Reflation Risks and the Illusory Pivot: Short-Term Maneuvers, Long-Term Quandaries | Silver Savior

Posted in: Silver & Gold, Silver & Gold Report, Silver Savior


Reflation: Reflation is a policy that is enacted after a period of economic slowdown or contraction – Investopedia.

Our current financial system is suffering symptoms well known as the collapse of a debt based currency whose debt levels have become terminal. At this point  All the king’s horses and all the king’s men  (Central Banks) try as they will – cannot put this Humpdy Dumpy back together again.

As the Federal Reserve attempts to navigate the twin scourges of inflation and economic softening, recent signals suggest a distressing pivot towards easing – ostensibly a maneuver to bolster job markets. Yet the observer schooled in Austrian economics recognizes the dangerous rekindling of inflationary pressures and the prolongation of fundamental economic distortions.

The bond market has reacted nervously, with yields on longer-dated Treasuries, the most sensitive barometers of the inflation outlook, rising sharply. Investors are rightfully very concerned. The Federal Reserve’s emphasis on economic resilience over reigning in inflationary fires may sound noble, but it carries the ghosts of prices yet untamed. Bond yields are still rising while the Fed ‘eases’; characteristic of a malignancy of exponential growth in interest payments.

The vexing trend of inflation “stickiness” we’re now witnessing – an insidious reluctance of inflation rates to descend in line with the prophesied “transitory” narrative – aligns troublingly with Austrian precepts. This suggests that the supposed victories in reducing the Consumer Price Index from last year’s 40-year peak may be a small victory with great costs, particularly when we factor in continued aggressive consumer credit growth and elevated commercial interest rates.

Let us dissect the core of this issue: the Fed’s latest gambit reveals the grim truth of seeking to sustain an artificial economic Eden through injected liquidity. This reluctance to tighten the monetary reins implies a future where rates may indeed rise more sluggishly than the market—and our collective future well-being—would mandate.

The market value of U.S. government debt stands at an astonishing $26 trillion, a figure that should rattle the conscience of any proponent of financial prudence. If this value, reflective of current market rates, isn’t a bracing wake-up call to the systemic risk of a debt-dependent economy, one wonders what could be.

A quintessentially Austrian perspective urgently suggests a return to competitive currencies, divorced from the fiat hegemony. This, coupled with reduced reliance on debt, would confront head-on the underpinnings of our ballooning fiscal deficit—a situation Moody’s aptly termed a shadow over the U.S.’s sovereign credit profile.

Considering the trajectory of the U.S.’s sovereign debt and the looming negotiations over tax policy, one can only surmise that the path ahead is fraught. The “Moody’s warning” resonates with the Austrian understanding of fiscal integrity; absent severe correction, this vehemence for debt accumulation shapes an ominous horizon.

Now, let’s forecast the impending market segregation. The near-term vision might involve jittery rallies in segments bolstered by perceived reflation potential. Due to heightened geopolitical tensions, industries entwined with defense spending, for instance, could experience undeserved effervescence. However, be aware of the superficial glow of such performance.

Long-term predictions are decisively more austere. Without a staunch reversion to free-market principles—which include addressing the debt overhang, quelling inflation, and eschewing the clutches of the central bank’s financial engineering—economic health will continue to degrade. Markets can only sustain artificially induced exuberance for so long before the debt-ridden realities exert their inexorable toll.

Therefore, in an economy rife with artificially low interest rates and central bank interventions, witnessing growth in certain market segments should evoke not joy but skepticism. As the rates strategist at BMO Capital Markets intimates, the fear of re-inflation is no phantom. It is as real as the austere reflections mirrored in the price of the most tangible of assets – precious metals.

Expect equity markets to remain under scrutiny, with any genuine strength to be doubted by the reality of a manipulative Federal Reserve driving an economy from a rear view mirror.  Should the Fed’s dance with easing policies persist, the managed rates environment could entice further yield-seeking behaviors, thereby temporarily inflating equities.

In summation, as a watcher at the gate of free-market economics and sound monetary philosophy, I advocate vigilance. While short-term palliative, the pivot towards economic resilience casts a looming reflationary shadow. Investors would do well to interpret these monetary and fiscal plays through a lens that reveals not only today’s landscape but also our collective tomorrow’s predicament. For the health of the economy and the preservation of wealth, the pursuit of solutions deeply rooted in Austrian economic wisdom has never been more pressing. These solutions always involve physical assets preserving purchasing power and holding value as fictions such as debt based currencies fade to intrinsic value (nothing.) (why is silver the most undervalued financial asset in the world)

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  • Note: We are not giving advice; we only give our opinion; we are not financial advisors. This article only represents our thoughts about the economy.



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aggressive consumer credit growth artificial economic Eden Austrian Economics bond market reaction commercial interest rates competitive currencies consumer price index reduction debt based currency collapse debt-dependent economy economic resilience economic slowdown Federal Reserve inflation navigation FIAT CURRENCY fiscal deficit inflation outlook monetary policy tightening reflation policy systemic risk Treasury yields US government debt

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