Secret Service Agent Reveals All..Trump Assassination Plot EXPOSED!!

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ In this episode of Nino’s Corner TV, the host interviews John Carmen, a former Secret Service agent. They discuss various topics, including potential toxins in “healthy” foods, political conspiracies, and the operations of cartels. John shares his experiences and insights from his time in the Secret Service and his views on current events. The host also promotes a gut cleanse protocol for better health.
➡ The text is about a man’s experiences working in naval intelligence and the secret service. He talks about his training, his assignments, and his encounters with various threats, including a man who later attempted to assassinate President Reagan. He also discusses the importance of staying sharp and prepared, and criticizes the lowering standards in law enforcement training. He ends by recounting his interaction with John Hinckley, the man who shot at Reagan, years before the incident occurred.
➡ The text is a detailed account of a former Secret Service agent’s experiences. He talks about the dangers he faced, including bomb threats and potential attacks on the White House. He also discusses the importance of being alert and prepared for any situation, including potential threats from seemingly harmless individuals. The agent emphasizes the need for constant vigilance and the ability to anticipate a wide range of threats, from physical attacks to biological and radioactive dangers.
➡ The speaker discusses the security measures around a high-profile individual, likely a president. He criticizes the current security team’s lack of training and preparation, pointing out their failure to properly secure the area and their inability to respond effectively to threats. He also expresses concern about the selection of agents based on political reasons rather than their qualifications and skills. The speaker, a highly trained former agent, suggests that the standards for hiring and training agents have declined, leading to potential security risks.
➡ The text discusses various potential threats to high-profile individuals like Trump, including physical attacks and food poisoning. It mentions how security measures are in place, such as agents on stage and food tasters. The text also refers to historical incidents of attacks on leaders, like the shooting of Reagan and attempts to poison Fidel Castro. It emphasizes the need for constant vigilance and caution in protecting these individuals.


All right, folks, welcome to Nino’s Corner tv. I got a very special guest this evening with you. It is John Carmen, secret Service agent under a Ford and Carter, three plus years, knows a lot of dirt on a lot of things. Folks, I got to tell you, we’re going to be discussing a lot of things. First off, John, thank you so much for joining me. Anytime. Yeah, so I was on the, I was on before we recorded, we talked about some of the things we’re going to be discussing here. And folks, he’s full of stories. I got to tell you a lot of stuff, a lot of information.

But first, folks, speaking of digestive issues, this is caused by potential toxin. That’s an all the, quote, healthy foods that scientists have been telling us to eat with a fraudulent food pyramid for the longest time. And this potential toxin causes digestive issues. According to doctor Gundry, a world renowned cardiologist, this is affecting millions of people nationwide. Warning signs include weight gain, fatigue, digestive discomfort and stiff joints, even skin problems. Doctor Gundry explains these side effects are often mistaken for normal signs of aging because digestive issues develop usually over a matter of years and sometimes even decades.

I can assure you that the damage is probably caused by these health foods and it’s far from normal. The good news is you can easily help fix the problem from your own home. It’s very simple. You just need to know what foods to action that are actually healthy and which ones contain this hidden potential toxin. Go to gut cleanse forward slash Nino, folks. Gut cleanse forward slash nino. Click on the link below, folks. Get started and start getting healthy. I don’t look 47, do I? I got some. Oh, my gosh. I take all the stuff I pedal, by the way.

All right, John, let’s get into this. This is a, this is you. You’re like right up my alley right now because for what I want to discuss, especially with what happened to Trump, which a lot of people say, oh, they dropped the ball, they were incompetent. I think nothing. I think everything was highly, highly orchestrated and engineered. That’s just my opinion. And we’ll get more into that on Nino’s corner tv, folks, because this is fluff, too. But we’re going to go to the back channel and talk about that situation, that circumstance, what really happened. Get his opinion on this.

And you do have a very educated opinion on this, first of all. Thank you, John, for joining me. Yeah, you’ve got a really good idea about the fact that it wasn’t an accident it’s kind of. Kind of like the old Mossad saying, it’s never an accident, right? That’s what they want the people to believe, right? I think everything is engineered. Everything is a, you know, a crisis that works out for them. I think. What do they say? Never let a good crisis go to waste. And I think everything that we think is half evolving naturally. And and all these.

