RIOTS Erupt all over UK Police PROTECTING Migrants From Citizens Who Are fed Up! | JailBreak Overlander

Posted in: JailBreak Overlander, News, Patriots



➡ The JailBreak Overlander text describes a series of protests happening across the UK, both against and in support of immigration. The protests were sparked by an incident at a children’s party and have resulted in widespread unrest. The text also mentions a large police operation to manage the protests and the involvement of various groups, including those who are pro-immigration and anti-immigration. The author is providing live coverage of the events, which include peaceful protests and prayer gatherings.
➡ The text discusses various protests and counter-protests happening across the UK, focusing on anti-immigration and pro-immigration groups. It mentions instances of unrest, antisocial behavior, and arrests. The text also refers to live streams of these events and technical issues encountered during the broadcast.
➡ Protests and unrest are happening all over the UK, sparked by an incident at a children’s party. The situation has escalated with rumors about the attacker’s origin spreading online. Demonstrations are taking place in various cities, with some turning violent. Even Elon Musk has commented on the situation, likening it to a civil war.
➡ The text describes a chaotic scene in the UK, where protests and counter-protests have erupted following an incident that resulted in the death of a few children. The situation is tense, with people unable to return to their homes due to the unrest. The author also mentions the presence of different groups, including pro-immigration and antifa, contributing to the turmoil. The text ends with the author expressing frustration at the perceived two-tier policing system.
➡ The text describes a protest in the UK, where some people are allowed to pass through a certain area while others are not. The narrator, Louis Errington, is an independent journalist covering the event. There’s also mention of other protests happening across the UK, including some incidents of violence. The text ends with Louis Errington ending his live stream and asking for viewers’ thoughts on the situation.
➡ The speaker is discussing recent unrest and riots in the UK, sparked by a tragic knife attack at a children’s party. They mention the tension and anger within communities, leading to anti and pro-immigration riots. The speaker also mentions their plans to cover more global events in future live streams and encourages viewers to join their channel and social media platforms.
➡ The text is a conversation about an unexpected event involving a drone, a fire, and possibly the police. The speaker is cautious about getting involved in any trouble and plans to leave soon. They also mention a social media presence on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook under the name DJ E Media.


Say it loud, say it clear say it loud, say it clear say it loyal say it loyal 1234-1234 Street R Street R Street r Street what do you see? For not too strong nothing stop 1234 say hello say it clear say it loud, say it clear say it loud, say it clear say it loud, say it clear say it loud, say it here I dream who see? I see who see? I see who see I see who see I see who see nothing stone. Nazi stone. Nappy stone. All my seat see our street nothing right, nothing strong.

Blue street Blue street. The western united no one stands united. Will never be defeated. The western united will never be defeated. The western united will never be defeated. Our streets racist God not his God. Racist gun. Nazi Stone. Racist gun. Racist gun. Nothing Stone united. The west end United say hello say it clear say hello say it clear say hello say it clear refugees are welcome here. Say hello say it clear refugees are welcome here. Hello, everyone, can you hear me? Everyone, how’s it going? Hope you’re all well. Gracious racist God, say hello say it clear.

Recovering today. The absolute craziness that’s unfolding in the UK over the last week. Everybody outside, everybody together. 3123. Nasty scum. Racist scum. Nasty scum. Racist scum. Nasty scum. This is all live camera angles, so we’ll be bringing you different angles, different places, because these are all over the UK today. So, yeah, if you keep watching tonight, if you want to keep up with the latest coverage, we’ll be showing you various parts of the UK that are being affected by even more protests today. Here we go. Yeah, just this is all anti immigration. A lot of stuff kicking off this week.

I say anti immigration, but this is the counter protest, obviously. Pro immigration street. Nazi scone. Matthew. Scone. Not too scorn. Racist God. Nazi. Scott. Racist. Gone. Why everybody after three already. One, two, three. Someone said in the comments that these don’t look violent, but, yeah, there’s been violence all through the. Throughout the week. This is like the. I don’t know how many days now, seven days or so, that these things have been going on. So, yeah, there’s been real chaotic scenes this week. And this is the. There’s supposedly a hundred more protests tonight in the UK and this is what we’re covering here.

Jesus. Say it loud, say it clear. Say it loud, say it clear. United. The western united. The western united. United. Peace. Peace. Peace. Street peace peace peace. Racist God. Nazi scum. Racist goddess. Nothing scum. Racist God notice. God. Racist goddess. You racist gum nazis, come. Racist gum nazis come racist gum. Nazis come. Racist scum. Nazis come. Racist gumdeh. Say hello. Say it clear. Say hello. Say it clear. Say hello. Say it clear. Say hello. Say it clear. Yeah, I’ll be interesting to see how this unfolds tonight here because, yeah, there’s been so much unrest this week.

Order out of chaos. If I. Well, and, yeah, there’s so much going on over here in the UK. Street pool. Street nazis come. Prices come. Nothing’s gone racist, gone racist, gone racist, gone racist, gone. Who’s street? Who’s street? Who street? Who street? Who’s street? Who street? Our street? Who street? Who street? Who street? Who street? Who street? Who street? I street? Who street. Just to show you that these are the types of things that are going on across the country. Large anti racism counter protest in Newcastle. Upwards of 800 people there. You’ve got this. These scenes in Newcastle and against Islamophobia and all of this kind of thing, and it’s just all over the country, they say there’s probably about a hundred protests gathering right now.

And this has been many days that this has been going on. It was a quiet night last night, but, yeah, it’s a. Tonight is building up and they’re in Liverpool as well. And they say that this is one of the biggest police operations in many years to counter these protests that are going on tonight against immigration and the migrant hotels where they keep migrants in hotels in the UK. So, yeah, a lot going on, chaotic scenes. We’ll see how tonight unfolds. I’ll try and give you coverage all night tonight until this. This is finished. So you can see all of the things that’s going on.

