Shattered Priorities: Betraying Our Own




➡ The U.S. government, led by President Biden and Vice President Harris, recently approved a large aid package for Ukraine and $1.8 billion for hurricane victims. The host of the Richard Lennon show questions where this money is coming from and why it’s not being used to support local communities in the U.S. instead. He argues that there are many areas in the U.S. that lack support, such as after-school programs, athletics, and infrastructure, and believes that these issues should be prioritized over foreign conflicts.
➡ President Zelensky of Ukraine has a plan to end the war by 2025, which includes joining NATO and getting long-term military support from the West. The U.S. is sending weekly aid packages to Ukraine, including weapons and defense systems. However, the author questions why the U.S. is funding this war, especially when there are domestic issues like homeless veterans needing support. The author feels that the U.S. citizens’ money is being spent without their approval, causing frustration and financial strain.
➡ The network is asking viewers to join the Stu crew for $9 a month or $90 a year to get premium access to extra content and other benefits. The host expresses frustration about the lack of accountability in Washington, particularly regarding immigration and veterans’ affairs. He criticizes the government for stalling on new facilities for veterans due to lack of funds, while spending on other areas. The host urges viewers to question the government’s actions and hold them accountable.
➡ The U.S. government is criticized for not prioritizing funding for veterans’ healthcare, despite the increasing number of veterans due to recent wars and the COVID-19 pandemic. The author argues that the government is spending money on foreign aid and military equipment, while neglecting the needs of veterans, who often face long wait times for medical care and struggle with homelessness and unemployment. The author also expresses concern about the potential misuse of U.S. military equipment by foreign countries. The author concludes by highlighting the difficulties veterans face in accessing disability and compensation benefits, and the frustration that leads many to give up on the process.
➡ The text discusses the struggles of disabled veterans, who often wait months for disability payments and medical care. Despite these challenges, many veterans value their service experiences and relationships more than monetary compensation. The text also questions the accuracy of commonly taught history, suggesting that powerful families may have manipulated it for their own benefit. It proposes the possibility of a hidden advanced civilization whose existence has been concealed from us.


Just Wednesday, folks, just this last Wednesday, our illustrious government, our illustrious administration, Biden and Kamala Harris, approved yet another insane aid package for the Ukraine. Now, also, let’s not forget that they did also sign over $1.8 billion or something like that to hurricane victims from the last month, which should be helpful if it is divvied out and administered the way that maybe it should. And I guess I’m not aware of how it should be handed out. I’m not aware of how it should be spent. But I know that there was talk that there wasn’t any money for reasons that we’ve already discussed here on this show, such as the infiltration of our country.

But here again this week, yet another insanely expensive package of benefits to the Ukraine to fight the war that America is not or should not be involved in at all. So today we’re going to have some discussions on that. I found a couple interesting things that maybe might be interesting to you. They certainly were interested to me, and it kind of sparked my curiosity. So I did some digging. So stick with us. Don’t go away. We start now. Hey, everybody. Welcome here to the next installment of the Richard Lennon show. I want to, as always, thank you.

Thank you for being here and thank you for coming back. As I say all the time, it’s awesome to watch this show just gain traction and build steam. So all of us here at the studio, as well as myself, we really thank you. And of course, as always, before we get started, once again, let me tell you about how the show is made possible. That’s Cortez wealth management. Get yourselves on over to sign up for the webinars. They happen on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 07:00 p.m. eastern Standard Time. The webinar will give you all the information that you need and then some about how to tack, how to create and plan and execute a tax free retirement plan.

Got ahead of myself. Excuse me. When you get to the end of your days, busting your back, getting up early, working late, whatever the case may be, you deserve to enjoy the fruits of your labor with as little tax liability as possible. So at least give Carlos and his staff a shot to, to help you out with a plan. America first get on over there, check it out. You owe it to yourself. Okay. So as I was digging, excuse me, as I was digging for things that I thought might be interesting to, to the audience and things that I might be able to shed a little bit of wisdom on.

