RBN Authentic News 10-16-23

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ The passage discusses the humanitarian issues in Gaza due to the Israeli conflict, criticizes the U.S. stance supporting Israel’s actions, and critiques the Western rule-based order. It highlights Russia’s and China’s criticism on the same, as well as Turkey’s potential role in a regional conflict. It alleges the possibility of Israel causing a World War, and criticizes censorship of pro Palestinian voices in France and Germany. It ends with harsh censure against Israel and alleged racism against non-Jewish people.
➡ The text questions the authenticity of media reports on the conflict in Israel, suggesting that scenes are staged and the media portrayal is biased. It also claims that Israel is ethnically cleansing Gaza, and this action is motivated by political reasons and historical entitlements, while other countries like the U.S. hold a biased view.
➡ The text discusses geopolitics, touching on controversial developments and potential war crimes in various nations such as Russia, Ukraine, Israel, North Korea, and Gaza. It references possible acts of aggression, military maneuvers, and destructive policies enacted by these regions. Furthermore, the report reviews allegations of false reporting and propaganda, particularly relating to conflict in Israel and Palestine. It also delves into commentary on shifting global power balances, touching on the potential leadership role the Muslim world could assume in the shifting global economy. The text ends with a speculative discussion of reality that verges into philosophy and metaphysics.
➡ The text discusses diverse topics including criticism towards the belief of Israel fulfilling biblical prophecy, support of Palestinians worldwide, condemnation of Hamas attacks by prominent Hollywood personalities, opinions regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict among Harvard students, and American internal politics, specifically about Republican Jim Jordan’s nomination for House Speaker. Key points also include condemnation of a former CIA and NSA director’s allegedly inflammatory statement regarding a Republican senator, and mixed opinions on the Department of Defense funding female service members’ abortions.
➡ Fox News’ Sean Hannity supports Jim Jordan for Speaker office. The benefits of Terahertz technology, which resonates healthy cell frequencies, are highlighted for its potential in improving well-being and health maintenance. Independent voices are needed to counter the dominating corporate media and address the corruption in the government. Certain products and services such as LibertyStickers.com and Extendovite are suggested for promoting individual voices and improving health. Concerns are raised over the inclusion of transgender athletes in women’s sports, suggested separate categories for fair competition. TLB Talk, a social media platform that promotes truth, liberty, and balance, is introduced as an alternative to big tech. Lastly, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Ye calls for an end to Israel’s alleged collective punishment in Gaza, urging for a ceasefire and humanitarian aid.
➡ The speaker describes their concerns about Israeli authorities’ treatment of Palestinians, discussing humanitarian crises, political motivations, and civilization’s understanding of religious texts. They debate interpretations of the Old and New Testaments, morality, and religious faith versus intellectual reasoning, while sharing their own journey with religion and skepticism. They also discuss political figures’ actions towards Israel and their potential implications.
➡ The conversation involves a discussion on political figures’ controversial stances, particularly those advocating for aggression towards Gaza. The talk also denounces American foreign policy, accusing it of promoting conflict between nations. They critique the treatment of Iraq, with references to the actions of Saddam Hussein and its implications. Furthermore, they advertise various services, ranging from special coffee to Constitution-related online courses. Towards the end, they delve into the historical connection between Jesus’s family and modern day Palestinians, suggesting they may be related.
➡ The original text narrates the view that certain individuals falsely claim Hebrew heritage, and argues that others need to understand these imposters. The text also recounts a woman named Anna Baltzer who discovered stark differences between the Israel-Palestine narrative she grew up with and the reality she witnessed during her travels. It suggests homeowners should seek advice about potentially illegal or defective mortgage transactions. Lastly, it discusses the work of an individual named Joyce Riley and her breakup with Dave Von Kleis, who later used certain views on a 911 project. Following this, the text discusses the death of Paul Wellstone and the potential impact it could have had on the political scene.
➡ From Truth Seeker articles, it seems many young Israelis are lean towards secularism and are suspicious of BB Not in Yahoo’s attempts to dominate politics and dilute democratic laws. There are concerns about certain fanatical elements infiltrating important political blocks with the aim of establishing a total dictatorship and diminishing any semblance of democratic secularism in Israel. However, younger Jews and Israelis are seen as more open to negotiations and view Palestinians as fellow humans.
➡ Amid concerns of various global events, it’s now possible to acquire a 3D printed underground bunker made from robust polymer concrete, a more affordable alternative to traditional metal bunkers. Also, lead Shilajit hunter, Samuel Jungkay, advocates for the adaptogenic superfood Shilajit for its myriad benefits. A talk show includes discussion on international law, Palestine, and Israeli history; also criticisms on influential figures and churches. The call to action is for viewer donations and spending time with loved ones.


To Republic Broadcasting Network. Visit RepublicBroadcasting. org today because you can handle the truth got a good reason for taking the easy way out got a good reason for taking the easy way out? Now you want the dead river one way ticket? It took me so long to find out. I found out. Well, this is Jim Fetzer, your host, right here on RBN for Authentic News 16th day of October, 2023, live.

I begin by mentioning an article by Joaquin Egopti and a West Point graduate who’s become among our nation’s most astute critics of military and foreign affairs. The UMAS, Israeli conflict, the latest Zionist war exposed on my blog@jameshfetser. org. Here’s just a typical paragraph. Gaza is now totally under siege, with Israel cutting off all water, electricity, fuel, food, and life saving medicine. Clear violation of the Geneva Conventions, committing inhumane, maltreatment crimes against innocent wartime civilians.

The media attention focusing on the whore of civilian victims on both sides provides ample cause for blaming both the mosque and the Israeli government with war crime atrocities that even the UN admits. In just four days, more than 260,000 Palestinians in the Gaza trip are displaced war refugees, bombarded by constant and relentless land, air, and sea assaults with zero regard for the life of innocent persons. Today, I’d say the number of refugees is closer to a million.

Meanwhile, and I find this completely outrageous, the United States has given a green light to Israel. Hit any target you want anywhere in the Middle East. This is simply despicable that the American government would take such a stance. Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin is observing that no one can follow the rules based order now because the rules are kept secret. This is pretty bizarre. The Western promoted rule based order as merely a cover for colonialism, as presumed rules have never been agreed upon by anyone and are ever shifting from one case to another.

Russian President Putin has said, have you ever even seen these rules? No, because no one has ever written them. No one’s ever agreed to them with anyone. How can we talk about order based on rules no one has ever seen? Impeccable points by Vladimir Putin here maybe my most important story of the day the Chinese foreign Minister Wang he says Israel has gone beyond self defense in Gaza.

Calls to stop collective punishment. Spot on 100% israel should stop its collective punishment at Gaza’s civilians with actions beyond self defense, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said, warning it would worsen regional tensions and lead to humanitarian disaster. In a call with his Saudi Arabian counterpart, wang also condemned the continued Israeli retaliation to a shock attack a week ago by the Palestinian military group Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip.

Israel’s action. They’ve gone beyond self defense, Wang told Brits Fassal bin Farah Saad, going to a Chinese foreign Ministry readout released early on Sunday. It should listen seriously to the calls of the international community and the United Asian Secretary General and stop collective punishment of the people of Gaza, where collective punishment, that is to say, publishing a whole population for crimes committed by a few, or punishing anyone for a crime they did not personally commit, is an offense under the Geneva Convention, the Hague Convention.

Check it out. Collective punishment is forbidden under international law. And yet the Israelis are going full force. Palmel oh, they seem to have paused and hesitated before launching their ground attack on Gaza. Now, I believe there are serious reasons why. I believe they have gauged world opinion and they can see the entire Muslim world is a lied against them. And if they go forward, they’re going to be attacked from multiple directions.

