Remote Viewer Apocalyptic Visions.. Asteroid? Nuclear Fallout? Chaos? You Decide..

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots, Silver & Gold


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➡ In conversations between Nino and Richard Algier on Nino’s Corner TV, topics range from using gold as a good investment, engaging in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and XRP, the transition to a new, digital financial system, to Algier’s experiences as a TV newscaster and his interest in the subject of remote viewing. Algier explained remote viewing as an inherent ability in human beings – a trainable protocol to establish a communication pathway with the subconscious. They’ve also discussed the story about Richard not being able to expose certain facts being a journalist and his transition to becoming a remote viewer.
➡ The text discusses the concept of a superconscious, likened to an ‘Ethernet’ that humans can tap into, enhancing their intuition and somtimes giving them glimpses of future events. This principle is used in remote viewing, a method developed by US Army Special Forces, which potentially allows individuals to see a target event, object or location by interpreting sensory inputs; for instance, numbers associated with it. Individuals must train to quickly access subconscious information before it is overshadowed by imagination. This discussion also touches on the natural psychic abilities that certain individuals possess, for example, those who seem to have constant communication with the ‘greater consciousness field’. Finally, it mentions a secret remote viewing unit in FBI that predicted an apocalyptic event, most likely a solar flare that devastates most of the Earth.
➡ Ed Dames had predicted a pathogen in 1996 causing global devastation, but the prophecy hasn’t come true. The text reflects on the track record of predictions made by remote viewers and their training process, extensively discussing the nature of such predictions and the level of accuracy they often achieve. Viewer accuracy varies greatly, with instances of exact predictions and large misses. A new initiative,, aims to increase accuracy by publishing anticipated events each month.
➡ The speaker predicts significant political upheavals, destruction, and possibly a catastrophic event based on his experiences with remote viewing. The uncertainty is high, with descriptions ranging from massive migration and city evacuations to potential asteroid/comet impacts. These views are parallel with feelings of instability in political, judicial, and financial systems, and inklings of an impending shift in civilization.
➡ The speakers discuss their interpretation of current events using imagery and prediction models like remote viewing, with one of them predicting a significant event likely to make headlines soon. They discuss the general feeling of impending change among people, and express strong belief in the return of Trump to power, citing their confidence in his ability to effect positive change.
➡ The speaker expresses concern about political shifts swinging too far to the right, predicts a financial collapse followed by a transition from digital currencies to a gold standard, shares belief in higher families governing nations, discusses boxing experiences and fears of pendulum swinging too far politically, and concerns about illegal immigration in El Paso, Texas.
➡ The speaker recommends trying out a trial visionary membership at where there are enlightening conversations from notable but private individuals. The membership also includes unique sessions such as ‘Founders conversations’.


All right, folks. Welcome to Nino’s Corner TV. I think this is going to make fluff tube. And I’m joined with Richard Algier. But he wants to just be called dick, right? I’m a dick. All right, folks, get your noble gold. Get your noble gold. Feeling unsure about your finances these days? You’re not alone. That’s why Noble Gold Investments is here. Help. Just hear it straight from the folks they’ve helped, which is myself.

The Noble Gold crew walked me through everything, no stress. With their help, I can finally sleep easy at night. I take about this much a night. Quill. I used to take that much. And now this month, Noble Gold Investments is handing out a free five ounce silver. America the beautiful coin. If you qualify for an IRA, invest in gold and silver with Noble Gold Investments, folks. Noblegoldinvestments. com hit the link below.

Get yourself some Noble Gold and prepare for what’s coming. That’s all I can say. Richard, man, thank you so much for coming on. Can I give you a good gold story to start out? Yeah, your advertiser will love it. Y two K. 1999. I’m preparing for y two K and my wife and I said, I don’t know if this is going to be true or not, but let’s buy some gold.

Gold was like 350 an ounce and my wife bought 50oz of gold for like wow, between 355 hundred. So we stashed that away. Y two k the millennium. So you’re rolling in it now. So I sold that. I made up on that to pay off my condo in Hawaii. So I’m living in a condo. Gold is a great investment. The dollar is gold stays the same. I used to fly to Thailand and an ounce of gold will fly you to Thailand.

It used to be $600 a round trip. Now it’s like 1900. That’s all I’m doing is getting silver and gold right now. I’m just playing. You do any cryptos, man? I do XRP. I have a little bit of bitcoin, but I feel like it’s a gamble, man. I just don’t know. I’m not very versed at it. Well, we are in the transition to a new financial system and it is going to be digital.

That’s kind of what my thing is. What crypto do you go with? You diversify, XRP, I bought a bunch of, uh okay. I’ve got bitcoin litecoin, ethereum chainlink, polygon, hadera hashgraph is going to hbar is going to be a good one. I’ve got a bunch. I took my money out of my 401. Wow, this financial system is going down. A lot of people are doing that. Yeah, a lot of people, I bet.

I pretty much agree with your politics. 99% like you and I would have a barbecue and a beer and I bet would agree on all I’m doing really is this is fifth generational war on America. This is it. And it’s going into 6th generational. So the way I see this going down is like, I might as well just commentate it it’s happening know? Well, I may tell you some things that might disturb you a little bit, but I’m pretty disturbed.

Yeah, yeah. Let’s go for let me let me ask you something. Hold on. Let me just say this is Richard Algae, who is a remote viewer. A remote viewer. So are you going to teach my audience how to remote view, or are you just going to talk about what you saw? You’re going to basically just talk about what you have seen correct. What’s coming. I’ll give them a little tip on how to remote view.

