Secrets of the MORGUE! 3 Embalmers share Deadly Secrets of the Vaxd Dead in Exclusive GROUP INTERVIEW!

Posted in: News, Patriots, Stew Peters Network



➡ Deanna Lorraine hosts a show where she discusses current news and trending topics. In a recent episode, she interviewed three well-known embalmers and funeral directors who shared their experiences and observations from handling bodies of vaccinated individuals. The show also included a segment promoting a natural wellness product for dogs and a line of vitamins and supplements. The episode ended with a discussion about an unusual white fibrous material found in the bodies, which they believe started appearing after the vaccine rollout.
➡ The text discusses a new substance, referred to as “white fibrin structures,” that is different from traditional blood clots. These structures are causing health issues similar to blood clots, but cannot be treated with traditional anticoagulants. The text suggests that these structures may be linked to vaccinations and are causing a rise in sudden deaths, including heart attacks, strokes, and rapid-onset cancers. The text also raises concerns about the quality of clinical care and the use of certain drugs that may exacerbate these health issues.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the drug Remdesivir and its potential side effects, including kidney failure and fluid build-up in the body. It also mentions the increase in COVID-19 deaths and the potential negative effects of vaccines. The speakers express their distrust in the medical industry and share personal experiences related to these issues. They call for more thorough investigations into the causes of death and the potential links to treatments and vaccines.
➡ The speaker is expressing concern about unusual findings in bodies they’ve examined, including white fibrous structures and blood clots. They feel frustrated that their observations are being dismissed, despite their extensive experience in the field. They also mention a significant increase in deaths, particularly among younger people and those who have been vaccinated. They are worried about the potential health risks and are advocating for more investigation into these issues.
➡ A worker from the Department of Labor reported a significant increase in deaths among vaccinated employees. An oil rig worker lost his job for refusing the vaccine, but was later rehired as the company needed to replace vaccinated employees who had died. Funeral directors and coroners have noticed unusual clotting in the bodies of the vaccinated, making the embalming process more difficult. Despite these observations, many medical professionals are reluctant to discuss these issues openly.


Shots fired with Deonna Lorraine. I’m your host, Deanna Lorraine. Going over all the latest breaking news, trending topics, and truth bombs that you can’t get anywhere else. Go ahead and say hi to me on social media, especially Gab Telegram, truth, social and getter. And if you ever have a guest idea or story for me, go ahead and slide in my DM’s and let’s talk about it. All right, guys, I got a special treat for you for today’s show. I’m so excited. Secrets of the morgue. You’re going to learn from three major, now famous embalmers, coroners and funeral directors.

Richard Hirschman, John O’Looney from the from the UK, and Wallace Hooker. All three of them are going to be together in the same room sharing the secrets of the morgue and what they are learning, seeing and discovering by handling the vaxxed bodies of the vaxed dead. So you’re going to want to stick around for the whole thing. It’s a riveting interview with all three of them and I can’t wait to share it with you. And in fact, we actually ended up going so long that there is part one on tonight’s show and part two on Thursday’s show.

So do not miss this incredible conversation. Hey, guys. Well, you all know how much I love dogs and especially how much I love my beautiful princess, but very picky pug Layla. And you know how much I want to just take care of her and have her living her best and most fulfilling, healthiest life. Well, I discovered nature’s blend, essential wellness for dogs. This is the advanced, all natural solution for your dog’s health. And she loves it. She’s very picky, but somehow she loves this one. Their freeze dried formula provides maximum nutritional content in every meal for your furry friend.

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That’s Sherwood TV shotsfired. Check out their kingdom products, especially kingdom fuel. Kingdom Fuel is their proprietary complete nutritional shake mix. It provides a full spectrum of essential vitamins and minerals and the full amino acid profile protein people need. Get it now, along with any other kingdom products, for 30% off by using my promo code shots at checkout. That’s 30% off by using my promo code shots. So go to that link again, Sherwood TV shotsfired. And start giving your body the health makeover it needs. As we already know, those individuals that are most censored at this point and most dangerous to the mainstream media and Fauci and all the experts out there pushing COVID vaccine are most likely coroners, embalmers, funeral directors, those individuals who have actually seen the death, the dead bodies in their final states, because they know the truth about what’s happening to these bodies after they take the vaccine.

