Soros MELTDOWN as Trump Poised for 2024 LANDSLIDE!!! Dr. Steve Turley

Posted in: Dr. Steve Turley, News, Patriots



➡ Dr. Steve Turley talks about how democracy is not just about technology, but about people with different ideas. It also mentions that people need to take responsibility for their actions and not blame everything on false information. The text also talks about a man named Donald Trump who changed a lot of things in the United States. Lastly, it mentions that some people are worried that Trump might win the next election.


Um, but, you know, I. I don’t think that that’s the. I don’t think that that’s the fundamental. I don’t think technology is the fundamental issue in. In democracy. Democracy is messy. I mean, you know, democracy is about contestation of ideas. It’s about plurality. It’s about people having different truths, actually. Now, fundamentally, how society lives together civically in those contestations is obviously quite tricky. But I think that if we play too much on this disinformation card, we’re taking the responsibility away from ourselves to actually create a narrative that inspires people to vote and to believe you in democracy and democratic institutions.

On the institutional part, I think that we can talk about institutions as these abstract things, but institutions are also about people. And we just heard this point about untrustworthy people, and we talked about things in the United States like checks and balances, which aren’t written anywhere but our customs. And one man, Donald Trump, literally came in and just took that all. When I look at this, that rambling mess you’re hearing is from none other than one Alex Soros, the son of billionaire, ultra leftist George Soros.

Everyone, even the demons and davos at the WEF, everyone is beginning to read the tea leaves. They’re seeing a Trump surge like they never imagined, and the deep state is literally panicking as we speak. Hey, gang, it’s me, Dr. Steve, your patron professor, here to help you think better so you can feel better in these crazy and turbulent times. If you haven’t done so, you know what to do.

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Thanks, Alex. A number of articles are coming out recognizing that there is a very real palpable fear overwhelming the deep state and our permanent political class. A growing realization that Donald J. Trump is indeed poised to win the 2024 election in an absolute blowout. Again, what’s so key here is that everyone is seeing it on both the left and the right. From the New York Times to Breitbart, from the Washington Post to one, american news pundits and analysts from both sides of the aisle are in common agreement.

Donald J. Trump is today in a far stronger position to win the presidency than he’s ever been. We talked about this yesterday. Trump is now leading Biden in every single battleground state. It’s not just that Trump is crushing Biden at the national level, he’s beating him at the micro level as well. At the state level, Trump is up ten in North Carolina. He’s up eight in Nevada. He’s up eight in Georgia.

He’s up five in Wisconsin. I mean, keep in mind, Wisconsin was a state Biden was supposed to win by 17 points in 2020. He’s up five in Michigan, three in Pennsylvania, three in Arizona. And this kind of dominance, this unprecedented dominance, is absolutely freaking out the likes of George Soros and his bumbling, incoherent son. In fact, his son Alex, who now controls the Open Societies foundation. He recently penned an op ed for Politico where he openly warned his fellow woke leftists that a victory by President Trump appears to be imminent and that will radically endanger european unity and deliver a blow to the globalist agenda.

Now, of course, by european unity, Soros is talking about the European Union, of which he’s a major supporter, along with his father. Remember, George Soros was a rabid opponent of Brexit. He actually did everything he possibly could to thwart the referendum from being implemented. So much for democracy, right? But Alex is openly saying that Trump is indeed poised to win. And if that happens, Soros believes it will actually be worse for the EU than for the US.

In his words, it will, quote, imperil european unity and undermine the progress achieved on so many fronts in response to the war in Ukraine. Now, of course, Trump wants to end the conflict in Ukraine immediately. He said he could end the whole thing in 24 hours, which is true. He could just cut the funds off and the weapons and would be done. That’s the only thing that’s more or less keeping this Ukraine thing afloat.

That scenario is what’s freaking out Soros so much. And it’s not just Alex. There are numerous reports that George is pumping millions of dollars to try to flip Texas blue. Apparently, George saw an opportunity some months back to influence the Lone Star state with his millions to vote for Biden over Trump. Unfortunately for George, Trump is currently leading Biden in Texas by double digits. It’s the biggest lead he’s ever had over Biden.

His average lead over Biden 2020 in the state of Texas was five points. Today, it’s double that. So it does appear that history is passing the Soros’s by, as are some of his old associates, many of whom are jumping ship, as it were. The latest is a fellow by the name of Scott Basant, who’s a former Soros fund manager investing chief. He’s publicly stating that he’s betting on what he’s calling a Trump rally, which is a surge in the market based on the fact that investors start to overwhelmingly believe that Trump is going to win 2024.

I mean, if this is not ironic, I don’t know what is. This former Soros associate is betting on a market surge this year precisely because he believes investors will believe overwhelmingly that Trump is going to trounce Biden. I mean, gang, this is a former Soros associate. So needless to say, the Soros can freak out all they want. As influential as their money has been in the past, it does appear that all the money in the world isn’t going to change the outcome for 2024.

But first, gang, as many of you know, we have unfortunately been completely and totally demonetized, which is putting our daily communication with one another at risk like never before. Now, we are actively working on getting this resolved, but as things stand, this channel has, without any warning, been totally and completely demonetized. And as Elon Musk said so powerfully last week, the whole point of these demonetization efforts is to deliberately try to make us patriots feel like we’re all alone.

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See more of Dr. Steve Turley on their Public Channel and the MPN Dr. Steve Turley channel.


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consequences of false information in democracy democracy and technology democracy beyond technology diversity of ideas in democracy Donald Trump's changes in US politics Donald Trump's influence on United States fear of Trump's re-election impact of false information personal responsibility in democracy potential Donald Trump election win public opinion on Trump's potential win role of individuals in democracy

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