I was a TV newscaster for mainstream TV newscaster reporter for over 30 years in Salt Lake City, Utah, and then Hawaii. The ABC affiliate. The CBS affiliate. I’ve been on CNN I’ve been on ABC I’ve been on CBS I’ve done live hits for them. I was a mainstream reporter, and I’m embarrassed to say that now. When I was a reporter, I got out of it in 2012. Back when I was doing it, you at least had some semblance of objectivity you would never get on.

There wasn’t Twitter then, but you would never express your own views or advocate being advocate for the Democrat Party. It was neutral. You were always neutral. What it’s become now is just disgusting. Yes. Spitting off agendas, nauseating. I was a reporter for many years, and I interviewed I mean, I covered Presidents Reagan, George Bush Senior, going live. The time I knew I had to leave TV news was I knew.

And they loved him in Hawaii, they just worshiped him. And I knew you know the truth, like with him and Big Mike or like his birth certificate. Birth certificate, okay. I went to my news director. I worked for Hearst Television, and we had a very secure computer network. And the day that the White House released, I went to my news director and I said, okay, let me show you something.

This is a secure computer. We got it. People that can’t be hacked, they change our password every 90 days. Go to whitehouse gov. She does. Okay. That’s the White House official website. Yes. Okay, get the birth certificate, right. Click on that and download it. She did. I go. Okay. Open that up in Adobe, not Photoshop. It was whatever the document thing is. And I showed her the layers, and she went kind of a nervous laugh.

Like, we didn’t do a story on that. It was just like didn’t want to see it. Why didn’t you do a story on it? Yeah been it for you. So anyway, if you tried to uncover something like that back then, that would have been sayonara, yeah. So I’m live at Hickam Air Force Base. When when the Air Force One comes in, they go, OK, we’re going live. And the plane’s taxiing up, and then he comes down the stairway and he greets the governor and the senators and some dignitaries and gets in the limousine.

So you need about, like, three minutes of stuff to talk about. So I’ve got it all in my head, like, okay, he’s coming here for the APEC. Now. They’re going to be staying at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. He’s going to be meeting with the governor. He’ll be doing this and this and the whole history. So I’ve got, like, two minutes of fill time. So I’m there, and I’m going live, and he peels off, and he starts shaking hands of veterans, and the producer in my ear says, oh, this is great.

Stay on this. So I’m on a platform about a couple hundred feet away from Air Force One, and he’s over, and I can see him shaking hands, but I ran out of things to say. I mean, okay, he’s shaking hands with military people. They brought in some military people, and they go, keep talking. This is great. This is great. So I was, like, just trying to maintain the proper narrative, and I left after that.

I can’t do this bullshit. Along the last few years of my job as a mainstream reporter, I was studying with a guy named Glenn Wheaton, who was US. Army special Forces intel remote viewer. And some people talked him into this is the same time frame as that is when you left the news. Well, I started with Glenn in 1997. Okay. So for years, I used to go to news conferences at the police department, and I’d see a missing persons detective for whom we were doing secret remote viewing sessions, and he’d kind of go, like, keep it on the down low.

Don’t say you know me. And we were doing missing person cases for him. So I was living this dual life mainstream newscaster and remote viewer by my spare time, and the remote viewing captured my it’s the most interesting thing I can imagine. You’re a little bit familiar with it. You know Ed Dames? Yeah, I’m familiar with Ed Dames. Why don’t you tell my audience exactly what is remote viewing before we get into this? Remote viewing is there are several different methodologies.

It’s a technique that was developed by the US. Military in the 1970s. And the short story is a guy named Skip Atwater was doing counterintelligence, and they got wind of the Russians using psychics to spy on our ship. And he said, I think the Russians are using psychics. And his boss, his commanding officer, said, well, how do we prevent that, and how do we do it? Learn about that.

So the military, behind the scenes it was top secret, was trying to find ways to use psychic spies. And what they discovered was that it is an inherent ability in human beings that you can train a protocol to do this, do this, do this, and you can establish a communication pathway with your subconscious. And the way I explain it is you and I have a field of consciousness, and we’re in a greater field of consciousness.

I think consciousness is a dimension, and I think as we have our human experience, our brain is sort of a filter. We have to go about this three dimensional world. So we have stereoscopic eyes and ears that are parabolic antennas. All of our senses feed information into our brain. If we were listening to that greater consciousness field, it would be too difficult to so you’re saying there’s like a superconscious, like an Ethernet of a superconscious that we tap into with, like, an antenna, and we’re like the interface to this superconsciousness? Yeah.

When you were fighting, did you ever have a moment where you got so in the zone you could tell when somebody’s going to throw a punch? I could read the guy. I knew it wasn’t happened before the fight. Every single time. Okay. Some record of, like, 30 and 36 and yeah, my peak 36 and okay, and do you think it was in part I mean, you’re obviously in great shape and you train hard.

You had a little edge because you had a psychic I do believe when they say visualize, there is some kind of psychic synergy. There’s some kind of chi that I was able to tap into. I absolutely believe that. And then you’ve had moments where you just knew something, like not in terms of fighting or in the ring, but you knew something when you shouldn’t know it. Like, you haven’t seen an old friend in eight years, and you think about them and they call you in five minutes later just thinking about you.

Or you think about, like, well, what would happen if this happened? And then it does. So all humans have a subconscious awareness. Everyone listening to us now has for your whole life, your subconscious has been trying to tap you on the shoulder and say, hey, listen to me. And what the military did was, to varying degrees, they found ways to establish, just for a moment, that communication with your subconscious.

And my teacher developed a method in US. Army Special Forces intel that is just brilliant. It works really good. So for the audience listening, I should have brought one. We’ll do another segment, and I’ll queue one up. If what we do is we take a picture of something, a person, place, event, object, location, put it in an envelope, and we give it like, numbers, like 1234 or ABCD, two, three, one, and that represents the target.

