RBN Authentic News (9 September 2024)

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ On September 9, 2024, host Jim Petzer discussed the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, highlighting Ukraine’s surprise incursion into Russia and the resulting escalation of violence. He also mentioned the praise from US and UK intelligence agencies for Ukraine’s actions, despite the potential for a nuclear war. Additionally, he discussed the lifting of restrictions on Ukraine’s use of long-range missiles by France and Britain, which could potentially lead to a nuclear conflict. Lastly, he interviewed retired Colonel Douglas McGregor, who shared his insights on global events, including Turkey’s desire to join the BRICS currency settlement system and the US’s role in global conflicts.
➡ Colonel McGregor is praised as a top geopolitical commentator, while RT faces criticism. The text discusses a political livestream featuring Dmitri Polyansky and Scott Ritter, who deny any wrongdoing in their actions. The possibility of a nuclear war is discussed, as well as large protests in Israel and France, and Turkey blocking aid to Gaza. The World Economic Forum is accused of using COVID as a test for obedience to a new world order.
➡ The text discusses concerns about potential voting fraud, including false votes from non-existent Americans living abroad. It criticizes Democrats, accusing them of dishonesty and damaging America. The text also mentions opposition to a bill requiring only citizens to vote in national elections. It ends with a reminder to spend time with loved ones and support RBM, acknowledging the challenging circumstances.
➡ The World Economic Forum (WEF) suggests that the COVID pandemic was a test of social responsibility, with people worldwide adopting health restrictions. The WEF believes that for a sustainable future, societies must comply with a new global order. Meanwhile, a recent poll shows former President Trump leading against Vice President Harris, indicating a shift in public opinion. The article also mentions various endorsements and political shifts, including the National Fraternal Order of Police endorsing Trump and prominent attorney Alan Dershowitz leaving the Democratic party due to dissatisfaction with its direction.
➡ Despite facing legal challenges and negative media coverage, President Trump’s popularity remains strong. The Democrats have delayed Trump’s sentencing, fearing it might boost his support before the election. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee, is facing scrutiny and needs to answer key questions about her policies and qualifications. In other news, Tucker is drawing large crowds with his tour events, and there are concerns that a Harris victory in 2024 could turn the US into a one-party state.
➡ The text discusses various topics including political issues, a school shooting, a thwarted terror attack, and the seizure of American farmland for a Green New Deal. It also mentions a debate involving Candace Owens, a scam involving fake work visas, and a new tool for meat processing companies. The text ends with a discussion about foreign wars and a situation involving Aurora.
➡ The discussion revolves around concerns about the potential for civil conflict due to the influx of illegal immigrants, the perceived threat of a communist agenda, and the fear of losing American jobs to immigrants. There’s also criticism of certain political figures and a debate about voting rights, with some arguing that only American citizens should be allowed to vote.
➡ The conversation revolves around the upcoming elections, with the speakers expressing their support for Donald Trump and their skepticism towards Kamala Harris. They discuss a man named Mark Lickstein who has accurately predicted past elections and is currently predicting a win for Harris. The speakers also touch on issues like immigration and the economy, and express their belief that these will be key factors in the election outcome.
➡ The text is a conversation between a radio host and a caller discussing various conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks. They talk about the possibility of drones, holograms, and mini nukes being used, and the absence of expected debris as evidence for these theories. They also discuss a movie about the event and suggest it contains hidden hints supporting their views. The conversation ends with the host promising to continue the discussion after a break.
➡ The discussion revolves around the increasing value of silver due to its industrial use and the potential collapse of fiat currency. It also touches on the shift from the petrodollar to BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) and the potential for a rise in silver prices. The conversation also covers the changing U.S. nuclear war plan and its implications. Lastly, it discusses the energy crisis, highlighting the increasing energy required to extract oil and the potential for ethanol as an alternative energy source.
➡ The discussion revolves around the future of energy, with a focus on the potential of hydrogen and nuclear power. However, concerns are raised about the cost and difficulty of obtaining nuclear fuel. The conversation also touches on the abundance of oil and the possibility of it being naturally produced by the Earth. Lastly, the discussion shifts to politics, with speculation about the upcoming election and the performance of certain candidates.


It took me so long to find out. I found out. Well, this is Jim Petzer, your host on authentic news right here on RBN Live. This 9th day of September, 2024, two days before the 23rd of remembrance observance of 911. My show earlier today on revolution radio, the raw deal was all 2 hours devoted to 911. It will be posted later today on my bitchute channel. Jim Fetzer also put it up on my twitter. Meanwhile, us and UK spy chiefs praise Ukraine’s audacious russian incursion which has led to the decimation of 10,000 more ukrainian troops. Disaster heads of the british and american foreign intelligence agencies.

That would be CIA and Mi six Saturday claimed Ukraine surprise incursion into Russia is a significant achievement that could change the narrative of the grinding two and a half year war as they Yerzkyov’s allies not to be held back by Russia’s threats of escalation. Frankly, this is absurd. I it shows a degree of irrationality virtually beyond comprehension. It’s only explicable if the whole purpose is to initiate a nuclear war with Russia which the west cannot win. Richard Moorhead of Mi six said give surprise August offensive to seize territory and the Kurds creation was typically audacious and bold on the part of the Ukrainians that try and change the game.

Except it did not. He said the offensive which Ukraine said it captured about 1300 square kilometers, 500 sq mi of russian territory, had brought the war home to ordinary Russians. What it has done is inflamed russian sentiment, antagonize Putin. So he’s responding with much heavier weapons now, including the taking out of that academy where they were training. I mean one of these bombs that 3000 had over 2000 casualties, a single bomb. Meanwhile, us air force f 35s demonstrate their ability to makeshift runways close to the russian border. You think that’s going to pacify anything? Two f 35 5th generation fighters tested their ability to operate from highways in Finland, bargaining the first time f 35s in the country have landed on a european highway.

The deployment was carried out back on September 4 to showcase the air force agile combat deployment concept which emphasized the ability to operate fighters from unconventional location. Now bear in mind, f 35s like f 16 are nuclear capable and Russia has made it very clear that if they have a nuclear threat they are going to respond. Meanwhile, and this I regard is especially ominous. France and Britain have lifted restrictions on Kiev’s use of long range missiles. Now we had a report the other day that Russia has given formal notification to the US, to the England, to France and Germany of something in a sealed document.

And I believe what it was is if these long range missiles are used against Russia, that will be a de facto declaration of war and Russia will respond as such. I therefore believe these reports are lighting the fuse for a nuclear conflagration. Today, the 24th meeting of Ukraine sponsors ended at the german ramsted air base. Following the meeting, participating countries announced new military aid packages for Kiev as well as decisions on the use of transferred long range weapons. In particular, France and the UK have fulfilled the long staying request of the illegitimate Ukrainian President Zelensky and lifted restrictions on use of storm shadow and scalp eg missiles.

Kiev is now allowed to use them to strike outside of the SVO zone and the Novorossia region. Bad, bad news. Washington is so far refrained from officially living sanctions on the use of the 8th TACMS missile. Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin explained Ukraine has weapons of its own design for strike deep into Russia. It’s possible Kiev will be allowed to use american missiles at their own discretion under the guise of ukrainian products. This is not good. Meanwhile, Colonel McGregor gives an urgent update about what’s going on with Mike Adams. I’m Mike Adams, the founder of Brighton. And today we’re joined by a very important guest, someone who has, I believe, incredible insights into world events.

And if more people would listen to his words, I think that we would be a safer world by far. His name is retired Colonel Douglas McGregor and he’s the CEO of our country, our choice.com. we’ll talk about that coming up. But welcome, Colonel MacGregor. It’s an honor to have you on the show, sir. Hey, happy to be here. Well, you are a prolific analyst these days, and I followed a lot of your videos. You are really up to speed. So let me just start out with breaking news. The nation of Turkey, a NATO member. I’m saying that for our viewers.

I know that you’re aware of that, of course, but a NATO member is now saying that they wish to join BRICS, which is the Russia China, Brazil, Iran currency settlement system. In your view, Colonel, what do you believe are the ramifications of this announcement? Well, it depends on your perspective in Washington. I’m sure Washington will view this in almost exclusively negative terms. Your audience needs to understand that Brazil, Russia, India, China, Saudi Arabia got together and formed this. Not necessarily an alliance, but a partnership with a strong economic content and a desire to ultimately build, over time, an alternative to the US dominated global financial system.

