RBN Authentic News (9 May 2024) | Jim Fetzer

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ Jim Fetzer talks about  how On May 9th, 2024, Vladimir Putin was inaugurated for his fifth term as Russia’s president after winning a record 87% of the vote. This makes him the longest-serving president in Russia’s history. The inauguration took place amid tensions with the West, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and plans for nuclear weapons drills. Meanwhile, the U.S. has halted some weapon shipments to Israel, and the humanitarian situation in Gaza is worsening, with many children injured, sick, or malnourished.
➡ The article discusses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, with millions of Palestinians seeking refuge due to Israel’s assault. It also mentions a controversial letter from twelve US senators threatening an international prosecutor, which is seen as evidence of the US government’s criminal behavior. The article also covers a proposed bill to send anti-Israeli campus protesters to Gaza if found guilty of illegal activity, which has sparked outrage. Lastly, it promotes a product called Colorado Shilajit, which is claimed to remove toxins from the body.
➡ The conversation revolves around various topics, including a murder case, immigration issues, and conspiracy theories about political figures. The host also discusses a gag order and potential political actions by Russia. The conversation ends with a reminder to spend time with loved ones and a promotion for a tea club.
➡ The text discusses a controversial perspective on the anniversary of Victory in Europe Day, suggesting it should be a day of mourning rather than celebration due to the devastation caused by the war. It also covers ongoing legal issues involving former President Trump, who is facing multiple charges related to alleged hush money payments. The text further criticizes Trump’s stance on free speech and his response to anti-genocide protesters. Lastly, it mentions the benefits of hemp paste over CBD oil and pharmaceuticals.
➡ The text discusses various topics including anti-Semitism, Trump’s stance on crimes against Jews, his criticism of the FBI’s focus on right-wing extremism, and his support for controversial tax cuts. It also mentions Trump’s interactions with Marjorie Taylor Greene and Mike Johnson, and the ongoing trial involving Stormy Daniels. The text suggests that Trump may favor special laws for Jewish people and criticizes his lack of focus on left-wing extremism. It also highlights the controversy surrounding Trump’s tax cuts and his relationship with Mike Pence. Lastly, it discusses the trial involving Stormy Daniels, suggesting that her testimony may not be beneficial for the prosecution.
➡ This text discusses various topics including Stormy Daniels’ attempt to get paid for her silence about an alleged affair with Donald Trump, RFK Junior’s challenge to Trump for a debate at the Libertarian National Convention, and the promotion of various products and services such as EazeOff, a tool for meat processing companies, and Tahibo Tea Club’s antifungal tea. It also mentions a potential GOP bill for border security enhancements, the Boy Scouts’ name change, and a struggling Broadway musical about Hillary Clinton.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including his belief that Israel is starting a major war, his views on mainstream media, and his thoughts on religious matters. He also apologizes to a man named Hijacker for a misunderstanding. The conversation then shifts to a discussion about not supporting movies or plays that don’t align with one’s beliefs. Lastly, the speaker questions the influence of George Soros, suggesting that wealthier individuals could counteract his political influence if they chose to.
➡ The discussion revolves around the influence of billionaires, particularly George Soros, on American society and politics. The speaker suggests that Soros and other wealthy individuals support policies that benefit them, such as mass migration for cheap labor, but harm the country overall. The speaker also criticizes the education system and shares his personal experiences, emphasizing his self-taught skills and knowledge. The conversation ends with a warning about potential financial crises and the importance of preparation.
➡ Jeffrey Bennett, with over six decades of experience in asset management, offers services to protect your wealth amidst uncertain times. He invites you to visit Sierra monitorypreciousmetals.com or contact him for a private consultation. The text also includes a conversation about protests, suggesting they may not be spontaneous but possibly influenced by external agitators. Lastly, it mentions services for homeowners who may be victims of wrongful foreclosure, and introduces Shilaji, a natural healing remedy.
➡ The caller, Sammy, criticizes President Trump’s strong support for Israel during his presidency, suggesting it was excessive and irresponsible. He also discusses rumors about Trump’s personal life, including his relationship with his wife, Melania. Sammy predicts that Bobby Kennedy will win the next election, despite attempts to suppress his visibility. The conversation then shifts to other callers discussing various topics, including Trump’s alleged germophobia and the importance of diverse opinions.
➡ The discussion revolves around various religious and political topics, including the identities of certain individuals and their beliefs, the influence of Christian Zionists, and the potential passing of an anti-genocide bill. The conversation also touches on controversial figures and events, as well as personal disagreements among the speakers. The speakers express strong opinions and sometimes heated disagreements, reflecting a wide range of views and perspectives.


Truth. Truth. Got a good reason? Jim Pincer, your host, on authentic news right here on RBN Live this 9th day of May, 2024, simulcasting on speak free radio, Vladimir Putin not only won a tremendous re election in Russia to his fifth presidential term, he is becoming the longest serving president over Russia or the Soviet Union in its history. Putin takes presidential oath live updates inaugural ceremony attended by dozens of dignitaries and distinguished guests at the Grand Kremlin Palace. Russian President elect Putin has taken the oath of office as ceremony in the Kremlin Tuesday after securing a fifth term in the highest office with a record 87 plus percent of the vote in March.

The ceremony was held at the Grand Kremlin palace after the 71 year old leader took a short car ride location from his workplace. The current protocol is first used in 1996 when Boris Yeltsin assumed his second term in office. Dozens of dignitaries, including senior officials from parliament and the Constitutional Court, were in attendance. Heads of foreign diplomatic missions, accredited Moscow, including those from unfriendly states, were also invited in accordance with protocol. Meanwhile, Putin project a wartime image of Russia in his inaugural address. We gotta have a part of it after we get you can help reelect.

According now to Russia, where President Vladimir Putin has been sworn in for a fifth term, further tightening his control over the country. The inauguration comes after an effectively uncontested election, which took place just a month after opposition leader Alexei Navalny died in a russian prison. That all comes more than two years after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, which he framed as part of a greater existential conflict with the west in his inauguration speech. At the same time, Russia has also announced plans to hold nuclear weapons drills, an apparent warning to western allies over their involvement in the war in Ukraine.

Joining me now for more is NBC’s Matt Bodner. Matt, we heard Putin address the west directly in that speech. How important is this inauguration for the Kremlin, especially given the ongoing war in Ukraine? Thanks, Gabe. Well, it’s interesting. Putin is often talking directly to the west, and so much, I think, of what he does is meant for us to see. And today’s inauguration is another great example of that. Of course, much of what he said was directed at the russian public as well. You know, he talked a lot about the war and the United Russia doing what it needs to do to secure its sovereign and prosperous future.

But the message for the west here, I think, is really straightforward. All of your efforts to undermine me have failed, and I’m stronger than ever. We’ve seen a lot of that from him recently. So I think it’s really about continuing this effort by the Kremlin to project this strong and confident face. It helps them a lot right now that the inauguration is falling just two days before Victory day. That would be May 9, and that’s essentially the most sacred holiday in Putin’s Russia commemorating their victory in the second world War. Interesting this year, once upon a time, the main attraction of that victory day parade was Russia’s own military hardware.

But this year, they’ve actually got a special attraction, including NATO tanks, US Abrams tanks, and we can see crowds of fawning all over this in Moscow. So I think what’s really striking to me is the images coming out of Moscow this morning, today really kind of underscore this trend of militarization in russian society. And I think, really, to put it simply, just how much Putin has molded his country into his wartime image in just two years. And meanwhile, Matt, a us soldier has been detained in Russia. How does the Kremlin view this, the political opportunity of detentions like this? And do they force conversations between Moscow and Washington or just increased tensions? So it’s an interesting question.

I think they always know that they’re going to spark some kind of discussion, and I think that they really do view Americans as targets of opportunity at this point. So with any american, they detain whether or not the charges are legitimate. And I do think it’s important to point out there are Americans in Russia who do commit legitimate crimes. But regardless of that fact, it’s a chance to get Washington on the phone. I think there’s a lot of behind the scenes here that we get very little taste of, even, even with very prominent cases such as Evan Gurshkovich, the Wall Street Journal reporter charged with espionage.

So these arrests, you know, they do raise tensions. They also force conversations. I think it’s just that often these conversations seem to yield few results, at least that we can see in public. Well, that report was from NBC News. And as you know, I have a panel of 100 executives from NBC News, all of whom are dual us israeli citizens. So we’re always going to get a zionist pen. Meanwhile, RT has reported that NATO is ruling out boots on the ground in Ukraine. This is after President Emmanuel Macron refused to exclude deployments and in fact, has actually now deployed an element from the French Foreign legion.

