Rockefeller CIA Connections to Deagel Depopulation Forecast

Posted in: Greg Reese, News, Patriots



➡ Dr. Edwin A. Deagle Jr.’s website,, predicted huge population drops in Western countries by 2025. The site, which some believe is linked to intelligence agencies, was connected to the CIA and the Rockefeller Foundation in a recent article. The Rockefeller Foundation, known for its influence in global affairs and controversial programs, is suspected to have a role in these predictions. Current data suggests these predictions might be accurate, with causes like COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccines contributing to increased death rates.

Transcript was officially operated by Dr. Edwin A. Deagle Jr. In 2014, published predictions of massive population declines happening abruptly before the year 2025, mostly in Western countries. For over five years, the mysterious depopulation predictions on were regularly updated, but after the 2020 lockdowns, this page was removed from the website, but can still be found archived on the Wayback Machine. has always been a very stark website, with all the appearances of being an intelligence agency website. It claimed to be the personal website of Dr. Edwin A. Deagle Jr., who recently passed away in February of 2021.

In their recent article, Uncovering the CIA and Rockefeller Foundation’s Role in the Depopulation Forecast Released by Deagle, the expose connects the dots that many of us have assumed existed. Declassified FOIA documents from the 1970s reveal Deagle’s direct communication with Stansfield Turner, the director of the CIA at the time. In 1976, Dr. Edwin Deagle moved to New York to become deputy director of the International Relations Program at the Rockefeller Foundation. The Rockefeller Foundation was created on May 14, 1913, just a few months after the Rockefeller family helped set up the Federal Reserve Banking System, which gave them unlimited funds while enslaving future generations with debt.

The Rockefeller Foundation funded eugenics programs that decided who should live and who should die. They outlawed natural medicine and fuel, including one of America’s number one cash crops, hemp, and replaced it all with chemical compounds derived from their oil company’s toxic waste. The Rockefeller Foundation created the United Nations and have their tentacles in NGOs throughout the Western world. In 2019, they funded Event 201, the blueprint for the COVID lockdowns that were executed weeks later. Officially, we are told that Dr. Edwin A. Deagle, Jr., a deputy director of the Rockefeller Foundation and an associate of the CIA, retired in 2005.

The depopulation forecast was published in 2014. The forecast predicted that by the year 2025, the UK would see its population decline by 77%. Ireland would see its decline by 72%, the United States by 68%, and Germany by 65%, while other countries like Russia are predicted to experience practically zero decline. And official data is now showing that the extreme predictions may be accurate. Official figures, which we can assume are rather conservative, are showing that government shutdowns and mandated deadly shots have caused staggering levels of excess death. According to official UK government data, the COVID-19 vaccines were the main cause of excess death.

And the more shots you got, the more likely you were to die. Many are saying that over 20 million have died as a result of the COVID lockdowns and experimental shots. And while that number is historically epic in size, it still does not amount to what Deagle predicted by 2025. But we still have time. A 2014 letter that was published along with the depopulation forecast stated that they predict this decline because the collapse of the Western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population. And that the population will be hit so badly that the migration engine will start to work in reverse, leading to the demise of the United States.

They wrote that, historically, a change in the economic paradigm has resulted in a death toll that is rarely highlighted by mainstream historians. With the end of the petrodollar and with the rise of resource-backed bricks, the Federal Reserve’s USD Ponzi scheme is likely at its end. And without factoring in a smart recovery plan, this would make Deagle’s predictions a reality. Reporting for Infowars, this is Greg Ries. [tr:trw].

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  • Greg Reese

    Greg Reese, a devoted member of the Truth Mafia, can be found sharing his insights on the dynamic platform alongside Alex Jones. This distinctive soldier is always ready to provoke engaging conversations that are one-of-a-kind.

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Accuracy of predictions CIA connection with Controversial programs of Rockefeller Foundation Covid-19 population forecast Dr. Edwin A. Deagle Jr. population predictions Global affairs influence of Rockefeller Foundation Intelligence agencies linked to Rockefeller Foundation influence on Western countries population drop by 2025

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