Revive your Energy with Intracellular Hydration and Energized Health | Stew Peters Network

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➡ The Stew Peters Network talks about how Energized Health offers a unique approach to fitness and health, focusing on hydration at the cellular level, nutrition advice, and workouts. This method doesn’t require expensive diet programs or supplements, and has helped many people achieve their fitness goals, stop taking prescription medications, and even cure ailments. The program also emphasizes the importance of spiritual health, offering a holistic approach to well-being. It’s a sustainable lifestyle change, not just a temporary program.
➡ Energized Health is a program that helps people improve their health and lifestyle without giving up the food they love. By clicking the red button on their website, you can watch a short masterclass and schedule a free call to learn more about the program. The company has been recognized as one of the fastest-growing in America, and its team is made up of former clients who have experienced life-changing transformations. The program focuses on intercellular hydration and promises to help you lose fat, reduce symptoms of various ailments, and improve your overall quality of life.
➡ Dr. Vladimir Zelenko’s Z-spike gummies, part of the Zelenko Lab Z-stack supplement line, are designed to protect children’s health and boost their immune systems. These gummies, which contain ingredients like Vitamin C, dandelion root, pomegranate peel, and bromelain, aim to block harmful spike proteins and repair damage caused during the pandemic. They are all-natural, low in sugar, and come in a strawberry flavor. Parents can also use Dr. Zelenko’s products for their own health. Visit and use the code S-P-N for a 15% discount.



Welcome back. So when it comes to losing weight and getting in shape, Americans are presented with a seemingly infinite number of supplements and fad diets and fad workout routines that they’re told work wonders for millions of people and it’ll work wonders for them too. So they dump their money and their time and their effort into these programs and then they pump their bodies full of shady supplements and then after they flush hundreds of dollars and hundreds of hours down the toilet, they don’t get the results that they were hoping for. And the truth is much of the health fitness industry, as one could call it, is controlled by the same corporations and the same shareholders behind Big Pharma and Big Ag.

And they want to keep you on a hamster wheel. You see, they want to keep you trying to get in shape with your goals just out of reach so that you’re stuck in this situation where you’ll buy whatever supplements or whatever workout programs that they tell you to buy in hopes of finally making progress. This obviously isn’t a healthy way to live and you don’t have to live this way. No, because our friends over at Energized Health, they have a solution to all of this. Through their patent pending process of intracellular hydration paired with their workout and their nutrition advice, you can reach your fitness goals.

You can lose fat. You can get into shape. If anybody is a testament to this, it’s me. Personally, I did this program. I’m still doing it. It’s a lifestyle actually because it’s sustainable and you can take control of your well-being. Energized Health takes a holistic approach to health and fitness. It encompasses the whole body, mind and the spirit. John is in the green room and he’s going to tell you about that spiritual approach as well because they approach things from the most basic level by hydrating and nurturing the cells, the building blocks of life to keep you a more healthy person inside and out.

And the best part is Energized Health doesn’t require crazy diet programs that have you spending hundreds of dollars and hundreds of hours in the kitchen or in the gym. Energized Health has been endorsed by leading doctors, their wide range of testimonials that you can learn more about at and it speaks for itself. Energized Health clients report they have been able to get into the best shape of their lives, stop taking prescription medications and even cure ailments by following this program. They have reversed death sentences. They’ve also been able to reduce their dependency on waste of money supplements produced by humans and these big huge national corporations.

So again, learn more about all of this. We’re joined by John Jubilee. We really appreciate you coming back and is where people should go to look. But the 555 Challenge, you were talking about something that was absolutely amazing before we came on the air. And I want you to share that story with everybody right at the top of the broadcast because I think this is the most important thing that you’ve said. Yeah, well, first of all, Stu, I’m so honored to be here and hey, I love your new studio.

You are a man who embodies excellence in everything in your life. And that studio is just such a great representation of who you are and everything you represent. And I’m so honored to be partnering with you and just how our friendship has developed. It’s kind of fun, right? It started with a little bit of, we don’t know who’s who’s too good to be true here or if something’s real. And you know, you had that beautiful, beloved skepticism, which I so admire that because you’re so intelligent, you are skeptical. But then after you had your experience and we started partnering together and being able to help thousands and thousands of people together.