Hezbollah for a certainty. Lebanon drawn in, Syria drawn in. I suspect with a very high probability turkey will take a lead here. President Erdogan has already condemned what’s taking place is going beyond the boundaries of international law. He’s already sent a plain load of supplies for the Palestinians. He wants to be the leader of an Islamic renaissance. This is the perfect opportunity for that to happen. I believe, therefore, this hesitation in entering is because Israelis realized this may spin out of control and lead to World War II, and that they might, as a nation, not survive.

Meanwhile, Iran says it won’t enter the war with Israel unless Israel attacks Iran first. Amid concern about Israel’s onslaught in Gaza escalating into a regional war, the Iranian mission to the UN said Sunday it would only enter the fighting if Israel were to attack Iran. Iran’s armed forces will not engage, provided that the Israeli apartheid does not dare to attack Iran. Its interests in nationals, the resistant front, can defend itself.

Iran’s UN mission in New York told Reuters. Well, think about it. Iran is not a Muslim nation. Iran is a I mean, it is not the same as we have here with the other Arab countries. Meanwhile, and this is particularly disgusting, european diplomacy, france and Germany banned they have banned pro Palestinian, pro Palestinian reports. Some people have described what happened on that day as an insult. Listen to this so called European democracies with their so called free speech and how they treat people who dared to go out and march for the Palestinians in Gaza.

So, first of all, the French completely banned any rallies for Palestinians. Again. Not Hamas for Palestinians. You’re not allowed to come out and protest what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. You have to shut up. And they even use tear gas to crack down on the protesters. God, I hate that term. They always use it for propaganda. The Syrian regime cracked down, but this is actually real. They were using tear gas.

And I want to show you how disgusting this is. They even went and beat up Jews in France who had come out to protest alongside the Palestinians. Look at this. Look at how unhinged the police are. They are the ones who are actually anti Semitic because they are okay with Israel killing Arabs, and then they come and beat up Jews who are also against Zionism. Hello. A cop just came and smacked a Jew hard on the head with a club because he was on the wrong side politically.

This is completely disgusting. You have to understand the whole point of freedom of speech is freedom for unpopular speech. Popular speech doesn’t require any defense. This is outrageous. And for France and Germany to ban pro Palestinian marchers is a disgrace violation of everything for which they propose to stand. Meanwhile, Kevin Barrett, my dear friend, has debated with J. Michael Springman on whether the Hamas attack was a false flag.

We don’t have to spend a lot of time on whether or not that’s the case, because we have the report that Bibi Nanyahu ordered the IDF to stand down for 7 hours. Kill Israelis. Both the IDF and the Israeli Air Force both stood down for 7 hours. You won’t believe what a Jewish charity leader told me today. Israel has the most sophisticated intelligence in the world. There was no way the government didn’t know that that was going to happen.

We’re friendly with several good people in Israel. One is Rabbi Hananya Weissman. He knows a lot of people in Israel. He knows confidential sources that he shared with us their information about the stand down order. He sent out a missive that indeed the IDF was given stand down orders, both the army and the air force 7 hours to stand down while those attacks took place. And this allowed the terrorists to come in and begin slaughtering and torturing the citizens.

Personally, I think that this situation is akin to a family keeping a rabid dog in their home and then blaming the dog when the baby gets bitten. The parents needed to remove the dog many weeks ago, right before the dog had a chance to injure somebody in the family. So I look at the government of Israel, and they really needed to make sure that these people did not proliferate on their borders.

My opinion is that she’s expressing racist sentiments. Indeed, I’m now concluding, and I think there is ample justification, the Israeli government is the most racist government in the world. I expect. Now, it’s true that the Jewish people, the Talmudic Jewish, are the most racist group, sect, cult in the world, that the world has ever known. They believe in Jewish superiority, that all the other races only exist to serve the Jews.

This is totally outrageous. And I think the Israeli racism, jewish racism, has to be called out. We are so propagandized about anti Semitism based on a mythical story about World War II, where we’re supposed to believe that 6 million Jews were put to death by gas chambers using Zyclon V, when it turns out that’s totally false. There weren’t even gas chambers there. Zyclon V was being used to kill body lies because it was spreading typhus and dysentery in the camps.

In other words, they were using Zycon V to delouse the inmates to maintain their health. For the obvious reason you cannot get work out of a corpse. These were labor camps. The International Committee of the Red Cross recalibrated their findings in 1993, where they’d been keeping meticulous records on the age, the sex, the race, the ethnicity, the religion and the cause of death. Of all inmates found, the total was 296,081, none of whom had died from being put to death in a gas chamber.

It’s a myth. And we even have had an Israeli Minister of Education come on The Amy Goodman Show and admit that whenever there’s criticism of Israel, it’s a trick. That if it’s in Europe, we say they’re Holocaust and ours in the US are anti Semitic. Believe me, it is a trick. It is bullshit. Don’t let yourself be played here. We have remarkably just listen to this. This is a find I got yesterday.

A CNN director faking news of the war in Israel. Just listen to the directions he gives to the participants. Jerry, now you can see the area is completely deserted, but I want you to get them off the road. Get them lay down next to the road, okay? Closer to the road, Jerry. Move them. It looks like you’re in the middle of a forest. Okay? Jerry, tell the cameraman to keep Clarissa in shot, okay? It’s not the Blair Witch Project.

That’s it. Perfect. Get nice and close. Get the cameraman nice and close. Look around, Jerry. Just look around as if you’re in danger. Try and look nice and scared. Yeah, that’s it. Catching your breath. Dead scary over here with all the bums going up and all that. Okay, that’s beautiful. That’s the money shot. Nice and tight on Clarissa. Are you seeing our situation, guys? Yes. Can she hear the shells, Jerry? Because they are about 6 miles away.

Can you hear the shells? Derek, can you boost the volume on those explosions, please? Oh, and be a darling and patch me through to Clarissa’s microphone, please. Clarissa, I need you to stop swearing. You’re overdoing it. Can you hear me? Yeah. Good. Now we’re getting set up on sound and visual. We should be going live in about 15 seconds. Okay? Were you guys rolling on this? Yeah, we’re rolling, Clarissa, but we’re not live yet.

Okay, we can’t show the Earth now. It’s probably the BBC, you know, it’s a director’s voice was clearly British. So there they are, faking it. They’re going to turn up the sound of the bombs and all that. Meanwhile, an IFA refinery was hit by his bullah. We actually have seen the smoke rising from the refinery with an Aash 250 missile. As bullet trained Hamas in Syrian Lebanon to attack Israel, reports the New York Times.

We clearly have the video. You can see the smoke rising from the refinery. I’m showing it here and now. For those who see the video version of the show, this indicates an ability that Hamas has. Meanwhile, and this is, I think, similar expressive of the racism of the Israelis. Breitbart editor Joel Pollock israel should wipe out Gaza and the US should take the refugees. Breitbart editor at Live, Joel Polak last Saturday he was breaking the Sabbath to call for Israel to ethically clean Gaza, meaning commit genocide.

You know he’s going with the US attack in the refugees. I have broken the Sabbath and Jewish holiday to deliver this message. Israel should wipe out Gaza, poet said after the war broke out. Allow 48 hours to evacuate women, children and the outleting. Destroy everything that remains. Plow it under an annex at the Israel. The fact these are Palestinian lands, that the Palestinian people have an historic entitlement to the lands of Palestine completely ignored, doesn’t matter.

Meanwhile, we’re getting from the truth seeker an excellent board from Caitlin Johnstone. The world is being blinded to what’s happening in Gaza, she explains. Israel’s minister of Communication announced Friday all internet service in Gaza would be cut off on Saturday. CNN reports internet services have already been plummeting for the last week. Electronic Intafada director Ali Abu Mana recently said on Twitter he hadn’t been able to reach any of his contacts in hours.

Even before the Internet got off, it was always getting harder and harder for people to get information to the outside world. This is what happens when a mob this is like wiping out the witnesses to a mob crime. Here’s a tweet israel has cut off the Internet in Gaza. The aim is clear to commit genocide in a total media blackout. It doesn’t leave much to the imagination. Meanwhile, Scott Ritter reports why I no longer stand with Israel and never will again.