NATO has set up formally opposed sending troops to the battlefield in the Ukraine conflict, echoing the longstanding us stance on the matter, an italian newspaper reported Sunday. According to a draft document to be approved at the block summit in Washington in July, NATO would adhere to a no boots on the ground principle, which italian outlet described as one of the key phrases in the paper. The US led military bloc, however, is also preparing to make changes. Western efforts to support Ukraine, currently being spearheaded by the so called Ramstein group, led by US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, will reportedly be redelegated at NATO headquarters in Brussels.

The move stemmed from the fact that the lion’s share of Ukraine aid is being provided by NATO countries, as a paper explained. Well, I think Macron’s action, which was reckless and irresponsible, shook up NATO sufficiently to declare that that’s not going to be their policy. And I do not expect those brent shoop to be surviving long in Ukraine. Meanwhile, Jay Z Pain Tammy reports that every step of the way. Wow, she just got a major bill passed to really crack down. We are extraordinarily fortunate to be joined this morning by Francesca Albanese. She is an international lawyer and also the UN’s special rapporteur for human rights in the occupied territories.

Welcome. It’s great to have you. Thank you. So, to start with, I wanted to get your reaction to some breaking news from yesterday. President Biden saying that he would halt some weapon shipments to Israel if they launch what he described as a major invasion into Rafa. Given what you know about the humanitarian situation on the ground in Gaza and in Rafa specifically, I wonder if you could speak to the significance of his comments. I welcome this decision. I wish it had come earlier, because the situation in the Gaza Strip is catastrophic. And of course, all the more in Rafa, where 1.5 million people are amassed, including 600,000 children.

The fact that there is no new shipment of weapons sent to Israel, again, is positive, although I understand that Israel’s reaction has been that they will use what I have. So one of the things that we wanted to get from you is just a broader discussion of some of the case that you had brought forward or had argued before, before the ICC. So I’m wondering if you could give our audience, a us based audience, a view into some of the case and facts of the matter that you were able to discuss. Why you think it is important now, in this context, even with the war continuing? Well, the ICC has jurisdiction over crimes of war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity, as well as the crimes of aggression.

I do not have the detail of how the ICC and the officer of the prosecutor are qualifying the crimes they might have found in the context of their investigation in the situation of Palestine. But as you might know from my latest report presented to the human rights Council of the United Nations. I think that the grounds to believe that Israel has committed genocide in Gaza are there. So I’m anxious to see the ICC proceeding with hopefully arrest warrants, of course, both against israeli leaders and Hamas leaders for what has happened on 7 October. She’s excellent, of course, and it is a good idea that the United States not supply offensive weapons for the assault on Rotha, but it ought not to be supplying weapons for any of the genocide taking place there.

Meanwhile, nearly all 600,000 kids in Rafa are injured, sick or malnourished. As the United Nations International Children’s Fund. A full scale israeli assault on the crowded southern Gaza city would bring catastrophe on top of catastrophe for children. No doubt children in Gaza need a ceasefire. This is coming from common dreams, a well known left wing website. But I think it’s got it exactly right. That’s how Katherine Russell, executive director of the United Nations Children’s Fund, concluded a brief video Wednesday about the harrowing conditions across the Gaza Strip, particularly in Rafa, where about 1.5 million of the besieged enclaves, 2.3 million, have sought refuge from Israel’s devastating assault.

And of course, that was the whole idea, to get the Palestinians to move south, to get them increasingly concentrated. No doubt that way they’ll be able to follow Donald Trump’s dictum of killing Palestinians more efficiently. Remember, during his call into Hannity, he said, they got to get the job done, but it’s got to be done quickly. So his only objection at genocide, it wasn’t taking place fast enough. Meanwhile, Matt, who reports about how Netanyahu is doing his best to conceal reports about it. We got the judge Napolitano here for judging freedom. Today is Monday, May 6, 2024.

Matt Ho will be with us in just a moment on Netanyahu’s war on the press and America’s threatened war on the International Criminal Court. UN goes up a transfer and we will target you. We will make sure you and your group of thugs said in right 511 46, and we will target you. We will make sure you and your employees and your associates and your families never come to the next. This is a letter from american senators. The ICC and the mobsters would know not to put this in writing. This is twelve United States senators threatening an international prosecutor in writing on official government letterhead.

Thanks for having me back on, judge. You know, it’s the criminality on display here. Right again, the thuggishness. They’re racketeers, they’re gangsters. I mean, this is despicable behavior. From anyone, let alone from the US government, although I guess many people, when I say that, are saying, come on, Matt, this is what the US government is like. It has been. It always has been. You can ask plenty of various constituencies around the world what the United States government has done to them and how they behaved. But this letter of twelve GOP senators, including one of my senators from here in North Carolina, Ted Bud, is the goal of it, and I think it’s what we’d expect.

Judge, we’ve spoken about this before about how last week when Benjamin Netanyahu brought up this idea that there are these rumors that the International Criminal Court may be filing arrest warrants against Netanyahu, the israeli defense minister, the israeli army chief of staff. Netanyahu’s response was predictable. He slammed it as anti semitic hate act. And in doing so, in that talk, he put forward the commands for those who are under his thumb here in the US, both in the media and in the government and in the Congress to do something about it. And so here we see that this was to be expected, although the chutzpah, if you will, of this letter is really breathtaking.

But it is what’s to be expected. And it is just one more piece of evidence that shows the decline of the american empire, how the american empire is destroying itself, how the rest of the world is doing everything it can, with the exception of you’re getting down to really a handful of european nations now, and maybe the Japanese, the Koreans, the Australians, but the rest of the world is really beginning to understand that we have to get away from this empire before it destroys us, just as it destroys itself. Man, how turns out to be former State Department but also a former Marine corps captain, of which I was one myself.

So that’s impressive. Let me not overlook that. Xi JP has blasted the United States for an attack upon its embassy in Serbia. And, wow, in West Africa, tensions are running high as russian and american troops share this, not the original. I’m having more trouble getting to the right video, but there it is. Meanwhile, Hamas, and of course they’re being described as terrorists here. This is a daily wire that just says Hamas not say terrorists because one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. I admire Hamas open fire and Gaza Pier being constructed by us forces. Israeli media reported Wednesday that Hamas terrorists fired rockets that appear the US military is constructing off the coast of Gaza.

Israel’s Channel 13 reported that in the morning and in the afternoon, missiles were launched toward the area where the Americans are currently building the seaport attack didn’t cause any casualty or damage, but represented another example of what they’re calling the islamic terrorist organization preventing humanitarian aid from entering Gaza, as though that were the objective of the idea. Some of these stories now, and they’re becoming increasingly obvious, they have an israeli slant. That’s the daily wire. Here’s one that appalls me even more. The Gateway pundit. I’ve often cited the gateway pundit, but it turns out that they have a very pro Zynus slant.

You get this, but this story in and of itself is shocking. Republican introduced a bill that would sent anti israeli campus protesters to Gaza for six months and found guilty of illegal activity. This is grotesque. Representative Andy Olga, a Republican from Tennessee, has introduced a bill that would send anti israeli, pro hamas campus protesters. They’re really pro Palestine, anti genocide. But you see, look how simple it is. Instead of saying pro Palestine, anti genocide, they say anti Israel ro Hamas. To spin it, to play you as though you should think negatively of what they’re doing, when in fact, in my judgment, it is heroic to Gaza for six months and found guilty of illegal activity.

And of course they want to make any protest against, even against genocide, illegal here. The article says it’s about time someone suggested this. It could be a real learning experience for some of these radical students and professional agitators. Well, there may be a handful of professional agitators. I don’t doubt those are the ones that call out kill the jew and so forth. The sphere, the sincere students across these many, many campuses who think that genocide is a bad idea. Just notice those who are attacking them are supporting Israel in its genocide intent. And what would be a better bill is to send any member of Congress who supports continuation of sending arms to Israel, to Gaza, to experience what they are financing with american taxpayer dollars.

This is all pretty disgusting to me, and that bill is very disturbing. Meanwhile, right back, wearing the face that she keeps in her jar by the door, who is it for? All of that make me alone health simple with Colorado Shiloji fact bit number one, what goes in must come out. Whatever we ingest, breathe in or transfer by contact must be expelled, expelled directly as burned calories through perspiration, respiration, or expelled via urinary and gastric channels. Every element that is not properly used or removed by our bodies become toxins. And toxins, as we know are causal to every disease and ailment.

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But now these days I gone. I’m not so self assured I’ll find a dream of mine I’ll open up the doors help me if you can I’m feeling down and I do appreciate you being round help me get my feet back on the ground well, Mike king, who runs the anti New York time op, but also, you know, regaining history, real history blog, has a report about how yesterday, May 8, was the anniversary of victory in Europe, which occurred in 1945. It begins with a New York Times heading the war in Europe is ended. Surrender, unconditional ve will be proclaimed today.

