Russia and America Have Traded Places | Untold History Channel




➡ The host of the Untold History Channel, Ron Partain, discusses an article by James Perloff about how Russia and America have seemingly swapped places in terms of political ideologies. The article, published in April 2022, warns that America is becoming an authoritarian nation, similar to how Russia was perceived in the past. Partin also mentions a video that highlights the influence of elitist groups in American society, suggesting a gradual shift towards globalism and a dissolution of national sovereignty.
➡ The text discusses a report by Arthur Schlesinger, a former Harvard professor, which outlines a plan for the United States to transition to socialism. The report, written in 1947, suggests that this transition would be led by a combination of lawyers, businessmen, politicians, and intellectuals. The text also mentions the controversial shoot down of Korean Airlines flight 007 by Russian fighters, and the skepticism towards the temporary liberalization introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985, viewed as a Soviet ruse to deceive the West into disarming.
➡ The article discusses the author’s changing perspective on Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, and the contrasting paths of Russia and the United States. The author suggests that while the U.S. is moving towards communism and anti-Christianity, Russia under Putin is taking a different route, with Putin being seen as a nationalist who prioritizes his citizens. The author also highlights Putin’s popularity among the Russian people and his efforts to eliminate Russia’s debt, ban abortion advertisements, and prohibit genetically modified foods.
➡ The text discusses the author’s perspective on global politics, focusing on Russia’s leader, Putin, and his policies. The author praises Putin’s stance against the perceived moral decline in Western countries, which he believes have abandoned their Christian roots. The author also criticizes the U.S. for its involvement in Middle Eastern conflicts. Lastly, the author highlights a spiritual revival happening in Russia, contrasting it with the situation in the U.S., and expresses his belief that Putin is genuine in his actions and beliefs.
➡ The speaker discusses Russia’s increasing birth rates and the government’s support for family growth. They also express their belief in the sincerity of Putin’s Christian faith and his role in Russia’s progress. The speaker also mentions a Russian poster symbolizing the fight against Bolshevism and their support for Putin and Trump. Lastly, they mention technical issues with their Rumble channel and their new Odyssey channel where they will upload their shows.


Welcome, everybody, to the untold History Channel. My name is Ron Partin, and it is God. What is today? July 10? Flying by again. I mean, every time I look at it feels like. It’s like. I don’t know. Every time I look at the calendar, it feels like it. Like a week is past. This is insane. So, buddy, what you doing? My. One of my voices here with me. I see here wanna say hi. Hi. So that’s Remington. And he’s actually a really good cat tonight. I’m gonna go over. It’s actually. This is. I don’t think I’m gonna get to both of these.

I may. Depends on how long it goes. Uh, questions, etcetera. There is a. An article that I’m going to read from Perloff. James Perloff. It’s, uh. That’s actually the title of the. Of the video. Um, but then there’s a second part that I found. Um. And it was a story that was written in. Let’s see. I just had it, uh. It’s from. It was published April 2 of 2022. And it says the titles for communist escapees warn America is becoming an authoritarian nation. So it kind of goes along with the theme that Russia and America have kind of like, swapped places.

And, you know, I remember. I can’t remember the guy’s name. I think it was like, casey or something. In fact, let me look this up. I think. Is it right? Is that Michael Casey? I think that. I think that may be right, yeah. Michael Casey. Let’s see. I’m trying to find when this was. Because I want to say it was, like, done. It was said, like back in like the thirties, 1930s or forties. And I’m having a difficult time remembering. But I think it was like the guy. I think the guy’s name was Casey. But anyway, I’m not.

It just dawned on me to talk about it right now. Whatever. If I could find it, maybe I’ll play it at a later point. But the point of the matter is, is that Russia and the United States did or have basically changed. They’ve swapped. They’ve swapped spots here. So let’s dive in to the article. There’s. There’s. There’s. He hasn’t written a lot here. It’s going to be. It’s going to be some video intensive. Uh, like short, shorter videos. And then there’s one that’s about a 20 minutes long video. Um, and, um. And then in the first video, when I play it, there’s going to be a reference to an article and I’m going to pull that article up and read it.

So, um. Or read the parts that are highlighted anyway. So. So with that said, let’s dive right in here. All right, so let’s see here. Let’s add. Okay, so this is, the unthinkable has finally happened. Russia and America have traded places. I mean, it’s a little bit bigger. Okay. No. This article is being published during the final month of Barack Obama’s administration. The impact of a Trump presidency remains to be seen. In 1985, I began my journalistic career writing for the new american magazine. The New American, I think, is a John Burt society magazine. House organ.

