RBN Authentic News (9 July 2024)




➡ On July 9, 2024, Jim Fetzer discussed various issues on his show, Authentic News. He expressed concerns about the erosion of American freedoms due to technology and corrupt politicians. He also reported on international events, including Ukraine’s frustration with NATO, China sending troops to Belarus, and potential Russian sabotage in the US. Lastly, he discussed Israel’s conflict with Gaza and the possibility of a ceasefire.
➡ Israel’s military is recovering from a long war and preparing for potential conflict with Hezbollah, a powerful Lebanese militia. Meanwhile, conditions in Gaza are worsening, with skin diseases spreading among children due to poor living conditions, and food scarcity forcing people to eat tree leaves. Political tensions are also high, with allegations of election manipulation and anti-Semitism in Britain, and economic instability threatening Egypt. The article also suggests that the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated by various intelligence agencies to draw the U.S. into Middle East conflicts.
➡ The text discusses the political situation in Egypt and Israel, with a focus on the potential occupation of Egypt’s Sinai peninsula by Israel. It also mentions the controversial belief that Israelis are God’s chosen people, despite genetic evidence suggesting otherwise. The text further criticizes Israel’s treatment of Palestinians and accuses it of practicing anti-Semitism. Lastly, it discusses the political situation in the U.S., with concerns about the mental fitness of President Biden and the Democratic Party’s agenda.
➡ The Democratic Party’s big funders are reportedly trying to push President Joe Biden out of the 2024 race, raising questions about the party’s democratic values. This comes as top Biden donors are asking for refunds, suggesting dissatisfaction with his performance. Meanwhile, there’s controversy as First Lady Jill Biden is accused of elder abuse for encouraging her husband to run for a second term. In other news, former President Trump is leading in polls against both Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, and there’s speculation about other potential Democratic nominees, including Michelle Obama.
➡ This text discusses various topics, including financial stress, the potential replacement of Joe Biden, and a new tool for meat processing companies. It also mentions a claim about Joe Biden blackmailing Barack Obama and controversy over a California bill related to child sex trafficking. The text emphasizes the importance of investing in community-based solutions rather than punitive measures.
➡ The speaker expresses strong criticism towards the Democratic party, accusing them of supporting pedophilia and being dishonest. They also discuss various conspiracy theories about Michelle Obama and express support for Donald Trump. The speaker also engages in a conversation with callers, discussing topics such as the political situation in Panama, potential sabotage of military industrial production, and the upcoming Donald Trump rally in Miami Springs.
➡ The speaker discusses various global and national issues, including racial tensions, political conflicts, and election controversies. They express frustration with perceived bias against white people and discuss historical events in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. They also discuss the political situation in France, suggesting that immigration and voting patterns have led to a potential civil war. Lastly, they criticize the current U.S. administration and express support for former President Trump.
➡ The speaker discusses various political and social issues, including accusations of media dishonesty, potential conflict in France, and allegations of false flag operations in Ukraine. They also touch on the topic of hermaphroditism and the complexities of gender identity, referencing biblical passages and calling for more open discussion on the subject.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including his views on personal freedoms, public policy, and religion. He criticizes the promotion of transgenderism and sex change surgeries for children, supports Ron DeSantis’ stance on these issues, and expresses his disillusionment with Judaism. He also discusses the potential for a false flag attack, the situation in Ukraine, and the behavior of Joe Biden. Lastly, he criticizes the attitudes of certain Christian groups, accusing them of hypocrisy.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the history of Haiti, the behavior of certain individuals, and their views on the potential for a female president. They express frustration with people who have selfish agendas and don’t consider others. The speaker also criticizes the current political landscape, particularly the performances of Biden and Trump. The conversation ends with a call for more time spent with loved ones and support for RBN.


True truth. Well, this is Jim Fetzer, your host on authentic news, right here on RBN Live. This 9th day of July, 2024. Lots going on. Truth Seeker published a piece in relation to the fourth worth reviewing. When you don’t feel like celebrating, millions of Americans will celebrate today with fireworks, food and family flags. Away. Drums roll Trump as Meyer but what are we really celebrating? And are we being real with ourselves? I don’t sense that any of what we’re told about America and its freedom is real. I feel that our independence has been stripped away by the lures of convenience and promises of safety and security through mesmerizing technology.

The very concept of freedom is no longer seen as an inalienable right endowed by our creator. Instead, we’ve allowed corrupt politicians and bureaucrats to tell us what we can say, do, and soon even what we can think. We are left with our freedoms. The elites at all levels of government, along with our corporate partners, allow us to have we are overtaxed, over, regulated, kept in our place. Even if you work for years to pay off your mortgage and own your home outright, you really just rent it from the local bureaucratic thieves who take the bulk of the money and spend it on your local government indoctrination centers, commonly known as public schools.

Very nice. More to it that gets the idea. Meanwhile, Niword at calm reports, and this was anticipation of what began today. The NATO summit is on July 9, but Zelensky is already angry. At last year’s NATO summit, Zelensky was offered only an invitation to Ukraine to join the alliance when allies agree on conditions are met. Ukraine isn’t ready for NATO membership, US President Joe Biden said, because, as he told CNN, there are qualifications that need to be met, including democratization. Zelensky was outraged. It’s unprecedented and absurd when the timeframe is not set neither for the invitation nor for Ukraine’s membership.

At the same time, vague wording about conditions is added, even for inviting Ukraine. And as I reported yesterday, they’re not going to admit Ukraine until it reforms itself. Ukraine is just too co wrapped. Meanwhile, and this is absolutely stunning stuff, breaking news, China sends PLA troops to Belarus, that’s People’s Liberation army, in an utterly stunning development in eastern Europe, HaL Turner reports. China has sent troops from its People’s Liberation army to Belarus to participate side by side with Belarus troops in an exercise as NATO places 115,000 troops on Belarus border. Word of this began to leak out around 05:00 a.m.

eastern time, Saturday, July 6, when avid air enthusiasts noticed an unidentified plane in Belarus airspace. It had begun squawking a transponder beacon but was not identifying itself. The plane landed at a military base in Belarus and Kovrid intel was quickly deployed to take a look. Turned out to be unnecessary because both Belarus and Russia made public the details. It was a troop transport cargo plane from China. Weibo liberation army. Do you have any idea how many troops the Chinese could field? I mean, they got a population over a billion. They could have a million troops. And Putin has very shrewdly work out cooperative arrangements with both North Korea and China.

The idea that NATO could run it up on the belarusian border of Ukraine and they could get away with it. I mean, I’m telling you, he is outsmarting them again and again. Thus what are we hearing? NATO needs 35 to 50 additional brigades. Well, where in the world are those going to come from? The North Atlantic alliance new battle plans will require members to produce hundreds of thousands of new soldiers and military equipment from potential war with Russia. NATO Secretary General Jen Stolenberg claims the alliance has half a million soldiers at high readiness for conflict in Europe.

That’s a joke. A military source speaking with Reuters discussed the demands of the alliance’s secret military plans. He said the strategy requires NATO members to create 35 to 50 brigades of 3000 to 7000 troops of peace. The source admitted training and arming 100,000 350,000 new men is a significant challenge. It is indeed. It is indeed. And there’s no way NATO is going to be able to keep up with Russia, North Korea and China. Meanwhile, of course, the propaganda war continues. Thus Russia has slammed ukrainian claims of attacks on civilian targets is untrue. Russia does not do that.

Rather, that’s an area of specialization for the ukrainian armed forces. Claims by ukrainian officials that Russia deliberately attacked civilian targets in Kiev on Monday, that would be yesterday, are absolutely untrue. That events. Ministry in Moscow has stated the ukrainian capital was rocked by a series of powerful explosions earlier in the day. According to numerous videos published by local media, civilians on the ground were reportedly injured. Ukrainian leader Zelenskyy has accused Moscow of deliberately targeting a prominent children’s hospital, claiming, that’s impossible. Russia does not know where. Its missile line must fully answer for its crimes. My suspicion would be Zelensky did this himself.

He targeted the hospitals. They could blame it on Russia. That’s a classic false flag. And we know, of course, Israel has done it again and again and again. Meanwhile, the russian ministry is giving a defense briefing on military chemical activities of the United States and Ukraine. All this stuff is very, very disturbing to me. The russian defense ministry continues to analyze military chemical activities of the United States, one direction of which is global control of the biological situation and its management in line with us interests. To achieve these goals, the US is forming additional administrative and technical bodies, and the us strategic planning documents identify biological risk management as a vital us priority.

