Shannon Sharpe Goes Off On Chad Ocho Cinco Holds Him Accountable For Being Late To the Podcast

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels



➡ Shannon Sharpe and Chad Ocho Cinco had a live discussion about professionalism and authenticity. Sharpe criticized Cinco for his casual approach to work, including his habit of getting fans to pick him up from the airport, which once led to him being late. Cinco defended his actions, saying he prefers to stay true to himself and interact with people he can relate to. The conversation sparked debate about the balance between maintaining personal authenticity and adhering to professional standards.
➡ The text discusses a disagreement between Shannon Sharpe and Chad Ocho Cinco, suggesting both need to grow and handle situations more professionally. It emphasizes the importance of not letting such issues affect their relationship or their work. The author also shares his approach of dealing with similar situations offline and maintaining professionalism, drawing from his experience in running businesses and working in corporate America.


Shannon Sharpe, y’all. Shannon Sharpe. Now, I seen this last night. Obviously, people were sending it to me last night. But I said, okay, I thought I was gonna react to it on the Anton Daniel channel. I said, well, we’ll just make it a part of… We’ll make it a part of the Millionaire Morning Show and then we’ll go from there. So, Shannon Sharpe scolded Chad Ocho Cinco. Alright, let’s get into it. We’re not gonna spend no time on this. I want to just tell you… I want to show y’all the interaction between them two and then I’m gonna give you all my thoughts really quickly.

Alright, so let me see if I can fast forward it because I think you got this right here. This is it right here. Video and I’ll be back. Let’s pick it up. This game was Alex. He was really cool. Really cool, dude. And as soon as he opened the car door and he got out the car door to greet me, the car door locked by accident. The car door locked by accident. So, I would have been on time but the fact that we had to wait for the tow truck and them to bring the Slim Jim was the reason for my delay and get into the hotel a little late.

But I’m here now. I’m here now. The magic question. So, when you go to ESPN, you have people pick you up from the airport? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, you don’t. What you do inside the NFL? You have people pick you up from the airport? Yeah, at the beginning, yeah. No, you don’t. So, I’m just trying to figure out why with your show, would you choose to take that route where you don’t take that route for ESPN? I didn’t avail. I wouldn’t lie. I’m dead serious. When I’m flying to Philly, I have somebody pick me up from Philly.

When I’m flying to New York, I have somebody pick me up from New York. I’m serious. Well, that ain’t what they told me. I just I just told you. Hold on. Listen to me now. It’s documented. It’s documented. I have to tell you. But all you have to do is search my tweets. I’ve been doing it the past 15 years. I always do this. I’m not saying that. So, talk to me now. Right. Again. Ocho, this is part of Ocho. Right, right, right. Why would you be late? Why would you run the risk of being late? Well, I didn’t want to be late.

I just told you what happened. I would have been on time. But due to unfortunate circumstances of him locking the keys in his car, which I documented, I was just a little later one. Why don’t you? Ocho, why don’t you just why don’t you just have the people that you’re working for just having the book? I don’t like our service. I don’t like our service. It’s okay. I don’t like our them people. They’d be mean and they’d be bougie. I don’t like, you know, they’d be in suits and ties and shit. That don’t make me comfortable.

That don’t make me comfortable. What makes me comfortable is like, like being able to sit down and talk. You want to be comfortable. You want to be. No, I don’t want to. No, I want to be comfortable. I want to talk to people that I can relate to. Yeah. Okay. I’m just saying, but you heard the thing. Ocho, you say you want to be professional. You want to do ESPN. You want to do all these professional things, but you want to take a bootleg. No, no, no. I want to, I want to remain my authentic self the same way I always been and do those things.

Is that okay? No. Okay. Let me know how to work out for you. So that was a conversation between Shannon Sharp and Chad Ocho Cinco. All right. And apparently, and this happened on alive. That’s the crazy part about it. This happened on alive. Now let me say this. Anybody that’s working for me in particular, or I don’t even like to say working for me. Anybody that’s working with me. All right. You don’t hear about stuff that happens behind the scenes because it’s a way in which you do it as a boss. Now, I think that there’s fault on both sides.

And I think that there’s growth that can happen on both sides. Number one, Shannon Sharp is catching L’s and people are really going at his neck right now because they saying that, you know, fresh off the heels of the cat Williams and the Tyreese and all of these interviews. And when he, every time he catches up, he starts to catch an L. And so what they’re basically saying is Shannon Sharp is feeling like he too good or he, you know what I’m saying? He getting too big for his britches because of the way that he’s talking to Chad Ocho Cinco.

Now here’s the, here’s the part, right? Where Shannon messed up is that he should have had this conversation offline unless they just try to continuously create content. If he’s serious about this, then he should have had the conversation offline. If they just try to make sure that they be so authentic that this is a part of what they do on nightcap and on a show. And that not only do they talk about the subject, Colorado, but they talk about things as far as what’s happening behind the scenes and how they interact with each other, kind of like a reality show.