Most Americans don’t understand how we’ve operated since the end of the second world war, we built a system that obviously was favorable to ourselves, which is not surprising and didn’t bother anyone at the time because we reviewed as inherently positive as a force and an influence in the world. But it’s taken the last 60 to 70 years to convince people that that’s not really the case. We certainly damaged ourselves in Vietnam. I don’t see how you couldn’t killing 2 million Vietnamese and turning the country into ruinsous. We then moved from that, away from those policies of intervention and nation building, and we recovered somewhat.

But, of course, that was largely thrown away after the 1991 Desert Storm campaign. We got back in the business of directly involving ourselves using military power as well as financial power. And the way we use financial power is very, very straightforward. If you want a loan from the World bank, we want you to adopt these policies. If you want to grow this crop, we’ll have to approve it, because we think you should grow a different crop. In other words, we were very, very intimately involved in the way economies were developed, particularly in the developing world. So over time, we became, in the eyes of people in the developing world, another version of their colonial masters.

And that’s why you’ve seen us recently tossed out of Africa. We’ve been tossed out of many places, although we don’t give it much coverage in the media. And I think that’s only going to pick up and worsen now because we’re seen today as a catalyst for conflict wherever we go. We promote violence, we cultivate hostility, as opposed to having been seen 80 years ago as this inherently positive force that wanted people to live free and independently on their own. Even Harry Truman, who today would not recognize the Democratic Party, used to say, quite frankly, we don’t care what the Soviet Union does or how they govern themselves.

That’s their affair. We would just prefer that they not be aggressive towards their neighbors. And I think that was the general view of almost everyone in the United States in the fifties and early sixties. And then we took a turn for the worst, in my judgment. And began. And began. Yes, let me get him back here and begin to today’s interview on Brighttown.com. at least 500 years. And they are a very. They have a very martial culture. Their people are very proud of their past, but they are not necessarily inclined to dislike us or fight with us.

And I would argue that you have something similar in Iran. Iranians have a much less martial outlook. I don’t think the iranian people as a whole are even remotely marshall in their orientation towards military power. Absolutely not. Iranians have very small ground forces, couldn’t move into any neighboring country and have much impact if it was a purely military enterprise. They are influential politically and economically and that’s where they have invested heavily. But most of their weaponry is purely defensive. The Turks, on the other hand, could put 2 million men into the field in the space of 30 to 45 days.

Wow. And they’re very ferocious fighters. And right now, our problems in the region stem almost exclusively from our unconditional support of Israel. And we have to remember that for many, many decades, presidents of the United States have supported Israel, but they have also set limits to what they would permit the various prime ministers of the israeli state to do. Because we have interests in the region we want or have wanted in the past, good relations with the Saudis, close relations with Turkey. We’ve ended up in this unfortunate no win situation with Iran and Syria and now increasingly in Iraq because we built enemies in places where none existed previously.

And again, much of this is attributable to our interventionism, but it’s also attributable to our more recent unconditional support of whatever the Israelis want. I think that’s absolutely fabulous. Colonel McGregor, in my opinion, is by far the best commentator on geopolitical affairs in the world today. Meanwhile, RT is under fire, according to this report. And that changed after an illegal. This is we’re getting, of course, because of politics. Kamala let him go and he killed my son. He actually drove over him three times. That was an illegal. Absolutely ride. So, you know, it’s really getting heating up when we have the election so close.

Another episode of the DDGo politics livestream. I am your host, Sarah, and I am joined by John and two amazing men who need no introduction. Ambassador permanent deputy ambassador to the UN, Dmitri Polyansky and Scott Ritter, who we haven’t seen in quite some time. Welcome to you both. Thank you so much for joining us on Friday morning. How are you, sir? Fine. Friday is promising. You know, weekend is looming. That’s good news. Looming is not always a good thing. Scott, thank you so much for popping in. How are you this morning? Well, I’m good. Waiting for twelve noon.

That’s when the Department of Justice tends to release new updates. So we’ll see if I win the indictment lottery today or if it will hold over till next week and hopefully never happen because as I told the FBI and the many hours that they were in my home, I’ve done nothing wrong and I’m totally transparent. And, you know, don’t leave my house without asking every question you have. Scott Ritter is such a good man. Meanwhile, America’s new nuclear war plan. Is it time to panic again? Again? Let’s see. Here. We have a moderator talking about bringing people together above their ideologies, above their differences, and to say, we have to create true peace now or we’re facing thermonuclear World War III.

And I couldn’t, I mean, a year ago, I thought that was as close as we possibly could be. And I never would have imagined that we would have come this close now. So thank you, everyone, for joining us. I’ll open it up for Helga seppal Roosch, who is the founder of the Schiller Institute and the initiator of the International Peace Coalition. Please go ahead, Helga. Well, they’re talking about how close we are to world War three. And we’re all aware, sad to say. Meanwhile, israeli protesters have brought Tel Aviv to a halt demanding a deal to free captives.

An estimated 750,000. I repeat that number. An estimated 750,000 Israelis have taken to the streets in one of Israel’s biggest ever protests demanding the government of Prime Minister Netanyahu strike a deal to free the remaining captives in Gaza. A record number of demonstrators comes a week after the israeli army announced it had recovered the bodies of six captives from a tunnel in southern Gaza. By the way, I have said they were not killed by Hamas. I guarantee they were killed by the IDF with the instruction of Netanyahu to make it clear how bad Hamas is to further demonize Hamas.

Just as on October 7, the IDF killed a whole lot of people in order to blame it on Hamas. Yes, these were jews killing jews. They do it. They’re willing to do it. Their leaders have no mercy, no humanity, no scruples whatsoever. Family members of israeli captives and group representing and blame the PM and his government for failing to secure a truce deal that would secure their release. Of course he does not want a truce deal. How many reports have I had? He’s under mining hit. Meanwhile, Turkey, and this upsets me. Turkey blocks a flotilla with 5000 tons of aid to famine threatened Gaza.

What in the world is going on here? Around 5000 tons of aid bomb for Gaza has been blocked by Durga’s authorities, the Freedom Flotilla coalition has said, with one of the group vessels stranded at the hometown of Hatas Parsa awaiting the approval to head to the besieged enclave. Freedom Flotilla coalition has been confined to the turkish port for more than 45 days, despite passing all the necessary. Jackson. Apart from Gaza, the group has said the aim is not only to deliver desperately needed aid to Gaza, but to raise awareness about the humanitarian situation in the palestinian enclave, which is on the verge of famine.

So why is turkey blocking absolutely outrageous. Meanwhile, mass protests in France after Macron speak Lanier as prime minister more than 100,000 notice at far less than 750 left wing demonstrators were reported to have taken to the streets across France to protest President Macron’s decision to appoint center right Michael Berryer with left wing parties accusing him of stealing legislative elections. The interior ministry said 110,000 took the street nationwide, including 26,000 in Paris, while one leading left winger put the turnout across France at 300,000. In addition, in the capital, protest took place in Nantes in the west, Nice and Marseille in the south and Strasbourg in the east as well.

My computer is not responding here. Very peculiar, not expectable at all. Very, very strange momentarily to recover. We had just one more story at this point before we hit the break. Here we go. That story would be World Economic Forum finally tells the truth about COVID It was a test of our obedience to the rapidly forming new world order. Reported by the Gateway content wow. They wanted to know how many people would comply with a complete reordering of their lives based on no science at all, just random orders, some of which bordered on absurdity’s help in any way.

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Escape the IR’s. Let avoidincometax.com help you. We guarantee our five easy steps or your money back. Go to avoidincome tax.com. i look at all the lovely people Helena Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been lives in her dream waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door who is it for? All the lonely people where do they all come from? All the lonely people I want to stay with this story from the Gateway World Economic Forum finally tells the truth about COVID It was a test of our obedience.

They wanted to know how many people would comply with a complete reordering of their lives based on no science at all, just random orders, some of which bordered on absurdity. I have long said that Covid was launched by design by a small number of people in the globalist predator class for one reason and one reason only, as a beta test for the coming technocratic new world order. Now we’ve got the World Economic Forum coming out and all but admitting that was exactly why the COVID pandemic had to happen. The WEF gleefully posted a following snippet to the my carbon page of its website with a made a pitch for so called smart cities, which is just another term for 15 minutes cities.

The first of the three developments that the WF says must be in place before the world can evolve into its utopian vision of smart and sustainable cities is compliance with restrictions on our freedom. It rides Covid was a test of social responsibility a huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccination, acceptance of contact tracing, application for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility. They were testing us. That’s what Covid was all about.