Creating an appropriate technical and legal framework enables the US to build up its capabilities in different regions of the world, being the most prominent example of military biological colonization. The documents obtained during the special military operation show that the reform of ukrainian healthcare system initiated by the United States, which created conditions for the implementation of military biological programs, was carried out with numerous violations of the law. In contrary to the opinion of the relevant agencies, no doubt about it, that was one of the multiple reasons Putin had for conducting the operation. Meanwhile, big general dynamics factory producing weapons for Ukraine burns in the United States.

What do you think is going on there? Anybody want to make a guess? Here’s what we learned. A powerful explosion rocked the general dynamics plant in Camden, which produces weapons and tactical weapons in the us state of Arkansas. The planet is one of the largest manufacturers of various weapons systems in the United States. Among other things, it produces weapons for Ukraine. Does that give you a hint as to what’s going on here? Many are talking about an expansion of hybrid sabotage attacks from Europe to the US. War News 24/7 has reported extensively on russian operations against civilian infrastructure in Finland, including power plants, water treatment plants, information networks, physical infrastructure, healthcare infrastructure, municipal infrastructure, energy infrastructure, and welfare facilities.

It would not surprise me if this were an example of russian sabotage. Totally appropriate, given the United States is at war with Russia, as Russia is reluctantly conceding. Here’s now Douglas McGregor talking about what’s going on here with Mimi in Gaza, that the IDF is exhausted and begging for a break and Netanyahu can’t afford politically to give them that break. Well, I don’t know that they’re begging, but yes, they would like a pause. And they’ve had a longer pause than originally planned. We really thought that the IDF would have already attacked in the southern Lebanon by now.

They haven’t. So it indicates that they have been given longer to prepare, to reorganize and reorient to the north. I don’t think there is a serious strategic re examination of where they really are. I don’t think there’s a willingness to examine their strengths and weaknesses. And I’m beginning to think that when Mister Netanyahu speaks to the combined House and Senate, that may be the time he launches against Hezbollah because he will be in a position that makes it very difficult for all the people that have been taking lots of money for many, many years in support of Israel to stand up and suddenly say, no, we’re no longer going to support you.

Please don’t attack. Switching gears, Colonel, recently we learned that the United States sent medium range missiles to the Philippines. Well, that’s all very interesting about the Philippines, but I think the colonel is nailing it. About when Lee, me, the butcher, comes to address Congress. It is the perfect time to launch an all out attack on his mollah. I think he’s got that exactly right. Meanwhile, also confirming his report, the truth seeker. Israeli generals low on munitions want a truce in Gaza. Israel’s top generals want to begin a ceasefire in Gaza, even if it keeps Hamas in power for the time being.

Widening a rift between the military and prime minister Netanyahu, who has opposed a truce, allow Hamas to survive the war. The generals think that a truth would be the best way to free the roughly 120 Israelis still held, both dead and alive, in Gaza, according to interviewed, with six current and former security officials under equipped for further fighting after Israel’s longest war in decades. The generals also think their forces need time to recuperate in case a land war breaks out against Hezbollah, the lebanese militia that had been locked in low level fighting with Israel since October.

Multiple officials said a truce with a MoAs could also make it easier to reach a deal with Hezbollah. According to the officials, most of whom spoke on a condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive security matters, Hezbollah has said it will continue to strike northern Israel until Israel stopped fighting in the Gaza Strip. Now remember, Hezbollah is overwhelmingly stronger, overwhelmingly stronger than Hamas. I mean, ten times or more stronger. They’ve actually defeated the idea of in combat in a war in Lebanon. Hizballah. Bravado. If Bebe decides to go into Lebanon, there’s a very good chance he’s going to want to use tactical nuclear weapons.

Iran has already warned him against going after Hezbollah. America is bringing up this carrier battle group. Russia has very astutely given the Houthis hypersonic missiles that can take out that american battle group. We are going to lose sailors and marines by large numbers in the thousands. I predict that Yahoo is trying to save his own skin. He’s willing to go to war in Lebanon to achieve that result. Meanwhile, Hareps, this is a major israeli newspaper, reports the IDF ordered a Hannibal directive on October 7 to prevent Hamas taking soldiers captive. What that means is they were killing Israelis deliberately there was crazy hysteria.

Decisions started being made without verified information. Document and testimony obtained by her rat revealed a hannibal operational order which directly supports to prevent soldiers being taken into captivity, was employed at three army facilities infiltrated by Hamas, potentially endangering civilians as well. Actually, the whole damn thing was contrived. Bibi wanted to run up the numbers so he’d have a greater apparent justification for going into Gaza. But it had been so disproportional. The whole world has been aghast at the slaughter. Does a division operation in airstrike the first hour of October 7 based on limited information, the first long moments after the Hamas attack was chaotic.

Reports were coming in with our significance not always clear. When their meaning was understood, it was realized something horrific had taken place. Well, see, that’s a bit of propaganda because Israel was orchestrating the whole bloody thing. Meanwhile, dangerous skin conditions are breaking out among children in Gaza. This is Al Jazeera reporting. Nothing surprising here. Waffa Elwat five year old son cannot sleep in the Gaza tent city where she and her seven children shelter. But it’s not the guns of war that causes nightmares. My son can’t sleep through the night because he can’t stop scratching his body, the anxious mother said.

The boy has white and red blotches over his feet and legs, more under his shirt. He’s one of many angazes suffering from skin infections ranging from scabies to chicken pox, lice, imbatago, other debilitating rashes. More than 150,000 in the palestinian territory have contracted skin diseases in the squalid conditions into which displaced people in the enclave have been forced since the start of Israel’s war on Gaza, according to the World Health Organization. That sounds totally accurate to me. Meanwhile, Mandav Israel’s starvation policy in Gaza is forcing people to eat tree leaves. Tree leaves. Ahmad Abdurrad, 38, strolled the remains of the markets in Gaza City with 150 shekels in his pocket, the amount of money he used to feed his family of five for a week before the genocide.

Today, that amount can hardly buy a single meal. Markets, now little more than bombed out remains, are empty of all basic needs, including vegetables, meat and fruits. For the majority of people, such luxuries are unavailable, except at unimaginable prices. Most vegetables, rare though they are, come from people’s gardens. Remember how many of us used to have gardens? You think it’s very odd that many communities have adopted laws that you cannot have a garden? That’s because they want to starve us to death. It’s all being planned. Meanwhile, moon of Alabama reflects on what’s gone on in Britain.

The Tories have lost the election. In Brit, labor under Keir Steamer did not win. It received less votes than it received under Jeremy Corbyn in 2017 and 19. The turnout was low. The overwhelming voter sentiment was anything but Tory. There was no enthusiasm for labor in Stammer’s program. Labor under Gordon had been a real worker party with socialist tendencies. The deep state, with the help of the israeli embassy, had launched a media campaign against labor, alleging it was hiding anti semitic tendencies. Remember, anyone remotely critical of Israel, no matter how justified, is an anti samite. Corbin made the huge mistake of not fighting back and in the end was kicked out of office.

Be right back. Standing six foot four, weighing 245 pounds of crime fighting political science. Analyzing broad. Ladies and gentlemen, Doctor Patrick Slattery. So, Mike, get off this anti cicada agenda. I’m a born again traditional christian, and my favorite possessions are right here on my nightstand. That would be the King James Bible and my. 357 revolver. I’d rather be ruled by Chinamen than Jews. Cool it with the anti semitic marks. Right? Just because you steal an election and terminate the republic doesn’t mean you terminate the people in the republic. Because we’re still here. I’m not taking the vaccine.

Can you, Bill Gates? There was a way forward. Still on January 6, what needed to be done is to object to every single state. The Covid-19 virus was the setup. The vaccine could very well be a bioweapon. The Patrick and Jeremy show Tuesday at nine Central and Wednesday at one central. Consider this. Dead people see only what they want to see. And frankly, most of us are still dead. Let me give you the lessons of gold and five easy lessons. Number one, don’t buy it because you need to make money. You buy gold because you need to protect the money you already have.

