Selena Gomez Crying Performance Called Out!! Trumps Mass Deportation Truths and Myths Examined..




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➡ In this interview, Victor Avila, author of “Agent Under Fire,” discusses the current situation at the border. He explains that immigration is a complex issue, with each case being unique. The focus now is on arresting hardened criminals, gang members, and sex offenders. However, anyone found to be in the country illegally can also be arrested, even if they don’t have a criminal history.
➡ The U.S. government has ended the Temporary Protective Status (TPS) for 500,000 Venezuelans, a program that allowed individuals affected by disasters or war to stay in the U.S. temporarily. The Trump administration has also signed the Lake and Riley Act, expanding the list of crimes that could lead to deportation. The government is focusing on arresting illegal immigrants who have committed crimes and are in county jails. Additionally, aiding and abetting illegal immigrants is a federal offense, and those found guilty could face arrest.
➡ The text discusses the changing dynamics at the U.S.-Mexico border, with increased enforcement and potential military involvement. It suggests that if the cartels harm any American, it could trigger a strong response from the U.S. government. The text also mentions the possibility of tariffs against Mexico and the need for Mexico to take action against cartels and illegal immigration. Lastly, it discusses the potential for a crackdown on employers hiring illegal immigrants and the challenges of dealing with millions of illegal immigrants already in the U.S.
➡ The text discusses the issues of illegal immigration, drug problems, and child trafficking in the United States. It emphasizes the need for immigrants to enter the country legally and for the government to address these issues effectively. The speaker also criticizes celebrities for their superficial involvement in these issues and discusses the potential consequences for employers hiring illegal immigrants. Lastly, the speaker suggests that allowing immigration officials access to jails could help address these problems.
➡ A man from Venezuela was arrested in Chicago for theft but was released due to the city’s sanctuary policies. This has caused frustration as there are concerns about repeat offenses. The speaker suggests that instead of deporting such individuals to their home countries, where they might return from, they should be sent to Guantanamo Bay. The situation is being handled in phases, and the speaker reassures that everything will be okay.


All right, folks, welcome to Nino’s Corner tv. I’m joined with Victor Avila, Agent Under Fire. Best selling book. Is it on Amazon, Victor? Amazon, yeah, absolutely. Agent Under Fire. Great book, folks. I highly recommend reading that book. Amazon, Agent Under Fire. I’m with Victor Avila right now. We’re talking about the border, man. So there’s a lot of misunderstandings. There’s a lot of conspiracies floating around. A lot of people are scared, especially here in El Paso, dude. The whole. The whole vibe has changed here. Like, I don’t think people know what to expect. I think border towns especially.

I’ve also noticed there’s longer lines. It doesn’t. I don’t know, this could be all about my head, but I don’t see as many Chihuahua plates, like, driving around, which is less traffic. But, Victor, thank you for joining me, man. Thank you for always inviting me. You know, it’s. It’s a pleasure to talk to you and. And clear up. Let me tell you. I’ve been doing a bunch of media hits for the same reason. They won’t. They want to know what’s going on. And it’s. It’s. It is a little bit complicated because immigration, as. Every time we talk about immigration, it’s.

You can’t say it blanketly because every immigration case is different. You know, when I was working, people would tell me, hey, so and. So’s cousin got arrested for so. And I’m sorry, I. Tell me, listen, that’s. That’s their case. Yours is going to be very different. And. And it’s very hard to apply, especially when it comes to immigration, a blanketed approach. Now, we’re going to talk a lot of generalities here and, and try to cover most of it, but. But just keep that in mind, that it’s very specific on case by case basis. You know, I.

I’m going to just show some footage here. I’m gonna. I’m gonna, you know, just let it play while we’re talking. But that was me at the water. Just give some people something to look at. But, you know, I think they’re going in phases, right, Victor? Like right now, it’s like, are they taking down the hardened criminals, the. The ones that are kind of a threat to society, The. The gang members, the sex offenders, things like that? Is that what’s going on right now? That’s exactly it, brother. It’s. It is. There’s so many of those. There’s millions of those combined in the prior deports, convicted felons, illegal, all of them.