Social unrest, truly, who see it loud, say it clear. Say it loud, say it clear. Say it loud, say it clear. Everybody. After three, already had biggest chair you can ever do. One, two, three. We can do better again after 3123. Can I have your attention, please? Everyone, please, can I be attention just for a couple of seconds? In a short while, it’s going to be our prayer time for the Muslims, so we’re going to go in the back, in the car park. The rest of the people who are not Muslims, we’re not going to be praying.

I want you all to man the fourth, please. Okay? We’re going to go in the back just after sunset. I want you all to still stay here and still stand in solidarity. So those of us who are not going to be praying, please tell your prayer, keep your presence. Rest of us, we’re going to go behind the beacon where the car park is, and we’re going to pray there. When the time is. When the time is set, we’re going to go on the back. We’ll let you know the rest of your one is still here. Please, can you do that for me? Yes, honey.

You guys, can you do that? The corner? Yeah. Protest, everybody. Feedback this is a peaceful protest. This is a peaceful protest. Come on. Just because he showed us so, yeah, this is the protest live today, folks. Welcome to the live stream. Thank you for joining us. Please stay with us if you can to see the latest coverage of everything going on across the UK tonight with these many, many protests in different part of the UK against immigration. All this kicked off when something happened last week that there was an attack on a kids party and it kicked off all these anti immigration process and then of course, the counter protests by those who are pro left, pro immigration, etcetera.

And this is what you’re seeing tonight in the UK. Yeah. So what you’re seeing here are the people who are pro immigration and then you have the antifa and the left wing side and those, this, that and the other. And that’s what’s here in these scenes. We’ll try and bring you other parts of the UK tonight if we can get some more live feeds. As I say, this all kicked off when there was an attack on a kid’s party last week in the UK and it caused a mass wave of anti immigration protests. And you’re seeing a lot of counter protests taking place here where people are pro immigration and it’s caused a lot of conflict.

And even Elon Musk has tweeted about a lot of chaotic scenes in the last few days if you’ve been keeping up with it. So, yeah, here we are tonight on the livestream on rise and stay with us. Free Palestine. Free Palestine. Palestine. If you can take a moment to like and share the stream so more people can see it, please. If you, if you’re enjoying the stream, please do click like to help more people to see it and to join us tonight for what’s going on. So please like and share the stream. Folks, you’re causing problems.

Yeah, I’m going to get together at the dental hospital area. Not just the mask, but the hindu temple. So whoever wants to come and show support it. Yeah, not bad yourself. Sorry about that, folks. The stream sometimes dips in. No, I know. It’s because there’s so many people here that the cells are overloaded. Yeah, that IRL has been playing up. It just keeps randomly stopping. Yeah. For those who are just joining us. You may have missed people saying, this seems like a pro immigration part. Yeah, this is absolutely a pro immigration part. This one we’re seeing here is pro immigration.

And these are the counter protests that are going on. But the main thrust of what’s going on in the UK tonight and over the last week is the, you know, anti immigration riots. And. And that is not, you know, what we’re seeing on the screen right now is not the opinion of this channel. You know, we’re not in support of what we’re showing right now. We’re just showing you what’s going on. So, yeah, more, more live streams coming tonight and I’ll show you different angles when I get them from different parts of the UK. You want to be like, I want to thank you for the power of the heart.

Your presence has proved that Newcastle does not run from racism. Please click like on the video, if you can. All right, guys, people who got prayer, we got some central muscles around the corner as well. Thank you, everyone who’s come, if you can slowly please start disprising leaving in groups. Leaving groups. You might as well. Yeah, so as I was saying tonight, this is going on. There are other people who. Who believe that these are. Some of these are planned, that are fake. That’s just some people’s opinion there. I’m not going to read out the name, but they believe that they’re trying to instigate or stoke unrest.

But that’s some people’s opinion. I’m not going to say whether I agree with that or not, but that’s just what some people think that this is kind of trying to push social unrest. And that’s what some people have been sharing tonight, because this is literally going on all over the UK. No, by the way, that it was not saying that these things are fake. I think it was just saying that there’s been claimed to be more meetups from the other side, the anti immigration, than there are to cause more pro immigration people to come out and to instigate more unrest from these different communities in the UK.

That’s just some people’s opinion that. I’m not saying that’s mine. I’m just saying that some people think that they’re trying to stoke it a little bit, this, that at least some, some behind the scenes are doing that. Please try to lead it deep. And thank you, everyone for attending. To Zakara, everybody. Thank you to everybody for attending. You’ve done Newcastle pro. You’ve shown animals. We are not thugs. We are good people and we can protest the main folks in a calm and ordinary fashion. Everybody please dispense and thank you everybody for coming out. Thank you for coming out.

Thank you for joining us. You don’t need to go home, but you can’t stay here. Bullets. Yeah, these things have just started. They start at 08:00 p.m. they’ve been going on for an hour. So we’ll keep looking for other live feeds. So there’s not a whole lot available right now, but yeah, we’re showing you the live feed of the muslim side of this protest and we’ll keep you updated about what’s going on if anything else unfolds. So yeah, keep, stay tuned. It, yeah, folks, we’re just looking for other feeds. Stay tuned. But yeah, there’s a lot of people at this one but as I say, it’s all over the country.

Don’t know if you all saw the scenes last week like a few days ago. There were just a lot of bad things going on. Never seen one like that before. Use the Google app for iPhone. Yeah, folks, we’re gonna go to. This is live in London. Now we have a cam. Hello. You are Ewan video. Yeah, you can see it on there. Thank you so much. Yeah, this is live in London. I’ve got to be careful. I guess we’ll see what unfolds tonight. Yeah, I’m going to end my livestream. I’m going to go, guys, thanks for watching.

I’ll catch you all later. This is ended now. Thank you for watching. I’ve got some footage. Yeah, so there’s all this stuff going on. We see some you, Bowie, now see the unrest that’s really across the country here. It’s a lot of stuff going on, folks. What’s the reason for bringing me here? Playing if you put. Sorry about that. We’ll stay live here, folks. Yeah, this is again the counter protest, the antifa, the pro immigration side. Yeah, I’m going to show you a clip from earlier in the week just to give you some context of how this has been.

