RFK Jr. Free DNC Abortion All Israel All The Time! Bird Flu Vaxx USA Health Draft + Much More

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ This is a summary of episode 92 of Gary King’s Inconvenient Truth. The episode discusses various topics including the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, the potential for a draft, and the political stances of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. The hosts express skepticism about the vaccines, concern about the potential for a draft, and criticism of both Harris and Trump’s political positions, particularly their support for Israel.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the importance of Israel in political campaigns, the decline in the complexity of political speeches, the failing education system, and the potential impact of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s involvement in politics. It suggests that the focus on Israel in politics is excessive, and that the quality of political speeches has declined due to a failing education system. It also highlights the potential positive impact of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s involvement in politics.
➡ The text discusses Kamala Harris’s political career, the declining health of Americans, and the potential threat of a bird flu pandemic. It highlights the increasing rates of obesity, diabetes, and other health issues in the U.S., attributing them to a toxic food system and environment. The text also suggests a conspiracy theory about a planned bird flu pandemic and criticizes the government’s handling of health crises. Lastly, it mentions Kamala Harris’s nomination acceptance at the Democratic National Convention.
➡ The text discusses various political and societal issues, including the perceived lack of focus on policy in elections, a program in Oregon offering home-buying assistance to non-citizens, concerns about misinformation and manipulation on social media platforms, and the potential implications of a centralized digital currency. The author expresses skepticism towards these developments, suggesting they may lead to negative outcomes such as election fraud, increased crime rates, and loss of privacy.
➡ The text discusses concerns about digital currency and surveillance, suggesting that these could lead to total control over people’s finances and lives. It also touches on the debate about transgender athletes in sports, with some arguing for a separate category. The text ends with a song about war and its brutal effects.
➡ The show discussed the Afghan war and thanked Mike for his contribution. The hosts appreciated the audience’s support and asked for their feedback. They announced they’ll return next week.


Welcome to episode 92 of Gary King’s Inconvenient truth where gary presents stories and video clips I don’t know are coming for my spontaneous and unrehearsed response. Turns out they’ve been surprisingly popular. Gary, what do you got for me? Yeah, we keep breaking records. Over 5000 views in like a couple of days last week. Over 90, always over 90% thumbs up. Sometimes 95, 96%. So I’m really happy that people like it and they really, we have people to watch it every single week and that just excites me, actually makes it all worth. All worth doing so. All right.

Bust out of the gate. Yes. You had a great idea, my friend. Yeah. All right, so here we go. I did. Okay. Kathy was talking about reading the label. All right, so go ahead and read this for us if you can believe this. Well, we knew she was a moron, so obviously she hasn’t got the word that the jab is a death box. And the idea that it would be a mandate for campaign workers means they’re going to have a high mortality rate. I think it’s very, very bad. This is embarrassing. You want to scroll a bit more? I’ll read a bit.

Yeah, just. Wallace requiring everyone to work for her presidential campaign. Repeat the COVID facts. Even though the pandemic peaked long ago and the vaccines have long since proven to be ineffective and preventing street and potentially quite dangerous, demonstrating yet again that this is much more of a political issue for liberals than something that of genuine concern for public health. On the official Harris Walsh presidential campaign website, a list of job opportunities appeared on a page, entire work for us. The page lists several job opportunities and their requirements with a disclosure at the bottom informing potential candidates of the vaccine mandate.

They stopped short, however, of explaining why the mandate exists. While many Covid era vaccine mandate policies claim they were done for the safety of employees or clients gained a lot harder to convince the public there’s any benefit in such mandates these days. Let me just add, Gary, we can switch back to just you and me. Yeah, that’s good. The vaccines were never even tested for preventing transmission. In other words, they were sold on the basis then in order to protect others you had to take the vax and if you didn’t, you were a social pariah that you were endangering others.

But since a vax does nothing to inhibit the transmission, it’s nonsense. It’s well been parodied by saying that they insist that protection that didn’t protect the protected be given to the unprotected when it didn’t protect them in the first place. I mean, it’s just absurd. Makes big pharma rich, but it’s well known now, and we even have Michael Yard, and it was a VP of Pfizer admitting that it was deliberately designed to kill people to weaken their immune system, to induce infertility. But then you see, Kamala, as I’ve been insisting all along, is a. An airhead.

She’s a f. Ing moron. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a dumber person in high position in office. Thus, Dave Hodges, ask, can you fix stupid by November? The answer is not a chance. And of course, we’re supposed to vote for cabal because he’s a woman, but the democrats don’t even know what a woman is. I mean, Gary, we’re living in surreal times, a cough gas universe. Black is white, wrong is right, false is true. It’s beyond belief. I never expected to live so long as to see this kind of insanity. And it is a form of insanity overtake the nation.