Don’t ever look at the price as a barrier. Look at it as an incentive. Number three, don’t buy its paper pretenders. We talked about that a lot. Buy gold. Buy the real thing in the form of coins and bullion. Fourth, don’t fall prey to glitzy television or Facebook ads. Do your due diligence instead. And that’s what I try to provide you with and have for 26 and a half years on the air and 30 years in this profession. Fifth, don’t allow naysayers to divert your interest. Allow yourself the right to protect your interests as you see fit.

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As NBC reported, assault Omar al Bayoumi was a focus of years of investigation by the FBI San Diego field office because his association worked with two of the 911 hijackers, Khaled al Madhar and Nawaf al Hazmi prior to the attack. The video, unsealed in federal court last week, was a self narrated video at Jozel Mayhumi given a tour of landmarks in Washington DC. The video was shot over several days in 1999 and included videos of entrances, exits and secure a checkpoint through the US Capitol. Pure propaganda. If you want to know who is responsible for 911, look more closely at the vice president Dick Cheney.

He was the executive director on the ground from a bunker beneath the White House on 911. Have no doubt about it. Michael Rupert documented his role in his sensational book crossing the Rubicon. Based on publicly available sources, and I have confirmed that 911 was brought to us by the CIA, the neocons and the Department of Defense and the Mossad. It was an israeli plot to draw the United States into the Middle east and take out the modern arab states that served as a counterbalance to Israel’s domination of the entire region and eventually to confront the persian nation of Iran.

Paul Craig Roberts and many others, including myself, believe what’s going on today is an effort to complete the 911 project. Meanwhile, Egypt teeters on the brink of economic ruin as public debt mounts and poverty rates soar. This is zero hedge reporting. Last autumn, Egyptian President el Sisi gave a speech in the new administrative capital in Cairo. The 300 billion project that will ultimately define his residency. He said hunger was a small price to pay for progress. If progress, prosperity and development come at the price of hunger and deprivation, Egyptians do not shy away from progress. Don’t dare say it is better to eat.

This horrifying vision of hunger and deprivation is what awaits millions of Egyptians in the coming year. And of course, Egypt wants to turn the Sinai into a dumping ground. And here is further evidence. Israeli minister retweets post calling for occupation of Egypt’s Sinai peninsula Israeli Heritage Minister Emichai Eliade retweeted a post on it promoting a t shirt calling for the israeli conquest of Egypt’s Sinai peninsula, which Egypt occupied from 1967 to 1982, the Times of Israel reported Wednesday last. The t shirt shows a picture of what’s supposed to be a map of Israel covering Sinai, the West bank and Gaza with a logo that says occupation.

Now, both links to a website that sells other merchandise that also promotes the israeli occupation of southern Lebanon and Jordan. Notice this is expanding to the greater Israel from the river to the sea. That means the expansion of Israel between the Tigris Euphrates and the Nile, taking up huge chunks of Saudi Arabia, virtually all of Lebanon, a lot of Egypt, Jordan, all of Lebanon. I mean, it’s staggering, the ambition being shown here, all justified on the presumption that these Israelis are God’s chosen people. Even though we know from genetic testing that they’re actually Kazarians, they’re descended from the former empire, now present day ukraine have no genetic linkage whatsoever to the tribe of Judah.

They are not even Semites. And because of Israel’s apartheid policy attitude toward the Palestinians, who are bona fide Samites, Israel is in fact the greatest practitioner of anti semitism in the world today. So don’t let yourself be played. They talk out of both sides of their mouths. They’re going to accuse anyone of anti semitism if you’re remotely critical of Israel. The Congress seemed to be going along because it’s israeli occupied territory. Frankly, it boggles the mind. The very idea that the butcher, Bebe the butcher, would be allowed to speak to the American Congress while the slaughter continues, waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door who is it for? All the lonely people.

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I recommend that American pay particular attention to his comments on the current mallies that has web, the country dei cold War two and the consequences for the us federal budget deficit. Personally, I don’t agree with everything Nigel Ferguson says in this interview, but I really appreciate the opportunity provided by the british publication unherd to listen, learn and ponder his perspective. Unheard has been heavily censored, course. But then, haven’t we all? Here’s another from american greatness. America has gone full so viet the Democrats full Soviet. Here we go. It’s actually a video here. Comrade just had a bad night.

Comrade had a slight cold. Comrade had a touch of jet lag. Comrade needs a bit more sleep. Mark June 27, at the date on which the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics officially became the second major political party in America. Comrade Biden had a cold on the debate stage that night, the same way Comrade Brezhnev had a cold in 1982. Think about it all very troubling stuff. It’s just shocking the extent to which the Democrats are going all out in support of their agenda with open borders, in open borders, lawlessness allowing everything to run wild. Just absolutely unbelievable how bad it is.

Meanwhile, and here I’ve got a bit of a trick with my computer. We have more going on here. Independence Day, Biden’s 5th 4th is filled with flubs at a primetime interview that he had in the evening, which wasn’t any more successful. Seemingly crumbling under immense pressure to undo the damage from a debate performance that showcased his plummeting mental acuity, President Biden 4 July was a veritable fireworks show of bewildering, save on and derailed trains of thought, Biden calling himself a black woman who was elected president as a child. The grand finale to the destructive holiday weekend display could come at 08:00 p.m.

tonight when Biden appears in a primetime sit down interview on ABC. Thursday’s dark comedy start with an appearance in Philadelphia’s WUr D radio featuring a former a format categorized as urban talk. Having already boasted about appointing a first black woman to the Supreme Court and selecting the first black woman as vice president, Biden short circuited and said, I’m proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, the first black woman to serve with a black president hat I’m proud to be, as I said, the first vice president. First black woman served with a black president.

I mean, the guy’s completely off the wall. I mean, it’s absolutely unbelievable. Meanwhile, CNN’s Dana Bash was floored when James Clyburn blamed her for Joe Biden’s terrible debate performance. I mean, I ask yourself. How much sense does that make? Democrats and their media allies spent the last several months attempting to convince America to believe that Biden was mentally sharp and not senile. But his age and senility were on full display for the entire world last week. Presidential debate. His terrible performance set off a five alarm fire and began a civil war within the Democratic Party. A handful of Democrats are still trying to convince Americans that Biden is mentally fit to serve another term.

One is James Clyburn, whose support helped Biden a key victory in South Carolina that ultimately enabled him to become the democratic nominee in 2020. Sunday, Clyburn appeared for an interview with CNN debate moderator Dana bashdheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh bash asked claiborne to respond to calls for biden stepped out. Clyburn admitted it was a bad performance, but he defended biden and refused to call him to step down. According to clyburn, biden was only suffering from preparation overload after spending the week at camp david. Right, preparation overload. Meanwhile, democratization oligarchs are forcing biden out of the presidential race. Here’s a piece on rumble we’ll pick up on when we get the chance.

Did you know there is a natural way to regrow teeth and gums? Oh, yes. This, there are all sorts of very fascinating Glenn greenwald that have emerged with the, I would say, close to unprecedented attempt to force joe biden, the current sitting elected president, out of a election that he obviously wants to run in, that he was named the democratic nominee for, and one that he has no intention of leaving. And yet there is a concerted effort on the part of the media that had long protected Joe Biden, but that is so desperate to do anything to ensure Donald Trump doesn’t win.

But also the kind of 500 or 1000 people that really run the Democratic Party, the very large funders, the oligarchs that fund the Democratic Party, and both of them are in a concerted effort to force Joe Biden out of a race that whatever you think of Joe Biden, he is the president and wants to remain in. And that obviously raises all kinds of interesting questions about what type of democracy the United States is. We’re constantly hearing from the democratic party that they, and they alone, can protect and preserve american democracy. And this raises a lot of questions.

Now, one of the questions before we get to that is that we have long heard over the last several weeks from Biden defenders that the reason it’s so inappropriate to force Joe Biden out of office is because the democratic party voters, their sacred voters who have the power in our system of government to make decisions, were given a wide choice, and they decided that they wanted Joe Biden to be their presidential nominee in 2024. And it’s therefore inappropriate to try and deny them those that wish. Now, the reality is, is that as the Democratic Party claims, that it is the only believer in, or protective protector of american democratic values.

The Democratic Party for years now has been acting in an extremely repressive, anti democratic way, especially when it comes to choosing who the nominee of the president for the presidency that party will have. That’s been the case in 2016 and in 2020, but also in 2024. The idea that democratic voters were given a free choice and decided they were going to vote for Joe Biden as the nominee that they wanted is an absolute joke. The Democratic he’s got it completely right. It’s an absolute joke. And it’s just embarrassing how many liars we have talking about it.

