Socialist Mayor Charged With Burglary Returns to Office Days After Arrest

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Once upon a time in the city of South Fulton, Ga., the socialist mayor, Khalid Kamau, found himself in a pickle. After being arrested for sneaking into a resident’s lake house, he waltzed back into work like nothing had happened.

You see, Kamau is not just any mayor. He’s a vocal Democratic Socialist and co-founder of the Atlanta chapter of Black Lives Matter. So, when he was caught red-handed trespassing and burglarizing on a fine Saturday, it raised quite a few eyebrows.

But fear not! Kamau had no time for chitchat about his little adventure. “We have never backed down from courageous conversations, but now is not the time for those discussions,” he declared during a city council session. “We have city business to get to.”

He promised that there would be a time and place for those conversations, but he had more pressing matters to attend to. Like, you know, running the city.

When homeowner Jack Lecroy caught Kamau on his property, he confronted him with a gun and asked him to wait for the police. But Kamau was having none of it. “I don’t have to listen to you, and you can’t give me orders,” he huffed, followed by some colorful language.

Kamau later explained that he just wanted to see the house because he’d like to live there. Sure, he was aware he was criminally trespassing, but who hasn’t window shopped for houses in this economy?

Fellow Democrat Roger Bruce chimed in, suggesting that if Kamau were sincere, he would resign. “He would resign and allow the city to do the work that needs to be done,” said Bruce.

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As the leader of the Atlanta chapter of Democratic Socialists of America, Kamau is all about putting the power back in the hands of real, working people—not big corporations & billionaires. He even calls for defunding police and cutting military spending on his website.

And so, dear reader, the tale of Mayor Kamau and his lake house escapade continues. Will he resign? Will he make amends? Only time will tell!

Kamau has served as the leader of the Atlanta chapter of Democratic Socialists of America and advocates for socialism.  “Democratic Socialists believe our country should be run by real, working people—not big corporations & billionaires,” Kamau says on his website. He further calls for defunding police and cutting military spending.


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Burglary Khalid Kamau Socialist Mayor South Fulton

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