Yeah, I I can’t believe it myself. Doctor Fetcher. Yes, ma’am. Please make sure your sleeves are rolled up high so they do not interfere with the shots. They could be centered high as well. From this point on, there should be no talking unless you and the person next, he needs medical attention. Do you understand? Yes, ma’am. I’m still talking about the draft, and it’s still on the agenda. Men and women from the ages of 20 to 25 to be drafted into a never ending bankers war in the middle east and the Ukraine. And before your sons and daughters leave to go overseas to fight never ending bankers wars, they’re lined up at boot camp and they’re given all kinds of shots.

This is YouTube. You know, I can’t tell you what those shots include, but they do. We already saw that all the military were required to take the shots unless they were brave enough to stand up and say no. And if being shipped off to the Ukraine, Israel, or wherever they’re going to send you in their killing fields is part of the genocide operation for the british Pilgrim society and the babylonian rabbnite merchant bankers, because these are always bankers wars, they’re going to slaughter you right there in your barracks, because you know what’s required of you when you go to boot camp? A series of shots.

And those shots also include the cootie shot that many have tried to avoid. But you won’t be able to this go around Gen X. You’ll either die in your barracks of myocarditis or you’ll go out to their slaughter fields and be shot by the so called enemy. The operation is to genocide. America is to genocide all the populations of the world. Okay, all right, Doctor Fetcher. Well, it’s just to illustrate the insanity. By inoculating your draftees, you’re potentially disabling each and every one, if not bringing about their outright debt. So the nation, by instituting a draft that has a COVID vaccine mandate, is not strengthening its military.

It’s really incapacitating the nation from fighting conventional wars. And it seems as though that’s a matter of deliberate policy. They want to fight a nuclear war. But, Gary, that’s totally lacking in any realism, because Russia has far superior intercontinental ballistic missiles, far superior anti missile missiles, far superior anti ship missile, far superior anti submarine torpedoes. I’m telling you, it’s going to be a lopsided war, but it appears the west is intent on fighting it, and we’re gonna pay a calamitous price. This is what happens when you have the most incompetent or biased or corrupt political figures leading these nations.

And of course, the United States is no exception. In fact, it’s an outstanding example thereof. Yep. All right, we’ve had a clip similar to this, but I’m going to go ahead and play it anyway. Hey, guys, I hope you’re watching the campaigns. We got critical issues and the most critical issue on the mind of all Americans. It doesn’t matter if you’re Democrat or Republican. No, it’s not the economy and high inflation. No, it’s not massive third world immigration pouring across the border every month. No, that’s not it. No, it’s not the savagery in the streets with the crime.

The biggest issue that everyone around, coffee tables or kitchen tables across America, we’re discussing is who loves Israel the most. I think that’s the key issue. And both candidates are making their pitch. This is Kamala Harris last night. And let me be clear. I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself. And I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself. Because the people of Israel must never again face the horror that a terrorist organization called Hamas caused on October 7, including unspeakable sexual violence and the massacre of young people at a music festival.

And then for the next contender for who loves Israel the most, we have, of course, Donald Trump. President. We will deport the foreign jihad sympathizers and we will deport them very quickly, and Hamas supporters will be gone. If you hate America, if you want to eliminate Israel, then we don’t want you in our country. We really don’t want you in our country. I will ban refugee settlements from terror infested areas like the Gaza Strip. And we will arrest the pro Hamas thugs who vandalize federal property and make, really, life very, very difficult in this country for a lot of people.

So there you have it. It’s a tough choice. On the one hand, we have Kamala Harris, and of course, the Republicans. Boo, they hate Israel. They’re anti semitic, even though Kamala Harris is actually married to a jewish guy. And the Biden Harris administration, it had the most Jews and positions of power since, like, forever. Something like 70, 80% of the administration is jewish. But, oh, boo, they’re anti semitic. But then the Kamala, she, she attacks Trump. Oh, you’re a Hitler. Anti Semitic. And Trump, he is love of life is Israel. If you don’t love Israel, get out of the country.

Get out of the country. You can hate America, but don’t you dare say anything about Israel. And whatever Israel wants, Trump’s going to give them. He did all the things for Israel. Trump said, I love Israel more than jews love Israel. I moved the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Oh, Israel. If I get in there, man, we’re going to kick ass with Iran. But to be fair, Kamala wants a war with Iran. So I guess at this point, it’s the motivation for the war with Iran and perpetual war for Israel. On one hand, you have Kamala Harris, and she’s doing it for progressive values like let’s push homosexuality across the globe and anti whiteness.

Or are you doing it fighting for Israel to help bring Jesus back so we’ll all go to heaven soon? See, this is a tough choice. This is a tough choice in the campaign is who loves Israel the most. Both sides claim the other doesn’t love Israel enough. And really, this is a time that I think we all need to look inward. Look it within your hearts. Do you really love Israel as much as you should? Because I think we’re all lacking in that department. We need to do better. Talk to you guys later. Okay. Wow, Gary, I’m so glad you included that.

