See Why Albert Einstein Predicted This Would Be The Future of Medicine

Posted in: Patriots






Every substance, including the human body, emits electromagnetic waves or frequencies. This is scientific fact.


It is also known that these frequencies can be influenced by external factors such as stress, environmental toxins, or imbalances within the body. 


In the world of “alternative” medicine, frequencies have long been recognized for their potential to positively impact human health. 


One branch that you may or may not be aware of that uses frequencies is homeopathy.


Homeopathy works with the principle of “like cures like.” 


Here’s a short documentary about the man who discovered and developed homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann. 



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Homeopathy is a holistic approach to healing that has been practiced for centuries.




A Core Principle In Homeopathy is The Belief That The Body Has An Innate Ability to Heal Itself. 




It aims to stimulate this self-healing mechanism by using highly diluted substances that, in their original form, would produce symptoms similar to those being treated. 


The substances used in homeopathy, known as remedies, are prepared through a process of dilution and potentization, resulting in remedies containing highly energized frequencies.



How Albert Einstein Predicted The Future of Medicine



Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientific minds in history, once stated that “Future medicines will be the medicine of frequencies.”




Einstein recognized the potential of frequencies in transforming the field of medicine. 


Today, we are witnessing the realization of his vision.


There are many solutions that use frequencies to improve a person’s wellness.


Body Align is one example. Whether it’s:


EMF Protection With Frequencies




Body Relief With Frequencies




Sleeping Better With Frequencies 




Detoxing With Frequencies





Or any of their other products.


It’s available to you now! 


With advancements in technology and our greater understanding of quantum physics, we now have innovative methods to harness and utilize frequencies for therapeutic purposes. 


Another example is bioresonance therapy that uses electronic devices to detect and alter frequencies within the body, aiming to restore harmony and address health issues.


Sound therapy is another example of frequency medicine. This is when specific frequencies and vibrations are used to stimulate healing. 


This can be from Tibetan singing bowls, chanting or binaural beats. Sound therapy has been effective in many places around the world for thousands of years. 




Most people in the world have known about the power of frequency medicine and have used it for thousands of years! 




It’s just the “Western” medical way of thinking that has brainwashed millions of people into thinking that only a drug can fix a health issue. 


And that’s why continuing to learn and apply information can help improve your life and help you find more TRUTH! 




Thank You For Continuing To Improve Your Life & Share This Knowledge With Others To Help Them Improve Theirs Also! 





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Epigenetics and Frequency-Based Approaches to Personalized Medicine Holistic Healing with Frequency-Based Therapies Homeopathy: Frequencies for Improved Well-being The Power of Frequencies in Promoting Well-being and Healing
  • I’ve done some sound therapy in the past. Bowls, music, It’s amazing and it works. I’m interested in learning more about this.

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