This is really powerful stuff, something you most certainly want to read as a young soldier serving in the Negev Desert. This is talking about an individual’s testifying to what happened. Zionism, as existed before 1948, was a movement for the reestablishment of a Jewish nation on the territory of Biblical Israel. It was established as a political movement Zionist organization in 1897 under the leadership of their Hersl, who died in 19 four and the Zionist organization was taken over there’s more and more.

This is simply a wonderful piece by Scott Ritter, which I encourage every one of you to read. He explains why he had fallen for the propaganda in the past, but no longer. He can no longer stand with Israel and never will again. We’ll be right back. Hello. Hello from beautiful Colorado. My name is Samuel Jungk and I am currently the lead shilaji hunter and master Herbalist for Colorado Shilaji Company.

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Or call me Jeffrey Bennett at 602-799-8214 or by email at kettlemarainltd@cox. net for private consultation. Once again, our phone number 602-799-8214. It’s almost Friday. Well, I’m completely convinced that this effort to cleanse the lands of Palestine and Palestinians as racist in action as anyone could conceive, has been inspired by the loss of Ukraine. Remember, the Israelis have been planning to return to Ukraine, from which most of them are genetic descendants.

This is the old Kazaria, now modern day Ukraine. Even Zelensky has referred to Ukraine as the new Israel. That was a plan, but they want it all. They want Crimea, they want the Dunbass, they want Russia to have any of it. They underestimated the durability the robustness of the Russian military, which has defeated Ukraine hands down, which means they cannot make an escape to Ukraine. That cannot be the second Israel.

So I believe now, and in part this is prompted by Net Yahoo’s political dilemma where he’s under assault. He’s being criticized for scandals, legal improprieties, he’s trying to reform the supreme Court to give himself a break. Rather like the Democrats trying to pack the US Supreme Court because they don’t like its rulings. There were to be massive protests against Bibi. This could not be more convenient. And it turns out that he ordered the withholding of military response for 7 hours, for 7 hours to let Hamas grab enough territory and commit enough actions, including the taking of hostages, that he could call it make a big cause of it to justify the onslaught of Gaza and leveling it to the ground.

Believe me, that is their plan. I think enough time lapse. However, that world opinion is so much against what they’re doing here. Witness what the Chinese foreign minister has just declared. These are obvious war crimes, obvious crimes against humanity, obvious examples of collective punishment that is proscribed by international law. I think now the hesitation is because they know all hell is going to break loose if they move forward.

Meanwhile, the US report north north Korea has delivered 1000 containers of equipment and munitions to Russia. And remember, if you missed it, North Korea has in the past declared it’ll send 30,000 to 500,000 troops of Russia if it needs them to continue the campaign in Ukraine. Believe me, Ukraine is a done deal. Meanwhile, Israel is conducting what is claiming to be only localized raids in Gaza, striking Hezbollah in Lebanon.

However, Israel has reportedly conducted localized raids in Gaza against Palestinian terrorists and launched strikes against Hezbollah sites in Lebanon as part of the Jewish state’s ongoing response to a MoS terror attack. They claimed the lives of 1300 people and wounded 3000 more. They’re claiming these are limited strikes. Where have we heard that before? Meanwhile, State of the Nation is raising the very disturbing prospect that Gaza could be scheduled to be lahaina.

Meaning they could use directed energy weapons on Gaza. Do they know where their children are? It seems everyone’s referring to Israel’s latest lawn mowing operation as the rogue state’s 911. If they mean it was planned and implemented by the Mossad, as was America’s 911, I would agree. But I also see a distinct similarity to Maui’s lahania, but on a much larger scale. 2 million Gaza citizens BB is already announced.

Gaza is going to be raised to the ground. Perhaps lohana was just a beta test for Israel directed energy weapons and humanity’s. Gullibility or cowardice? I wish I could tell you that conjecture should be discounted. I’m sorry to say I think there may be more to it than anyone would like to admit. Meanwhile, we have the reports of the south, the global south mean pro Palestine. Here’s a few words about it, about the pivot to the global south, the Pivot to Asia, into Africa and the Middle East, BRICS and so on, all of that still stains.

And the fact that the Muslims represent the single largest and most cohesive group population group in the Global South, and the fact that because of that and other reasons, the Muslims are the obvious leaders and potential managers of the new paradigm for the global economy. All of that still know, as the economy shifts to the Global South, the leadership position, the obvious leadership position of the Muslim world still stands.

Nothing has changed about that. Fascinating. And I believe that the Turkish President wants to be the leader. Indeed. Here we have Erdogan lashing out at Blinken over his sectarian position. You should approach people as humans, said the Turkish President. He accused the US. Of exacerbating tensions by sending aircraft carriers to Israel. Get this anthony Blinken, during his conversation with the President, said he was doing this as a Jew, not as a Secretary of State of America.

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Turned out she was the daughter of the ambassador. The whole thing was fabricated. There were no incubators, no babies. I feel exactly the same about the claim of 40 murdered babies, but of course, they’re going to try to justify it once it’s challenged. Thus, we have a report from the Conservative Post, which may or may not be on the Abenob. After demands for proof, pictures of murdered babies in Israel are released.

One of the most shocking reports that come out of Israel following a most deadly invasion. An Israeli new outlet reported recovery teams have found four murdered babies, number being possibly higher. Even more horrifying, some of them were reportedly beheaded and burned alive. I can’t begin to tell you how much bullshit this is. And if they now have murdered babies, I guarantee you that would be easily arranged. Except the babies would not be little Jewish children.

They would be Palestinian. Here’s. Mike whitney. By the way, on the UN’s review contradicting the story, no, Hamas did not behead 40 babies at an Israeli caboots last Saturday. There is still no proof hamas militant beheaded 40 babies at an Israeli caboots. No physical evidence, no forensic evidence, no photographical zilt. The entire story is based on the unverified claims of an Israeli settler leader who incited riots to wipe out Palestinian village.

In the past, one would expect that a professional journalist would question the credibility of a witness whose bias was so transparently obvious. But that was not the case with I 24 news reporter Nicole Zidick. And, of course, I 24 is an Israeli news station who regurgitate what she’d been told as if it were gospel truth. In fact, Zidak still sticks by her story today, despite the glaring lack of evidence of the testimony of a person who has a clear motive for distorting the truth.

Take it to the bank. It did not happen. If they murdered babies, they were Palestinian. Meanwhile, we have George Friean reporting the false flag was a film. And I’ll tell you, there’s a lot to be said for this idea. We live in a world of illusion and delusion. Some scientists have determined we actually in a computer simulation, which, I got to tell you, that’s simply absurd. For reasons I won’t elaborate, he claims he can’t really disagree.

As we break through the boundaries of the realities we’re forced into believing, it becomes rather clear that there’s a hidden hand at work here. I’ve learned over the years that hidden hand is most likely the director on the set shouting through the age old megaphone, lights, camera, action. Cut and print. Well, we’ve already seen that happening with CNN. I won’t belabor it. I’ll just say you have to be on guard for fabricated evidence.

Meanwhile, here we have a report. What does the Hamas Israel war portend for Bible prophecy? Now, as an agnostic, I got to tell you, I’m not a big believer in Bible prophecy. I don’t believe in the Bible. I don’t even believe in God. What I recognize is that this is an article of faith that transcends what can be established scientifically or rationally. And every rabbi, minister, priest would agree that’s why religion is a matter of faith.

But here you have Chuck Baldwin suggesting 80% of evangelical pastors and churchers believe the Schofield spawn propaganda, that the modern Zionist state of Israel is the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. It’s not. I might as well go ahead and tick off evangelicals right at the beginning of this column, because it won’t get any easier as the column goes on, god has no future plans for national Israel. Zero. Zilch not a none.