All these. These non governmental agencies that are funding them, to me, is just. It’s all orchestrated, it’s all engineered. Nothing is ever by accident. Well, that’s less like what they’re doing with the wars now. They. You know, if you keep it up with the news, they got one of the major Hezbollah leaders for the past 30 years, and they finally took him out. You know, and I always make jokes about how these political people use alternate words, and I, you know, terminate with extreme prejudice. Take him out? Yeah. We shoot to stop the threat in the secret service, whom we train to shoot.

We qualify, like, every month. And I was a distinguished expert, so it’ll give you some background. Military people, other law enforcement agencies don’t do that much, you know, let me ask you this. El Chapo and El Mayo, you know, they were just arrested right here in my backyard. Chapel away. Guzman. Yeah. The sun. Yeah. Oh, the sun. Okay. Yeah. Okay, so. So I believe they were arrested to. Now that we have open borders, my opinion is to cause imbalance, to cause the desired chaos that they need. Because all that’s gonna do now is cause turf wars and territory wars and see that what is.

We’ve had this happen many times. I’m not new to this, so I know when they take down big guys like this, all they’re trying to do is cause imbalance. Am I right in saying that? Yes. It’s a distraction. It’s a diversion. No, don’t look at us. Look over there. Look over there. Don’t look at the guy behind the curtain somewhere else. Let’s be clear about it, too. There’s five. Five cartel families along the border from San Diego to Brownsville. Basically, I’m only concerned with maybe the one on the Pacific coast side. Ariana. Felix. I’ve run into some of those guys.

Actually, Ariano himself was, like, five foot six or seven, barely. Chapo, of course, lower is like. Chapo is like, the nickname for him, shorty, or whatever. But do you ever think that maybe they work for the three lettered agency? 100%. Exactly. Why are they allowed to operate in the first place when our military industrial complex could easily take these guys out they don’t, they use the whole idea of coming across the border. They don’t just come across the surface, come across in tunnels. I’ve got tunnels over in the area in San Diego where I’ve been and worked around, and they go 1000 yards into a warehouse somewhere and then they own low drugs all day long.

And I’ve got, these tunnels are elaborate, man. Some of them have air conditioning. Yes, yes, air conditioning, rails, lights. It’s very sophisticated. Cement, the whole nine yards. And I’ve got even sources in the mexican government side that have confirmed this before they even came out. And border patrol caught it, the other agency. Right. Well, before we go into a lot, into any of that, let’s go back into your history because I’m sure my, I want to go into your credentials and your experiences to get my audience kind of put, so they can put their fingers on the poles of what we’re going to be talking about.

So let’s go back, man, all the way back to what, 74? Yeah. I come from a military family. Born on a top secret military base, transferred every three I’ve. You were born, you were born on a top secret military base? Tinker filled Air Force base. Okay. 1953. Transferred every three years. I ended up in Beeville, Texas. Went school there at elementary school to San Diego, back to junior high, high school, then to Japan, where I did martial arts. And so you been the language, you were military from day one. Yes. That’s crazy. Yeah. And then, and then I learned Spanish in San Diego, picked it up again in Texas.

So Spanish was an alternate language that I was always looking to strive for. I didn’t know where I was going to go on law enforcement and then martial arts, black belt and all that. Judo. Studied with Steven Seagal, a buddy mine aikido and things like that. Lived at China Lake, the top secret military base, by the way. Atsugi before that in Japan, was where Lee Harvey Oswald was stationed in 57. I came on ten years later at 13. At 13. So just to give you an idea, and I was already six foot three. I’m not sure if I could compare to six foot five or.

Well, you’re six three. Yeah. You’re a big man. Yeah. Yeah, that’s the same. Isn’t Trump six three? Yeah, he’s about six three. What’s Barron this week? Has he gone over seven yet? I’m counting six seven. Looks like he’s fucking walking on stilts. Exactly. But that’s the ukrainian Iranian. I’m sorry, the bloodline background. Right. I’m sorry. Slavic, right? Yeah. He’s a big kid, man. But I. But I excelled in all the sports. You name it. Baseball, basketball. In fact, I was in Corpus Christi when we did the all high schools. Junior high schools competition. I got the last two points at the game.

I was the tallest guy left over that didn’t foul out. And we had rocks thrown at us by mexican gangs or something. Oh, that’s what I’m used to. Welcome to my world. Yeah, but I live on the border. I’m used to that. But there’s a connection between me and Corpus Christi, Texas, later, because I protected a lady named Farrah Fawcett, who was from Corpus Christi. Yes. In 1977, after I left Secret Service. Wow. Yeah. I bet that was an experience. That’s a big deal. Very nice lady. Uh, so anyway, I. Why is it a big deal, huh? Why is that a big deal? Besides her being so famous.