What a very glass of ice water in the face. I mean, you know, that’s exactly how it is. Who loves Israel the most? He’s absolutely right. It’s not the border. It’s not inflation. It’s not the economy. It’s who loves Israel the most. And this is such a disgrace. You may recall during my very first political speech, 2008, at a Ron Paul Freedom rally on the grass outside the Capitol in Washington, DC, I spoke about why no dual citizen should occupy a policy shaping or decision making position within the american government. Because you could not know that their loyalty to the other state did not outweigh their loyalty to the United States.

It’s very clear the Israelis dual citizens are not all for Israel. United States America is just a dispensable, as Netanyahu put it himself, golden calf. They’re going to suck dry and chop into pieces and leave as the world’s largest welfare state because that’s what they do with nations they hate, as he said, in 2020. So we have to become realistic. We’re in deep shit, Gary, and the fact is Israel is running our country. It might as well be called the United States of Israel, sad to say. Pathetic on both sides of the aisle. Pathetic? Yeah, when you want to go all the way down the rabbit hole.

That’s what I’ve discovered. That is Israel running the show all over fetish that we are brilliant, but our ancestors were idiots. After all, they didn’t have iPhones, Internets, or Kim Kardashian. This is also academic consensus, for what it’s worth, called the flint effect. The idea is people do better on puzzles, so we must be smarter. Of course, one wonders if puzzles translates into, say, understanding monetary policy or how welfare destroys families. Thankfully, we have a real world test actual political campaigns. Back when I was a professor, I ran every inaugural address through a flesh Kincaid text analysis to measure the grade level.

The logic being that top speech writers know how to talk at voters level. Doing that, it turns out we are getting dumb breathtakingly fast. In 1900, inaugurals were written at between 13th and 14th grade. In other words, modern college level. Today they’re 8th grade for Obama, 9th grade for Trump, and 7th grade for Joe Biden. It gets worse the further back we go. Andrew Jackson’s 1828 nausea was written at 22nd grade, meaning, strictly speaking, two PhDs was the median voter in 1828. Keep in mind, Jackson was a populist man of the people. Washington’s inaugural was closer to 26th grade, so you’d need that third PhD.

Also keep in mind, almost nobody in 1828 or 1789 had a formal education. Jackson, for example, kicks off with undertaking the arduous duties that I have been appointed. Washington starts with among the vicissitudes incident to life. For Biden, it’s quote, this is America’s day. So how did we get so dumb? Easy. Public schools. The modern government school came from 18 hundreds Prussia who had enough of worker riots and peasant revolts and resolved to indoctrinate kids into pro regime obedience. It worked a charm, turning the once unruly Germans into a government directed army that went on to do terrible things.

Left wing american intellectuals were fascinated by Prussia’s indoctrination and imported it to the US. They were motivated not by peasant revolts, but by the frustratingly small government ethos of American Catholics. Progressives figured they couldn’t frog march American Catholics into government utopia, but by gum, they have their children. These activists spread government schools to every state and got a major boost post war when competence tests were declared discriminatory, forcing companies to instead rely on formal education to discover talent. This launched the university from a fringe toy of the 1% into a $300,000 tax on anybody hoping for a white collar job.

Meanwhile, like all government programs, opportunists, teachers unions took over spending at this point $878 billion per year due to fleet peddling politics but neglecting the actual purpose of education, leaving american kids illiterate and innumerate. In a video last year, I mentioned how fully 23 Baltimore schools have zero students proficient in math. And in Detroit, 96% of students can’t do math. 95% cannot even read. But by gum, they know they’re demigenders. Take people who can’t name a state or don’t know what a supreme Court is, wash them with decades of left wing propaganda, stick them in a voter booth, and here we are, Swissnacks brought to you by Unchain.com dot before, to save our democracy, we have to save our voters by replacing government schools with schools that actually teach teach instead of indoctrinate.

That could mean school choice, could mean vouchers, could mean homeschooling co ops. But until we fix it, things will keep getting worse. Read the rest with a link to Murray Rothbard’s classic essay, education free and compulsory@professainge.com. ok, we’ll be watching. See you next time. Okay. What a brilliant idea to run those features through a level of education assessment. And you see how steadily a functional intelligence of the american people has been drawing. Dramatically. Dramatically. I mean, it used to be that we had a sophisticated population that really had a functioning intellect of even postgraduate level, and then it began to decline college level.

Now it’s down to 7th, 8th, 9th grade. And I have no doubt he’s got it exactly right. Gary and I just want everyone to understand this is a trajectory for the decline and fall of America. When you have citizenry too dumb to figure out what’s actually going on, you are destined for calamity. Could be death, could be slavery, could be an annihilating war. But I’m guaranteeing that the outcome is not going to be good. You take your choice. A, b, c, it’s all bad. And we brought this upon ourselves, Gary. We brought this upon ourselves, sad to say.