And especially those bodies that are dying suddenly that we’ve seen constantly in the news, every single day. Well, I have with me three now at this point, world renowned embalmers, foreigners and funeral directors that you’ll probably recognize. Two of them are in our upcoming groundbreaking documentary, died suddenly. That’s going to be premiering just in a week, November 21. So watch out for that. Died suddenly. And one of them is joining the ranks too. He’s been an international speaker, speaking on it, on all of this. And guys, this is so important. We’re going to be talking about secrets of the morgue.

And I want these coroners to kind of geek out on things that they know, that they’ve seen, that they’re witnessing in a forum where they can all kind of talk together. So this is going to be a very important interview and conversation, and I can’t wait to dig in. So let me introduce to you Richard Hirschman, the embalmer that you’ve probably seen making the rounds all over. We have John O’Looney, the funeral director from the UK, who you have seen as well, Milton Keynes funeral director, funeral home. And then we have Wallace Hooker, a family and friends funeral home in Indiana.

So all three of you guys, welcome to Shots Fired. All right, let’s first, let’s just get into this. I want to start with Richard Hirschman. I want to start with you, kind of tell us a little bit briefly, first of all, how long you’ve been in this business for, how long you’ve been doing this, for what your official role is and what you have been seeing since the vaccine roll out. Yes. Well, thank you, Deanna, for having us on your show. We’re all here just trying to inform people of the things that we’re seeing. I’ve been a mortician since started back in 2001, so I’m now roughly 21 years in the business.

I fully finished my mortuary schooling and fully duly licensed back in 2004. And the thing that has really struck out at me, and this happened shortly after the vaccine rollout. Well, actually, when the vaccine rollout happened, which I estimate in our area around January of 2021, the number of deaths skyrocketed that particular month. Now, everybody was still, at that time being labeled as Covid and all these other things. But in the next few months, as this clotting issue became worse and worse, and I usually estimate around in May of 2021, I started noticing this white fibrous material that is, like, quite large.

Sometimes they’re small but quite large and very stretchy and very abnormal. And I’d never seen it before. As I sit there and I hear things about doctors are saying there’s this clotting issue, and you start hearing of all these sudden heart attacks and strokes. I started questioning, something has changed in the people’s blood. And it started after the vaccine rollout. Now, early on, I wasn’t sure if this is Covid related, because they were talking about increasing clotting during COVID and I did notice an increase in clotting at the end of 2020. But this is something that is so unusual that I had never seen in my years.

And I reached out to several people with 30, 40, 50 years of experience, you know, much more experience than myself, and asked them, had they ever seen anything like it? And the response was always, they’ve never seen anything like it. So I knew something was wrong. And then, of course, I heard of John O’Looney, which was the very first undertaker that I heard come out publicly and speak. And in his original, I don’t know what it was, a Facebook Facetime thing or whatever, but he was talking about the increase in clotting that they had never experienced and the increased number of deaths starting in January of 2021, which is exactly how I saw it on this side of the ocean.

And so I thought, you know, something is definitely. Something’s definitely wrong here. And so that’s why I decided to bring this stuff forward. Okay, great. And describe for everybody. People are describing it like, it’s like calamari, but it’s, like, long or sometimes short, but it’s fibrous tissue that is kind of white and stretchy. Right. Or gray. Okay, so you’ve got some samples. I’ll hold up a couple of vials here. And you can kind of see. Does look like calamari. It looks, yes. And I’ve got, you know, I’ve got so many, like, this bottle is, like, labeled number 79, you know, so I’ve got so many of them.

I’ve probably gotten close to, you know, I’m getting close to 100 of these different samples. Wow. This is the substance that I’m talking about. It looks almost like some kind of a parasite, but I’ve never seen one move, and these are just not. Some people will try to say it looks. It’s the actual vessel itself, whether it’s the vein or the artery, but that’s not the case. This is what’s coming out of the vessels, both in arteries and in veins. So anyone can weigh in here at this point, is it safe to say, I think that we need to redefine this term, not blood clots.

It’s not a blood clot because it’s not made of blood. Right. It’s. What would you. Because if you continue to call it a blood clot, they’re going to continue saying it’s a blood clot, but it’s something different. So is it safe to say, you guys should start redefining what this thing is? You know, Richard and I actually discussed that earlier this summer, and because we were facing some pushback, saying we’ve seen clots our entire career. So when you would push back a little bit and show them the pictures of the white fibrin structures, they couldn’t argue with that because they hadn’t seen those.