Oh, beautiful. I mean, she barely came up to my shoulder. Yeah. You know, and Desi Arnaz, Lady Desi Arnaz. Farah Fawcett. It’s Max Bearer and Dick Van Patten and the kids in Del Mar because there was a special tennis. And this is all before the secret Service? No, no, after. After. Okay, well, let me. Let me. Let me catch up with the timeframe. Transferred to San Diego. I was already doing special work with naval intelligence at China Lake. I don’t usually talk about that. And then I got picked up by secret service out of San Diego, 1974.

So I just passed my 50th anniversary on September 3 at 21. Wow. Foreign missions division. First assignment. We’re working out of a building at 1310 L Street. It’s not long. It’s no longer used there. It’s trains transferred around something else. We went to our 19 week academy. Then we went to specialized training at Beltsville, Maryland, up north of the Beltway, now called the James Rawlings center or whatever, and then protected against counterterrorism like Carlos the Jackal, Ilya Tremere Sanchez, and all the embassies. And then when I used to find stuff at two or three in the morning where everybody else is not being shown, they’re doing something else.

Maybe they’re goofing off, intent. I would find briefcases laid out there when they were having people left over from Munich in 72 with the letter bombs and explosives that they actually put next to the russian embassy at 1609 16th street, two blocks away from. Back then they switched it up north now way up on Connecticut Avenue with a gigantic facility, you know, towards. Towards north DC, near a russian military attache that I used to protect, right next to the largest muslim temple off Kalorama Road, which is a connection to. Because he bought a house on Kalorama Road.

So he wants to be nearby so he can walk to the temple and pray or whatever, or the mosque I have to use then. Then I was doing all kinds of, you know, countersniper stuff. This is before they came up with CST. Countersniper terms. I’m the guy that interviewed John W. Hinckley in 1976 in front of the White House on a midnight shift. And I’m a nice guy. At three in the morning, two, three in the morning, I’m going to come up, talk to, hey, what’s going on? You know, and engage you in conversation. And this guy was clean shaven.

Start straight. This was before he tried to. Five years. He was already snooping around, trying to find a way in. Yes. So he’s the man that took the shots at Reagan. What year was it? 80 year. He actually took shots. That was March 3081. Right. Okay, but this is five years before, in 1976. How did he get up to the White House lawn? How did that even happen? Like anybody, they didn’t have the streets blocked off. I used to park my personal car outside the White House. I had a special parking placard. And people were allowed to walk to and from those areas for years, and they didn’t block it off.

And they finally learned when people were jumping the fence too much, people with AK forty seven s and shooting at the White House and things like that. Just random shots? Yeah, yeah. People walking around with a trench coat. You might want to watch them. Does the we White House have bulletproof glass? Yes. Okay. Now, and remember, I’m trained at handguns, submachine guns like Uzis, shotguns, you name it, all of that. And I was still qualified, distinguished expert, which is 295 out of 300 or up to 300 or 300. You know, every month. Every month. It was almost like, oh, it’s midnight shift.

Yeah, I better go do it. Get it out of the way. 30 days. Got to stay sharp, man, all the time. Even in your sleep. Yeah, I mean. I mean, the way I can relate to that is boxing, because before I would even start training in the morning, they’d have me go through the mechanics and the technicals, the technical stuff. We’d watch tape, we’d watch video. I’d work on my movements, everything to be perfect. And then I. Then you go into training, let loose, you know, it’s just, you have to always be on top of music.

I used to go to the facility at Beltsville after hours, and if I was on a midnight shift and I had a night off, which is one day a week, I’d go work out. They had a. They had a roman chair for sit ups. I used to love that thing. You could get up in it, lean back way over, raise up, raise up 60 times a minute type stuff. It’s hard, you know that? Oh, yeah, I used to do all that stuff. Not anymore, but a punching bag and all this stuff to work out. And I would practice my moves and all this other stuff.

But not many people had a martial arts or a judo, martial arts, karate, whatever, background. Aikido is the best because you get to use the wrist twist techniques when you grab people to arrest them. Cops make the biggest mistakes these days. They don’t have that training in Japan. You have to pass an academy. Do the 19 weeks generally, that’s the general timeframe. Then martial arts, you have to get a black belt within the year. Wow. In the year in Japan, you don’t get black belts to anglos. So the standard just keeps dropping, dropping, dropping, dropping, dropping.