Illegal. Those that have been ordered, deported and never left. An immigration judge actually deported them and they never left. So when you combine those three right there, there’s millions. And yeah, these are some hardcore criminals then. Now, when it comes to, like, gang members, you don’t have or they’re not waiting for him to be convicted. If you’re a trend that I was a gang member, we’re picking you up. But here’s the thing, is that if you notice, then you pay a little bit of attention to these. They’re not raids, but these law enforcement actions by eyes.

And now, by the way, DEA, FBI, U.S. marshals, HSI, everybody is involved in these, in these task forces. They have the information of the individual that they’re looking for. They already know we’re going after Joe Blow, and Joe Blow lives in this town, possibly works here, possibly lives here. We have the latest information, and that’s what they’re doing. They’re picking up these people here is the biggest difference. And this is the biggest difference that I think where the confusion comes in. Because there have been people that do not have a criminal history that do not fit in this category, that have also been arrested.

Why? Because they’re standing next to the guy that they’re looking for. So if your cousin is of one of these categories, a gang banger, has criminal history, criminal, illegal alien, and you’re hanging out with them and they go pick him up, they’re also going to take you. That is the biggest policy change. Because you remember Mallorca said, Alejandro Mallorca, the ex Secretary of Homeland Security, said, well, if you’re in the country illegally, that’s not enough. Like, we’re not going to even touch you. We’re not even going to look at you. Not anymore, man. Those restrictions don’t exist anymore under this administration.

They will take you. So if they go to the house to pick up Jose Lopez, and they got Jose Lopez and there’s four other people there, and they’re all people, they’re gonna take them, man. They’re gonna take them. So. So it’s all systems go now. Well, they didn’t go there to pick up the other four, but they’re not. They’re not going to ignore it. If they’re there, they’re going to get processed as well. That’s why you’ve seen some women and children say, well, you got to go. We can’t turn our cheek anymore. Turn the other way and ignore that we encounter these undocumented people.

That’s why the. You’ve Seen some arrests happen at schools and other places, and everybody. Oh, they’re raiding schools. No, they’re not. They happen. The guy that or the subject that they were after went into a school, and this is another change. Schools, churches, hospitals, those used to be off limits. Even when I was in El Paso working man, they used to order me to stand down, not to arrest anybody. I was about to arrest one guy at UTEP one day, believe it or not, drug dealer at utep who happened to be illegal. I got ordered to stand down.

As I was waiting for him outside of the classroom, they said, no, don’t you dare go get him because he’s in a. In a school setting. But you could. But now that. That doesn’t apply anymore. It does not apply anymore. Let me ask you this. What about employers? You know, people that owned. My friend here owns a strip club and he’s like, man, half the dancers that are here are from Venezuela and from, you know, South America, man. He goes, what am I going to do? I was like, don’t tell. I don’t know. If they don’t have a visa, if they don’t have a work visa, if they don’t out here with a visa or a permit to be here, they are subject to go.

But they’re not going to be the target right now. They’re not the focus right now. So understand that they’re not the focus and they’re not going to go do a raid at Jaguars right now. That’s not what. Well, that’s not what I thought. I don’t even know if that’s so you. You know the strip clubs. Somebody one time told me, I don’t know. They know about Jaguars. Victor. Hey, bro. I know. Passing like the back of my hand, man. Dreamers. But so having said that, it’s. They’re going after these people now. Like I said, if they go into a school, they’re gonna go get them.

If they go into a church, they’re gonna get a. Remember in El Paso, a year and a half ago, I went down there when it was like 2500 around downtown El Paso. That’s not happen anymore. They’re not gonna be right. And they just. They just revealed a few tunnels too. They. They got a few tunnels that were by the. What, the 375, is it Y? Yep. And then you know what area this is I’m showing on the video, right? Oh, I’ve been there. I’ve been there many times. Yeah, yeah, but look at that. Look at that.