All right, this is a mostly audio. I just threw up a screenshot. He is a great person. I’ve known him for so long, for the past 16 months. Robert F. Kennedy Juniore I will tell you, we are both in this to do what’s right for the country. That’s one thing I can tell you. I am announcing tonight that upon my election, I will establish a new independent presidential commission on assassination attempts, and they will be tasked with releasing all of the remaining documents pertaining to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Don’t you want a safe environment for your children? Don’t you want to.

Don’t you want to know that the food that you’re feeding them is not filled with chemicals that are going to give them cancer and chronic disease? And don’t you want a president that’s going to make America healthy again? Thank you all very, very much, and God bless you, and God bless America. Okay. Right now, Gary, and I’m extremely pleased you included this. I watched it yesterday. This could make a difference in the outcome of the election. If we have anything approximating a fair election, it could make four or five point difference in the swing states, in my opinion.

It greatly strengthens Trump, where he is most vulnerable, over and beyond his dedication to Israel, which has to do with the vax warp speed. Bobby just seals that up. And I say, you know, don’t waste this guy. He could be a secretary of health and human services, put him in charge of the FDA and the CDC, watch the rats leave the sinking ship. We need him. And I’m frankly overjoyed at this development. And I hope Trump has the smarts to take advantage of everything RFK junior brings to the table, because it’s quite substantial in ways that Trump deeds.

So while I would have predicted he would have won, in any event, I think this is very, very good and that it solidifies his base and brings in new voters and provides cover for Democrats who want to vote for Donald Trump because they have a magnificent example before them. Now, that justifies making precisely that move, especially when his RFK outlined earlier in the day at a specific game in Phoenix. The Democrat Party compromised him at every turn. They blocked him. They wouldn’t allow him to. They would allow him to participate in the campaign, that they cut him off.

They made it impossible for him to be competitive, and he called out the party, which turned out to be, contrary to its name, extraordinarily undemocratic. And if you want further proof, just contemplate. Their nominee for the presidency of the United States has never received a single vote to be president at any caucus or any primary. In fact, she didn’t even make it to Iowa. She dropped out before the very first caucus in 2020. Nobody gave a damn about Kamala Harris. And I think the only reason she’s in this position now is because she’s a complete airhead.

Totally manipulable. They want to pop it in that position so that Jews running our government can do whatever they want with the United States and, like kabbalah, take the blame. Embarrassing. Bad. But that’s the way it is. She’s a complete longhead. Dumbest ever in high office in these United States. There it is. That’s a fact. If you remember underdog, remember Sweet Polly purebred. She got as many votes as Kamala did. All right, here we go. Speaking of health, can you just give us the baseline condition of health in the United States? Absolutely. So the word I used earlier, destroyed, is not hyperbolic in any way, shape, or form.

74% of american adults now are overweight or obese. Close to 50% of children are overweight or obese. 120 years ago, when someone was obese, there were case reports written about it. Literally, there were people in the circus. If you had obese, sideshow fat. Yeah. So unusual. It was so unusual. 74% of our country, 77% of young adults are unfit to serve in the military because of these issues like obesity. Now let’s talk about diabetes. 50%. A full 50% of american adults have prediabetes or type two diabetes, which is a fundamental issue in how our country, half the country, Tucker, have pre diabetes or type two diabetes, and 30% of teens now have prediabetes.

This was a condition that no pediatrician would have seen in their lifetime 50 years ago. 1% of Americans in 1950s, in 1950 had type two diabetes. We have 18% of teens with fatty liver disease, a disease that used to be in late stage alcoholics. Cancer rates are skyrocketing in the young and the elderly. Young adult cancers are up 79%. And this is the first year in american history we’re estimated to have over 2 million cases of cancer. 25% of american women are on an antidepressant medication. 40% of 18 year olds have a mental health diagnosis. We have the highest infant and maternal mortality rate in the entire developed world, despite spending two x on infant and maternal care than any other country.

So you have a higher risk of dying as a woman giving birth in America than any other developed country in the world. Autism rates in kids are one in 36 nationally. This was one in 1500 in the year 2000. And the screening has nothing changed in California, where I live, and I just want to linger on that. And the screening has not changed. So in 20 years, the definition hasn’t changed. No. One in two from one in 1500 in California, one in 36. Right now it was one in 1500. In California, it’s one in 22, one of the worst states in the country for autism.

So this is just a matter what hell and all of these conditions, I mean, and I could go on and on autoimmune diseases. Infertility is at peak rates. I mean, I don’t know how this is not front page news. Infertility is going up 1% per year. Sperm counts are going down 1% per year since the 1970s. Sperm counts are down, continuing to drop, continuing to drop at an increasing rate. Our bodies are crying out for help. 26% of women have polycystic ovarian syndrome. Now, the thing that people need to understand is that all of these conditions are caused or driven by the exact same thing, which is metabolic dysfunction.