Yeah, House Oregon. Of the chamber society. I am not a spokesperson for either entity. So my remarks here are my own. The magazine was and still is a defender of the United States Constitution, an opponent of globalism, and a critic of the Federal Reserve and Council on Foreign Relations and the pre Internet era. It was one of, it was one of those few journals to use the word conspiracy in connection with the us government. If anyone doubts this, check the 1983 clip of Georgia Congressman Lawrence McDonald, who had recently become the John Birch Society chairman, and he fends off conspiracy ridicule from Tom Braden, who’s a CIA CFR on Crossfire, co hosted by Pat Buchanan.

So this is going to be a little bit of a treat, I think, because I don’t know if any of you guys have ever seen this. Let’s see. I don’t know if anybody, any you guys have ever seen this, but get a load of this. Very well. No, I don’t think so. Let me just say what newsweek. Let me just say, John, society considers communism only one arm, only one of a master nationalist american insight. It also says here’s director John McMahon, director, John, public relations director, public relations director, saying that former secretary of former Alexander Hayes, Alexander, CIA Director William Casey are two of these master conspirators who are plotting to establish world government.

Now, what do you say? That kind of silly, asinine statement is what makes people laugh at the John Birch Society. Well, Tom, I’m sure being a longstanding member of the Rockefeller apparatus and as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, of longstanding, you’re fully aware that there is an elitist core in this country that has seen value in subsidizing communism or protecting communism. Sure. You’re accusing me of subsidizing communism. No, I’m saying because I haven’t belonged to a. There is an elite. There is an elite core in this country that has dominated american society I’m not one of them.

Trilateral commission. A trilateral commission. Council on Foreign Relations. Well, let’s face it, they have dominated the state department for 40 years and pretty much openly. But what are they trying to do? Well, their objective is to try to bring about a gradual transition in our society, a dissolving of sovereignty and a moving steadily to the left on the political spectrum. Who are they? The elitist groups that I mentioned, particularly key individuals and policymakers and the councils. The International Monetary Fund. Part of this? Well, I would say the International Monetary Fund has certainly been set up for the purpose of facilitating that transfer of sovereignty and transfer of wealth on the road.

We elected Mister conservative. Let me just finish the point, because otherwise we have a lot of unanswered questions, that you are looking at a group that has worked to bring about the dissolution of national sovereignties on the road to world government. And certainly you are familiar with local professor Carol Quigley, who has been part of your club in which he admitted all this. And he said in his book tragedy and hope, the only thing I disagree is that we’ve worked to keep it a secret. And you see, Arthur Schlesinger junior, writing way back in 1947, says, yes, this is the hidden policy of America, but we can’t tell the american public because they’re too unsophisticated to see the value.

What is the instrumentality of world government? What is the instrument? The silliest statement I ever heard. He never made anything like that. Well, let me suggest that you read the May June issue of the partisan review of 1946, and you can read it for yourself. It’s called. That’s the pleasure. You said there was a conspiracy. A conspiracy? Oh, he didn’t use the word conspiracy. He said the objective was to bring up. Let me finish. I’ll tell you. He said that the objective, the secret policy, which we can’t tell the american public because they’re not sophisticated enough to see the value is that through a steady result of erosion of new deals, we bring the american society steadily to the left and through a signed concept of benign containment, we merge into the vital center of the socialist left.

Those are his words, not mine. I think John Kennedy was a member of that concern. Let me ask you this. The world federalist movement in the post war era contained a lot of people who eventually broke with it. And a lot of people thought the UN in the post war era looked toward world government. Indeed they did, up until 48, 49. But a lot of them said, look, we were utopian. That’s over and done with. We can’t move. And a lot of them came in Kennedy’s government. Schlesinger was in there when they were fighting in Vietnam, launched the effort in Vietnam.

Schlesinger was behind the Bay of Pigs, in other words. Look, isn’t there some move that occurred in the post war era that now has been dissipated because nobody believes in the utopian ideal of world government anymore? Well, I think there are those that realize that moving straight from a prototype is the United nations into world government, perhaps is tactically impossible. But phasing out increasingly national sovereignty into regional government and phasing out sovereignties into international treaties in multiple areas, the whole movement toward, quote, interdependence. Yeah, NATO is part of the conspiracy. Well, there are certainly elements in NATO.

There are people in NATO who are very strongly dedicated to the defense of the west. But at the same time, you find in NATO a steady dissolution. You find a growing weakness as a NATO policy dominated by state Department policies. That has not worked. Well, it’s a regional grouping, and I think therefore it may be suspect by the John Birch Society. We’re talking with Congressman Larry McDonnell, who has recently been elevated against the chairmanship of the John Birch Society, succeeding Robert Welsh. We’ll be back in a minute. All right. Okay, so that was, that was Robert Welch now.