I’ll just show you in that in a couple of minutes. I’ll bring it onto the screen for those that have missed kind of some of the stuff that’s been going on. Yeah, I’ll do that now. So that, yeah, this has been going on all week. It’s been pretty bad. Really. A lot of stuff going on. This, this was in the UK just last week. Well, this a few days ago, I think it was the device surpassing standard cable companies and channel offerings in hd quality. Deploys cutting edge chip technology to capture satellite tv signals. It gives access to content across all major media platforms, eliminating the need for expensive contracts or monthly subscriptions, making traditional cable providers a thing of the past.

Setting up this invention is a breeze, taking less than a minute. Simply plug it in and it works. The signal quality excels in both urban and rural settings. Meet re wave, crafted by a former cable operator employee in London, turned the tv industry upside down. I’m doing my best to try and film it on the phone. Have you heard about Akosoli? These are the cutting edge orthopedic insoles that people look forward to using. Yes, orthopedic. Sorry about the stuff that’s going on here, folks. I’m trying to resolve some technical issues, but, yeah, just to show you the stuff that’s been going on over the last few days.

Oh, shit. The bushes are up now. Boysenheid. What you over there, that was live on that one. I turn it away from people when they’re walking towards me, you know. Anyway, to be honest with you, mate, when I watch you free six months, everyone will know both you’ll get clapped in. Yeah, yeah. You’ve had your face covered though, right, the whole time? Yeah, you’d be right. I’ve been more concerned about people with a. This here dj. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, folks, you see that? I don’t know why, we’ve got some technical issues today, but, yeah, you see what’s going on.

I’m trying to find some more live streams to what’s going on in the process across the UK tonight, but, yeah, the scenes this week have been very interesting, to say the least. I don’t know if you guys have been following it. I’ve been. What’s going on this week? Yeah, this is in the UK this week about what’s going on with the anti immigration and pro immigration riots. How you’re doing, folks? You all right? Crazy. Yeah. You do YouTube? Yeah. Djing media? Yeah, yeah, yeah, you’re right. I seen you do the garage at Newcastle, you know, where the fucking idiots try to run you over and then you legs it and climbed over a fence.

Birmingham. Birmingham, yeah. That was scary, weren’t it? Yeah, just doing live stream. Yeah, it started off peaceful and then it just got worse and worse. Told you we should have fishing jackets. You have a good one. Yeah. Thanks, Mike. Cheers. Mandy. Have you heard about Akasoli? These are the cutting edge orthopedic insoles that people look forward to using. Yes, orthopedic insoles are beneficial. Yeah, sorry, folks. So this is the latest updates we have at the moment on here you got dozens of people cause violent disruption in Croydon around the London area, causing antisocial behavior. Around 50 people have gathered there.

Approximately 50 people have gathered in north End Road in Croydon. They’ve made clear their intention is to cause disruption and fuel disorder. They’ve dragged and thrown objects down the road and thrown bottles at officers. This is not linked to protest, it’s antisocial behavior. Order. But you got anti racism protesters in Waltham Forest and north Finchley. Yeah, you’ve so much going on tonight. You see the video here says this, this violent disorder in, in London that’s going on at the moment. Tensions rise in Blackpool after EDL arrest and antifa protesters in Brighton, which is in southern England.

Shouting whose streets are streets? Counter protesters came apart from the crowd to walk up towards Brighton train station and appeared to chant at a small group of people whose streets? Our streets. Shops such as a kebab shop and a noodle bar were boarded up along the road where protests were expected to take place. Police appeared to escort a fellow, a few men, towards the train station as counter protesters followed them. Chanting in Preston, in the UK, police horses are on patrol as they anti racism counter protesters gather and this is happening in Preston in the UK anti immigration process tonight.

This is the latest live images from just only about 20 minutes ago. This is the last 20 minutes and there’s, as they say, they think it’s the biggest police operation to counter these things in, in quite a number of years. Huge anti racism protests held in Walthamstow in London as thousands chant we fight back. So a lot of antifa stuff going on to counter and clash with the other side that are against immigration or mass immigration. A lot of people are very angry and fed up with some of the issues that are going on today. So there’s some division within the communities and the.

Is very sad to see such divide and conquer tactics going on. Police arrest three people in Northampton. Northamps police have arrested three people in Northampton for public order offences. It comes after around 150 antifa counter protesters gathered ahead of a planned, quote unquote far right riot. And that’s just within the last half an hour. Three people have been arrested in Northampton in the UK. 34 minutes ago, over 500 antifa demonstrators gather in Sheffield. Around 500 anti fascist demonstrators have gathered on Glossop Road in Sheffield, but there was no sign of any anti immigration agitators. Scores of police were in the area in baseball caps and overalls with their riot helmets hanging from their belts.

A number of police Vansheen were parked in surrounding streets close to Sheffield University’s student union. A succession of speakers addressed the crowd using a loud hailer as those gathered chanted, whose streets? Our streets. And say it loud and say it clear. Refugees are welcome here. Glossop Road remained open and many passing cars beat their horns in support, drawing cheers from the crowd. So that’s in Sheffield. All within the last half an hour, folks. Man arrested for failing to remove face covering in Middlesbrough. So there’s more going on there in Middlesbrough. Antifa protesters in the west of England.

I mean, this is all over. Elon Musk referred to. Said to our. To the prime minister, you know, you’ve got a. Basically got a civil war on your hands at the moment. Um, just, yeah, it’s just all over the country, Oxford stand up to racism, etc, etc. So there’s so much going on all over, as we say, this is four minutes ago. Bottles have been thrown at police and objects dragged down the road after about 50 people gathered in Croydon. That’s what we were just saying. But, yeah, it’s, as I say, it’s all over. See if we can get your chat on the screen here.

So what are your thoughts on this? There we go. We’ve got your chat on the screen now. What are your thoughts on this? We’ll try and keep bringing you coverage about what’s going on and, yeah, it’s just unbelievable, isn’t it? It’s all over the country. Quite unprecedented. Didn’t really imagine seeing this over this week. It’s just kind of kicked off when this incident happened in where there was an attack on, you know, on a kids party, which happened just last week, I think it was, but so it all kicked off and then there were some rumors that went online about the origin of the attacker and then it spread like wildfire and all of these protests took off across the UK.