But what just happened, Stu, the 555 Challenge, which is that’s one of our things that we do where we offer people five days with Chelsea and I. And so we spend five days sharing about energized health and what the protocol looks like. But one of the things that we do, Stu, because we really do believe in the spirit, the mind and the body, it’s all three. It’s all three. It’s not just the one. And so on day five of the 555 Challenge, we told people we would be remiss if we gave them all of this scientific data, all of this scientific information of how to get off their meds, how to feel great, how to be healthy, how to have the life they really want and miss the most important thing, which is the spirit.

And so we actually gave people an opportunity to come to find our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And we had about 150 people on our 555 Challenge. I mean, Stu, that’s like a mega church would take a month for 150 people to receive Jesus as their Savior. And we had 150 people accept Jesus as their Savior on our 555 Challenge. Oh, glory to God. Wow. I mean, that is just absolutely unbelievable. That’s why I thought that it was the most important thing that you could say, because if you’re not taking care of your spirit, if you’re not taking care of your soul, the rest of it doesn’t even really matter.

So not only are you giving people a physical in the natural new shot at life and an extension of their life and the reversing of the aging process, but you’re actually introducing them to Jesus Christ so that their soul can live eternally. That’s absolutely amazing to me. Well, it’s the joy of our life. Think about what Jesus even did, though, Stu, is even when he was on the earth, he came and he ministered to people’s physical needs first. You know, he fed the 5000. He healed the lame. He opened the blinded eyes.

He took care of what they needed physically, and then he invited them into the kingdom. And so that’s one of the things we do is we just follow the model of Jesus, which is, hey, let’s help people with their physical, with their mind, and then we can help address the spirit because sometimes, Stu, you just can’t even hear the spiritual things until you get your mind and your body right. And so we just follow that pattern that Jesus set for us. So how did the 555 Challenge go? It was extraordinary. It was a record setter, actually.

Most amount of people that we’ve ever been able to help, you know, we had thousands of registrants for the challenge. And of course, you know, much of that, Stu, I just want to thank you, you know, for reaching out to your audience and for you just sharing your real testimony of how this changed your life. And because you are a trusted source, and people know you’re a crusader of truth. They know that if Stu Peter says it, it’s got to be real. And so that carries a lot of weight. I was very skeptical, as you said, I was very skeptical of getting this because there are so many fad diets, and there are so many fad workout plans, and all of the supplements, you know, because you spent a long time trying to get right yourself before you finally scientifically found this process.

And, you know, I watched it happen. I watched it. And it’s an 88 day initial program. But I want everybody to understand that this becomes a lifestyle, you know, this isn’t something that you do for 88 days. And then you’re like, well, I’m going to go back to the way that I was before, because who in the world would ever want to do that when you find the recipe for success, and it feels good, and it’s easy, and it’s sustainable. Well, then why wouldn’t you do that? And so when I found the success, not only did I find it, but everybody noticed it.

And it was it’s just it’s an awesome way to feel it’s an awesome way to live every day. Yeah, listen, I just want everyone to know, hey, I struggled personally for 10. Yeah, 10 years, a decade. I tried all the same crazy stuff that that all of you tried, you know, I, I tried the no sugar, low sugar run for five miles, do this diet, do that diet, do the keto diet, you know, I did all that stuff. And and part of part of that was such torture and put me at such a low place.

I almost didn’t know if I ever want to try anything again, by the way, seriously, I mean, I’m just being real, I’m laughing, but it was a sad dark moment for me where I was like, you know, I don’t even want to know if I want to fail again, because I just felt like a failure. When I would do a diet, gain it back, do a diet, gain it back, do a diet, gain it back, but but I’m here to encourage people, hey, after 10 years of failing, you know, I really did find the answer, guys, I really did.

And this intrasalar hydration was the key. When you do this, this is sustainable for your whole life, you can eat real food for the rest of your life, there’s no crazy diet, there’s no crazy exercise. You know, you look at the hydration, and you guys know, Stu loves his wings, man. He’s not gonna give up those wings. Anybody who knows me at all knows that the chicken wings are my vice, man, I just can’t get away from them. And there’s a particular restaurant that I go to, and they do them just right.

As a matter of fact, like, when I’m approaching that, they see me pull up, they drop the wings, you know, and they know exactly what’s going on, John. And yeah, I’ve not had to give them up. And if somebody told me that I had to give them up, I don’t know, I would struggle. I would struggle making that decision. Yeah, well, that’s the beauty of, you know, I tell people, God gave us taste buds, because food tastes good. You know, if we weren’t supposed to enjoy food, God would never put taste buds in there, that just would have been mean.