Like that Mickey Mouse Little barrier right there, Victor. I mean, usually. I mean, that’s usually just a clear pass, folks, right there. What I’m showing is usually just a clear pass. There’s no barriers there. So it’s like they just put that recently. No. Yeah, they just put it up with Trump got in. But. But look how. Look how this federali is just kind of chilling looking at me, man. Cartel, you never know. I know. Yeah, exactly. It’s just. Yes, I know, exactly. Yeah, yeah. And that right there is a federale just guarding the area. So he’s.

He’s a national guard, A Mexican National Guard. Yeah. So actually, that’s pretty good, man. That’s actually that. I’ve never seen that in that area, by the way. I’ve never. Right. So that actually is telling me that the Mexican government is having somebody down there to deter the illegals from coming from that area. So actually that’s good news to see that. Yeah. So I’m talking to him here. Luckily, there’s captions. So he’s showing us the. There’s fires or something along the. So that’s what. I don’t know why he showed us that, but he was just showing me his phone about the.

He said something about fires in Mexico, but. Yeah, that’s the first time I’ve seen them there. So I think this is pretty good footage, right, Victor, look how the dog has dual citizenship, bro. Hey, he just. That’s an illegal entry right there. What? The dog. Look, man, I noticed that, you know, what about the chair, the. The charities, the 501C3s? Like, how are those going to get affected? They already did. Trump yesterday ordered all of their funding to be cut, bro, because you know what was happening? They were abusing the asylum criteria. They’re abusing tps, Temporary Protective Status.

By the way, he cut that, too. The 500,000 Venezuelans that had TPS. And for those of you that don’t know what TPS, a temporary protective Status. It is a program by the US Government to give a temporary protective, kind of like a visa, if you will, a permit for individuals that are affected by a natural disaster like an earthquake or a hurricane or war in their country so they could come to the US for a temporary amount of time. Not 10 years, not 5 years, just temporary while things settle down in their home country. And then they go back.

The Biden administration was abusing that by continuing to re up and re up the. The status. And President Trump said, no, no, no more. Yesterday, he. He ended that. Actually, the Department of Homeland Security ended that temporary protective status. So you have to go back. So you’re going to see one of the things that they want to focus on are the jails, right? Like El Paso county jails and all these county jails around the country. Because that’s where if you have an illegal that got arrested, that’s probably the one that you want to go after. Another thing that just got signed by President Trump is a Lake and Riley Act.

The Lake and Riley act, actually what it does, it expands those offenses, criminal offenses that were not included before, meaning misdemeanor charges like shoplifting, theft, and others that were not included. There’s a term that is used in immigration called crimes involving moral turpitude. We call them cimts. This new law expands those crimes. So people are saying, so if you steal a pack of gum, you could get deported now? Yes. The answer is yes, because you’re not supposed to be stealing anything anyway, whether you’re a U.S. you broke the law coming here in the first place. Correct.

So. So now it gives immigration a little bit more leeway to. If you got arrested for a shoplifting and you’re booked into El Paso County Jail, you now qualify to be one of those. To be removed, man. I mean, there was a church here in El Paso. You know which church I’m talking about? The one downtown. Is that empty now? I mean, they’ve cleared everybody out. Yeah, yeah. I mean, so they have to abide. I mean, because I was wondering, Victor, if people are going to even abide here in El Paso, because, I mean, you know El Paso, you know Laredo, you know, the border towns, they’re not going to listen.

They’re going to be like, whatever this is, this is what I think is going to happen. Great question, bro. Because let me tell you here is the kicker right now. The Tom Holman and the teams are so preoccupied with finding these bad guys. There’s a lot of bad guys out there, man. And. And then. And they don’t care if the city, the sanctuary city, if they’re going to participate or not. What they do not want is for them to impede and get in the way of, or aid and abet the illegal alien. Like hiding them in the church or hiding them in the school.