Or that was Larry McDonald, who took over for Robert Welch of the John Birch Society. Now, a lot of people may not realize this, but that gentleman was on Korean Airlines flight zero zero seven that was shot down over the Kamchatka peninsula by russian fighters later that year. That, so he wasn’t in there very long. Now. I don’t know. Was he, was that plane targeted? I don’t know. But if you look at, if you look here, it says, you know, he talks about Doctor McDonald, of course, was lost later that year in the still controversial soviet shoot down of Korean Airlines flight double zero seven.

So now he mentioned something in there about the Schlesinger report. All right? And this is kinda what I wanted to get into right here is the Schlesinger report, and I’m not gonna read it all, but this is Schlesinger. This was what he’s talking about, the May June issue of the congressional record. And it’s, this is some kind of, like, sub called this Schlesinger manifesto. So Schlesinger predicts the future of socialism. This is Tuesday, September 26 of 1961. Okay, is that what he said? I thought he said it was the 47 48th. Okay, maybe here it is.

Maybe they were referring to that in here. I came across an interesting periodical called. Yeah, okay. Called the partisan review, which contained a remarkable article. In the issue dated May June, 1947. The partisan review, while available to all readers, is actually read only by professional and intellectual socialists of all shades, from the out and out pro communist to the Fabian keynesian socialist. The remarkable article I spoke of, the lead article in the issue of the Partisan Review, dated May June 1947, was written by Arthur Schlesinger, junior, former professor of history at Harvard and now high in the councils of the Kennedy administration.

It is a blueprint of the plan for turning the people of the United States over to a monolithic socialist, fascist marxist type of tyranny. It was written in 1947. I urge everyone to read it. You will see how far this country has advanced. And see here. Here’s the full text of the article. And I’m not going to read it all just because I’m not going to. The social estate is thus worse than a capitalist state because it is more inclusive in its own coverage and more unlimited in its power. Organization corrupts. Total organization corrupts totally. And this is in the United States.

An industrialist who turned a machine gun on a picket line would be disowned by the rest of the business community in Britain. He would be sent to an insane asylum. Let’s see. I don’t know. I kind of wonder if I should read this whole thing. I’ll just read the highlights, and then if it’s compelling, then I’ll come back and read it all. There seems no inherent obstacle to the gradual advance of socialism in the United States through a series of new deals. The next oppression will certainly mean a vast expansion in government ownership and control. The private owners will not only acquiesce in this in characteristic capitalistic panic, they will demand it.

And that’s. I kind of feel like this right here is what we’re about to see right now. The recipe for retaining liberty is not rationalization, but muddling through a secret long known to the British, who, as DW Brogan has put it, change anything except the appearance of things. Socialism, then, appears quite practicable within the frame. Within this frame, the. The active agents in effecting the transition will probably be not the working class, but some combination of lawyers, businessmen, and labor managers, politicians and intellectuals, in the manner of the first new deal or of the labor government in Britain.

They have constituted a plutocracy, not an aristocracy. They have never been, in the political sense, an effective governing class. A plutocracy is trained to think in terms of business dealings and not of war in terms of security and not of honor in terms of class and not of nation. With their power dependent upon continued convertibility of pieces of paper, they dread anything which might upset the fragile conventions of economic society. Theodore Roosevelt once observed, even a democrat like myself must admit this, but there is absolutely nothing to be said for government by plutocracy, for government by men very powerful in certain lines and gifted with the money touch, but with ideals which in their essence are merely those of so many glory.

Glorified pawnbrokers sorry, guys, this is hard on my eyes. In America, when the chips were down, the businesses have always been bailed out by the radical democracy, often under aristocratic leadership, with the Jeffersons, Jackson, Lincolns, Wilsons, Roosevelts. I dont know where hes getting Jefferson and Jacksons, but definitely Lincoln, Wilson, and Roosevelt. I don’t think Jefferson and Jackson were involved in that kind of stuff, but I could be wrong. The rise of big business, the development of mass protection and mass organization have slowly taken the guts out of the idea of prosperity. The spread of rationalism has set in motion a skepticism which holds no social authority sacred capitalism at once has strengthened the economic centralization and loosened the moral bonds of society, the result of a profound instability which invites collectivism as a means of restoring social discipline.

That doyen of american capitalist Joseph P. Kennedy recently argued that the United States should not seek to resist the spread of communism. Indeed, it should permit communism to have its trial outside the Soviet Union. If that shall be the fate or will of certain peoples in most of these countries, a few years will demonstrate the inability of communism to achieve its promise. I was waiting for that. I’m surprised I didn’t highlight that. While through this period the disillusioned experimenters will be observing the benefits of the american way of life, and most of them will seek to emulate it.