They wanted to see how many of us would give up our individual freedom and individual sovereignty by complying with a new normal that consisted of restrictions bordering on the absurdity. Why, for example, was it safe to shop at Lowe’s or home Depot, but unsafe to shop at a small business or at the insurance? Why was it okay to go to strip clubs in Michigan, but you couldn’t buy seeds for a garden? What the WEF is implying with its above statement is that in order to be sustainable, people in societies will need to be compliant with a new, more authoritarian global order.

Don’t ask question. Don’t resort to logic, just obey. Wow. Very revealing. Meanwhile, new national poll signals Trump’s ascendance and that Kamala Harris Joy is encoding it the latest national New York Times Sienna college bullet Trump leading in Harris figured for a radical a new nationwide poll indicated Sunday VP Harris has lost her edge and may soon lose a great deal more. The latest New York Times Sienna College will ask nearly 1700 registered voters between September 3 and 6th whom they would vote for if the election were held today. 48% said they vote for President Trump 47% Harris, with minor candidates included Trump has a two point lead, 48 46.

The time suggests that the result was surprising because this is the first lead for Mister Trump in a major non partisan national survey in about a month, statistician FiveThirtyEight pounder Nate Silver suggested over the weekend. These poll numbers are just a bit worse for Harris than the previous New York Times Sienna National Survey in July, and considerably worse for her in a series of battleground state polls at time conducted in early August. The honeymoon is officially over, Trump spokesman Jason Miller told Politico. And Kamala Harris has been exposed as a radical left individual who owns the destruction of our economy and our border.

It’s clear that over the next few weeks, Harris will have to do more than campaign on joy and anti Trump attacks. Whereas only 12% of respondents said they needed to learn more about Trump, 31% said the same about Harris, 63% specified they’d like to know more about our policies and plans. While voters appear keen to know more about Harris agenda, prominent Democrats have suggested in recent weeks their candidate should continue to ignore the nitty gritty and focus in sit on vibes. Representative Ann Kuster of New Hampshire, chairwoman of the new Democrat coalition, told CNN, I don’t think there’s a real strong reason for it to try to weed out any points of view right now.

Secrecy may not, however, constitute a winning strategy. I don’t know what Cabot plans are, said Don Conley, a small business owner from Tennessee. It’s kind of hard to make a decision when you don’t know what the other party platform is going to be. The presidential debate Tuesday will afford Harrison opportunity to retire her platitudes and provide America with a basic idea how she might run the free world. Here comes the sun, here comes the song. You are tuned in to the Republic Broadcasting Network. Visit our website by going to republicbroadcasting.org dot hey there. Are you going to wait till the cows come home to get your new ease off? Drop and lift? What in the world is an ease off? Drop and lift? Our ease off is a new tool to increase production for your meat processing company that will get that whole hog or half of beef on or off your rail with our remote control.

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Email tomcasting.org dot t o m@republicbroadcasting.org he got hair down to his knee got to be a joker he just do what he please. Many more developments in domestic politics, none of which look positive for Kamala Harris. Nation’s largest police union endorses Trump zero hedge Former President Trump gained the endorsement of the national Fraternal Order of Police, America’s biggest and oldest union, on September 6. During his time in the White House, we held a partner and a leader today, Mister president, we stand with you, Pop, President Patrick Yeoh said at the group’s meeting at Charlotte, North Carolina.

We have your back and we’re committed to work tirelessly for your election. Good for them. Meanwhile, media claims the RFK junior endorsement means nothing. Yeah, right. Well, it seems immediate trolls are added again, downplaying the significant of RFK junior s endorsement of Trump. It’s almost as if they haven’t learned anything from 2016, when Trump shocked the political world and proved them all wrong. But here we are with the same smug commentators insisting RFK junior support for Trump won’t move the needle. Sounds a lot like deja vu, doesn’t it? The media, in its infinite wisdom, warns that while Kennedy’s endorsement might help Trump in swing states, the cost should be too high if it means bringing Kennedy into a second Trump administration.

Their advice? Trump should just thank RFK junior, make no promises and steer clear of any joint appearances to avoid being associated with Kennedy so called fringe views. Well, wasn’t that helpful? Apparently the media think they can dictate strategy better than he can himself. How absurd. As I’ve observed, RFK junior s endorsement strengthened Trump at one of his greatest vulnerabilities related to big pharma, the vax and all that. Where he is such an expert. It’s the opposite. It helps him in swing state. It helps us solidify his support in one of the crucial ways which Trump would be most vulnerable.

Meanwhile, Alan Dershowitz, lifelong Democrat and prominent attorney, leaves a Democrat party renowned attorney and Harvard law professor, Dershowitz, a lifelong Democrat, has announced its departure from the Democrat party. Dershowitz, who has been a prominent figure in legal and political circles for decades, cited growing dissatisfaction with the party’s direction as a key reason for his decision. He has been increasingly critical of what he perceives as a shift toward the far left, particularly in regard to free speech, due process and issues surrounding Israel, Dershowitz state. The party’s current trajectory no longer aligned with his values and principles. I commend you for that, Alan Dershowitz meanwhile, we have another report about the Times poll, this time from Newsmax.

The first major poll after VP Harris lone sit down interview has shown a reversion back toward Mister Trump. If Donald Trump leads the New York Times Sienna College poll going into Tuesday’s lone debate, Trump lead nationally among likely voters, just 1.48 of 47, within the margin of error. But even the Times noted his support remains remarkably resilient despite positive media buzz after Harris taking the Democrat crown from President Biden in the Democrat National Convention. Notably, Democrats historically have an edge in supporting national polls, as was this due to the large strangleholds unregistered voters in the largest blue states of California and New York that do not impact the electoral college but can skew the popular vote in the national poll.

Whatever the explanation, the time Sienna poll would be one of the first opportunities to pick up a reversion back toward Trump, said the Polandlist, which is exactly what it shows. Meanwhile, Trump sentencing has been delayed until September 18. It’s all over. The election interference lawfare case against President Trump came sputtering to a halt Friday. All the efforts at Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Department of Justice and the Democrat party have utterly failed. Trump was supposed to be sentenced by Judge Mershant on September 18. That was their last chance to throw him in prison before the election. Judge Burjan Justin has he delaying the sentencing until November 26, well after the election.

Let me explain what’s going on here. The Democrats are finally learning that each time they indict Trump, his popularity increases. They were fearful that even were sentenced on the 18 September, the support for Trump would go through the roof just before the election. They wanted to avoid that. Thus, they have had Judge Merchant, who is their stooge, delay his sentencing until November. In other words, they’re damned if they do and they’re damned if they don’t. Meanwhile, debate questions Kamala must be asked next week. Debate that this was published on the 8th. They will provide the singular opportunity to press Harris on key questions she must answer to prove herself worthy of the highest office in the land.

Speaking of the interview with Dana Bash, Bash did not press on the most urgent issues, nor did she follow up with Harris, either obfuscated or simply refused to answer. As such, she still escaped scrutiny of any real interview, though she has applied for the most difficult and important job in the world. She never earned a single caucus or primary vote for president, whether in 2020 nor in 2022, given that she came out of the Democrat party apparatus that dominates California. In point of fact, Harris has not faced serious scrutiny in her entire political career. Ever. Ever.

Here are the questions. What did you know about Joe Biden’s cognitive issues, and were you always truthful with the american people about his condition? It has been reported that Biden was threatened with the use of the 25th Amendment as leverage to get him to drop out. Can you speak to this issue and defend why you belong on the ballot, even though no primary voters chose you? You have publicly boasted about by nomics, but Americans hate the economy. Can you describe my nomics and whether you still own it? President Trump did a highly confrontational town hall on CNN.

As a candidate this cycle, will you do a similar town hall with someone like Laura Ingraham? Why do you affect accent in front of different audiences? What does it say about your author in Tuicity on fracking CNN? State, you never did change your own personal opinion in 2020, so can you explain when and why you did change? They become profracking. You repeatedly back race based reparations. Can you explain why hispanic, asian, and white Americans should pay their black neighbors for racial injustice as committed before they were even born? Can you state whether or not your home state of California is a model for America? How can you assure the american people that millions of migrants who poured into America will not receive amnesty and citizenship.