Here’s another report. Top Biden donors are asking for refunds. Are you surprised? Here. Here’s a tweet from man. No refunds. Buying donors are asking for getting their money back. Here is another asking for refunds all over. Laughing buying donors freak out on campaign manager after Biden debate debacle my only question is, how dumb are these people? You only just figure this out. Now. Where have you been for the last four years? I couldn’t agree more. Meanwhile, finds debate performance the truth seeker shocking proof he’s merely a puppet. So who really runs the country? As stated numerous times in the past, this site is not about a boba show.

That is politics. It’s about the puppeteers who pull the strings behind the scenes. And these proverbial strings were never more apparent than during the CNN presidential debate that aired on June 27. The most powerful man on earth was not even the most powerful man in the room. The CNN debate will most likely go down in history as the worst performative ever by a presidential candidate. Described as nothing less than a disaster in a train wreck by journalists who had no way of spinning this positively. Biden performance was not merely bad, but deeply concerning. It was one of these historic moments when a conspiracy theory became an obvious reality for the average person.

Indeed, as a world witness Biden struggling to form a coherent sentence, one thought came to their collective minds. Who is truly running America? Because it’s clearly not Joe Biden. Absolutely right. Very nice. Very nice. Meanwhile, get this. I love this. A Florida lawmaker wants to have Jill Biden arrested for the following reason. Joe Biden ran for president in the 2020 election with the expectation of being a transitional politician who passed it towards someone else for 2024. No one thought he was going to run for a second term. If Biden is elected, he’s going to be 82 years old in four years and we’ll be running for re election, a prominent Biden campaign advisor told POlItico in 2019 the plan was to hand the job off to his vice president for 2024.

Vice President Kamala Harris massive unpopularity and bumbling first term, however, made the plan impossible. First lady Jill reportedly encouraged her husband to run for a second term. The frail 81 year old has met this year, confirming he’s not up to the task Biden dreamed he talked to dead people, froze multiple times in public, been caught wandering visibly confused on camera now, I would add thinks he’s a black woman of first black woman brass dead state representative Randy Fine of Florida told Florida’s Voice that Jill should be arrested for elder abuse. He said running Jill for president 2024 is abusing an old man who has problems.

If you’re allowed to arrest presidents, you definitely should be allowed to arrest first ladies, Find said. I think the minute Joe’s wife steps into Florida should be arrested for elder abuse because that’s what’s going on here. No matter what I think of his politics or abusing an old man who has problems, I think he’s got it right. I think he’s got it exactly right. Meanwhile, a top Trump advisor says organization pushing Trump policies will be the least likely to staff his administration following former President Trump disavow of the Heritage Foundation Project 2025, a top Trump campaign advisor told Semaphore.

Organization purporting to be pushing Trump policies will be the least likely to staff his administration. If you’re an organization purporting to be pushing Trump policies is probably the last organization will take references from personnel, the top campaign advisor said on Friday. Meanwhile, and I like this, Trump has announced he’s forming a commit commission to investigate big pharma, big food, toxic chemicals and prescription medications. I believe this is a form of apology for warp speed. He’s not coming right out and saying it, but I like the idea of such a commission. Meanwhile, a new poll showed Trump does even better against Kamala Harris than he does against Joe Biden.

And of course, he’s waxing Joe. A post debate poll published Friday shows former President Trump leading Vice President Harris by more than he leads Biden, as talk about Democrats has started replacing Biden with Harris. The poll showed Trump leading Harris by 7% point in general, whereas the same poll showed him leading Biden by four. Here we have a story from MSNBC. Why Michelle Obama’s polling lead over Trump sort of matters it’s not exactly a secret that President Joe Biden’s reelection prospects have taken a falter in the wake of last week’s debate. Most of the polls show Trump’s advantage growing.

Some Democrats have called on the incumbent president to end his candidacy. Others have begun distancing himself from the presumptive nominee. With this in mind, it’s easy to understand why bolsa would start asking voters not only about Biden Trump matchups, but also about what a presidential race would look like if the president weren’t at the top of the ticket. Over the last 24 hours, two national surveys, a Reuters insist, and a CNN poll found a former republican president leading each of the Democrats, whose names are often included. There was, however, one notable exception from the Reuters report.

Among the names of top Democrat but before respondent, only Michelle Obama, wife of former Democrat president Barack, outperformed Biden and led drop 50 to 39. In a hypothetical matchup, Michelle, author of the best selling 2018 memoir Becoming, has said repeatedly she does not intend to run for president. Well, Ramaswamy has narrowed down the choices and here’s what he has to say. This is a very smart guy. We’ll be right back. My name is John, the founder of Blackout Coffee, and I started blackout because I really love coffee. I’ve always loved coffee. And after traveling so much to Europe, South America, in trying so many different coffees that were so good, and every time I came back to the US, I was so disappointed with the coffee.

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Help me get my feet back on the ground. Well, here we have Vic Ramaswami narrowing down Joe Biden’s replacement to one of two individuals. Listen up. The vague Ramaswami has predicted Joe Biden’s replacement. The veg said it eight months ago and he’s saying it again. Joe Biden will not be the nominee in November. Quote, look, I think that the reality is the managerial class around Biden has lost their use for him. This has been obvious to me since last year. Play out the incentives. He is not the strongest candidate they can put up. And these people, they’ve stopped at nothing to keep Donald J.

Trump out of office. You think they’re going to stop at this step? But who will take his place? Ramaswamy has narrowed it down to two viable choices, Kamala Harris or Michelle Obama. He explains why. Here, take a listen. Vivek, I have been dying to talk to you all day and here is why. I spoke to you pre debate, and you told me Biden would not be the nominee. You’ve been saying it over and over and over post debate. I suspect you still believe that, but tell me how it plays out. Look, I think that the reality is the managerial class around Biden has lost their use for him.

This has been obvious to me since last year. Play out the incentives. He is not the strongest candidate they can put up. And these people, they have stopped at nothing to keep Donald J. Trump out of office. You think they’re going to stop at this step? I think it’s actually one different game they’re playing, Kaley, is they want this to happen as late as possible into the cycle. They want it to be in the honeymoon phase of a new candidate. Initially, you get that honeymoon phase before the scrutiny comes. If that swap out comes in August or even after August, they get to put up a candidate who will not yet have had the scrutiny.

Keep Republicans guessing. And that’s, I think, the game that’s actually going on here. And the reality is, I think there’s only two viable choices, really, if you think about it. The Democratic Party is wedded to identity politics. The only reason Kamala Harris got that job, frankly, is because she was a black woman. Don’t take my words, take it from the words of the democratic party itself, which leaves Kamala Harris or Michelle Obama. That’s where I predict this plot ends. And I don’t think it’s going to happen particularly soon. I think it’s in their incentive to wait as long as possible.

And that’s exactly. The guy’s a brilliant guy. Let me just add, you know, I put up an image here. It’s a portable sign. It says on X on Twitter. Joe Biden is more confused than Michelle Obama’s gynecologist. Now, they limited that on Twitter, limited visibility. They didn’t actually give me the boot. But let me observe that when it comes out that Michelle Obama is a man with breast implants, I think that 50 to 39 advantage is going to be cut in half. She’s going to, I can’t believe Americans are going to buy into this, that she’s going to lose 25% of that support.

And Trump would pick it up. So it’d be more like 65 to 25. But meanwhile, get this former Biden stenographer claimed by blackmail, dope, hop, private homosexual lifestyle to baby anybody. I want somebody to love. Oh, I can buy a little help from my friends. Do I get, I get five from my friend. What would you say if I told you we have a new tool that will increase production and lower maintenance costs for your meat processing company, and it would pay for itself in just six weeks when pigs fly. The new ease off model easy four replaces old spring style carcass droppers and is faster, safer and more reliable.

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Well, welcome to the second hour of authentic news right here on RBN Live this 9th day of July where I take your calls. But I gotta add, there are two final stories here, maybe three, and I gotta emphasize the one the gateway pundit reported former Biden stenographer claimed Biden blackmailed Obama with threats of exposing a former president’s alleged homosexual affairs listen to this. Mike McCormick, a former White House stenographer, worked with Joe Biden, claimed during an interview with Alex Jones that Biden is potential damaging information to manipulate Barack Obama. McCormick alleges that Biden threatened to expose Obama’s supposed homosexual affairs unless certain conditions were met, wielding this information as a tool for political average.