So I suggested to Richard and a couple of other people that we communicate with routinely, how about we quit calling these clots because they don’t have the properties of blood or blood in them? What if we just started calling them white fibrin structures? And that’s kind of what we agreed to do. That way, we weren’t getting the pushback from those embalmers that don’t want to agree with their seeing these and they couldn’t argue with when we started calling them a white fiber instruction. Yeah. Yeah. I think the initial clot label came primarily because symptomatically they behave like a clot does.

Now, what does a clot do? It blocks that vessel and then blood clot throw flow through that vessel. So that is a kind of routine clot. But these are not, these are a very different substance. And I did see an article, there was an analytical breakdown in the epoch times that was really good, and it listed all of the different things that this is made up, iron, magnesium, sodium, etc, etc. And it’s in totally different amounts to regular blood. So they broke down a regular blood sample, and then they broke down a sample of this white fibrin.

And I would agree that it needs to be called what it is. It’s a white fiber and it isn’t blood clots. Symptomatically, it will behave like a blood clot. But it’s very interesting, because if you do a Google search now and you put in shortage of anticoagulants, now, anticoagulants are drug, for example, like heparin, used to break down traditional blood clots. And it’s a very effective drug and it’s been used to save people for a long time. This stuff is not going to break down this white fibrin. The heparin will not affect, and no anticoagulant traditional will affect this white fibrin because they’re not traditional clots.

And the fact that you can google shortage of them, and Google acknowledges that, tells you that this is a really, really widespread problem. So, yes, I would totally agree. These are very elastic. They’re very much like calamari was the first thing that sprung to mind. And what happens is I’ve seen on a YouTube video where you get particularly sadistic people that will pour molten aluminium down a termite mound and it will take the cost of that termite mound. They dig away all the earth, and there you are, a perfect cast. And this is what we’re seeing inside these samples that Richard had.

They’re all different sized vessels inside the body. And this fibrin grows until it fills those vessels, or it fills those vessels enough where the blood supply is so low, people fall over from a heart attack and die. People fall over from a stroke and they die. So this is why you’re seeing all different shapes and sizes, because it’s coming from different vessels. Your carotid artery, for example. If I open ten people up, some of them have got arteries as big as my little finger. And we certainly, in the trade this side, we call those cat arteries, because they’re huge and others are as small as a biro pen.

Now, if you take ten children and they’re all born on the same day, they grow at different rates. And I would say it’s fair to assume that this is the case with this white fiber in different people are growing it at different rates. Theoretically, if you grow this fibrin inside your body, after being vaccinated particularly quickly, and you’ve got narrow arteries, the planets have aligned, and you’re going to fall over first. And that’s what we’re seeing with these athletes. Record numbers falling over footballers, and people dying in record numbers. This is what’s happening. So if a twelve year old had this crap in their body, and it keeps building up, what do you anticipate is going to happen to that twelve year old? They’ll die.

Yeah. So this is unnatural crap that’s in people’s bodies floating around, and it’s kind of inevitable. It’s going to clog them up. It’s probably going to affect their brain, their neurology, their physicality. Right? And they’re going to die. They’re going to die. That’s the bottom line. You have a circulatory system in your body to feed your body with oxygens and nutrients and the things it needs. If that system is slowly blocked up, you know, it’s very. You have to applaud the genocidal evil genius of this plan, because that’s what it is. This is a planned thinning of the population.

I believe what we’re finding is it’s simulating the very natural form of deaths that are the greatest killers. Heart attack, stroke. And the other one, of course, that we’re seeing unnatural amounts of is turbo cancers, they’re calling them now. So, as a funeral director, I used to get people coming to me with a cancer story, and that would be a three or four years, five years story. People are dying in 68, 12, 16 weeks now from cancers. And this is not normal in numbers. So great that the oncologists are not even seeing them before they die.

Are you guys seeing that too? You guys all feel free to chime into at any point? Are you guys kind of confirming the same experience? Yes, Deanna, one of the things that I’ve noticed here lately is a lot of the people that are dying of cancers do not show that exhibit the natural signs that I would have attributed to cancer in my 21 years. I’ve seen lots of people that died of cancer, and usually cancer has withered away their body to the point where you can tell they’ve lost most of their hair on their body. They’ve become very emaciated, they have tumors, they have all these signs that they struggled.