National Israel was burned in the ashes of Jerusalem’s destruction in 70 Ad. It is gone forever. The Bible nowhere predicts a future national Israel. And instead of getting angry with me for what I just said, invest a few shekels and watch my Israel packages and prophecy packages. But every time a war breaks out in Palestine, evangelicals saturate the airwaves with more tribe about the prophetic signs that Jesus is coming soon.

No, there’s no rapture either. I like that. The guy’s being very candid and I think far more credible than those who maintain something quite different. Meanwhile, Hugh Turley, who may or. May not be the brother of Jonathan, who’s a constitutional expert I admire beyond words, writes as follows I was thinking of a way to end the occupation without the traditional use of whores. There is widespread support for Palestinians around the world.

What if certain nations accepted suffering themselves to support the Palestinians? What if the oil and gas producing nations cut off all exports until the occupation of Palestine is ended? This could quickly bring worldwide misery on everyone. To force an end to the Israeli occupation, israel and the US could not wage war on the entire world to force everyone to play by their rules. Nation like Japan would feel the pain immediately until there’s a one state solution with Jews and Palestinians living together in peace.

No more oil for anyone. Other commodities could be added to inflict maximum suffering until Israel backs down. And, of course, Israel itself confronted the choice between being a Jewish state or a democratic state where Jews and Palestinians live together equally as citizens. They rejected the democracy for the sake of having a Jewish state, which reinforces my belief israel is a racist nation practicing anti Semitism because the Palestinians that they despise and want to murder are bona fide Semites, whereas they themselves, being descendants of the Khazarians, are not.

Thus, it turns out, ironically, israel is the greatest practitioner of anti Semitism in the world today. Meanwhile, we have a BBC report. A journalist who wept for Gaza producer LEP reef stricken sight of victims in hospital wing says young orphan was the same age as his daughter as his cameraman finds friend who survived the bloodshed that killed his family. Now, this is a good, decent, humane journalist who understands the savagery of what’s taking place.

I’m impressed. Less so with 700 Hollywood celebrities who sign an open letter condemning the Hamas attacks. This is terrorism. This is evil. Hundreds of celebs have signed an open letter in support of Israel condemns the racist terror attack by Hamas. Gail Godot, Jerry Seinfeld, Jamie Lee Curtis, Chris Payne, mayiam Beleck, Liv Schreiber, Amy Schumer, Michael Douglas, a few of the big names and a list of more than 700 celebrities and entertainment professionals who signed the latter, which was created by the nonprofit organization Creative Community for Peace.

Per, The Hollywood Reporter. I am not impressed. Deborah Messing, Ryan Murphy, Zachary Levi, Sharon Osborne, George Lopez, Paul Rosenthal, Mickey pfer, Mark Hamill, and Ali Mandel have also signed it. Beside recounting the horrors of the attack, the ledger urges people not amplify or fall for the propaganda being circulated as a misinformation campaign spearheaded by a rant. Where have we heard that before? Remember how the Hunter Biden laptop was rejected by 51 US.

Intel experts? As we Russian disinformation, they didn’t have a shred of truth that that was the case. It turned out to be not the case. It was a lie from the beginning. Meanwhile, Floyd Mayweather, bless his heart, is sending bulletproof vests to Israel on his private plane. Every one of us is entitled to take actions that we think are appropriate to support the causes in which we believe, even if they are ill founded.

Meanwhile, I’ve reported how 31 organization at a Harvard student organization stood up for the Palestinians and against Israel. Well, get this major CEOs back calls not to hire pro Hamas Harvard students in my opinion, this is despicable. At least ten CEOs and other executives are backing a call not to hire Harvard University students who signed on to a letter blaming Israel for the deadly attack by Hamas over the weekend.

Does it matter to them that BB ordered a stand down of the IDF and the Israeli Air Force for 7 hours? A group of executives expressed their support after Bill Ackman, billionaire founder of the hedge fund Pershing Square Capital Management, called on Harvard to release a list of the students who signed the anti Israeli letter. That is despicable. I condemn them. They are disgraceful. Meanwhile, more of the same.

We have a Israeli billionaire quitting the Harvard board. Israeli billionaire Edon Uefer and his wife have announced they’re quitting the Harvard Kennedy School’s Executive Board to protest school president Claudia Gray’s reaction to the student letter blaming Israel for the Hamas massacre. The resignation were reported by the New York Post, which detailed a report from the Hebrew language news site The Marker. According to the Post Office of Shipping and Chemicals magnate formed a report is net worth estimate at 13.

6 billion. According to the report, over and wife Batia said they resigned in protest of a shocking and insensitive response by the president of the university, who did not condemn the letter by student organization, which blamed Israel for the massacre. Well, maybe the President of Israel understand freedom of speech and freedom of protest. My God, how shallow and superficial can these people possibly be? Meanwhile, and I find this rather interesting and a positive sign.

McCarthy makes prediction on ex House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said Sunday he believes Representative Jim Jordan will rally enough support to become the next speaker of the House. The California Republican made a prediction on Fox twelve days after the House voted to remove him from the role, leaving Representative Patrick Mccandry a speaker pro TEM while possible government shut Down Looms and Rizzio goes to war with Hamas. I did walk in with more support during this time, but I believe at the end of the day, Jim can get there, and I’m doing everything I can to help him be able to become speaker.

McCarthy talked Maria Barteroma on Sunday morning futures. Good. Kevin McCarthy. I admire that. Excellent. Meanwhile, all hell is breaking loose after a former CIA and NSA director calls for the death of a Republican senator. If you haven’t caught this story, this is completely outrageous. Democrats routinely accuse Republicans of being domestic extremists who support violence. But Republicans are the ones on the receiving end. And now all hell is breaking loose.

As a former CIA and NSA director called for the death of a Republican senator, democrats support Paxware funded abortion on demand up until birth with zero exemptions and refuse to budge from this radical position the overwhelming majority of Americans find inhumane. That’s why Democrats are furious with Alabama Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville over his principled commitment to continue blocking promotions at the Pentagon until the Department of Defense ends its new policy of paying for female service members to travel out of state so they can have an abortion.

Now, frankly, I would agree with the Department of State on this issue. As everyone knows here, I am pro choice. But get this we have an outrageous situation. A former CIA and NSA director and retired Air Force General Justice called for his assassination in a post on Twitter. Should Tommy Tuberville be removed from his committee, yes or no? One social media user asked, how about the human race? Michael Hayden replied, assassin Tuberville is the only way to remove him of the human race.

As Hayden observed, Hayden is not a good guy, and that’s completely despicable and undemocratic outrageous. Meanwhile, Republicans are in Jim Jordan indeed, as the nominee for House Speaker. Washington Republicans chose firebrand represent Jim Jordan as their new nominee for House Speaker during internal voting Friday, putting the gavel within reach of the staunch ally of GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump. Electing Jordan, a founding member of the Freedom Caucus, to the powerful position second in line to the presidency, would move the GOP’s far right into a central seat of U.

S. Power, a groundswell of high profile backers, including Fox News. Sean Hannity publicly pressured lawmakers to vote Jordan into the Speaker’s office after the stunning ouster of Kevin McCarthy. Let me say I think Jim Jordan’s a fantastic guy. I think he’s a man of great integrity and immense courage, and I’m very heartened that Kevin McCarthy believes he’s going to be the next speaker. This will be a good thing.

So far as I can tell, the vote is going to take place tomorrow. Stand by, shirt. Off he comes, grooving up slowly. He got juju eyeball. He wants Holy Roller. He got hair down to his knee. Got to be einstein once said, future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies. What did he know? Imagine you hear ocean waves caressing a beach or a favorite song from the past, or the trickle of the babbling brook.