So that’s the backstory of what’s happened if you’ve been keeping up with it. But, yeah, someone said Deagle said Ordo Abkhao is their motto. Indeed. And divide and conquer. Right. But it really is like a tinder box that’s. This stuff is waiting to happen. And is this what we’re seeing, the great resist the uprisings that are going on, the social manipulation? Is that what’s going on in the country right now? And I’m sure it’s the same in America, right? There’s a lot of tensions there between communities stoking this chaos and unrest, destabilizing the country. So hello, everyone in the chat.

Thank you for joining us. How are you doing? I’ll try and get some more live streams and show you more of what’s going on across the country tonight when we get another live stream. If you find a good one, send it to contact at rse contact at rse if you find a good one. That will be good. Hello to Rya Kiki from South Africa. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for watching, Mart. Mark Antony Stringfellow, welcome. Good to see you awakened truth love from Australia. Good to see you. So, yeah, this is the coverage we’re trying to do.

So we will stick with us, we’ll see what we can find. So what’s your thoughts on what’s going on? And also we’ve got the stuff that’s going on in Iran with the threat of the attack on Israel. Right. That’s been going on over the last few days. I don’t know if you’ve been keeping up with that as well. There’s been threats by Iran to attack Israel and just so much unrest in the world, isn’t there? We’ll see what’s going on with that. So, yeah, yeah, that little chestnut right in, in Israel. That’s going on at the moment.

Anyway, give me a few minutes, I’ll see if I can find some more live streams for us to watch of the what’s going on in the UK tonight. Here we see another update three minutes ago. Far quote unquote far writers. It’s not all far writers, though, is it? But far writers chanting raw Britannia clash with anti racist protesters. Both groups in oldershot have remained peaceful, but chants took place on either side of the road. Demonstrators outside oldershot enterprise center waves palestinian flags and chanted refugees are welcome here. On the other side, groups waved England flags and sang rule Britannia.

So that’s in order shot. A lot of this tied in also. Of course, we’ve had a lot of recent, in a recent year, haven’t. We’ve had a lot of unrest in relation to the palestinian issue as well and the Israel situation. So a lot of charged emotions around all of these types of things. Someone said there’s a technical issue. Is that true? Can you hear me? Can everyone hear me? Everything good? Can you hear me okay? All good. Please like the video, if you can, so we can share this to as many people as we can can.

That would be really good. If you could like and share the video. We’ll see. We’ll see what we can find for you all. Hi. Run to Christ. How you doing? Run to Christ. Thanks for modding for us tonight. Appreciate it. As we watch these things unfold across the country. We’ve been watching earlier and anti, antifa, pro immigration protest and we saw a lot of chanting and shouting from the muslim population and that was. Yeah, so a lot of things going on. Run to Christ. If you find any good amateur live streams that we can show people as we watch this unfold tonight, please do send it to me if you can on Facebook messenger or something.

That would be really very much appreciated. Yeah, so. And yeah, even. This has even led Elon Musk to make some comments, hasn’t it, about the. He’s claiming it’s like a civil war or something. So it’s really hit the news, this one, isn’t it? And I was showing you earlier, these are some of the scenes from this week. It’s quite chaotic stuff. Looks like a. Looks like a war zone in some places. This week in the UK, I was thinking about getting the drone, but I can’t because the police choppers up and the police chopper is. Don’t mind it.

So all these things, so much going on, folks this week keeps him just gonna, just gonna turn the sound up for this for you. This is from DJ Media. It takes fucking. Is it a fucking mic? Why is he got an iPhone fucking 20 or every. Yeah, they don’t pay the fucking facts. It’s a white. How many reports about it? Dirty pokey dogs yeah yeah I’m in Matil I die ain’t much till I die I’m a till I die I know I am a shy where’s any women and kids I ain’t seen? I don’t want to get rid by these points.

Definitely got his protecting. Not fucking me. He’s no stopping. Get them out, get them off. Get them out, get them out. Beautiful pizza. Oh, are you related to. You know it’s wrong. You’re gonna fuck this country up for your grandkids fucking ratified. Please help us out. Help us kids. We’re begging you. We’re begging you to help us. We don’t find, we won’t tell children, please help us take. Help us so forsake your children. You bow down in London, you do anything anybody tells you. A white person does not matter nationally or do stitch. You all know that and your policy to it.

It. Shame on you. Shame on you. Shame on you. Shame on you. Yeah, you crazy mate. Yeah, my friend asked if fucking clear. Yeah, crazy, mate. Wow. I don’t know I don’t know. Wow. They were never going to stay peaceful in. What? What’s that? I’m trying to live stream it, but the signal. Shit here, isn’t it? What? Nobody will know. Can I get me the bundle? So I feel it now. And you barely saw me. Bully boy. Joyful guys. I’ve got a nice 4k video on my phone for this. I don’t worry about the live stream too much.

They can’t stay in there now, can they? Then you go there. Same thing. Yeah, on there on the climber. Give it. Give us your mom. Sorry, lost it. Protective man. Go. Nothing. Y’all don’t think you are the bunch to all your boyfriend fuck on Gamba Tuesday. Paul. What could you do with it? Don’t speak English. Hello, mate. Good to me. I can’t shut your hand, but thanks, mate. Appreciate that. Yes. Oh, this is a bit crazy. Innitile. Big response from the area. Yes, big response. Bring yourself. Send them off. Send them off. Send them off. Sadeena.

Protection my size. Oh, yeah, that’s what I thought. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They’re allowed to be in there on this media. We want. We want. We want our country back. We want to, you know, like that. It. This is worse than transport. Well, they’re not staying in that hotel any longer, are they? When they are now. I mean, they call me now. Up to today, they’re in the hotel, guys. They’re in the hotel. Yeah. Come on. Fucking hell. I wouldn’t say living it, mate. It’s pretty extreme in it. YouTube. YouTube. No, YouTube. YouTube channel. Not mediataindehen in the hotel.