And I’m not saying I’ve never ever had a person that died of a cancer suddenly that they didn’t know about. But the numbers lately that I’ve been seeing, most of the people that are dying of cancer now, you wouldn’t know they had cancer had you not been told. That tells me that the cancer is taking them out so quickly that their body doesn’t have the time to deteriorate like it has in the past. I agree with Richard, I’m seeing that as well. What I’ve been told is there’s a chromosome that goes around the body, and it’s number 48.

I can’t remember the initial that proceeds it w or p or. But this particular t cell targets cancerous cells, and these mRNA vaccines switch that off. So where as it’s usually patrolling the body in the destroying these cancerous cells, it now isn’t. And that’s why we’re seeing record numbers of cancer. Yeah, it also seems like a lot of people that had their cancer at bay, all of a sudden the cancer has resurfaced as well. I’m getting a lot of reports of that. Yes, absolutely, absolutely. I had one not that long ago. They said he had had cancer for a long time, but when I embalmed him, he looked like a totally healthy person in his early sixties.

So if he had cancer for a long time, then that must have meant that he had a cancer that was in remission. Exactly, that’s what I’m seeing. Something changed and it took him out so fast that he did not look sick at all. Wow. I have an aunt that recently died of sepsis. And again, it was also strange. And she’s double, triple vaccinated and everything, but the sepsis just like came really fast. And all of a sudden she was in critical condition and she died within three days. This just happened a couple months ago. Again, do you think there’s a correlation? It just seems like it’s causing.

Well, I’m seeing, it’s a double edged sword, really. Some of it will be vaccine damage, and the damage it’s doing to the body, I’ve got no doubt. I’ve had so many conversations with so many vaccine recipients who have been injured, and professionals, doctors, nurses who see it clearly. But I think the other edge of the seesaw is the lack of clinical care is the word I’m looking for. They’re using drugs like remdesivir that destroy kidneys and make breathing worse. They look using drugs like toxilizumab that destroy your breathing. Ability to breathe. The wheezing is tight. Chest, anyone? So if you google the side effects of remdesivir, toxilizumab and what’s the other one? Barasitinib is the other one they’re using.

It destroys the ability to breathe. Now, if you’re in there as a respiratory patient, you know, they’re getting paid large enough sums of money to, for every COVID death they get, there’s a financial incentive there. So, you know, is compounded by lack of clinical. I’ve had nurses and doctors crying down the phone to me and in fact, I run a telegram channel and I put an appeal out for doctors and nurses to get in touch three weeks ago and I’ve had over 65 do. So then, you know, so there are 65 conspiracy theorists walk in british hospital wards.

Now, clearly, you know, some of these have cried down the phone, some of them have said they’re surrounded by psychopaths. Right. Now, I don’t know if you guys get privy to this information, but do you know if you’ve handled any dead bodies, people that have died that have had remdesivir before they died? Are you privy to that information? Yeah, so I’ve spoken to people, I’ve actually had death certificates given to me and coroners form sixes. And, you know, when these people have been given remdesivir because they’re. They’re full of fluid, they literally, you could touch their arm and leave an imprint in there where their kidneys have failed and they haven’t been able to process fluid, so it’s just filled them up.

And then Richard will tell you, you can draw ten litres of fluid from their lungs with a trocar because they’ve drowned. And really symptomatically, yeah, if your lungs, if your lung cavity, body cavity fills up with fluid because your kidneys are failed, trust me, you’ll struggle to breathe because you will drown on that fluid that’s not being processed. And I’m not seeing so many people given remdesivir now because they’ve got what they wanted. And that was an insane number of COVID deaths, deaths that appeared to be Covid. So everyone then clamored for the cure. And now we’re seeing primarily two things is clinical malfeasance in hospitals, and I use my words carefully.

And the effects of the vaccines. Yeah. Yes, Deanna, what he was saying about the remdesivir, and I’m pretty sure Wallace had agree back at the. When the Covid-19 thing was really kicking on and our numbers actually started to increase in the fall of 2020, these people were being put in the hospital and being put on ventilators and they were given these different drugs. Now, I’m not privy to all of the information because I’m a trade embalmer. I don’t get to talk with the families. But what John was saying is true. So many times the bodies would come in and they would have so much swelling and edema of fluid.

That is because weeping from the eyes, the nose, the ears, everywhere, bursting. Sometimes you couldn’t hardly recognize the individual anymore because they were so swelled up with fluids because their kidneys are shut down. Yeah. So it’s true. And that’s what remdesivir does. That’s. How would they think this could be helping or saving someone when their body is filling up with fluids and drowning because of it? Have a look at what Anthony Fauci did in Africa to babies who he said had Ebola. They were asymptomatic. Does that sound familiar? He treated them. Yeah, he treated them with remdesivir.