This core foundational issue of how our bodies on the cellular level function, which is driven by our toxic food system and our toxic environment. These subtle, insidious forces that are creating slow, progressive illness, starting now in fetal life, that allow patients to be profitable and on the pharma treadmill for their entire lives. They make us sick, but they don’t kill us. And then we are drugged for life. Yeah, just what RFK was talking about. Gary, I gotta confess, I’m overweight, I’m type two diabetic now. I’m 83. But the fact is, the Vax has exacerbated all of this.

I mean, part of what she was addressing really are effects of the COVID vax, which has made things overwhelmingly worse. But, wow, what a wonderful, sensible, intelligent, well spoken woman. I was very impressed. That’s a wonderful interview with Tucker. That deserves widespread exposure, Gary. Widespread exposure. Sensational. Yeah, we’re doing the best we can. Okay, here’s our brother Nathaniel warning about the bird flu. How many chickens can you chew in one stew? Less than a few. A bird flu pandemic is coming your way. Monkey pox is paving the way to scare you. As easy prey. Let me tell you about the birds and the bees and the chickens and the feed and a thing called flu.

Someone there? Who is it? Look, Mitch, this isn’t usual, is it? We’ve been out back looking at the chickens. Something seems to be wrong with them. There’s nothing wrong with those chickens, Mitch. That’s the dammest thing I ever saw. I don’t know, it seemed to swoop down at you deliberately. Birds are not aggressive creatures, miss. What do you think they were after? I think they were after the children. For what purpose? To kill them. It started with its pilot program, Covid, in March of 2020. Just a dress down rehearsal by big pharma Jews, in sync with global jewry to wage war on humanity with its sinister depopulation agenda.

As of May 2024, the national pretty pandemic vaccine stockpile has 400,000 filled vials of bird flu injections. In June 2024, the US gov ordered an additional 4.8 million doses of that vaccine to be added to the stockpile. The vaccine maker, CSL Sekiras, was tasked with making the additional doses at its North Carolina plant. CSL’s prime shareholders are State street Global and Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts, KKR usual suspects Jews. Larry Fink owns State Street Global. Henry Kravis owns KKR. Fear sets in where shrewd men refuse to shred the jew. Stream media has already reported on various takes of bird flu, h five n one outbreaks to date since 2020.

We’re being told, I mean, being scared, that bird flu has killed millions of wild birds and has infected poultry, cattle, domestic cats, and a number of human beings. Fear mongering is a jewish forte. Thus comes along doctor painter Romano ads to give the guys the shivers. Health officials are looking for evidence of mammal to mammal transmission and a person to person transmission, which could be a definite warning about h five n one’s potential to become an epidemic. The jab will be lethal and deaths will be blamed on the bird flu, not the jab. Placebos will be used on parts of the american population to give cover that the job jab job is safe.

Millions of whites in targeted red states will die. Chickens, pigs, cows will be annihilated to fool the white population into being protected, while at the same time starving them into malnutrition. Be forewarned, Mister Trump. Bird flu is the stuff that creates the perfect panic to usher in mail, in boats. The International Bird flu summit is coming October 3. Right under your nose, Mister Trump. Just 30 minutes from DC. It will prep the way for jewish hacks on Cap Hill to declare a national emergency. So mail in votes across spacious bird flying skies and amber waves of flu will be mandated.

Of course, stays in every garage, and any chicken for your pot will not survive. The most hated BP could then emerge as president on November 5. Okay. By, like, brother Nathaniel. I think it’s terrific. Yeah, they’re gonna want to fake another pandemic. Bird blue pandemic. Yeah, that Hitchcock classic. It looks a little campy these days with a special effect since we can do them so much better now. Including, for example, kamala faking vast crowds at her appearances. She did one in Raleigh, North Carolina, however, where they did have a musician to draw the crowd, and they only had dozens turn up.

Total 109, including the press, which indicates no matter what she does, nobody cares. She’s so vacuous and insubstantial. Gary, don’t be surprised if brother Nathaniel’s got it exactly right. They’re going to try and panic us, are going to try to do everything they’ve done before with a Covid. It’s not going to be pretty, but perhaps we’ve learned enough to know that they’re trying to stampede us like lemmings over the cliff. Don’t let your cell be played. And for God’s sake, don’t take any vaccine being promoted by the government. In fact, you’re better off if you don’t take any vaccine at all, period.

I completely agree with. I’ve been screaming that for ten years, okay? With 25 abortions performed and thousands voluntarily sterilized in a van right outside the democratic national Convention. Yesterday marked the last day of the ritual as Kamala Harris accepted the nomination. Now, what impressed me the most was how the Democrats managed to make policies the very thing that voters used to base their decisions on just five minutes ago. Completely irrelevant. I haven’t heard from many voters looking for white papers and policy papers. What they want to hear is what her vision is for this country. The american people don’t vote on policy prescriptions.

