Republican Debate – Nikki Haley a BROKEN RECORD! Vivek BANNED! Chris Christie Caught on Hot Mic!

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➡ The recent Republican presidential debate featured only two candidates, Ron DeSantis and Neocon Nicki, due to CNN’s disqualification of certain candidates. It was considered largely uneventful, with a key focus on their allegations against each other and discussions around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, affirmative action, and immigration. On the same night, Donald Trump held a town hall in Iowa discussing issues such as illegal immigration and the potential for mass deportations.


Last night, there was another republican presidential debate, which was very strange because it only involved two candidates, Ron DeSantis and Neocon Nicki, because CNN claimed that Vivek didn’t qualify according to their standards because they couldn’t allow him to speak to the american people on a major news network. He makes too much sense and has too much guts, Chris, Krispy Kreme wasn’t there either because he finally saw the writing on the wall, or more likely, his donors dried up.

And so he dropped out of the race last night. But he did leave us with this departing gift, unbeknownst to him, being caught on a hot mic admitting that Nikki Haley has no shot against Donald Trump, or even little Ron. And she’s going to get smoked. And you and I both know it. She’s not up to this. She hasn’t even. She’s still 20 points. Oh, and this goes without saying, donald Trump qualified for the debate, but he has better things to do than waste his time talking to a couple of people who have zero chance actually winning the republican primary and I believe are polling about 50 points below him now.

50 points. So it’s not like either of these clowns are 1510 points behind Donald Trump. They are 50 points behind. It was mostly an uneventful debate because at this point, neither of these two are even campaigning for vp because it’s highly unlikely that Donald Trump picks either of them. But they both did get a couple of good jabs in at each other. Here’s one from Ron and I think the difference between Nikki Haley and know I listened to all that litany of know I debated the governor of Newsom.

You know, I thought he lied a lot, man. Nikki Haley gives him a run for his money, and she may even be more liberal than Gavin Newsom is. We are in a situation here as Republicans. Now, she got in a couple of good ones, too, but it’s not really that hard when you just speak the obvious about Ron DeSantis’s campaign. But in the one basic thing, you’ve campaigned for president in one state, you’re invisible.

In New Hampshire, you’re invisible. In South Carolina, you’re in fifth place, you’ve got $150,000,000 and you’ve gone down in the polls in Iowa. Why should we think you can manage or do anything in this country? Thank you, Governor DeSantis. But mostly, she was a broken record plugging her anti DeSantis campaign website. Not twice, not three times or four or five or six or seven or eight or nine or ten or eleven or twelve or 13 or 14 or 15.

But 16 times during the debate, this was literally her response to almost every statement that Ron DeSantis made. Go to desantislies. com. Desantislies. com. Then desantislies. com. Go to desantislies. com. And you can go to desantislies. com. Go to desantislies. com. You can go to desantislies. com. Desanislies. com. Hold on 1 second. Desantislies. Desantislies. com. Desantislies. com. And of course, she repeated her same talking points that she has repeated every single debate about her favorite country.

It has never been that Israel needs America. It has always been that America needs Israel. Oh, I’m sure they do. That’s why we give them $5 billion in aid of american tax dollars. And they are the largest total recipient of the United States aid throughout all of history. And here she is talking about what she did when she was the US ambassador to the United nations, you know, the person who represents the United States to the UN.

When I was at the United Nations, I fought every day for Israel. And if you would have listened to what I said at the United. Well, that’s interesting because you were supposed to be the ambassador to the United States fighting every day on behalf of America. And Ron DeSantis had a very interesting answer about the latest conflict in the region in the 75 year old ongoing land dispute between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

Do you support the mass removal of Palestinians from Gaza? So as president, I am not going to tell them to do that. I think there’s a lot of issues with that. Of course there are, because then you’re going to flood Europe and the United States with, well, a bunch of refugees who don’t exactly like our way of life here. But if they make the calculation that to avert a second holocaust, they need to do that, I think some of these palestinian Arabs, Saudi Arabia should take.

So Ron DeSantis is not opposed to Israel ethnically cleansing, removing all of the Palestinians from Gaza. And while Republicans are supposedly against affirmative action and Dei diversity equity and know favoring certain races or ethnic groups over others, Ron DeSantis announced two days ago that he supports affirmative action in order to help Jews. Posted on Twitter two days ago that he is directing Florida’s colleges and universities to make it easier for jewish students to transfer to a Florida higher education institution.

While leaders of elite universities enable anti semitism. We will protect jewish students and welcome them to Florida so Ron DeSantis supports diversity, equity and inclusion and affirmative action, just not the liberal brand of it. Meanwhile, over on Fox News, at the same time that CNN was hosting Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley while they pretended that they have a chance at actually becoming the republican nominee, Donald Trump was engaged in a town hall in Iowa.

We have millions and millions of people here. It is not sustainable. Talking about the illegal aliens, do you see in New York City where they’re getting the regular students out and they’re putting migrants in their place in the school? They kicked out 2000 students in Brooklyn in order to house the illegal aliens. We are going to have the largest deportation effort in the history of our country. We’re bringing everybody back to where they came from.

We have no choice. We have no choice. But the Democrat mayor of New York, Eric Adams, has another supposed solution to the problem. It is my vision to take the next step to this, go to the faith based locales. He wants churches to take in all of the illegals since there’s no more room in any of the hotels that the government commandeers and pays the rooms for to house these people.

So then the next step is get a load of this and then move to private residents. There are residents who are suffering right now because of economic challenges. They have spare rooms. They have locales. And if we can find a way to get over the 30 day rule and other rules that government has in this place, we can take that $4. 2 billion, 4. 3 even maybe now that we potentially, we have to spend and we could put it back in the pockets of everyday New Yorkers, everyday houses of worship, instead of putting in the pockets of corporations.

He is literally calling for New Yorkers to rent out rooms to the migrants. And then he wants our tax dollars to pay those homeowners for the rent for the illegal aliens staying in their homes. And here’s Donald Trump responding last night in his Iowa town hall to a question about the chaos during his administration. I think he had very little chaos. I think most of the chaos was caused by the Democrats constantly going after me.

And remember this, remember that with phony Russia, Russia, Russia. I mean, if you look at Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, everything was phony. The Pfizer warrants, the lying to Congress. They had chaos. They were the ones that caused the chaos. We didn’t have chaos. We got the biggest tax cuts in history, the biggest regulation cuts in history. I had no wars. I’m the only president in 72 years I didn’t have any wars.

And now this man is in charge of the country. Mr. President, Mr. President, what do you make of the Afghan clinging to the aircraft? And if you haven’t read my new book yet, the war on conservatives, you don’t know what you’re missing. So order it in paperback from Amazon. com or click the link in the description below. If you like watching my videos, I assume you do. If you made it this far, then you’ll really love reading the books.

They’re a lot more serious, a lot more in depth. Like I say, if you haven’t read them yet, you’re going to be very impressed. Those who’ve read them know it’s a totally different side to me, behind the jokes and the sarcasm, I am a very serious person, actually. So order the war on conservatives in paperback from Amazon. com, or click the link in the description below and check it out.



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affirmative action in Republican debate allegations in Republican presidential debate CNN's disqualification of presidential candidates Donald Trump's town hall in Iowa illegal immigration discussion in Iowa immigration issues in Republican debate Israeli-Palestinian conflict discussion key focus of recent Republican debate potential for mass deportations Republican presidential debate review Ron DeSantis vs Neocon Nicki

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