I like to think sometimes that, that I have a little bit of wisdom. I’m not very old, but I feel like I’m old as hell some days, some mornings. But, you know, I do a lot of. I do a lot of thumbing through stuff. I do a lot of watching of videos of people talking. And there’s just, there’s so much, there’s so much going on and there’s just so much treachery. It seems like there’s so much treachery afoot that. That it’s hard to. It’s hard to pick out. It’s hard to pick out ideas for content because, truth be told, there are times in which I would like to have pleasant or more meaningful conversations.

Not that any of this stuff is not meaningful, but, you know, I like to try to capture people’s stories and let them talk to us about the shit that’s going on out there that we will never hear about, will never see on tv. You’ll never see it or hear about it on Facebook or Instagram. You might on, you might on x. But who knows really, who knows really what is censored? Who knows really what is put out or has the ability to be put out to us and then also how much of it is the truth.

And so we got to do our best to just wade through that. You wade through all the b’s to try to find little nuggets of truth here and there as we go. Well, so then I came across this, this story about how this week’s package, and we’ll check out the article, but they say in here, this week’s package for support or of support for the Ukraine totals $425 million. $425 million. Now that was Wednesday. I also want you to know, if you don’t already, that also on Wednesday, the Biden administration also signed over 1.8, I think it was, or $1.2 billion for hurricane relief, which is something I think that most Americans can, can get behind.

But the question is, who the hell’s paying for all of this? And where is all of this money coming from? You see, if we, if we dive into community programs in our little Podunk towns that, that some of us live in, or even the big cities, the urban areas in which we live in, as well as the rural areas, it seems as if there’s not a whole lot for support for some of those communities. There’s a lack of support for after school programs to help kids who maybe need a little extra help. It seems that in some places athletics is getting cut because schools can’t afford things like busing or they can’t afford equipment for these kids to use to play sports.

There are roadways all over this country are a disaster. There’s just so much. There’s so many things. And, and when we read articles that outline this week’s package for a war that’s going on all the way across the world, that we, as members of a community, as citizens of the United States of America, that we don’t want to be involved in, that’s a little hard to swallow. At least it is for me. And this coming from a place between my wife and I. All of our kids are graduated out of college. In fact, we just became grandparents a couple weeks ago.

And that’s how I got this little extra, this gray patch. This is new. This is the grandpa patch, apparently. But those things are new to us. And so where are we finding all of this extra money to be spending? All over the world, but yet our own people are lacking in support, in equipment and supplies, you name it. Does anybody really expect us to believe that the war in the Ukraine is more important than american children that may need extra support before or after school? Are we expected to believe that the war in the Ukraine is more important than the city streets, that some of us travel down every day, that are in shambles, that are doing damage to our vehicles then now we also have to pay to fix that, fix our cars, our suspension? Are we expected to believe that things like the war in the Ukraine are more important than keeping our communities safe? When we know, we know beyond the shadow of a doubt that there are many communities in this country that are being decimated by crime.

And not just crime, from illegal aliens, legal immigrant immigrants. Tough time talking today. But also crime that is being perpetrated by our own people. Are we expected to believe that? Because I don’t. And as we’ve talked about on this show many, many, many times, there is absolutely zero, zero excuse for us to be worried about anybody else’s backyard when ours is full of dog shit. And it’s a mess and it’s just. It’s. It’s broken, it’s ravaged. Zero reason for it. And so when I found this information about this week’s package, it really made me. Well, it frustrated the hell out of me, but it really made me think about some other things.

So let’s go through this, and, of course, as usual, I’ll stop where I have my comments. Okay, so this article is titled White House approves $425 million in new Ukraine aid. I found this on military times, and I’ll tell you this, I’ll give a shout out to the military Times, and maybe I’m wrong about this and others might disagree, but I feel like I have found as it relates to military and veteran issues, military times does a pretty good job at being diverse about the stories that they put out. You don’t always really agree with them, but at least the information is out there and from the best that we can ascertain a lot of the time, it’s about as true as it can be.

And maybe I’m, maybe I’m just not all that great of a researcher, um, but I seem to think that they put out pretty decent information. So anyway, here we go. White House approves 425 million in new Ukraine aid the White House on Wednesday announced its latest package, its latest package of military support for Ukraine, including $425 million worth of air defense, air to ground missile, armored vehicles and other munitions. President Joe Biden spoke Wednesday morning with his ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, before the White House announced the latest round of aid to help Kiev in its ongoing war against Russia’s invasion.