What would you say to the parents of Lake and Riley? Mine’s Afghanistan withdrawal. You said you were the last person in the room that you’re comfortable with a decision. Is that still the case? Housing affordability has never been worse in America by some matrix, and not since the 2006 housing bubble, according to Goldman Sachs. Why shouldn’t Americans blame you for this crisis? That’s a pretty good sampler of a dozen of the kinds of questions she needs to be asked. Meanwhile, Tucker is drawing bigger crowds in Kamala, and he’s not even running for office. Tucker has launched a series of tour events that are happening across the country in the run up to the 2024 election.

Giving speeches at east being sponsored, being joined by special guests including Alex Jones, Jesse Kelly, Glenn Beck, Russell Brand, Tulsi Gabbard, Kid Rock, Donald Trump junior, and JD Vance. Part of Tucker’s motivation for the tour is the fact that live events cannot be censored. Tucker also believes its election is America’s last chance to remain a free nation before it finally succumbs to a communist dictatorship under Democrat party rule. And he is correct about that. The first event was on September 4 in Phoenix. The truly amazing thing was Tucker drew an astonishing large crowd, and he’s not even running for office.

Kamala can’t even fill a modest high school gym without busting and paid supporters from out of state. Tucker has 15 additional tour dates in September, each one with different special guests. Everyone is selling out already. He’s doing a great job. Meanwhile, here’s a report that a Harris victory in 2024 would make the US a one party state election. 2024 will be epic for the United States. It’ll be as impactful on the course of the nation as the election of 1860 in the ensuing civil war. This November’s election will determine whether the US remains a viable constitutional republic or becomes a one party state.

If VB Harris wins, the result would be the realization of President Obama’s intent, voiced in his famous 2008 remark, to fundamentally transform the United States. Thus, the election import for all Americans, particularly the voting public, to be aware that should Harris win, and 2024 is likely to be the last free, fair, and competitive election in the US. I would add if she wins, it will show it was not a pre fair competitive election because it will have to have been rigged. If she does win, the US by 2028 will be a one party country with the Democrats in permanent control, as California, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Ohio are all at the state level today.

Good peace. Meanwhile, James Murdoch is among the 88 business leaders to endorse Harris what is going on here? Why would anyone in their right mind endorse her? James Murdoch, a son of Fox mogul Rupert Murdoch, was one of 88 corporate leaders who signed an open letter Friday endorsing Democrat nominee and VP Kamala Harris for president of horse. Letter was first shared with CNBC. Signers included Snapchat Michael Layton, Yep, chief Jeremy Stoblman and interpreter Mark Cuban. With Kamala Harris in the White House, the business community can be confident that it will have a president who wants american industries to thrive, the letter stated.

As a partner to President Biden, Vice President Harris has a strong record of advancing action to spur business investment in the US and ensure a business american businesses can compete and win in the global market. That’s really ridiculous. None of that is true, just ridiculous. Get this new FEC filing reveals Kamala Harris paid judge merchants daughters political firm a clear violation of the New York State judicial Code of conduct. Kamala’s most recent felling shows she paid judge Juan Merchant’s daughter’s political firm for services. Merchant is a far left, conflicted, judge overshadowed man Da Alvin Bragg’s stormy Daniels hush money case against Trump.

The judges daughter, Lauren Merchant, is a far left political operative who worked for the Biden Harris campaign. Lauren merchant firm, authentic campaigns Incorporated, has received tens of millions of dollars from Democrats who want to take down Trump. Gee, nothing to see there. Just move along. Meanwhile, food insecurity has surged under Biden Harris during the pandemic now of 2020. Food insecurity already took down in the United States. Now the inflation crisis under Biden Harris has intensified the issue even more. It was especially families with children that suffered during COVID as school lunches disappeared and they’ve been harnessed again in 2022 and 2023.

As statistic as Katerina Bushall reports. The USDA just published its latest report on the issue, showing that last year almost 18% of household where children live were food insecure, up from 17.3 in 2022 at 12.5 in 2021. A negative effect of the coronavirus pandemic as well as the infection crisis on food security still stayed behind those of the Great Depression between 2008 and 2011. Another Kirk to Newsmax bizarre how political the FBI has become, former New York police commissioner Bernie Kirk told Newsmax Pride a bizarre how politicized the FBI has become and that the roots can be traced back to former attorney general Bill Barr.

Kerik joined Greg Kelly reports to talk about the FBI’s mishandling of the Georgia teen who allegedly shot guilt for people earlier this week, Bill Barr, the president, attorney general today, Merrick Garland. These are guys who have been involved in things that it’s pretty stunning to me, Kerik told host Joe Pinion. Bill Barr knew about Hunter Biden’s laptop. He knew, he knew the laptop was legitimate. He knew it was actually Hunter Biden’s. And you, let’s go through that period where me, Rudy Giuliani see Bannon. You know, we were trying to get people to pay attention, Kerik added.

He knew the laptop was real and did nothing about it. You know, the attorney general today oversees the FBI that planted evidence on Donald Trump that, you know, has tampered with witnesses. The core of the bureau, he added. Its main staff, you know, I have a more of his respect for them. But the upper echelon had become so political that it’s kind of bizarre how political they’ve gotten, Kermit said. It all connects to the school shooting that occurred at Apache High School in Barrow County, Georgia. And, you know, you take instances like this, why wasn’t this kid monitored? Why wasn’t he flying? Why weren’t his parents guns pulled? There’s a bunch of stuff they’re going to have to look at.

Yes, it has become massively politicized. Meanwhile, we have a report that illegals are plotting the largest attack on the US since 911. Love, love. Hey there. This is Sheila with hemp, based by my nutritional why is hemp paste better than other CBD options on the market? It’s important to point out that the common CBD oil does not contain CBDA or CDGA, and they’re only found in fresh or raw hemp products like hemp paste. Hemp paste contains the entire plant, minus any stems. This means the product retains the complete genetic coat of the plant, which also includes those two vital cannabinoids, CBGA and CBDA.

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Quite happy about it. To order, call 187-792-8822 or visit extendivite.com. that’s x t e n dash vite.com. extend your life with extendovite. Help. I need somebody help. Not just anybody help. You know I need someone. When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody’s help in any way now. But now these days are gone and I’m not so self assured now. I’ll find a dream of mine. I’ll open up the doors. Help me if you can. I’m feeling remember Claude Schwab said there was going to be a series of chaotic events between then and the election.

I believe one of those chaotic events was to be the assassination of Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania. Here’s another illegal immigrant planning the greatest terror attack on the US since 911 news. The Justice Department says a planned terror attack in New York City has been thwarted. The suspect allegedly wanted to target jewish people on October 7, one year after the attack in Israel. The suspect was quoted by the FBI as saying, if we succeed with our plan, this would be the largest attack on us soil since 911. CB’s Nancy Cordes is at the White House with new reporting.

Good evening, Nancy. It is chilling to read what this suspect was planning. It really is, Nora. And it took the FBI working with canadian law enforcement to identify and apprehend this suspect, who is now accused of plotting to carry out a mass shooting at a jewish center in Brooklyn, which authorities say he wanted to do just over a month from today. The suspect’s name is Mohammed Shazeb Khan. He is a 20 year old pakistani citizen who lived in Canada. He allegedly began posting on social media in support of ISIS last November and eventually, without his knowledge, began communicating with two undercover law enforcement officers.

That’s what. Well, even if that attack has been thwarted, don’t underestimate the prospect for it happening again. Meanwhile, the Biden Harris regime is seizing american farms who impose their Green new Deal very, very bad. Biden and Harris’s unelected regime is seizing american farmland in five midwestern state to impose a Green new deal. A Democrat party donor company has been granted a contract by the regime to build pipelines across the Midwest that will capture carbon dioxide. Building its pipeline will provide absolutely no economic benefit to the american people. The Democrat donor company, however, will get filthy, stinking rich.

Meanwhile, american farmers and ranchers are losing their land over. Remember, CO2 is indispensable to life, is involved in the production of water and air, and it cools the earth in four or five different dimensions. Meanwhile, Candace Owens debated a zionist troll. It’s stunning how she dismembered him intellectually. She has declared, as long as I have a platform, I will use it to tell the truth and awaken the mass, as she’s doing a great job of it. Meanwhile, a fake work visa network ripped off millions of international students. Very bad. An investigation by the BBC found that a network of scam artists around the world have built built students in the UK out of thousands of pounds.

