Posted in: News, Patriots, Stew Peters Network



➡ The speaker is expressing concern about the state of the country, citing issues with immigration, border control, and the economy. They believe that these problems are due to weak leadership and a departure from core principles. They also mention their dissatisfaction with the current political climate and debates. The speaker encourages listeners to stand up for their beliefs, even in the face of adversity, and to align themselves with advisors who share their values.
➡ The text discusses the manipulative nature of Wall Street and the financial markets. It warns about the potential pitfalls of investing in mutual funds and the dangers of overlapping investments. The author suggests considering alternatives like treasuries and being cautious of misleading CD rates. The text also emphasizes the importance of understanding the market, making informed decisions, and seeking professional advice if needed.
➡ The text discusses the importance of smart financial planning and warns about the risks of banking systems. It emphasizes that banks can use your deposited money as they wish, and in case of a bank’s failure, your money could be at risk. The text also suggests investing in the stock market for long-term gains and highlights the volatility index as a measure of market fear and greed. Lastly, it encourages self-protection and awareness of personal freedoms.
➡ The speaker discusses the fluctuating trends in the stock market, suggesting that it’s currently at an all-time low but is expected to rise again. They believe that the market will rally before a rate cut, which will cause the market to skyrocket. However, they also warn of a potential market meltdown in the long term. The speaker also shares their personal experiences with trading, admitting to losses and emphasizing the importance of patience and timing in the market.
➡ The speaker discusses the potential of buying low and selling high in the stock market, particularly focusing on 20-year treasuries. They also share their personal journey of weight loss and daily habits, emphasizing the importance of physical health. The speaker advises on the potential of TMF (20+ Year Treasury Bear 3X Shares) as a good investment, but stresses that this is not financial advice and one should only invest money they can afford to lose. They also mention their upcoming camping trip and their frustration with people criticizing their advice.
➡ The speaker is advising people to be smart with their money and guard it against potential theft, especially in mutual funds. They suggest following their trading strategies and updates on their channels for guidance. They also offer access to an exclusive index that adjusts daily to the economy and has shown significant returns. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having retirement funds outside the stock market for safety and growth.


I would like to respond. Let me just ask, though, why did you try to kill that bill? And successfully so that would have put thousands of additional agents and officers on the border. First, let me respond is to the rallies. She said people start leaving. People don’t go to her rallies. There’s no reason to go. And the people that do go, she’s busing them in and paying them to be there and then showing them in a different light. So she can’t talk about that. People don’t leave my rallies, we have the biggest rallies, the most incredible rallies in the history of politics.

That’s because people want to take their country back. Our country is being lost. We’re a failing nation, and it happened three and a half years ago. And what’s going on here, you’re going to end up in world war three just to go into another subject, what they have done to our country by allowing these millions and millions of people to come into our country and look at what’s happening to the towns all over the United States. And a lot of towns don’t want to talk. It’s not going to be Aurora or Springfield. A lot of towns don’t want to talk about it because they’re so embarrassed by it.

In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs, the people that came in, they’re eating the cats, they’re eating, they’re eating the pets of the people that live there. And this is what’s happening in our country. And it’s a shame as far as rallies are concerned, as far as the reason they go is they like what I say. They want to bring our country back. They want to make America great again. It’s a very simple phrase, make America great again. She’s destroying this country. And if she becomes president, this country doesn’t have a chance of success. Not only success will end up being Venezuela on steroids.

I just want to clarify here. You bring up Springfield, Ohio. And ABC News did reach out to the city manager there. He told us there have been no credible reports of specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community all the time. Well, I’ve seen people on television, let me just say here, this is the people on television saying my dog was taken, used for food. So maybe he said that, and maybe that’s a good thing to say for a city manager. I’m not taking this from television. Dog was eaten by the people that went there.

Don’t eat my dog, guys. If you’re from another country, illegal immigrant, don’t eat. Felipe Felipe would not appreciate that. Right? Felipe is. Felipe. He’s been my dog for twelve years now. He’s a great lap dog. Actually. Got him before I proposed to sellie. He’s been a family dog. He’s seen all of our kids from the hospital, from the womb to the, to the hospital to the car ride home. Very, very special family member, our four legged friend. And I love him. And I wouldn’t want some guy coming in, taking my pet, some somalian or haitian or some illegal that, that has a can of cannibal crisis in their country.

And that’s, that’s where we’re at right now. This is not a joke. So I was in doctor earlier this dominican republic earlier this year at a marriage retreat, if you guys remember. I had some pictures there and we were seeing Haitians jump over the walls. Here’s a video of, I believe it was a truck. It was a dump truck, just full of Haitians. And they were just literally running for their lives because these people were eating, they’re, they’re killing and eating them. And you know, you had a barbecue. Haitian guy, his name’s barbecue. This is a real thing, man.

This is actually a real thing. This is not fake news. This is not hype. Like, they will kill your animal. They will kill chickens. There were, there were guys with guns guarding their chickens. It’s crazy. Like it just in a regular, regular valley, um, that, that’s the state of economy, um, that they’re in down there and they’re coming over here and they can’t speak English. They can’t do anything. So what do they do? They, in order to survive, they’ll just kill your dog, kill your cats and eat them. A lot better than eating a human. Uh, it’s freaking gross.