And I tend to agree with that. If we actually went back to the principles of our founding, I think that that’s absolutely the case. People would want to be like us. Instead of us trying to bring democracy to the rest of the world, they would try to emulate our republic. In fact, one country I know of basically already did, and that’s Switzerland. We are confronted today with the picture of the new dealers trying to launch a positive foreign policy over vigorous protests of the. With business groups, which that policy will protect. Fearing change, fearing swift action because it might pretend change.

Lacking confidence and resolution, subject to spasms of panic and hysteria, the american business community is too irresponsible to work steadily for the national interests or even for the narrow or its narrow class interests. Um, anyway, um, you guys get the point there. This was. That was a document that was written in 1947, and clearly they were outlining, you know, what they wanted to do and how they wanted to, you know, make the United States socialist, you know, again, right on the heels of World War two, which is kind of what Mike has been saying all along, that the World War two was essentially the laying the foundation for creating a.

The world government. So let’s see. So let’s see here. Indeed, both the john, both the Birch society and the magazine were perhaps best known as opponents of communism. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union and communism were correctly viewed as police state institutions burst. Birthed with the Bolshevik revolution. They were the builders of gulags and the Berlin Wall, suppressors of freedom of speech and religion, the architects of Ukraine’s holodomor, crushers of the 1956 hungarian revolt. Even the Black Book of Communism, published by the very liberal Harvard University Press, put the number of people murdered by the communists at about 100 million worldwide, although other sources put it much higher.

And we perceived our America, with its bill of rights and middle class prosperity, as the world’s beacon of freedom. And that is true. Look at what they were doing in. Anywhere there was a communist regime, they had to put walls up to keep people in. This is an iconic photo from 1961. Conrad Schumann, a 19 year old east german soldier, jumps over barbed wire to freedom in the west. Ah, he was saying, I’m out of here. Deuces. When Mikhail Gorbache came. Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in 1985 and subsequently introduced glasnost. We at the magazine viewed it with due skepticism.

To us, it was just another soviet ruse, temporary liberalization intended to deceive the west into disarming. Indeed, that was the. That was precisely the view which KGB defector Anatoly Galitsyn had expressed in his 19 84 84 book new lies for old, which foretold communism’s future with astonishing accuracy. Everything from the rise of Gorbachev like leaderhood to the dismantling of the Berlin Wall. I remember this book is. It really caused me a lot of problems. Just internally, I was very unsettled, giving further credence to the gallitins work. It’s being totally disregarded by mainstream media. Although his defection had inspired the opening scenes of Alfred Hitchcock’s 1969 movie Topaz, um, Tomorrow.

Glitz and Glitz, and predicted that in the end, communism would vigorously return and that all totalitarianism features familiar with the early stages of the soviet revolution and the post war stalinist years in eastern Europe might be expected to reappear. For a long time, I awaited that rebirth of russian communism. I initially viewed Vladimir Putin with strong suspicion. The persistent question on my mind has been, is he the real deal? Many of us in alternative media have been. Have become cynical to the point of believing that no major world leader can ever emerge without being a lackey for the Rothschild run new world order.

And I. Right there, I get that hundred percent. I think everybody’s skeptical. 100%. Instead, a very different scenario has unfolded. It is the United States that is descending into communism via creeping socialism, the police state via the Patriot Act, NSA spying, etcetera, and anti Christianity. As nativity scenes are prohibited at Christmas. Gay marriage and transgenderism carry the force of the law. And the entertainment industry has gone full Lucifer. And this is. This is the baphomet. And then this is Madonna dressed like a baphomet. And then I think this was a tv show. I don’t remember on.

Was it Fox? Yeah, Lucifer. Over five years ago, the popular youtuber brother Nathaniel, a jewish convert to Orthodox Christianity, summarized the distinctions between Obama and Putin and the different paths to their nations were taking. Now, this link is broken, but I did find it, and let me go ahead and play it here. It’s. I think it’s short. It’s only about a minute and a half. Do you even know how much your cell phone. You’ll be surprised to know that the World Health Organization has. Health organization. Okay, so that wasn’t it. Actually, when I downloaded it, it actually downloaded the commercial.

Crazy. I uploaded the wrong video. Here we go. It’s coming. I. Brother Nathaniel’s kind of a. He’s an old quirky dude, but he’s. He’s interesting. It’s definitely quirky. Well, while the video is processing, I’m going to go ahead and read a little bit further here. Unlike so many us officials who. Up. There we go. It’s up. So it’s a little bit longer. It’s about. It’s about five minutes, but I think it’ll be worth it. Great leaders attract great people. Great leaders at the close of the century, as we begin the 21st century in the two leaders in the public eye.