Mike McCormick is a former White House stenographer, worked closely with Biden during his tenure as vice president. In that role, McCormick was responsible for accurately transcribing speeches, meetings and other communication involving Biden and other government officials. His first hand experience provides him with an intimate perspective on the operations and inner workings of the Obama regime. Now listen, Obama’s tort affair with Rahm Emanuel and the Chicago bathhouses was well known. It wasn’t a secret. And when he went to the White House, he brought Rahm along as chief of staff. Michelle probably didn’t like that. Just as I wouldn’t be surprised if Michelle didn’t like when Barack had an affair with Tafari Campbell on Martha’s vineyards where they got into a fight and it appears that Barack killed Safari.

Remember, he had bandages on his hands and a black eye the following day. Get this too. This is the other story before I turn to our callers. Leftists outraged. Leftists outraged over a California bill that would make it a felony to purchase children for sex. I mean, this is just unbelievably awful. Here’s a report about it to address the root causes of these issues and will not effectively stop sexual violence. They’re particularly concerned that the harsher penalties proposed in this bill will disproportionately impact marginalized communities, especially members of the LGBTQ community, who already suffer from systematic biases within the criminal justice system, particularly when it comes to sexually based offenses.

Studies have shown that LGBTQ people, particularly gay and transgendered individuals, are more likely to be charged with sex offenses compared to their heterosexual counterparts. For instance, LGBTQ individuals are nine times more likely to be charged with sodomy. Measures like SB 14 lead to higher rates of incarceration, longer sentences, and increased difficulties in finding housing and employment. Today, EDC must strongly oppose Senate Bill 1414 for the reasons I will state. We stand against any punitive measure that perpetuates systemic injustices, and we emphasize instead the need for community based solutions. We strongly support investments in victim services and programs to provide housing and other alternatives to help people escape trafficking.

We are concerned that the harsher penalties contained in this bill will disproportionately impact marginalized communities, particularly black and brown individuals who already bear the brunt of systemic biases within our criminal justice system. Under current California law, defendants could face years or even decades in prison for sexual violence committed against the minor, not just six months in jail, as Senator Grove and prosecutors have previously claimed. Furthermore, the approach outlined in SB 1414 diverts resources from vital programs and services aimed at supporting survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation, opting instead to increase funding for lengthy jail terms.

Our research has shown that punitive measures, such as lengthy incarceration and registries, do little to prevent crime or protect communities. Instead, they perpetuate cycles of incarceration, exacerbating the very problems they are meant to address. Rather than investing in punitive measures, we should be investing in community based solutions that address the underlying issues driving exploitation. We should instead support survivors in healing and rebuilding their lives with access to housing and funding for service providers. Just. Just remember, these are LGBTQ activists who are speaking out against a bill, SB 14, that would make it a felony to purchase children for sex.

In other words, they’re speaking out in defense of pedophilia, and they’re worried that gays are going to be disproportionately punished. Well, no doubt because gays would be disproportionately involved in buying children for sex. I mean, what has happened to the democratic party? I am disgusted. And I’m telling you, if they go and run Michelle, this campaign is going to be like a tabloid. It’s going to be sleazy. All this is going to come out of. I’ve actually deliberately spent years exposing that Michelle is a man with breast implants and a huge shaving bill because I despise liars, phonies and cheats, and Obamas are right up there at the top of the list.

They discussed me and honest to God, that Michelle lead 50 to 39. That is going to inspire Democrats to want to run Michelle as their candidate once the truth comes out. And it’s not going to take any time at all. There’s already a whole movie coming out called big mind. They’re already this little ditty. Michelle Obama is a man. Oh, yeah. I mean, I played it here on the show more than once and, and Twitter can limit the visibility of a sign like that. How innocuous. Joe Biden is more confused than Michelle Obama’s gynecologist. All they want, the public’s going to learn and the public is going to be repulsed.

There’s a handful of Democrats. Yeah, they’re going to be overjoyed to have these perverts at the top of their party, but honest, I think most Americans are not going to buy it. I’m glad we have callers here. Laura. Laura from Michigan, join the conversation. Laura, glad to have you back. Well, Mister Hetzer, I just wanted to bring up, there’s a new president in the Panama and he wants to close that Darian gap, which I think is great, he said, because what’s happening? He says he’s getting all kinds of black ISIS people gathering in his country. He doesn’t like it.

Yeah. Good. Excellent encouragement from our country. A country run by perverts. It’s just disgusting perverts and communists and traitors and disgusting people who haven’t even signed their oath of office swearing allegiance. The constitution. I don’t think any of their actions are technically even legal. That’s what we have. We have a fraud administration running the government and turning the United States into a cesspool, the world’s largest human cesspool. Give us any final thoughts or others you’d like to add, Laura? Yeah. Did you know that when you work a federal presidential election, you have to take oath of office? Yes, I did that for many years.

Well, see, none of these democrats are doing that. They are. They are doing that in the Obama admin. All of the highest figures in the cabinet have, in fact, according to the reports I’ve seen, not signed their oath of office, and I therefore believe every act they’ve actually taken is not legitimate and binding. How do you undo all this? The only guy I think you can disentangle this mess is Donald Trump. And I know how many have misgivings about Trump. Well, I’m not unqualified in my support either, but I do believe he can do more for us than anyone else out part period.

Laura, go ahead. Yeah. More thought is a question for you. Do you think that underground spets not blew up radio fund? Say again? You think underground Spetsnaz, a russian, like, Russian CIA, up the rathon plants? Oh, I wouldn’t be surprised. Yeah, I think we’re going to have a lot of military industrial producing weapons for Ukraine that suffer sabotage. I think it’s. I think. I think you got it. You got to do that, Laura. You can’t just let the Zen was production. The United States is abusing a position in the world, attacking Russia. The US is not going to be immune, Laura.

Yes, I believe that’s what’s going on there. Yeah, Putin Smart. There’s any missile over here, just have them blow up the rath on. And Boeing. Yeah, well, that was a report I got, Laura. That was a report I got from a caller right here to this show, his husband is in Russia, that Putin had actually identified targets they were going to take out and include Boeing, Raytheon, general dynamics, all the big military industrial. I’d like to add that Langley, CIA headquarters there, maybe even the Pentagon. I mean, those are all very appropriate targets. And he seems to me to have a pretty good idea of what he’s doing.

A final thought, Laura? I’m glad that there’s not. We can count on them to take care of these companies. You know, Russia is the greatest hope. Russia is the greatest hope for the world, actually. Exactly. Judgment. He’s being so patient with all the provocations from the west lords. How astounding to me we’ve not already been turned into very fine, Ashley. Thank you, Laura. Okay, thank you, Rick in Arizona. Rick, join the conversation. A couple of things, Doctor Fetzer. Number one, you know, if they really did shove, you know, Big Mike into the running, it’s just more proof that the Democrats want Trump.

I mean, not even the blacks will vote for her. Number two, I think Joe Biden is being sacked because he’s not senile enough. And what do I mean by that is that there’s still a chance that Joe Biden could win the election. And once Joe Biden, let’s say he wins the election, he’s in for four years, he can sack Israel. He’s got a history of threatening Israel prime ministers for their bad behavior. You may not know that, but he went to Israel in 1982, and he told Menachem begin that if he didn’t stop kidnapping women off the streets of Minneapolis and Kiev, forcing them into prostitution, we’re going to cut off your foreign aid.

And so the Jews are well aware of Joe Biden and his threats to prime Minister Menachem begin. So they could have gotten rid of Trump two years ago with his 25th, or by two years ago with the 25th amendment, okay? But now, all of a sudden, now we got this war. This war has entered the picture. And now I think the ruling class, Jews, are scared, and they don’t want to take the risk of Joe Biden getting reelected. And then Biden bring the hammer down on Israel because he has a history of not liking this country.

And that’s what I think is going on. You know, it’s just, you know, it’s just a bunch of crap that, you know, they think he’s too old. He’s had so many senior moments from the day he took office that this is just a bunch of B’s. And, you know, it plays well coming off the tv and most of the goy, and believe it, and they don’t have any other way of thinking about things. But I think they want to get rid of Biden because they don’t trust him in a second term. Thanks for taking the call.