But people will do anything to survive, Manda. You guys know that. And this is what open borders does. This is what, doesn’t matter if you’re left or right. This is ill policies in place. This is what happens when you become weak on your border and you don’t become a country of laws, you become a country of progressive and innovation and blah, blah. And you forget your core principles and the economy is in the shitter. Um, our freedoms are, are being jacked. It’s time to rise up, man. It’s time to emasculate. Emasculate the men and, and really, really just grow a pair of balls and a backbone and stand for what you believe for.

It is time. And we need to do that in the voting polls, even if it’s rigged. And give a flip what anyone thinks and actually just stand for what you believe in. I can’t believe how weak men are right now. And it shows up financially, spiritually, economically. Who we have in that fake White House, who we have in this nonsense of clown show with these debates where Kamala’s wearing her earpiece, hiding as earrings. It’s just disgusting, man. Not to talk deep into politics, but all this is political. Money is political. And so this is why I say you have to align yourself more than ever with your advisor.

Politically, spiritually, economically, now medically. And if you’re not in the same alignment with your advisor, what in the hell are you doing with them? Like, seriously, like, what is going on? Why are you supporting an advisor that, that doesn’t agree with what you agree with? You shouldn’t have to walk into your advisor’s office and have this conversation. Well, he, he’s invested. He doesn’t believe in gold and silver. He doesn’t invest in farmland. He, he only wants Pfizer and Amazon. He doesn’t even know if the dollar can crash. He doesn’t even know what bricks are. Like. There’s advisors that don’t even understand the power of Brics going on right now.

We have turkey, a NATO country just joined the BRIcs. That’s freaking huge. That’s massive. And, yes, if Donald Trump gets in, he’s going to destroy their plan. He will. And that’s why they want to kill him. That’s why they want to kill him. I honestly think it’s a. Is the international puppets, puppet masters that are holding the strings to the Obamas and the Hillary’s and all the politicians, they want him killed because they have their plan, they have their, their agenda, and we see that. So markets are manipulated. I’m a professional at what I do. I’ve been financial advising for close to 20 years now, have my own practice.

This is not some, some. I’m not some influencer. I’m a legit practicing financial advisor. And what I’m going to say today is from my professional experience as well as my political bias, and I will explain the differences. Um, and I think going into this year, we have to understand that there’s a political bias and we have a reality. And when you mix the two, that’s when you get hurt. This is where the conservatives look stupid. This is where the liberals will always have an edge on the conservatives because they say we follow a cult leader like Donald Trump and that we’re so stupid.

Anything that he does, right or wrong, we don’t care. We’re going to vote him in and we follow him. This is what they think. They don’t understand that it’s not Donald Trump. It’s actually the cross. It’s actually our values, our principle that we are cultic about, call it whatever that we’re deplorable about. It is having a sense of belief that the american blood that we had shed early on with our framers, that spirit still lives in us today. And it’s the weakening of that spirit is why we are in this problem. Like, we don’t want to go to war.

We don’t want to fight. Men are built to fight. Men are built to conquer. But we’ve gotten away from that because we’ve become straight pussies. Call it for what it is, and it’s because of our leadership. It’s because of our leadership. And so we have all these problems spiritually. We have these problems economically. And Wall street, till you understand, this, is one big spiritual problem. It’s good versus evil. It is supply and demand manipulation. That’s it at the core. So as we go into this 2024, it really is a battle between not from flesh and blood, but rulers of darkness and wicked high places.

Yes, we know the scripture, and that is folding out and revealing in itself right now. What do we do? Well, we got to be. We got to be smart. We got to be smart. We got to think outside of our conservative mindset. Take that up. Our religion, our faith, our habits, our lifestyle, we got to put that aside for a second. When it comes to your money, just put it aside for a second and think like they do. Think like the bankers. Think like Wall Street. Wall street does not care. They do not care about your feelings.

They don’t care about your values. They actually want you to have values. They want you to be psychologically leveled and triggered at certain price points. And this is all, this is all already fabricated. This is already designed in the markets. They have psych levels when it comes to trading, where people psychologically will make certain irrational moves at certain support and resistance levels. So they have all that priced in. Do you think they care if Michael Obama wins election or Hillary Clinton comes out of the woods and says, I’m running, or Kamala steals election, or even Donald Trump gets in? No, they don’t care.

But what they can do is sell you a bag of goods and say, hey, let’s buy gold right now, all time high and charge you 20, 30%. Let’s. Let’s tell you to invest in your four hundred one k and be manipulated by mutual funds that are heavily in a magnificent seven. And you are 100% correlated like all these mutual funds in your 401K. If you broke them down and asked for the holdings and you emailed me all the holdings, I could give you a report, of course, a charge for a report, but you would have this overlap.