And that’s why we’ve had the problem we had with Trump, I guess. But I digress. That’s part of it. Because they pulled people from other agencies during the campaign season. This is what they do. And after a while, you sort of forget about it. They’ll pull guys in from IR’s. And I saw a guy was kind of slovenly dressed, long hair, in the v right outside the VP’s office at the executive office building right next door to the White House, where I’ve been on the roof, no problem. On top of the roofs, no problem. You know, I’m a ninja.

I can go out there, play around on the roof and be counter sniper all day long. Those are excuses. The just unacceptable. It’s unacceptable. Gave out. Yeah. There were lies who were deception. But when. Let’s go back to the White House. Let’s go back to the Hinkley White House. Oh, yeah, sure. Yeah. Let’s start from there and then we’ll move forward. So Hinkley approaches you. No, no, no. I approached him. Okay. Yeah. He’s hanging around in an area late at night. He fits a profile. I’m gonna go up and engage him. I have the right to do that as part of my training.

Profiling behavioral analysis techniques. I got more experience at the border later in 15 years. But I just asked him, hey, what are you doing? You know, what are you doing hanging around the White House. Oh, I wanna see the president with these weird voice type responses. Well, what do you wanna see him about? Everybody else wants to see him. I wanna talk to him, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then he goes off in this tangent microwaves in his head. Sexually related terms. I don’t repeat. Jodie Foster. Those are the top three subjects right there. Jodie Foster.

Well, he had a thing about Jodie Foster, but if you ever saw the movie taxi driver. Yeah, De Niro. He profiles for that, which means he probably saw the movie. They walk out of those movies. A lot of these people were kind of messed up in the head. They can’t release the character. They won’t adopt themselves to the character. They try to attach themselves. So he’s got this thing in his head about Jodie Foster. He’s got a love lust idea about her. She’s not interested. And he’s got this thing about the president connection. So the same similar activity happened in the movie where the driver driving around, ex Vietnam vet, looking for action, looking for whatever.

He’s tired of the ugly work that he does. It was in the New York area, of course, and all these other activities are happening. So he’s looking to be a hero. You can’t lose that stuff, being a hero. Even if you get grounded, sidelined, like I am, I’m still doing what I have to do to do what I’m supposed to do, period. And I may not be as active, but this guy is fitting himself into it. He’s not a physical, kinetic type person. That’s a term a friend of mine whose military uses a lot. And it’s true, if you’re not kinetic, you don’t.

You’re not the type person to take action immediately when you see something. And I’ve done that since I was a kid. So anyway, I got, you could say he’s not an alpha type male. Exactly. Yeah. Of a beta. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so he’s passive aggressive, weird. Yeah. And he hasn’t found out what his juice is about yet. Okay. Or something. But you were profiling this guy, like, immediately when you’re talking. Oh, yeah. Seconds. Seconds. Just reading. Getting a read on him. Gotcha. So I get the duty agent to come down as soon as I told him his profile says Jodie Foster.

Oh, I got to talk to this guy. Said, good, you talk to him. Get him into St. Elizabeth’s tonight, spell my name right, and I go to go look for Carlos the Jackal. And that was it. I went with my partner, we went on our exterior routine. Patrols in the area. They switch our parole patrols everywhere. We’re all over DC, everywhere. I’m the one of the guys that would go out there at night, at, you know, three in the morning. That’s when they’re. That’s when the bad guys are out. 304:00 in the morning. They’ve had so many people connected to the venezuelan embassy, they had bombs go off.

They had a bomb go off next to the earth at the airflot, next to the russian embassy. When I was there in 75, 76, before I transferred to the White House, I actually got death threats that I don’t mention, but I got transferred to the White House. Ford was still there. I personally protected him. Betty Ford, Jack Ford, Steve and then Susan. You know, there’s a lot of interesting stories I could go on. Have you been in the line of fire? Have you been in shootouts and that we don’t know about, the public is not aware of? But I was there.

I was the front line. So when there was a guy that jumped the six foot four business suit with a briefcase, he’s setting off certain alarms. I’m the first guy out there with a gun drawn on him, and I arrest him at gunpoint. Nice guy. Get him on his knees. What’s in the briefcase? Just paperwork, okay? And I’m getting cuffed up, and I’m keeping him talk. I’m talking to him. I’m keeping him busy. You don’t let people hesitate to think. If you see that in their face or response, you better do something, because that’s where they screwed up on the keep it.