Our troops in Okinawa gain. He writes about it. Today marks a very sad anniversary, its victory in Europe day, the tragic day when the globalist cabal hoisted its victory flag over a continent whose infrastructure and economy had been battered by genocidal US UK airstrikes. And yes, the allied bombing, for example, in Germany was horrendous, and it was of civilian structures. I mean, just decimating those great cities. It also marks the beginning of the second phase of the jewish inspired Germanicide, during which millions more Germans would be murdered through executions, kidnapping, neglect, disease, and starvation after VE day than during the war itself.

Oh, there’s nothing to celebrate about this dark anniversary, boys and girls. To the contrary, it should be a day of mourning, not only for Germany, but for the world, in contrast to the reality of what that day 79 years ago truly represented, the most intense, unbridled euphoria rang all across normafied America. After a 1 hour or so immersion into the time machine that is the above featured issue of May 8, 1945, one gets a sense of what the mass media must have been like. The relief of knowing the war’s end was now in sight. Notably, Japan would be finished off just three months later was certainly part of the reason for the celebration.

But the reverse pleasure of we best those Nazis was a dominating sentiment at the time. From COVID to cover, there was nothing but glorification of the heroes and gloating over the destruction of Germany. Most telling were the advertisements. Virtually every single display ad in the paper of record that day took in the form of holier than thou war propaganda, often thanking God, accompanied, of course, by the name of the business, many of which were jewish owned department stores. Clear there, vent planned in advance. In terms of sheer wall to wall hype and hysteria encompassing all sectors of society, there’s never been anything like World War two mania, not even stupid 19 mania came close.

That alone should tell you the grand history altering event was not a good war. Well, I’m most appreciative, Mike King, for having a distinctive point of view. I featured him on the raw deal before. No doubt at some point in time shall again. Meanwhile, we have a lot going on in New York and elsewhere. A judge has gone after Trump for another gag order violation. Former Trump’s hush money trial is well underway in Manhattan. He’s facing the 34 felony counts for allegedly covering up payments made to his former attorney Michael Cohen, who reportedly paid off Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal to keep them from coming forward.

During his 2016 presidential campaign, Trump has denied all allegations against him. He also seemingly refuses to abide by the non dissemination gag order judge Juan Merchant has issued before the case started. Now he’s facing potential jail time if he continues to violate the directive. So far, he’s had nine $1,000 fines for a total of nine grand for nine violations. Now, there’s an awful lot going on in New York right now, and the details are getting very steamy. It’s like we’re reading a tabloid. Stormy McDaniels testified, and I’ll say more about what she had to say, but she got pretty explicit in it, pretty hard to resist that Trump actually did have an affair with stormy.

Meanwhile, he declares in response, give me liberty or give me death. That sounds good. President Trump channeled his inner Patrick Henry and his last through social post Wednesday morning, Trump posted a lengthy statement and share it is a really bad feeling to have your constitutional right of free speech, such a big part of the life in our country, so unfairly taken from you. Contrast that, by the way with his criticism of the pro palestinian, anti genocide protesters, and you gotta say something ain’t right to his knee. Got to be a joker. He just do what he please.

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911 was a jointly conducted covert operation that involved multiple states, the Saudis, the Israelis, and what you could call the deep state with anti semitic remarks. Yeah, yeah, you’re jiggling juice, we used to say. Yeah, the dancing is rarely so. Even the Republicans now are compromising and they’re pushing issues that are destructive to the white race. They always say, like, are we just going to talk about this stuff on the radio? What are we going to do about it? Either we force the democracy to work by actually getting the ballot access, getting the candidates, getting in office, getting our message out there to the people, or we expose just how undemocratic it is.

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State of the nation published out. Trump had said death penalty, a proper punishment for anti semitism in America. It appears this statement of his was at a rally in Illinois back in 2018, and I believe it may have been in relation to the alleged tree of life shooting of a synagogue in Pittsburgh, which was a false flag. Miles math is a brilliant critique of this true of life fraud. Trump is supposed to know better if he’s going to be president of the United States. Here’s what they wrote about it. Now, when you have crimes like this, whether it’s this one or another one or another group, we have to bring back the death penalty.

They have to pay the ultimate price. They can’t do this. They can’t do this to our country. We must draw a line in the sand and say very strongly, never again. And remember that never again is a phrase associated with the Holocaust myth. Never again are we going to allow, you know, the Germans to put to death 6 million Jews. Except it was all fake. The actual number who died in all the camps from all causes combined, was 296,081, none of whom died from being put to death in a gas chamber. None. So part of this is very disturbing.

Just listen to him say it once again. This evil anti semitic attack is an assault on all of us. It’s an assault on humanity. It will require all of us working together to extract the hateful poison of anti Semitism from our world. This was an anti semitic attack at its worst. The scourge of anti Semitism cannot be ignored, cannot be tolerated, and it cannot be allowed to continue. We can’t allow it to continue. It must be confronted and condemned everywhere it rears its very ugly head. We must stand with our jewish brothers and sisters to defeat anti Semitism and vanquish the forces of hate.

That’s what it is. Through the centuries, the Jews have endured terrible persecution, and you know that. We’ve all read it, we’ve studied it. They’ve gone through a lot. And those seeking their destruction, we will seek their destruction. Now, when you have crimes like this, whether it’s this one or another one or another group, we have to bring back the death penalty. They have to pay the ultimate price. They have to pay the ultimate price. They can’t do this. They can’t do this to our country. We must draw a line in the sand and say very strongly, never again.

Now, Doctor Jane Ruby brought this to everyone’s attention on X the other day, warning her followers about Trump’s stamp. Like many others in politics, Trump seems to be a jewish supremacist who views crimes against jews as being worse than crimes against other people. There are already laws on the books that deal with criminal activity, but Trump apparently feels as though there need to be special laws in place that were jewish people, an extra layer of protection. And I gotta tell you, I’m gravitating to the conclusion that Trump actually is himself not just a devotee of Israel, but may actually be jewish.

Indeed, we get the ADL now declaring that the First Amendment must be scrapped in order to protect jews. The First Amendment must be scrapped. This is on the order of Netanyahu saying that US needs to use a national guard to stamp out those who are criticizing Israel for practicing genocide. Meanwhile, Trump slaps the FBI for focus on right wing extremism while praising the NYPD and LAPD. Former President Trump criticized the FBI for focusing on right wing extremism, really focusing on conservatives, Trump supporters, MeG members, instead of the radical left. I mean, there’s quite a case to be made here.

Look at antifa and BLM and all the riots and the looting and the arson they committed. And I’m not aware of a single arrest that was made with all that crime, which cost into the billions in property damage during recent anti semitic and pro palestinian protests on college campuses. He claimed law enforcement should prioritize the left’s activities and movement, which he described as radical left lunatics. Trump says FBI should focus on radical and morons. The right is not your problem. I generally agree with that sentiment. Meanwhile, Trump gets his surprise gift from Mike Pence. Most of us don’t think a gift from Mike Pence would be worthy, but here we have taking place here.

Pence’s group, advancing American Freedom, just sent a memo to congressional offices in DC focusing primarily on controversial tax cuts Trump put in place during his term in office. Most Democrats slammed the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jijab act, claiming it only helped the wealthy. But Mike Pence was coming out in support thereof. And this is May 8, 2024. That’s dated yesterday. What did he really have to say? The 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs act provided the greatest tax relief for hardworking Americans since the Reagan administration. Despite Newman gloom projection from the media, the data is clear. American families want.

Well, I’m not quite so sure. Meanwhile, what’s going on here? Trump suddenly gives Marjorie Taylor Greene a direct order. Donald supporter didn’t think he’d say this, of course. This all surrounds a speaker of the House. She’s got orders she may not like publicly. She’s been calling, you know, for removing Speaker Johnson. It’s already been voted upon. She lost. Not surprised because the Democrats regard Mike Johnson is as good a leader as they could have. In other words, they view him as a wonderful leader for the Democrats. Publicly, Trump has brave Johnson leadership said he’s opposed a motion to vacate the speaker in private.

Trump told Green not overseed with her threats to host Johnson, according to three republican sources familiar with a conversation who spoke a politico well, I don’t like that. I think Mike Johnson had been a bad leader. Remember, it was he whom Trump in collusion with Trump let the funding for Palestine, for Israel and for Ukraine to go forward without securing funding for border security, for which I denounce them both. Meanwhile, as I was mentioning, the House has already rejected Marjorie Taylor’s Green’s effort to remove Mike Johnson. Hardline Representative Marjorie Taylor Green stunned colleagues Wednesday calling for a vote down Speaker Mike Johnson, but lawmakers quickly rejected it.

She pressed ahead with her long shot effort as white pushback from Republicans at the at the highest level tired of the political chaos, one of Trump’s biggest supporters in Congress, Green stood on the House. One read a long list of transgressions. She said Johnson had committed a speaker colleague boot in protest. Second time in a matter of months, Republican tried to ask their own speaker an unheard of level of party turmoil with a rare move rarely seen in us politics. Well, we know where Donald Trump stands. Meanwhile, several reports, even contradictory, about this stormy Daniels thing.