And then we say, okay, put that target ID in your mind’s eye just 1234, B, two, C, three. Then open your eyes and then look on your mind’s eye for 1 second and tell me what you saw. If people haven’t tried that, you’ll be amazed when you take a room full of people and give them a little bit of training on how to look, when to look and how to do it is they’ll draw the thing and they just amaze themselves like, Holy shit, I did that.

So it’s the first image you see when you are in an alert beta state. Like, you and I are in beta consciousness right now. We’re alert. We’re communicating. We’re fully conscious in that state. Your access to the signal line as a remote viewer lasts this long, a second and a half. It’s like if I told you, remember what a Kit Kat candy bar tastes like. You can remember that, but just for a second, remember what a Mound’s candy bar tastes like coconut and dark chocolate.

Okay, so in an alert state, you can train yourself to look that long. And any longer than that, your imagination intercepts it and you start playing with it. Right? Yeah. If I tell you, like, imagine Air Force One in Hawaii. You close your eyes, it takes you a couple of seconds to form that image. It takes your imagination that long to pull the image together. In remote viewing, the subconscious gives it to you right now, but it’s fleeting.

Okay? So what we do in our methodology is you work and you get these sensory inputs, like a sight, a sound, a smell, or a taste, a feel, a texture. And you build those up. But you’re in an alert state, and you only have that 1 second. You do things. You write things. You keep your conscious mind busy, and then you probe, and you get a little bit of data.

After you work the target for, like, 2030 minutes, you get kind of alpha daydreaming so you can linger on target, like, a little bit more. It’s like when you read a book and you’re not conscious of turning the pages. And then we go to Theta Awareness, where after I’ve worked the target for like, an hour, I can kick back, close my eyes, do a mental breathing exercise and a visualization where I’ll actually go into that little place where you’re almost asleep, like you’re listening to the TV.

And you fall asleep and you start dreaming what’s on the screen. And you have that little it’s just fascinating. And I’ve worked very hard at it, and I’ve had some success. This is something that takes a lot of work. You got to practice this. You got to hone in on these skills. Practice, practice, practice. Why aren’t we using psychics for this? Aren’t there psychics that do this, or are they proven to just fall flat? My feeling is that psychics have a natural tendency to have that communication pathway with the greater consciousness field.

They’re somehow wired so that they naturally get that. I know one of the greatest psychics in the world is a woman named LAN Vo. She’s a Vietnamese lady here in Hawaii. She’s really hard to get a reading. Like, she’s got, like, a three month waiting list. I went and saw her. Actually, my remote viewing teacher told me about her because when Special Forces Intel was developing remote viewing, they went and found all the best psychics and tried to milk them for how they did it.

So he went and did a reading with her years ago and said she was fabulous. I went to her. She had me in tears in the first 15 seconds. Wow. I walked in, she said, who died? Your friend died. And a friend of mine had just passed away. And I was like, oh, my God. And you could look me up. You can Google me, dick all guy never find that.

You could say, well, you do remote viewing or you were a newscaster, you like to surf, you play guitar, you could find some lonvo. Started telling me stuff like my wife’s mother’s name. She said, oh, your wife, she makes you ginger tea every morning? Yeah. She goes, your sister just had an accident and hurt her shoulder. Her daughter has some mental problem, like just personal stuff. And she’s like, talking to you just like, matter of fact, like, just, oh, your sister did this? Yeah, and she’s going to do this and just like writing it down.

So, yeah, natural psychics do have an edge. Does our military use natural psychics? I mean, do they employ them? Are they working for the military? I would imagine that would benefit our military. The military has trained remote viewers that they used, and I know they’re still using. There was a guy in Hawaii named Richard Ireland, and he was a natural psychic. And if you ever saw the Johnny Carson Show where Johnny Carson did carnac, where he put on the turban and he’d take thing and go like that, that’s based on Richard Ireland.

You can see video of Richard Ireland on The Steve Allen Show where people in the audience would write questions and put them in envelopes, and he would take them and he’d just go like this. And then he’d go, there’s someone named John who’s going to move to California, and he’s got a job, and he’d just do readings like that, and he was real. So the Special Forces guys, when they were investigating remote viewing and doing trying to develop the psychic awareness, they went and found this guy, Richard Ireland.

He had a show in Waikiki in the Things. He would challenge the audience. He’d say, if somebody has a $100 bill, hold the $100 bill up, and I will psychically see the serial number. So my teacher Glenn was in the audience. He took out $100. I got one. And Richard Ireland wrote like wrote the numerals and the letters. And Glenn looked at it and said, no, that’s not right.

And Richard Ireland went, oh, excuse me. I wrote it backwards. I saw it backwards. And he had written it backwards. They gave him the $100 bill. So the Special Forces guys hired him. They paid him $80,000 and took him into a lab here in Hawaii, bandaged his eyes, put plaster over his eyes and had him do readings. And then they worked with him. They paid him a lot of money and that was the genesis of the remote viewing method.

That so what I’ve heard from Ed Dames is ed Dames was in a unit at Fort Mead that was US. Army intel. They had a secret remote viewing unit called Stargate, and he was part of that. He kept saying that they would consistently see some kind of apocalyptic or like some kind of scorched earth ravaging the planet like some kind of solar they thought it was a solar flare that hits the planet.

They said that all the Earth will be scorched except a few areas on the planet. He was preaching that for so long. He said it was going to happen in 2011, maybe 2012. He kept pushing. Well, in 1996, Ed Dames was saying there was a pathogen that was going to hit Earth and kill all the green plants and we would have nothing to eat. So Ed Dames has been a fear monger psyop.