The students thought they were buying valid visas that would let them get jobs in great Britain. Somebody to love oh, I can buy a little help from my friends do I get high with help from my friends? Yes, I get by a little help from my friends with a little help from my friends what would you say if I told you we have a new tool that will increase production and lower maintenance costs for your meat processing company, and it would pay for itself in just six weeks when pigs fly? The new ease off model easy four, replaces old spring style carcass droppers and is faster, safer, and more reliable.

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Ease off, LLC. Summersville, Missouri, 417-932-6419 this is RBN, the Republic Broadcasting Network. Welcome to the second hour of authentic news right here on RBN Live, where I take your calls this 9th day of September, 2024. Please. No, we have a problem with the call in lines. We have only one working line. So if you stay patient, if you can handle it, we’ll get you on, but you won’t be standing by in the way you normally thought. We have the first caller, James from Vancouver. James, join the conversation. Good afternoon, General Fetzer. It looks to me seriously that, general, we must do the following.

If the american people do not want to go out and fight the foreign wars, we shall have to bring the foreign wars to the american people. What are your thoughts, sir? Well, I’m afraid the foreign wars are going to be here before we know it because. Well, that’s what I mean. They’re vis a visa. Aurora. I hear that’s not. These Aurora guys are special forces or something. They’re not. I mean, there’s something going on, some kind of military op. Back to you. Oh, is that right? Well, you’ve got a report. I don’t yet have. James fill me in.

My last report, Aurora arrested the gang members and that they’ve taken control of a complex. But you’re telling me upon investigation or finding these are not simply ordinary gang members, but actually military? I’m not, according to what I heard yesterday on some of the presentations, and I looked up Aurora, and Aurora is the home for Buckley Air Force field. Yeah. And so you got. And then they’re saying, well, one presenter saying, well, the police have nothing to do do with it. Well, yeah, because if it’s a place where you’ve got such a large presence as Buckley Air force, which is strategic, Colorado is a strategic area.

Well, that would mean that the commandant of that operation, of that air force probably is like the mayor and the cops and everything else rolled into one for that town. So that. How would you let a bunch of migrant idiots get weapons, take possession of a billet complex which could have air force people in it? You see, it’s a contradiction. Back to you. Yeah. No, James, I think you’re making good points. And, of course, a massive number of illegals in here. I mean, when Klaus Schwab says they’re going to be a series of chaotic events, I think there’s going to be an uprising by the illegals that have been brought in by Biden, Harris.

I mean, I think we’re going to have our hands full and it’s going to happen very soon. He was saying before the election. Well, check it out. That’s less than a month away. So I think we’re in, in deep doo doo, as Bush used to put it. A civil conflict could well happen. And I, on hindsight, I see that 2016 was the last real election we had. 2020 was flipped and I dare say 2024. And they’re going to have that loony woman acting like she knows something and she’s going to say things like, yeah, I believe in fracking, but I’m going to shut down the oil business.

Ha. We’re going to have that kind of emperor Nero Caligula, something like that. Right? James, I don’t think we’ve ever had a less qualified candidate for president. I mean, she’s a total airhead. She doesn’t have a functioning brain. I mean, it’s just embarrassing that this woman is a candidate of a major party for the presidency of the United States. That’s stunning. Well, you know, I did a movie called Bedtime for Bonzo. And when I think about it, you know, Bonzo could have been president, too. So here’s my ranking invitation for you. I’m glad you, I’m glad you called.

Yeah. As I said, thank you very much. We have just one line today. So, Julia, let me know who’s up next. But everyone, welcome to call in. I mean, there’s so much going on. I think what’s most important to recognize about that New York Times poll is it was a national poll. And that Democrats historically always prevail in national polls because they have more democrats, especially concentrated in big cities like Chicago, New York and Los Angeles. So they have an edge nationally. That’s why they want to go to a popular vote and circumvent the electoral college.

That’s why you have the dean of the Berkeley law School, Erwin Chemerinsky, saying the constitution is outdated because democrats want to lock in their control of our government. Tom in Florida. Tom, join the conversation. Yeah. Good day, Jim. You hear me? Good day. Well, yeah. Hey, Jim. Yeah, yeah, you’re absolutely right. What you just said. So true. But listen, speaking of that, look at Chicago over the weekend again. Another 30 shot every weekend. It’s crazy over what’s happening in Chicago and all these big cities with the black on black crime. But when it’s a white guy doing something, it’s all racist and all this, the whole thing’s a giant cabal.

And by the way, before I go where I really want to talk about, you heard about Maduro has been saying lately in Venezuela, correct, Jim, tell us. Well. Well, he said designers control the whole world. He’s saying the Jews control everything. And they’re trying to take him out of power in Venice way. And they offered him money and all that. And he’s saying design is controlling everything. So he’s, it’s all over to Miami Herald that he’s calling out the Jews speaking. He is speaking the truth. Oh, yeah. He’s been saying for the last week that the Jews are trying to kill him.

And the Jews run the world. They run the finances of the world. They run everything. You ought to hear what he says. It’s unbelievable. You know, he’s, he’s enemy number one now. Maduro in Venezuela. But, uh, yeah, Jim, the reason I did call your show is tomorrow we have debate with this communist, Comrade Harris. Tomorrow’s the debate. And I know Paul in New Jersey. Boy, she gets it. You guys are looking at like $600 a month electric bills. I can’t imagine what your natural gas bills be for heating oil and all that. It’d be crazy up there for heating oil that Kamala wins.

I don’t think. I think all the people move out of New Jersey. So, you know, that’s going to be very interesting. We’ll see what’s going on, how it’s going to play out. So we’ll see. But here’s what I want to talk about, Thomas. If she’s elected, it’s going to be a catastrophe for the entire nation. There will be no exceptions. No, absolutely not. But, Jim, what I really want to talk. There’s two major things we got to talk about today. First off, look at this. You have this Debbie blabbermouth Schultz. You have this jew bastard down here, Moskowitz.

198 Democrats. And I want everybody in already and to hear this, and I’ll help. Nationwide, they hear 198 of these communists voted against on to have a bill that you have to be an american citizen to vote. 198 Democrats. Five of them voted with the Republicans. So you had. Five of them actually had half a brain. 198 people on the democratic party, Jim, want these illegal aliens to vote in this election. They’re going to try to steal this election on November 5. Yes. Yes. They’re going to try to steal it. And they’re going to use these illegal aliens and these dirty marxist bolshevik communists and the Democrat party, these demon rats like Kamala Harris and all these other corrupted criminals wanted.

They won’t even allow you to have a vote, to have a law, even though the Republicans did pass the bill. This coat, this kind of Chucky smucky Schumer is going to hold it up and they need to bring us a Cr. There’ll be no funny to the government. So we have. Well, you are America’s citizen and you have the right to vote. Hey, let me ask you a question. Does a legal resident have the right to vote? Does a legal resident? You mean who is a non citizen? I guess you may know. You may know the answer.

I presume they do not. But you tell me do not. They do not. They do not have a right to vote. If you’re a legal resident in the United States of America, you do not have the right to vote at any kind of official election of this country, of the United states of America. So why are these human rats allow any illegal aliens like the ones in Aurora, Colorado and Chicago and New York to have a right to vote? They don’t even speak the language. Nobody, none of these 146 countries where these people come from, want to learn the language, basically.

They figure Chinese want to keep their common culture. The Hispanics, the Middle Eastern Arabic peoples, they want to keep their own common language, basically. So why the hell, what a what, what kind of country going to have here in the next two years with this Carmella HarriS one gym, we won’t have any kind of country. We’ll be in an all out civil war, revolution. No doubt about it. Now, Jim. Yeah, she really, Tom, Tom, she really is a communist. She wants the same outcome. This is in the name of equity. She wants everyone to have the same, regardless of their contribution, ability, achievement, merit.

She’s leveling up, playing field in a way that is completely contradictory to capitalism. Individual enterprise, freedom and creativity. It’s a disgrace. It’s a suffocation of what America is all about. Well, Speaker Mike Johnson right now should say right now to everybody in the House, I don’t care what Democrat or independent, Republican. A legal resident doesn’t have the right to vote, and neither does any illegal alien have the right to vote. And the illegal only has one thing that it can do is go back to their country of origin and try to make their country better. They don’t need to come in here from all over the world.

They’re not coming to compliment. They’re coming at our lunch and take our jobs. Now I’ll go on to something else I really want to talk about. Go ahead, Tom. I’m not going to stop you from going there. I just want to add, it’s astonishing. You have Chuck Schumer opposing a requirement that only american citizens can vote in american elections. I mean, that’s astounding. Chuck Schumer is indicting himself as a traitor, as someone who violates a constitution, who does not believe in american government. He deserved to be run out of town on a rail. He definitely does.

