds later, before the first, before the first shot was taken. What happened in those 90 seconds? We need a tick tock of that. What happened there? So, yeah, I don’t, I don’t, I don’t get it, particularly when you’re thinking about someone like President Trump, wherever. So. Well, known former president leading in all the polls. It’s like, really? And his team asked for more people and you didn’t provide him. I don’t, I don’t understand. You’re gonna have to subpoena everyone. Congressman, I want to get your.

Obviously, your take on JD Vance in a second, but we’ll close it out on this. You know, a lot of my listeners, they speak to me. I relay a lot of that information. You guys have constituents. If they have concerns, I’m going to tell you what they are. That’s your job. You know, and it’s my job as a radio host and a conservative to listen to them. Them. They’re really tired of the shenanigans. And I think we can all agree this isn’t one of those moments. Again, this isn’t about a tax cut. It’s not about a school choice, Bill.

Those are great and important things I’ve dedicated my life to. If this is allowed to continue, we will lose the president, or soon to be president, or the president. Now, we don’t want any of this political violence. Please, in this hearing. Keep these guys, coordinate the questions. No filibustering, no campaign website. I mean, we actually try to do that. We’re one committee, and look, we have good members on our committee. We try to sequence how they do it. We try to say, where are you going to go? Tell a story, set it up question by question.

Sequence of events, multiple failures. Why is there a different PT test for men and women? The job’s the same. President Trump weighs a certain amount and he’s this hype. Yeah, why are there different PTC? Can you just explain it to me? Right. No. When the women are on duty, he gets lighter. Oh, he does? How does that work? I don’t understand. You know, you can have different PT standards for an engineer who does a different job on an assembly line. It’s literally the same job. It’s just not a. This isn’t a male female thing. If there’s a female who can meet the pt stand, there’s fantastic.

But why are you and I at 50 plus in the gym working out of. I’m not into Secret Service no more. You’re telling me you can’t get fit people around the president? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You sort of saw some of that when, when they, when they swarmed the president. I think. I think there’s going to be lots of questions for Director Ray. And then, and then Chairman Comer’s got the secretary herself, you know, our director Cheadle coming in as well. He’s, he’s working on that in the oversight committee. That’ll be important hearing as well. She should resign, in my opinion, immediately.

JD Vance, I think it was a great pick. I mean, you know, that state kind of, well, I heard, I heard a rumor you may be from there. Right. And I think he’s a great pick. I think the golden rule of vp picks, I’d love to get your take on this, is first, do no harm. JD does very little harm. I mean, the Democrats will pick some nonsense out, but he brings a lot of positives. Young, energetic, a bulldog, but contrasting styles for President Trump and speaks the language of the working class man. I mean, wrote a bestselling book about it.

Your thoughts? No, he’s the american dream. A kid from the humblest of homes is now, I think, going to be our next, the next vice president of the greatest country in history. That happens in America. That’s the american story. And, you know, there’s also this, just a simple, simple old line that, you know, it never hurts to have smarteen people in charge. Right, right. President Trump is what you’ve been around him. He is one sharp. Oh, yeah, one sharp. They’ll surprise you with stuff. He is one sharp guy. A memory. That’s unbelievable. JD Vance, he is a smart guy.

I mean, watch him on, watch him unmit the press a week and a half ago, the Sunday, quick on his feet. My goodness. Never gets caught. So good. So good. He does his homework in a matter of fact way. Just, just presents the argument that is so compelling to. No, he’s a great pick. We had that pick yesterday afternoon. Then you saw President Trump walk out last night at 10:00 the energy in the arena after what President Trump had been through on Saturday, just, just amazing. I tell everyone all the time, congressman, political campaigns are snapshots and sound bites.

That’s it. No one’s reading the white papers. And that picture of him with his fist raised, it’s going to go down in american history. Is one of the most iconic photos you’ve never seen. American. It’s a, what he did is american Americans. I say this all the time when I’m talking about the president. I said, President Trump hates to lose. And that is a good quality. That is an american quality. Americans aren’t wimpy, sissy losers. Americans are Americans. And he displayed that, that winning attitude that has characterized this country for 200 plus years. He did it in those few seconds with his fist pumping, saying the word fight.

It was, you’re a fighter too. You know, I can tell you got those cauliflower ears, folks. You ever see those run. I don’t care what they do to our. I said it to your son. If you set guy throws ice at you in a bar, walk up and thank him. If he’s got cauliflower, buy him a beer. But run away as soon as you get. Congressman. I gotta run. Congressman Jim Jordan. I always. God bless you, sir. Thanks for coming on.

See more of Dan Bongino on their Public Channel and the MPN Dan Bongino channel.


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