The two leaders discussed the state of the war and a victory plan Zelenskyy has touted to end the conflict, according to a readout of the call. Now wait a minute here. President Zelensky has a victory plan. Then go perform your plan. Did Vladimir Zelinsky construct a victory plan and just assume that Joe Biden and the taxpayers of the United States of America, we’re just gonna say, here you go. Here’s all our equipment, here’s all our munitions, here’s a bunch of money, here’s some supplies and some vehicles. There you go. Go, go perform your victory plan. I don’t know if he did.

Maybe he did. I bet he did. Who knows? The ukrainian president publicly discussed the plan for the first time in a speech before the country’s parliament on Wednesday, arguing that his framework. His framework could halt the war by the end of 2025. He discussed five main points, chief among them, membership in NATO and long term military support from the west. Well, I guess that answers our question, doesn’t it? Vladimir Zelinsky’s victory plan is to have somebody else come in and win the war for him. He knows that if, if the Ukraine joins NATO now, all these powerhouses led by the United States of America, now they’re obligated, they’re damn near obligated to go fight Russia, and he’s going to get long term support from the west.

Does that mean the United States only? I don’t know. Maybe. Maybe not. I did also read recently that Australia gave him, like, 45 Abrams tanks that were set to be decommissioned. Well, I don’t know if that’s a horrible thing, right? They’re gonna decommission these tanks and, you know, make monuments out of them, or they take all the guts out and just take all the metal and they throw it in the ocean and it becomes a coral reef at some point. As long as there’s no chemicals or abrasive or corrosive stuff on it or in it. They’ve done that in the past.

Vladimir Zelenskyy’s plan doesn’t seem to be at all that he and his military or his people are going to help win this war. NATO and long term support from the west. Now, it would be naive of me to assume that the ukrainian military is not going to be fighting. Of course they’re going to be fighting. But if they were soldiers that were trained and able to carry out the job of fighting in combat, they would have. They’d be doing it, and I think they’re out there doing it, but I don’t know that they’re doing much. And to be quite honest with you folks, I don’t follow the day to day goings ons of the war in the Ukraine, but I do pay attention when your money and my money and our money as a community is going there in droves with weekly packages.

Let’s continue. This week’s package includes many of those weapons Ukraine needs most of, though it solely involves equipment America has sent in the past. The White House’s authority to send a more assistance with assistance was set to expire at the end of September, forcing the president to designate the aid toward the existing list of approved systems. The White House pledged that within months, the US would send hundreds of air defense interceptors and dozens of smaller air defense systems, both of which have become as valuable as they are scarce. Two and a half years into the war, Russia has consistently overwhelmed Ukraine’s air defenses with cheap drones and ballistic missiles in attacks on military and civilian targets.

Kiev is bracing for more such strikes heading into the winter as Ukraine struggles with a damaged power grid. Weird. You’re at war. You’re at war. Of course your power grid is damaged. Of course all these things are happening. Why? What I struggle with, folks, is this. Why has it become our responsibility to fund this war? We’ve just got out of the longest war that our country has ever fought, and by the way, by the way, we got out of said war like the biggest set of cowards possible. And it wasn’t because the soldiers on the ground were cowardice.

It wasn’t because they whooped our ass. It wasn’t because we ran out of equipment. It wasn’t because we. We have soldiers or fighters that are crooked and they don’t know what they’re doing and they’re. And they don’t believe in the mission. We look like cowards because we were forced to. We were forced to. To perform the mission that was handed down. And the mission that was handed down was to unask the AO and leave all of our stuff. If. If you’re not on the plane or you’re not in the trucks, when it’s time to go, when you’re not, if you’re not there at SP time, guess you’re staying.