So you keep them distracted with small talk. You keep them. Keep their brain thinking. You got to keep ordering them what to do, you know? Hey, you’re trespassing. What are you doing here? What’s in a briefcase? Paperwork. Okay? Toss it to your side. Didn’t make any noise or nothing. You don’t know what’s in it. You don’t know. People don’t know. Even Secret Service guys I worked with didn’t anticipate biological, radioactive. They didn’t think that way. The way I do. But I even asked you guys, hey, you know, what’s your name? Or whatever or something says, well, what do you want to know that for? I want to know where to send the body.

Now, get. You get your hands behind your back. You see what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know. And then cuffed him up. The supervisor, who was an ex marine at the time, wanted me to take him straight through between the west wing and the main mansion. I said, no, I’m going to walk him all the way around out the gate, on the east gate, up through executive Avenue, between the buildings, all the way up to the north gate, which is where we’d interview these people and put them in detention and all that before we transport them or arrest them or whatever.

Cuffed up. He didn’t get that, but he didn’t say anything about it. Later, he finally figured it out on his own. Why would you take somebody with a briefcase with his body? If you ever saw the movie man on fire with Denzel Washington? Yeah. Yeah. When he was protecting the Chargers. Right, right. Little devices that they could have in their body. Damn. And they’re that crazy people. I can’t say that word on there. Self deleting. I didn’t use that word self deleting because it’s fluff tube self deleting. They’ll come up to the White House lawn. I saw some guy light himself on fire.

Yeah. Just like a year, a couple years ago. Right. I mean, there are sick people. No, no. They’re. They’re. They’re frustrated. They’ve reached the end of the rope. They’re super religious. Or religious people will do the same thing. Monks, all kinds of people will do it. So you got to be aware of all the crazy people that may try to get close, get into you, approach you or anything. And it didn’t take but a. An attempt on King Jamun. King Jamun’s former relative who. Some lady came up and just wiped the guy’s neck with a scarf, and he was dead within several hours.

What was on there? Like some kind of shellfish something or what? Probably. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. So is it true there’s such a device as, like, heart attack guns that you can just point or a dart you can hit somebody with, and bam. Yes. It’s made out of selfish. Right. It’s a toxin that. Well, let me give you an idea. You know what a big pin looks like in the tip, right? You can’t even see it on camera, but the tip, that little bb meet, this is a fine. You could take a fine oral medium, and they’ll drill a couple of holes in it, put ricin in it or polonium.

You know, somebody referenced the bulgarian umbrella the other day, so I had to tell them about it. Somebody got hit with a bulgarian umbrella. It had polonium in it. And the guy was in the hospital almost immediately, he felt like somebody hit him with an umbrella tip, and the guy dropped his umbrella. So I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. The guy picked his umbrella, walk around right back the other way, got into an unmarked vehicle and drove off. The guy scratched it because he felt like, yeah, somebody hit me with something. It didn’t feel right. So it get, it gets irritated.

He was already contaminated. He was gone. Soon as he got contaminated, he passed away. Oh, yeah. Less than. How would you counter react something like that? Is it antivenom or something like that, or. No. Polonium is like, once you get in your system. Yes. Arab was put off the same way by the massage, where they could put something in his toothpaste, in his, if he uses deodorant, anything, anything that comes in contact with the body and it was contaminated. That easy. Yeah. So let me ask you this. The Secret Service, what do they have to be trained in? I understand, and we’ll get into more of this on, you knows, corner tv, because I really want to go deep into this, but when we see President Trump or somebody, and I’ve been to his rallies and I’ve stood there and I was thinking to myself, you know, I don’t know if I was crazy, I could easily do this, that I’m going through all these scenarios in my head.

I, especially being a big guy, I mean, if I really wanted to, I mean, I was like, right next to the stage, I’m like, I could, I know I could bulldoze that guy and get to him. I know I could. You know what I mean? I’m thinking about all this stuff, and I was just like, how come there’s no bulletproof glass around Trump? How come there’s this, how come there’s this big field that we’re at? And sure shit, everything I thought about happened. So let me ask you a premonition, maybe. Yeah. Well, I just thought it was just incredibly dangerous, especially now that now they’re starting to get the lexan plastic glass stuff that I have samples of years ago, and the bubble that Kennedy wore was similar to that material.