You reckon they want to get. They’ll go in. No, but don’t think. Stop him coming in his fucking country to take France off his problem. They’re fucking laughing because we’re a jaw and then there’s so many fucking. She’s right. Yeah, though. Yeah. No, but she’s right, right? Yeah, yeah. You can’t fix it. But she has a good point. Yeah, fair enough. Fair enough. She’s going to grow up in this country. Imagine. Imagine what it’s going to be like when she’s my age. Imagine you’re. They’re laughing now, but if they get in. Oh, sorry, sorry. No, it’s all right.

They’re laughing, but if they. What the hell? Look how low it is. That chopper is low. This is not going to go very well. It’s not. Touches fire about you. The hotel is on fire. It will be in a minute. The pit is on fire. The bid is on fire, guys, the bean is on fire. If that goes to the hotel, they’ve had it. They’re going to have to evacuate the hotel. It’s. It. It probably put some into the bowl. I was firearm. Right, well, can you come on? You like? I am, but it’s glitchy. Regular video.

Thank you very much. The camera. This one’s live. Yeah. What’s that? Oh, sorry to hear that. Okay, that’s good. Yeah, yeah, good. 7000 people are watching this one. Yeah, follow it over there. Look, he’s going for it. Going for it. Right. Are you local? Where’s that? Where are you from? Not around here. So, yeah, just come up to Facebook because I’m fighting. Good luck. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bookkeepers on the. Everybody. Samsarmy. Well, are they? Are they? Yeah. Fucking muffins, people. Nothing. It’s. Yeah. What’s that? Fucking generator. Yeah, I know. Yeah, they’ll think twice now, weren’t they, with sending their dog? Yeah, listen, it’s over there.

We’ve got. Come on. Yeah. Crazy in it. My leg, man. Only softly, but still keeping away from my generator. It’s going to go somewhere, boys. Guy comes. Fucking come on, come on, come on. You know what, I keep doing that anyway. Silly old cooking. Silly old buses, you know. Generator on fire at last. Sorry, mate. Turn around. And surrounded by five eight. It’s all going up. Give him the hose. We’ll do it for you. Give him the host. Wow. Sorry. Yeah, this cop car here was a bit of a sister duck. He’s off. So they got a splash in it.

It. Hello, everyone. Thank you. Yeah, just crazy scenes. They’re the latest scenes this week there. I’m gonna get the. Another live stream up now of tonight of the things that, you know, the most latest pictures we have from tonight of the live protests that have been happening. Yeah. But just unbelievable scenes there. I don’t know if you’ve seen these things that have been going on there. Just. Wow. Very, very aggressive scenes. A lot of disgruntled people there in the footages and, yeah, I’ve not seen riots and protests like this in quite a while. As I say, this was started off this week by, well, last week an incident happened where a kids party was targeted and it kicked a lot of people off and they got very angry and the few people, few children died in that.

So it got people’s backs up and, you know, these protests and then counter protests came off the back of that incident where a lot of people got riled up. And then you also have the antifa lot and the, the pro immigration people who all kicked off together. So this is what’s been happening in the UK this week. Pretty interesting. So what do you guys think to all that’s going on, I’m going to show you now the, the multicam of the latest images of what’s been going on across the UK in the last hour. Thank you for joining us, everyone.

You can now become a channel member. The link is in the top of the chat. Just ninety nine cents a month. If you want to get your comments highlighted in the live chat, you can and support the channel in general. You can now become a channel member. The link is there. So, yeah, I’m going to show you the. What’s been going on tonight to some of the latest images. Protests all across the UK in the last week. Order, Appco, etcetera. So, yeah, here’s the latest images. Big up, Amanda, big up, Jesse, big up. Tomo. Sending in the teams.

Everyone go follow them. Pick up Leslie. Hey, there we go. Hey, come on. There we go, mate. Seems tensions are wazing over that side over there. Oh, can you not get home? This lady. This lady can’t get home, everybody. This lady lives down the road and they won’t let her back to our own house. That is disgraceful. Yeah. Did you even know this was going on? Yeah, you know, iffy ends. Really? She’s got. That is nuts. That is. That is disgraceful. It is pathetic, isn’t it? It is. Have a nice day, innit? Yeah. There we go.

Blimey. I’ll make sure I stand back. I don’t want to upset the police officers here. This guy’s going to get naked. I think people would die to have you run that studio. Yeah, I’m sure they would. Crime sub over on Twitter and I’m very grateful for that, but. Oh, look, even the traffic lights are still going off. I didn’t even notice, but there we go. There’s someone here. They got some dogs with them. Keep still. No, mate, I’m trying to show everything. See, even people that live there, I’m not allowed through, no matter what. Even. No matter what side you support.

If you’re on, if you’re caught over here, then, yeah, you can’t get home, mate. Poor 59 year old lady. Tapped, mate. Absolutely tapped. There’s absolutely everything. Face coverings. Excuse me, are we allowed to wear face coverings to protests? Because I’ve seen lots of people, like, wearing them, but, like, you know, are they gonna get nicked later on or. It seems then they’re not answering. Not answering your questions, guys. That is unfortunate, but, I mean, I can’t really do anything about that. But there we go. No, I ain’t doing nothing to them. I’m just asking them questions.

Here we go. We got this. Try a different officer. I don’t know. I’ve been speaking to a few of them and all of them seem to, you know, they’re not. Yeah, but what do you find funny is people are allowed to walk over from that side over here, but no one from this side is allowed to walk over there, which I do find funny, I’ll be honest. But I mean, there you go. Two tier policing. I mean, neither of us are actually being violent or aggressive yet. We’re not allowed to. So that’s bizarre. Super arsenal. I try and stand up on her.

If Rumble is glitchy, go ahead. How come people are allowed to walk from there? You can’t go back. There we go. That is unfortunate. Just step back, yeah? Just wear one outstand. I stand there, apparently I’ve got a step back. Yeah. All of those are what? Yeah, mate, on the old TikTok lives, yeah. Honestly, how many court activities? I’ll tell you. Where’s he sitting? A fan. Got people in the old pub over here. This geezer lives just over there, but he’s not allowed through. Okay. Right, police over there, they’re all moving. They’re moving into position, it seems.