Instead of leaving that part of the world the right way, handing over whatever it is there was left to hand over to and leaving there with. With dignity, with power, and maybe even a little bit of grace. A way in which the men and women that are now buried 6ft underground in national cemeteries all over this country or in private cemeteries all over this country, wherever they chose or their family chose to place them to make their sacrifice worth it. To make sure at the end of the day, when they signed on that dotted line and they put on that uniform and they laced up their boots and they grabbed their weapon, put on their body armor and their hem and their helmets and stepped out into that battlefield, that it was for something bigger than themselves and the way in which we left that place.

I bet all of those men and women are rolling over in their graves. What was it all for? Why? Why did it end that way? I think there’s a lot of theories out there, but that’s maybe, maybe that’s a discussion for a whole other show. But then we talk about weekly packages of aid and we know. We know as a country that we have homeless veterans all over, sleeping in the cold, hungry, some very sick. We know that we have homeless veterans that need work, they need support, they need mental health care, they need all kinds of stuff.

And that’s just veterans. That’s a seven, 8% of the country’s population. But I highlight that because everybody who’s asking you for a vote at some point in their campaign has addressed the need of veterans and how they’re going to do better and how veterans are going to be better off with them in office. Well, I’m here to tell you that when we’re weekly spending hundreds of millions of dollars on a war that we don’t have anything to do with or shouldn’t, a war that we’re not fighting and hopefully never will, because we shouldn’t, that doesn’t leave a lot of room for anything else.

And it doesn’t give those men and women the confidence in their country that maybe they once had, that they’re going to be taken care of in some way, some form or fashion, that they’re gonna have some kind of support. And at the end of the day, it’s not their fucking money to spend. It’s not their money to send every week to somewhere that we, as taxpayers, don’t approve. It’s not their money. It’s our money. And if we all got. Got to the. To the Capitol steps or stood at your state capitol and demanded, I demand my money, what do you think will happen? They’ll arrest us.

They’ll make us go away. They’ll push us away. They’ll say something to pacify us. And meanwhile, you’re going to go to work, just like I am. And every time you collect the paycheck and you look at your pay stub, you’re going to be fucking pissed. You’re going to be pissed off because you know exactly where all of that, all of those dollars, every single one of those dollars that has been taken out of your paycheck are likely going. It’s ridiculous. Nobody asked us. Nobody asked the United States of America. The citizens of the United States of America.

Hey, do you think that we should help out the Ukraine with their war against Russia? You know, maybe they could use some support. Maybe we could do this. Maybe we could do that. They would probably really appreciate that. Nope. Nope. This old son of a bitch in his little baby bear footy pajamas, he just sits up there sucking his thumb or a pacifier with his little hot cocoa and graham crackers, and he said, don’t worry. Don’t worry. Oh, Vladimir, ol buddy, old pal, let me send you another $425 million of shit. That’s not mine to give you, but just sit still.

It’ll be right with you. Don’t worry. I got you covered. And here we are, struggling, watching our savings depleted, not able to buy a full week’s worth of groceries. Maybe make a decision about how much gas you got to put in your car for the week to get to and from work. Maybe you’re one of those parents that has to make a decision whether or not you can really afford to let your child play football or soccer or dance or gymnastics or volleyball, whatever it is that your kids are playing. We the american people, we the people we are going without.

And these people are sitting up on high collecting their paychecks and giving ours away. But I’ll tell you what, folks, it gets even. It gets even more frustrating. We got to take a break though, so just chew on that. It gets more frustrating. We’ll be right back. Don’t go away. Hey, folks, we just have a very short break here because we’re running short on time. But I wanted to talk to you quickly about joining the Stu crew. If you have watched the network in the last few weeks, you will have probably seen this already. But if not, this will be a new deal and a reminder for some.

The network is growing. We are growing large. For the last four years, everything that we have put together, all the work we have done has all been free to you, the watcher, the viewer. We are now at a stage where we need some help. We need some support. All of these things take resources. And so if you would consider joining the Stu crew, I want to show you here down on the left side, the bottom left of the screen here, you’re going to see this red button that’s labeled Stu crew. You can click on there and for $9 a month or $90 a year, you’ll get two months for free.