So we’ll take everything up to AK 47 and maybe some other stuff above that, up to rpg or not. And we don’t even talk about the six inch glass that goes in near the oval office area. All kinds of stuff. But I think about the same exact things. They’ve got directed energy weapons, they’ve got high tech stuff. They’ve got alien level type stuff that they don’t want you to know about. An air pistol on Reagan was probably, if they want him, they, they could get him. They want to write it off secretly so that they make it look like a lone male gunman.

This is the first thing they teach us in secret service. It only takes one person to get through. That’s all it takes. You have to be ready for that one person, no matter who they are, what they look like. Even with a suit and a tie and a secret Service pin on their lapel, anybody is potential. We shoot targets that look like agents. We shoot targets that look like everything else. But that’s, that’s the training. So once you understand all that stuff, it’s, yeah, they gave him minimal. They didn’t give him the most protection. And if they’d have done it in the way I was thinking, I could break down the butler Pa incident.

Yeah, let’s do that on tv. Let’s go back to Nino’s corner tv and talk about that there, because it’s going to be considered conspiracy on fluff tube. So let’s talk about Pennsylvania. But first, I want to just talk about a couple more things. A few more things here. How when I look at President Trump and I see these Secret Service men around him, it looks kind of just like there’s just a bunch of guys in suits following them around. How organized is it really? I mean, he probably has, what, what are the lines of defense or offense with Trump? Like, what is it? What is it? How is it planned out? When he’s good, when he goes to an event and he has guys around him, how is it orchestrated? Are there’s you, there’s probably someone already there scouting out the area, the radius.

Oh, yeah, yeah. You’ve got. How does this work? Can you explain to my audience? And you got advanced teams to go to check the area out. They work with local law enforcement. They’re supposed to put perimeters around the area, which they failed to do at that one day. They made it look like a reverse Pac man with an opening as a mouth. That was not supposed to be like that. Imagine, imagine a diamond, kind of a diamond shape. That’s the protective area around the president. You got a person at the rear, you got a lead person at the front.

The other ones are supposed to cover his side and his body. Now, I know there was a lot of criticism about females, and I get that, too. Female, left handed, pulling her gun out, trying to put it back. She wasn’t paying attention. She didn’t act like a real agent. She was on loan. If she was, she should be removed. She’s not trained. I see it right away. See, that’s my expertise. Well, there’s also an agent. Hold on. There was also a female agent, not on that day, but on a different day at a different event that had to take a break to go breastfeed.

Did you hear about this? Oh, yeah, I heard about that. Is that real? Yeah, that’s. That’s. Yeah. That’s not. That’s not possible. No. Are you sure? Well, to me, I mean, I’m sorry. I just. Sorry if I have no confidence in this. If Kimberly Cheadle was allowed to be director and have 30 years, I don’t know what she did or what her most famous arrest was or what her background was. It’s just like Julia Pierce, who was another previous female agent. Short, five footers. Five foot. You can’t possibly protect the six foot three man. No, that’s.

No. I mean, I’m six three. You get six foot three, six foot four, six foot five guys. And if they’re not tall females and they’re not trained, they couldn’t go through the academy. I’m one in 1500 qualified applicants that got through the system. One number one out of 1500 background checks, all that stuff in the background. I trained myself for the profile like you wouldn’t believe. It was like a James Bond profile. But that’s. That’s how people have to understand it. There are some good females. There are. I’ve seen them. But the ones they pick are political.

The ones they got for director is political, and that’s not going to work under DHS. Mayorkas and a few of the people since Tom Rich. So has it improved now? I mean, does he have a better team of secret service around him, or is it still. Are they still incompetent? No. No. Well, I hate to label everybody in common. They’re not as highly trained as I was when I was in 74. You’re a different breed. Guys who were highly trained? A lot of the guys, some ex military, two, two or three, some of them were picked.

They had good backgrounds, but they weren’t picked for their high training. None of them were black belts and martial arts like I was. None of them were distinguished experts like I was. You see what I mean? None of them spoke another language. So who do they hire now for secret service? Let’s say, like, who? If someone wants to be a secret service agent, are they just like, oh, you’re black. Oh, you’re chinese. That works. Come on. I mean, how, what, what is it now? Four year degrees? You got a four year degree. Boom. I had a law enforcement investigative background in law enforcement college degrees in conjunction with my other law enforcement and training these other guys.