I’ll just tell you what I heard today. I mean, my wife’s addicted to MSNBC, but what they reporting appeared to be in this case factual because it’s unflattering to Trump. Here we have a report from the daily Wire. Stormy Daniels gave disastrous testimony Trump trial CNN legal analyst says CNN’s legal analyst Elie Hoenig said adult film actress Stormy Daniels gave disastrous responses during appearance on Tuesday and former Trump New York hush money trial during his segment on CNN with other legal experts, Honig offered his take on the testimony, including Stormy discussing her alleged 2006 hotel tryst with Trump that the former president has denied by contending that Daniel was believable when it came to the sex claim, Hoenig argued the cross examination could spell trouble for the prosecutors.

The cross exam boy. Her response was, I mean, do you hate Donald Trump? Yes, of course she does. That’s a big deal. When the witness hates a person whose liberty is at stake, that’s a big damn deal. In the case brought by Manhattan da Bragg, Trump bases 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to allegedly cover up payments, including the Daniels, in a bid to conceal damaging information and part of a catch and kill scheme to influence a 2016 election. He’s pled not guilty. Now maybe he thinks this was disastrous for the prosecution. That’s the case, too.

With another report. In this case from Patriot Journal, Stormy’s big anti Trump moment blows up in her face. Five words just rock the entire entire trial. If you thought Stormy’s case in New York prosecuting against Trump was ridiculous, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Stormy took the stand and, well, she ignited a firestorm, almost burned down the case. Many accusations have been made between Donald and Stormy Thomas maintain his innocence. Stormy has profited off the accusation with book deals, podcasts, and more. She claims she felt physically threatened by Trump, but all these details of their alleged risks are immaterial to proving the falsification of business records.

That didn’t stop Stormy from turning the courthouse into a circus. Stormy, this is from CNN. Stormy Daniels said she was working at a celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, still working for an adult film picture company. She testified she met Trump at the tournament was a very brief encounter. She cracked a joke about the adult film company’s sponsorship of one of the holes at the golf course that jurors did not laugh. Obviously, stormy was hoping to work the crowd. Unfortunately, they weren’t having it. While Trump team requested the judge limiter testimony to relevant details, Judge merchant SmackDown.

The request allows Daniels to lay out every salacious detail she claims happened. There’s a lot going on here. She’s describing what happened in the hotel room. Hide my clothes and my shoes off. I removed my bra. We were in a missionary position. I asked my wife if they talked about the position. They had sex. And here it is. Asked if she remembers how her clothes came off, she said no. Next thing I know, I was on the bed. How bad was it? Apparently, Judd Merchant regretted allowing this to go on, saying that much of what Jan, who shared was not appropriate to the case.

The Trump team claimed it was prejudicial and moved for a mistrial, which, of course, was denied. Meanwhile, here’s a piece from the blaze. My front row seat, stormy shakedown. And this again, so much publicity. Now I want a covert two weeks before the 2016 election. Aye. And this is our first personal report by Ken La Court unwittingly played a bit part in Stormy Daniels shakedown at Donald Trump. I ran Foxnews.com as storminess cohorts pushed us to write a story about her affair with him. Here’s a behind the scenes story few people know Stormy wasn’t after a Pulitzer team.

Stormy wasn’t after a Pulitzer. They were after a payday. They were using the media’s leverage of horse Rumpels hand in the final stretch before election day. Michael Cohen, Trump’s fixer, had already promised to pay Stormy 130 grand to keep her mouth shot about the alleged lingam from a decade earlier. He was stalling on cutting the check as negotiation dragged on. She was smart enough to know Trump often stalled payments forever, and that if, as most expected, he lost the 2016 race, she’d never see a penny. So Stormy screws started shopping destroyed outlets like us at Fox, slate and others.

They knew we could contact the campaign for a response, which we did. And it was ramp up the pressure on Cohen to finally pay up. Wow. Interesting. Meanwhile, and I think this was a brilliant move, RFK junior challenges Trump to a debate at the libertarian National Convention RFK junior, who contemplated running for president as a libertarian before opting to remain an independent, challenged former President Donald Trump to debate him at the party’s national convention later this month. Good move. The Libertarian Party will host its national convention from May 23 to May 25 in Washington. Mister Kennedy is scheduled to speak on May 24, while President Trump is slated to make his address on May 25.

In an open letter on X, formally known as Twitter, Kennedy referenced a poll released this week by Zogby showing he would defeat a former president by the narrowest of margin, 270 to 268 in the electoral college. In a head to head meeting, he also mentioned surveys, so he stood above the 15% minimum to gain a presence on stage at presidential debates. I think this was a good move by RFK junior. I also believe that all of Trump’s attacks on protesters are going to work poorly against him. It’s going to be very bad for Trump. I believe he’s going to lose support and it’s going to move to RFK.

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I say we got about ten more stories that I obviously am not going to be able to cover. I may have to carry some over if they’re sufficiently important. Get this GOP bill propels border security enhancements. That’s a welcome development. Representative Nadler omits the people from the Second Amendment. That’s bad. Liberal Jon Stewart just betrayed the president. You won’t believe what he said Biden must do. I would expect that would be to resign. Get out of the way. Let someone who’s cognitively competent take your place. Evidence for presidential and congressional treason from 1900 to 1969 from the Bailiwick news that’s worth reviewing.

Proposed now these are positive developments. At least the first proposed assault weapon ban languishes in Colorado. Another Supreme Court could decide to take up Illinois’s assault weapon ban cases. Court has been very, very strong on the Second Amendment, especially Clarence Thomas. Boy Scouts change their name after 114 years. Check out their new woke label. They’re going to be just known as scouts, I suppose. What are they going to allow trannies into? Those scouts? Are Girl scouts and Boy Scouts all going to be mixed together in one giant organization that is multisexual? Hillary I like this. Hillary Clinton’s feminist Broadway musical software struggling at the box office let me pick up on this from Breitbart.

Being no fan of Hillary, I think she’s a complete monster. And the more you know, the more you hate her. Hillary Clinton, feminist Broadway musical Sops is struggling the box office despite receiving a bounty of Tony award nominations in an outpouring of a duluth or coverage for the mainstream news media. Probably all paid for by the Clintons stuffs a nearly three hour musical about the rise of the suffragette movement, featuring a cast comprised entirely of women and gender non binary performers, played to 81% capacity last week while dipping to 78 the week before. Quite a data from the Broadway league.

Those figures spell potential trouble for a new show that should still be drawing big crowds during Broadway peak season the month before the Tony Awards. Then I just mention here Bill Benata has been collaborating with me. Wednesdays is my co host now on the raw deal and we’re doing a lot about false flag, Sandy Hook and the like. And Bill proposed. I like the idea of having a Saturday X space meeting on Twitter called Professor Fetzer’s Posse on Saturday at 01:00 p.m. Central time. If you can join us on the x rays Saturday at 01:00 p.m.

Central on Twitter. I’ll be right back. Take your calls from my friends. Do I get high with help from my friends? Yes, I get five. A little help from my friend. My name is John. I’m the founder of Blackout Coffee and I started blackout because I really love coffee. I’ve always loved coffee. And after traveling so much to Europe, South America in trying so many different coffees that were so good, and every time I came back to the US, I was so disappointed with the coffee, so I figured that I had to do something about it.

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That’s Repub ten. You can’t handle the truth. You’re listening to Republic Broadcasting Network. Visit republicbroadcasting.com today because you can handle the truth. Look at you, lord see the love that’s sleeping while my guitar gently rips the fall and I see it needs sweet ring still my guitar taking wheel welcome to the second hour of authentic news right here on RBM Live, this May 2024, where I take your calls. We got a half a dozen lined up already. We begin with John in Missouri. John, join the conversation. Good afternoon, Jim. How are you? Good, good. You know, I’d almost like to, if I can, I’d like to slow it down just a bit.

You know, I don’t mean to get on here. I know time is short. It’s hard to kind of say a bunch of stuff really fast, right? But no, you thought, yeah, you go ahead and say it at your pace. That’s just fine. You got your time. I appreciate you. You know, I wanted to go back to what I said yesterday, you know, Israel on April 7 it at the new moon, you know, during hebrew time, because see, the Israel’s are fake Jews and they know it. And they started that war. And this is going to lead into the biggest war you’ve ever seen.

You know, they bombed Rafa, and when they did that, Egypt said, you just broke a four decade agreement that we had that you would not, you would not come up to our border and place your flags there. You know, this is, this is very telling. And you know, like I said, nobody’s talking about this because see, they want us all talking about the nonsense and the garbage that mainstream media is regurgitating. And I’ll be honest with you, Jim, you’re more mainstream than they are. They’re losers and their days are over. Nobody listens to their crap. People are listening to you and people are listening to others, but the mainstream, they’re done and they know it, and it’s just about game over.

