Posted in: Gregory Mannarino, News, Patriots



➡ Gregory Mannarino is frustrated with politicians who are blaming companies for inflation and asking them to lower prices, instead of addressing the root cause: the monetary policies of central banks like the Federal Reserve. He believes that politicians are either ignorant or deliberately misleading the public, and warns that their proposed solution of price controls will lead to scarcity and rationing. He argues that the real solution is to stop central banks from inflating the global money supply, strengthen the currency, and raise interest rates.
➡ The central banks, including the Federal Reserve, are continuously inflating the currency, which could lead to a financial disaster. Politicians are not addressing the real issue, which is the monetary policy, not the economy. The inflation problem is expected to worsen unless central banks stop inflating the money supply. Meanwhile, cryptocurrencies are gaining importance, but the upcoming central bank digital currency, which will be trackable and controllable, is a different asset class altogether.
➡ The speaker believes that a significant event, possibly a disease or war, will be used as a scapegoat for the collapse of the world financial system. They also mention that major banks are increasing their cash reserves, suggesting they may know something the public doesn’t. The speaker criticizes the Federal Reserve and politicians for their roles in this situation, and encourages listeners to stay informed and united against these perceived threats.
➡ This text is a warm welcome to a group, likened to a pride of lions, that aims to make a difference in the world. The speaker encourages those who join to see the truth, comparing their group to a small spark of light in darkness. They urge members to share their message and invite them to a live stream later. The speaker ends by urging people to “wake up” and see the truth.


Okay, everybody, here we go. It’s me, Gregory Mannarino. Thursday, August 8, 2024. Pre market report, people. Look, man, I don’t know how to say this yet another way, and I just. I almost can’t take it. And what I’m talking about is, do people. Do people, are people that stupid? I really have to ask. And what. What specifically I’m referring to is our representatives. All right, so look, this is just too much. This is, yet again, either a demonstration of utter, total, complete idiocy of the highest possible order or a grand deception, which is more likely this scenario here.

So let me just read this to you. So as inflation fury lingers, I thought, inflation is getting better because that’s what they’re telling us. It’s cooling. Oh, yes, it’s perfect. And it’s beautiful. Anyway, as inflation fury lingers, politicians are joining customers and pushing companies to cut prices. Oh, absolutely. Look, what this is doing here, again, is yet another mechanism for people. Nothing, to be allowed to know the truth or told the truth. Inflation is a monetary policy issue. It is not an economic one. Of course, monetary policy bleeds out to the economy. But the root cause of the issue that we’re seeing here is what central banks are doing.

You all know this. And this is why it drives me crazy. Yes, absolutely. Is there corporate greed involved here with prices rising, but it’s actually the purchasing power of the currency that’s being sucked out. That’s the issue here. But our loving, caring politicians, oh, they’re so smart. So what they’re talking about here is the first move towards what is going to be a disaster. Price controls, people. History is a great teacher. Price controls leads to scarcity, leads to rationing, period. And our loving, caring politicians, imagine a politician telling the truth. They can’t do it. You have to understand, there’s no way to stop inflation from surging higher.

And we have two clowns right now running for office of the president. What are they telling you? Weaker dollar, lower rates. How does that help inflation? Here’s a big clue. It doesn’t. Let me explain this to you. Maybe another way. I have shown all of you, chart after chart after chart. Just yesterday, post market report of what central banks are doing, including the Federal Reserve, ballooning the global money supply. People, this is economics 101. It really, really is. Which it seems like our politicians here either don’t know or they’re misleading people, which obviously is the case here.

This is a much darker situation here, people. Look how many of you believe, and maybe this is the truth, that our politicians are sub morons who really have no clue absolutely as to what’s happening. Or are they smart enough to know what’s happening? They’re all multimillionaires. How do they get there? By being paid off by the corporate agenda. And the corporate agenda is pretty obvious to me. It’s about control. What better way, what better way? You tell Greg Mannarino what better way there is to extort, notice the word here, extort. Control out of the people than to control their food, their, their means, their literal means of survival here.