What is this guy? So what’s his story then? Because none of it’s come true from what I can see from what he’s no, and I know the genesis of some that he was teaching a class to a doctor here in Hawaii and his wife and it was training sessions where they came up with the pathogen that was attached to Hellbop Comet. And they didn’t believe it for a minute, but it sold well on the Art Bell Show and coast to coast with George Norrie.

Oh, he was terrifying to listen to. I remember listening to him and know a polar shift or a solar flare is going to hit the it was like it was doom and gloom. It was like the end of the world. It turns out that who was really doing the good remote viewing at that unit was Joe McMonigle. Joe McMonigal is good remote viewer. Speak ill of ed dames.

Okay, yeah, I’m not trying to either. I’m just saying I like ed. He’s a fun guy. I haven’t seen him in a I’d love to have him on the show, but I mean, I don’t even know how to reach out to him. But yeah, I can’t say any of his predictions have come true. Maybe they will later, I don’t know. But let’s talk about this remote viewing. Let’s talk about what you have seen.

You said you just told me that it’s really disturbing stuff. Are you in a class with a bunch of other people that see the same thing? Are you solely the only one that sees what’s how does this work? When I trained for many years at Hawaii Remote Viewers Guild, my teacher Glenn retired from the military in 92 and he had done this for years secretly, he couldn’t even tell his family about it.

So he gets out of the military and he’s cut off from his remote viewing buddies. He’d been doing this at very high level now he’s retired, he can’t talk about it and he can’t really communicate with the guys. So he was going and hanging around psychic fairs to see what the civilians knew about psychic functioning. And he was talking 95 Ted Coppell nightline. They broke the news, said the US military has been using psychic spies called Remote Viewers and it was declassified and that came out.

So my guy Glenn mentioned to somebody, well I did that and they talked him into teaching a class. So he said, OK, I’ll teach it, but I don’t want money involved. Like I can’t do it for money if you guys want to learn. And I think Glenn wanted someone to play with. He wanted to advance the skill. So he goes, okay, I’ll teach you civilians. So we rented a classroom, got some tables, bought some paper and pens and we’d go in every Friday night or every Monday night and we’d have classes and he’d give us theory and teach us the methodology and we’d work targets.

So for many years we worked targets as a group called the Hawaii Remote Viewers Guild. Can you explain real quick what is a target? He would take a picture of an event, a person, a location. It could be like the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge or it could be the Kennedy assassination, or it could be the attack on Pearl Harbor or it could be just something like a Mayflower dance 50 years ago in Britain.

Just any verifiable person place thing. So the target would be in an envelope. He would put that on a board at the room and leave the room. And we would work our protocols and there’d be like twelve or 16 of us. And you wouldn’t know what’s in the envelope? No, we have no idea what was so it’s a picture of something? Yeah. Okay, so you don’t know what’s in it.

It’s got to be done totally blind. You can’t have any idea what it’s going to be. It can be anything past, present, future. You’re totally blind. All you get is the target ID, 1234-5678 or a one B, two C which is associated with that target. So we would work twelve or 16 of us. We do 1215 pages of data doing all the protocols and then he’d come back in, turning the lights and he’d say, okay, tell me one thing about this target.

Well I see a building, I see a ship. And then he would open the envelope and show us the target. And we did that for years and then we got somewhat proficient at it. What was your success rate on the target? Was it 50 50? Sometimes. Were you guys completely off? Yeah, on a given target, if twelve of us worked it, one or two people would draw something that would blow your mind, like pretty much exact.

And we’ve got a lot of that published, and there would be six or eight viewers that would have pretty much not very good data, like you’d look at and go, yeah, that didn’t do it. But on the moments when it’s good, it can be very good. Are you just playing the odds? Maybe this is just the ODS. Of course somebody’s going to be close and maybe there’s going to be a few people that are off.

Maybe it’s just the odds that we’re playing here. Well, we saw enough proof to where we were convinced. And by proof, I would tell you, like an example that I had. I gave a target out, and I was the only person who knew what it was. And it was something called the SWAT Laser on Haleakala, and it was a picture of Haleakala Crater on Maui with this dome shape and then a laser beam coming out of it.

Okay, that’s a pretty distinct thing. And I gave that target out, and one of the viewers worked it, and he drew the mountain, he drew the dome, he drew the energy coming out. And then he had a lot of other stuff, like a stairway, a bunch of a grid of metallic things and things that I didn’t understand. And I looked at him. Well, that’s kind of off target wasn’t known to me when I tasked the target, but I said, you got basic parts of it.

And he went and looked. He came back a week later and he said, I did research on this laser. If you look at the inside, I drew it. Exactly. And he did. So we’ve had enough examples where it’s not just a coincidence. So what have you guys predicted with accuracy that has come to pass? I’m now working with a group called Future Forecastinggroup. com, and we have a private membership, and we do remote viewing.

And one of the ways we prove this is every month we do sessions where we publish. What we see will be happening the following month. Like in August, I drew a bunch of sketches. I said there’ll be news stories that will show this, this, and this. I could do a screen share and show you a couple, but does that make your editing no screen share? Go ahead. Give me a second.

I need to and these are published ballot that you’re about to show everybody that you’re about to show my audience. These are sketches. Yeah, these are things that I okay. This was published in August. Last August. 2 months ago. A month and a half ago. No, it was published yeah, end of August. And I said, in September, I see an aircraft like the new frontline US. Aircraft, the top of the line one with square intakes and a twin tail, and I see it up close and something to do with the pilot ejecting.