What’s going on over here, mate? Fucking hell. Caught. I’m bare. First, I need a drink. Find fags at the police officers. Oh, there we go. It is two tier policing, if you ask me. But, you know, personally, there’s not much I can do about it, so I’m just gonna have a quick drink. One moment, really, Sophie. Oh, more people trying to get through. Being denied. I wonder if someone’s going to try to get through and they’re not going to have it. I see. Never know, might start kicking off. To be honest, I can’t actually tell what they’re trying because they’re not very good at coordination.

So it’s unfortunate. Put the old GoPro on, though, you know what I’m saying? Just in case. Got my own body cam, you know what I’m saying? People can’t be getting round now. I would go round so we can get a view of the other side, but I can’t lie, it takes forever to get around. It’s a fucking long walk. This is a madness. Run through like a hero. No, that would be funny. Oh, she’s gonna. She’s gonna. She’s running through. She’s running through. Go on, run. This is mad. Yeah, that’s it. Come on, everyone. Keep following.

Sending them roses and that. Someone just sent me this. That is nuts. Come on. Come on. Oh. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. He’s been allowed through. Wait, how are you allowing him through but not me? Oh, here we go. Two tier police. Here we go. Come on. What’s your name? What’s your name? Where you from? Oh, no, no, none of that. None of that. None of that. Now they’re showing at the police. They’re complaining, they’re whining. That is unfortunate. It’s starting to rain out here. Oh, look. Oh, he’s been caught. He’s been caught.

Caught on the other side. There we go. He’s been caught. He’s been caught on the other side. He’s telling everyone over there to tell them to let him through. But, I mean, I’m sure you can probably hear, to be fair. But keep sending them gifts, guys. Fuck him. Make sure you follow. They can walk through, but we can’t. Valid point, sir. They are walking through. He’s what? Maybe they just have a different way. Balance on the. Yes. We all sitting here. She just let someone through, though, didn’t she? She just let someone through. Yet this old man is.

He’s got. He’s got a walking stick, but he’s not allowed through. He’s not allowed for. He’s allowed through. This is tapped, mate. This is tapped. Yeah, look at that. People walking right through. Yeah? This walking stick and he’s not allowed to walk through. Look, look at this. Look. All these people walking through. And yet, and yet we’re not allowed to. In fact, not even us. But, you know, even just people who aren’t even involved. Yeah, there we go. I don’t mind. Sorry, bro. Tv. Look at this. More people. More people walking through. Yeah? This man here, he’s not allowed.

He’s not allowed. Everyone else is walking through. Taps. More people. It’s starting to rain now. Everyone, if you’re gonna come down here, make sure you bring a coat. They’re back to chanting again. Gonna get the old heated jacket on, mate. Bosh. Here you go. That’s it. Keep liking them. Keep liking the live. Yeah? Fucking. It would be pretty nuts. And if there’s a fight, fucking that. Be some good content. This is. This is west in Essex. Hello, folks. Yeah, I’m sorry about the language in that. You see the latest images tonight from London and across the UK.

I’m going to show you some other footage from the last couple of hours of what’s been going on across the UK. How are you doing, folks? This one is from Lewis Arrington, who does good coverage. This one is from London. He does a lot of protest. So just to let you know what his channel is, Louie, Lewis Errington. But yeah, I’ve used him before. But yeah, it’s, this is. But this has been in the last couple of hours or few hours tonight and just to show you what’s been going on. But yeah, a lot of different protests tonight across the UK.

Just part of what’s been going on today and part of this week as well. Unbelievable footage from earlier. I don’t know if you guys were here in the last few hour when we just watched some of the things that have been going on, like burning these migrant hotels. That’s what’s been going on where these migrants are staying. The government are putting them up in hotels and they’re living there. And some of these disgruntled people from the UK have basically, they were burning it down. I don’t know if you saw that earlier. We showed shocking footage. Really.

But yeah, this is, this is some good footage from tonight. Just been showing you what’s been going on tonight and I. The amount of people that have been out on the streets tonight from Lewis Errington and, yeah, here we go. This is, this is earlier on in London. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Time. Make out of the book. Just use the book. This is an awesome night. Right? Everything has a right. Everybody has a right. Everybody. Thank you so much. My secondary. Robinson way down here. Robinson way. No. Tommy Robinson way. No. Yes.

Homie Rose. And we know you know. Comey, Robinson. We know. Call me Robinson. We know you know. So we got some information. Yeah, I can check Twitter. No, we’ve got a fraction. I’m gonna see if we can get the rest to come. I’ve told them to hold. What the fuck is stewards doing here? Let’s do it at the front. Tell them to stay where they are. Know what we should do is find out where we ramp. Yeah. Even there. I live here. That’s where it was like that way. I want to say Susie press. Sorry, press need to show what’s going on.

Birthday last night, first place. Who straight. Who straightforward. We have. There was something similar to this. It was near Walthamstow and it was similar to this. But I haven’t seen any other protests. There wasn’t much going on elsewhere. They were doing speeches at the other one. So there was a heavy TSG presence, but not much went on. I was going to get good footage there, but I was there for ten minutes and I didn’t see too much, so I thought I might as well come down here. Yeah. I wonder why they’re heading to. There might be something going on.

Yeah, central. Yeah. Yeah. Wonder. It’s always hard to keep on top of things like that, but I try my best to see if there’s anything going on to cover which is worthy. Yeah. I mean, not much is happening now, but we should. Should be interesting to see where they’re heading to. That would be a little bit stupid. They did block something, something off here. I don’t know. Not much was going on. I wonder whether. Heading to tube station, you reckon? Yeah, like there’s. There’s always a security racist. Thank you. Yeah. British state. British day. British state.

British state. Labor party. Labor party. Party. Labor party. British belief. British belief. British belief. British day. British day. British day. British belief. British police story. British police. British police. British police. Okay, go to YouTube studio on Google Chrome. Should we walk up this way at least for me to do it for you? Login on the web. So it’s done on the web. And then go to uploads. You need to zoom in slightly where you would normally go to. On uploads. Yeah. Yeah. And then you need to click live. And then scroll. No, no, no, the other way.