And this is why your 401K goes down tremendously. Because if you have the Dodge and Cox fund, the Franklin Crow fund and the America Pacific Fund, one core investment that you’re probably going to have is Google or Amazon or Microsoft, some blue chip in any of those mutual funds, and then you’re split up between three or four of them. That means you bought, you have bought Google, Amazon or a magnificent seven, a fang or a fang stock three or four different times. And so when that market goes down 10%, you’re actually going down 20, even 30%.

And then you wonder why your 401K does bad. Because we’re not, we’re not asking the right questions. We’re not doing the right things. So if you have a irae look at your holdings in your mutual funds, I understand. I understand. You’re working, you’re working there. You can’t really do anything, but you can do something. You could go to treasuries right now. You can call and go to treasuries again. I’m a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. This is for education and information purposes only. If you would like financial advice, give us a call 813-448-3446 or book an appointment at cortez dot.

We want to help you. Also, you can go to 401K, help, fill it out. We will help you with your 401K. We’ll give you advice. Actually, we can give you advice for 1% a year is what we make. And we can help you have quarterly calls for 1% a year. We can give you advice on your 401K, on what to do, how to stay divested in your in, in this woke agenda, or how to know when to get in and out of the markets. I scan the markets every week for fun. I’m a geek like that.

I love this stuff. I make a living off of this. But we want to trading. Obviously I probably will have my own hedge fund one day and trading is a huge passion of mine. But financial advising is where I started and I love helping people. So I don’t know how long I’m gonna be doing the financial advising side, but the money management and the trading side, I’ll be doing that to the day I die because I just been doing this. I was 14 and I love it. Absolutely love it. But I, I’m here to tell you that it’s time to get your house in order, man.

It’s time to get your house in order. I said, I said last podcast that markets are going to go down. And then I just scanned it this morning and it’s 100% manipulated. It’s going right back up. Even when interest rates drop in here shortly, right here this week. By the time that you’re watching this on, I believe on the 18th, they’re going to be lowering interest rates. We don’t know if it’s going to be 25 basis points, 50 basis points. But what I think, I think they’re going to go down 100 basis points within the next twelve months.

So it doesn’t matter if it’s 25 basis points or 50. This time, September 18, when they meet, they’re going to lower interest rates. They are going to lower interest rates. How are you prepared right now? Don’t go buy a stupid CD and say, I got 4.8%, guys, I’m ready to roll. Do not do that. That’s like, you might as well buy a gold IRA. Don’t even do that. Because what these banks are going to do is you’re going to start to see the banks say, oh, we’re going to pay 4.8 lower interest rates. Then the banks come in and they’re going to say, oh yeah, it’s simple interest.

Okay, simple. I don’t care. Just give me my five, 4.95%. I’m getting a deal. Because the rates went down to 4%. So I’m getting an extra 1%. Then you need a hundred thousand dollar minimum. Then it’s a only one year compounding and then the rest is 3%, 2% simple. For the next two or three years, if you bought a CD, I’ll give you an alternative. The CD market is going to be extremely manipulated and misrepresentated, in my opinion, in their marketing. So don’t get sucker for these, uh, these cd rates that are fixing to pop up.

You’re going to see a lot of cd rates advertised on the Internet, on YouTube, on a newspaper. If you still read those all over the web. All the online banks, Ally bank, just truest bank, they will literally target day one as soon as lower interest rates. Abso freaking Lily. You’re going to see cd rates and people are going to flock to it. And then we have a banking situation that is still on a cusp. We have a banking situation, guys. I told you about Kre. And here’s what’s going to happen. When they lower interest rates. People are going to supposedly get excited about buying homes, but interest rates have already been dropped.

They’ve already been dropped almost 1% already since last year. And here in Tampa, we got a 90% surge in home inventory. People are selling their homes like crazy. You want a good deal? Come to Tampa, man. The prices are dropping like crazy. I told you I got to buy something from my in laws. I’m waiting probably for another two more months, and I’m a drop some cash on a, on a condo, hopefully. Hoas are terrible, but people are. Can’t afford the hoas. They can’t afford the food, they can’t afford the gas. They’re leaving the midwest. See ya.

I’m flow rider, baby. I love my Florida. I love Latino. I love conservative. I love southern. It’s all here. And I love the water. And we like our guns. We love our politics. My kids are born here. This is. This is where I was destined to be. I’m from, originally from North Carolina, so I have a heart for my Carolina folks. But, uh, yeah, I, uh, I’m here in Florida, man. Whatever costs, I’m living here, and I’m not moving out. I’m not letting the economy dictate my lifestyle or my family’s destiny. And I would love some Somalia’s or Venezuelans to come up in here and see what, what we’re about here at the Cortez residence.

Oh, also, I got the sticker. I don’t know if you can see it. I’m not gonna repeat that, but basically, I wish a mother would put on my guitar case as I go to play worship at church. Yes. There’s a curse word on my guitar. Oh, well, get over it anyways. It’s so funny. It’s so funny. I just had a random thought, but we’re going to look at the charts. Rates are going down. How do we make money off of this, Carlos? What do we do? That’s why everybody listens to this. And this is why I want to keep on doing my podcast, because I want to keep you guys updated.