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I thought it was a great achievement. Now the Democrats are doing everything they can to reverse it, undermine it. They bought into the cultural Marxist paradigm about men and women being biologically equal when they’re overwhelmingly, obviously not. You’ve probably all heard the story of Leah Thomas, who’s been dominating world women swimming, winning title after title after title. When he was swimming as a man, he ranked like 545th among men.

He’s 545th among men, but he’s number one among women because he isn’t one. Here’s a similar story transgender cyclists take gold and silver medals at Chicago women’s race as critics since this pair had considerable biological advantage over female rivals. Duh. Two transgender cyclists have taken the top spots on the podium at the Chicago Slycocrosse Cup after triumphing in a woman’s race. Tessa Johnson ₩25 1st place in the women’s single speed, while Evelyn Williamson, 30, placed second in the race on October 7.

The transgender pair made headlines earlier this year for sweeping the competition at several women’s races amid debate over the inclusion of transgender athletes in women’s sports. Well, if you want to destroy women’s sports, by God, yeah, let men compete by calling themselves women. This is insulting beyond belief, I say. It appears we need three categories of sports men’s sports, women’s sports and transgender sports. I’m okay with that.

But to allow men pretending they’re women to dominate in the women’s sports category is immoral in the extreme. And if you have any lack of understanding about the nature of immorality, check out my piece on Unsunz. com, where I go through eight different theories about the nature of morality and explain why the only defensible among those eight is one that declares that every human being must be treated with respect.

And that means, of course, not taking advantage of them, not brutalizing them, not abusing them. These men are abusing women to promote themselves. This is being glorious. This is disgusting. This is wrong. In the women’s single speed race, Johnson took the gold and Williamson took second, leaving only one biological female on the podium, allison’s Moda, who won bronze. Johnson also placed first in the women’s cat, half, winning 150 in prize money.

Williamson plays fourth, receiving a $75 prize. But this is abusive of women. This is self promoting. This is grandizing. This is disgusting. No one should support it anybody I want somebody to love oh, I can find help from my friends gonna try a little help from my friends I get high little help from my friends I get by a little help from my friends are you sick of censorship? TLB talk is the cure.

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com and join the social media revolution. You’re listening to real talk radio only on the Republic Broadcasting Network. All see the love that sleeping what my guitar can be love at the floor and I see sweeping feel my guitar can we well, this is Jim Fetzer here, your host on Authentic News Live, right here on RBN, the 16th day of October. The lines are open until I get some scholars.

I’ll reiterate some of the most important stories of the day. Without any doubt, it is the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Ye saying, calling on Israel to stop the collective punishment, that it’s gone beyond self defense in Gaza. That’s absolutely correct, and it’s wonderful that he has called out. It should be Israel’s actions have gone beyond self defense, Wang told Prince Fasal bin Faran al Sa’d, according to a Chinese foreign minister readout released earlier Sunday.

It should seriously listen to the calls of the international community and the United Nations Secretary General and stop collecting punishment of the people of Gaza. China opposes and condemns all actions that arm civilians because they violate basic human conscience and basic norms of international law. He also urged all parties to refrain from escalating the situation and return to negotiations as soon as possible. China is communicating intensively with all parties to urge for a ceasefire.

The top priority now is to ensure the safety of civilians, open humanitarian aid channels, and safeguard the basic needs of Gaza’s people, Wang said. Al Sa’d said Saudi Arabia was deeply concerned about the Israeli Palestine conflict. He condemned all attacks on civilians and opposed Israel’s forcible relocation of Gaza residence. On Friday, the Israeli military told the 1. 1 million Palestinians in northern Gaza to relocate southward within 24 hours out of an expected ground defense, prompting a mass exodus.

After days of intense bombardment at Gaza and cutting off electricity and water supplies, israeli Defense Forces Saturday said it was prepared to implement combined and coordinated strikes from the air, sea and land. UN said it considers it impossible for such a movement to take place without devastating humanitarian consequences. UN. Chief Antonio Guterres, who earlier said the situation in Gaza had reached a dangerous new low, as been urging Israeli authorities to avert an humanitarian disaster.

Bear in mind now they’ve cut off water, they’ve cut off food, they’ve cut off electricity. The rule of three human beings cannot survive more than 3 minutes without air, more than three days without water, more than three weeks without food. These punishments are a death sentence if they are fully implemented. If they cut off water, the vast majority Gaussians, if they’re not allowed to get water, will be dead in three days.

Think about it. That’s what’s happening here. And they cut off electricity, as Caitlin Johnstone reported, so the world won’t know how many are dying because of what Israel has done here. I again reaffirm israel turns out to be the most savage, racist nation on the face of earth. Bar not. We have a couple callers standing by. Dan in Washington. Join the conversation. Dan, I called about the Bible, but I appreciate your staying on Israel.

And imagine if you had a grandma in a nursing home or something and they had to have power to keep her alive, and they just cut the power and water all these old folks homes. And it’s a war crime. Like you’re saying, it’s savage behavior. But as far as the Bible, it amazes me that people take it literally. And I listen to audiobooks and I listen to Herodotus the Histories, and that’s about the oldest history book we got.

And the good thing about listening to the Roman philosophers and Greeks is they basically admit what they don’t know. They don’t sit there and try to ram a story down your throat and say you’re going to go to hell or die. They just admit, we know this and don’t know that. But Herodotus never mentions ancient Israel at all. But then I listened to Josephus, the history of the Jews, and that was written in about 40 Ad.

And he talks about Noah’s ark. And you can tell Josephus if you listen to the history of the Jews, you can tell it’s basically kind of like a carnival story act where he’s sitting there trying to convince these Romans that all of humanity came on this ark. And then he says, the ark landed in Armenia. And then he always adds something to kind of explain why there’s no evidence.

So he says, yeah, the ark crashed, but people are taking away souvenirs from it already. That’s why they can’t find it. And then the partying of their sea. He says, well, the Romans have a similar story about Alexander, a river stopping and their army could cross. But as far as I could tell, that there’s really no ancient Israel at Know, the first temple, second temple. You can tell Josephus just basically made that crap.

So I think they were designing a know. Maybe you had some philosophers get together and we need a new story to go by. But it amazes me. I agree with you 100%. The ancient Israel is complete bunk. Well, I sure agree, Dan, that you have to take what we find there in a symbolic fashion rather than literally. I mean, there are all kinds of problems. I’m being told because of what’s going on now, that there are many books of the Bible in which genocide is actively promoted.

Joshua among them, that someone who was a bit off his nut named Jeremiah wrote several of the books of the Bible, and they’re full of lunatic ravings. But it can come down to real simple things, like if there was only Adam and Eve initially, then where did the rest of the human species come from? I mean, they’re supposed to have had kids, but how do those kids have their own children unless they’re having intercourse with her mother, which most Christians think is a deplorable idea.

Those kinds of things abound there. When it gets down to the Noah’s Ark. If you stop figuring out the supposed dimensions, the story becomes increasingly preposterous, especially because you’re talking about species that in the natural course of things would devour one another. And where do you have all the food supply? The whole thing is fanciful. But of course, if you interpret it all symbolically, there’s lots of latitude for making some kind of coherent sense of the whole.

But I dare say if the New Testament had been published separate from the Old, I think it would have much more credibility because you’ve got two totally disparate deities. The God of the Old Testament is a vengeful God, and he promotes killing, even parents killing children, whereas the New Testament God is a forgiving loving God. Very compassionate. Thus, I believe the God of the New Testament is overwhelmingly, from a moral point of view, superior to the God of the Old Testament.

But that’s just my take. Your further thoughts, Dan? No, I agree 100%. Yeah. Well, they kind of invented that Trinity thing to kind of get around. Well, it’s kind of the same God, but not really. It’s the trinity. One period of my life the one period of my life when I was active in organized religion was in South Pasadena at St. James Episcopal Church in junior high and high school, I was an acolyte.