Oh, Rick, I think you’re great at thinking outside the box. I really do like your calls. Whether I always agree is a whole nother question, but I really like independence of your intellect. I think you’re a very smart guy and not somebody could be easily played. And I just like hearing from you, Rick, is there a final thought you’d like to add before we part? No, I think we’re doing good. Thanks for taking the call. You got it. Good call. Good call. Good call. Tom in Florida. Tom, the mic is yours. Yeah, good day, everybody. Yeah, good call, Laura.

I gotta say this, you know, first off, we gotta look at these Jews. What did Jesus tell you with the Pharisees? As a den of thieves. There are den of thieves. When he turned those tables over and he was like, in a swap beat. He was like, in a swap shop when he’s turning all those tables and the little Jews huddled up the Pharisees. And Jesus said, you’re not coming to my kingdom because you’re a den of thieves. And he’s talking about the Jews, pharisees. There it is. It’s den of thieves. That’s what the Democrat party is, den of thieves.

They’re Dennis Democra, den of criminals. Now listen, Jim, I want to get. I’m going to the Donald Trump rally right now. I’m in Miami Springs, okay? I’m telling you right now, the traffic to go to disrelate International is about 16, 17 miles long all the way from road. The traffic’s unbelievable. I believe thousands of cars. I’m telling you, the traffic’s over 17 miles, Jim, I ain’t bullshit. And it’s unbelievable. And I gotta say this now. Here’s. I want to hit a hit on something that’s got to be dealt with. Renee, I want to let you explain.

I want to explain some of you. Renee, you need to look up the country of Haiti and Santo Domingo, which is called Dominican Republic. They’re building a wall on that island as we speak. And I’ll tell you what, Renee, so you understand, you’re always bashing the white. Mendez. Well, listen, in Africa for the white man, when they went in there, when they did, they would all probably been cannibalized. Okay, well, Livingston went in there, okay? So, you know, the white bashing the white man or this and that. I’m, you know, it’s kind of annoying to me because I’m getting kind of sick of it.

And all you have to do, Jim, is look what’s going on in Cuba. Look what’s going on in Haiti. That’s a Domingo. Well, Dominican Republic, actually, because they’re lightning in. They’re building a wall because they don’t want the darker ones in on their property. So basically what you used to whole island, we used to call Santo Domingo. And I want you to look it up. The 1804 slave revolt, when they killed every french man and woman on the island and only 200 escaped over to Cuba, which is 48 miles from the coast of Haiti. And that’s when the Spanish picked them up the French and saved the rest of them from being annihilated.

Look it up. The book is called Santo Domingo. You’ll understand what’s going on now. Look what’s going on in France, Jim. These Palestinians, these Muslims, all voted for social marxist communism. They voted against Le Pen. And the only reason she lost is because they brought all those Arabs over there in the last 35, 40 years into France, the French were on the Peter totter of all out civil war. Yeah, they would. They, Tom, it’s so easy to steal elections. When they send out the ballots, they just tear the ballot because they can’t count ballots that are torn.

So the name, you know, they’ve got a different ballot for the different candidates. They just tear all the Le Pen ballots. There’s no way Le Pen could have lost legitimately. None. Well, Jim, I agree with you, sir. I agree. But listen, Jim, the narrative is they’re using as, they’re using that these, all these Muslims came into France in the last 50 years, and they use that as a narrative. They’re all voting marxist socialist communists for the Licky Kissy party. And that’s why Le Pen lost. However, I do think at 27, she will win. But I think before that they even allow her to take the reins of power there.

They’re going to have an all out civil war in France. It’s going to be another french revolution. I really firmly believe that it only takes a little spark to really ignite a major. By the way, all the Jews, all the state department here in Israel and the United States are telling all the Jews in France to get out so they can be targeted. It’s all over the news on all the major networks. They’re telling all Jews in France to move your ass to Israel. Think about that. They’re telling them all. And by the way, I want to, I hope cardinal, I hope the cardinal calls in today because I want him to hear me.

Joe, you know this Debbie blabbermouth Schultz here in Florida and all these jewish congresspeople, they’re all for Biden to stay in the power, and they’re all saying there’s nothing wrong with Joe Biden’s brain. Everybody doing democratic news in the state of Florida have rallied around Joe Biden to stay in power. And Joe knows that Cardinal Joe knows. So it’s just crazy, Tom, are crazy. It’s just ludicrous. Give us, give us a final thought. Tom, we’re hitting the break. Give us a final thought. Well, my final thought, I’ll be in that truck rally, hopefully here the next 20 minutes.

You have a great time. Enjoy. I think Donald Trump, you tell us, call tomorrow and tell us all about it. We’ll be right back. Get more tank will save you money every month on gas. I’m Dave von Kleist, and I noticed increased performance after my first tank of gas. My mileage increased by 2.5 miles per gallon. And I’m saving money on every fill up. Get more tank is America made, is used by trucking companies and heavy industry and is now available to the public. Get more tank works in any gas or diesel engine cleans your engine, improves performance, reduces emissions, and you’ll feel it every time you step on the gas.

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Oh, and by the way, I have to correct my friend Tom, my buddy from Tom, just a little bit south of me. So please, Tom, next time when you refer to me, it’s his eminence cardinal Jeff. That’s my request. Okay. There you go. Actually, I have to say, too, your last caller yesterday, I was very blessed and deeply honored. He was referring to me. Your very last caller called me a nut job, right, for quoting the Lord Jesus Christ when he said, pray for your enemy. To me, that’s a great blessing. You know, the Lord did say, you know, blessed are you as they persecute you for my sake.

So anyway, call me a nut job. I was highly honored by that. But here’s the thing. Oh, that Biden interview, there’s something very intriguing which I have seen and no one has picked it up. You might want to follow up on it, too. So in the interview, I think it’s the second to last, or it might be the very last question that definopolous asked. You know, the walking cadaver. He says, you know, this is a question about, well, what if you run and then Trump wins? And then Biden said, you know, it’s been reported. Biden say, well, you know, I know I did the best job I could and yada yada.

And some Democrats have gotten kind of angry at his answer. But I was listening very closely. If you go back, you’ll hear it. The actual words that Biden said, and I’m not making this up. Like I said, check the interview. So after Stephan Stephanopoulos asked him, you know, what will you say if you run and you still lose to Trump? Biden actually says these words. He says, well, you know, I will know. And if I feel I did the goodest job I can do, he actually said, did the goodest job, not did the best job. So talk about Joe.

Joey’s doing much worse than that. He went on NBC, ABC, and he said he was a, he’d been a black woman who was the first black woman president of the United States. He went into Pennsylvania and said how Pennsylvania had helped him become elected senator again and again when he was a senator from Delaware. The guy is off his soccer. He’s totally incompetent. Totally. The thing that I thought was really fascinating was then on Stephanopoulos when it aired, that liar, professional liar, John Carl from ABC News, they play the clip and then John Carl actually repeats as if the president had said, I did.

He says he, he said I did the best job. My point is just that we in real time were watching this cognitive disaster and the media cover up and no one has even admit that they’re all just a bunch of lying, phony frauds. My God, who knows how much they’re being paid? The Democrat party has gone so far off the rails. Anyone who votes Democrat really ought to give themselves a cognitive exam of the kind they’re given. They should be given to Biden to get them out because, I mean, because they lost it. Anyone supporting the Democrats today has lost it.

Joe lost it. Exactly. And I want to shift, though, just real quick, because Tom actually was mentioning about France, and you’re exactly right about this french election because I was talking to you about it before it came up. So I’ll just say that either the, I certainly wouldn’t put it past Monk Cronin and the other people to spoil the balance and ruin. But look, my prediction, because I said July 7 important. And of course, I think they really scam this election. The next thing in France is civil war. Look for civil war to break out in France imminently because you’ve got too many warring factions there.

Now, that’s Macron, and he’s essential to getting this war. But this war, this is a big thing I don’t want to lose sight of. We’re being distracted by the clown in the White House and by even the genocide in Israel. You think, imagine how despicable these people are. They use a genocide to distract you from a war that’s about to start. So there’s a story, CNN has another mainstream western media, allegedly the Russians bombing a children’s hospital. What a total bunch of garbage. They’ve been making this story up since the beginning of this conflict. You know, these Ukrainians, they have missile, anti missile launchers.