But it’s really important we pay attention to what’s going on, you know, with Israel, because they’re going to bring in the most, the biggest war the world’s ever seen. And another thing, world War one, World War two, and World War three were all documented and they were written out many years ago and they were somewhere over in Britain, over in England somewhere, and they were in a museum, and you could use to be able to go in and look and it would tell you everything. And. And World War one and World War two already happened. And the people that would go in there and read them say, yeah, it said everything.

And there was world war three in there to see. Now nobody’s allowed to go in there and look at it because they know what’s going on and what’s to come. You know, I don’t know if any of that matters, really. But this Egypt thing, they’re going, the reason why Egypt is important is because that’s where the first altar was. I know all you, all the Gentiles and Christians call it a pyramid, but it’s to the Father, it’s an altar. That’s why there’s no top on it. See, Satan uses the all seeing eye and puts that on the top of it to make it a pyramid because he wants to be just like the most high.

And like I said, jim, I know you’re not a Christian, and that’s fine, and I don’t blame you, because guess what? I’m not a Christian anymore either. But I believe in the Father. But see, the Catholics, which they were called Chaldeans, you know, hundreds of years ago, if not thousands, you know, the Catholics, they’re the ones that have created this Judeo Christian and this Judaism and all this, all this nonsense. They’re Jesuits and Jesus. And like I told you, in 1500 BC or AD, 1500 AD, there was no letter J, so there were no Jews. When during Bible prophecy, there was no Jesus because he had a name.

Yahushua Hamashiach is his name in a set apart spirit. And that’s why I say I just give you ammunition so you can battle and browbeat these Christians that come after you and try and force you into that crap. Because, see, they don’t even know his real name. It’s going to be embarrassing for them whenever they get up there. And he tries to call them by their name, but he says, but do you know my name? And they’re going to say, God, Lord Jesus. Well, go look up what Lord means in Hebrew. It means bow. And this is just.

This is just so insane. Jim, what a pleasure knowing you and being able to talk to you on these airways at this time and moment in history while all the things are going on. And one thing, one last thing I’d like to finalize. I want to apologize to a man named hijacker, because I noticed something. There was a. There was a guy that called in a few days ago, and he said he was hijacker, but his voice didn’t sound like the hijacker. I know of hijacker, you know of Jim. And I listened to hijackers show last night, and he was saying all these death confession things.

The guy knows what he’s talking about. I would give him that, and I apologize. But the only reason why I kind of jumped on him was because he was trying to. It sounded like he was trying to throw us in that Trump left and right paradigm which has got this whole world upside down. John, you’re obviously very sincere, and I think your point about Egypt objecting is a very important story that hasn’t reached me yet, that otherwise I would be right in there pitching. And the point about the names, I mean, in different languages, you have different alphabets and all that.

So, I mean, I just, I take that, for what it’s worth, as far as a hijacker, it was Laila who misinterpreted the fellow who called. He’s actually Jim from Michigan, and he’s back today, so we’ll see how that goes down. But of course, hijacker called in, and I agree. I immediately it was clear they weren’t the same person. So I think Layla had a misidentification, and it’s good of you to apologize for following it up. So I appreciate the call. This has been a good call. Thanks. And I look you, and, hey, I apologize once again to you out there, hijacker.

I see, you know, because I recognize your voice. But like I said, this, this world’s moving fast, and there’s a lot going on today. Yeah, I apologize. No worries, John. You did. You did, you did. Not a problem. Not a problem. You’re good. You’re good. Okay, good. Thanks for the call. Paul in New Jersey. Paul joined the conversation. Glad to have you back. Hello, mister Fetzer. Mister Fetzer, I want to urge you, first of all, do not attend that Hillary play in New York. Okay? Well, I certainly had no plan to do that. I think it’s going to close pretty fast.

Exactly. And I also would urge you not to go see the civil War movie, either. Oh, really? Tell me, did you. Have you. Have you seen it? No. For one, I have a principle, which is if you wait long enough, you get to see the movie for free. So what’s the rush? Why give these liberal producers in Hollywood box office houses, the whole industry? Don’t give them any money. If you’re going to give any spare money, give it to RBN. Let’s stick with that. All right? Don’t fund your opposition. Don’t buy newspapers that hate your race and hate your politics and hate your people.

Don’t fund them. Never give them any money. So I just wanted to clarify something, because I heard some caller urge you to go see the movie. Wait. Yeah, that was the rush. Yeah. Tom in Florida has several times. Yeah, go ahead. Yeah. And I hear, like, other people, like Alex Jones, have been plugging the movie. Why are you promoting a movie produced by some liberal out of London? You do. What are these people doing? Don’t promote these guys. Put them out of business. Right. If they’re gonna make. Which. Which production company is it? Which, which, which film studio or whatever out of London is, I have no idea because I’m not gonna go see it.

You know? You know. Okay. Okay. Okay. I think. Go ahead. Well, the main part of my call is, what I wanted to call about what I consider is the. That George Soros, as the all powerful leader of the liberal left that we on the right love to blame for everything. He’s almost like, you know, we attribute him like the powers of the wizard of Oz. And the reality is, first of all, George Soros doesn’t have long for this earth. He’s 93 years old. He’s only worth. Get this. Now, supposedly, he appoints all these judges and all these people running for office, and he gets all these people elected.

He’s only rated now, currently, as having $6.7 billion. Now, he is rated in the Forbes top 400 as the 156th wealthiest american. Now, here’s the problem with the people who put George Soros as some kind of bogeyman that controls everything behind the scenes. With the logic of that is Elon Musk is 20 times wealthier, over 20 times wealthier than George Soros. So if Elon Musk took one 20th of his money aside and spent it wisely and economically in political circles, he should be able to cancel out all of George Soros schemes, machinations and work. And yet, here’s the point about George Soros.

So he’s rated number 156. He supposedly gets all these things done in the political world. Well, what about the 155 people that are wealthier than him? Why aren’t any of those wealthy billionaires acting to counteract George Soros? And so what I’m saying is here, it’s not that George Soros is a boogeyman. He’s more like the golem. He’s the one they put out there as the front man. The 155 richer billionaires, Jim, they agree with him. That’s what it comes down to. He is actually representative of the ruling class and ruling class interests, business interests, globalist corporate interest.

Paul, I get, I get your general line here. I would just say Soros is committed to the destruction of America. I mean, that’s been his dream to fulfill before he dies. And I don’t know, he’s going to be like Dick Cheney, probably having all these replacements. I have no idea how many body parts Dick Cheney’s had. Replacement. I’ll bet you it’s quite a few. Could be similar with Soros. So he could outlive normal expectations by a considerable margin. But I can’t imagine why all those billionaires wealthier than Soros would want America to be destroyed, because I guarantee a 100%.

That is his objective. The open borders are very much Soros. The non enforcement of the law, the appointment of prosecutors, making it revolving toward justice, even the promotion of transgender and inappropriate sex education at low grade levels. That’s all Soros, in his effort to destroy America. So can you give me a reason why other billionaires would favor the destruction of America? Because it seemed to me it’s going to cut into their profit margins quite substantially. Well, the primary destruction of America is through mass migration. And of course, the wealthy are always for mass migration. That’s why it exists, because they want cheap labor and they want growth to grow the economy.

They’re just hell bent on growth and growing the economy. And also they love the aspects of the police state. And the wealthy are very confident that they’re going to be able to just go off into their little armored redoubts and their, you know, like, secure little neighborhoods and that they’ll be able to helicopter out to wherever they want to go and not really have to interact with a common man whatsoever. So they’re getting cheaper servants and they’re getting divided servants. And this is something Jimmy Dor pointed out. The wealthy love diversity because it makes harder for unions to organize when there’s, you know, racial tension among the employees.

So. And this has been proven by page and Gillum’s, that study out of Princeton that it said that really we are living an oligarchy. And the rule, the rich get everything their way. Everything that’s done, that gets done, the wealthy approve of it. And as my thesis goes, George Soros is just the front man. He’s not the everyman. He’s not in charge. He’s not doing everything. Because, by the way, and you got to give him credit, if this is the case, he’s only got 6 billion and he’s able to get all this done. And yet you have like Bill Gates, worth about 140 billion.

What’s he doing? He agrees. And what’s the rest of them doing? The Koch brothers and the Waltons, they agree. They all like it. And on that note, Jim. Good, Paul, thanks. Good stuff. Reb in Colorado, join once again. Friends, give us your thoughts. This is the United States, America’s first team. Bout rep, not a misprint. And everything we heard sounds like that first man who called, he got something right about the one who said, hey, this network is off course, okay? They’re all off course. How did we learn what we do? Did I learn it at a major university? No, I got there the first time.