I sang in the church choir. I became the head of the young People’s Fellowship. I gave a sermon on Youth Sunday. But I was always puzzled by the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Are we talking about one God or three? It never quite added up. I was actually between high school and college, sent as a delegate to the 14th World Convention on Christian Education held that year in Tokyo.

This would have been the summer of 1958, and I went to the Chinese Communist Party headquarters there to obtain literature to see if what I was being told corresponded to what they were saying. And I may have been put on a CIA watch list at that point in time. Dan, do you have a closing thought? But it never mean that was the end of it. When I went to college and began studying cultural anthropology, for example, and philosophy, it never grabbed me.

And I have good intellectual reasons for being a skeptic about religion, which every priest and rabbi and minister agrees believe in God as an article of faith that transcends what reason or evidence can provide. So if you have intellectual scruples like mine known as the ethics of belief introduced by the British philosopher William Clifford, then you will not or refrain from accepting beliefs for which you cannot provide sufficient evidence, which is where I stand.

A closing, a final thought? Dan. Yeah. The Western civilization, what made it great, I think, was the reasoning of people like Plato and Aristotle and kind of using logic and reason to understand the world around you. I couldn’t. Aristotle is one of the big aristotle is one of the big three in my book. Aristotle, Emmanuel Kant and C. S. Charles S. Purse. The only great American philosopher. Those are the greatest philosophers in history, as I see it.

Dan, thanks a lot for your thank you. Laura in Michigan, join the conversation. Laura, glad to have you back. Good. Yeah. This morning I was listening to Glenn Beck’s show. Of course, he’s all for Israel. And they’re so giddy right now because of what DeSantis did. Because DeSantis is the only presidential candidate to send a plane over to Israel to get a plane load of people to come back.

I bet that plane load of people are all dual citizens. They’re all excited. You’re telling me Ron DeSantis pulled a political stunt by flying to Israel and the parties he’s bringing back are not Palestinians, but they’re saying, well, wow, I don’t think that’s going to play well. When Americans figure out what the hell is going on here and how much they’ve been sold a song and dance by Israel and that Israel attacked us on 911 and that our Congress is Israeli occupied territory, I think a lot of people are going to be pissed off.

I do not foresee this as advancing Ron DeSantis political career. They keep talking about, oh, we’ve got to all visit the Holy Land. Well, I’ll tell you what, the Holy Land has been sullied by the Jews, by China, have pedophilia and all their sodomy not the Holy Land anymore. Yeah, I think there’s something to that. I have the head of the Department of Philosophy at Duluth when I was hired as a full professor with Tenure 1987, and I had conversations, and he made the interesting point, comparing Judaism with Christianity, that Judaism has a lot of restrictions regarding food but none about sex, whereas Christianity has a lot of restrictions about sex but none about food.

I thought that was extremely interesting. Laura, do you have a final thought? That’s it. Just watch for DeSantis and commercials and everything about how wonderful DeSantis is now because of what he’s done. Yeah, I think you can stick a fork into Santa’s. He’s done. Laura okay, good, good, good. Thank you for the call. Thank you always. Bruce in Texas, join the conversation. Bruce. Hey, Jim. Hello. Go ahead.

Late on. Yeah, I’m using the microphone I don’t usually use, so I just want to make sure you hear me loud and clear. Oh, very clear. Excellent microphone. You should always use it. Okay. Well, here’s something interesting from Lindsey Graham. It’s kind of a satirical deal. Here it goes. I just thought you’d like it. Listen to me now and listen to me good. We should, without lubricant, go into Gaza from behind.

I know it sounds brutal, but we need to penetrate them, blow our loads, and then subsequently this is a parody, Bruce, but it’s not far removed from the truth. Yeah, lindsey Graham has called for Gaza to be wiped out. It’s outrageous. Nikki haley the same. They just are disgusting and inhumane, and I hope neither of them has any political future repulsive. Bruce, further thoughts? Well, yeah. How many children have been killed or maimed over there in Gaza? Something like 800 or so.

Have you heard that number? It wouldn’t surprise me. Bruce, go ahead. Well, yeah, that reminds me of Madeline Albright. Remember when she was asked in an interview were the sanctions on Iraq that deprived them of medicine and food? It was estimated the interviewer asked her and this is long ago, they’ll never ask these questions now of anybody in politics. If the deaths of 500,000 children, does it weigh on your conscience? And she says, no, I think it was worth it.

These people are just so despicable. Madeline Albright just happened to be a Jew, like so many others involved in all these events. The no fly zone over Iraq yes. Cost an estimated 500,000 Iraqi children. How grotesque is that? And she said, oh, yeah, it was worth it. Well, to hell with Madeline Albright. To hell with that. Well, yeah. And Saddam Hussein was baited into invading Kuwait by halliburton angle drilling into his oil fields, and he became so enraged.

And then he spoke with the US ambassador to Iraq and brought up his concerns to her. And they sent a female, because a female implies weakness in the Arab mind. In the Arab male mind. And so that was intentional as well. And she said, well, if you have a dispute or anything that goes on between yourself, of course I’m paraphrasing yourself and Kuwait will not get involved. Of course that was a setup, because Israel wanted to get rid of Iraq.

Since Iraq we flooded Iraq with weapons and chemical weapons to take out Iran. And since he failed, they needed to get rid of his army because it posed a threat to the Israeli nation. Because, remember, I think it was in the 1973 war, iraq sent a column of tanks to go fight in that conflict. So they wanted to get rid of Saddam Hussein. We have so many servicemen, and I know one who’s missing a leg and he’s paralyzed from the waist down.

And these people don’t give a rat ass about anybody but themselves. It’s so disgusting. Bruce, you make great points about Iraq. I think that’s absolutely right. Of course we encourage Iraq to attack Iran and both sides lost about a million on each side. What a disaster. This is the inhumanity of American foreign policy playing one nation against another in a completely morally corrupt, bankrupt fashion. Thanks, Bruce. Thanks for an excellent call, my friend.

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Now it’s now these days. Rick in Arizona. Join the conversation. Rick. All right. Hello, Dr. Fetzer. I got to talk about two issues quick. Number one, you know Bugsy Siegel was a lieutenant in the organization called Murder Incorporated out of the Brownsville district of Brooklyn, New York. And one of the ways Bugsy would like to kill you. If he didn’t really like you, he would hog tie you in a way that when you moved, you would choke yourself to death.

Now that’s who lives in Israel. Okay, second issue I want to talk about is be careful about what you believe with this crap about Iran. People are very ignorant, unaware and naive about Iran. England controls all the oil industry in Iran. Now when Lindsey Graham says we want to bomb a refinery, oh, he really thinks he’s going to bomb a refinery in Iran. The Iran oil operations pay for the National Health Service, the free health care for the people of England.

Okay? Now we’ve been threatening to annihilate Iran for 50 years, but the reason why we never have is because it’s all BS. This country is totally under the control of England and the oil industry. Royal Dutch Shells owned by the Rothschilds and British Petroleum. The country of England owns 51% controlling interest in British Petroleum. So all this stuff about Iran being a threat, who knows what’s really going on? But that’s the issue.

Iran is totally controlled by England. And I’m guessing that the British aircraft carrier that’s in the Middle East is going to shoot any Jewish jet in the air down headed for Iran. Thanks for taking the call. Oh, yeah, stick around a SEC. Rick, I can’t confirm everything you said there, but I can assure you I have been to Iran. I participated in an international conference there. I was very impressed.

Iran is an ancient civilization. They are very dignified. They are very principled. They are very thoughtful. And the idea of describing Iran is out of control. Terrorists is ludicrous. It’s like describing Trump supporters as domestic terrorists. It’s on a par. It has no more war than that. Your points about the oil industry I’m not in a position to confirm or deny, but you’re certainly correct that we’ve had a lot of bullshit about Iran.