You can join the Stu crew to get premium access to extra content. There are also other benefits, such as giveaways. Stu is putting together packages of giveaways for premium subscribers so you do receive something extra as a thank you for joining us and for your support. This is, folks, a sign of growth. But we have to, we have to, we have to keep growing. We are in the constant search for truth and we are in the constant search of making sure that you, our viewers, are properly informed of to make your own decisions about whatever the topic at hand is.

So again, here at the bottom left, the Stu crew, $90 a year, $9 a month. There’s also the ability to make a one time donation if that is what you so choose to do. You can do anything from as small as $1 all the way up to a million dollars I think is the cap. So feel free to go nuts on there, whatever you can do. It’s important to mention, though, that we of course do not want anybody to go backwards. We don’t want anybody to feel the hurt by supporting the network. We don’t believe that you should have to do with less to support us.

So if you can’t do it. We understand. It’s no big deal. We still appreciate you watching and participating in the content that is put out to you. But if you can, and you won’t miss $9 a month, please consider joining again. We are running short on time, so I’ll see you back in the show. Hey, folks, welcome back here. Before we took a break, I got, I was up, standing strong, high on my soapbox. And I just think it just gets so, first of all, it gets very tiresome. It’s very tiresome to day after day and week after week, just like, just like everybody, everybody in this country, one way or another, it doesn’t matter who you support.

It doesn’t matter what side of the aisle you’re on. It doesn’t matter what your views are and where you stand on them. There is always, there’s always some extreme bullshit that’s going on on either side of the argument. And in my opinion, what I think happens the most is that we don’t have anybody who’s keeping these, these people in Washington in check. Everyone gets so up in arms, everyone is everyone so polarized, and everyone’s so pissed off. And meanwhile, nobody seems to be holding the ones that are holding the purse strings, the ones that are spending the money, the ones that are making the rules, the ones who are breaking the rules or bending them for their own purpose.

Nobody’s ever, nobody’s ever talking about that. And nobody’s ever asking those questions. You see, there’s, let’s. Let’s talk about immigration, right, this immigration deal real quick, because we got, we got something else to get to. But either you’re, either you’re for it or you’re against it. And no matter what side you’re on, both sides are pissed off at the government. I don’t know that there’s really anybody in this country that believes beyond the shadow of a doubt that, nah, we’re good. We don’t, we don’t have to, we don’t got to worry about that. We’ll be fine.

I think everybody always should be questioning because there’s always some bullshit going on. But nobody else, nobody else is. We get on here. You, if you watch the mainstream media, they get on there and they ride on their soapboxes, but nobody’s holding these people accountable. And I don’t know. I don’t know that I have an answer for what it’s gonna take. There was some guy on x that I believe was earlier this week, and I forget his name or his qualifications, but he was being interviewed on, on some platform about just the, the current state of, of America and the things going on and, and how he felt about it.

And his answer was, well, when are we gonna have it? When? When are we going to have had enough? He said, we already seen Donald Trump get, uh, there was two assassination attempts and apparently maybe even a third or maybe even a fourth that they haven’t even really talked about. But there were people arrested with guns and knives and bombs or whatever the hell it was. But when is it that we’re going to. What he said was, when’s enough enough? And when is somebody going to start killing all these people? And the people that were interviewing him, they all kind of sat back in their chairs and their ears perked up.

They looked very uncomfortable. Well, the fact of the matter is that I don’t know that that’s too far away. There are people in this country, folks that are. That are. That are destitute, that have had enough and also that are getting to the point where they got nothing to lose, nothing else to lose. They’ve lost everything, or in a very short period of time, will have lost everything. So what do they have to be scared of? Going to prison? And so just something to think about. Okay, so we were talking about the new weekly package, $425 million to the Ukraine for a war that, that we don’t and should not be in.

Now, check this out. Two days prior to that, which would have been Monday, the government comes out and announces that the VA has stalled, putting up a bunch of new facilities, hiring doctors, hiring support staff, obtaining new medical leases to treat veterans, and why there’s no money. And some will tell you, well, you know what, man? This, this money was earmarked long ago. So the money that we’re spending currently doesn’t really matter. And to that I call bullshit. To that I call B’s, because here’s why. When the hurricane hit North Carolina and, and the deputy do, Harris got on camera and offered everyone $750.

