Scott Ritter LIVE from Moscow Russia Russians on Putin

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➡ Ukrainians have launched attacks on Russians within both Russian and Donbass areas, assumed to be an act of desperation to provoke Russia that could lead to NATO intervention. Despite the outrage these actions caused, the Russian government preferred a measured response targeted only at strategic and military locations, avoiding civilian harm. The incident in Belgarod was caused by Ukrainians firing cluster munitions into crowded areas with the intent of instilling terror amongst the Russian populace.


So the Ukrainians have attacked the Russians in the Donbass, and they’ve attacked Russians in Russia. What does this tell you? Is this attack in Russia just the last gasp of a dying administration, knowing that it’s about to be defeated in war? That seems to be the opinion of Russia’s political commentators and political officials across the board, that the Ukrainians are desperate to create a provocation that would get Russia to act in a way that could trigger a NATO intervention.

I think what we saw today is that Russia did respond to what happened in Belgarad, but it was a response that was limited to strategic and military targets. There was no revenge strike against ukrainian civilians, nor will there be, because that’s not how Russia operates. So I think the russian government has this situation under control. But I can tell you it’s very, very difficult because as Russian President Vladimir Putin said the other day, that what happened in Belgarod made his blood boil.

It made everybody’s blood in Russia boil. They are so angry about what happened. But this anger is not translating into revenge. What it’s doing is doubling down on their absolute commitment to see this war through. So wear your hat. As a military strategist and observer, what happened in Belgarod and why did it happen? What happened in Belgarod is that the Ukrainians used their own domestic production of multiple launch rocket system and some czechoslovakian provided systems that were equipped with cluster munitions, and they fired them into the center of the city, where they knew that russian civilians were gathering to celebrate the new year.

Gathering in market. Gathering in a Christmas market. And it was done specifically to kill innocent civilians to generate terror among the russian population. That’s what happened. And. .


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Act of desperation Ukraine Avoiding civilian harm in conflict Incident in Belgarod Provoking Russia NATO intervention Russian and Donbass areas conflict Russian government measured response Strategic military locations Russia Terror amongst Russian populace Ukrainians attack Russians Ukrainians firing cluster munitions

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