You can’t make this stuff up. If you try to, you can’t do it. But our loving, caring politicians here are saying, as in, as this inflation fury is lingering. And let me explain this to you, maybe another way. It ain’t going nowhere. Politicians are joining customs. See the customers, which are people like you and me. Honestly, you and me, we can’t consider ourselves in the same class, really as the general population who has been dumbed down deliberately so stuff like this can be shoved at them. Oh, you know, we’re gonna push the corporations here to lower prices.

It’s that. Although, yes, again, I will admit that corporate greed is a factor here with CEO’s, with multi million, tens of millions of dollars salaries here. Okay, sure, that’s part of the problem, no doubt about it. But that’s unfortunately the way it is. But the root cause of the problem is Federal Reserve monetary policy. They are destroying the purchasing power of the currency. And again, people, let’s think larger. This is not just an issue here with the United States and the Federal Reserve central banks around the world. People, if you’ve been with me for any length of time, you know what I’m about to say.

They are in a race to the bottom to see who can kill the purchasing power of their currency faster. But again, what this, what really bothers me about this is, again, our politicians notice politicians. Politics is a game. It’s, it’s, it’s a game of trickery. It’s a game of deception. It’s a game of alternative facts you understand here, or in other words, lies to keep the people believing in us in something or a system that does not exist anymore. Okay? People are being led to the slaughter. Does that sound familiar? You and I have been talking about this right on how freaking long here our politicians here, including the lovely Kamala and the magnificent Donald Trump, they will not, will not one more time, will not point their finger at the Federal Reserve.

Every manner of deception, every manner of tactic or trickery is going to be used to deflect you from understanding that is the central banks that are causing the problem. The root cause of inflation is monetary policy. And central banks are in here right now inflating the global money supply like we’ve never seen before. Though the global economy is contracting at its past fastest pace we’ve ever seen. You can’t possibly make this stuff up here, people. It’s impossible to do so. I want to hear from you on this. As inflation theory lingers, politicians are joining customers. They’re in the fight here.

They want to fight for you, pushing companies to cut prices. How come they’re not calling for the Federal Reserve to contract the money supply? Let me explain this to you, okay? Look, we can. We can. Our politicians, including those running for president, they know. They know that the root cause of the problem is the Federal Reserve. And they will use every tactic, every manner of deception and lie to keep you from understanding the truth. Again, the general population has no idea how the financial system works at any level. So they believe anything they’re told, it’s an incident.

They’re being treated like infantile entities or cattle as a means to an end here. Okay, we can stop inflation, but it would require some dramatic moves, number one, okay, we, the central banks of the world, would have to be forced, and there’s no way to do this, to vastly contract the money supply, which would, of course, boost the purchasing power of the currency. We must stop. We must stop central banks from inflating. That’s their goal. We can’t stop them. We don’t have anyone, no politician, no one running for president is at all concerned about stopping central banks from inflating, okay? From becoming the lenders and buyers of Lexus.

All we have is our politicians, including Kamala, including Trump, who are doing nothing but everything in their power to make sure that not only does the Federal Reserve remain at the pinnacle of power, but increase it from here, calling for a weaker dollar, calling for lower rates here. So, number one, to really stop inflation, we need to prevent central banks from inflating global money supply. Does that sound about right to you? It’s economics 101, period. Number two, forget about cutting rates. Forget about promising people a better rate on their mortgage or anything else. Of course, it sounds good on paper, people, but this is destructive on so many levels, it allows the central banks to inflate even further.

We can’t stop inflation from rising because we have no one to help us here. We are powerless, you and me. We understand what needs to be done. Again, stop the central banks from inflating the global money supply. We need a stronger currency, not a weaker one. We need higher rates. Not lower rates, people. It gets me literally dizzy thinking about the deceptions that are in place right now. Our loving, caring politicians leading people to the slaughterhouse, including Kamala, including Trump people. I read the comments, and a lot of people took exception to me calling VP Vance, Damien Thorne.

