ReAwaken America

Posted in: News, Patriots, Women Fighting for America with Christie Hutcherson



➡ Mrs. Kristi Hutcherson, founder of Women Fighting for America, emphasizes the importance of understanding the truth about America’s Judeo-Christian foundations and protecting the Constitution. She believes that women are becoming more aware of societal issues, and encourages men to also get involved. Hutcherson criticizes the current administration for eroding the Constitution and accuses it of corruption. She urges American citizens to reclaim their sovereignty and stand against unconstitutional and corrupt leadership.


So now, ladies and gentlemen, our next presenter, Mrs. Kristi Hutcherson, is the founder and lead voice of women fighting for America. WFFA was birthed to promote the truth about the Judeo-Christian foundations of government in America to educate without bias, to protect the Constitution, and to provide a platform to spread the truth. But before I introduce her, I just want to throw out an observational thing I figured out in the last four years. Men, not you who are here, not you, not me, other people, men have been watching a lot of ESPN, and women have been figuring out the great reset faster.

This is what I’ve discovered. I find a lot of men who are really you know they’re very aware of who’s on the Spurs and he’s seven foot four and he’s very tall and holy crap this guy could be the next coming of whatever and LeBron James who’s better LeBron or Kobe or no no MJ is the best and then the fantasy foot and then women are like pretty positive we shouldn’t be drinking aspartame and injecting our kids with nanotechnology and the men are like you’re crazy you know I just discovered this I really do think it’s the women how many of you women have noticed this many men are women how many of you notice that the women seem to be the ones speaking up at scale right now so my guess my plea is let’s make sure the men that we men who are here let’s make sure that we’re fighting because I’ve noticed that the women are very involved I appreciate you but I encourage all the men to get involved as well okay stop watching ESPN when possible ladies gentlemen please stand your feet angry Christy Hutcher sir hey everybody how you guys doing hello Michigan listen I usually come here and I give you guys incredible presentation about what’s really going on in the world at the borders a lot of counter and tell but I’m gonna do something a little different today so please bear with me I was in prayer last week and God moved my heart I wrote a speech and I’m not really good at standing still as most of my friends know these are not my words these are his words as Mel and many other people and Eric Trump and everybody that you’ve solved stood on the stage we literally are in the most important election of our lifetime we stand at a pivotal moment in our nation’s history the winds of change are upon us and the time has come for us to take a very decisive stand today I speak to you not just as a leader but as a fellow patriot who believes in the strength the resilience and then an abdominal spirit of this great nation our country faces an unprecedented challenge the forces of globalism and the corruption of a deep state have woven a web of control that threatens the very fabric of our democracy these forces seek to undermine our sovereignty and erode our freedoms and dictate our future from behind closed doors look around you every day we witness this perverted corruption this administration eroding the very fabric of our Constitution and our constitutional Republic they mock us they tear us down they tear our institutions down and they remove or rewrite our history the weaponization systems designed to uphold justice they claim we are the threat of democracy but my friends and fellow patriots they are the threat under President Donald J Trump we witnessed a commitment to putting America first defending our interests upholding the values of America first yet he has been unjustly attacked targeted by a weaponized legal system and treated as a political prisoner when did magga make America great become such an abomination or a threat in stark contrast we see figures like Joe Biden and his family and others like Hillary Clinton getting away with everything with no justice our nation was built on the foundation of a sovereignty of a government by the people for the people and of the people this sovereignty is not not just a legal principle it is the very lifeblood of our democracy it ensures that our destiny is determined by the collective will of the citizens not by distant bureaucrats or international organizations and agendas that do not align with American values reclaiming our sovereignty means restoring the power to the people it means ensuring that our laws reflect the will of the majority protecting our borders and prior to prioritizing our interests of our citizens above all else legal American citizens corruption is a cancer it is a disease and it eats away at the foundations of our society it undermines trust in our institution skews the playing field and it undermines trust in everything that we do it also allows the few to benefit at the expense of many this deep state with its tentacles and various sectors of our government has perpetrated this corruption creating a system that serves itself rather than the people they were supposed to serve we are witnessing the weaponization of our judicial system our Department of Justice to persecute the innocent oppress our political opponents and target legal American citizens who stand up and question that corrupt system this goes as far as labeling us domestic terrorists this is not American values this is a banana Republic this is the final leg to erasing our constitutional values and dismantling of a nation consider Randy and Karen Sowers Maryland dairy farmers whose life savings were unjustly seized by the IRS they stood up and made changes in IRS policies protecting small business owners from similar abuses Doreen Hendrickson from Michigan from this great state a woman refused to falsely test change her tax returns and faced imprisonment highlighting the critical need to stand against bureaucratic corruption and the Baker Jack Phillips a Colorado Baker defending his religious beliefs in the Supreme Court underscoring the importance of religious liberty these stories of ordinary Americans remind us that combating corruption is essential to justice and integrity under President Donald J Trump’s leadership we saw efforts to drain the swamp and bring accountability to Washington and I know something about that work there for over 25 years they are corrupt on every level Democrat Republican independent alike yet this establishment fought back with all its might revealing the depth of corruption in contrast Joe Biden’s administration with its numerous scandals and conflicts of interest continue to evade justice now more than ever we must remember that the strength of our nation lies not in the halls of power but in the hands of the American people we the citizens of this great country