There was a 53% mortality rate in these african babies where life is cheap. And do you know what they died from? Kidney failure. How can you know, how can people not see it? But the trouble is, we’ve got a generation of people who come home from work, they want to play Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Johnny Depp’s divorce case, and whatever the latest distraction is, they don’t look. And we’ve been programmed to trust these medical individuals. And trust me, I wouldn’t take any NHS injection of any description. Not a flu jab, not a vaccine, nothing. And I had a really nasty experience in the chemist recently, so I went in there to get some painkillers and stood in the queue.

A woman came in, hop in behind me. She was a carer, she had a lanyard on with a council id on it and she had an old fellow with her and he must have been in his eighties and he was physically fit, but you could see that he wasn’t the full ticket, bless him. So he needed a carer. And she announced to the staff in there, you know, I brought John in, she said, and he’s here for his flu jab. So I could feel the hairs in the back of my neck go because I know the damage.

These, they’re putting mRNA in the flu jabs now. So it’s the same stuff. So I pulled it to one side and I said, look, I hope you don’t mind me. I said, my name’s John, I’m a funeral director. I said, I thought I would speak to you because I heard what you said. And you’re bringing this guy in for this jab. I’m getting loads of people that have come in who’ve died not long after being jabbed. Now, I thought that her response would be shock, horror, disbelief. She actually admitted she knew. She said, yes, I know.

She said, I know, but it’s not my decision. As though that makes that fine. That’s someone’s dad that she’s supposed to be caring for. And she’s taking him in there to be jabbed, knowing it’s likely to hurt or kill him. Right? I think you all have told me, too, that you’ve seen so many in the medical industry just look the other way and know that the vaccine is poison and continue to deliver it anyways. Right? Had nurses who have told me they’ve got a mortgage and three kids. You know, that doesn’t make it all right. That doesn’t make it, you know, and we saw that history tells us that in Nuremberg, how many people stood there and said, I did what I was told as a defense.

Yeah, no, that’s not right. That’s not right. And we’ve got to stand together and we’ve got to stop it, because if we don’t, they’re killing children. Yeah. I’d like to bring up something. Wally Wallace. Wallace is a. He goes around and does speeches to a lot of different places. And I know that you’ve got three of us on here, and I can tell you, just like John O’Looney can, that we’ve been contacted by other morticians from different, various places. They’re all seeing the same stuff. But Wally has the opportunity, and he had some experiences where he got to talk to a group of people.

And I’d like Wally to share that with you, if you don’t mind, please. And then also, you were saying something, too, before we’ve recorded that I’d like to get into as well. So we’ll start with what you’re hearing from the other groups of people that you’re speaking to. Well, I think what Richard was referring to is the past eight or nine years, I put together a program and I lecture to state funeral director associations for continuing education hours, and I’ve lectured on the international level. I’ve been in Canada and in 30 states in America. And last week I was at a small regional conference where there were about 50 people present.

And I spoke to the Ohio Embalmers association, where there were about 100 embalmers present. And at the beginning of my presentation and I lecture on difficult case embalmings and facial restoration after traumatic injuries, cancer, those kinds of things. And before I started my program, I showed the photos of the large fibrin structures, and I showed the large current jelly clots. And I asked them, how many folks have seen these more prevalently the last 16 to 18 months than you did prior? And I was talking about the white fibrin structure and showed the photo. Nearly every hand in the room went up that they had seen that and had not seen them prior to that 16 to 18 month period.

Wow. And what’s interesting about that, there was nothing political about it. There was no pointing a finger saying, I think this is what’s causing it. I asked a group of professionals who are in the trenches, like us three, are. We’re doing our jobs and simply we’re looking for answers. What if these people that are burying their heads in the sand and don’t want to acknowledge we’re seeing something? What if it was their son, their daughter, their wife, their husband? What if it was a family member that suddenly dropped dead? And the pathologist who performed the autopsy says, well, your loved one dropped dead as a result of a blood clot? Now, where’d your blood clot come from? Was it an embolus that traveled into the brain, the heart, the lung? Where did it come from and why did it happen? And I just had a long conversation with a fellow coroner this morning.