That’s what they don’t want. Because I. I’m telling you, somebody that is part of a church or a school or a mayor or somebody that’s going to challenge the federal government is going to find themselves in custody, bro. And I think that it’s going to happen Somewhere you saw what happened with the President of Colombia, and he challenged Trump a couple of days ago or last week, I think it was about, you know, he reverted those airplanes back that were going to deport a bunch of Colombians and he said, no, you know, and he, you know, the fury of the federal government with Donald Trump just came upon him.

And within an hour, he walked it back and said, no, we will. As a matter of fact, he sent their own airplane from Colombia to, to come get them. So I think somebody here in the US Is going to end up doing that, protecting. And let me tell you, I used to arrest people for aiding and abetting, and it’s called a violation of 8 USC 1324. You cannot aid and abet. You cannot get a bunch of. And put them in your car, bro. You cannot put them in your house. You cannot put them in a stash house.

That’s against federal law. So there’s no difference if a church does it, another business or a hospital says, well, come in here. So they won’t, so they won’t deport you. That’s not going to be any refuge anymore. And if you do that willingly and knowingly, you’re looking at possibly getting hooked up yourself. Just getting serious, man. You know, I also, now, now that he’s labeled them terrorist organization, I also, I often think to myself, why. I know this is going to be like a, a wide net cast to get anybody who even thinks about, you know, doing lawfare, because anyone dragging their feet or, or, or stalling is now going to be looked at like, hey, are you harboring aiding and abetting terrorists? What’s your deal? You’re going to be looked at with a magnifying glass, right? Well, believe me, it’s very obvious.

Those people that actually do, if you’re, if you’re harboring and you’re preventing and impeding the government, that’s going to be very obvious, especially if it’s an elected official like some that have already been very vocalized, like in Chicago and Denver, they’ve been very vocal about it. I’m telling you, when it, when the enforcement comes to their town. And if you noticed, New York hasn’t done anything, even Chicago, they talk, but they actually are letting ICE do their job because I think they’re afraid that they’re not afraid. They know that President Trump will, will, will have them arrested if they impede.

And so when you mentioned about the cartels, the designation is. I’ve been talking about this designation for years. I’m so glad that it’s finally happening. Because one thing is the cartels in Mexico, but we. The designation, really what it does is it goes after their money, their assets, their property, bank accounts, everything that they have in the US you’re going to start freezing these accounts. They’re going to talk. That’s where you hurt the cartels, when you hurt them with the money. But also what it does is all these gangs that work with the cartels. The, if you work and if you sell and if you finance the Sinaloa cartel, whether you’re buying fentanyl from them or whatever, well, guess what, you are now interacting with a terrorist organization.

Just like if they were ISIS or the Taliban or Al Qaeda, we can’t have that. So you get to get picked up. You, we’re going to come after you in Chicago. If you’re a Latin king member, an 18th street gang member in California, guess what? That’s why they’re getting ready to get Gitmo going, bro. Because you are a terrorist if you’re working with a terrorist. And so, and that’s a lot of politicians who do you think they get their money from, the donations and stuff like that. So you’re going to start seeing a lot of people get identified that actually are working.

Well. The cartels work with somebody here, obviously. They have to work with somebody in the US who are those people? A lot of them are gangs, a lot of them are money laundering businesses. Don’t think of the guy selling drugs. Think of the financer, the attorney, and all these stuff have a lot of people working for them under their payroll. If they get identified, you are now working with a terrorist organization, we’re going to pick you up and we’re going to take you to Gitmo to wait out because you’re now dealing with terrorism. I think what, what’s going to happen, you know, is that these people, the first ones that get caught, it’s going to send a strong message to all the other ones.

And they’re going to be like, I don’t want to work. I don’t want to. I don’t want to mess with terrorists. I think, I think a big possibility. Let me know your thoughts on this. Cartel warfare has to pop off anytime now, I would imagine, because I’ve heard they’re already, they’re already shooting across at the, at the border patrol. I mean, I believe that they don’t need to abide by any rules, bro. They can just make Trump look as bad as possible. So in other words, they can have as many civilian Casualties as they need as they want.

