Shrinkflation Scandal Revealed! – $6 Filet-O-Fish | I Allegedly

Posted in: I Allegedly, News, Patriots



➡ I Allegedly talks about the issue of ‘shrinkflation’ at McDonald’s, where the size of the Filet-O-Fish sandwich and drinks have reduced while prices have increased. It also talks about Cracker Barrel, a restaurant chain that’s struggling despite offering good value for money. The video suggests that both companies need to better understand and cater to their customers to improve their business performance.
➡ The article discusses various issues in the food and aviation industry. McDonald’s franchisees are upset about a $5 deal that isn’t profitable. New York City tourism is down due to safety concerns, and fuel workers at Kennedy Airport are threatening to strike over low wages. Additionally, United and American Airlines may have planes with fire risks. Lastly, the article mentions that 61% of people are delaying retirement due to inflation, and the author believes inflation is out of control.


Hi this is I allegedly welcome back my name is Dan got a good one for you today because the one thing you guys keep asking about is shrinkflation and sending me all these emails we’ll get a lot to cover in this video this and other stuff in regards to business news and the economy but please don’t forget to hit the like button please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and let’s get right into it. Now we’re in McDonald’s and the one thing that people keep sending at me is the Filet-O-Fish talking about how small it is and it’s absolutely ridiculous first things first the Filet-O-Fish is now five dollars and ninety nine cents so it’s six dollars for a Filet-O-Fish which is unbelievable and look at this guys.

Look at how tiny that is. Remember it used to fill up the whole box not anymore not anymore and the one thing that’s funny is the contraction that shoots out the jizz for the tartar sauce still is set to the larger size so you get all this tartar sauce that everybody complains about because it’s made for a bigger sandwich so that’s the tartar sauce you put in the larger sandwich but now that you’ve got the tiny little sandwich this is what you get so absolutely unbelievable and before you sit there and say who would eat this la-la-la okay it’s one time but I did this for the channel to show you guys shrinkflation and the 32 ounce drink is no longer 32 ounces it’s 25 ounces so that’s a large drink guys at McDonald’s now absolutely shocking absolutely shocking okay of my mom smoking in the car and eating this it’s probably why I turned up the way I did it.

What’s the point of paying six dollars for something that is not valued, not a meal? And I understand you guys are gonna say it’s not food, but it’s gotten so expensive. McDonald’s has a huge problem, and that is that you can’t make the sandwich and the drinks smaller and sit there and say, “Oh, you know, everybody’s gonna be fine, they’re gonna be okay with this.” They’re not. No business is gonna be okay with this. I mean, really think about this. The restaurant industry as a whole right now is completely upside down.

When do I eat out? When I’m having a meeting or I’m filming a video. Trust me, I don’t eat Filet-O-Fish sandwiches every day of the week, but this is insane for the value for the price. You guys are right. I mean, the thing is thimble-sized. Let me know what you think about this so far because I think it’s crazy right now that we’re supposed to pay these prices and get it smaller and smaller and smaller. You know, you can’t make the burger small, you just can’t. I can’t make the patty smaller. The fake fish, pressed fish, is literally a third of the size it used to be. So let me know if you’ve noticed this. Let me know your thoughts on this. But it’s six dollars for that sandwich now. That is outrageous when you think about that.

Oh, there’s much more fun now. The next one is good old Cracker Barrel. You guys have asked me to come here over and over: “You gotta go to Cracker Barrel, gotta go to Cracker Barrel.” Well, Cracker Barrel’s stock right now is in an absolute freefall, and the CEO Julie Massano had an investor call and said, “We’re just not as relevant as we used to be.” Think about this. This company never gained a foothold since COVID, lost all its old customers. The majority of the senior customers have not come back to Cracker Barrel. Before this year, they’re off 16% pre-COVID. So they’re off an absolute time. This year, they’re off another 4%, which is over 20% off right now.

Now, here’s the thing. They think they’ve got something here. They think they have a winner. They’re gonna change the menu. Young kids hated this place because they did something that was considered to be “woke” last year, and it completely destroyed the older people from going here right now. So it will be interesting to see if they can fix it. This place is 54 years old, has not changed the menu in decades, they said, and now they need to be relevant. Julie Massano has been the CEO for only nine months, but can she turn this place around? Sales are off the chart.

Now, let’s go inside Cracker Barrel. This is the old country store that you’ve heard so much about. This reminds me of a place called Knott’s Berry Farm in Southern California. It just has that same feel, same kind of vibe, same kind of products, same kind of store stuff. What do you guys think? Wow.

First things first, walking in this place, this is like going to your grandmother’s house. Everybody’s so nice. Prices seem pretty reasonable. You’ve got a fried chicken dinner here for 13 bucks. They’ve got teas and beers and stuff like that. The place is crowded, so I don’t want to start filming people inside. You can get thrown out of here, but pretty crazy. Prices are reasonable. I don’t understand for what you’re getting. I think this is actually cheaper than some fast food. Look at this, meals for $12. You know, meatloaf for $12.79. That doesn’t seem bad at all. Then they’ve got lunch specials that are under $11.