Arrogant. You need to scroll. Scroll. Three dots there. It’s really green. Go to live. Click live. Oh, yeah. Now do it now, do it there. But you can do it there in the middle. Yeah, yeah. Gives you an option to click the middle. You need to zoom right. And do you want me to do it for you? I’m happy to. I’m happy to click it for you. Yeah. Then scroll and then save. So, currently, at the moment, the protesters are currently marching in the direction of the train station and the TSG are following them behind. Welcome to the channel if you’re new.

My name is Louis Arrington. I’m an independent, impartial journalist and I cover a broad variety of events in central London. So as we see right now, we’re currently at North Finchley and the protestors are heading towards the train station. The TSG are following behind. So, yeah, not much has happened, but there was this protest here today and I’m not sure if there’s anything else going on later in north London. It is not just the Labour party means I’m trying. Please come and disagree with life. This may be temporarily but I do not say it. Two. I did it.

I’ve done it. Lindsay. Yeah. I’ve got to hold my finger on it. Don’t what happened and raise the way. Monopoly on violence to deport immigrants. So why is it when we go one such further and begin talking about not just the racism of Tommy Robinson, but the entirety of the british state? Well done. Party races call for a vote for the Labour party in the general election. The Labour Party do not represent migrants. They attack migrants. And we do not stand with any organization that stands with the Labour Party. They’re organized with us. Join by racism, by imperialism.

There’s not much going on. Are you still alive? Yeah. They’re going to target the reform office. Do you hear it on there? 02:00 Saturday. They’re going to the reform office. 02:00 p.m. on Saturday. They said they’re going to go on Saturday. Yes, Saturday. 230 offended now, though. Not much is going on. I might end my stream. Do you want to end your stream or you’re going to keep rolling? Thank you, Louie. Very good to meet you. Thank you so much. Louis Errington. Louis Arrington. Yeah, I’m biased to our channel so I cover everything. So I covered this for like 1 hour.

Yeah, definitely. Louis Errington, Lee Doubler, Hong Kong and one of diamonds going on else. Before I go out, just come to. Okay, I’m going to be ending my live stream now. Thank you so much for tuning into this broadcast and I hope you enjoyed. My name is Louis Arrington. I’m an independent journalist and I cover all sorts of stuff from rallies, protests and a bit of horse guards parade and speakers corner coverage a lot in central London. So stay tuned for more. Hello folks, how are you doing? So we saw some footage there tonight from what’s been going on.

Gonna hopefully show you a bit more before we finish, but good. Thank you for joining us. Hello, everyone. Type in the comments. I can see your comments on the screen. How are you doing? So what are your thoughts on what’s been going on? Where do you think this is all leading, folks? Any, any ideas on what you think this is, what’s going on here and, and what the future may hold? Can everyone hear me? Can everyone hear me? Can you hear me? Excellent. Yeah, yeah. Some of the scenes we’ve seen, we’ve seen on here is just.

Yeah, unbelievable, isn’t it? Especially the ones we were watching earlier. Yeah. So this has been going on for a few days, all of these things, but as I said, leave a comment in the, in the comments bar and let me know what you think, where you think this could be leading and what’s going on in the world. Well, especially in the UK. Yeah. I’m hoping to do a few more live streams over the well in future. Started doing a few videos as well, as you may have seen recently. We saw the Olympics recently, did a video on that, and then hopefully we’ll come back and do some more live streams in time.

But I’m not exactly sure what to do, how to do this at the moment, but just gonna see how things go really might cover things that go on in the world just to, you know, just to kind of, if there’s any incidents in the world that go on, I might go live, do coverage, because I don’t think there really is many channels out there from quote unquote christian slash truth style coverage, live coverage of events that go on in the world. So it’s something I’m thinking about. Would anyone be interested in that else if I was to do that in the future? Is that something you’d be interested in? It’s something I’m considering anyway, but I might wait until I have more room if I move house first.

If you haven’t joined our telegram, I will put the link. If you have telegram, I’m putting the link in the chat. Thanks for modding, Dave as well, and Nikki and run to Christ, thank you for modding tonight. Really appreciate you helping out. And yeah, as I say, if you have telegram, there’s the link in the, in the chat and also Facebook. I’m trying to get a few more people over to the Rise Facebook page. So if you have Facebook, there’s the Facebook link as well. Thank you, children, the most high and for the two met new members tonight.

Really appreciate you joining. We’ve just opened up the memberships again for the first time in a while. Mandy as well, just opened it up for the first time in a long time. Did the cheapest option, $0.99. So if anyone wants to join the channel, for a couple of perks on there, and also you stand out more in, in the chat. So if anyone’s interested in rejoining as a member of the Rise channel, the link is at the top of the chat. It says, join this channel as a member. Thank you, Mandy and David. Thank you very much.

Yeah, just a lot of tensions in the, in the world at the moment. Yeah. So I’m just checking if there’s any latest news on the things going on, but we’ve definitely seen some interesting images today. Okay. This was in London today, a counter racism protest. Quite a lot of people. So, yeah, unprecedented, isn’t it? Carlisle? And there’s protest in Ireland as well. Carlisle in Cumbria. Police have arrested six people in connection with the dispersal order put in place for Carlisle city centre, Cumbria. Police up north of England, in London, all over the place. But it just makes you wonder, doesn’t it? We’ve thought for a while that things could.

Like a tinder box, isn’t it? Things could kick off, but we’re seeing a lot of things happen. So we’ll see if there’s anything else before we wrap this up. Maybe give it a little bit, a little bit longer. Might play some music just shortly and just take a break and just see if there’s anything else going on and then we’ll wrap up the stream at some point soon. And, yeah, definitely appreciate you all coming here today, but, yeah, I’ll see if there’s anything else to cover. Take a little bit of a break, just a few minutes and.