Whenever they fail one of them, this is what happened in this case, they blame it on the Russians. They have their anti missile that goes up in Kiev. Now everybody knows that Russia is not bombing Kiev. So the only thing that blew up this children’s hospital is the russian military. I mean, the Kiev military, the ukrainian military is the ones that are doing that. Sure. And the other part. Yeah, sorry. Of course, Joe. Yeah, absolutely. That’s what I was saying. It’s Zelensky is going to commit these crimes and then blame it on rush. He’s got nothing better to do.

I mean, these people are disgusting. Joe, give us a final jewish war criminal and the last thing I’ll say is this. There’s also a story they’re floating out there. They’re about to do a false flag. They’re going to claim that Russia has used chemical weapons, biological weapons in the on Ukrainians. Now that’s another hoax. I’m just saying because, you know, we know the Ukrainians are the ones that have been using weapons. I’m just saying let’s keep an eye on that because the more desperate democrats here and the west leaders like Macron get, the more close we’re getting to this war that they are going to try and thank you, my friend.

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I mean, hermavrodite is actually the sex organs of both sex. So you have both a vagina and a penis. It turns out that the clitoris, the clit is a vestigial penis, meaning depending on your chromosomes, a clit would have developed to be a male penis, but you would not normally have a vagina as well. There are some aphrodites. This a woman who was he had a new prime minister of New Zealand in hermaphrodite Juanita, what was her name? It would come to mind Michelle Obama is not actually in hermaphrodite. Michelle Obama is a man who had breast implants to pass himself off as a woman.

I think if I were a parent, I would just live with it. I’d say, well, we had this unusual situation with this child and try to help them to grow and develop. That’s not a, you know, that’s not a characteristic birth defect like many others, you know, of a very different character. But you raise a very interesting question. I personally, as a parent, would be as loving and nurturing, as supportive as a child as I could possibly be. I mean, there’s a, there’s a place for even hermaphrodites in this world, I dare say so, Dave. Yes, you’re very interesting.

Sensitive question. Do you want more questions? And again, I really don’t have. I just find that there’s a narrative that these people are choosing to change their gender because they just feel that way. There’s actually evidence within the last 30 years of DNA evidence that says that some, some of these people, they had, they come with two chromosomes or something like that. I’m missing an x chromosome or something like that. I mean, that’s been. That’s a fact. Well, well, it’s comp, it’s comp. Again, you gotta look, I never heard anybody on RBN talk about it, but, you know, there are some people who are like that, who are born that way.

And as a matter of fact, for the christians, for your callers, even in the Bible, Jesus says in 19 Matthew 1912, there are people who are born that way. I mean, he talks about eunuchs, but the first one is someone who’s born that way. You know, that’s. Yeah, it’s kind of. I would like, I would like, I would like. I wouldn’t like. Wait, wait, let me finish. And I would like Mark Dankoff and Jeremy from Kentucky to talk about this because apparently they came to be christians, but they’re so cowardly, they don’t want to talk about that.

Diverse. In Matthew 1912. I mean, it says, yeah, I’m a. It’s not like Paul the apostle. I mean, Jesus said it himself. I mean, it’s not like I’m making this stuff up. You can look at it yourself, this math. He talks about three different types of eunuchs. And this is, you know, it’s Matthew 1912. But I mean, they’re so tough. You know, Mark, Dan Coff and Jeremy from Kentucky, they’re so tough. They would, they would, you know, they would have brought it up a long time ago. Not one David from New York calls. I mean, they would have brought it up.

They’re really tough guys. They would have. They would have brought that up a long time. But I thought, David, I. My opinion, I’m a different strokes for different folks kind of guy. I don’t care what someone does in their personal life. And if they. They happen to be gay, that’s okay with me. What I don’t like is making it a campaign to promote transgenderism, having men compete in men’s, in women’s sports, for example, and destroy the integrity. That’s the kind of thing I oppose having. Teaching children, you know, masturbation when they’re in kindergarten. I mean, that’s just repulsive.

But I don’t care if someone in their personal life has whatever, indulgence, whatever, you know, works for them. That’s okay with me. I’m talking about matters of public policy and whether we ought to be encouraging or promoting or funding some of this stuff that I think is very, very harmful to young people. And the idea of undergoing, you know, sex change surgery for prepubescent children who have no idea what it means to be a man or a woman, to me, that’s utterly irresponsible. I condemn it 100%. And I’m therefore all with Ron DeSantis, among others, who’s taken a very strong stand in his state to make it illegal.

But, David, Christian. Yes. I mean, the message of Christ was one of forgiveness, one of love, one of compassion, and even of your enemies. Now, you reach a point where you have to act in self defense. If your enemy is trying to kill you, it doesn’t do any good to be forgiving of them or receptive, because then you’re dead. You got the right of self defense. But I agree. I think the message of Jesus was of compassionate love, and he was a great man. And I admire Jesus and the message of Christianity. It’s so totally opposite of the Old Testament.

The God of vengeance. My goodness, the Old Testament God wants children to be sacrificed to him. He’s all for genocide and all this. I mean, in my opinion, Judaism. And this was Mahatma Gandhi’s observation, too. Gandhi said, of all the religions he’d studied, and he pretty much studied them all, he felt the only one that had no redeeming merit whatsoever was Judaism. And I think it’s a religion for narcissists, egotists, sadists, genocidalists. I’m very disillusioned with Judaism, where we have seen what it really means in Palestine today, we see what’s going on there? The slaughter. Children, women, pregnant women.

We got these IDF guys saying, oh, they were bored so they started picking off kids for sport. You know, it’s just disgusting. David, you’re a very sincere guy and I like your question and I like your call. Would you like to add any more? He’s gone, David. Okay, let’s see who we got next. James in Vancouver. James and Vancouver. Join the conversation. James. Well, don’t forget we dropped 10 million tons of bombs on Vietnam. And yeah, they’re protesting. But to be fair, the Jews were on the streets protesting the Jews. Look, there are Jews out there.

There are Jews out there protesting Gaza. So you know, I’m all for that. So you never know what’s going on. But anyway, I agree. I agree to that. Okay. I want to add to what Rick said. I want to add to what Rick said. Is that what you’ve got now probably is Biden and the deep state are jacking up the price of the weapons. Because as you know, when the demand goes up, so goes the price. That’s what’s going on. Yeah, so that, you see, and Jill is trying to extort the Democrat party. She. Her conditions are 3200 billion for a Biden library.

What the hell would be in it? He didn’t accomplish anything. Total pardon. Pardons for the whole Biden crime family, which is a disgrace and an injustice were to occur. And a hundred million dollar book deal for Jill. And she says she won’t have Joe drop out unless she gets all three. How bad is that? That’s extortion. Well, you know what I found? That the lowest price I found for an m 84 2000 pound bomb is $3,100. So why don’t we charge 100,000 a unit and that way we can spread it all around. Congress, the White House and everybody can play.

You see, that’s my final thought for now. Yeah. Good, good. Good call. Good call, James. Thank you for that. Yeah. Back to Florida again. Cheryl. Cheryl in Florida. Join the conversation. Cheryl. Hi, doctor Fetcher. How are you doing today? Good. I have a few things for you. I was laughing when. When the last man was talking about Jill because I was talking about her earlier today, you know, how did you see, like she was doing like a pep rally for Jo, like, oh, you did so good. You said the word and you know, she was just going on and on, you know, about how good Joe did.

You know, she treats him like a third grader or a child. She treats him like a child. Joe, you did so well. You answered every question. Pathetic. Let me tell you what I was thinking. I was telling Andrew today on the phone, I said it was like, you know, like a child who was. He took his first crap in the toilet instead of the diaper, you know? That’s right. That’s right. Joe isn’t doing that, by the way. Cheryl, Joe isn’t doing that. He counts on pants. Yeah, I know. You know, like, like, you know, like, oh, what a good boy.

You went in the toilet. You got it. I was calling one. We have to be right now. We have to be. We’re in the United States. We’re on very high alert right now, the highest you can get, because they. The state Department has put out a warning that they’re expecting some sort of attack on us. Cheryl, Cheryl, Cheryl, it’s going to be a false flag. It’s going to be a US created attack. They’re going to blame on ran or Russia or who the hell knows? Well, they tried that, too. Yes. Yeah, they tried that yesterday and it didn’t work because, you know, when they tried to steal that bomber, that russian bomber, it was NATO that created the plans for the Ukrainians to steal that bomber.

