Russian Ambassador Can Legally VOTE in DC Elections! Judicial Watch





➡ Judicial Watch talks about how In Washington D.C., the rules let people who are not citizens vote in local elections. This means that everyone, even people from other countries who work as diplomats, could have a say in how the city is run. This rule is causing a lot of talks because it might let ambassadors from countries like Russia and China influence the U.S. capital’s decisions. This situation makes people wonder about how far voting rights should go with this new rule.


Here in the District of Columbia, they changed the rules. Now, foreign state, excuse me, national elections, non citizens can’t vote, but localities can let non citizens vote, or they have. Whether they can under law, I would, I think is questionable, but they have, including here in the District of Columbia, which allows citizens to vote. So I want you to think about this. Your nation’s capital is governed by a mayor and a DC council, okay? It’s the nation’s capital.

Federal government’s based here. Congress is based here. The president White House is based here. We have a massive diplomatic corps, foreign ambassadors here. All of them, in theory, would be able to vote in the District of Columbia. So the russian ambassador and the chinese ambassador can help govern your capital through the right to vote. Heck, they could bring in to their embassy, every chinese national in the embassy could become a voter, in theory, under this new law here in the District of Columbia, which, by the way, Congress also hasn’t done anything about, even though Congress constitutionally runs the District of Columbia, our nation’s capital.

So where they get the chance, they dilute the vote of american citizens by allowing non citizens to vote, including illegal aliens. So they’re not just trying to limit this to green card holders. Green card holders are essentially permanent residents of the United States who are foreign nationals. And the thinking is, after a certain number of years, they are eligible to become citizens. No, they’re not doing that. If you’re here long enough and you’re a foreign national, you can vote in some of these jurisdictions.

So what’s going to happen when there are 10 million more foreign nationals? As I note, there’s not only a distortion in how Congress is apportioned, but it provides a voting a contingent of voters for politicians at the local level where these laws are being changed. .

See more of Judicial Watch on their Public Channel and the MPN Judicial Watch channel.



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1 thoughts on “Russian Ambassador Can Legally VOTE in DC Elections! Judicial Watch

  1. Johan says:

    The whole discussion is moot, as D.C. is foreign soil in the first place – It’s an independent entity, it has its own flag, which means it can be used to hold military tribunals and it doesn’t matter if the president isn’t born in the USA because it’s a corporation and anyone of any nationality can be president of any corporation

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