This place ain’t for me. I stayed seven semesters, knocked out that diploma, and I knew what I was doing. How did he figure that out? Because I used numbers. I’m a genius at numbers. And I had his 7th semester. It was all paid for. I figured that out, too. And I said, I’m not. They mail me the Sheepskin. And then they found me in Colorado years later. I don’t know why they wanted me to join the alumni. I said, I paid for your dumb school. I got my bachelor of science. I know what I’m doing. And then they broke back to me like a year and a half during the alumni association.

And they gave me a number to call in Texas and I called them back, major university. To tell them we’re at the top of the US government. And they heard about it and they flipped. They ain’t gonna bother me no more. Neither are elected representative. How did we do this? We’ve learned this in the United States army. How did mass exterminate. No. Did we learn anything? Oh, yeah, we learned something at a university. I hear you’re a major university professor. Are you a full professor? I heard there was a not so full professor. Are you a tenured professor of major universities? Well, I was.

I was for 19 years on the Duluth campus at University of Minnesota. Actually, after the first ten I was promoted to, they introduced a new rank, distinguished McKnight University professor, which is the second highest rank at the university, but higher than Fulton professor, but lower than regents professor. So I’m a distinguished McKnight University professor emeritus, Reb, because I retired in 2006. Okay, but I still have the title I’ve never learned. I mean, I knew the first day I was there. I don’t belong there. But I still went through it by the 6th semester. And I’m really fed up with this place.

Where were you? Reb? Which camphors? I don’t want to say. I’m embarrassed, okay. And they sent me the diploma because I said that I went to the registrar. Well done. You got enough to graduate? Good. I’m out of here. And I called back to Texas, Texas major university, and I said, well, this is what we’re at. The top of, the US Pentagon. We’re outside the Justice Department. We’re the only ones in history. And they read about it under Bubba scout representative. They’re not gonna bother me no more. They don’t know how we did this. I know a lot of stuff, but I knew one thing.

I can’t communicate on any of these places where you talk on the radio. Not a damn thing. And the one thing thing I was missing. Even though I know numbers and stuff, we’re super geniuses at numbers. I get called by R sec, they call me, and I’m a civilian. I had people come out from General Milley to take our statements. Because we’re super geniuses of war. We know it. And the thing I was missing, I told him, Cape Canaveral crew. Yeah, we’re connected. Mike knows we’re connected to Cape Canaveral. We need know more about it than anybody.

I’m serious. But anyway, so I said to him, the thing I was missing was the God of war. A concept I developed myself. Did you learn that? No, I didn’t learn it. These guns are heavy. This helicopter, it ain’t like the one I was used to driving. It didn’t have electrical trim tab. I got commercial pilot roadcraft helicopter. And as soon as I got back to the States, after problems over there in that South Asia crap, but I got back. I quit. I’m still 100% US army service connected priority group. We know how to do stuff.

So when you want something done, don’t whine about it. Get us. We’re the deal. And the thing I was missing was the God of war. Tell us about your website again, Reb, before we got you don’t want to hear that. I’m telling you the back thank you for the call. Picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been lives in a dream waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in her job by the door who is it for all the love find your inner rebel at Dixie Republic, the world’s largest confederate store located in travelers rest, South Carolina.

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Once again, our phone number 602-799-8214 it’s almost Friday. Here come old flat top here come groovin up slowly he got juice I bought he won holy roller he got hair down to his knee got to be a joker he just do what he please well, since following Michael Rivero here at RBN, I have had hundreds of callers, and among all those callers, I’ve dropped exactly one. He’s back today, so we’ll see if he makes it two for two. Jim from Michigan, join the conversation. Well, thank you, Jim. I appreciate it. And I don’t know, is it really Jim from Michigan or.

I forget what Leila called me. It’s like, oh, my God, hijacker. She must call her by the. Who goes by the handle hijacker. But we got that sorted out. Well, that’s good, too. And I’d like to say, too, I’ve been listening to. I’m 75 years old, Jim, and I’ve been doing, and also listening to talk radio for over 30 years. Okay. I’ve been guests. I used to co host the Bill Rice show. I’ve done educational research. John Stapler used to call me on educational issues. I won’t go into my extensive background on the things I’ve been doing.

Okay. One thing I do know, okay, is that we had a disagreement yesterday, and I guess we could look at the archive to see whether or not I’m being truthful. Well, it was a day before, not yesterday. We did have hijacker back yesterday. But you were the. You were the day before, maybe it was. Yeah. This is Thursday. I think it was Tuesday, Jim. But I’m glad for you to give me your background. That’s helpful to me, to know who you are. So I’m glad to know that, Jim. If I had time, it would take a half an hour to go through my background of radio, tv and everything.

But I guess my whole point is, I was wanting to say about Leila, okay. I’ve been listening to Layla on the radio, and she seems like one of the most intelligent people I’ve ever listened to. She is well versed in history, and I had the greatest respect for her, and I’ve been listening to her long enough to know that she used to be on a tv station in Grand Rapids. I don’t know, as an anchor, whatever. But she’s quite the young lady. And I was very surprised yesterday when she labeled me as somebody else. And you know what? And I saw have total respect for Layla.

And I know she’s just a brilliant woman, but when she labeled me something else without, yeah. Dressing my issues, I just was going, okay, well, whatever. And I understand she’s very passionate about Palestinians because she’s palestinian. Okay, got it. Go ahead. Now, you were saying yesterday, Creighton ephemeron, that all these pro palestinian agitator people around doing the, around the whole country, the New York City, the campuses, never they. You were saying yesterday they’re all spontaneous. Well, that they’re all spontaneous. That’s ambiguous. What I’m saying is these protests all appear to be genuine, but they’re infiltrated by provocateurs who are, you know, those are sort of sponsored people who are making claims like calling out kill the Jews and so forth in an effort to discredit whether they’re all spontaneous in the sense of not coordinated among various, certain groups, that’s an open question to me.

But it’s not surprising that once you have one of these protests taking place, it gets a lot of attention has happened at Columbia that other students would become aware of it virtually immediately and ponder whether they ought not to be doing the same. So in that sense, I think Columbia set what has turned out to be an inspiring example for campuses all over the country. And there are hundreds of campuses involved here, Jim. Hundreds. Go ahead. Well, the whole thing is New York City all over the whole. But I guess the whole point is if you go to gateway pundit, zero hedge, Breitbart news it for wars, and you see all these stories about the fact that George Soros is fun in these.

It also states the fact that they’re bringing the outsiders, agitators in. So these are not spontaneous. These are agitators coming in funded by source, whoever, okay, it doesn’t really matter whom, but they’re not spontaneous. These people are being agitated by the agitators and they’re going out doing things. And one thing I don’t know if you, I tried to ask you this. Are these nonviolent? Well, for the most part, the students are nonviolent, but the police are not. So for the most part, God knows, far more peaceful than we had in the summer love when Antifa and BLM, you know, were raging through the cities and creating looting, mayhem, arson and all that.

I mean, it depends on your standard. But, Jim, I’ve, I’ve only seen minimal violence coming from students and the reports that I’ve had, you know, that I’ve been reviewing. So I think they’re, for the most part on the up and up if you think they’re for the most part not, that’s okay. You’re entitled your opinion. But I’ve spent a lot of time on looking at what the news is saying, jim, and I think you’re being irresponsible by saying they are not nine volley, because if you look at New York college camps and everything, they are violent.

This is like Jim Tank. You call back again. You call back again. You made headway. Thank you. You are tuned in to the Republic Broadcasting Network. Visit our website by going to republicbroadcasting.org dot homeowners if your lender has gone out of business or sold your transaction to another lender or servicer, you may be the victim of a wrongful foreclosure resulting in the loss of your home. If you’ve already lost your home, are in foreclosure, or even in good standing, you can challenge the mortgage transactions illegal issue and your property can be restored to you and your foreclosure can be stopped or reversed and the mortgage transfer transaction declared unenforceable.

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That’s g o r b n. There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done. Nothing. You can sing the coffee song, nothing you can say, but you can learn how to play the game. Our next caller, Sammy from Las Vegas, joined the conversation. Sammy. Hello, professor. I am, I am so happy that you fell off the Trump train. But anyway, President Trump was supporting Netanyahu so much. Remember when Netanyahu came to Washington and Trump was the president in his, in his welcoming BB to the White House? He said, I give you the White House, I give you our country, and I give you the hearts and souls of the american people.

That should have given a little clue right there where Trump was standing. That’s outrageous. That’s outrageous. It further confirms my belief that he’s actually a jew himself. But this kind of deference to Israel is beyond, you know, it totally irresponsible. It’s a form of treason. That’s one of the reasons I called today, professor. Even while Trump was running in 16, he was at his office in New York, the Trump Tower, and he was showing all of his awards from Israel. And, and the big one, the. Oh, my God, now I can’t think of it. Yeah, he’s got it.