And then the director of FEMA got on the tv and he said, we don’t have any money. Well, of course, everyone in the country was up in arms. Anyone that paid attention or anyone that cared about the people who have just lost everything, including their loved ones. And once, once everyone starts digging in, then we learn. Then we learn to that it wasn’t all that long ago that the Biden administration had directed FEMA to re appropriate money to illegals, from disaster relief to illegals. That’s why there’s no money. So you’re gonna tell me that now veterans are going to miss out again.

They’re going to wait in line longer, they’re going to stay sick longer. They’re going to die waiting for care longer because there’s no money and the money was earmarked. So there’s nothing really we can do. We got to wait for this to play itself out. I don’t know if that’s a. I don’t know if that’s a narrative the government really wants to spin, is it? I would sure hope not. Let’s just, let’s get through a little bit of this. There was a article came out on Monday, so let’s, let’s take a look. It’s titled plans for multiple VA medical clinics remain stalled despite funding getting 15 new Department of Veteran affairs medical locations up and running remain sidelined for more than two years after their approval because of ongoing bureaucratic wrangling over pricing methodology for location leases, leaving those tracking the issue fearful that veterans will get fewer healthcare options than promised, veteran affairs leaders and congressional officials in recent years have pointed to the proposed medical lease sites as a valuable tool in expanding care options for veterans.

Now check this out. The roughly $670 million set aside by lawmakers for those 15 projects was not enough to pay for the plan spaces, according to preliminary bids. Since getting that news, officials for months have been unable to move ahead on the process for getting new bids on the projects, largely due to to behind the scenes concerns over pricing guidelines. The stalled projects are located in twelve different states, including two in Texas, three in Florida, 14 for new. For potential new outpatient clinics, while one in Tampa, Florida, is planned to be a community living center. Okay, $670 million for 15.

For 15 places all over the country to treat veterans. Doesn’t seem like a real tall order, does it? Just this week, this week we sent 425 million to the Ukraine. And behind the scenes of, I’ll tell you, largely due to behind the scenes concerns over pricing guidelines, well, I think that that’s a real fancy way of saying they’re fighting over how much money it is they really want to spend. There’s no, there’s no guidelines. Since when have any of us ever known the United States government to, to lie within any guidelines on what they spend? When we have something like a twelve or $13 trillion debt, they didn’t give a fuck about what they were spending, when they were spending millions of dollars a day on a war, when, when Washington bureaucrats were making money on the war behind the scenes because their wives or their partners or their buddies or their cousins or their brothers own some businesses with contracts.

That’s okay. Let’s keep the war going. Let’s keep sending our sons and daughters to fight and let’s keep it going because we’re making good money. And so I ask you this. Why would this not be a priority for the United States government and especially the Department of Veterans affairs when after the longest war in our country’s history and the most embarrassing unassing of any ao that we could ever do, we look like a bunch of cowards leaving Afghanistan. And then you throw in the COVID mandates and how many members of the military flooded out, out of the military, a mass exodus, if you will.

Not to mention the, the normal ets’s, the contracts came to an end or people retired or somebody got hurt and they couldn’t continue. Whatever it is, this country produced a whole shitload of veterans and then released them into the community, send them home with the promise that should you need help, should you need care, it’ll be there available for you. And now it looks to all to be a lie. It looks all to be a lie because there’s no money. There’s no money to provide the space. There’s no money to provide the doctors, there’s no money to provide the support staff.

There’s no money to provide the equipment, the medication, the x rays, the mris. There’s no money. But Vladimir Zelinsky is living high on the Effin hog. He’s building the, he’s building the powerful military, one of the most powerful militaries in the world. And why? Because he has all american equipment. Has everyone, is anyone ever stopped to think that it’s possible, just maybe possible, that all of this equipment and all these missiles and rockets and bombs and ammunition and trucks and medical supply, whatever it is that we’re giving them, all the shit we hear in their weekly packages.