Eventually, I will have an inner circle. Eventually, I’ll have my own fund. But for now, I want you to be educated for information, education purposes only. Obviously, some of this is trade, some of this is long term. So what I’m going to discuss today is, is short term to midterm trades, meaning two to four months, four to six months, depending on your risk tolerance. Trading is only for people that have a higher risk tolerance. So if you are going into TMF or if you’re buying XPSX or if you buy in, the spies do know that you need to buy that with.

If you’re trading it, maybe 510 percent of your account value. Do not put 100% of your money into these trades, especially if you’re retired and older. We have a whole nother service and plan on the retirement side that I highly recommend. And I’m going to show some charts and some recent historical numbers. If you’re not getting these returns, then give us a call. We want to help you get to, to have the ability to have these returns. So there’s two different buckets here, guys, if you’re noticing, I’m talking about red money here. I’m also talking about green money.

Green money is for long term safe money, retirement planning. Great. If you’re 40 years old, 30 years old, and you want to put 5100 grand away, never touch it for 20 years. It will be worth millions. There’s no reason to trade long term, long term. Also, if you’re 60, if you’re 70, it doesn’t matter. Five years from now, it could be a possible double. I’m going to show you the returns. Just don’t touch it. You don’t need some stupid cd rate that is scammed by the FDIC that doesn’t even have your freaking money. Like the FDIC is a freaking scam.

They only have 0.74% of your money in cash reserves. Go call Chase, go call regions, go call bank of America, say, I need ten grand out of my account right now. They’re gonna bug out, bro. They’re gonna be like, well, mister client, you should have called us because. What do you mean I should have called? You should have my money. Well, they don’t. It is actually lent over to another company or another bank branch. And so the way the banks work is as soon as you deposit certificate, a deposit, a certified that you pause it, you now have forfeited your money to the bank.

Withers checking account, savings account. You forfeited your money to the bank. You no longer own. You no longer own your money. Hard truth. You no longer own your money. If you look at the privacy notice and agreements, all the paperwork that you sign, they have the ability. They have the ability to move your money wherever they want and give you a large cash withdrawal disclosure. You have the ability to be a beneficiary of that account owner and have withdrawal benefits, but you no longer own that money. Dude, it is crazy till you pull all of it out and you do something else with it.

So you have to trust the bank that they’re not going to steal your money in law right now. And since 2010, the bank bankruptcy laws have changed. There’s bank bail ins. Bank bail ends mean that for the greater good of the bank, they can take your money out and use it for whatever they want to. You don’t believe me? Yes, I know it’s shocking. But if you look in bank bail ends. I’m gonna pull it up real quick. I. I just looked this up like I haven’t even read this. So I’m gonna read it with you, but it’s all over.

This is just a fortune article. Fortune bailouts here. How’s a bank bailout works? Recent collapse of Silicon Valley bank have done much more than inject uncertainty, public disclosures, blah, blah, blah. What is a bank bail and a bail and is a form of financial relief for banks that are in danger of collapsing or going bankrupt. The relief comes from canceling some or all the banks debt by reducing the value of the bank shares. Note the FDIC insures most bank deposits up to 250 per individual. A bail in is the opposite of a bailout. Instead of relief of funds coming from outside taxpayers, like in zero eight, the funds come from inside the shareholders and depositors.

Although bank, although bail in relief has been implemented in Europe, has never been in the US. Not yet. Even so, bail in relief was legalized in the US with the passage of the 2010 Dodd Frank act following the zero eight crisis. These are like, literally my words, too big to fail or bailed out by the us government. Maybe they’re listening to scriptures in Wall street. Who knows? To prevent mass bailouts in the future, the order, the orderly liquidation authority OLA, restricts some of the riskier activities bank have engaged previously. Increases government oversize a bank, forces banks to maintain large cash reserves, creates a process bail in to liquidate failing financial institutions without a bailout.

2018 the amount of cash reserves banks were required to have under the Dodd Frank was lowered by the passes economical growth, regulated relief and consumer protection at by the Trump administration. And here we go. Oh my goodness. Here we go. Here’s ads. I just said it. So that’s probably why we’re going to see checking account bank account ads, because the banks need your money. So they’re sending out teaser rates. Look at these rates. They’re terrible, by the way. And it goes into how bank belt. This is actually pretty good. Pretty good article, man. Like, the bank is in default or in danger of default.

They could take your money. The bank represents systematic risk to the banking sector. They can take your money. Like, we. We already discussed this, man. Like, this shouldn’t be a shocking. And look, real time, 4.255.25. All these online banks, they’re showing you. They’re showing you. Exactly. And member FDIC, they’re showing you when interest rates lower. Don’t worry, we can get 5.25 from Jenna’s bank and American Express, 4.25. Oh, they’re reputable. Great. Boom. You got to leave it in there for six months, but you got to leave it. You got to have a quarter million dollars, or it’s only for six months.