Yeah, whatever. He’s got a lot of photos up. Yeah, go ahead. It’s real life you don’t. You don’t get that if you’re not a jew, you have to be way up there in the jewish line to get the Tree of Life award. Aha. Very good, very good, very good, Sammy. His wives were all Jewish. Was Melania. Is Melania Jewish? I don’t know about story behind Melania. Melania was a high end. She was a high end model and a high end hooker. And she was introduced to Donald Trump by Epstein. And I’ve heard that story. This is all just a contract to make Trump look like he’s got a beautiful woman.

My God, they haven’t even slept together in years. She’s got her own room. He’s got his room. She’s not. He’s not even allowed to go in her room. And this has been going on for years. When Donald got elected, elected president, remember, Melania wouldn’t come to the White House until he signed a new contract with her because she’s going. I didn’t sign up to be, you know, the president’s wife and all the work that’s got to go with it. And stayed at the White House until he signed a new contract with them. That’s easy to find if you look for it.

I mean, it’s so obvious. Trump was. Was put in there on this left right combo that they’ve got going. Well, you know, Sammy, the strongest argument, I can’t imagine how many times I’ve made this point. All the opposition against him. I mean, if they’re on the same side, why not just let him become president? What the hell? I mean, he. He got over 100 million votes when he ran against Biden and got about 37, by my best estimate. And Biden’s done untold damage to the United States. I mean, if. If Trump really is their guy, why don’t they just let him be in office? I don’t think they.

I don’t think they can anymore. To, to back in, everybody that listened to RBN, all the callers were behind Trump. Everybody now less than half are behind Trump. He’s not going to win. Bobby Kennedy’s going to win. I guarantee it. You see how they’re trying to blocking Elon Musk, what do you call it? Shadow band. His. His interview. RFK. RFK Junior. If you get a chance, if you get a chance, go to YouTube. You can still find it on YouTube, but go to YouTube and watch that. It’ll change your mind about Bobby Kennedy. He’s. He’s really.

He’s risking his life to save ours. I truly believe that? Well, it’s amazing to me. They wouldn’t give him Secret Service protection when his father and his uncle were both assassinated. That was brutal on the part of the Biden people. Disgusting. I’m surprised he didn’t run as a libertarian, Sammy, because then he could have been on all 50 state ballots virtually without any effort at all. I thought he should have run as a libertarian. Believe me, he knows politics and he’s in the win. Why do you think he’s not saying anything about what’s going on in Israel? Because he can’t.

If he says what he really believes, he’ll have billions of dollars going against him. Sammy, I like this, and I want to talk with you more, and I want you to call in again. I do think he made a brilliant move in challenging Trump to a debate at the libertarian convention later this month. And I think that was just a very shrewd move. And as I’ve reported already, debate him. Trump won’t debate him. That’s going to be very awkward for Trump after having made a deal out of debating Biden, who’s, of course, you know, I think, not even going to be on the ticket.

Sammy, I’ve just got, I got a bunch of others lined up, but I want you to call too much. Thank you so much, professor. You have a great day. Sammy, I like what you’re saying. You’re not talking too much. It’s just I want to allocate time to others, too. But I want you to call back. Call again, Sam. I sure will. Thank you very much. Meanwhile, we got Tom in Utah. Tom joining conversation. Hi, Jim. Did you take your cater, and. Wait, did I take my tater? Tell me. I’m not quite getting it. Tom, tell me again if you mean when you called me at lunch.

Oh, we had a fabulous lunch. There’s a place here called north south, and the food is just delicious. It’s a smokehouse in a seafood place, and they have sauces that to die for. We had something called burnt hands. That is brisket. That’s kind of overdone, but it’s got a sauce on. It was absolutely, unbelievably good. We had a great time. Tom, I’m sorry I couldn’t speak longer at that, at that occasion. I feel kind of chagrined now because everybody’s kind of going after Trump. And I was going to just say that, I don’t know if you realize, I was a advisor to the film industry, so I was familiar and friend with the pathologist, was assigned by state of California to do the STD evaluations on the pornographic industry in Venice beach.

Oh, really? Yeah. And when I, when they first came out with a story about stormy Daniels, I contacted my friend Bello. I said, what do you think about that? He said, you think a germophobe like Donald Trump is purported to be, is going to have sex with a public toilet? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. See, that was my point in the beginning that it was so unlikely because he was a germaphobe. That’s very interesting. Yeah. That makes stormy out to be a big fat liar. Yeah. I was just going to say she deserves an Oscar for her performance in the court.

That was more important. Well, she is an actress. She is an actress anyway. Yeah, I think that’s worth, that’s a point worth making. I think that’s a good point. Tom, thank you. We shouldn’t all be snowed because stormy is given this very detailed but very lurid account of their encounter. Tom, I really appreciate, I got a whole bunch here on the line. Thank you, Tom, so much. Okay, go ahead, Jeff. Jeff in Ottawa. Jeff, join a conversation. Jeff. Yeah, hi, Jim. Yeah, I was yesterday. You know, there’s some bad calls coming, but I mean, people shouldn’t go into full heritage mode and criticize other callers who call them.

They have a right to say, maybe I’m, you know, maybe I’m interested or other people are interested. One person isn’t the fount, believe it or not, of all knowledge. Maybe I want to hear what the perspective of some of these other people. That’s why I tune in. If I want to hear some mono thing, I’ll just go to some other damn channel. Because you’re very tolerant of the callers and knowledgeable and the other people, you know, save, save their peace, right? Yeah. Maybe somebody had someone to hear that one time. He went on about sports for a long time.

I don’t like sports. It bores the element. But it’s his right to talk about it’s fine and somebody else made fine. You have a diversity of opinion here as far as the Melania Trump thing and her prostitute. She sued a paper for that and they withdrew it. And it doesn’t matter because you know what that stuff is under the hairdryer garbage. Okay? It’s what women talk about when, you know, it’s irrelevant. The relevant part is that Trump and all of the people, anybody who gets in is going to be a hardcore Zionist who can give Israel anything they want because nobody is going to be allowed to have any significant political power in the United States.

Unless they bend over and kiss Israel’s ring, I’ll say, okay, well, look at the point Sammy made that Trump got this tree of Life award, which is one of the highest awarded by Israel, and that you cannot receive a tree of life award unless you’re a jew. I think that’s an impeccable point. So he talks a lot as though he were a Christian, but in fact, I think he’s right that he actually is a Jew. And that explains so much of what’s going on here. Yeah, it could very well be. I hear a lot of these.

I see other people, too, on, just to take another perspective, these people who call themselves messianic Christians. Okay. Or messianic Jews or. You mean even christian Zionists? Well, not just the christian Zionists in one part of it, but there’s another segment. They call themselves messianic Jews. Okay. I think they’re just using that as a, it’s just that the messianic thing is just a beard for what, what are basically just zionist Jews, kind of infiltrators, if you want to put it that way. A good example guy. I’ll sing a brown, I guess. Doctor Brown or something. Okay.

Yeah. What’s happening in Gaz isn’t a genocide and all this stuff. What a liar. You know, and. Yeah, and he’s not the only one. There’s a lot of them. Okay. And so they’re the Zionist, the so called, quote, Christian Zionist. Because I, I can considerably heretics. This whole thing only emerged and well into the, into the 19th century. Okay. The, and now, of course, you’re not gonna be able to talk about about that. The Jews killed Christ because they’re gonna pass, which is viable. They’re gonna pass. They’ve got this, this thing going through there. The Senate is gonna pass it.

Don’t fool yourself. They’re gonna pass it. And Trump’s behind it. And Trump’s behind the genocide in over there. You know, if you’re saying they’re gonna pat. They’re going to pet. The Senate’s going to pass the anti genocide bill. The ni. Yeah, I, yeah, I do believe they will. And I. Stamett. Oh, I hope you are wrong. It’s going to be. I hope I’m wrong, too. But it’s, I mean, one of the only people who really opposes garbage is Thomas Massey of Kentucky. Yeah. All the other people seem to be. I mean, it’s, it’s sad, but it’s, I just, I just, I just think that this is really just a complete evisceration of the first amendment and all these people.

Christine Noem. I was taken in by her. I have to. I’m ashamed of myself. That witch. Okay. And then she’s. This is. Oh, Christine. Christine, I get it. Yeah, go ahead, Jeff. Yeah. Christina. Don’t have her as the. As the. As the VP, but he’s gonna pick somebody who is a sign. And there’s just. This isn’t what the lay of the land is. But the root of America’s problem right now is the Christian Zionists have gotten America into all of these wars, caused the deaths of millions. If you take. If you give a country money to buy weapons, you’re culpable.