They don’t care just as long as they make this messy for Trump. I don’t, I’m, I feel like this is going to come. I feel like it’s, it’s, it’s already on its way. There’s already reports of, of, of what are they called? I eat. So it used to be like that, but that never stopped them. Right. They got very right. So you’re saying they’re going to go back to their old ways of having to be very correct, correct methods to get stuff over. But with today, with today’s technology, that’s going to be very challenging. That’s why you’re going to see the seizures go up.

They’re going to. A lot of it is going to get caught now. And you know the border patrol, cbp, both custom side, the guys at the ports of entry, at the bridges, it’s, it’s a different mentality, man. Let me tell you, this is not the mentality of four years ago. Now they got their, they’re emboldened, they got their jobs back, they got their enforcement authority back and they’re going to be taking down a lot of these loads. So you’re going to see that. But you’re right, I hope you and I are wrong. But the, well, they’re already shot and so we know that they’re violent.

Boy, do I know that they’re violent. They don’t care you, they won’t hesitate, man. And they were going to wreak havoc. But here’s, here’s why, why I, I’m repeating what you’re saying is that I think it’s going to go against the cartels. If the cartels kill, God forbid any American. Can you imagine now the response by the US Government that’s going to be. When we send our military in, it just takes one. Trump’s not going to take it, man. Tom, Homies. No, that happens one time. Military is going in. That’s what I think. Don’t you think so? Absolutely.

So right now with the designation of them as foreign terrorist organization, it’s on the table already. So that’s what it brings. DoD resources. That’s why you see Marines at the border. Not just, not just. So what do the cartels do here? Let’s play this chess match out. What do they do in this situation? They can’t fire at them because if they do that, that’s the green light for Trump to be like, here we go. And he’s going to go in and clean out. So what do they do, but they don’t care. Like you said, they don’t care.

They have the capability to take down a helicopter, bro. So we have to give them that credit because they are well done. Obviously, they’re no match for the U. S. Military, but nevertheless, they can inflict a lot of commercial flights or innocent people, bro. These guys will remember when the first time they arrested one of the Chapitos in Sinaloa in 2019, and there was a war, they, the Sinaloa cartel came out in Kuliakan and they started shooting, and then they said, we’re gonna kill all the soldiers family at the, at the barracks. We’re going to start executing civilians.

And that’s why Amo let him go. And, and that you could see that you could say that’s probably the, the, the point where all this changed, because when they let Chapito go, then the Mexican government, the cartel said, oh, well, that’s all we have to do is threaten people, which, you know, they would do it. And it set this precedent that it, it didn’t. It was a bad precedent, in other words. And so now they might. The cartel is going to say, well, we’re going to start executing people, man, and the streets. That’s right. That’s where I see where they have to go with this.

Put mud all over Trump’s face, make this process as ugly as possible so people don’t vote him in, at least in the next four years. That’s right. And if he’s able to go for a third term. I heard there was an amendment or something, but, but, you know, at least make this process as ugly as possible so they win. So things change in four years. Right. The key here is the government of Mexico, believe it or not. I believe it. I, I kind of don’t want to believe. I want to believe it. I’m not sure I believe it, but I want to.

The Mexican government right now is like, you know, terrorists, by the way, are kicking in tomorrow, 25 tariffs against Mexico tomorrow in Canada. And what was the stipulation on that? That was it, wasn’t it? Like, we’re gonna, we’re gonna up it if you don’t start taking in the, the immigrants or something like that. Yes. So the, the, it got to the point where Trump said, I’m going to put the tariff no matter what. You haven’t done anything for the last four years. You put us in this situation. Every, all these people that came illegally came in through Mexico, man, and Mexico did nothing to stop them.