And then it goes to 3% by. By simple interest rate. You better off getting a 4% compounding. A lower. A lower compounding. Um, actually not better at all, because now your money’s entirely at risk because we have bank balance. This is not new information, guys. This has been around for 14 years, 2010. I’m just reminding you that this is the truth. This is straight the truth, man. So we have to. We have to get smart. We have to get smart. I said lower interest rates. Banks are going to start showing. Advertising the rates. And as soon as I pulled up that article, what do you see? They’re so predictable, dog.

So predictable. Um, all right. Yeah, we’re just talking here. We’re having fun. That’s what we’re doing. We’re having fun. We are having fun. You know what else is predictable is the stock market. And so let’s talk about making money in the stock market. Let’s talk about your retirement. Let’s make. Let’s make some money off of these idiots. They’re not going to kill Felipe, and they’re not going to kill Fido. Hecks nah, bro. Come up to my crib and see what’s up. 45 in the desk. Nine millimeter truck. AR 15s everywhere up in here. Yeah. You’re not going to vaccinate me when you have five, five, six coming at you.

You’re not going to touch my kids. You’re not going to touch my dog. You’re not going to touch my cat. Yeah, man. This is flow rider, bro. We don’t, we don’t play games here. We do not play games here, so stay strapped, my friends. Protect yourselves. Know your freedoms. Let’s. Let’s talk about some charts. Let me get out of hand. I’m getting out of hand. All right, Vixy, Vixy. I was looking at this before we got started. Vixy, vixy. All right, so volatility index. This is interesting. This is very, very interesting. So you can’t buy, you can’t buy the volatility index.

You’ve got to buy the ETF. That tracks the volatility index. For those of you that don’t know what the VIX is, it is the fear and greed index of the overall temperature of the markets. Like, if the VIX is high, we got a lot of losses, a lot of volatility, a lot of gains. People are scared or their greed is kicking in. There’s just volatility. Volatility most time means a death spiral. Like, nasty, nasty, zero eight type returns where, or Covid, where the markets are typically halted. They are just losing. I mean, you guys remember that, man, like, we had 800 points, thousand dollar or thousand point swings in the dow, and they had to halt.

It’s just, it only happened, like, it only happened, like, maybe two or three times in the past decade. And then when Covid hit, it happened like three times, more than three times during a two week span. It was devastating for many people. Of course, I made over 1000% during that time, turned a $3,000 count to $33,000. So that was fun. And I’m going to be looking out of to see what we can do and this, and this market crash. So I wanted to bring the vixy up because anytime I get a blue cross, high chance, this is going to go up.

So if we. And so what are these lights here? We call them traffic lights. Whenever I get a green cross, I’m sorry, a purple. A purple usually insinuates a blue cross. And so this is part of my three trade signal where I get this, this purple box, a blue box, and then I’ll get a green box. I’m sorry, the blue box will enter a green box. I don’t have a green box yet, as a matter of fact. This is like what we call a head fake, where it’s going to be volatile. Volatile. Everything’s lined up. The momentum indicators are lined up, but I never got a green box.

And now I’m starting to see red. So this is what a head fake is. And our momentum is going down. So here’s a momentum spike. We have a red cloud here. Our momentum is going down. And yes, just in August, we peaked to over 17 here. Yep. So, yeah, we, we have some serious. If I scan. If I scan back, I mean, look how high this thing went, this was over a hundred guys. Back in 22. I scan even further, hand back, this is over 700. Back in 2020, it was at 859. Can we see a pre scandemic level again? Well, that’s up to you and your beliefs.

This is where our politics can fog our mindset. We got to look at chart numbers. All I do know is that this thing is at an all time low and it’s going to pop. So when it hits this, when it hits these, uh, these certain lines, they tend to go up. As you notice, as it hit this line, we got a blue cross, it shot up a little bit, it dove down, we got a blue cross, it shot up a little bit, blue cross here, it shot up a little bit, blue cross here, it shot up, didn’t get a lot of blue cross, it went up, we got a buy signal and that wasn’t really an accurate one.

And then we got a sell signal, like literally right after that, then a death cross. So, um, it’s about 90% accurate. Guys, here’s a blue cross. Boom, goes up. Nothing is ever guaranteed, nothing is 100%. But my indicators are extremely, extremely accurate. I would take a 90% accuracy, maybe even higher than that, more than ever. So we get a blue cross here, green lights, it went up. It did pop up a good 10% from eleven to about twelve and a half. It’s looking like it’s going down. So that means we may have another rally, we may have another rally before, before this rate cut.

And so what I’m thinking is going to happen is the rate cut’s going to happen, stock market is going to skyrocket. Let’s pull up the spy again. Let’s take the politics out of everything, let’s take our belief system out of everything, and let’s just think money, because that’s what they’re thinking. I got a buy signal back in August, 14 markets went up tremendously, it’s gone up 541 to 554. So this is pure manipulation. We have bank failures, we have interest rates, the uninversion of the yield curves, which is another topic. But just to update you guys, it is possible, looking at this right now, and I’m going to confirm it with another, with the spXs, we’re going to see a market increase, lower interest rates.