The blood is on your hand. And from a christian perspective, God does not like it when you murder children. That’s one of the things that I preached against. Have a millstone hung around like, a nation that does this is cursed. They have blood in their hands. And I’m talking from Canada. We have our problems, too, believe me. We’re not a big military power, so it doesn’t quite go to that to the same extent the United States in that area. But we have our own criminals. In fact, every country. I can’t think you can look at any, any western country, they’re all run by criminals.

Canada, New Zealand, Australia, all of them. Now the world’s in big trouble. And I always refer to the. To the west. I call it the Satanic west. And I mean that. And that’s just how it. How it is from my perspective, so. But this all. I just wish people would not go into full heritage mode and criticize others. I want to hear everyone. Yeah, Jeff. Excellent. Excellent call. I really like it. You’re very intelligent. I think everything you said adds up. I really appreciate the call, Jeff. I look forward to our next conversation. Dan in Washington.

Dan, join the conversation. Orange ju. Haven’t you heard that the orange jew. Oh, had I heard that Trump as the orange jew. I get it. That’s what they were calling him, like the first. Dad, you’re fading. You’re fading out. I can’t hear you. Dan. Dan, we’re gonna have to go back. Yeah, we lost. We lost, Dan. Tom. Tom in Florida. Go ahead, Tom. Give us your thoughts. Yeah. Hey, Jim. Jim. I’m not doing so hot. I’m not feeling so hot about yesterday. Your show went off the rails and one of your cars hit a third rail with me.

Okay, you need to tell her to shut her mouth and keep my wife name out of her mouth. I hope she never does call back. Your show, she was booted off. Michael Rivera show, twice. And then she. I say I’m not gonna call back. Well, don’t call back, because you’re all. You’re a liar. You’re fake news. You know who you are in Canada? Your fake news. And a lot of your colors are fake news, Jim. And I’m getting tired of hearing about how Melania Trump is a whore, and all this stuff is sick, Jim, and you’re allowing that? She speaks five languages fluently.

She does not have to be a whore. She’s not a whore. And stop that. It’s all fake. I meant to ask. I meant. Tom. Tom, Tom. I meant to ask Sammy where he got that information. I should do that. He seemed to have inside. Sorry, I. He’s a liar. He’s lying. Let me tell you. Rick from Arizona, stop your life. You know Edward Kennedy was trapped. A quidditch, okay? You ever met Mary Joe, whatever her name is? She was murdered by Edward Kennedy. He was a dirty criminal, and he’s the one that gave you the 1965 immigration act.

Now look it up on your computer, Jim, or have life. Do it. And stop these filthy lies in this fake, fake new. Tom, Tom, Tom. How do we know? How do we know what’s right and what’s wrong, what’s true and what’s false when it gets to some complex or subtle issues? I like you because you speak. Tom, Tom, Tom. I like you because you speak your mind, but. But don’t claim to have privileged knowledge of the truth. You have strongly held opinions. I’m not in a position to verify Melania’s history, but I have held her in high regard.

She’s impressed me tremendously. I have compared her to Jackie Kennedy. Tom. Thank you. Thank you. Jim speaks three languages. Yeah, but don’t get angry because somebody has a different opinion than yours. Don’t do that, Jim. Jim, I hit. She hit the third row, and she’s talking about my wife and cuban. She never bring her name up. Layla the liar. That’s what her name is. Layla the liar. You don’t know, Jim. She doesn’t talk about South Africa. What about all the South Africans getting murdered? I don’t hear you people talk about that on your show. You don’t talk about the south african murder, but you worried about the Palestinians? What about all the white South Africans, Jim? Talk about that.

Speaker two, you are going off the rails here. Don’t disappoint me. You’re very good. I like your calls, but you’re going wild. You’re going wild and attacking other people. I’ll calm down. Well, they attacked me, Jim, and you got to listen to your show. I didn’t attack nobody. They’ve attacked me. Lauren called me a pig. I should be on ease off. Drop and lift. And all these other pigs are. Call your show. And I try to get pretty nice. Yeah, I don’t. I. Tom, I don’t like. I don’t. I don’t like when any caller attacks any other caller.

I want to keep a level of ideas and events and all that. Can I prove something to you, Jim? Layla told you yesterday in your show that gastro was not a jew. He was, too. His last name was Ruth, and she was calling Batista the Duke. Batista was a mulatto. He was half black and half white. You can look it up. Batista was not a jew. It was Castro who was laughing with roost. She doesn’t give up pertinent information. She lies a lot. Leila got kicked off a Michael Rivero show twice. They kicked me up because I.

I was told the truth about immigration. But Layla was attacking me and a bunch of other callers during that time when Michael had a show and people got fed up with her. If people were only allowed to speak when they spoke what was true, how the hell would we know who to allow to speak, as we don’t have any privilege, access to the truth? I welcome opinions. I think everything said here is opinion, and. And I’d like you because you’re strong, you’re strongly opinion, and you argue very well for your position. Very well. Tom, one of the.

Sure. We talk about Lakeland Riley. Let’s talk about Lakeland Riley. Jim, Lakeland Riley was murdered by an illegal. Illegal. The guy tried to bash their brains. Nobody on your show brings her name upset. Basically, me and Biden wanting to say her name. The Democrats won’t even say that young lady thing was a beautiful young woman got murdered by an illegal alien. And all your other callers are bashing me about immigration, yet can all go to AQ double toothpick. Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom. We all agree. We all agree that was bad. We all condemn it. But there’s a hell of a lot else to talk about.

I mean, we’re not forgetting her if we’re not constantly talking about her. There’s so much else to talk about. But, Tom, you have made your point. You have made. Wait a minute, Tom. You’re getting me really pissed off. You’re trying to take over the damn show. That’s always been your problem. You got too much to say. I try to give you all the time I can, but if you’re going to go up the drop top, drop him. To hell with that. Cynthia in California. Cynthia, join the conversation. Hi, Professor Fetzer. Hi, Professor Fetzer. Well, let’s do up something that’s more up your alley.

Hasn’t been a captain in the Marine Corps. Yeah. Are you there? I’m here. Attorney Todd Callender and Hal Turner have reported information on Lloyd Austin. It seems to be ignored, but calendar says after months of trying, he was unable to get an authenticated phone oath of office Lloyd Austin, which means he’s not legitimate. Alternative reports that the Russians said some weeks ago that they killed Lloyd Austin in a surgical strike on kids. Yeah. So that information is being ignored. And so now. Cynthia, Cynthia. Cynthia. I report that he had been killed. I reported that he had been killed.

Then we got a guy here who claims to be Lloyd Austin being treated as though he were Lloyd Austin. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if it’s another body double. I mean, for crying out. Well, we got a president, United States, who’s supposed to be Joe Biden, but isn’t. He’s an actor wearing a mask. The problem is it gets just. So my question to you is. My question to you is, how do we get word down through the rank that they are obeying orders from people who are either not real or in the case of. Apparently maybe half of our higher ranking military officers have dual citizenship, which by virtue of the definition, means they violated their oath of office to us.

Yeah, Cynthia, I agree with all that. I agree with all that. But it goes right to the top. Cynthia, it goes right to the top. We have a commander in chief who’s a phony and a fraud. That means any order he issues is technically invalid. Legally, no. And we got a problem here. The country is really mucked up. Mucked up. So, I mean. I agree, Cynthia. You’re making good points. Give us a final thought. Give us a point. They’re not going to be able to do anything about it. Cynthia said to say they’re not. Look, I’m glad you called.

I’m glad you called. Call again. Sean. Sean and Hawaii. Go ahead, Sean. You’re probably going to get the last word today. Go ahead, Sean. Hi. Thanks for taking the call. Can you hear me? Yes. Hey, I wanted to bring up the gag order. I’m not a lawyer, but I thought that the gag order is for the prosecutor to not talk about you and public about the case. Oh, as opposed to the defendant? Yeah. That’s a very interesting. That’s interesting. I don’t know the exact answer, but I’m glad you brought it up. That’s a good question. Perhaps someone out there will, you know, do the research, or I’ll stumble over the answer or find it out.

I’m glad you brought it up. Anything else? Also, I want to say, I think that the Russians are going to publicly kill Zelensky after they don’t recognize him on the 24th of the 25th of this month. Yeah. Yeah. He’s done a lot of damage. I mean, he literally almost destroyed their country on purpose. I think that they’re not going to let him just walk around Florida or Israel or anything. They have to make an example of this man. Thanks for calling, Sean. Definitely that Baltimore Bridge, that was not an accident. You could see the smoke from the accelerated engine as it hit the.

Thanks. Good stuff. Everyone out there, spend as much time as you can with your family, your friends and people you love and care about, because we do not know how much time we have left. Tom, if you will reach out to me, I have information for you. You want to know. Meanwhile, do everything you can to love your family and support RBN tea club’s original, pure, pouty art.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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