Ron DeSantis Trolled with Literal PARTICIPATION TROPHY for Running for President by Prankster: Mark Dice

Posted in: Mark Dice, News, Patriots




➡ Mark Dice discusses how many people now think Donald Trump will be picked to run for president by the Republican party, even though the Democrats really tried to prevent this. A person who does polls, Frank Luntz, thinks Trump could win in November. This is surprising to many, as they thought his past issues would stop him from making a comeback.
➡ Even though Ron Desantis lost by a lot to Trump in the Iowa votes, she still has hope and keeps on campaigning. Some people, like Tommy Larin from Fox News, have chosen to stop supporting Santis and start supporting Trump. They see the chance of Trump winning as a sign for Republicans to come together and get ready for the regular elections.


It’s become clear to everyone with a brain, which unfortunately, isn’t that many people these days, that Donald Trump will be the republican nominee for president despite everything that the marxist Democrats have thrown at him over the last few years trying to stop it. And now pollster Frank Luntz is starting to come to grips with this reality and even has a bigger concern. You had to bet $150,000 on who’s gonna win in November.

Who would you bet on? I never dreamed that I would say this, but I would bet on Trump. I thought it was done. I thought it was over. You don’t come back from an impeachment. You don’t come back from January 6. You don’t come back from any of this. Bunch of bogus indictments, trumped up charges, no pun intended, and fake lawsuits. Tried to steal his business from him.

But he’s come back. The guy’s a survivor. And his opponent is having so much trouble that I would at this point, the edge to Trump. But Ron Desantis is in denial. Despite losing to Donald Trump by 30 points in the Iowa caucus, he is staying in the race for now and campaigning in New Hampshire because their primary is on Tuesday. So last night, CNN had a special Ron Desantis town hall where he was asked the obvious question.

Donald Trump cruised to a historic victory. What can you do to stop him from scoring another big win here in New Hampshire next week? Well, look, I think that he was the former president of the United States. He’s one of the most famous people that’s ever been involved in american politics. And there’s obviously a lot of Republicans that appreciated his policies. But you still had roughly half of the Iowa caucus goers that made another choice.

And so that tells me that there is an appetite for a different leader. And I think what I represent is somebody that has. You represent someone who lost to your opponent by 30 points, sir. Not three, not 1030. And so it was very appropriate that this happened to DeSantis when he was campaigning back in Iowa earlier this week. Real quick, before we get started. Thank you, everyone. Governor DeSantis, I want to present to you this participation trophy.

Now, probably not going to win the election, right? But we’re proud of you for trying special. He’s unique, and he’s our little snowflake. Now, Tommy Larin, who is getting the big Fox News bucks these days, was a DeSantis supporter. But their credit, she wasn’t an unhinged DeSantis supporter like the handful of wannabe social media influencers on Twitter or the never Trumpers. And since she now sees the writing on the wall, this is what she’s saying.

I think this also shows that Republicans have kind of a real big choice ahead. Do we all galvanize around Donald Trump now, or do we wait a month or a few weeks? And I think even as someone who is a big supporter of Ron Desantis, I think that tonight, with decisive victory for Donald Trump, I think it is time for republicans to galvanize behind Donald Trump. I do believe he’s going to be our nominee.

So it’s time to set our sights on the general and let’s get to work. Now, that’s a very reasonable take, and we can’t hold it against people who have had reasonable concerns about supporting Donald Trump as the nominee up until about now. Because like she said, if you don’t galvanize and get behind him at this point, then you are a never Trumper and you are a de facto Democrat.

But the Democrats who are basically Nikki Haley’s base, and the neocons and divorced women who are Republicans, a lot of people keep wondering, like, who are these supposed Nikki Haley voters or supporters? Because there aren’t any Nikki Haley influencers online. None of us have really met a Nikki Haley supporter because it’s largely democrats, like I said, in the neocons, but also women who are not liberal, but are divorced and spiteful and have a little bit of feminism in them and just support her because she is a woman.