And let me show you my sketch. So we published that and then the F 35 went missing. Okay. So that’s documented. So you drew that right there to the left? Drew that, and we published it two weeks before it happened. Wow. Okay. Now let me show you another one. I should have had these. I said I I went into my state, and I said, like, God, I’m underwater.

You know, I see this ghostly, like, is that the Titanic? No, it’s not the Titanic. It’s like a shipwreck. And I said, there’s going to be new video of a shipwreck that’s historical, and there’s going to be new information. Are you talking about the submarine that just imploded? No. This was the Battle of Midway. They sent a deep sea expedition, and they got the Yorktown and also a Japanese one that same.

So those are pretty when was this? This was last month. Yeah, we published this, so we have a whole bunch of I said that there would be a here’s another one. I’ve got 100 of these. We do it every month. We’re pretty good. Let me see. And it happens. What’s the time frame of these things happen when you do a sketch? One month to 90 days. Sometimes there’s we try to do it 30 days in advance, and it messes with my mind because I don’t understand how that works, how time works.

Here’s one where I said I see people coming out of a doorway and down some steps down an incline, and they’re released, like it’s a hostage or prisoner release thing. And then a few weeks later, they released that was done in July, and in August, they released the Iranian prisoner. That could just be the southern border, where they’re just releasing everybody into our country. I don’t know. They’re reshaping the world.

The people that run the do you want to get deep into this shit? Yeah. They are reshaping the world. That’s being done on purpose. They’re not going to stop it. It’s been planned. I was told about it five years ago. Up to 100 million going to be brought in. They are replacing they’re breeding out the white man. They are. No, they are. I know. I understand this. So you’re saying you don’t see it being stopped? No, it’s not going to be stopped.

How’s it going to be stopped? How would they stop it? How are they going to round up those people and send it intervention? Trump gets back in office. Mass deportation is what I’m hearing. Mass deportation? I heard they’re going to be held in caps. It’s going to be really ugly, and it’s going to take, like, a decade, but it’s going to be ugly. That’s just what I’ve heard.

We are information. I know. We are due for some really interesting things. It’s going to be a real show, so let’s get into that. Let’s get into that. Let’s go on to what you see coming. Let’s talk about what you see. What events do you think. The reason that I’m on with you is because I did a segment with Cliff, and we just talked about Ed Dames talking about end of the world, know, fake catastrophes.

We do targets and let me plug our site futureforecastinggroup. com, and we have memberships, and we have really interesting people that we interview, and we do really interesting remote viewing, not just future stuff. I think he’s upgraded. He’s not a normal human being. He’s here not necessarily clone, but just somehow upgraded throughout history. Ah. Technology is released to humans to upgrade the human race. Would you believe that? Yeah, absolutely.

Okay, so he’s part of the releasing of technology. He’s designing future cities with his Tesla walls and his communication systems, his energy. He’s into it all, man. He’s helping forge the new civilization. We are going into a new civilization. I absolutely understand and agree with that, but there’s going to have to be events that take place. Yeah. Okay. So I got off track there. We’re given targets that are sometimes historical in nature.

Like, we did one on Gobekli Tepe, which is an ancient site in Turkey. We did one on Napoleon. We do death of the dollar. What will happen when cryptos come into the forefront? How is the dollar going to be? What geopolitical events are going to happen? So we’re all over the place. So about a month and a half ago, we were given a target. That all the viewers there’s.

Five of us worked it, and we’re all pretty good. We all have a good this was how long ago? A month ago? Well, actually, we worked it just prior to 911, so it would have been end of August. They gave it to us in the middle of August. And what they do is we got five viewers, one in Great Britain, one in Austin, Texas. I’m in Hawaii. We got one in Canada and one in Virginia.

And they give us a target ID and say, Work this. It’s due in two weeks. And we don’t know anything about where it is or when it is. We don’t talk to each other. We do our work independently. We upload it in separate files. So we’re doing this target, and they give us the target ID, and I turn it in and they say, well, we’re going to give you what’s called a sub queue.

We’re going to give you a new target ID. So they issue a new target ID and say, Work this one. So I do and I go, what’s up with this? And apparently we all missed the target that they had given us, and to this day, I don’t know what it is. I think it might be something like it could be along the lines of, when will BRICS come up with a new system to do wire transfers internationally outside the Swift system that will circumvent the dollar? Or it might be, when will the Bitcoin ETF be approved? Or something I think kind of financial or political, and none of us got it, but we got corroborating data on what looks like we called it the next 911 political upheaval.

People fleeing cities, roadblocks. I mean, right out of Ed dames. I was kind of criticizing Ed Dames. Maybe this goes with what Cliff said with the luminosity. So we got all this wild, crazy stuff happening, and we are in communication with Cliff High. And he saw our work, and he said, dude, his web bot programs you just did a segment with him where he says the release language is like, 13 times higher than he’s ever seen.

It like just off the chart stuff coming. So he independently got the same type of stuff that we did without collaborating with Cliff. We saw that all the viewers saw similar things is political upheaval. Ejecta, which was a term Cliff had in his stuff, several explosive events. Like, maybe let me just go right out on edge and don’t quote me on this. And I’m not saying sell your house, but, like, something along the lines, like a comet hits or an asteroid, but they make it look like an asteroid, and they did it like they destroy a city with an asteroid.

Okay, but that was kind of the data that was leaking through flag asteroid. Yeah, we could be wrong. We could be totally because remote viewers can make shit up. And I’ll tell you something else. You’re talking with me. You can judge me, and your audience can judge me. I might be crazy. I might be barking mad. Like, maybe remote viewing is not true and I’m completely delusional. Or maybe I’m a con man.