The way the american people think about this choice is less about the minutia of policy and more about the direction of the country, number one. And secondly, about the person. If you go with the vibes, it’s a vibes election. That’s right. Who cares about policies? Who cares that the very people who lecture you about dangers to democracy pushed Biden out and replaced him with a candidate who couldn’t even win a single primary in 2020 and was pulling at 3%? Just go with the vibe. I mean, look at all these celebrities and idols praising Kamala. What else do you want? Just do it.

Here’s an interesting contrast. That was a scene from the movie idiocracy, which is about a future where society has become very stupid due to declining intellectual and cultural standards. And this is the DNC turnout for what? Hey, everybody, get your hands up. Hey, everybody, get your hands up. Hey, everybody, get your hands up. Now say, we’re not going back. We’re not going back. I’m not gonna say that the democrats are a living example of idiocracy because that would be generalizing. The democrats are a leading example of idiocracy. Okay, guys, good. The guy is good. All his points were well taken.

It is idiocracy. You know, polling shows, on the bigger issues, the economy. Trump leads Kamala like 55 to 35, maybe 40 on inflation, like 65 to maybe 30 on the border, like 75 to 20. I mean, Trump is leading on the issues that matter. He has a lead in all the swing states. They’re deliberately over sampling democrats, women, progressive, to give an inflated impression of Kamala standing in the polls to make it easier to steal the election so people will think, oh, yeah, well, the polls told us she was in the lead. Don’t let yourself be fooled.

It’s all fraudulent. This guy is very good. I like it. Gary, excellent choice for inclusion today. Well done. All right, we’ve got good news. Unless you’re a us citizen here in the housing market. Happy days are here again. Let us sing the song. A taxpayer funded group is offering $30,000 to people who want to buy homes in Oregon. But there’s a catch. You cannot be a United States citizen to get the money. According to the Oregon Citizen, the Hacienda Community Development Corporation is taking part in the taxpayer funded down payment assistance program that gives tens of thousands of dollars to non citizens to buy homes in Oregon.

The flyer specifically states that american citizens are not eligible. The Camino ACASA program reportedly works closely with financial coaches and HUD housing counselors throughout the entirety of the home buying process. Okay, yeah, it’s insane. I mean, talk about idiocracy. They give all these benefits to illegals to come in and they’re. The crime rate for migrants in Europe has just skyrocketed because you got all these illegals who have very little training, background, education, don’t have a way of earning an honest living. So of course they’re resorting to burglary, to robbery. Is going to happen here, too, except the american government is so generous under obey and Harris that they’re just giving away taxpayer money.

They’re bringing them in by the droves with all kinds of free stuff. And Americans, the real Americans at taxpayers, are being left high and dry. In fact, we’re being soaked for the benefit of these illegals, which cabal even wants to be able to vote in this election? I mean, it’s. It boggles the mind, Gary, that that party is sunk to death. Such depths of depravity and betrayal of the public trust. But there it is. Yeah, happy days are here again for illegals. But if you’re american citizen, sorry, you’re out a lot. Absolutely. Okay, next thing, here we go for more and more of us.

Search and social media platforms aren’t just our window into the Internet. They serve as our primary source of news and information. No one tells us that the window is blurred, subject to unseen distortions and subtle manipulations. We just saw a sitting president deny the clear results of an election and help incite a violent insurrection at the nation’s capital. Not only that, but a majority of his party, including many who occupy some of the highest offices in the land, continue to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the last election and are using it to justify laws that restrict the vote.

What does still nag at me, though, was my failure to fully appreciate at the time just how susceptible we had become to lies and conspiracy theories. Despite having spent years being a target of disinformation myself. Social media companies already make choices about what is or is not allowed on their platforms and how that content appears, both explicitly through content moderation and implicitly through algorithms. The problem is, we often don’t know what principles govern those decisions. Hey, thanks for watching. Okay, Doctor Fetcher. Well, if you want reason to despise Barack Obama, there they are at large. The January 6 event was orchestrated by Nancy Pelosi Chuck, the mayor of Washington DC.

Trump was an inspiring an insurrection. He told his follower to peacefully and patriotically protest a stolen election. And there can be no doubt it was stolen. The crowd was loaded with FBIS, that’s react being the most prominent. General Milley withheld sending troops to manage the crowd even after the president of the United states had requested them. It was all Shamda, just like all the lawsuits brought against Donald Trump. All share so he could discuss him, describe him, characterize him as Barack Obama did here. Yes, Americans are susceptible to lies and conspiracy because Barack Obama has been the center of so very many.

But then, that’s a Democrat way. Steal election after election. They stole 2020. They stole 2022. Stand by for an instant replay in 2024. All right, our girl, check this out. The bank of Canada is currently accepting job applications for a product architect to design a digital currency. The bank of Canada is embarking on a program of major social significance to design a contingent system for a central bank digital currency, which can be thought of as a banknote, but in digital form. But wait, it gets even better. Under the challenges section, the bank of Canada specifies that the digital currency must be universally accessible, regardless of their circumstances.