have the power and responsibility to stand against on constitutional and corrupt leadership this is our country not theirs and we must unite to save her from those who seek to undermine our Constitution and our values are we the only ones willing to fight like hell for this country are you are we the ones here today the only ones prepared to stand for the freedom that was fought by our forefathers do you truly love this country in this nation during the American Revolution colonists overthrew British rule securing our independence in the civil rights movement brave men and women like Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks fought against racial injustice and segregation and in 1989 which we just celebrated that incredible day of bravery and tenement square an unknown named person stood symbolizing the power of individual courage against oppression Abraham Lincoln he once reminded us this country with this institution belongs to the people and who inhabit it not a government whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or the revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it we are in a revolutionary moment the real threats are them they have infiltrated our government at all levels they are the plague the disease and the direct threat to our nation we have a duty to the Constitution a duty America a duty we must stand against this menace will you stand or will you fall are you prepared to like the sacrifices of those who fought and died for the red white and blue be in vain am I the only one willing to stand for this country will you give a damn will you be willing to truly sacrifice for this great nation what are you waiting for we need an army as a leader in this movement I am calling right now across this great nation for every single American to stand millions of you patriots willing to stand on the edge of destiny this is our destiny this is our moment these clowns these Marxist will never ever ever stop marching to destroy this country America is in the way like Mel said we no longer we need to no longer play by the rules we need to play by their rules we must stand and we must fight let us draw inspiration from these moments and commit to fighting for our nation’s future by focusing on unity and action we can reclaim our country from those who seek to tear it apart the power lies with us the citizens it is time to exercise that power and make a stand now is the time to look deep in our souls regardless of our views about president Donald J Trump despite any personal dislikes or lies we’ve been told we must elect him elect him to restore America free from the deep corruption of those who have been lifers in office who have sold their souls in America for their personal power greed and gain and wealth their obsession for a global society we must stop the destruction before America is no longer her very existence will be eroded in this election is the defining moment will she stand or will she fall into the abysmal darkness of globalism and dictatorship where real freedom is a distant memory look around you look into the eyes of your fellow Americans regardless of political backgrounds the color of our skin or different ideologies we share a common bond a love for our country and a desire for a better future this is our country and this is our time and it is up to us nobody else to protect her but us we must stand together shoulder to shoulder and rise above the divisions that have been sewn among us we must demand accountability from our leaders and justice we must not be silent in the face of corruption and injustice we must act and we must act now imagine a future where our nation stands tall free from the shackles of global agendas and the deep straight corruption a future where borders are secure our economy is thriving and our freedoms are protected a future where our children can grow up in a country that rewards hard work integrity and the rule of law this vision is not a distant dream it is within our reach but it requires us to come together to unite on a common purpose and to fight for the idea that made our nation great we must reclaim this nation you must take concrete steps stay informed vote wisely take your neighbor do whatever you need to do engage in civic activities demand accountability promote unity defend the Constitution assemble and protest and by golly we’re doing meet for America org and if you don’t know anything about that you need to go to meet the number for America org because you’re gonna be trained by incredible human beings who are gonna give you the tools you need to fight like hell for this nation show up in force let your voice be known don’t cower take to the streets take up arms in the way for the revolutionary spirit to take back this country the time for action is now and we must rise to the challenge defend our nation and reclaim our future this November we have a critical decision to make we must elect Donald J Trump this election is not about social issues it’s time to put those aside for right now we must take the head of the snake and we must crush her and that is globalism it’s about preserving our sovereignty our nation and our freedom and real democracy and make no mistake the real threat is Joe Biden and all the Coronies in the world economic forum the United Nations the NATO and all of those globalist elites who think they know better than us this is our clarion call let us be the generation that refuses to let America fall into the hands of those who wish to dismantle her let us be the defenders of liberty the guardians of our Constitution and the champions of a brighter future stand up speak out and take action do not wait for others to defend our freedoms be the defenders of liberty yourself together together we will claim our nation restore our values the future of America’s in our hands this is our defining monument let us answer the call with courage and conviction and I want you to listen to the lyrics of this song don’t be the only one fight she means something those flags she’s glad for you and your future and your children don’t let her fade I know I’m not the only one stand up if we’re not the only one are we together America are we together in this country back there’s more of us than them there’s power in the people power and unity power in the Lord Almighty God God bless you guys and God bless this great nation let’s do one more time for miss Christie Hutcher said all right

See more of Women Fighting for America with Christie Hutcherson on their Public Channel and the MPN Women Fighting for America with Christie Hutcherson channel.


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Accusations of government corruption Criticism current administration Eroding the Constitution Fighting corrupt leadership. Kristi Hutcherson Women Fighting for America Men involvement societal issues Protecting the Constitution Reclaiming American sovereignty Standing against unconstitutional leadership Understanding America's Judeo-Christian foundations Women awareness societal issues

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