Oh, Greg is never going to come up with a nickname for what’s his, what’s his freaking name? Waltz. Tim Waltz. I have a name for Tim Waltz. I’m calling him the marshmallow man. Okay? And we lose. No matter who, whatever tag team they’re putting behind the resolute desk, we lose, okay? Because again, the root cause of the entire issue is not being addressed. And that is central banks. That is what they’re doing to us here. And people, let me tell you something again, in case you need a reminder. This is going to lead to exactly what I have been warning about for a decade.

We are going to face a resource issue that is going to again, force people into submission. We’re going to get price controls. Why are we going to get price controls? Because our politicians, none of them want to do a damn thing about what the central banks are doing, in this case, the Federal reserve, inflating, using every means at their disposal to continue to inflate. People. If you’re new here, maybe you need to pay attention to what I’m going to tell you, okay? The number one goal of every single central bank is but one thing, one and one thing only, and that is to, to inflate, to dilute the currency.

This is what we’re seeing. The global monetary base balloon at central banks are hyper inflating here. They need and are looking for every excuse that you could dream about, think about, fantasize about, or even have a nightmare over to buy it all. When you hear a politician say, I promised you lower rates, they’re telling you that they are giving the central banks a green light to buy it all, which is massively inflationary. And not only that, it makes sense of banks more powerful. Please ignore the lies, the distractions and the deceptions that are being thrown at you.

Stop putting your faith in marshmallow men and Damien, thorns and Kamala and Trump. You’re being lied to. I really don’t know another way to put this, too, but this is going to lead us towards a financial disaster way worse. They’re setting us up, people. Price controls. Price controls lead to scarcity, leading to rationing. This is where we’re going. Does this sound familiar? I’ve only been warning about this scenario for a decade. We’re seeing it all unfold before our eyes, people, and all we got is each other. No marshmallow people, no Damian thorns, no kamalas, no trumps are here to save you.

They’re here to destroy you. What we’re witnessing now is as, honestly, it’s biblical. People putting their faith in false gods and it leads invariably to destruction. And that’s where we’re getting. That’s, that’s, that’s where we’re going with that, people. Let us set the stage here with regard to this market. As you all know, we remain in this period of seasonal volatility. It’s not over. These extreme moves in the market here. Embrace it, okay? Because let me show you something here. This is the MMRI from this morning, the Mannarino market risk indicator. Look at what’s happening here.

Okay? This is, again, not just squiggly lines on a page. I urge you not to ignore this. What you’re witnessing here is the dollar in a free fall along with other central bank currencies. Again, we have our loving, caring politicians here who don’t care. They don’t give a damn either. They did. Too stupid to know, and I don’t believe that. I think, and I really believe that all politicians are smart enough to know what’s going on. Do they not really understand economics 101, what’s happening right now? Do they not really know? Have they not been let in on the big secret that central bank’s goal is to inflate and that mechanism is destroying all of us here.

Again, look at the global economy today. This is not just the United States issue. Those of you that are locked in the box that it’s Biden’s fault, that it’s Trump’s fault, why we’re seeing inflation here right now. It’s not. They have no power here. It’s central banks who need an ally in the White House. No doubt about it. It makes them easier, it makes their job easier to inflate when they have politicians now playing the game saying, oh, we’re going to talk to the corporations because it’s a corporate problem, it’s an economic issue. No, it’s a monetary policy issue.

But they’re not going to point their fingers at the Federal Reserve. No, no, no. We’ve had a few politicians here that have tried to enlighten us all as to what’s going on. What happens to them? They get silenced. They’re gone. You see how that works here? They’re not allowed. They’re not in the club. You understand? Anyway, this is what we need to keep our eyes on people here. As I was, where did I put this? Man, the MMRI is an amazing tool. It’s reflective of what’s. I can’t believe I lost this thing of what’s happening here in the debt market.