Those are Nikki Haley supporters. So it’s our job to help educate them about who neocon Nikki Haley is, as this meme demonstrates of this commemorative edition of Dem Light Beard. But it appears that she may come in second place in the New Hampshire primary and beat Ron Desantis. And some polls are showing her very close to Donald Trump. And then the next primary after that is in her home state of South Carolina.

So I’m not sure how close she is to Donald Trump there, but the establishment is going to do everything that they can to try to squeeze out a victory or two of her, to try to make it appear as if she has some sort of chance beating Donald Trump in the overall primary process. She doesn’t. And this meme illustrates her delusions. Happy birthday to this future president. Remember when Hillary Clinton posted her childhood photo wishing herself a happy birthday to the supposed future president? Well, we all know how that worked out.

And she just backed out of the planned presidential debate that was supposed to air on ABC News this week against Ron, claiming that she’s not going to show up because Donald Trump’s not going to show up. And why should Donald Trump show up? It’s a total waste of his time to engage with such losers who are 30 points behind him in the polls. So he’s out on the campaign trail now with Vivek.

This man is going to be your next president. To revive them. E pluribus unum. From many one. And you know how we’re doing it? We’re doing it by speaking the truth at every step of the way. There are two genders in this country, period. That is the truth. After his little speech, the crowd started chanting, VP, VP, VP. Which is a virtual impossibility for numerous reasons, first of which being that he has a little bit too much charisma to be Donald Trump’s second in command.

Donald Trump’s not going to want somebody like that who might tend to outshine him in certain aspects. So he’s going to have to pick somebody who’s a little more introverted and probably somebody who has experience governing, like a senator or a governor or someone like that. Speaking of vice presidents, however, this is the current vice president who, if, God forbid, anything happens to Joe Biden, is going to be the president of the United States, the leader of the free world, the most powerful person on the planet.

I see our college students, and let me just say, I love Gen Z. I don’t know. I love Gen Z. Wait for it. Okay. For the older adults, this is going to be a humbling thing I’m about to share with you. If someone is 18 years old today, they were born in 2005. Oh, yeah. Check that out. Think about that for a minute. Yes. It’s called math. And if you do the calculations, Joe Biden was in his mid 60s when they were born, so he was already at retirement age when they were born.

Oh, and for those who are concerned that Donald Trump may be a little too abrasive or vindictive if he wins and becomes president again, here he is at his victory speech in Iowa after the caucus, sounding extremely generous and presidential. I want to congratulate Ron and Nikki for having a good time together. We’re all having a good time together. And I think they both actually did very well.

Now, I would have called them losers whose campaigns have failed despite their attempts to try to stab Donald Trump in the back, especially Nikki Haley, who said that she wasn’t going to run again if he was going to run. And little Ron getting whispers in his ear from the republican establishment that he should get in because Donald Trump’s campaign is going to stall after the indictments come. But you got to admit that was more than nice.

Something that’s not nice, however, is the war on conservatives, which we’ve all been experiencing and seeing growing over the last eight years on social media, in the schools and universities, in corporate America, in Hollywood, something I detailed in my new book, the war on conservatives, which you should order in paperback from Amazon. com, or click the link in the description below. If you like watching my videos, you’re really going to love reading the book, because there’s only so many topics I can get into without getting myself into trouble in these videos.

But there are deep dives and detailed research in the book. So head on over to Amazon. com or click the link in the description below and check it out.

See more of Mark Dice on his Youtube Channel and the MPN Mark Dice channel.


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Democrats stopping Trump Donald Trump Republican nominee Fox News Tommy Larin Pollster Frank Luntz predictions Preparation for general elections Republican unity Ronda Santis campaign Ronda Santis Iowa caucus Switching support to Trump Trump comeback Trump November win Trump past controversies Trump potential victory

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