And so Now Trump is saying, all right, 25. That’s it. That’s kind of like a punishment for the last four years now moving forward, what that goes into act win in the next month. Today. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. And so midnight, it goes into effect at midnight. And so what, what is Mexico going to do? Is Mexico going to really put the National Guard in the military and start stopping all these people and go out after the cartels? I don’t know. They say publicly that, you know, they blame the US for everything, and they say publicly that they’re not going to allow the United States to violate their sovereignty, blah, blah, blah.

But privately I’m hearing that they do want to cooperate with the United States, that they do want to, they do want to help their. Just don’t want to say it in public because, you know, they’re very proud and blah, blah, very prideful people. Yes. And I get it, okay? I really don’t care. I, I care. I care about public safety. I care about lives being saved on both sides of the border. I don’t want anybody to be killed. I don’t want to see any more victims of crime. So I really don’t care what the narrative. What, what I want is a result of that.

So this is going to be very key, what Mexico does, bro, because they, you know, there’s a lot of corruption, there’s a lot of issues in Mexico. You got the big war going on in Sonora right now. I. The way this week, Claudia Shinebomb, the president of Mexico, blamed us. She said that the reason there’s a war in, in Sonora against the two factions of the Calo cartel is because we grabbed Milo Zala and we screwed it up for them. We grabbed here, here at the San. Over there. Yeah, they grabbed him right here at the airport at Sana.

That one. Exactly. Chapo Jr. That’s right. So because we grabbed him, it unstabilized the, the, the drug market and the drug cartel, the Sinaloa, it’s split and therefore they’re fighting. And so it’s our fault. Instead of saying good job. We really wanted to get that bad, bad guy, too. That’s not what there’s, that’s not what they say. They should say that. But it’s gonna, they’re gonna have to sing a different tune. And actually the action is what’s going to matter from Mexico. And that’s going to determine a lot of how the cartel also moves forward. So after this, you know that we started, we started taking out the, I guess the, the, the top level Criminals out of the country.

What’s next? You know what the next phase is? I mean, what is it going to look like? Are they gonna. I’ve already heard they’re raiding Home Depots in California. Like, I’ve heard they’re going to. They haven’t said. I really don’t know, man. I know that there’s. I know that there’s different categories of illegals. You can’t put them all in the same category. You can’t put a person that came into this country illegally. Okay, I get it. But it’s never done anything bad. They’ve never been arrested. They’ve never gotten a speed. They’re just trying to work, man.

They’re just trying to work. You cannot put them in the same category as a trend that I want. You can’t. And so I think by the time we get there that there is something in place by the Trump administration that says, all right, bro, you’re a good guy, you just came in illegally. What can we do to allow you possibly stay with a permit? Not citizenship, not amnesty, but you’re working already. What, What, What? You pay a fine, Maybe you have to go and come back. I don’t know. Something. I think something could be done. But we have over two, two and a half million to.

Before we even get to that category, so imagine that. That’s a lot of people, man. I mean, how many millions came in just with Biden? Like 20 million. 15 to 20 million? 15 to 18. That’s. That’s ridiculous. That’s ridiculous. So the cleanup, plus the other possible 20 that were already here, so that’s 35 million people. That’s a lot of people. And so are we gonna. But we’ll make it. I. From what I’ve heard, too, what Juanito has said and a few other my guests, they say they’ll make it so hard for them to make a living here.

They’ll just want to go back home. Yes, because the, the, the employers are. They’re going to go after the employers. They’re going to go after the ag. Agricultural. They’re going to go after. It’s because it’s a lot of people. Wow. That you have to. You have to be compassionate, humanitarian. I get that of anybody. I get that. But it’s kind of a reset here. It’s kind of like, you know what? We’re gonna make sure that everybody understands the position of the United States around the world. And one of the ways you make that harsh statement is through these deportations.