He deserves worse than that, Jim, I have to say. Worse than that. A lot of them, not just Schumer, a muscle. But Jim, look at, look. You think Chucky Schmucky Schumer would allow the state of Israel to be flooded with 20 million Arabs and from the, uh, from the ocean, from the river Tennessee? Let’s let the Palestinians and Iranians meet up in the middle. You think the Jews in Israel, do you think they would allow that? Will they allow 10 million non citizens to vote in their israeli elections? Would they? Chucky Schumer, of course. Dirty Sanders.

Yeah, yeah, you make a nice point. Yeah, they’re budget, they’re a bunch of punches. But Jim, here’s the main thing I got, I wanted to talk to you about. Now, have you heard about this guy named Mark Lickstein? Lickstein, I believe his name is. He’s like, predicted all the elections in the last ten elections. No, tell me. He’s a guy that’s out there, he’s a jew. And he’s the one that’s saying, well, there’s, there’s 13 keys, 13 keys to win the election. And Camilla’s holding the key. She don’t even know what a frickin lock is. I’ll put the key in the door.

This dirty schmuck. And you know what, Jim? I found out about this guy. He’s a cabalist. You got to remember, Jim, who is running our government? They are cabalists. That’s who’s got the power, the dark angels, the ones that are in the witchcraft or cabalism. They are running the United States of America’s government right now, Tom. Remember, if he’s predicting elections successfully, then he knows they’re rigged. So, you know, if he could call 2020 when Trump got over 100 million votes, and Biden about 37, if he called that Biden, that means he knows it’s rigged. You’re telling me he’s calling it for Harris.

Absolutely, Jim, you read everything. You read my mind. You’re absolutely right. He’s calling for Harris. He says he’s holding all the keys in the kingdom. And this jew even called, if you can look it up, his name is Mark Lexby. He’s a real kite. And this guy’s got, he said he’s a chooser. He’s basically, hello. You know, the dark angels are running the United States of America. Jim. Tom. Tom. To hell with him in the horse. He wrote it. To hell with him and the horse he rode in on. But you know, Jim, I got to tell you one thing.

This, this du boy ain’t saying. He ain’t saying this. And I hope Sammy and all the other listen, and Sammy, I hope we still have that bet. I want to take that bet up another five and 5500 for the Senate and 500 for Donald Trump beating Kamala Harrison. You got licksting on your side. But I’ll tell you this, Jim, I’ll tell you this one thing that schmuck hasn’t said. I looked at his thing on YouTube. He ain’t talking about immigration. He think that’s like, that’s like not a big deal. And for me, that’s the biggest issue that every american better face.

And this guy says, well, he won’t touch that third rail with Kamala Harris with immigration gym. And that’s where Kamala Harris is going to lose. And the economy, of course. But if you think people are happy about all these illegals coming in here, that lit doesn’t even want to go there at schmuck. There’s no reasonable, there’s no reasonable world in which a Kamala Harris could possibly win. Continue, Tom. Yeah, you got that right. When you said Kabbalah. Her name is Kabbalah Harris. Kamala. Kabbalah. Kabbalah, Kamala, whatever you want to call it. She’s going to Cabal. All right.

And then, yeah, got this schmuck over to say how she’s going to win the election. No, I don’t believe so. I believe Donald Trump. The latest politics all. He’s winning. He is winning Donald Trump and he’s going to win this election. He’s even, Tom, this latest New York Times poll shows he’s even taken the lead nationally. That’s virtually unheard of. They just had a pull in Florida right now. He’s up 14 points in Florida. If the election was held right now, Donald Trump would win the state of Florida by 14 points, which equal 700,000 votes. That’s going to be true pretty much all over the country.

Tom. Nobody gives a damn about Kamala. She’s a mediocrity. In fact, that’s an insult to mediocrity. She’s an utterly inadequate, incompetent, nothing piece of nothing. She should never. Any position of responsibility in America anywhere. Absolutely. You know, I believe the bleed. I believe the biggest mistake Donald Trump made in 2016 was picking that Mike Pence, that. That wussy, that. That chicken hawk. Tom, Tom, Tom, we only got one line. I want you to give me a final thought. Final thought. Well, my. My final thought is that Mike Pence allowed Kamala Harrison keep saying, excuse me when they had the one debate.

I want to see the debate between JD Vance and this guy Tampon. Tim. And I guarantee you JD Vance will be right to the floor. Tom. I agree. Thanks for your call. Very, very appropriate, very timely. Tom. Thank you, Julie. Who we got next? Listen, the situation is just unbelievable in terms of politics right here in the US. Tom was covering quite a few bases. Mind you, though, we only have one line. Hope and keep calling. Julia, bring you in. We’re getting very close to the break, but if someone is there, I’ll be happy to carry them over.

Remember all this astounding stuff going on right here in the USA? Oh, here’s what I missed. Rainey Center. A third of Muslims are backing Trump. Listen to this. Former President Donald Trump’s approval among muslim voters has risen since the 2020 election, according to a new poll by the Rainey center, gaining him favor with nearly a third of the community. The survey, as exclusively reported by the New York Post and conducted August 23 to 29, shows that 30% of muslim voters would back Trump if the election were held today, an increase from the 23% he received in 2020.

Conversely, the boat found that VB Harris would receive 62% of the muslim vote, the remaining divided among third party candidates. The survey sampled 600 muslim respondents, 49 of whom were registered democrats, 28 of whom were independents, 18% of whom were Republicans. Among their top concerns, muslim voters cited the economy, crime, foreign policy, including the Israel Hamas war. Despite Trump’s increased support, a majority responded, aligned more closely with the Democrat party. On most issues, yes. So listen, call in, call in. Don’t be reluctant, don’t be shy. There’s so much going on here. What’s happening? And as I repeat this, Judge Marshall, look at all the lovely people.

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It’ll be up later this afternoon. But it was covering the same material. I really like the guy. I thought we hit it off wonderfully, and I thought he asked excellent questions. Oh, and I have to agree with them on the. Now there’s some new footage. I sent you an email of new footage that came out from some japanese people that were showing film that wasn’t confiscated by the feds. And there’s videos of the actual plane. So when he showed that plane with the explosion, you know, it confirmed stuff. I heard that there were drones being used and they were more controlled demolitions, and they had a tube underneath the plane, and when the plane hit, it showed explosions.

So I don’t know. I don’t want to contradict you on the. You’re welcome to have your opinion, but no, it wasn’t. They couldn’t use remote control drones. Yeah, they use. They use a hologram. The holograms, both in north tower in the south. JB. It wasn’t physically possible, even with explosive char. Wasn’t possible for real planes to have entered. And had them be real planes, there would have been all this debris beneath the facades. It would have been body seats, luggage, or whatever in the plane. Tail, wings. None of that was there. Meaning it wasn’t real planes.

It cannot have been, because effects that would have happened invariably had they been real planes were absent, hence not real planes. True. And there are some guys out there, like you, had another interview with a fellow that was pushing the drone issue. So I don’t want to argue there, but we do agree that there was planned demolition, that it went down at freefall, and there was a lot of debris that just disappeared. You know, it just, like, vanished. Well, it was because they were using mini nukes on the north and the south tower, and they turned the buildings into millions of cubic yards of very fine dust, which, by the way, is a signature of the use of nuclear devices.

So we had the US Geological Survey study, 35 samples from lower Manhattan, and they found a whole host of elements that would not have been there had this not been a nuclear event. So. And then we have epidemiological data from the pattern of maladies, medical maladies, multiple myeloma, leukemia, esophageal pancreatic cancer. Very similar, JP, to what happened following Chernobyl. And although firemen like that movie, I watched that, again, the world trade center with Nicolas Cage. You know, believe it or not, I looked at the title credits. Oliver Stone made that movie. He also made JFK. So there’s a lot of.

In that movie. But JFK. JFK was magisterial and had, you know, powerful indictment of Lyndon Johnson, the Texas oilman, the CIA, the military. I mean, it was a masterpiece. It would have been. It would have been the best picture of the year. But for Jack Volanti, who had been an aide to Lyndon, who actually married one of his secretaries. Lyndon had impregnated. He had the practice of having sex with his secretaries in the Oval Office. Lady Bird walked into him on one occasion, and he gave strict instructions whenever the first lady left the private rooms that he should be notified.