And they were going to offer that pilot. Well, if they could get the russian pilot to fly it, they were going to offer him, or they did offer him $3 million and citizenship in Italy, and he didn’t take it. Instead he turned it into the FSB and they arrested all of those people. So, you know, that’s going to be false flag, you know. Yeah, right. Yeah, go ahead and bomb some people. Yeah. Good, good. Well, okay. And then there’s one other thing, and that is a little while ago, a few hours ago, as a matter of fact, the defense minister of Ukraine sent a message to the White House because they want Joe to authorize them bombing airfields and military bases within Russia.

Yeah. And, you know, this is because of the NATO meeting going on there. So I heard about the chemical weapons deal, too. And, you know, they always do that. They always blaming Russia for that. Yeah. That NATO bomb, that bomber, was planned by NATO. That bomber that. Yeah. Stealing that plane, Cheryl. I believe it. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, that’s all I have to say. Well, I’m glad. I’m always glad when you call, Cheryl. Keep them coming. Renee. Renee. Yeah. Thank you, Cheryl. Renee, I’m sure you’re gonna have a lot to say, but I got like three more, maybe more.

Four callers, so be concise. Go for it, Renee. Yeah. You always say you’re going to give me more time, and it never happened. Go ahead. You know, the thing is. Oh, gosh, there’s so many things. I tell you what, I really appreciated David’s call. I did so much. I was so refreshing to hear somebody, you know, calmly bringing up another point of view. David, I very much appreciated that. You know, the thing is, I just can’t take all this just hate, you know, tuning into RBN sometimes is like. That’s why I call it an on air psychology lab for personality disorders, because there’s a field of red flags waving with all the character flaws associated with narcissistic persons.

Personality disorder where never at fault. My demographic group is perfect and never at fault. Therefore, by association, I am, too. Okay? Is the game they’re playing and everything is everybody else’s fault. They’re the ones that are all flawed and they don’t realize they do the exact same thing they complain about, particularly like these dominionist Christians and the Zionist Christians. They hate the Jews because they think they’re better than everybody else in God’s chosen people. But when you study them, they think the exact same things about themselves. They are identical twins of two different religions, you know? And the thing is, you know, people hear what they want to hear.

Made sure to point out yesterday how Larkin rose and trying to steer people there. And I mentioned some other good YouTube videos. Those are by white men. But, see, people hear what they want to hear because they have an agenda. You know, they have issues, you know? So the thing is. The thing is, I am. I. Listen, if you’re a good white man who is really trying, trying to make the world a better place, I’m your best friend, okay? I really appreciate that. But there’s a lot of pretenders, okay? Who. They’re fakes and they’re narcissists, and they have an agenda, and it’s a selfish one, and it’s all about them and what’s good for them.

And they really don’t think about anybody else. It’s only them, them, them, them. And the thing. And I want to bring up, there’s a, you know, like, I’m. Like, I need Tom to educate me. How insulting. The thing is. He needs to look into the history of Haiti. Those black slaves. See, this is what the white european colonial empires hated in Haiti. Those black slaves rebelled, and with nothing, they won. Okay, well, european colonial empires couldn’t be having that. Okay? So the thing is. And what they did, France threatened to invade them again. And the deal they had to make with France was, look, we won’t invade you again.

But you have to pay us reparations. Yes. The slaves who won the war, usually the winner gets the spoils. Oh, no, not in this instance. The thing is, the black haystack, former slaves had to pay France for freeing themselves for France because France, owners of the slaves, lost property, and so they wanted to be paid back for their financial loss of losing the slaves. And Haiti paid them for decades. Don’t believe me? Look it up. Okay, so the thing is, I’m so tired of people with an agenda getting on here and lying. And if people don’t go along with their lie, they’re attacked.

Okay? So the thing is, it’s just. The thing is, we’re not gonna get anywhere. That’s why I so appreciated the guy yesterday. There’s also talking about the right left paradigm. You know, y’all keep. Look, Biden is a dead horse, okay? But is a dead horse. We don’t really need to worry about him anymore. And Kamala’s horrible, okay? She slept her way to the cop. As a woman. The woman. The women that they put up there. When we have a first woman president, I do not want it to be Hillary Clinton or Kamala Harris or Michelle Michael Obama.

God forbid I’m a woman. Like you say, that’s the choice of women you’re going to give me. Oh, hell, no. When this country crashes and burns, let the people be holding the bag that have steered us here for decades beholding it. Because you know what? As a woman, I don’t. You know, I know. I do not want a woman president right now because I can guarantee what we’re going to have to hear you say you sit just like what the Jews do. We don’t want to talk about what happened before that date, okay? The people in this country, they do the play the exact same games they accuse others of.

If that happens, I can just hear them out. You see? You see, a woman can’t rule. It’s because a woman was in charge. We had all this, and they’re going to forget everything that was done by the men before them. So let me tell you, as a woman, I’m the last person on earth that wants a woman president right now because I know exactly what’s going to happen. And I just want fairness, okay? This double standards I bring up and give information of good, smart white males, but nobody hears that. They can. They can’t take any criticism.

You have to bow and genuflect to some of these guys, no matter how bad their behavior. They have a sense of entitlement. And you have to balance and reflect. Oh, you so wonderful, baby. Honey, no matter what you do. Renee, renee, renee, renee, renee, renee, renee. Renee. Of all my callers, I think you by far carry the banner of having strong opinions, more so than any other caller, period. So you don’t want to bash people just because they have different opinions? You are the most opinionated caller I ever have. I’m defending myself and then I get attacked for defending myself.

I know, and I don’t like it. I don’t like descending into one or another caller attacking. I don’t like it. And I knew, renee, as soon as tom todd talking about you, I just knew you were going to be here and you’re going to be feisty and all that, and I think you’re wonderful, but honest. We’ve had enough for today. Okay, call tomorrow. We’ll pick up there. Gregory in california. Gregory, join the conversation. Gregory kiddos. James, thank you so much for, for putting an end to that diatribe. It’s so frustrating to hear bickering amongst us. I think it’s unnecessary.

But I. Yeah, I wish, I wish I could manage it, but, you know, I mean, I’m big on freedom of speech. I want people to have the chance to say their police. I just wish we wouldn’t be attacking one another. I mean, these are. Tom’s a good guy. Renee’s a great gal. They have a lot to say, but there’s too much, as you call it, decorating. Yeah. I’m glad you’re here, Gregory. Give us your thoughts. I’m glad I’m here, too. But, yeah, my thought is, you know, I was compelled to watch the last half of those dumb and dumber episodes, or their, call it that.

What a joke. But after listening to that diatribe, I came to the conclusion that, yeah, they were dumb and dumber, but I’m the dumbest just for spending my precious moments looking at those buffoons. It was worse than a comedy, a bad comedy. But Gregory Biden was God awful. But Trump was very disciplined. He stayed in his time limits. He didn’t lose control. He was very pointed. I thought Trump performance was very, very good. Some even said they thought was the best they’d ever seen of a presidential candidate. But Biden was a catastrophe. And it’s just amazing we’ve seen this coming.

Anyone who’s been paying attention knew this guy has totally lost it. So what was most interesting was how the Democrats reacted as though they had no idea this guy was such a complete buffoon. You know, really utterly incompetent. I mean, it’s embarrassing that this guy’s a president of the United States. Yours. Go ahead, speaker one. I totally concur with that. In if Trump was up against something that had something brain cells to rub together, it might have turned out to be a debate. It was just a slaughterhouse with dumb and dumber pontificating to the dumbest of us all were watching this stupid, shit talking mushroom.

But that’s not what the main reason I called was. I came up with a whole new idea, and I used to be wanting to start two parties. I think I called you the last time I called you, about having the articles of Confederation party and or the party party. Well, now I think, why not have a. Because we can. We’re people. We’re not trees. We’re not planted in one place. Why can’t we have a parallel party and call it the articles of Federation party and control mind? The articles of Confederation. Control mind. Because that’s what government means, right? Control mind government.

Yeah, but we call it the way it’s supposed to be, and we go underneath the articles of Confederation, which supersedes a stupid, anal retentive constitution that everybody got conned into. And, yeah, we get off the boat and float our own, and then we can have something more pertinent to talk about than these morons. Gregory, thanks for calling in. I look forward to your next call. Tom from Utah. Francis, call tomorrow. We’ll get you on. Meanwhile, spend as much time as you can with your family, your friends and people you love and care about, because we do not know how much time we have left.

And support RBN. Back tomorrow. Thank you, Jim. Have a good night. You too, Julie. Bye bye. Help from my friends.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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