CBDC should be usable by all Canadians, even by those without a bank account or access to a cellular phone. Hmm. What sort of technology could allow you to access digital currency without a cell phone? Could it be a microchip? This may seem far fetched to those of you who remained willfully ignorant over the past 19 months, but it isn’t far fetched at all. Here’s how human microchipping is going in Sweden. When Elias Brotburger goes to work, he doesn’t need id and he doesn’t need money. In fact, much of what he needs to get through the day is hidden right there, just below the surface in his hand.

Embedded in his hand is a microchip that serves as his keys, his id, and his wallethood. Now, while the chip being used in Sweden connects directly to the user’s bank account, the CBDC being rolled out in Canada is not to be confused with online payment apps. This is a brand new, centralized form of currency. So what does that mean? It means that this new form of currency will bypass the commercial banking system and be completely controlled by the government, with the ultimate goal of eliminating cash altogether. So once this system is in place, the government can track all of your spending habits, automatically withdraw funds for taxation, and even shut your digital wallet down altogether if you’re being a bad little boy or girl.

Centralized digital currency is already in place in China, where it will be integrated into their social credit system, a system that scores citizens on their behavior and bad behavior is punished by restricting their participation in society. A bad score can come from minor infractions like gossiping, littering, or speaking ill of the government, and can result in being blacklisted from traveling, going to restaurants, or even renting a home. Wow. How China’s social credit system looks identical to the vaccine passport we’re using to mitigate the spread of Covid-19. You know, a smart person might even assume that the virus was simply a trojan horse to usher in a complete surveillance state.

But luckily, there aren’t that many smart people here in Canada. Now, of course, none of this is the natural progression of technology. The RFID implant to connect the digital currency to the social credit system has been in the works for years, and many have warned about its implications. One such man is Aaron Russo, who recounted his conversations with Nick Rockefeller about the Rockefeller family’s plan to accomplish complete control over humanity. And the whole agenda is to create a one world government where everybody has an RFID chip implanted in them. All money is to be in those chips, right? There’ll be no more cash.

And this is getting me straight from rock fell themselves as they want to accomplish. And all money will be in your chips. And so any. So instead of having cash, anytime you have money in your. In your. In your chip, they can take out whatever they want to take out whenever they want to. If they say, you owe us this much money in taxes, they just deduct it out of your chip digitally. Total control. Total control. And if you like me or you and you’re protesting what they’re doing, they can just turn off your chip and you have nothing.

You can’t buy food. You can’t do anything. It’s total control of the people. And that chip’s connected to a database that has your purchasing records. What you do, everything, everything is in there. Now, some of you may think that all of this is completely unrelated to Covid, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Retail stores and restaurants across the country are now going contactless under the guise of public health and safety. Some establishments are even refusing cash altogether over the fear that the boogeyman virus might thrive on banknotes. The vaccine passport is simply a free trial to the social credit system, digital currency, and complete control and surveillance of the entire global population.

So if you’re still on the fence about whether you should participate in the Vaxx pass and the segregation of society, you can rest assured that where we’re headed, you’re gonna wish Covid would take you out. I mean, remember when we had friends and you could just, like, disagree with your friends and then just like, continue living your life? That was a good time. That was a good time. That’s what we did in the nineties. You’d be like, you know, your friend would talk about dinosaurs and you’d be like, I don’t buy it. And maybe like, you don’t buy dinosaurs.

Like, what part? You don’t buy that they existed. You don’t buy that they look like that. I was just like, I don’t buy it. I don’t buy that giant fucking lizards were just roaming the earth. You ever read about this? They’ll find, like, one little bit of a bone, and then they’re like, this little bit of a bone belong to this giant dinosaur. It’s the most ridiculous. I mean, think about that story. That’s why it’s the first one they tell kids, because it’s the most ridiculous fucking story. Giant lizards with tiny little arms roaming the planet.

It’s stupid. It’s stupid. Okay, Gary, I gotta tell you, I don’t just love her. I’m in love with her. I’m putting her hands. She is beautiful, intelligent, articulate, smart as attack. She’s a whole package, Gary. Honest to beat. Take me, I’m yours. She’s wonderful. I love these clips, Gary. You gotta keep them coming. Yeah, yeah. I have to find them. She’s not posting anymore. Remember about eight months ago, she. For the sake of her baby, she just said it was taking up too much time. So that’s a clip that could be, you know, three years old, but it’s still revelant, of course.