Leaders in public eye. Prime Minister of Russia, Prime Minister of Shane Obama, President of the United States. Recognition and global influence between these two heads of state. For instance, this past April, Vladimir Putin brought his co leader to meet, along with state photographers, Easter Sunday services and monitors Moscow Easter joining over 4 million Russians in joining their nation. Russian holiest day their nations following service Putin appeared on national television service to congratulate russian people for celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. By way of contrast, Jesus Christ Barack Obama photo ops this past Sunday, no speeches passed.

No Sunday television appearances. No zionist puppet Obama third annual White House pastor White House pass April sater, please. With a myriad rule of, complete with a myriad of his. All right, well, if it’s going to echo that, I’m going to play it because it’s, I’m so frustrated at this. There’s no reason this should be echoing. Got echo cancellation on. I don’t get it. I’m not echoing, am I? Well, I’m not going to play it. All right. I’m going to try it again and see if it happens. Great leaders attract, great leaders attract von guerrilla at the close of the 18th century, as we begin the 21st century, two leaders in the public eye, leaders in the Vladimir Putin, prime Minister of Russia Obama President Obama for world recognition and global influence and global difference between these two heads of states.

Two heads strikingly dissimilar pulls not part. For instance, this, for instance, April this past Vladimir Putin brought his dmitry along with Easter Sunday services in Moscow, joining over 4 million running over celebrating their nation service. Putin appeared on national television to congratulate the russian people for celebrating people for the resurrection of Christ. By way of contrast, by way of Obama did no photo ops this past Easter Sunday, no speech Sunday, no television appearances. The zionist puppet Obama brought a journalist and photographers to the third annual White House is complete with myriad, complete of his myriad overloaded jewish staff.

Overloaded Jewish. The irony of it all, the Russian dominated by jewish Bolshevism. Jewish Bolshevism under the revered and popular leadership of the christian nation. America, a one christian country is now under the all pervasive influence of what I call Obama is surrounded by who have leadership, position, leadership, every sphere of his administration. His administration has gained world renown for his purge of the jewish, of the Jewish known as the robber baron as the robber took control of the yellow six and looted all of Russia from oil to aluminum. Everything in between, between everything, not to mention not taking control, taking control of Russia, of all mass media today.

In today Russia, not a single jew holds a position or lamentably, lamentably so. Great demise and demise and destruction cannot be said of America. Rather. But the opposite just is the case. Is the case as regards, as regards compared to poop hair, habama is nothing more than a freshly squeezed marshmallow squeezed marshmallow. While Obama supports same sex marriage in Paris Russia Putin’s Russia. Even a gay parade is illegal and if conducted instantly dispersed by the police and the homosexual and lesbian and lesbians activists, mostly agitators from western Europe. Putin is a no nonsense and leader this and he enjoys great popularity and acclaim the russian people.

When a french journalist traps Putin into making making Muslim because of his anti terrorism terrorism, Putin suggested that the journalist journalist Moscow circumcision for Circumcision and for those and for those whose expertise is the interpretation body language is a Moscow and his host and his russian prime minister Vadima Putin. Vladimir Putin. Putin stares the us president down, hunches over, punches nervously and makes inconsequential small, obviously, Mister Putin. Mister Putin not interested. To sum it all up to outlining the difference, Putin announced last year founding of Christianity in Christianity 10th century would be a new national holiday for the russian people to celebrate.

At the same time, Obama announced last year that the month of May traditionally known, traditionally month America celebrates where he celebrates Memorial Day Heritage Month. Heritage Month. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. I am proud to welcome to the first ever event held at the White House one more step on the road surfing of Jewish America. Time of honors. The juification of America now under the presidency, under the jewish dominated administration dominated Iraq Obama Putin’s Russia but a vision create a christian society once again. Society well underway with church monasteries proliferating throughout Russia proliferating casinos permanent cancellation of television shows such Simpsons and South park.

If only we had a leader like we had a leader like in America. Great country we could country we once again. Once again. All right, all right. Testing, testing. All right, can you guys hear me now? I do not know why there was an echo there. I did everything according to the book away streamyard said to do it, and there should be no freaking echo. And I’m fucking livid right now. Ah. I hate putting out shit quality. I hate it. I don’t think you guys understand. I’m. I tend to be. It’s a perfect. I tend to be a perfectionist.

So it’s like, it’s just. It makes me angry. Um, anyway, so, um, coming back here to the article, uh, unlike I actually, I didn’t. I just want to say I didn’t know that about the. They banned the Simpsons in Russia. I didn’t know that. That was interesting. Um, let’s see. Unlike so many us officials who indoctrinated by the Council of Foreign Relations place global interests above America’s Putin is a nationalist who looks out for his own citizens. While America continually adds trillions to its staggering debt, Putin has actively worked to eliminate debt. He paid off all his country owed to the IMF and Rothschild creditors from the Yeltsin years.