And, and it’s Horrible that some of these people are going to get caught in these and. But they’re sending a message to the world that, listen, if you want to come to this country, we’ll welcome you. We want you to come, especially if you have a skill and all that great. But you just got to do it the right way. There’s other avenues to do it. I think those avenues, even though they’re pretty crappy right now and it needs to be fixed, I think they will be fixed. But it’s kind of like the drugs. You can’t help the drug addicts in the United States when the fentanyl is right in front of them.

We need to take the fentanyl away. Once we take that fentanyl away, then we could really focus on the rehab and, and which I, I agree on. We need to. We have a drug problem in this country. We have a sex trafficking problem in this country. Why is, why are there child, children being trafficked here? Because we have the, the people wanting them. We have the customers here. So we need to deal with that too. But let’s get rid of the trafficking. Let’s rescue these kids. By the way, Tom Holman is going to go after these and find these 300 plus thousand kids, bro, that they’re gonna start looking.

As a matter of fact, I was on the phone today with a. There’s like these, I hate to use the term ngo, but that’s what they are. But the good ones where they’re trying to set up the, the, the. I don’t know, centers, places of. Because once you take the body of the child, you have to put them somewhere. You have to, you have to all this stuff. So they’re already thinking of where we’re gonna have these places around the country to, to take care of the kids. And speaking of the nos, also, you got to remember that look at these celebrities like Selena Gomez crying.

The. I, you know, they’re going to be funding these celebrities to come out and voice their opinions on this. Selena Gomez being the first real ridiculous, pathetic act. She deserves an Academy Award for that one. But also like, she was, she was really crying, bro. She was. Yeah, but I mean people. She wasn’t crying for Lakin Riley. You know who she wasn’t crying for in Texas? Lizbeth Medina’s mom. I, I mean her. Lisbeth Medina and her family. I know her family. I know her mom. She was the cheerleader that was murdered in South Central Texas a year and a half ago.

Why didn’t you vigil. Why didn’t you go do the vigil with her. There’s so many crime victims at the hands of illegals in this country that they get ignored. I mention it every single time I get the opportunity because I’m, I’m a victim advocate. The victims have gone lost here and they’re the ones that have lost and have been separated from their family forever. And they always seem to forget about. Ah, it’s not that many really say that to, to Lisbeth Medina’s mom. Say that to Jocelyn’s mom. By the way, they were, they were crocodile tears.

I mean it was, it was a performance. I mean that’s how sad. That’s where we’re at, bro. And you know what I think is gonna happen too? Is this. The MSM I believe will start playing video of children being taken away from their so called families. What I’m trying to do is, you know, combat that narrative. Exactly what you’re talking about. What happened last week, it might have been last week or this week where there was two, I think HSI agents that went to go get a guy at a, in New Jersey at a business and they said that they had arrested a US citizen veteran from Puerto Rico.

So I looked into it. No, they didn’t. You know what they did, bro? All they did was question the guy and they’re like, why is ICE questioning you? I could question whoever. I want the police to qu. The police, A police officer, a state police officer, a federal agent doing a conducting investigation can ask whatever he wants to whoever. But because it’s immigration, this is how sensitive it is. If it was burglary, if it wasn’t illegal, they all be okay with it. But when, as soon as you attach immigration all of a sudden they get this protection on them.

Well, you got to protect them because they’re illegal. Hey, all you’re doing is the agent is figuring out which one is illegal. I’m going to conduct alienage or what country or. You’re a US citizen veteran. Thank you for your service. We don’t care about you. You don’t have a problem here. The MSM wants to make it think that everybody, if you’re Hispanic American like you and me, oh, you gotta be careful. No, I’m not. They’re not, they’re not interested in us. You have nothing to worry about if you’re here as a lawful permanent. They’re trying to make this out to be like we just, like we just turned into Nazi Germany is what they’re trying to make this out.

And we’re gonna check. People have been calling me. I need to carry my. Yeah, I got that too. If you’re, if you’re traveling, you carry your documents. I mean, you’re going to be okay. If you’re in this country legally with a permit, you’re going to be okay. Nobody cares. That’s not what this is about. It’s just that the illegal, especially criminal man, that has gotten out of hand. Plus there’s another category. The, the guy that, the illegal IARA that killed Lake and Riley, he came in clean, bro. He came in, put his fingerprints and he was clean.