Anyone ever stop to think that it. That in the, in the flip of a switch that all that could be turned around and used on us and now we’ve given away our equipment. What the fuck are we supposed to use to fight a war with? Should we need to, should these crooked son of a bitches talk them into joining NATO? And now we have to go fight because now we’re part of NATO and we take care of our own, right? Anybody thought about that? What the hell are our soldiers gonna use? What kind of anti air rockets are our soldiers gonna use? Or are we going to have the newest, the biggest, the best, the most shiny equipment? Because don’t worry, we’ll just print more money and we’ll buy it all.

It’s craziness. We are at a time in our country as it pertains to veterans anyhow. We’ve never had more. And we just talked about this recently on the show about how the veteran population in this country is growing and growing, but yet our suicide numbers are still high. The number of veterans sleeping on the street cold and hungry, still high. The number of veterans who need work, still high. It’s insane. This was the place. This country was the place where you could feel safe if you decided to sacrifice everything. Everything, including your life. You sacrificed your relationships, you sacrificed jobs, you sacrificed education, you sacrificed time with your family, with your kids, with your friends, sacrificed your youth, your health.

You sacrificed a lot just to find out that, sorry, guys, we don’t have any money. We don’t have any money to build the facilities we need to take care of you. But feel free to go to your nearest VA clinic or medical center. Feel free to go there, but you’re gonna have to wait, and you’re going to have to wait an awful long time, because that’s the same story that everybody’s getting. Everybody’s going to the nearest VA medical facility, and then what happens, folks, is that people don’t want to wait anymore. They don’t want to go there.

They don’t want to wait. I don’t want to wait four months to see a doctor for whatever issue it is that I have. I don’t want to do that anymore. So then they stop. They stopped going. They stopped going for physical therapy. They stopped going for dialysis. They stopped, whatever the case may be, mental health. I don’t want to wait anymore. Think about how that feels. Think about sitting in an office, raising your hand like, this is supposed to be a high point in people’s lives, right? Like, joining the military is not a. For many, many people.

For some, maybe it is not a high point, but for a lot of people, like, this is the. This is the career I’m. I’ve chosen, that I am choosing. These are the. The goals I’ve set for myself with my career, and we’re gonna do the damn thing, and then you go and you do your time. And I. For a lot of people, it’s not what they thought it was, but they have some integrity, and they carry out the duration of their contract. They do what they said they were going to do. They just don’t reenlist. They get out after four or six years or whatever in two years, whatever your contract was.

When you move on to something else, some people join so they can get a free education. Mom and dad can’t afford it. They’re not elite sports athletes, so they may not get a scholarship. Hell, I’ll join the military, see the world a little bit, do some pretty neat stuff. And sometimes that doesn’t go as planned. When the bullets are flying and things are blowing up and people are getting hurt and vehicles are burning and there’s smoke and there’s chaos and it’s hot as hell and there’s sweat in your eyes and your ass is chafed like a son of a bitch because it’s 120 degrees out, and you’re.

Everything’s raw. Those are the times in which you think, man, what the hell did I sign up for? But you take comfort as a soldier, as a member of the military, you take comfort in knowing that should all this go to shit, at least I’ll be able to go to the doctor. At least I’ll be taken care of. If I need to have surgery, I can have it. If I need medication, I can get it. If I need prosthetics, I can get them. It’s not something that you really worry about until you really need it. But there’s a.

There’s. There’s this little space of comfort off in the corner there where you can always kind of think about that. And then you get there, and then that happens, and. And they tell you, well, you know, we can get you in. You know, it’s, uh. It’s gonna be four or five months, though, so you got to just hold on, and you keep waiting, and you keep waiting, and finally, you get to go in, and you get to see a doctor, and you get to see people for whatever your issues are, just to find out that you need a referral.

So you take your referral, and you go to the next clinic to schedule that appointment, and you find out that’s a few months out, and then it’s not uncommon to get a phone call sometime in the interim. Yeah, well, you know, doctor so and so is not going to be in the. In the clinic that day. We need to reschedule. Well, guess what? Now it’s another few months out, and that’s not the case for everybody, but it’s a case for a lot of people. So that’s when veterans say, well, I’m just. I’m done with that. And that’s just to get care.