Putin has signed into law a ban on ads for abortions, while calling for ending abortion altogether. In Russia. In Russia, grow. I don’t know that. Whereas Russia has prohibited genetically modified foods, I knew that the United States even outlaws GMO labeling requirements, preventing our people from knowing what they’re eating. Among the russian people who Putin enjoys unsurpassed popularity. All right, so instead of me playing this video from there, I’m going to try to play it from here and see what happens. Let me see here. Actually, let me know if you guys can hear this. I mean, I saw.

Yay. I’m not going to play that whole thing, but holy crap, there those chicks are. Those chicks are singing like they want a man like Putin. Not going to hurt them. Her boyfriend got drunk and got high, and she kicked him away. Now they want a man like Putin. That’s freaking nuts. That’s crazy. That’s like 15 years ago. Wow. He kind of. He’s got rockstar status over there. That’s. That’s interesting. I. I mean, I knew Mike. No, we kind of talked a little bit about this, and this really isn’t meant to be a carryover from Tuesday with Mike, but, I mean, it kind of is, and I didn’t realize it, and I don’t.

A lot of times, I don’t read these articles in advance because I want to be. My goal isn’t to read them with, like, super clarity. My role. My goal is to read them and have you guys see my honest reaction. That’s kind of why I do what I do. So I want to be as. I want to be as surprised as you guys. Putin also makes refreshing sense in his foreign policy. Since the Zionist perpetrated 911, America has become the world’s bully. Sorry, go back. And America has become the world’s bully. Destabilizing nation after nation in the Middle east and wars that were already planned in 2001 for the sake of creating the luciferian greater Israel.

Those wars have in turn sent millions of refugees into Europe and snarling that continent in chaos. After the brutal deaths of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Qaddafi, the Zionist next envisioned Basar al Assad’s bloody body being dragged through the streets of Damascus. And so the US created Isis forces struck Syria. Incredibly, a number of Americans remain so brainwashed that they still think these wars are all about freedom and democracy, a slogan that should have been relegated to oblivion after Woodrow Wilson said fighting world War one would make the world safe for democracy. But Putin and had seen enough Middle east madness and put a halt to it, climaxed by the recent victory of the syrian army in Aleppo.

Perhaps most important is the spiritual dimension, which is the root of russian transformation under Putin. I again turned to brother Nathaniel. Now, I could not find this video. I looked everywhere, couldn’t find it. The video is no longer valid. So I don’t know what he. Which video he’s referring to. There’s not enough information. I did find a lot of stuff, but nothing that kind of fit that bill. Putin’s faith is not new. Father Tikhon Ev Kunov, a russian orthodox monk very close to him, said that in 2001 that Putin really is an orthodox Christian. And not just nominally, but a person who makes confession, takes communion, and understands his responsibility before God for the high service entrusted to him for his immortal soul.

In this two minute clip, Putin criticizes western countries for abandoning their own christian roots and moral values, banishing christian christian holidays, and embracing political correctness, pedophilia, and globalism. How I wish to see an american president speak like this. Now, I’m not going to play that video from there. I’m going to go find the video and play it here. I actually rerecorded it, and instead of doing the video with the way that was, I kind of. I spoke the. I spoke Putin’s words trying to find that video. Here it is. To connect to the process we observe.

All right, here we go. I think this big. Let me know if you guys hear this. Okay. I’m going to mute myself again to make sure that I don’t. Outside of Russia, they include foreign policy. A further challenge for the national russian identity is to connect to the process we observe. Outside of Russia, they include foreign policy, moral and other aspects. We see that many euro atlantic states have taken the way where they deny or reject their own roots, including their christian roots, which form the basis of western civilization. In these countries, moral bases and any traditional identity are being denied.

National, religious, cultural, and even gender identities are being denied or relativized there. Politics treats a family with many children as juridically equal to a homosexual partnership. Faith in God is equal to faith in Satan. The excesses and exaggerations of political correctness in these countries indeed leads to serious consideration for the legitimization of parties that promote the propaganda of pedophilia. The people in many european states are actually ashamed of their religious affiliations and are indeed frightened to speak about them. Christian holidays and celebrations are abolished or neutrally renamed, as if one were ashamed of those christian holidays.

With this method, one hides away the deeper moral value of these celebrations, and these countries try to force this model onto other nations. Globally, I am deeply convinced that this is a direct way to the degradation and primitization of culture. This leads to deeper demographic and moral crisis in the west. What can be better evidence for the moral crisis of human society in the west than the loss of its reproductive function? And today, nearly all developed western countries cannot survive reproductively, not even with the help of migrants. Without the moral values that are rooted in Christianity and other world religions, without rules and morals, values which have formed and been developed over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity and become brutes.