What can we do with these pathologists when they want to sign off a death certificate as death due to and a consequence of a blood clot? No, no, no. Tell me more. Where did it come from? How did it form? They’re not looking deep enough. If what we’re seeing as practicing funeral director embalmers, if what we’re seeing could just be taken to somebody above my pay grade to look at this, maybe what we’re seeing can save lives for any damn fool out there that’s saying we’re conspiracy theorists, that we’re making this up. Richard, John and I are not writing a book.

We’re not selling videos. There’s no money in this for us. We’re sharing what we’re seeing. And as a result of me lecturing all across the country, I have people contacting me because I asked them to share with me the photos of the. The structures they’re seeing and the large clots they’re seeing. There is no reason for any of these folks to be making this up. And it’s infuriating to us, three, when somebody is trying to diminish what we’re seeing and disrespect what we’re seeing. We care for the dead and their families, and we’re letting. We’re letting.

We have to be the voice for the dead because they can’t speak for themselves. Right? Amen. Seriously. And now I’m questioning, has anyone actually tested this white fibrous calamari? Has anyone tested. Got it tested and see, like, what are the materials in there? So I saw a really good one on the epoch times. I can send you the link. I haven’t got it here. It’s at work that with a breakdown of everything. For example, regular blood has quite a large amount of iron in it. These white fibrin structures have virtually hardly any iron in. And the different elements in there are very different from regular blood.

And it’s an interesting read. I put a magnet to it. It’s not affected magnetically. And I had a friend of mine who tested it and tried to put current through it to see if it conducts electricity, and it doesn’t seem to. Those are the things that I can tell you. Really? Okay. Well, I know that I had sent some samples to Mike Adams, the health ranger. He’s looked at them. He can give you his analysis of it. I’ve also sent samples to Doctor Ryan Cole. So he’s looked at these things. Everybody has different things of what they want to say.

And kind of like Wallace was saying, it’s infuriating for us to hear people that are experts. You know, we don’t have doctor behind our names. We don’t have a bunch of letters and all these other things. But I’ve been involved for 21 years, and I can tell you this is not normal. Yeah. No matter what. And for them to sit there and say that my claims might be unsubstantiated or whatever. Look, what do you want to do? You want to come with me in the abomination room? I mean, right? What we have to share is not easy for us to do, obviously.

You know, because you’ve been in this industry for so long, you’ve seen so many dead bodies, thousands of them, probably. You know what’s weird? And an anomaly and what’s normal. And those of you who are traveling, you’ve, you know that this phenomenon isn’t just happening in Alabama or Indiana, right? It’s happening everywhere. I would add that my embalmer I employ. So there are two types of embalmer. You’ve got self employed embalmers like Richard that are trade embalmers, and they go from funeral home to funeral home. And Richard, he knows his game. I know he knows his game because you recognize professionals in your own industry.

I myself have got an embalmer who’s done 20 years. He’s bie registered, British Institute of Embalmers registered. He’s never seen anything like it. And it’s really quite upsetting. And do you know, for those that are passed, we are the voice of the dead. My concern is not just for those people. My concern is for the parent who’s being coerced and frightened and taking the child in for a jab tomorrow and the day after and the day after. And the people in care homes that are being vaccinated against their will, you know, and the people with special needs that are being vaccinated under the mental act capacity.

It’s wrong. It’s got to stop. It’s got to stop. And these are the people, you know, there’s no use crying over spilt milk. And it’s not going to bring back. I would like to see justice. It’s not going to bring back those that are dead. I’m more focused on trying to save as many souls from making that mistake. There’ll be people walking around now full of this stuff growing inside them, and they don’t even know, you know, they’ll be short of breath. They’re extremities. They’ll perhaps be filling pins and needles and all of the kind of things that you would feel if you were suffering circulatory problems.

And these would be happening since they’ve been jabbed. And they need to really, I don’t know what they’re going to do to get rid of it, is the problem because anticoagulants are not going to do it. You know, I’m really, really concerned, and it angers me and it upsets me that people won’t listen, people that ought to know better. And I can tell you, the majority of doctors, they’ve never seen the inside of a body. They sit there and push drugs for big pharma. They’re not opening people up like we are looking at from. From the inside out.

I work for the coroner recovering bodies for seven years. I’ve seen all manner of inside and outside. There’s nothing inside the body that I haven’t seen. So I know what is normal and what isn’t normal. And, you know, so for these poor people to dismiss what we said actually reflects on their ignorance as well, you know, because I can guarantee you, your average gp handing out amoxicillin and the hormone treatments and pills and potions, they’ve never seen what we’ve seen, so they’re not in a position to actually know. Right. I agree. And, Wally, you were talking about something off air, I think, about the fertility or something.