All right, here’s the final clip of the day. All right, this is Mike Tyson getting a rise from Bill Maher. So, listen, they allowed them to participate. Who are we to talk? What? Hey, guys. I’m off the grid for August, but Bill Maher is actually making some sense while I’m away. How do you feel about transgenders being able to compete in opposite gender, their original gender sports? How do you feel? Well, I just go by what the women are saying. Women athletes who are saying it’s not fair to us. That’s not true. I know this one tennis player, Renee something.

She used to get beat all the time. Renee Richards. Is that her name? Yes. I mean, that she was one of the first transgender people. She didn’t win no championships or anything? No, of course, it doesn’t happen all the time. But, I mean, the big case now is this Leah Thomas. This is someone who. She’s a brutal. She’s a former. Well, summer born a man, still has a penis, I believe. Well, you got the penis. Can’t play, baby. No, she does. She’s. I mean, when she was to talk, well, that would be a great name for this podcast with Mike Tyson.

But she. When she competed as a man, she was not winning. And now as she competing as a woman, she’s winning a lot. I mean, but she. From what I’ve read, she has a penis and dates women. I don’t know. That sounds like. I would love for you to have a debate. Sounds like she just put on a wig. When you love him to have a debate with that woman, you should debate with her. I don’t want a debate. And look, it’s a complicated issue. I guess there are. It sounds to me like what they need is a third category.

They need a category, a trans category, because it’s obviously sometimes, often, I think, not fair to women. And that’s what they said. Like, we’re competing against women. This is what Title Ix was when they passed that 50 years ago, was very important that women be able to have equal opportunity in sports against other women, because obviously, Mike, can you imagine going into the ring against a woman with you in your prime or even now? I mean, it would not. It would be a bloodbath. Are you playing football or football, exactly. Men and women are different. I mean, some of these things are just a priori.

So what was that? So listen, they allowed them to participate. Who are we to talk? What if they allowed him to participate? Well, he asked me whether I thought it was. Whether I thought it was fair enough. He said that they should probably create a. Their own category level league. Right. I mean, you know, you can’t discount all these women who say, it’s unfair to me. I’m competing against, essentially, a man who has, you know, a testosterone. Even if they’re taking hormones or something. There’s a lot of it. Bigger muscle mass, more bone density. Yes. I mean, even John McEnroe, I think it was, who said if Serena Williams played against in the men’s circuit, and Serena Williams, obviously powerful and amazing athlete, he said she’d be like 700th in the world.

And she even said once, when I played against a man, I didn’t realize I hit shots that no woman could get to. And he got to them easily. So obviously, there are differences between men and women. Could we just agree on that? Okay. I mean, maybe. Okay. Are you a sleepy Joe who has zero cognitive performance? Scared of walking upstairs without being worried you’re gonna fall? All right, doctor Fetzer. Well, if anyone had any doubts about whether Mike Tyson is a rocket scientist, that can be laid to rest. Bill Maher’s got a ride. They need to introduce a new category of sports.

You got to have men’s sports, women’s sports, and transports. But the trannies compete when. I don’t have a problem with that whatsoever. Leah Thomas, however, competing as a man, ranked. I don’t know. You talked about Serena being 500. Lea Thomas was something like 500, the men’s swimmers. So that’s exactly what was happening. There. And he just had the, in my opinion, lack of ethics, lack of morality, to call himself a woman and compete in women’s sports to the detriment of all women. And in fact, it’s insulting the athletes everywhere. So, Gary, I’m very pleased you included.

This makes me think higher of Bill Maher, lower of Mike Tyson, who doesn’t seem quite able to put two plus two together. But this idea of men and women’s sports is disgusting, revolting, and it’s part of the democratic agenda. I dare say. There’s another issue. The republican platform says, very baldly, no men in women’s sports. That’s absolutely right. How dumb are we as a society to think any differently? Gary, nice piece to tie things together. One more thing. We have a little bit more sand. So I’m going to play a video of my band that we did about war.

All right, here we go. This is general King report. This is six actual. I have eyes on a high value target. Please advise, over. Roger, you’ve got a green light. Execute like shadows in the night. The season of my life is gone but ain’t lost without fighting beast rallies off the mind friend Junior. By the time will the wolf destroy themselves savage by the creed the evolution of a planet on me I remember days so vividly I was a child in the oven the blood upon my my mother’s died and the experience of earth for these crows were circling but I walked it home the days before I had to be sick to send me now amounted by your agony of a scavenger Mandy sanguine every knee it is revised by the latter right in my identity our wolf of Manhattan recluse of war forsaken peace valleys of the mind different to the by desiree surrounded by your agony the evolution of a scavenger Mandy brutality a savage world the season of the grove the fire dye is drenched in blood before these crows were circling before that wolf could have days before I had to feed the sickness in me now wouldn’t destroy himself or carry death to someone else.

Okay, that was about the afghan war. Nice bonus. Yeah, thank you, Mike. Yeah, had to throw it in there. All right, everyone, we appreciate you watching the show and leave your thumbs up comments and all that, and we’ll see you next week. Bye.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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