And we think it is right and natural to defend and preserve these christian moral values. One has to respect the right of every minority to self determination. But at the same time, there cannot and must not be any doubt about the rights of the majority. At the same time, as this process plays out at a national level in the west, we observe on an international level, the attempts to create a unipolar, unified model of world, to relativize and remove institutions of international rights and national sovereignty. In such a unipolar, unified world, there is no place for sovereign states.

Such a world needs merely vassals. From a history perspective, such a unipolar world would mean the surrender of one’s own identity and of God created diversity, a further challenge for the national. All right, so that was Putin giving a speech back in. When was that? I don’t know exactly now when that was, but it wasn’t probably about sometime in the last decade or so. But it’s true. The western civilizations have been abandoning their christian roots for a long time, because if you look at what the Marxists have done, they got ahold of the universities, they got a hold of the government, they got ahold of the courts, and they’ve basically made it illegal, you know, all under the.

The quote unquote, separation of church and state, which that wasn’t even anything remotely close to what it was supposed to be. And they utilize that and make it so that we are going backwards and, you know, destroying the family, destroying patriotism, and destroying the. The nuclear family or God, you know, God in the country. See here. Since the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, over 26,000 new churches have opened in Russia. Public schools have become so christian that some parents have complained about it. In November 2016, accompanied by patriarch Krill or Kirill, Putin dedicated a statue of Vladimir the Great, who christianized Russia in 988 ADHD.

And that video I can find. I looked for it as well. For those who still harbor doubts about the authenticity of Putin’s faith or the russian revival and have time for a 14 minutes video, I recommend watching this now. I’m probably going to play this at the very end. It’s actually about a 20 minutes video because I found one that was just a little. It had everything that the 14 minutes video did, but it had like an additional, like, six minute clip in there. And I thought it was. I thought it was better. So anyway, I’m going to be playing that at the end.

As an incredibly. At an evangelical church I used to attend, which was mentally incarcerated by christian Zionism, the Bible teacher told us that today’s Russia is the evil gog and Magog mentioned in the Bible and confided to us that his belief that Putin is the Antichrist, this individual was so bottled up in how Lindsay’s warped theology and the left behind series that he was blinded to the obvious truths occurring in our world. While Obama was lighting up the White House in rainbow colors to celebrate gay marriage, this Bible teacher continued to proclaim how America is a christian nation standing against evil Russia.

Many american christians pray that the world will experience a spiritual revival. What most of them don’t know is revival is occurring now within Russia. As a veteran anti communist from the late cold War era and a bitter critic of the USSR, I never dreamed I’d see the day that America and Russia traded places. But it has progressively happened. Is Vladimir Putin the real deal? I believe he is. The corporate media continually demonizing him, most recently with total unproven claims that he hacked the 2016 election, greatly supports that. Some will say that Putin is only acting. If so, I say give us more such actors.

The spirit of the czar and of Christ, which the Rothschild back Zionists thought they had forever destroyed in Russia, is rising from the ashes now. This video here is. It’s about a four minute video and called the Russia and Christ. Let me see if I can do this. Sadeena world from the eyes of a child. Okay, so it looks like it’s just kind of a song. The Russia we’ve lost. So I’m gonna. I’m gonna play this video. I have it. I have it done a different way. So let me see if this. I want you guys to let me know if it.

If you hear echo in this bullets justices our border rascoe Nashva but yeah, but it’s a Samoan. Someone pure shiki gospada living paprika and you still run it. Initially that was walk south and bloody itchy. So knee crypto crib cover Maggie gospel Christos Nico Shieldski grada Shivanya but Mihaila Mikhail emission no mama registry, but noise level mamade. Yeah, but the English basically start my mama and it. But yeah, so. But it’s practiceable. So you are showing the immediate face for how you live. For the first time over ten or 15 years, we have witnessed a very stable trend of growth of birth rates in our country.

And even this year we’ll have some growth of population and one gender marriages will not give you offsprings. Therefore, we are very patient to the sexual minorities. But still we believe that the state should support the processes having to do with the birth rate, mother and child care, infancy and take care of the health of those people. Patriotism Vera Isila Duhlina Shaman Shosho do Pamagli Pradalitu Pamaghli Pabijit Vilika Vilika Tisha Kaki why now Tishi Ditosurak Piero Piata Gadov Namados Napoleon Tomchisley is Likatoroki is dramatic conflict Mirmonia Privilege Pamagh Vikami Pasuche Splatoon Smith Sivonia capture Vogatos Karutz extremism Gavarit Noskazati Rashiski options Madashija Institute the Cazalis period privilege Absolute Malados.