Do you want to elaborate on that? Several months ago, yeah. I had a young mother who suffered fetal demise of a fetus who was about 24, 25 weeks along, she had had Covid. She was taken to the hospital. They treated her with remdesivir, and within 36 hours, 30 hours, she no longer felt movement of her fetus. So the baby was autopsied. And when I went to the morgue to bring her into my care, I was visiting with, and I’m a consultant for this coroner’s office. It’s in a population of about 180,000 people. 50,000 of those would be college students and staff.

In that short period of just, I think, four weeks, that county had had six cases of fetal demise, and mothers and five had. And with further investigation, five had been vaccinated. And the one that I handled the death, the mother had, as I said, treated with Rindisovir. So with that being said, I followed up with the coroner in that county this morning. And since December 11, 2020, they’ve had 29 cases in hospitals in that county of sudden infant demise. So when we’re talking about that, it would make me suspect. And even as a father and a grandfather, if we were, you would have to consider those circumstances before you would think about saying good idea, bad idea, and it doesn’t get reported.

People are afraid to talk about the truth. In the same county, the pathologist who performs the autopsies there said that in that same timeframe, December 2020 through today, there has been an 800% increase with the manner and cause of death being blood clots. Now with fetal demise, 800% increases, just deaths in general. Okay. Increase with the death being attributed to blood clots. And when I pushed a little further, I asked if they were the white fibrin structures, what were they? And so she is trying to research that. I sent her photos so that the coroner could look into these, and she’s going to get back to me on that.

They know, they know, they know. If I can see it with an untrained eye, as a funeral director, these people are well aware. And I sent an email to my local coroner. I had a 30 year old in and he. This was 1618 weeks ago, and I’d seen the videos of that Richard had given as early as, I don’t know, February, I think, of this year, if I’m not mistaken. Richard and I was waiting for the planets to align. Now, I’m a small funeral director. We do two, three, four funerals a week, and I don’t do the volume, so I have to wait for the planets to align.

So I have to have an unusually young death. I have to have the coroner do a post mortem, and they’re very reluctant to do post mortems at the moment, I can tell you. And then I have to have that family request, an embalming. Now, those three things have to rely on the young deaf, a post mortem and an embalming, so that you can then open up the body cavity of that youngster to embalm them and see these severed arteries and see these obstructions in them. And every one of them that we are opening up, we’re seeing.

Well, that’s what we’re seeing in them. There’s a certain pattern. And when I worked for the big funeral provider, and I’ve said this many times, I could count, I worked for a branch that was doing about 7800 funerals a year, and I could count the amount of people on one hand who died under 50. I’ve done that as a small family funeral director since COVID vaccines were rolled out sometimes in a month. Yeah. I mean, 800% increase in deaths. I mean, what is the only new thing that has come into society? It’s the vaccine. There’s no denying that.

I also talked to somebody who’s worked at the department of labor, and she’s unfortunately too afraid to go on camera or to give an interview. But she said she’s seen a massive, a massive increase in deaths on the job. You know, people who have reported their deaths on the job after day, and they were all vaccinated, and she’s never seen that before. And she’s been working at the department of labor for many years. Yeah, I went to Westminster last year and it was said that these vaccine recipients have between two and five years. That’s crazy. I had two interesting conversations.

One was with a guy who worked on oil rigs, and he rang me up and he said he’d been sacked because he refused the jabs. I then took a call from a girl who works in recruitment consultant. She works exclusively in the oil rig industry because there are recruitment consultants for that specialist field. And she said that the oil companies had requested a list of all of the vaccinated employees and asked that recruitment consultant to source people to replace all of these vaccine recipients within three years. So twelve months later, the guy that had rung that and told me lost his job.

They’ve offered him his job, but they don’t need him to be vaccinated now. Oh, because the vaccinated people have died? Yeah. Wow. Deanna, prior to me being able to communicate with, with John, he was so busy. When I reached out to him, it was just Richard and I and a couple of others who were talking about this. And I’ve been with our local coroner’s office almost 30 years as an investigator and chief deputy coroner as well as a funeral director. I reached out to our pathologist who actually performs the autopsies for us, and I sent him photos of these clots because we had no one else to go to.