My desk is a disaster area. Here it is right here. This is what’s going on here. This trend line has clearly been broken. This is the fed in the market buying all the debt here. This is the Fed weakening the dollar. This specifically is what’s going on here with the Federal Reserve. This is not what’s happening on a worldwide scale with other central banks. This is specifically for the us market. It can be used anywhere. Honestly, you just have to replace these numbers. But what we’re seeing here is a direct reflection of the Federal Reserve fulfilling its goal, buying it all, weakening the dollar more.

So here. This inflationary issue that we already have is going to get much, much worse, and there’s no way to stop it unless, again, we can force the central banks to stop inflating, to stop ballooning the money supply we needed to contract. We need a stronger currency, not a weaker. So when you hear Trump, when Kamala doesn’t know, again, the one thing Kamala is not saying, because she has no idea, she’s completely clueless here. Okay? I think we can agree on that. She does not understand what it means to say a weaker dollar. Trump is saying that.

Trump is also saying, I promise you, lower rates. Kamala has adopted that. She gets that, that people want the lower rate because it sounds good on paper. It’s a means to destruction. Okay? The lower rate thing helps the corporations. It doesn’t help you. Again, corporations can borrow for zero. Then they can sell corporate debt to finance whatever they want to. Actually, they can’t borrow for zero. They can borrow for very, almost nothing here. Then they sell their own corporate debt to finance that. So it literally, it’s a win win situation. Lower rates is a win win situation for the corporations, okay? Who our politicians are going to, to cut prices.

You can’t make it up. Oh, man. But it’s a lose lose for everybody else here. People. Again, you can’t separate, it can’t be separated the currency from, from rates. Okay? They’re, they’re linked. They’re inextricably linked together here. And we need a stronger currency, not a weaker currency here. And unfortunately, the whole world and the people in it are being lied to on a scale that is just beyond belief here by politicians across the board, by both Kamala, both Trump, by both their, by their sidekicks here. Marshmallow man, Tim whatever the freak, his name is waltz. And VP Vance, who is Damien Thorne? In my view, the man is, I don’t know, he’s possessed by the devil or some kind of crazy thing going, isn’t there something very strange going on with that guy? So just, just be very leery of both of these things, all four of them, honestly here.

So a couple of other things that are going on here in the crypto world. How about this? A big win here for XRP. A big win here, people. Load up, load up. You all know that. Now, with regard to the crypto space, look, we’re hearing again from Donald Trump. Big things are coming for crypto. He’s not stopping here, all right? He’s been talking about this for quite a while. Obviously, the man has developed some kind of a functioning brain. I do believe that cryptocurrency is something that needs to be in everybody’s portfolio. I’ve been telling you this way before Trump made his 180, Trump didn’t like this stuff.

All right? A lot of you Trump supporters are still locked in what he used to say. He’s made a 180 here. And I think this is massively positive for cryptocurrency moving forward. He said this a couple of times over the last several days here. I just happened to catch it yesterday. Big things are coming. As a matter of fact, apparently there’s some, he’s going to be making some kind of announcement here with regard to cryptocurrency. People. Look, let me, let me describe this to you. Maybe another way here. Cryptocurrency, bitcoin XRP. This stuff is not generally used.

And generally, people who hold this stuff, they hold it, they don’t use it to transact. It’s a completely different asset class than what is coming. We all know that a central bank digital currency is coming. Can’t be stopped. Cannot be stopped. That’s where we’re going here. And people say, hey, Greg, well, how is the Federal Reserve or central banks going to allow competition? There’s no competition. There’s no competition. It’s a completely different asset class. Bitcoin XRP, the current cache here of cryptocurrency, these are buy and hold things. What central banks are going to issue is going to work exactly like the currency we have now, except this one.

They’re going to be able to track you down to whatever they want. It’s a method of control. So is price controls. So is price controls leading to scarcity, leading to rationing. It’s all about control. They’re deconstructing the current system. It’s all about control here. They’re going to vastly reduce the population of the world, too. Oh, absolutely. Via another bio weapon, where they’re going to create some other kind of a thing that you’re going to run. They’re going to make you run to your physician and get it. It’s going to be gross, it’s going to be, expect something disfiguring, expect something very visible.