This place should advertise this place is what they should do. Okay, guys, I got the fried chicken. It comes with two sides. It’s got four pieces of chicken and came with biscuits that I inhaled while I was waiting for my food. This is $13.99, guys. This is a total steal. Look at you, can’t eat fast food for this price. Now here’s the thing. I’ve talked to a bunch of people in the restaurant. I mean, this is salty earth hillbilly nice, good people. Grandparents. I am one of the younger people in this restaurant, other than people’s grandkids, and that’s it. But I’m telling you, the fact that this place is struggling with the prices and everything, that’s on management, that’s on CEO Massano.

I’m telling you, I would turn this place around in one week. Everybody needs to understand their business, understand their customer, understand their core customer. Look at that, guys, $13.99. You can’t eat a hamburger for that, and this place is struggling. That’s on them. Again, fried chicken, it’s not healthy. What’s their fresh fish like? Do they have sautéed spinach? You know what I mean? I’m gonna hear all that crap from you guys. The point is, this place should be making money hand over fist.

Work on your existing clientele. You know what your existing clientele is, advertise that. Cracker Barrel is clearly not doing that. This is on them. This is on Julie with the three last names. Let me know. Share your thoughts on this so far. Once again, guys, amazing service, totally cheap prices. Look at that. Okay, $18.62. Absolute deal, absolute steal. I ate at Shake Shack a week ago and spent $23 on a burger, fries, and a drink.

Clearly, Cracker Barrel is on crack, and this is management’s fault as to why this place is not making more money hand over fist. Clearly, they think that they should just leave the door unlocked and people will show up. You need to advertise to your core clientele right now. Again, guys, let me know what you think about this. Again, it’s not health food. How could you eat that, blah, blah, blah. You know what I mean. I don’t want to hear it, guys. I just want you to understand that when you see a 54-year-old business that’s going down, they’re trying to compare this to Red Lobster and Olive Garden and IHOP. No, guys, this place has good food and good value too.

I mean it, in a week I could turn this place around. Remember I said that. Let me know what you think about that. One thing that’s interesting is you have all these restaurants that are hurting. McDonald’s did their $5 deal and now the franchisees are freaking out. They’re so upset about this because they’re saying there’s not enough profit in this $5 meal to discount it 30% off where it is. Think about this. They came up with the $5 deal for the McDonald’s franchisees and just stuck them with it and said this is going to be the price, and you’re gonna make money on this. Oh, you don’t make money? That’s your problem.

It’ll get people inside the store. The only problem is, if you read the story out of the New York Post, it’s getting people inside the stores, but what they’re doing is they’re just buying the $5 meal and leaving. The franchisees are like, we’re not making any money on this. A couple of New York stories with business that’s really funny is tourism in New York City is off below the pre-pandemic levels. It’s off like 18% of where it was prior to the pandemic. Why? It’s one word, guys: crime. Nobody wants to go there. Honey, let’s go get robbed in New York.

Please understand this, when I went there for my daughter and her billboard and everything that she did in February, it was so arranged in such a way that we were never really alone if you know what I mean and felt very safe in one sense. But that place is very unsafe. One thing that’s funny about New York City right now is the workers that fill the fuel on airplanes at Kennedy Airport are so pissed off about their wages. Enough is enough. We want to get paid a real wage or we’re gonna go on strike. When are they gonna go on strike? Memorial Day weekend.

It will be interesting because you’re gonna sit there and say, well, can’t Pete fill up a plane? No, you can’t. Speaking of planes, it was just announced that United and American Airlines have a bunch of planes that could have electrostatic problems where they could catch fire midair. Stories below on that one which would be enough to keep you up at night. But again, is flying safe? I hate the experience now. It’s not like flying these little puddle jumpers like JSX where they treat you like a king and give you drinks and everybody’s relaxed and you have lots of legroom and the space between you and the person next to you. Man, it is just terrible now.

This is only getting worse, but what do you think about this? Do you think these guys should strike? I think it’s funny because it would be great if the people that fill the airplanes, because think about it, they don’t care which airline. No, you’re from Nippon, you’re from Korean Air, who cares? They just don’t care. United? Not filling your plane. That would be awesome if that happened this week. I think that would actually be funny. Let me know what you think about that.

Now I’m gonna finish this video with these last couple stories. Just a quick video this morning and wanted to go show you guys the restaurants. Jonathan sent me a very interesting letter. He has a wife who’s sick, he’s taking care of her, and like he says, he’s a man of means who has seen his lifestyle diminish over the last few years because of her health and because of inflation. How do the average people make it and how do they get by right now in this



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Cracker Barrel struggling business fire risk in improving customer understanding in restaurant business low wages in aviation industry McDonald's Filet-O-Fish size reduction McDonald's franchisee dissatisfaction potential strike at Kennedy Airport price increase at McDonald's safety concerns affecting New York City tourism shrinkflation at McDonald's unprofitable $5 deal at McDonald's

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