We were still waiting, or Richard was waiting on information on his end. And this pathologist, when I sent him the first group of photos, he told me those would be as a result of post mortem forming because the body had been refrigerated too long, which was total horse crap because we’re embalming these bodies right out of the nursing home. They’re still warm. They’re an hour or 2 hours dead out of hospice care. And when I explained that to him, his next answer was, well, they were probably formed positionally because of inactivity and people convalescing. I go, no, that wasn’t the case either.

And I showed him photos of healthy adults that just dropped dead. And then he quit communicating with me. And a month later, he discontinued his contract with us to perform autopsies for our county. You can’t make this stuff up. Very answers. And he didn’t want to communicate about it anymore. Wow. And it sounds like you guys have all had similar experiences where the coroners or the pathologists are not even having the balls to stand up and speak about what they’re seeing or confirming what you guys are seeing and they’re calling you either crazy or they’re saying, making some weird excuse as to what these clots, these white fiber structures are, but not admitting it.

Right? My coroner, my coroner said the same. He said, oh, they’re post mortem, they form post mortem, let me tell you, nothing grows in your arteries post mortem except fungus as your body begins to break down. You know, fibrin calamari like structures do not grow in deceased arteries and veins. It’s that simple. Richard, are you seeing. John had talked about how the actual embalming process has been harder, typically for those vaxed individuals, because I guess the fluid is not going through the formaldehyde. I think it is is not going through their vessels properly or something because of the clogging.

Are you experiencing the same kind of issues with embalming vaxed individuals? Absolutely. One of the, we typically, you know, prefer what’s considered a single point injection, where you raise one artery and one substantial vein. You push the fluid in through the artery, you allow the drainage then to come out through the vein. What we’re experiencing is these clots get so jumbled up and clogging vessels that you’re forced to have to go into different parts of the body to finish the embalming process because the clots just get so tangled up that they won’t come out. So, yes, the number of single point injections now are a welcome sight.

And I’ve become very used to having to do 2345 point injections just to make sure that I get the fluid in. Now, there are some embalmers that are out there, and I’m sure John and Wallace will attest to. There are some embalmers that we call just fluid pushers, and they basically will raise one vessel, they’ll take a tank of fluid, and they’ll put in what goes in. And if it doesn’t go in, well, I did all I could do, and they stopped. But I care very much about how that deceased is going to look, because I’m doing this for their family.

We can amen. And so I go through all the extra steps to try to get the body to look as good as possible. And so, you know, maybe I’m a glutton for punishment and. But I’d rather the body look as good as possible. I don’t want to be looked at somebody who does a half butted job. So thank you. So that’s a big thing. And yes, it is absolutely the case that we are having a harder time with the injection process because of the clot. Deanna. And part of the problem is when we receive many of these bodies, they’ve been hospitalized and they’ve been pumped full of meds.

When you see those iv lines in the jugular up here, you know that they’ve been pumped full of meds to keep them alive. Wow. And so what happens is the body begins to metabolize drugs, whether they’re over the counter prescription drugs, prescribed drugs. As the body metabolizes those, they form nitrogenous waste. And those nitrogen waste are stored in the cells and that prevents the formaldehyde from cross leaking and doing its job. It just can’t do the job. So there’s a lot of things that go into causing these clots. And so the exchange between the arterial system and the venous system where you begin the drainage, it just takes small minute clots from those arterials to keep us from having good drainage.

Well, it’s pretty frightening because if that’s what the, what these white fiber structures are doing when they’re dead, it’s clogging them up so much you can’t even get this stuff through them. Imagine what it’s doing to them when they’re alive. Hey guys, do you often feel like you’ve got low energy and you just really want to give your energy a boost that’s sustainable all day long? Well, this awesome new product I’ve been taking, energy renew, gives you that kick you need to keep going all day long with no more midday slumps. Plus, it helps you stay on track with your weight loss goals and burn fat way more effectively.

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Thank you so much for watching shots fired. Remember, twice a week now, Tuesday and Thursday at 06:00 p.m. central, 07:00 p.m. eastern. Follow me on social media, Gab, Telegram, true social, and getterealdeonnalrain. And until next time, have a good evening, and God bless you, and God bless America.

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Deanna Lorraine show review funeral directors experiences with vaccinated bodies health issues caused by white fibrin interview with embalmers on Deanna Lorraine show natural wellness products for dogs trending topics discussion with Deanna Lorraine unusual white fibrous material in bodies vaccine rollout effects on bodies vitamins and supplements promotion White fibrin structures in blood

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