A further thought, a final thought, Rick. Rick dropped. Okay, well, I’m glad you called. Robert in Minnesota. Robert, join the conversation. Hello, James. Yeah, I want to first of all say that you are on board with Michael Rivera on one thing. I know he did a very interesting article quite a few years ago about how the residents of Palestine were probably the living descendants of the family of Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ actually, you know, had a larger family than just himself.

And so the Palestinians are actually much more related than the people of Israel that are inhabiting Israel now. So does it make all the more sense, Robert, that they’d be happy to kill descendants of Jesus? I mean, you’re making a wonderful, very interesting point. I can’t confirm it 100%, but I can guarantee DNA studies have shown the Israelis in Palestine today, or what’s called the State of Israel, are not descendants of the tribe of Judah.

They don’t have any Hebrew blood. They’re Kazarians and impersonators. They’re imposters. They pretend to be what they are not, which is perfectly consistent with their Talmudic orientation, which says they’re entitled, lie, cheat, and steal to the non Jew because the Jews are superior in that God made them the chosen people, and all other races only exist to serve them. Everyone has got to absorb that lesson to understand what we’re up against here.

Robert. Okay, I want to make another point, too. This goes back to when Joyce Riley was alive. This is ten years ago. She had a guest by the name of Anna Baltzer. B-A-L-T-Z-E-R. Anna. Anna. And Anna was a young Jewish woman who I believe she had, like, a Fulbright scholarship. I mean, smart lady. Her grandmother had escaped Germany. A lot of her relatives had been killed during the Holocaust.

And I won’t go into details there because I think there’s a fair amount of revisionist history there. But anyway, Anna had been brought up to believe all the stuff that we all have been brought up to believe about Israel and the Palestinians. And while she was traveling, some woman’s peace group, and she was traveling in Turkey, and she kept running into Palestine refugees. And they’re very friendly, very nice, very open.

And she said she couldn’t believe the stories that she heard. So she paid a visit to Palestine herself. And so she’s got a robert. Robert. Robert. Robert. I want to hear more. Stick around. We got a break. I’ll come back with you right now. Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been listen a dream waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door who is it for? You are tuned in to the Republic Broadcasting Network.

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And Robert, you have some very interesting things to say. Tell me more. I was a huge fan of Joyce Riley, by the way. I thought she was sensational. I followed her from the time with Dave Von Kleis and I was going through the same learning curve as she mean, when I first started listening, it was Dave that I kind of more related to. I thought she was pretty far right and very religious, and I was raised a Catholic and left the church at a very early age.

Anyway, this Anna Baltzerf, you can find her video on YouTube. It’s called life in occupied Palestine. And you have to include Anna Baltzer B-A-L-T-Z-E-R. Otherwise you’ll get a whole bunch of different ones. But it’s just an hour long and she’s sitting in her living room sharing photos that she took. And she’s talking about she shows how Israel grew, how Palestine, what the map looked like in 1947 or 57 or whatever it was, and how they just kept on encroaching more and more.

And she explains how these settlements are set up and then colonization. And she’s very even killed. There is no violence in it at all. There’s no gunshots. She just shows how the soldiers are saying, we’re just following our orders, and they show all the checkpoints. That what might take you and I a half an hour to drive to work. It would take a Palestinian three to 6 hours, if not two days, to get to work.

And so it’s very hard for them to hold a job. And the thing was, okay, she’s on with Joyce Riley, and all of a sudden all of the religious people are calling into Joyce, telling her how she’s going to hell because she’s not supporting Israel. And that is just so typical, I think, of what I see how the Christians are behaving very unchristian like, and I guess that’s about my summation of the whole thing.

But I recommend everybody see that and pass it on to people who are trying to figure out what’s going on. Of course, I will add one more thing. Yeah, hang on a SEC. Of course Joyce and Dave Longkleis were married and they split. I knew Dave better than I did Joyce. He was there when I gave that first political speech I gave at the Ron Paul Freedom Rally in Washington DC on the 15 April 2008.

But I’ve done a lot about 911 and Dave interviewed me about 911 and used it as a framework for his film, which is actually very good. 911 ripple Effect. Dave von Klein. Ripple effect. Yeah, he used me as a framework for that. Robert? Yeah. Give us your final thought. Go ahead. My final thought here is for all of the Democrats that are thinking that they want to take down the Republican Party, they missed their chance.

If they had backed Paul Wellstone and the work that you did on Wellstone, that they killed him, that is like a tour de force. That is just such an excellent film. And if the Democrats would have backed Paul Wellstone and looked into his death, that would have done away with the Bushes, the Cheneys, the Wolfowitz, that whole sleazy cadre would have been jailed and locked up and probably hung.

Very astute. Robert. Yeah. The crash took just 60 miles north of my office on the Duluth campus, the University of Minnesota. I wound up doing a huge amount of research on it, publishing a book co authored with Don Four Jacobs entitled American Assassination. If you can find it, pick it up. You can find a review of it from the Wilderness newsletter published by Michael Rupert under the heading of the NTSB Failed Wellstone, which I co authored with John P.

Costella, PhD. And if you go to myassassinationscience. com website, if you scroll down to the bottom on the left hand side I did a three part lecture, an hour on JFK, an hour on 911, and an hour on Wellstone before I retired. From the University of Minnesota, Duluth in 2006, and you can find the Wellstone lecture there. Robert, that was a simply excellent call. I can’t thank you enough.

Meanwhile, Charles in Florida, all of your work, thank you very much. Great call. You call again. Charles in Florida, join the conversation. Yes, Professor Fesser, Dr. Fesser, I have a kind of strange theory myself. I’ve read from some articles in the Truth Seeker that a lot of the younger people in Israel are secularists and they’re very suspicious of BB. Not in Yahoo, wants to make himself dictator and get rid of democratic laws.

Supposedly, the know the yeah. Which was the rejectionist of Zayatensky during the World War II, has infiltrated the Lacude block. The Lacudniks and how fanatical they were. The rebbe head of he said, the three world wars are going to bring about the return of the Messiah. The Messiah. The anointed one when they rebuild the Temple. Yes. There’s a lot of secularist, hellenist kind of people that are free thinkers in Israel.

Israelis, they’re not all fanatics. They don’t follow the political party. Have you ever heard of the Osma Yehudin party? The Jewish Power Party? They’re almost straight jewish fascist. They admit it, too. That’s the kind of fanatics that the could bloc wants to in their party, to appeal to that, to have a total dictatorship and abandon any kind of secular democratic regime in Israel, or the appearance of it.

Anyway, that’s my charles, you’re making a lot of excellent point. Truth seeker is wonderful. Anyone who doesn’t know the truth seeker seek him out. And I especially emphasize your point. Younger Jews, younger Israelis do not share the fanaticism of their elders, and they’re very open to a two state solution. They regard Palestinians as human beings, which is not true of the older you made excellent points, Charles. You have a final thought? Yeah, well, of course, our friend Trump brother in law is a fanatical member of the 7th Rebbe who died.

They regard almost like a deity on Earth you’re talking about Kushner is son in law. Son in law, not brother in law. Son in law of Trump. Yeah. Charles. Good stuff. Charles, I thank you for the call. Excellent. Peter Peter in Los Angeles. Join the conversation. Peter. Yeah, hi, James. I wanted to make a couple of points here, one of which is that the President of Israel has come out and said that all Palestinians, there are no civilians in Gaza.

There are no innocent civilians. The point I want to make is that they have no army, no air force. They don’t even have a police force, really. And more than that, on the reverse, since Israel has universal conscription for male and female, virtually everybody over 18 is a legitimate military target. And, by the way, probably spends three or four weeks a year breaking heads and humiliating Palestinians in the West Bank or somewhere.