Would you get yours in? Oh, mechanical drawing. Another one. Engineer something. Something they don’t have. They don’t have to have military experience. No. You’re kidding me. No, this is unacceptable. No, exactly. I got a friend of mine who says they should all be military. I said, well, I get that, you know, people that like to jump out of perfectly good planes without a parachute or something. Joke. But why doesn’t he. He has the money. Why doesn’t he have. Hire a private seal team or something or. Well, exactly, exactly. Now, he did have some private people he could do, but they have to fall within the standards and the restrictions.

One of his own former bodyguards actually worked at the White House when Trump was there, but he had to get removed because of the standards and the restrictions. They’ve lowered their restrictions. Now, if you go into Navy SeAL, special forces, green beret, all these other ones, you’re going to be able to be physically fit and run 6 miles a day without breathing hard, like I used to do, lifting weights, martial arts and all kinds of training and firearms. You know, they don’t do it that way anymore. They’ve got guys that are overweight, over 40. You can go up to age 21 to 39.

The cutoff is usually 40, 20 years, 20 to 40. That’s it. They’ve got people that look like they’re over 40. Yeah. Out of shape. It doesn’t match up. I am just blown away by here. I know. I just, I, you know, I’ve always heard that Trump is well insulated, and then, you know, you hear these, these theories and conspiracies, which I don’t want to go to on fluff to, but I thought he was, until I saw Pennsylvania, Butler, Pennsylvania, happen. And then again at his golf course. Unless. Do you think at the golf course they baited that guy in so they could apprehend him and take him in? Or do you think he was just incompetent? No, that guy, that guy camped out.

He had a cell phone. I don’t use it. I don’t use a smartphone, by the way, this is a Dura XVLT, military grade encrypted phone. How do I get one of those? Not to advertise. I got a death protection thing here that it bounces off a special satellite. Wow. So what this guy stupidly did was his phone. Whoever the phone was attached to is at that location all night for 12 hours. He didn’t just park his car and walk in around the fence or go around the back, set up two special bulletproof plates left and right and have a GoPro to videotape it.

He had two bulletproof plates either side, so he could put his rifle through there. Aks. AK 47 with a scope. Sks. I’m sorry. Sks. And then that way, if he wanted to do something, he could have done some serious damage at the spot he was at. Luckily, one of the agents spotted a barrel sticking out between the bushes and immediately started firing on it. The problem is, he didn’t hit his target. Now, when I’m on a range and I’m trying to go after something, I go after it. I go where the trouble is. And if you have to take cover along the way, you take cover.

But when you see a barrel, you go shooting at it till it drops and maybe you hear something. You keep going. You don’t stop, you don’t fire. And then turn around, walk away. You go after it. So what he did, he fired and turned away, or. Well, he didn’t. He didn’t follow up the way I would have done. In other words, that man would have. Body. I have to find the body that was attached to that thing, if that was what was set up. The guy ran away, got into a truck, drove off some woman who was smart enough to realize, hey, that doesn’t look right.

Followed him, God bless her, took pictures, turned it in, and then they chased the car because they had a license plate. And then that’s how they got him. Yes. So it even took a citizen and just a regular bystander to catch him. Yes. This is disgraceful. No, it’s worse. I’m really worried now for Trump. Yeah, it’s worse than you think. I’ve already sent messages. This is part of my background, too. But I saw things about the drones in 91. I contact my agency, and I’ll let them know about stuff that I’ve heard or seen or learned.

And the stuff with the Mar a Lago thing, they didn’t do it, right. I saw where the director, acting director Stowe, he goes in with two marked vehicles. They filmed him going in through the Mar a Lago gate and a private security guard somehow just standing there when they drove right in with their lights and stuff on. They look like special bulletproof secret service limos. How does he know that’s who it was? And then they drove right past him. And he’s, like, running out there like, hey, hey. Right, b’s. He should have stopped them and they should have identified themselves.

That’s another problem. So all these guys that were not possibly trained covered him at the stand, the lecture area where he was standing, but he still got hit. And there’s identifying the shooter as crooks. And it’s not cross. I know, I know. We’ll do that on the back channel because it is love tube. So I do want to go into that. I want to go into the details of that because I know we’re on the same page when it comes to that. But, I mean, do we at least give them credit for surrounding Trump? They got up there within seconds.

I timed them, I looked at it. Here’s my only other problem, is, if he’s had death threats before, he’s at risk. There’s nothing wrong with having them on the stage at a distance. On the same stage. They did the same thing for Hillary Clinton. She had a black agent, somebody had an incident out in the crowd, so he immediately went up to her, right behind her, right next to her, letting her know by touching her on the shoulder that he’s there. Okay, that guy’s gone now. He died a couple of years ago. It’s weird, right? So let me ask you this.