Sores, some kind of a thing, okay? That’s visible on people’s bodies. The last time with the COVID scamdemic, of course you couldn’t see it. What you were able to see is this. This was visual. It wasn’t enough to make people afraid. Enough to run out and go get the warp speed bio vax weapon clot machine that is causing cancer and death, tens of thousands, you know, a weapon of mass destruction. Of course they need something else. They want whatever is in that vial in your body and they’re gonna make you beg for it. That’s it. That’s really my, my take on it.

So just expect anything people be ready for whatever they’re gonna throw at us. Is it gonna be expanding war, death, pain, suffering on that scale? Or is it gonna be something else again, another, another ploy? I don’t know. We’ll see. We’ll see how that plays out. Anyway, a couple of other things here. So look, this, it’s starting to get some mainstream media attention. We brought this up yesterday, how the major banks are boosting their reserves. I think there’s something going on here, why banks are boosting their cash reserves. What do they know that you don’t know? Do you know that these institutions get paid? Oh, yeah, you don’t believe me? Maybe you should go to the Federal Reserve’s own website and they’ll tell you.

Why does the Federal Reserve pay banks interest on their reserves? Let me just read this to you. This is off the Fed’s website here. The Fed pays interest on these deposits. Congress authorized the Federal Reserve to pay the banks interest on their balances in 2008. This is how Congress works for you, or they work for you so well, they work for you so good that they’re going to go and they’re not going to point to the root cause of the entire problem, which is the Federal Reserve. Imagine really, honestly, people, the deceptions. The lies. You and I have been talking about this.

I said, at the end of last year, watch the videos. I said, you’re going to see lies and deceptions and distractions like you can’t believe. And here’s one in your freaking face, okay? They will not point their fingers at the Fed. No, they must, you see, because it’s the Federal reserve who’s going to be issuing a solution to the problem, not all politicians. You have to understand, they realize what’s going on here. We’re being brought to our knees. You all know that. Brought to our knees. And an event is going to occur which they’re going to blame.

They’re going to say, this is the reason why this is happening. This is the reason why we’re rationing food. This is the reason why you can’t have access to your bank accounts. This is the reason why you’re destitute. Now, you know, it’s interesting, too. I put this out yesterday. This was, you can’t read this, so let me read this to you. So I wrote, lions. I believe that some staged event will occur, a false flag, which will be used as a scapegoat as they collapse the world financial system only to issue in a new one. Let’s stop there for a moment here.

How many of you out here believe this is going to happen? It looks like just about 100% of you that some kind of event is going to be staged. Whether it’s going to be a grotesque, disfiguring disease process, or it’s going to be war, death, pain. Something is going to be forced upon us and they’re going to point to it as to why the system is coming down, why they have to institute a new system. This is where we’re building up to people. You think we’re on the same page? All right. So I went on to say it’s always the same situation, problem, reaction, solution.

Again, why the fed in this case and central banks must be blameless, why they must find a scapegoat here. It’s not a mon. It’s not the problem, the currency being devalued. It’s this. You understand? You have to be deceived. You must be lied to. There must be alternative facts presented to you. See what I’m talking about? Anyway, here. So here was my question to all of you. I have said repeatedly that I do not believe that some kind of event like this will happen until after the selection. Well, most of you, half of you think I’m wrong, and you may be right.

So 63% of you, this, thousands of you responded to this, believe that it will happen before the selection, be ready for anything at any time. We need to be ready for anything at any time. But 63%, you believe it’s going to happen before. 37% of you believe it will happen after as they’re not ready to take down the system. I think they’re damn close to it. I think they’re damn close to it. And this may actually be a clue. What did I write here? Oh, the price controls, ventral shortages and rationing. That’s what develops from these things.

And again, history is a great teacher. It looks like we don’t learn. Or again, they really do believe, and I think this is true, that our loving, caring representatives are using us as cattle. Man. They think we’re just too stupid. But you see, we’re not that stupid. We’re not that stupid. And we’re taking every action that we can to counter what they’re throwing at us right now, the deceptions, the lies, the alternative facts. You understand? You see what I’m saying here? It’s insane. What is? It’s, it’s biblical. I don’t know another way to put it. That’s really what we’re seeing here.