And, you know, the first thing we’re going to do in heaven is eat, you know, we’re going to have the marriage supper, their lamb, so they’re eating is a celebration. But there’s a way to do it for your whole life, to get to enjoy your life, to get to enjoy food. But feel your destiny, be who you’re really designed to be, get healthy in your mind, your body and your spirit, you can really do it. So what are people going to get, you know, for the people who have not heard one of our segments before, when they go to energized

What’s the process? What are they going to see? What are they going to get? And what are the benefits going to be? Yeah, so, so we really encourage you when you go to the website, we want you to click on the red button. And the red button, it’s a short masterclass with my, my amazing wife, Chelsea and I. And listen, we’re just sitting in the living room, you know, we’re just going to have a living room chat with you. So just pretend like we’re sitting in your living room. So just watch the short masterclass, you know, it’s maybe about 15 minutes, give or take.

And then after your masterclass, just schedule a breakthrough call. And those are free, there’s no obligation, you know, we don’t have any salespeople at energized health. So we don’t sell anything. We share experiences and we invite people into an experience. So you’re not going to be sold anything, but you’re going to get to talk to somebody and, and all across America, you know, we’re a nationwide company. And by the way, just a win for energized health. I just want to celebrate with you, Stu. You’re part of this is, you know, we just were listed in ink magazine, 33.5 million companies, 33.5 million.

We are number 364. Wow. Fastest growing company in America. Wow. Out of how many companies? Out of 33.5 million. 33.5 and you’re number 364. We’re number 364. Congratulations. That’s a man and very well deserved and for a very good reason, because not only are you helping people to lose fat, you’re helping people to stay alive. You’re helping people who had given up all hope on everything physically and in the natural to transform themselves. And now a hundred and some people giving their life to Jesus Christ. That’s absolutely amazing. So very well deserved number 364 out of 33.5 million.

Amazing. Congratulations. Well, thank you so much. Hey, and I give most of that credit to our beautiful wife, Chelsea, you know, Chelsea’s our CEO and she’s a brilliant, she’s a brilliant business woman and we have an amazing team across America. And Stu, do you know that when these people speak to someone on our team, they were a client first, you know, they were a client first. So they’re talking to someone that had their own miracle story. So they’re talking to a real client who actually got so excited about how their life was so transformed.

They changed professions. They got certified in energized health and then they became one of our team members. That’s how our team is. It’s all clients of energized health. So I’m on the website right now. As a matter of fact, let me just show this to everybody here. I’m on the website here. Where’s the button that you want people to click? See, I’m already logged in. So maybe that’s why I don’t see the button there. Oh, you’re logged in. Yeah, of course I am front page. Yeah, you’re actually in the client zone. Yes, of course I am energized and there will be a big red button.

Is that right? Yeah, there’s just a big red button. Yeah, they just click on the red button and it’s the master class with John and Chelsea. Yeah, just click on the red button. You can’t miss it on the front page. Click on that, watch it and then just schedule a breakthrough call. Just talk to somebody. You’ll see there’s no obligation. There’s no sales or just sharing. Someone will share their experience and they’ll share the experience of thousands of others of how their life was transformed. Absolutely amazing. energized Take the challenge for yourself.

Energized health, it’s not even a challenge, actually, really. It’s just a beautiful life transformation. You’re going to love it. You’re going to love what you see when you look in the mirror. If you have ailments, if you have a diagnosis and you’ve tried everything, if you want to get off of the SSRIs, if you have ADHD, if you have allergies, if you have a stage four cancer diagnosis, it’s my recommendation that you go to energized Take care of yourself at the cellular level. And when you do that, make sure that you mention Stu Peters.

If you talk to somebody, they’re going to give you 40% off. That’s John Jubilee. We love having him energized or the Stu Peter show continues next. If someone told you that you could change your life, change your entire life in 88 days, would you do it? Would you believe it? We’re a job at Chelsea Jubilee. What would you say if we told you you could reverse most any ailment or symptoms without painful exercises in just 88 days? We have created the only patent pending intercellular hydration protocol. Don’t miss your opportunity to feel better.

We know there’s a lot of false hope out there and many people have ball programs that work for a moment, but life’s a lot longer than a moment. You need something that’s sustainable that will take care of you for a lifetime. We have been helping people gain intercellular hydration for nearly three decades. You will lose fat, not weight, fat, fast, including that killer visceral fat. Chronic dehydration is one of the root causes of many ailments and symptoms. We encourage you go log on our website and look at these amazing testimonials.