This is a national pastime of the Israeli body politic, and it has been since 1948. Everybody participates in this. There are no innocent Israelis. Frankly, Peter, that is such a good point. And they’re not even exempting children and babes in arms. When he makes that claim, he’s saying all the Palestinians are somehow criminal and complicit and legitimate targets. It’s outrageous. If people had called for the genocide of Jews the way that the Jews are doing that for the Palestinians right now, for every, I don’t know, 1000 Palestinians or Arabs that they’ve killed, there wouldn’t be any Jews 500 times over.

But the other thing is a couple of years back, matter of fact it was in 2009 and I sent this to you yesterday or the day before, there was a ring, organ smuggling ring unearthed in New Jersey that consisted of five or six rabbis. All this is a Jewish ring. A bunch of mayors in northern New Jersey, even a congressman that were involved in organ smuggling from ever the story, had no legs.

And I sent this to you two, three days ago. But I just want to leave it let me just put it this way. The organ smuggling business is going to be booming after this genocide of that’s where they’re getting their organs. But interesting, Peter, those are not kosher organs. How do they do that? Those are pellets. How can they trade in them when they’re not kosher? This is really something.

Well, maybe they’re selling to non Jews, who knows? But they’re selling them or they were. These are rabbis, right? Another thing is that they call everybody a terrorist. I mean, when they virtually invented it with the car bomb, car bombings were against the British in the mandate era, the King David Hotel, how many prime minister making so many great points, Peter. I love it. The other thing is that they’re labeling everybody a terrorist.

And if you’re going to buy that these poor Palestinian victims are terrorists, just remember that the same people labeling them terrorists are also labeling us terrorists. That’s white male Republicans or white male. These are people like Majorcas and Garland and Lincoln who are themselves Jews, who are making head of the National Intelligence, whatever name is. Peter, you got that’s? That’s pretty much my point, Jim. Well, you wonderful, wonderful call Peter Reese in New York.

Join the conversation. Time is limited. Reese join, okay. Good afternoon, Jim and listeners out there. Because time is limited, I’m going to save my rebuttal to Dan in Washington about Noah’s Ark. I have a great depth of knowledge on these subjects. I’ll bring that up in another broadcast. But let’s go into the two reasons I called today. One, this outrageous human rights violation, I mean, war crimes that are being committed against the Gazans.

But it’s not just that. Worse than that is that almost the entire international community is remaining silent with the worst war crimes probably in the last 150 years. You would have to go back to the march of the Armenians and the 1. 5 million genocided if Israel continues and carries out the massacre with 300,000 IDF soldiers and commandos as they’re planning on. So what we’re going to see, my prediction is this.

We’re going to see if they move in, we’re going to see an all out assault that’s going to make the Six Days War look like child’s play. They’re going to be attacked with people for the last 50 years that have been building up their rage and have been containing it. And I think we’re going to see Israel get its ass kicked or annihilated when we have numerous Islamic countries attack it.

That’s my prediction. And I believe that could bring about the Third World War that I spoke of without Albert Pike’s vision. Now, because there’s a limited time, my rant on Anthony Blinken and this mitzvah he had with BB Netanyahu. The other day he appears on TV having an interview by the World Jewish Congress, televised it, where he claims that his stepfather, Samuel Pizar, was sent to Auschwitz as a twelve year old and then was rescued by a tank battalion in which a black soldier, a black tank commander, gets out and saves his father.

Well, folks, it was all a lie, and it’s been proven a lie. Now because the battalion he’s referring to is the 761. I think you know about this, Jim. Well, Reese, I don’t have any doubt what you’re saying, and these are big time liars. Remember, Jews are entitled to lie to the Goyam. They can make up any bullshit they want. They’re entitled to god has designated them as the chosen people.

Reeves yeah, well, I would agree. God has chosen them. It’s their God, Lucifer, who I am convinced they made a pact with in 1776 when they formed the Bavarian Illuminati. Now, the 761st Battalion never came within 100 miles of that camp. And as a matter of fact, there’s witnesses that testify that went to Dacao and said that that tank battalion was never there. So, Jim, in summary, Lincoln lied through his teeth because he wanted to virtue signal that he was with a black man and that he said, according to the account his stepfather said.

What did he say? I love America. Thank God for America, he says. Now, he could lie, but if anyone in 16 countries in Europe was to make a lie up about the holohoax, they’ll go to jail. But these people could lie through their teeth with impunity. That’s all I have to say. Jim reese good stuff. Good stuff. Reese and well said, john of Michigan. John, we’re going to be hitting a break, but I want you to have the opportunity to say your piece is going to start be okay.

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John? Yes, Jim? I really appreciate everything you’re doing, especially with this situation. I did see an interview. This is a sidebar from what I was going to bring up by Dr. Francis Boyle. Do you know who Dr. Francis Boyle? Yeah, sure do. Yeah, I’ve been in contact with him. He’s a leading expert on human rights and international law, right. And he represented Palestine in international situation. And he has the real history and real story of Palestine, if anybody wants to get it from his aspect.

And also, he also wrote a bioweapon law or help write it to make sure that we didn’t use very, very educated man, Dr. Francis Boyle. Look up his interview and then I just want to bring people’s attention to Republic Broadcasting. When you go there, if you can donate, donate. But John Statmiller did a five day presentation there in 209, and he explains the whole thing. It’s the elitist Jews in fascist Israel.

And there are no commercials. It’s two hour shows for five days. He did it, and you can really get some information. And that’s where the World Council of Churches come in. And that’s why all of these people think that Israel is the place that God wants us all to believe is righteous, because they changed. That was the Rothschild influence and Rockefeller Feller influence program to get all these churches, ministers, whatever, rabbis to believe the story they wanted to have out.

And that’s why so many people think this is just the Holy Land, which it isn’t, because Jack Bernstein, an American Jew, went there in 1967 and he wrote a book called The American Jew in Fascist, Racist, Fascist Israel. And there he married a sephardic who’s indigenous to that area and of the descent that we’re dealing with. And the Khazarians or Khazars are the ones that are running it, they’re heathens.

They are everything at Christian values or whatever you want to say, right or wrong values. They’re very demonic. But he got killed by the Mossad, and you can find that online and read it and just it’s amazing story that would really help clear up a lot of people’s opinions of Israel because he got ostracized, too, because he married a sephardic. But go to Republic and scroll that up, that one interview, because when the World Council of Churches come up, that’s why people think they do as far as the church.

But I just want to get that out and for people to find out that they can really get a lot of answers by just going to those two sources and then you’ll see that this is a very evil group that’s in Israel and I respect yeah, that was a sensational, John. I got one more guest squeeze, but that was a sensational call, and especially to compliment John Statmiller for his wonderful work of the past.

Catherine of Virginia, you got only a minute or two, but go for it, girl. Hi. I’ve been trying to get through for a few days and I haven’t been able to. But one thing I will say, the 40 beheaded babies. I mean, if anybody believes that story, but they’re doing 40, and I binge. Listened to alternative media and didn’t hear anybody bring this up. 40 is code. Some people say 40 is like Anunaki.

I don’t know if it’s ANU or whatever, but the 40 days and 40 nights that Jesus was in the desert but with all these churches, these Christians are they so stupid that they don’t judge people by their fruits. Yeah. If we ever take back control of America, lindsay Graham and Nikki Haley need to be executed. Not just prison sentence. Executed. Catherine all 40 beheaded babies. What about all the white babies and children that are killed by black people? Should we go have terror attacks on black people? Catherine.

Catherine. I’m so glad I got you to squeeze it. Just call in earlier in the future. Everyone out there, spend as much time as you can with your friends and family. We do not know how much time we have left. Love, RBN I want somebody to love oh, I can help from my friend gonna try help from my brain. .


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censorship of pro Palestinian voices ethnic cleansing in Gaza historical entitlements humanitarian issues in Gaza Israel causing World War possibility Israeli conflict criticism media bias in Israel conflict political motivations in Gaza racism against non-Jewish people Russia and China on Israeli conflict Turkey's role in regional conflict U.S. stance on Israel Western rule-based order critique

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