That’s not to mention the process to get disability and compensation benefits that process is crazy, too. Most veterans that give up with the VA to give up in that process, we need this documentation and that documentation, and it can only be six months old. So in, you know, if it’s six months and 2 hours old, you got to go back and get it. So now you got to wait another month for that information, and then. And you gotta go to all these appointments and get poked and prodded and evaluated so that they can confirm that you have this stuff, which is probably a good thing.

Otherwise, there’d be a lot of B’s going on there, which I still think does happen from time to time. And then maybe eight months to 14 months, you might start getting a disability payment. And they tell you that it’s gonna be okay because, you know, I mean, you might have to wait. But the silver lining in it is that when that. When that claim goes through, you’ll be retroactively paid to the day that you first put in a claim, which is fine. But what people don’t seem to understand is that it’s not necessarily about the money.

It’s not necessarily about the disability check that comes in the mail or gets directly deposited into your account on the first of every month. It’s about the medical care. It’s about the access to the things you need. We did eight weeks of shows worth of shows on the VA family caregiver program. Those people were thoroughly screwed over, and still to this day, doesn’t look like much has changed. And what’s going to happen to them? As we discussed on the show back then, they’re fucked. They just got to figure it out. The VA told will tell you, well, you just don’t qualify anymore.

Sorry about that. Here’s a couple other programs you might qualify for so you can fill out this application, go to this website, and fill this out. Somebody will get back to you between 30 and 90 days. Meanwhile, you still need things. You still need care. You still need to talk to a shrink. You still. There’s a lot of things that you still need. And I’d be willing to bet folks that if we stopped, if we stopped and asked disabled veterans all over this country, if you could rewind time and change anything about your military career, for example, whatever it is that gave you this ailment, would you give all the money back to be the way you were when you got there? And I believe that the answer for a lot of people would be yes.

The tricky part about it is, though, that veterans don’t want to abandon their. Their service. They don’t want to abandon their experience. They don’t want to forget. They certainly don’t want to give up the relationships and the memories that they made. So maybe that is a difficult question because I know what I would say. I would tell them I would give back every single penny to just be normal once again, but only. Only if I could keep the relationships that I had made and fostered and still have today. We don’t care about the money. Nobody joins the military because they care about a lot of money.

I think people join the military because they have a. There’s a call to service. They. They have a purpose. Not because they want to make a bunch of money, but the fact of the matter is that we can’t go back. We can’t go back and change any of those things now. Now we just have to live with it and come to terms with it. And for many of us of my era, Iraq and Afghanistan, we already know. I shouldn’t say that we know because it’s probably not possible, but we already have a very good idea of what’s going to kill us.

I already know. Again, I don’t know for sure, but I am very confident in the fact that if I don’t crash my motorcycle and die, if I’m not in a car wreck or a plane that crashes or get robbed and shot or carjacked and shot or some stupid shit like that, that’s beyond my control. Those burn pits got my effing number. Those burn pits are going to be what kills me, I believe. But you know what? My brothers and my sisters, I made, I love more. I love those people. I love them more than going back and giving.

Giving all of that stuff back. At this point, I’ll choose to live like I’m dying and just wait and try to leave this world. Better place than I found it. I think that’s all anyone can really hope to do at the end of the day, right? There’s no brinks truck behind a hearse. I’m not going to be able to show off my. My shoe collection, my hat collection, not going to be able to ride my bike, my Harleyden. But when the day comes for me to pass, I hope that I will have left this place better than I found it.

And I hope that whatever legacy it is that I have made and built and fostered lives on for a long time. Good night. There’s a whole bunch of stories that have to be dug into, thought, reconsidered, and in some cases, completely discarded. As modern Americans, we’ve been spoon fed this dumbed down, cartoonish, simplified version of history. It’s all fake. It’s all bull. Everything that we have been taught is part of a self serving narrative written by the people who will say and do anything to keep us on a leash. Now, this version of history, some big name corrupt families like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and their many associates, are credited over and over and over again with propelling human development.

Throughout the late 18 and early 19, hundreds, almost every major american city, was burnt to the ground. What if we really are quite literally, living atop the ashes of an advanced civilization that’s been hidden from us for our entire lives?

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