So bullets are one thing, and then we just talked about the darts. I mean, there’s. There’s ways that they could just get in his vicinity and I would imagine hit him with one of those heart attack darts. But what about. We could go back to the Hinckley incident. Okay, Brady got hit. Dellahoney, the cop got hit because he was turning around to look at. Hinckley, ladies and gentlemen, is the one that shot at Reagan. Go ahead, Hinckley. Yeah. Then McCarthy got hit when he turned around to see what was going on. He should have been reaching for his gun at the first sound of a gunshot.

And put your arm in front of your sternum and chest and heart, because he did not have a vest on. He got hit. Boom. Oh, wow. Right in the abdomen. He’s lucky Reagan got hit with something else. That was the last bulletin. Reagan got hit when he had his arm up and there was something the size of a dime. I was going to get out a little prop here real quick, if I can get it. There you go. Size of a dime. A flechette disc is all it takes. A jagged edge dipped in ricine or polonium or some other, you know, biological type thing.

That’s what entered his ribs. And when they went to x ray him later, you could verify a guy named John Judge who did lectures on that stuff before. He’s gone now. His family was intel connected in Alexandria, Virginia. They had to go in twice just to look at. What was the x ray? It didn’t pull up a bullet. There was no bullet. They couldn’t figure out. It was like shrapnel or something. So they’re going to come up with all these ideas that it was a bullet. It was not a bullet. So there was another shooter. That’s what exposed.

They don’t want you to know. One low male shooter. Lee Harvey Oswald. Right. Lee Harvey Oswald’s case. Okay, let’s just gets into the. What I really want to talk about. But what about food poisoning? I mean, do they, does Trump just go off and just carelessly eat meals, or does he have someone taste his food first and watch them for about an hour? Okay. He didn’t drop. Let’s go ahead and eat this meal. I don’t know. How did that work? I almost got selected. But they have to depend on people who have severe background check, monitored routinely.

I was being select or solicited to do the shopping. The official shopper, civilian clothes in vans with the chefs to go pick up food. They don’t know where we’re coming from, but eventually they’ll find out something. It doesn’t take but somebody to go up and inject something real quick or drop something in liquid. So it has to be checked. Some people actually use food tasters. In fact, in Cuba, Fidel Castro had a food taster, and the CIA tried to get him to poison with a milkshake because he had a milkshake every day. Chocolate milkshake. Somebody tried it.

Yep. So if he was a fairly skinny guy, right? Oh, yeah, it was just a treat. You know, the guy that was going to deliver it was nervous. And one of their security guys intercept him and say, hey, you know, how do you feel about this? How do you feel about that? You know, you’re going to take that over to our leader. I want you to drink it. I want you to drink it. The guy started sweating and nervous he was going to die. He knew it. So in history, poisoning is at the top of the list.

Indirect poisoning. Then you’re getting into the polonium, the ricine and all that. Yasser Arafat got contacted. They got to him. They got to him, they got to his location. Even when I go home and I check stuff, I look for things that have been moved or touched. I got food in the refrigerator. How do you know I’m even touching it? They don’t know. You could put something in there and let it go bad and throw it away. Put another one to replace it, let it go for six months. Not touch it. Never touch it. You don’t know who got into your.

There’s so many ways to get somebody and. Exactly. That’s the point. They don’t have the mentality for that. But that’s part of my background and training. I have to think that way. And even just touching the doorknob after a while. You’re gonna start wearing nitro gloves after a while, paranoia man. I know, I know. I mean, who can live that way? I mean, I. Anyway, let’s go to the back channel. Nino’s corner tv folks. Get over there. We’re gonna talk about what we think happened in Pennsylvania. Butler, Pennsylvania. And on the golf course, the reality in which we believe what happened.

So. All right, John. I’ll see you. Oh, yeah. So, look at that beautiful, man. That’s the current. Just a little souvenir to show, that’s all. No, that’s cool. All right. I’ll see you at Nino’s corner tv folks. Get over there. Thank you, John.

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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anticipating physical and biological cartel operations analysis dangers faced by Secret Service agents gut cleanse protocol promotion importance of alertness in security John Carmen Secret Service interview John Hinckley encounter recount law enforcement training standards criticism naval intelligence experiences Nino's Corner TV episode review political conspiracies insights secret service training and assignments toxins in healthy foods discussion

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