I’m lying to you, and this is all the con. I’m trying to get money. Or maybe I’m a victim of disinformation, like somebody’s using me or working me. Or maybe remote viewing really is true and we do it. And we did pick something up. I’m not really trying to sell you anything. Or, like, don’t buy my book. I’m not trying to say go dig a bunker and sell your house.

Although I did buy gold at Y two K, and I think gold is good to have gold and silver. So you’re telling me that you and others do see some kind of catastrophic event happening? Yeah, I think something’s got to happen. I mean, can’t you feel that something it’s in the air. It’s in the air. And ever since, really, 911, I’ve felt it. And then after 2020, I’m like, okay, it’s go time.

And now I feel before 2030, something mega has to happen. And then we’re coming into 2024 election. I feel like they got to do before then. We have lost all faith in the political system. We have lost all faith in the judicial. Look what they’re doing to Trump. I mean, we’re taping this on Monday the 2 October. They’re trying to steal his entire empire for not there was no crime.

There’s no victim. So we’ve lost faith in the political system, the judicial system, the financial system is teetering. It can’t go much longer. I mean, the dollar is essentially worthless. The only reason all systems are crashing. But that needs to happen for this new system. Yeah, it needs to happen for this new lighting across the border. Something’s got to give. Something’s got to give. So we’re in agreement, but what I’m saying here, but what I’m trying to get out of you is, what do you see from this remote viewing? What is it you see exactly? Okay, I hate to fudge on this.

Remote viewers are not omniscient. Like, we cannot say, oh, I see exactly this kiloton explosion. But what’s the consensus between all of you? What have you decided that you think at least maybe on the West Coast, something in the Pacific, something flashing through the air, political upheaval. I personally didn’t go much. I saw portions of a city blacked out. I saw people trying to leave a city, like, flee the city.

Everybody in their cars, roadblocks, you can’t go here. So, yes, some significant upheaval destruction. But let me caution you, there’s one that we did about, I think it was about a year ago in our monthly events is we turned our data in, and the way we present it is each viewer comes on, we’re on zoom. And they go, OK, what’s your most interesting thing? And Daz. Smith says, well, I hate to say this, but I drew this.

And he shows a mushroom cloud. And Edward Reardon, the other viewer, goes, dude, I saw the same thing. I see a mushroom cloud. And we’re going, I said, I saw one too. So they’re like three or four of us. We all drew mushroom clouds. So we’re very careful. Like we’re saying, okay, we saw imagery of a mushroom cloud. We’re not don’t know. All we see is imagery of a mushroom cloud.

Don’t try to make this into World War Three. So we put that out. We got some interest around the Internet, and we’re watching the month. We’re watching and the big news story and all the news feeds and all the newspapers and all the cable news. The volcano went off in the Canary Islands and it made a mushroom cloud, and there was this big mushroom cloud over the Canary Islands.

Exactly what we saw. So that was confirmed. We did see the mushroom cloud. So we might see an explosive event that isn’t the next 911, that isn’t an entire city being destroyed. According to Cliff, his tension and release, his Deltas show something of a luminosity, at least a 13. If 911 is a one, his luminosity shows a 13. Do you agree with that? Well, I’ll give you two answers.

Cliff High, I’ve been watching since early 2000. I remember when he predicted the 2008 financial collapse exactly a year and a half before it happened. So his data was really good. I tend to believe Cliff. I think his system is really good. And so I give a lot of credence to what Cliff says in our data. A luminosity event that big, the remote viewers may tend to exaggerate things, so I’m probably less confident of our own work, although I’m pretty confident that something big is going to make some news in the next week.

Wow. Yeah. I’ll come back in six months if it doesn’t happen and say, hey, we were wrong. Well, there’s no way you could put a time frame on it, though. I mean, really? Can you? I mean, that’s the hard thing about it. The mind is outside of space and time. Correct. So you can’t really my teacher taught me to do time within a year and without using numbers, because the subconscious can’t do numbers.

The subconscious numbers. If you use numbers, that put you in your totally left brain or analytical brain and you can’t get the subconscious numbers. So what you do is you go, okay, this event is going to happen. And you make what’s called an ideogram. Like you make a little scribble, like a little just take 1 second and describe that’s the event. And then you take a scribble for summer and you encode the feeling of summer into this random scribble.

Then you encode fall, like fall. The days get shorter and the days get cooler and it’s Thanksgiving and you inscribe the feeling of fall, then the feeling of winter. The days are short and it’s really cold and it’s like icy cold that’s winter and then spring. So you make what’s called an ideogram. It’s just a random little squiggle. So you touch the one that you made for the target and you touch each of those and you feel which one feels the same.

So you go, okay, this is going to happen in the winter, feels like winter. So right there you’ve narrowed it down to you could get like a season, but you can’t really get a year. Okay, well, yeah, a year. You need to take Celestial Fixes and use advanced trigonometry. I don’t know how to do that, but within a year I can go to a season. Then I can take that season of winter and draw a line feeling all of winter.

And then I feel on that line when it happens, go right here and then I can calibrate out like 90 days. Like, how many inches is that? And I can go within plus, so I told my people when I found out that I’m doing it all blind, and they said, well, we think it might be this luminosity event Cliff was talking about. I said, why didn’t you have me do a date? I could do a date.

And they said, no, we didn’t want you to. We don’t want a date. If we come out with a date, that will be too much noise. It’s too much attention. No, we just want to put this out in very general terms. You know how I was at my Budy’s ranch years ago, and he was showing me how the cattle, the birds start flying low when the storm is coming and the cattle bunch together.