Then if that’s the case, and that’s a completely different conversation. That’s not what it seems like. And Shannon Sharp as a boss or as a person, and I’m not saying that all of us is perfect because we all have gaps and ways that we can go about improving. But Shannon Sharp, if Chad is his homeboy, then that’s the conversation that he should have had offline. And that’s one of the things that I’ve had a problem with. I’ve had a problem with, and I’ve always had an issue when I see people say stuff out loud.

When me and Charleston White got into it, the thing that I got pissed off about was, how you gonna go to the internet and start talking to another interviewer about something that we supposed to be talking about, you know, if you got a problem with me, then we can handle this offline or we just keep it moving like professionals. When Freezy to a lesser extent, he wasn’t a homeboy because I never met him in real life. But when he just started going off and started talking out loud, and I’m like, man, what is, where y’all do this from? The real ones don’t put business out there.

And if brothers have different disagreements, or even professional, if we have disagreements, and this is what we handle offline, we don’t bring that to the, to the general public. You know what I’m saying? That’s kind of my stance on it is that if we have a problem in real life, then we handle it offline, and we keep it moving offline. If we brothers, and if we move it in that way, if we not brothers, and that’s a completely different conversation, we can talk about that. But we still don’t put personal business out there.

If we want to compete as far as platforms or whatever, we can do that. We can go back and forth, just keep it content. But I never ever like to include personal business from people that I know in real life online. That’s just a no no for me. I don’t care about this content creation stuff. You don’t put real life situations online, unless you’re creating content behind it and the other person is in on it. So that’s the number one. The second thing is Chad Ocho Cinco has been doing this for years. I know for at least the last 10 to 15 years, his brand has always been I’m a person of the people.

He’s been preaching his frugal thing. He gives like $500 to anybody that picks him up from the airport. I don’t think that it’s safe. I think that it is very, very scary at this point, because he is a celebrity. He is big, he is mad. Like, you know, he has a huge image. And so on one end, I can say, well, this is how Chad has always been, and this is who you who you get. On another end, I can also say that I think that Chad Ocho Cinco at some point need to evolve because this could be a setup.

I know this is authentic. I notice who he is. And I know that he’s saying that he’s never been late before. And so you got to give grace also, but at the same time, you have to put dedication into your craft. And Shannon is writing that if you want to go to the next level, if he’s if he’s giving him game, hey, listen, this is how you want to go to the next level. This is how you want to get to the next part of the game. Then this is how you play it.

Chad Ocho Cinco, although we always like to align with people that keep it real and all of this stuff. And I don’t think that he did it maliciously. I just think that it was an oversight. At the same time, I think that he needs to evolve. And it’s time to grow up. And it’s time to grow past that. Because you don’t want to be in a situation where you dependent on somebody. And they not depend the bowl because you got a schedule to keep and it’s big money that’s being missed out on as a result of it.

So Shannon Sharpe should have handled it differently. Chad Ocho Cinco, in my opinion, got to evolve and grow. I know that that’s a part of his brand. I think that they both should give each other grace. And they should not let this affect their relationship and a great thing that they put together. But you know, you got to be more professional. Even if you’re giving the appearance that is willy nilly, you got to be more professional and you got to handle a little bit differently. So again, I don’t think that it’s malicious.

I just think that they could have handled that offline. And this didn’t have to necessarily hit the internet. Now, I heard that Shannon tried to clear it up a little bit because he was also expressing disdain and he was feeling some type of way about the fact that his team that they got, they got editors, they got camera people, they got other people that’s a part of the show that the team and the lighting and the audio and all of this stuff is not operating the way that it’s supposed to. So he did express some frustrations on that.

And let me see if I can find that part. Actually, you know what? I don’t know if I want to find that because I got to keep it moving. But that’s largely what happened. Shannon Sharpe kind of scolded and suned Ocho Cinco. And it wasn’t like an inspiring thing like, hey, man, I’m pushing you to be better. I want you to be greater. It was more like, hey, man, I’m holding you accountable for not being on time. It’d be people that don’t be on time. It’d be people that have life circumstances.

People have get off of work late. They’re dealing with stuff. And I’m talking about on my side. And of course, I know that I’m not as big as Nightcap. But on my side is people all the time that be having problems and issues or, you know, they got to take vacations and stuff. And I just have to adjust around it. And we figure it out offline. And I never go off and I never scold my people. I just work with them. And I just try to figure out how we can move around it and how we can make adjustments so that we can continue to keep the show moving because the show got to go on regardless of whether you hear it or not.

So that’s just my approach to it. I try to take it a little bit differently and a little bit more professional offline. And part of that is also because I’ve ran a lot of businesses. And then I’ve also operated in corporate America where you had to maintain a level of professionalism regardless of what the circumstances is. So that’s just my thoughts. Y’all might have a different opinion. I’m curious as to what y’all think of Saturday Chat. Let me know. [tr:trw].

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Chad Ocho Cinco casual work approach disagreement between Shannon Sharpe and Chad Ocho Cinco fans picking up Chad Ocho Cinco from airport handling professional situations maturely impact of personal issues on professional relationship maintaining personal authenticity in professional standards maintaining professionalism in corporate America professionalism versus authenticity debate Shannon Sharpe Chad Ocho Cinco live discussion

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