When rates go down, prices go up, markets go up, but eventually what happens is that uninversion happens. In the long term aspect, we will have a market meltdown you’ve never seen before. So this is why I’m not, I did buy SPXs calls last podcast. I lost, I lost that trade. It’s not the right time. It’s not the right time, guys, they’re pumping this thing. I lost, I only, only invested like less than thousand dollars. So I lost that trade and I was wrong. I own up to it, completely head fake. I thought it was that time.

But right now they are jacking up the market. They’re jacking up the market and, and that’s what it is. Like, I’m not perfect, but I can tell you that I’m going to be on it and I’m going to tell you that. I’ll let you know as soon as this thing really, really ticks off. Everything’s going to turn red. My bars return red. It’s going to really have red clouds. We see a green cloud here. It’s fanning out. It has a lack of momentum. So if you see me, this momentum is way smaller than that one. That was a huge momentum swing right here.

This one right here was huge. This one’s smaller, this wave, this one’s really smaller. My momentum is dragging down. It’s dragging down. Typically when it hits this area, we’re going to see some huge buy signals, which we’re doing right now. So we’re going to get another wave. I’m thinking we get a wave and then maybe it happens, maybe it happens in November, maybe we see another bull run for the next month and then it crashes right in November. Maybe when Donald Trump wins. I told you, those damn Republicans, they don’t know what they’re doing, blah, blah, blah.

Remember, the Democrats own the media. Of course I’m getting political now as that after I said don’t do that. But my biases is, I think, I think that Trump will win. I think Trump will get instilled and they’re just going to pull the cards, the House cards underneath him, make them look terrible, use it as propaganda for 2028 election. Completely crashed the real estate market, which is already failing. Crash the banking system, financial, reset us all token and eyes. And this is where I think they would really, really enforce tokenization to CBDC because they’re going to say, you see, we got Donald Trump in, the guy that was supposed to be the jobs expert, the guy that was supposed to do everything right.

And then boom, the markets crashed because it, because that’s what they can do. And so I have to, I have a hard time. I mean, I struggle with my ADHD. I go on different tangents. I don’t take notes. Notes scare me. I have bullet points I want to talk about. But what I want to say is it’s hard for me to focus. Not on the political side, but it totally lines up technical standpoint, which is not political. Money is not political. It’s like the gun. The gun right here doesn’t kill people. It’s black, it’s nasty. It’s long.

But my deer hunting gun is. Has a bigger caliber than my AR 15. Why not ban a deer hunter gun? Because it’s wood and it looks pretty. It’s on wood and it’s not on black, nasty metal. That’s why. Anyways, when it comes to the markets, it looks like they’re pumping it up one more time. And I said this back in January, where it’s possible that they could just pump the market into the election. They can just pump it, keep feeding it, keep manipulating it. And that’s what it looks like is doing right now. So let me look at my shorts.

So interesting, interesting. So here’s our red. Now, this is the opposite of the markets, guys. The complete opposite. So when this goes up, that means the stock market goes down. When this goes down, that means the stock market’s going up. So it’s our inverse. And I have a red cloud here. I have a channel, a Keltner channel. I also have a lot of red momentum. So that means the market’s going up. And so this just confirms, more than ever, a low volatile, a lowering vix. My inverse is lose or is going down. I bought this. I bought it here.

And I should have listened to my indicator, but I bought it here when it was green back in, when I was turning around, I got selfish back actually, right here in August. I bought it here, and I lost. I completely lost. I bought like a 30 day call. Completely lost. I even told you guys that I’m buying it, and I lost. So that’s on record. And so I got manipulated. What I wanted to tell you guys is that this is going down. So that means the stock market’s going up. We got red traffic lights. This is on a three day, a nine day, and a 27 day.

So basically a short term, a midterm, a long term view. Red clouds, red pressure, red momentum. The stock market’s going up. It’s just going up. This is not a good time to shorten. Not a good time to short till further notice. Now, I mean, look, you could buy something early here. You want to. You want to buy low and sell high. So right now, we’re pretty low, man. We’re at like, under $8 this is a great place to hold this long term. That I could say I would do. I would buy xps knowing that it may get lower.

It probably would go down to, it could go down to $7, maybe even five. Who knows? Who knows? As the stock market goes up, it could really, really, really go down even further. But this is a losing trade here for the next 30 days. So if you want to wait and be patient, I think it’s going to go down, meaning the stock market is going to go up. It probably could go to. Let me fan out, guys. Let me see here. This could go to $6, man. I mean, this, this could go way, way low. It has before.

This was at like a dollar back in December 23. It could go down to $5, guys, if they really want to pump this thing up, that’s when I would be buying, buying it. When it hits like $5 or less, that’s when I’ll be buying it. Because we all know if a stock goes down to a certain low, you buy low and you sell high, there’s nothing, there’s nothing emotional, political about that. You just buy low and sell high. I would be buying tons of call options. I will be buying $10 call options knowing this thing is going to fail.

This is going to fail. And it’s not because of Donald Trump. It’s the mess that they’re going to give him and they’re going to make a look back. But, but before they do, I’m going to keep my eye on it. But before I do, because the time is getting out of hand here. One thing definitely fo show is our TMF trade dog. Whoo. We golden cross, baby. I got greens here. So this is on a 20 year, 20 year treasury, 20 year treasuries, man. That’s where it’s at. This trade of the year. I said it in January, trade of the freaking year.