Over and over again, we’ve heard our clients say it sounded too good to be true, but it worked for me. I needed to reduce my arthritic pain and I also had very, very high blood pressure that needed to normalize and I’m pleased to say that I have absolutely no arthritic pain anymore and my blood pressure is normal. It was really cool to be able to get my life back and even think I’d cry talking about that. I endorsed the program wholeheartedly. It has led to improvements that I can’t fully explain based on my medical knowledge as it was talked to me.

Ask your doctor about energized health. Don’t miss your opportunity to transform your health now. So log on to That’s Possible side effects may include increased joy, energy, potential reduction in prescriptions, more fulfilling relationships, fewer doctor visits, and overall improved quality of health and life. I’m going to ask you for your undivided attention because I’m going to tell you about what could possibly be the most important life-saving supplement that I have ever talked about. It’s called Cardio Miracle. Each serving of cardio miracle has a combination of over 50 high quality ingredients, including a huge variety of fruits, vegetables, amino acids, and herbs, all of which come together to promote your body’s ability to produce nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide is so important for heart health. It helps to relax and dilate your blood vessels, which supports blood flow and circulation. And I love that you don’t have to take this giant pill to get all of this nutrition. No, cardio miracle comes in a powder formula. So it’s really easy to mix all day throughout the day into juice or water and take it at any time. That also helps to support mood regulation because it’s a neurotransmitter. It’s a neuromodulator in the brain. So it can support the release of serotonin and dopamine, both of which are really important and involved in mood regulation.

Cardio miracle also supports mental clarity, sleep quality, energy levels. It can even help with recovery after exercise. Nitric oxide is essential for so many functions in the body. And cardio miracle supports the production of nitric oxide. So you get many benefits from just one supplement. Please go to Again, I’m telling you, this could quite possibly be the most important supplement that I will ever talk about. Cardio miracle. Go to A message for parents that love their kids and of course want to keep them safe and healthy. It’s a health product that you can’t ignore.

Kids Z-spike gummies from the Zelenko Lab Z-stack supplement line. Now these aren’t just ordinary supplements. These are your child’s shield against upcoming health threats and a recovery mechanism to help dissolve and block spike proteins. Of course, inspired by the legendary Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. Dr. Z didn’t just practice medicine. As you well know, he changed the entire game over the pandemic. He provided counsel on the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, the bioweapon, and the removal of the dangerous and deadly spike proteins from the body. His pioneering work lives on in these gummies, crafted to repair and empower your kids’ immune systems.

Powerful stuff inside of these things, all based on solid research that you can trust by Zelenko Labs. Vitamin C and dandelion root. These help to cleanse and fortify. Of course, there’s a whole lot of other things inside of these Z-spike gummies as well. Pomegranate peel and bromelain arm and defend against these invaders, like the spike proteins that are wishing to enter your kids’ body and destroy their health. Targeting those tricky spike proteins is difficult, but not if you have the Z-spike gummies. All natural, zero artificial junk, low in sugar, and a strawberry flavor that your kids will actually want.

This is about more than just avoiding colds. This is about giving your kids a proactive protection and repairing them from damage caused during the pandemic. As we know that there’s shedding involved, and parents, they didn’t leave you out. You can achieve the same goals for your health and body, pairing Dr. Zelenko’s hero products, Z-spike and Z-D-Tox for daily support. Rise up and protect your kids with Dr. Zelenko’s kid Z-spike gummies, perfect for kids ages 4 and up. Head over to slash S-P-N, and then use the code for 15% off. The code is S-P-N.

Secure your bottles right now. They have subscriptions too. Remember, this isn’t just a supplement, it’s a shield. It’s Dr. Zelenko’s legacy. Shield up with kids Z-spike gummies, the smart way to protect and heal our kids. slash S-P-N. Again, slash S-P-N. [tr:trw].

See more of Stew Peters Network on their Public Channel and the MPN Stew Peters Network channel.


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boost children's immune systems Dr. Vladimir Zelenko's Z-spike gummies Energized Health program holistic approach to well-being hydration at cellular level improve health and lifestyle intercellular hydration lose fat and reduce symptoms nutrition advice and workouts sustainable lifestyle change unique approach to fitness and health Zelenko Lab Z-stack supplement line

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