That’s how I feel humanity right now. Humanity right now is feeling this storm coming. And I think we’re barely entering it, man. I think it’s been really bad the last five to ten years, but the last five years for sure. The last three years, absolutely. But I do feel like humanity right now. We all feel it. Something’s coming. It’s like we all have PTSD. It’s like humanity. We all have PTSD.

We know it’s. I know someone in July of 2019, july of 2019, things were pretty much normal. I was going on an Alaskan cruise and a couple of other trips with my family, and someone told me, dick, enjoy that cruise. Savor that time with your family, because next year you’re not going to be allowed to. And I said, well, why not? He says, I can’t tell you, but just enjoy your trip.

Six months later, he was right. So there are people that know what’s coming in general terms, but yeah, you can feel it. Everybody can feel it. I’m sure most of your subscribers, but you’re going to say you feel like what you’re picking up in this superconscious Ethernet is something within the next six months. I’m not going to say you’re not a psychic, but you’re saying you feel like it’s in the next six months.

Yeah. Do you have a season? The coolest thing I saw, I work with this guy named Edward Reardon. I should have brought him on. He’s a good remote viewer. And we were doing a geopolitical Target in 2019, and we’re giving the debrief, and we’re showing our data, and he drew this little organism with things coming off it like a flower. He said, this involves game of function. He said game of function.

And it was like death of the dollar or some crypto target or something. And he gave that data and he said, Guys, I was off on this one, sorry, but that’s what I got. And we just kind of discounted it. And this was in June or July of 2019, and we put that away. We went on and did other Target, and a year later it was late 2020 or early 2021.

Edward goes, Remember that Target we did on the dollar? Yeah. He goes, look at what I drew, and drew the exact thing that we were all seeing, and it didn’t mean anything to us. Wow. It went right by our that is the beginning of the death of the dollar, of the system. That thing kick started it, for sure. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. We’ve done a lot of interesting targets.

Remote viewing is real, and we’re pretty good at it, and we have some misses, but we have some pretty good hits, too. Well, I don’t want to argue whether Trump I mean, I hope Trump gets back. I believe it 100%. You believe he’s going to turn things around? I absolutely do. I think we have the best years of America coming. Probably the next seven years are going to be amazing years.

And then that’s going to lead us into a bigger conflict because the globalists are not going to get they’re going to lose their foothold here. Yeah, I absolutely see Trump getting back in there. Well, for the record, I would love it if you’re right. I would want to live in know how, like I was 36 and to if I lived in a community with you, I would vote for you to be the city council member or legislator, senator.

Thank you. I’d vote for you. Maybe I have to do that later. I don’t know. Only if it gets really bad, I’ll do it. But it is bad. What am I saying? But I’m going to tell you, why can’t people like you and I and like minded people just have a community and they leave us alone and let us do our thing and have I want full control of everything.

Yeah, but I’m telling you yeah. I do not only believe that. I’m betting on it. I’m betting on it. And I’m very confident. Well, Biden’s not going to run again. They got to get rid of him. They got to get enough. I’ve had enough interviews, thousands of interviews. I’ve kind of weeded out the people that I think are full of shit. I’ve listened to the people that make sense.

I put some pieces of the puzzle together for myself and I am very confident that Trump is going to be back. Not only is he going to be back, but he’s going to be back like gangbusters. And it’s going to be the only thing I’m worried about, the only thing I’m worried about is not the left. What I’m worried about is when the pendulum swings right, how fucking far right is this going to go? That’s what I’m worried about.

Just how far right is this going to go? Is this going to go so far right? So out of hand. That’s what I’m worried about. That’s an interesting take. I hadn’t considered that. Yeah. Because I don’t think the pendulum is going to go this way and then stop right there. It’s going to go boom way the fuck out there. Yeah. That’s what I’m worried about and that’s what I’m looking at.

I have no doubt it’s going to go this way. I just don’t want it to go way out that way. Yeah. We need some stable people to put the brakes on because a lot of people are going to want revenge, man. People are going to be mad. They’re going to be lynching. People gets back in, he’s going to kick ass. He’s mad. And I’m all for it, but let’s not forget our humanity.

Yeah, okay. Do you think Trump will be the most powerful man in the world when he gets back in? I think Trump has some powerful people behind him. I definitely know he has a firewall behind him of some generals. I’ve heard it’s about seven that are gaming this. So I think Trump, this guy is taking the arrows, taking the slings, taking the bullets for us. Do you think he looks phased at all? He does not look phased at all, no.

Are these retired generals or are they I mean, they Millie, just Millies. There’s black hat generals and there’s white hat generals, and I think we have the upper hand, I’ll be honest with you. I think we have control, and I think it’s getting really obvious now for them. And I think it’s about to get to a point where some serious shit on their end that’s going to start taking place.

But we’re still going to have to take a bite of this big shit sandwich, which is the financial collapse. They’re going to get 70, 80% of it done. What do you see becoming of the financial system? What financial system will emerge from the dust and the wreckage? I think we’re going to go to a gold standard. I think they’re going to try to put us into this digital currency.

It’s going to fail and we’re going to make a transition into the gold standard. That’s why it’s so important to have gold and silver, because you’re going to be able to make the proper transfer. But do you think people will use gold and silver on a daily basis, like buy could be. I don’t know how bad it’s going to get. Could be for a while. Yeah, I’ve heard from people that that’s the case now.

I don’t want to see Central Bank digital currencies. I’m dead set against those. But I see it becoming blockchain distributed ledger. Distributed ledger. I’ll give you the brief history of why that is. Humanity is we were put here, we were created, and it’s a business. The Earth is run like a corporation. There are people that own it and run it like a business. And they gave us the concept of nation states.