Yeah, speak to you in a bit of. Sadeena. Sadeena, can I get out there? Um, but, I mean, this little square only has so many problems. Change direction. Oh, shit. I’m about to get something. It’s. It, it, it, it, it, um, the building like you are. It’s a. Into that building. It, it’s a. It’s. It. Hi, folks. I’m going to show you one more and then we’ll finish the stream. So we’ll watch in the UK. We’ll just watch this one together and then finish the spot together. How are you doing? Sorry, did, did you hear me then? Sorry.

I think. I think there might have been some sound going on. I apologize. Can you hear me? Yeah, so, yeah. Thank you, everyone, for watching. We’re going to watch one more thing together. A recent example of what’s been going on across the UK. Yeah, just so much going on. So many riots across the UK. So much unrest this week. Can you hear me now? Sorry, I didn’t. I didn’t realize the music was still on. Sorry. Yeah, so we’re going to watch this together and this will be the last thing we do tonight on this live stream.

That’s good. Thank you, Hugh. Hear me loud and clear. So, yeah, I’m going to watch one more example of recently, what’s been going on this week, including tonight as well, across the UK. But for a good few days now, this has been going on. These riots have been unfolding in England since an attack on a children’s party, a knife attack, on a children’s party where some of the children, well, at least three, I think it was, died and then maybe a couple of adults as well. And then this attack happened and it kicked off. All of this unrest across the UK that’s happened since then.

A lot of anti immigration riots and then pro immigration riots countering them and clashes in the streets and different things like that. A lot of anger reaching a tipping point where a lot of people have been very angry and fighting and various things. So tension within communities. So, yeah, we’re going to watch one more example of recent things and then we’ll finish this stream. We’ll. We’ll go, yeah, cowabunga. Ethnos against ethnos. Which it says in the Bible that, you know, Jesus said, ethnos against ethnos. Kingdom against kingdom. And. Yeah, just a lot of upheaval and social chaos.

Divide and conquer, perhaps. Some people say that that’s what’s being instigated through things like this. John Dunbar says the beginning of labor pains. Yeah, so a lot of. Yeah, it’s like divide and conquer, saying earlier, order out of chaos, maybe. Ty tastic says pro immigration was not writing, they were protesting. Lord Rodney Trotter says, of course it’s divide and conquer. So, yeah, the. The birth pains, as the Bible says, in the last days, these things beginning to unfold before our eyes. Destabilization not only internationally, but also nationally, right within our own countries, in the west as well as in the Middle east and all across the world.

Yeah, the tensions in, with Iran recently in Israel. So that’s also unfolding as well. So much going on. Anyway, so let’s watch this last one together and just to show you more of what’s been going on in the UK the last few days this week. And, yeah, thank you for joining us on the live stream. I’ll finish it after this. Thank you for joining us. I hope you enjoyed the coverage. I hope it was informative. As I said, I’m hoping to do a few more of these in time with events that happen across the world, but for now, this is the coverage of the riots on the channel, on the rise channel.

Please subscribe to the channel if you can and, and also like and share this live stream. And if you can become a channel member or join our telegram or Facebook, please do. Thank you. Yes, Tony, if you look at my community post, you see the photos. Any word on the mail? Arrested earlier, one of the situations, please protect. It’s across the junction as well. Back. Get back. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Didn’t see that. Give me your kids. Beautiful. Running away from the, um. Crazy. They got no chance. No chance. They’re trying to get our van outd. Bumper up.

A long time coming, though. They got the right gear on those guys. Smash that running bit. He’s coming down here with that bun. Got the shields. Wow. Hello. Here they go. It’s. What are they actually trying to do? What they try to do. They’ve driven forward more revolutionaries. Chaos. Chaos. Fuck off. Safe arcade. Save our kids. Save our kids. Save our kids. Save our kids. Save our kids. Save our kids. Save our kids. Save our kids. Save our kids. Save our kids. Is. What if I get on here? Yeah, you’re right, mate. Crazy, mate. Crazy. Home point updated.

Here we go. It. Look at this mess, Manda. Those two rivans there, as far as I know, are stuck on binse. It. Yeah, I just came out to do it. I’m gonna go. I just don’t want to get caught in any more drama. Yeah. That is sick. Wow, wow, wow. Didn’t know the fire. Don’t know. Okay, now that’s sick. I thought you were like, no, I’ll do YouTube streaming in that DJ e media? Yeah, I was right at the front. But if I carry on staying off, something’s gonna happen. So that. Can you control up in here? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It’s over there now. I’ve got to be careful that chopper, though. But I thought I’ll come out, get the drone. Did you smash one of the cars? What? The right vans or the cars smashed up, haven’t they? They have, yeah. Can’t see from there. But I don’t get too, like, if they see the drone, they’ll think it’s the cops. Yeah. And I’ll probably try and get it down. So what do you think? DJ e media? Dj EJ emedia? Yeah. What? On YouTube? I was here all day. You’re on Insta? No, I’m not on Insta. Did you go on the other one? TikTok, YouTube, Facebook.

What is it? DJ. DJ E. Dj E. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was at the thing all day today, just supporting, and then I just stayed a bit later. I didn’t know this was gonna happen until half an hour ago. I just walked up and. It’s not my mate. No, it. They blocked it in the Ambery. Funny. You knock out that one up. I can move mine if it helps. Go and help with it. I’m gonna go in a minute. I don’t want to be involved in any other real kick off. You know. Oh, you parked here.

You came when I arrived. When I arrived. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I remember. That’s what I’m worried about now. All the way up here. Take it easy, guys. Right, we’ll have a little one last, right? Yeah. Good night, mate. Yeah, we’re gonna go in a second, guys, because, uh, I think more police are gonna be arriving soon. Oh, my. Please. For chasing them, though, innit? Yeah, right down the bottom. Yeah. I’m gonna go. All right. All right, mate. Oh, we set it on fire. Fucking hell. Wow. It.

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anti-immigration groups involvement arrests during children's party incident sparking protests live coverage of UK protests peaceful protests in the UK police operation managing protests prayer gatherings during protests pro-immigration groups involvement UK anti-immigration protests UK immigration protests UK pro-immigration protests unrest and antisocial behavior in UK protests widespread unrest in the UK

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