But Jacqueline worked against it. And instead they enshrined the silence of the lambs about a, you know, sadistic cannibal is the best picture. When it was JFK. Now, World Trade center, in my opinion, was not a significant film in any measure. I mean, it was trivial about, you know, the events. It didn’t expose anything. No, no, he couldn’t do that because it was classified. But the thing is, he did give off some hints. Like, for example, like after listening to your show with Ron Partisan, there was a jammers. There was jammers so that the firemen couldn’t communicate.

Well, that was shown in the movie. They were sending out messages and they couldn’t talk, and they were talking and nobody responded. Now, that was a little hint. So Oliver Stone drops these little secret. Yeah. What do you call them? Easter eggs. Those are good catches, JP. Tell me more. Yeah, tell me more. Also, when you. When you look at the. The guys in. Because this is based on their lives and their families. But there were three explosions. There was trade. World trade one, world trade two, and then tower seven. And they were there and they displayed each one of those.

And these. These guys were underneath experiencing those events one after another. And it was later, I think it was 7 hours later that world trade seven came down. But the firemen were blocked off. They were all blocked off by their chiefs. And the people at the top, the only guy that got in there were marines. These were marine recon guys were like, epit, I’m going in there. And these are the guys that discovers those two. So those are some true story that shows you the COVID up, how they had jamming their signals, how they were, the chiefs at the top were blocking fried guys from going in and.

Cause they knew. They knew probably there was radiation in there. JP, hang on. I’m gonna carry you over the break. Stand by. We’ll be right back. I want the truth. You can’t handle the truth. You’re listening to Republic Broadcasting network. Real news, real talk, real people, because you can handle the truth. Homeowners, if your lender has gone out of business or sold your transaction to another lender or servicer, you may be the victim of a wrongful foreclosure resulting in the loss of your home. If you’ve already lost your home, are in foreclosure, or even in good standing, you can challenge the mortgage transactions illegal issue and your property can be restored to you and your foreclosure can be stopped or reversed and the mortgage transaction declared unenforceable.

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That was a good interview. And you talked earlier about the brics. Turkey joining the BRICS. Now that goes in line with Saudi Arabia getting rid of the petrodollar, I think was June this year. They dumped the petrodollar and then you got turkey joining the BRICS. So it’s a sinking ship and a lot of people are jumping off of the Federal Reserve dollar and that’s where the bis comes in. Now, Ted’s a very intelligent guy and I could back up. A lot of things he said were things I was briefed on. Major Dane was big on silver.

He was big on silver because a lot of the military industrial complex uses silver. I don’t know, there’s like a thousand ounces per cruise missile. They use it in the satellites, they use in electronics and computers. And Ted was talking about how silver comes out. It comes out like a funnel. It spews right out of the ground. And they’ve gotten most of the silver out. So what we have is a huge industrial base that’s using it and we got all this fiat currency that is about to collapse. And if the bricks does become dominant, silver, gold and oil is what they’re backing.

Silver, gold and oil, and those will be the dominant. I think silver is going to go up to a couple hundred dollars an ounce. If that ever happens to, you know, politics aside, if America and the Federal Reserve does collapse, we’re going to have a huge spike in silver. And I was briefed on that ten years ago. It just hasn’t happened yet. I’ve been holding on the silver. I’ve been silver stacker for a while, but it’s still so low. I don’t want to sell it until it gets in the triple digits and I don’t think the dollar does.

You want to sell it, right? Absolutely. You’re right. JPE, listen, a good, a good call. As I say, we got this oddity with only one line. I thank you, JP, very much and I’m glad you got on. Yeah, you’ve been hidden out of the park. You’ve been hit out of the park, Jim, and God bless you for what you’re doing. Good show. Thanks, AP, that’s very nice. Much appreciated. Keep on calling out there, Julie. I’ll handle you and get you on as soon as she can. Meanwhile, the fact that America has changed its nuclear war plan is causing a lot of distress among those who are paying attention, because it used to be that the US and Russia both had no first use of nukes policies, but now it turns out that the US has abandoned that and as a consequence, Russia has to abandon it.

And now you got to worry about the one fearing the other is going to have a first strike and having to take a preemptive strike. We do have James from North Carolina. James, join the conversation. Yeah. Hello, Doctor Fetzer, how are you doing? Good, glad to have you. Go ahead. Yeah, I’m going to self appoint myself as your long range crisis forecaster. I know the current buzz is all about the upcoming debate and who’s ahead in the polls, but what I want to talk about is something that I talked about with you a few months back, and I want to update on the inevitable energy crunch.

Let me tell you, obviously, I don’t need to inform anyone. Our whole economy, our whole civilization, runs on petroleum right now. There’s a few other minor energy inputs, but petroleum is the basis. And the amount of energy available in a standard 42 gallon barrel of oil is right at 5.8 million btus, which equates out to about 6.1 gigajoules. Now, that will vary somewhat. The Brent light crude oil will have a little bit more energy, and other lesser quality crudes will have less energy. But it runs about 5.8 million btus. About. If you go back about 40 years ago, we were expending approximately two and a half megajoules of energy to obtain each barrel of oil.

Today we’re expending almost ten megajoules of energy to obtain a barrel of oil, to get a barrel of oil out of the ground. And that. And that expenditure is rising at a phenomenal rate. James, James, James, let me ask, is this. How is this related to shutting down the XL pipeline and, you know, cutting off drilling, or fracking, as the Democrats have done? I mean, wouldn’t the restoration of the XL pipeline and fracking and so forth change the equation here? Given that oil is naturally produced by earth, it ought to be easy to harvest and not run a mass of energy to get it out of the ground.

I mean, that. That BP disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is because they tapped into the natural production of oil by earth, and it. They didn’t anticipate, so they couldn’t cope with it. Go ahead, James. Well, you’re basing something. You’re basing. This concept of the natural oil production is something that has not yet been proven that new oil is being produced. Now, I can tell you what’s going on is when a well drops down to very minimal production as it continues to extract oil, if it cannot pay its own way, then they simply shut the well down.

It’s called a stripper well when it reaches that point. Now, what happened is that that happened when oil. The oil price dropped significantly back during the 1980s and into the nineties. But then when it zoomed back up, when the price of oil rapidly climbed, many of those stripper wells were brought back in and they were producing more than they were producing when they were shut down. But that’s simply because the oil has flowed into. Through the pores in the oil producing strata. And they’re claiming that the new oil is being produced. Now, there’s no way of proving that new oil is being produced.

Even if it is being produced, it’s taking a greater and greater amount of energy to get it out of the ground because we’re having to go farther away and deeper into the earth’s crust to get it. That’s my point. Yeah. Do you see what I’m saying? Go right ahead. Yeah, James, you’re obviously very knowledgeable about this. Go right ahead. Well, even if we assume that new oil is being produced in the earth’s crust, the fact that it’s taking. The fact that it’s taking more than three times the amount of energy that it took 40 years ago to get each barrel of oil to the surface, plus the energy that it takes to get that barrel of oil to the refinery, plus the energy it takes to refine that oil, plus the energy it takes to truck it to the consumer, you know, to the gas station, to the other areas where it’s, you know, to the chemical companies that use it as a raw material for plastics and all of that.

And that’s not even counted. So that could well be double what the energy expenditure that we’re putting in just to get the oil out of the ground. Now, once we reach that point where it takes as much energy to get a barrel of oil out of the ground as you can get out of a barrel of oil, that’s the end of the ball game. That oil will not be produced at any price. And then the ballgame we’re talking about is civilization. So that’s. That’s. That’s pretty much my conclusion. And you’re saying, if I were mistaken, which would make about oil being naturally produced by Earth, which you are disputing, then you’re saying we’re headed for a disaster because we’re running out of oil that can be produced effectively, efficiently and economically, which you’re going to spell disaster because civilization runs on oil.

That’s the argument. Right, James, and what’s your projection timeframe here? We’re not going to make it to the middle of this century. We’re not going to make it to the middle of this at 2050, James. Good. I’m glad you kicked that out there. That’s something for us all to ponder. I much appreciate it. Do you have a final thought you’d like to add here, round things out? Well, when we discussed this previously a few months back, I talked about the possibility of phasing into a mixed energy economy where we can produce ethanol on a local basis at an enormous savings over what we’re expending to produce petroleum products, ethanol.