But he got arrested in New York first, remember? And then he went to Chicago, to Georgia and eventually how many of those that, that we don’t know about that came in that well, they look clean, Fly under the radar. It flew under the radar because there’s millions of people in any database. So they, that’s a risk. The, the community is at risk from these people. Here’s where my mind goes with this. Now that the employers are going to be punished and they can go to jail for this. These people aren’t going to have jobs. What are they going to do? Crime? Yeah, they resort to crime, theft.

But I think that there’s a lot of people self deporting, by the way. There’s a lot, but there’s not that, you know, not all of them are. Not all of them. Not all of them. There’s people that came out of prisons. What are they going to go back there so they can go to prison? I mean, they’re going to take their chances here. The more we advance, the more self deports we’re gonna. We’re gonna have. You’re gonna see that because they’re going to realize, oh man, life in the United States is over by the way dreams over here.

There’s a lot of illegals here, nino, that were okay in their home country. They were business owners in Colombia and Peru. They were okay. They weren’t starving there. They might have been a bit poor, but they were okay. They’re actually in the worst condition here in the U. S now because of the high ren. And they can’t. They can barely survive. You got 10 people living in an apartment to survive. They probably will say, you know what? Enough of this. And, and all those credit cards and debit cards have been stopped. All that stuff, all that.

Well, this is going to be interesting. I want to have you on more often. Victor, please. Yeah, yeah. As it develops and I hear more information and I’d love to. To keep you on top of what’s going on. If any changes. One of the big things that they’re working on is Tom Holman has said there’s not a secret. He wants to have access to the jails, give us access to the jail so we won’t have to go into the school, so we won’t have to go to the house. We’ll pick up the guy in jail. He’s already in jail for whatever, let us know, we’ll go.

And there’s. He doesn’t have access to that. Not all of them. They’re not the sanctuary cities like Rikers island in New York. It’s like this, bro. It’ll be legals. Denver, illegal. They’re still not playing ball. They’re not playing ball. They’re not playing ball. So that means the politicians are going to go to jail. That’s what’s going to happen. Somebody, somebody’s going to end up saying. Because they won’t let the federal government come in. And it doesn’t make any sense to me. Like, the guy is in jail already. That’s the guy that we want. We all can agree that if you got arrested for at this point, even dui, assault, family violence.

Well, bro, you gotta go. You gotta go. And so call ICE and, and turn the body over. They’re not doing it. Oh, by the way, you’re gonna hear this. It’s gonna hit the news either today or tomorrow. There’s two in custody, two weeks in custody, one from Ecuador and one from Venezuela. In Chicago, bro. One of them was in custody and got released. He was in custody for another charge. I forget what it was, theft or something. They caught them, they released them because it’s Chicago, it’s a sanctuary city. And then he’s somebody, bro. And this is, this is, this is the intolerable, man.

It enrages me. And so right now they’re working up all the details online. They’re gonna hit. They’re just gonna come out as an example, as more examples. Do we need more examples? We have plenty already. I think we had. But there’s going to be more examples of these individuals that just call eyes. Let us take them out of the country. As a matter of fact, the worst of the worst are going to go to Cuba, bro. They’re not going to go to the home country because what did Trump say? Well, they’re going to come right back.

If we. We deport them, they’re going to come right back and we’ll have the same problem. We have to be waiting to see if they come back to the border. No, you’re going to Guantanamo Bay. We’re going to Gitmo, and we’re going to deal with you over there. Victor, thank you for joining me, man. This was epic. Now people have an understanding of what’s going on, who they’re going after first. This is going to happen, like, in phases. Take a nice long breath. Everything’s going to be okay. All right. Thank you, Victor, so much for joining me, man.

Thank you, brother.

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.



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