This is where we’ll disagree. You probably won’t like this. They gave us nation states. They rolled out a template. Is you gather people together, you give them an anthem, you give them a flag, you give them a currency, you give them culture and values and language, and you have a nation state, and you give them the let them think the illusion of self governance when it’s governed from higher families that run the world.

And it’s a business. And that’s why you have counties that count the money that’s generated by your population with the coming technology, that counting, that all those ledgers are going to be on blockchain distributed ledger technology. And that negates the need for a nation state. There’s going to be more like people grouped as cellular automatons. I don’t really want to live that way. And I’m old, so I probably won’t have to too long.

But we are in this world, not of it. So they can have whatever they want for this three dimensional existence. I am not part of that as long. We’re all soul beings, so whatever they want to do in this physical realm, that’s fine. Render out to Caesar. What is Caesar’s? Whatever. You know what I mean? I’m very much in the belief that we are spiritual beings having this human experience.

So whatever. We’re all dead anyway. We’re all going to die. We all die at 80, 85. What the fuck? It’s not like whether we all die together at one time or separately. What does it matter? Yeah, you sound like I knew a Green Beret in Thailand. I was hanging out with this guy’s. Name was Don. I won’t give his last name, but he was a daredevil, man. He used to ride a fast motorcycle and just take chances.

He’s a Green Beret. And I said, man, you are a wild. He goes, hey, we’re all going to die. I mean, what’s the worst that can happen? I’m going to die. You’re going to die anyway. Sounded kind of like you. What was it like to go enter the ring with a ranked heavyweight fighter? Someone as good as you, as big as you, and this guy’s trying to physically pummel you.

What kind of fear? Adrenaline. What did you feel? Scared. I would get scared like a little boy, but I had the strength and faith in God. I just knew my spirit was going to carry me through, and it did. Every time. I just knew I was going to beat this guy. I just knew, I just knew it was my time. 25 30 in, you’re undefeated. And you’re like, I got that, man.

I can do I just knew it was my time. Didn’t matter. You did have a psychic awareness in the ring. Yes. That’s interesting. It’s where you could and I could watch a guy for, like, 30 seconds. My trainers would try to show me film. I’d watch them for 30 seconds and know exactly what I’d have to do. Not even 30 seconds. I’d look at his body mechanics and go, I got this, motherfucker.

And then my trainer would watch the rest of it and show me what we need to work on. Were you ever so tired in the ring that you were like, man, I can’t even yeah, I mean, when I fought a few guys, few times in the first round, I got my orbital bone crushed. I got my ribs broken, and I had a broken hand. And then all of a sudden, you’re fighting one handed.

So these things happen in boxing. You got to be ready for the unknown. Anything can happen. Break your wrist, your fucking hand. My hand would shatter. I shattered my hand a couple of times in the ring, but you have to pull it through. You got to pull it out of your ass. Shattered your hand on a guy’s head. Yeah. Wasn’t good for his head. You shattered your hand through a glove.

Well, you’re like a cast. It’s a cast. I’d rather get hit by a bare fist than the way we tape our hands and the way we fight. I’d much rather get hit by a bare fist. Yeah, those gloves are tight leather, man. They’re like, well, I hope you’re right about where we’re going. And that’s really interesting about the pendulum swinging too far. Why don’t you target that target that you can? Because that’s where it’s going, I believe.

I think that’s what I’m scared of. Yeah, well which it’ll be awesome for the first year, and then after that, it’s going to get like, what the hell? Oh, yeah. We’re all relieved. Like, oh, we’re showing these progressive, crazy woke people. And then it keeps going. It keeps going. Hey, ease off, guys. Time to hit the brakes. And then there’s no brakes. Get what I’m saying? Yeah, that’s where I think this could be going.

So where are you located on the border? El Paso. Oh, it’s crazy down there. I love El Paso. It’s nice. Yeah, it’s off. They’re going over to other places in the country. They’re taking buses. They just bring them in, and it’s just passed through. And they send into the interior. Right. It’s millions. Yeah, I think we’re like up to 8 million. 9 million. 10,000,008 to 10 million. It’s crazy.

You go to the airport, and it’s like a third world field trip. I mean, you go to the airport. El Paso airport is just filled with illegals. It’s crazy. Crazy. But listen, Dick, I got to get going. I got to get some food. I’m hungry. It’s been great talking with you. Well, I’ll check back in if let’s let’s do this again. This has been so fun, and I think my audience really enjoyed I this.

I’ve always been very intrigued on this, so I’ll tell you some interesting stories next time about particular targets that I’ve done and what it was like seeing Napoleon. Really? I was selling that on Amazon and they didn’t like that. Wow, that’s incredible. Yeah. Space Force. Yeah. We’ll have another talk. It’s been great talking dick. This has been amazing. Thank you so much. And where can people find you, future forecastinggroup.

com? And what you’d want to do is do a trial visionary membership and listen to there’s a thing called Founders conversations. There’s a gentleman that got a hold of me because of my remote viewing and explains how the world works and our members have conversations. This guy won’t let his voice on. It can’t be on social media. He’s got to be behind a privacy wall. But he’s the most amazing person I’ve ever spoken with in my life.

And if you join futureforecastinggroup. com and listen to a couple of those founders conversations, just check out some of those, your jaw will drop. We sent you a membership. I’ll send you a link to a few of those. You’ll like to hear those. It’s been great talking with you. Great talking to you, too. So put a target on that one. What I just told you. Okay. Thing is, I got to work it blind.

I’ve got no idea what it is. So what we do is, you send it to our taskers. They keep me like, let’s put that as the target. Yeah. And I’ll come on with cliff high sometime. That’d be amazing. All right. See you, Nino. Go get some food. Bye. .


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