It could, in fact, be a huge boost to local economies all across this country. Ethanol is an incredibly efficient motor fuel. Indianapolis race cars, Formula one race cars used 98% ethanol fuel. The other 2% is. Oh, yeah, I was unaware of that. That’s fascinating. What about the production of, you know, hydrogen? Hydrogen automobiles are huge consumers. Right. So have we got new hydrogen based automobiles? Even I know that there have been automobiles designed that run on water. What about those kinds of options? Well, I’m waiting to see. I mean, I would love to see. Like I say, I want to see a mixed energy economy.

If we can get into hydrogen and other types of fuels, I mean, that’s great. But what I’m so strong, we don’t want to ignore nuclear. What’s your thoughts about nuclear? Nuclear is another big problem that, first of all, the difficulty and the expense of obtaining nuclear fuel, it’s probably gone up at an even faster rate than petroleum. I haven’t looked at it carefully, but I know that the cost of obtaining, say, a kilogram of basic uranium ore is probably, I would estimate, probably ten times what it was 50 years ago. Wow. Wow. James, look, I really appreciate.

Yeah, these are excellent contributions and very concerning prospects for the future. I really appreciate the call. Excellent. Excellent, James. Well, maybe we’ll talk later, and maybe things will start to turn around. Yeah, well, we’re headed. We’re headed for a major, major collapse. I want you to keep us close. James. You are our expert in my forecaster. Thank you for the call. Meanwhile, since. Yeah, thank you, James. Since we have the just one line, we’ll see who pops up now. But bear in mind, Colonel MacGregor was given that masterful survey of how things have developed and involved with us versus bricks, and I guarantee you, us and the dollar are not going to survive brics.

So, James is telling us about the energy problem. I think the dollar problem is going to hit us even sooner and that the consequences are going to be devastating. And we brought it all on ourselves. I thought the colonel was simply excellent, talking about how the United States had been so abusive of other countries, imposing forms of colonialism, giving them loans only if they’ll adopt our policies, being in general, you know, controllers of the future of planet Earth. Bad miles in Maine. Miles. Delighted to have you call in. Miles, join the conversation. Yeah, you know, I was listening to some of the callers there, and not to be contrary, but, you know, there was an old preacher out who worked for Atlantic Ridgefield.

Named Linda Williams. About a quarter century ago, he was on every one of these stations talking about the oil. And, you know, the information he had gleaned by being near these big producers and owners of these wells and things like that. And if you ask me, in my opinion, from the research I’ve seen, there’s oil all over the place. I mean, it’s funny how Donald Trump turned it all on. And now we’re back to this peak oil scam where we just don’t have oil and the dinosaurs are degenerating, and we’re back to the blue corn chip green people b’s.

And I don’t buy it. I just don’t buy it. I don’t know what the gentleman before is listening to, and I’m not trying to be controversial with him and his information, because so much is flying around here. You know, guys like you and there’s people out here that have lived this, they’ve lived this history. You know what I’m saying? Yeah. And as I was implying to James, I actually believe oil is naturally produced by earth and in endless supply. And if I’m correct. Yeah, and if I’m correct, then we’re not going to have the catastrophe he foretells on the assumption that.

That it is produced by mistake. How do you. I don’t think these places. I think we’re gonna. I think I’m gonna kill them. Are you holding me over, or. Yeah, I’m gonna hold you over. There you go, Miles. We go right ahead. Okay. So is every time they. Every quarter century or so comes by that they think people forget. They forget. There’s also people that remember, and Lindsey Williams, he laid it right out there. And here they come with this peak oil. Now, that was a quarter century ago. We were supposed to be out of oil in five years if we didn’t have all this doom and gloom they wanted to produce for us.

Yeah, I just don’t buy it. You know, oil is still the cheapest, this. Oh, they got to truck it around more and all that. No, they don’t. If they ever want to double, triple, quadruple their output, all they got to do. They haven’t built a new refinery since 1976 in this country that I know of. Yeah. Now, Venezuela’s got a couple. The newest refineries, oddly enough, are in Venezuela, and I forget the other country, but, you know, that’s where it’s at. If you recall, they had so much oil, they were having to turn the ships around because they couldn’t refine the oil.

Quick enough and it was going to drop the price. That’s what I recall. Yeah. And on the silver issue, coincidentally, just this past, over this weekend or Labor Day weekend, I heard a guy who had a plausible account of this with silver going on, and his contention was that they’re intentionally holding the silver prices down because they have so much out there that they could mine. And they don’t mind that they’re doing like they used to do in Texas where the railroad commission had the control of the oil wells. Yeah. And so they said that since they could, it’s actually a precious commodity that they have cited.

And so they’re only releasing it and mining it as they see Fitzhe and that’s what’s keeping these prices where they’re at and that they could go and mine multiple times what they have in silver right now. But who’s to say what’s going on and who’s to say what the precious commodities are? Who decides them? I mean, right now I’m looking at, if I was to look, I’d have to say food and energy. Yeah. And then on the last thing I wanted to get your comment, and I didn’t know because the show kind of broke up a little bit in the beginning, but I thought it was another oddity of Bill Gates.

If you saw this, he said, well, if we don’t have a major world war three, so to speak, then we’re going to just have to have a pandemic. So I don’t know. Did you hear that? No, I hadn’t. But he’s such a pos, I cannot believe that guy deserves to be indicted, tried and executed. He’s one of the monsters. He Klaus Schwab and Anthony Fauci and some of these other miscreants. It’s disgusting. Miles, when you hear him say that, how can you not connect the dots on what’s going on? I mean, when he comes right out and says, well, if we can’t kill you this way, then we’re going to have to kill you this way.

But either way, we’re going to get down to our 500 million around the world, the number that they want for utopia or whatever they’re aiming for. Yeah, that’s right. The jewish supremacist and their slave, 2800 apiece. It’s just outrageous, Miles. Yeah. So, I mean, the thing is, when do we get some people that are going to do something about this? And, you know, again, I think this is where they worry about Trump because he’s the wild card. Yeah. He comes back in, he turns on the colonial pipeline and all this other stuff, and they’re back to zero.

Because, you know, when Trump left, gas was like 164 and going down and we were actually exporting. We were actually exporting petroleum. Yes. So I think it’s going to be interesting and let’s, let’s hope this election just turns out great. Everybody get out there and like Mike Rivera used to say, you know, make them act like dictators. Let them expose themselves. And with that, have a good show, and thank you for taking my call. Wonderful call, Miles. Much, much appreciate it. Yeah, I think the situation could be so dramatic that Harris is going to have so little support that stealing the election would just be a colossal embarrassment.

No one would believe that. Everyone would understand that we’ve had one election stolen after another. Standing by for our next caller. Be prepared for the debate tomorrow night. I won’t be surprised if Kamala falls flat on her face. On the other hand, I won’t be surprised either if they have her wired electronically and they’re telling her everything she should say. But I think it’s most likely that Trump’s going to ask questions she can’t answer. In the past, of course, the Democrat candidates have been given the questions in advance. It will not surprise me if Kamala has been given the questions in advance where Trump has to be innovative and raise questions that she has to answer but cannot answer, that are colossally embarrassing.

This woman has infinite capacity to fall flat on her face. She has nothing to offer the world intellectually, politically, morally, she’s a disgrace in every possible way. So let’s just hope against hope that things play out the way they should. I think it, Paul, Greg Roberts has suggested the same as I’m suggesting here. If the vote for Trump is so massive and overwhelming as it’s shaping up, it may simply be impossible to steal it, notwithstanding their best efforts. And mind you, that’s even including mining voting from abroad by making up much of imaginary, fictional, non existent Americans living abroad, I reported earlier, don’t overlook it.

They’re talking about 9 million voters of Americans from abroad when they’re only like, 4.4%. A million Americans abroad. But the Democrats will cheat every way they can. Cheat. They are liars, phonies, frauds, criminals, communists destroying America. I can’t believe it. And you even have Chuck Schumer opposing a bill that would require only citizens voting in national election. What could be more obvious? That a vote in an election in America, you have to be a citizen of America. So there’s Schumer throwing away our most precious ride, our legacy, the right to vote and have it count. Thanks to all the callers today.

Meanwhile, spend as much time as you can with your family, your friends and people you love and care about, because we do not know how much time we have left and support RBM. Thank you, Jim. Thank you, Julie. Have a good evening. Yeah. Good work under difficult circumstances. Yeah, it’s been a tough one. All right. Thank you, Jim. Take care.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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