I stuck to this and I’m still sticking to it. I stuck to my. Oh, how’s your New Year’s resolution, by the way? I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. I believe in daily habits. Once you have your daily habits, you can have goals. My daily habit is to look at the markets every single morning. I’ve been doing that since January. I also been walking and talking. I don’t like sitting behind a camera or computer all day long to give financial advice. So I’m walking. I’m down 40 pounds. When blood pressure’s down. I hired Josiah. Josiah’s link is in the low.

If you want a man up and get in shape. Women or male? Um, females. If you want to start looking good there. This guy is incredible, man. So good. Christian, hardcore, right winger, family, God, country. Just all the pillars that you need in your physical trainer. Reach out to Josiah. His, his link is below. I’ll share my weight loss journey with you guys. And what I’m doing, I’m in love with it, man. And I’m still eating pizza. I’m having ice cream with my kids when they, on the weekends. I don’t like eating like a slaw because most kids do.

I hate sugar and I used to love carbs, but I don’t eat carbs anymore. But the thing is, I’m living my life, I’m enjoying life, and I’m losing weight. I’m burning three to 4000 calories, eating high proteins and just counting my calories is not that hard. It’s not rocket science. But the main thing is just the walking. I literally walk, um, about three to 5 miles a day, sometimes even 10 miles a day as I have a lot of combos. Um, but yeah, just a little side note, reach out to Justi. His link is below. He’s not free.

He’s not free. But you’re supporting your own health. You’re buying into your own health. And I really think that’s huge. So TMF interest rates are going to get lower this weekend. I got a gold cross, man. Why haven’t you bought the calls on 100? Just buy the stupid ETF. It is going up. It’s been going up since January. I bought it, actually, I bought it in February. Was it? When did I buy this thing? I got a check. Yep, there it is. I bought this thing back in January, bro. Right around here. I was talking about it and it stayed flat for like six months.

And now it’s taken off. Interest rates are going to lower. When interest rates lower, the price of the 20 year treasury goes up. And so this is ETF. That’s three times the risk, guys. So if you put you buy the ETF, when they lower it, it will go up. But there’s also timing. There’s expenses. And if you buy the call option, I like the call option at 100. Again, this is for money that you have. You can afford to lose. Don’t put retirement funds in this, even though it is a very high likely chance that you will make a ton of money on this.

If it does hit 200 when interest rates do lower. If I fan out, actually, let me, let me fix this. I don’t like this chart way looks to nasty. Oh, yeah, that looks terrible. Let me, let me fix this, guys. There we go. So we have. Let me go on a weekly. It’s a little better. So every, every chart you see here is on a weekly calendar. So we have all green here, man, and it’s just massive. This was over $450 right here. 408. Back in 2020, they’re going to try to lower interest rates again to get us at a normal.

So even if it’s not even 400, maybe if it goes to 300. Bro, that is huge. What if it just goes to 250? What if it just goes 100? It doesn’t matter. Like, we are going into a lower interest rate environment. This is how you make money, guys, off of a cyclical market. It doesn’t matter who is in the office. Kamala Trump. There are so many ways to make money off of this crash off this yielding index that are lowering, lowering interest rates. You just got to open up, man. So TMF is a great hedge. If you’re looking to build capital quickly, then this is a great idea.

Again, this is not investment advice, is for education information purposes only. You knuckleheads that want to come, call me and say, you’re an idiot, you’re advising this, I’m letting you know. Read between the lines. I’m legally disclosing that this is for information and education purposes only. You do not invest money you can afford to lose or you can’t afford to lose. Sorry. Tired of people calling and say, why are you giving recommendations on the Internet? You’re not supposed to do that. I’m going to tell all these people, these regulators, blah, blah, blah. I’m like, bro, just shut your freaking trap hole, man.

Like, I’m just here helping out, giving you some information. You guys make me want to quit sometimes. Um, but I’m not because I enjoy what I do. And that’s all I’m doing. I’m sharing my passions. I just happen to be a licensed financial advisor. TMF, huge buy signal here. Um, you could buy the ETF, you could hold it, and you would probably hold it for six to twelve months till it hits over 100. But I want to share another screen real quick, and then I’m gonna let you guys go because I gotta head out. I gotta pick my son to go to Georgia.

We are going father son camping trip, and it’s gonna be wet because there’s this hurricane, right, Francine or something like that. And it’s hitting Georgia, like the bands, and it’s moving east. So, hey, we’re gonna be in a rain. I’m leading campfire worship. So I gotta practice some songs. I’m gonna be fun. I’ll send some pictures, and video will be great. And let’s see here. It’s going to show what was going to show the options on this thing. So for those of you that understand options or are comfortable with it, TMF, you could go to any options calculator.