Look Naras Navachal Navagrash Danishe story Vladimir Vadimir Putin or Prashuas lady citation Naprakijani Stalin Pamiti Manako Pabia Tish Nirvania Sivania Nilishnych to Bezuruski Pravaslav Nitirk Nivas Mush Nasibri Sudarsha Kulturi. Yeah, Shustomaradesti rida you eto you Kono Roska Pravaslav NATO Slujit Hipamagaya Ludium Blue Slawa is Atoshto Ikona Katoria Bustori practitioners Kinikagdani Sarasota Sudari Imperator Alexey Mikhala napisana nafoni pasiba odd. Yeah. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena save odd. Okay, so that was the long video that I. That I found talking about Putin and the, you know, kind of like the sincerity of whether or not he’s really christian or if it’s just like a scam.

I don’t know about you all. But I. I kind of got the distinct impression that that was not a scam. Didn’t look like a scam to me. And you look at the things that are happening in Russia and that it’s kind of hard to deny, you know, a lot of things that are going on over there. I did find the. Let’s see here. Where is it? I did find this very interesting. It was a picture of the. That russian poster. And, you know, I don’t know if any of you guys, like, kind of understand this, and it’s like an english translated version.

So for United Russia, it has the white horse with the guy flying the russian flag, the traditional russian flag coming over. Looks like. I don’t know if that’s the Kremlin or if it’s. Or if it’s just a true. I don’t know what it is. But this red dragon has taken up residence down there. And the white horse, the guy on the white horse is coming to slay the red dragon. And it says a chick surpassing ring of Bolshevism has squeezed the heart of Russia. It seems that the victim could not be break free. But this is hard to read.

Suddenly, the. In the light of the rising sun came a horseman freeing, gaming the hard task of saving Russia. His strong arm is tied to. Can’t make that out. And the helpless serpent knows that the end is near, that he cannot escape and that. But something shall be done. Shit, maybe justice. Justice shall be done. So that’s hard to read. That’s. That’s not easy to read, but that’s. That’s an interesting poster. You know, and, you know, from all accounts, it appears like Putin is the guy for the job. And, you know, I mean, and I’ll tell you what.

I gotta say. I’m on team Putin at this point. I am on team Putin at this point. And I truly believe that he and Trump are, you know, tied together. I think they’re working hand in hand. So not very many people can. Can, you know, coax me out of that belief, so. But anyway, all right, well, I’m at about an hour and 15 minutes, which was a little bit longer than I thought this was going to take. Had those. The hiccups with the sound system. So I’m going to go ahead and kill it for tonight, and then I’ll come back tomorrow and I’ll do part two where I go over and I’ll probably find a little bit more material for it as well.

But the communist escapees warning America that is, it’s becoming an authoritarian nation. So. So anyway, hope everybody has a wonderful evening, and I look forward to seeing you guys all tomorrow. Oh, and one other quick, quick note, guys. I could not get the Friday night watch parties to stay up on rumble. The rumble is censoring that. So I have created, I’ve created a. An Odyssey channel, and I am now uploading every show that I do to Odyssey as well. And I’m putting up the. I’ll be putting the Friday night watch parties there as well. I still can’t put, like, I’ll probably, if I ever play anything that is copywritten or copyrighted, I don’t know the right proper term there.

But like a movie or something, I will pull it down from. From Odyssey as well, because, I mean, they still. You can’t put a. The trademarked or copyright stuff up there. So. So I will be pulling those things down if I do do a watch party. And I’m going to try to, you know, let everybody know in advance that, hey, this isn’t going to stick up. Stay, stay up. But for some of these videos that I’ve put up that have been pulled down there, they will stay up on. On Odyssey. Odyssey is really. Have become very fond of Odyssey.

It’s. It’s. It’s a, it’s a solid platform and it’s very free speech. And there’s a. And there’s an app for it on the, you know, for your phone or in the iPhone I store or something in the Apple store and then in the Google Store as well. So. So not, as, you know, it’s nothing like Rumble or YouTube, but, you know, hey, it’s better than I bitch you not having one. So. And. But you actually is kind of stepping up their game a little bit, I’ve noticed, um, they’re doing. They’re doing some better stuff over there, so, uh, but anyway, uh, just FYI, I did create a YouTube or a, uh, an odyssey channel for all of the stuff, and I’ll put some links in the description.

So again, hope you guys have a wonderful evening, and I will see y’all. Nanyanna.

See more of Untold History Channel on their Public Channel and the MPN Untold History Channel channel.


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