It seems to me that way. Doesn’t it seem that way to you anyway, however you want to look at it, biblical or not, this is, this is pretty, pretty amazing here. So, you know, I want to hear from you on this. So the question of the day, since we all seem to be on the same page with regard to some kind of twisted event forced upon us, is it going to be some kind of a disfiguring disease? Some, some kind of a mark on the body that they’re going to throw at us, something very visual? Or is it going to be just more war or a combination of the two? Um, I want to hear from you on that.

Um, I want to hear from you on everything that we cover here, people, honestly. So, look, what does this mean for you and I, first of all, please keep your eyes on this. Again, this is free. And I’m not telling you to look at this because I don’t, I do not. People say Greg does things because he wants to profit from it. I do profit from this. This is free. I left it free for you for a reason. I think knowledge is power. This here is a visual of what’s happening, and we can see it in real time.

This is telling us the Fed is buying it all. They’re devaluing the currency as well. This is a mechanism, again, people, to allow them to continue to inflate. And our politicians are playing right into it again. The marshmallow man, the freaking Damien Thorne, the Kamala, the Trump. This is what they’re doing to us, people. We can’t win unless we could. We need to stop this. The government here is not the marshmallow men. It’s not the Damien Thornes, the Kamala’s or the Trumps. We’re supposed to be able to govern ourselves, okay? The Federal Reserve has taken over along with central banks around the world, and they are fulfilling their goal.

People, please read the creature from Jekyll Island. I don’t know another way to put this to you. And if you don’t want to even buy the book, just let your fingers do the walking. Use your own God given intellect, okay? We have a gift. It’s been given to us by the almighty, okay? Use it, okay? Stop being dumbed down, trapped, believing in false idols, in false gods, looking for something that’s gonna bail you out of this thing. Ain’t happening. You must. We have to come together, people. We are the revolution. We are the freaking solution. It’s starting with this freaking blog right here, and you are a part of it, people.

I gotta get going, man. I’m gonna give my. I’m gonna tell you, I’m gonna give myself freaking heart attack one day. This guy here loves you from the hard people. We gotta come together, man. We gotta unite. Stop this division crap. This is what they want. This is how they control us. It’s so sick. It’s so sick to see these people and I’m making myself sick from this. I’m telling you the truth. I really am. All right, look, love you a lot of people, from the heart. I mean that. Please comment. Please get this video out there.

If you got something out of this video, please give it a thumbs up. It allows the algorithms to pick it up. You want people to hear this stuff or you don’t? I don’t know what to tell you. All right? If you are not a part of this family and I welcome you here to this pride of lions who are really trying to make a difference in the world, if you don’t want to be part of this, that’s fine, all right? But if you do, I really hope you start to see things in their true light. It’s amazing.

All you need is a spark. Do you realize you could be in a stadium, you could be in the middle of Madison Square garden in the pitch black and a spark. One tiny little spark of light will be able to be visualized there one. That’s what we are. You understand? We are that little spark of light that’s allowing people to see the truth. Truth is inescapable. And either you you can see it or you can’t. If you can’t see the truth, if you’re unable to and you’re locked in darkness, that maybe should tell you something as well.

Look, people, again love you from the heart. With all I got, please get this stuff out there. Share this stuff. I will see all of you later for the live stream. Four or 05:00 p.m. eastern. Okay? And I don’t know what else to say. People, wake up. If you’re still asleep, wake up. See you later. Bye.

See more of Gregory Mannarino on their Public Channel and the MPN Gregory Mannarino channel.


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Central Bank Digital Currency central banks inflating global money supply central banks monetary policies cryptocurrencies gaining importance Federal Reserve's role in inflation financial disaster due to currency inflation Gregory Mannarino on inflation politicians blaming companies for inflation price controls leading to scarcity raising interest rates to control inflation strengthening currency to combat inflation trackable and controllable digital

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