I just search one right now is at 62. You can buy. And the calls. Ooh. That’s not it. We want January 2026. 100 calls. Wow, they’re expensive. All right, so these are the 95 calls. I prefer the hundred. For some reason. I can’t even hit. It’s not. Allow me to click on 100. So I don’t know. Let’s just try the 95s. They’re a little more. I prefer the hundreds. But you can buy the 95 calls. Let’s just say we bought five grand worth. So call it eight. Let’s say we bought seven. Five grand. $5,500. Calculate that.

And it goes to. Let’s just say, conservatively, doesn’t go to 400. It goes to 325. Stock price from now between 325 and anywhere between. Recalculate this, and you can. You can google this. Break. Duck. Duck. Go. This. Whatever. Let’s just say it goes to 324 on a $5,000 trade, guys, you’re looking at $156,184. Can it go to 60% or even 70% of what it was at when the interest rates lowered? Five grand is 100 and possibly $160,000. If it does go to 324. If it just goes to 100, roughly 100 is $12,000. $971 on a $5,000 trade.

Where are you going to get those returns? So, yeah, stock market wants to crash. We’re dancing in September. You’ll lower interest rates. We’re dancing in September, man. If it goes to 270, that’s 120,000. $121,000, guys. And I already showed you the dag on chart, man. Like, is very realistic, extremely realistic. To go to those levels. We’re not talking much. This thing could skyrocket to right here to 250. Boom. Five granddaddy. Five grand at 250. What was it? $100,000. $100,000 trade, bro. This is why you listen. This is why you listen to scriptures on Wall street. Five grand.

I can care less about the idiots that are commenting. Oh, well, this guy believes in the stock market. Definitely. The QFS is going to eat him alive. You got to buy gold and silver and Donald Trump is a man, and he’s going to, dude, quit getting political about the stupidity. Wall street does not care about your opinion, whether you’re left or right. It’s about the money. And right now, we need to play the money game. We got to guard your money. You got to be smart. They’re stealing your money. If you’re in mutual funds and you’re not doing nothing, they’re going to steal your money.

This is how we trade and be a steward of our money as we take advantage of everything they’re giving us. And right now, they’re going to lower the interest rates. A $5,000 trade at two, at 250 is 100 grand. And it could easily get to that. Easily. It’s at 55 right now. I just can’t make it any more clear. I can show charts and all this scenarios, but stay it, stay attention, stay in the cut with us. Like, look at us every week. Follow us, like and subscribe us on Twitter, on Rumble, our own channel, at scriptures and Wall street.

I’m going to be dropping content like this all the time. I want you guys to understand that this is fun for me and this is just a little market update on TMF. Huge trade. Come take it with me at your own risk and we’ll have some fun real quick. If you’re not getting these returns, look at these returns, guys. If you’re not getting these returns with your retirement accounts, please give me a call. We have an index that we have exclusive access to. You can’t just buy the CTF. Since 2022, this index has been live. Last year we made 19%.

The year before that we made a zero. Because every time you see a red, which is not a lot, we make a zero. Our insurance contracts protect your principal. When Trump got in last time, we made 40%. The first year after it, 40%. Following year, we had problems with the war on tariffs in China. Market went down. But the following year, 34, a 28, a 250. Last year we made close to 19 and a half percent. And this year we’re already up 4.1%. This index shifts commodities, treasuries, S P, Nasdaq, that’s it. It rotates every single.

Not weekly, not, not monthly, not yearly. Every single day you have 100%. Tactical management, shifting. Whatever the economy is doing, it’ll shift to the better asset class, safer asset class. 60 40 blend, 100%. You can have access to this for free, at no cost. You can have access to this. There’s two ways you can buy it. You can opt to get a 20% bonus with the interest rates going down. Yes, you would make 20% guaranteed overnight, depending on your state. There is a fee about 0.95ft, and you only make 75%, roughly, of this index. The first option, which is my favorite, you get 100% of this index.

No fee, no bonus. But you got to give us a call. You got to give us a call. This is great for retirement funds. Money that you want to set it and forget it. This is what I did. I put 100 grand into this August 11 of last year. It is projected to be $4.2 million in 19 more years. My wife and I can retire in 19 more years. So guess what? You got to get stuck with me for another 19 more years. I’m sorry, but I’ll be doing this for a while. And I love this, but, yeah, this is what you need access to.

This is what a lot of. A lot of the clients are doing now. Um, because you’re not getting these returns. Tell me where you’re getting these returns at. And if you’re not, give me a call, because I have exclusive access to this. This is not something you can buy from merrill Lynch, Morgan stanley. You can try, but you’re supporting a woke agenda. Anyways, guys, I am out of here. Uh, give us a call, get you some green money. Contracts are going to be your friend going to a volatile market. There’s no need to be in a stock market unless you’re trading, trying to make money.

And on a rigged market, your retirement needs to be out of the stock market, principally protected, in my opinion. Um, you need to have growth, you need to have safety. You need to be outside of the CBDC anti Dei, private insured account. The whole nine? The whole nine. Well, with that being said, I’m out of here, guys. Don’t forget to like and subscribe our Rumble channel scriptures and Wall street. I’m your host, Carlos Cortez. I’ll see you next week. Later.

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