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➡ The text discusses the political atmosphere in the U.S with a spotlight on ex-president Donald Trump potentially running for House Speaker, and his endorsement of Jim Jordan for the same position. It covers ongoing rumors and critique from various media houses and explores Trump’s influence over House Republicans. The text also delves into legal arguments around charges against Trump regarding his actions as President and touches on speculation of FBI targeting his supporters. Lastly, it mentions Russian President Vladimir Putin’s stance against globalists.
➡ In the face of a new world order proposed by the global elite, Putin promotes the rise of a traditional, multipolar world. Widespread emergency drills take place in Russia amidst ongoing Ukraine conflict and potential nuclear war threats. NATO’s support for Ukraine is diminishing, while US bureaucracy holds up additional aid. Russia continues its resistance against Western domination, aligning with the vision of maintaining national traditions and heritage.
➡ The US claims a ship bound for Yemen was carrying Iranian arms for the Houthis, which Iran and the Houthis both deny. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan opposes an aid package to Ukraine, emphasizing the need to address domestic issues like border security and crime. Meanwhile, Jordan is seen as a likely successor to ousted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, with 80% chance predicted by Governor Christine Ohm. In other news, a storable food company, Blackout Coffee, aims to provide fresh roasted, high-quality coffee beans to consumers. Finally, Donald Trump criticizes 2024 GOP candidate Nikki Haley, describing her as disloyal and unsuitable for presidency; and Democrat senator Fetterman calls for the resignation of New Jersey Bob Menendez over bribery charges.
➡ The Biden administration changes stance on border walls as it plans to waive 26 laws for quick construction of barriers at the Texas-Mexico border. This leads to criticism from former President Trump considering Biden had previously vowed not to construct any more border walls. Moreover, a new program is reported that allows direct immigration into selected US cities, leading to more than 210,000 processed illegal immigrants since the year started. Meanwhile, discussions on Taiwan’s declaration of independence, diversity mandates for federal funding, and issues related to the semiconductor industry. Biden also faces a federal ruling halting his attempts to censor speech on social media platforms. Additionally, New York Attorney General Letitia James accuses former President Trump of race-baiting for his criticism of the fraud trial against him. Lastly, despite a U.S. Supreme Court decision, the Biden administration is proceeding with a $9 billion student loan forgiveness scheme.
➡ The text discusses various topics, amongst which are Youngkin’s fundraising records potentially boosting his chance for a late entry into the 2024 Republican presidential nomination race, the speculation that Trump will secure the GOP nomination in 2024, the review of a health supplement called Extendivite, a warning about a potential financial crisis, and details on the controversy over bathroom use in the Perkiomen Valley school district. Additionally, it highlights the success of the independent film Sound of Freedom, beating established franchises at the box office and providing information about the new social media platform, TLB Talk. The conversation ends with a call-in about the Bush Family’s reputation.
➡ The text discusses potential controversies surrounding George Walker Bush, Tom Ridge, and other political figures. There’s speculation on their personal lives and allegations of misconduct. It also explores the theory that the 9/11 event was premeditated, designed to give America a reason to exert force in the Middle East. Furthermore, it highlights how powerful figures potentially exploit blackmail to control politicians. It additionally covers the lessening of academic curriculum quality in Michigan, Oregon, and Pennsylvania as a strategy to dumb down the public.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the quality of education, citing a specific case in Bel Air, Michigan where students were unable to read, write, spell, or write in cursive, prompting a decision to homeschool a child. It also touches upon conspiracy theories regarding organizations like Skull and Bones and the CIA subverting the American education system. Furthermore, it expresses worries about political corruption involving powerful families like the Bush and Clinton families. Finally, it brings up the international political scene, where there’s apprehension over potential nuclear warfare and underhanded tactics involving Russia.
➡ The discussion revolves around Putin’s intervention in Ukraine, opinionating that he has become the moral leader of the world in comparison to morally bankrupt NATO nations. It also includes the analysis of potential false flag events in Ukraine, attributing the corruption and pursuit of aid money to Ukrainian desperation. The conversation shifts to criticisms of manipulation and corruption within the U.S., including reference to the State Department’s funding of the Ukraine war.
➡ The text contains an extensive and deep-dive discussion about various topics including conspiracy theories about 9/11, theories of viruses and virology, the films Indiana Jones and Sound of Freedom, and disregarded evidence related to building six during 9/11. This conversation involves personal opinions and analysis shared by multiple individuals during a radio conversation.
➡ The text discusses claims about the transmissibility of viruses like SARS CoV 2 and various conspiracy theories. It also contains a perspective on viruses as a form of life and the debate on their existence. The discussion moves to broader topics such as politics, immigration, and the current socio-political climate, with callers expressing their views on various subjects. The text ends with a reminder about the importance of spending time with loved ones.


A good reason for taking the easy way out. Got a good reason for taking the easy way out now she was a dead. Well, this is Jim Petzer, your host on Authentic News, right here on RBN Live this 6th day of October, 2023. The news has been breaking so fast, it’s going to be difficult to cover it all. Question. Breaking news. President Trump attending House Speakership meeting. Rumors were again swirling that the 40th president is considering a run for House Speaker.

According to a new report from Politico, trump is considering meeting with Republicans ahead of the GOP conference to select the new House Speaker. Meanwhile, the Daily Coasts, among the most left wing of all publication out there, do their best to smear the whole enterprise. Evening brief. Could Trump become the next House Speaker? They take a dim view. Just when you thought the Republican drama in the House couldn’t get any worse, donald Trump is now meddling in the House Speaker’s race injecting new levels of chaos into the process.

In fact, things are such a mess, the mainstream media has no chance but to choice but to finally acknowledge that yes, Republicans are the problem. But even that remains a work in progress. Much of the national press continues to cover up for the fact that Trump is unraveling. They only wish as of now, the Speaker’s race has between Republican Representative Jim Jordan, once branded as a legislative terrorist by former House Speaker John Boner, and Steve Scalise, who allegedly told a Louisiana journalist he considered himself like David Duke without the baggage.

Many Republican extremists in the House are pushing hard for Trump to be speaker. Since a speaker doesn’t need to be a member of the channel chamber, trump has tease that he’s open to the idea. Notice how they spin it. The extremists are in Washington, DC. The extremists are in the White House. The extremists are in the Biden administration. Meanwhile, a rather fascinating development has Donald Trump endorsing Jim Jordan to be president.

Get this endorsed congressman Jim Jordan to be the next House Speaker. Trump’s announcement came in a social media post. Overnight, trump’s name has been floated by some as a potential speaker candidate. He even said he would step into a short term position if necessary. So far, Majority Leader Steve Scalise has also declared his candidacy. Meanwhile, I think that’s the right choice. I think that’s exactly right. Here we have a report even from CNN why Trump’s endorsement at Jordan for speaker significantly moves the needle cash backing.

It’s my duty to and of course it’s going to be we got to get rid of the commercials they put on top of the ad, the news reports are so significant. But here we go. There are a couple pieces here, the first one being that Donald Trump has incredible sway among the House Republican conference. They listen very closely to what he says. He’s got a lot of loyalists there, much more so than the Senate, although there are more Trump loyalists there now.

When he was President, a single Trump tweet could send the House spinning out, basically, and that reality still exists. He has frankly done more on that score to lock down support among the House GOP conference. So from this perspective, it says to me it’s going to be much harder for a Steve Scalise to get to 218 votes needed to be speaker, because a lot of those people are going to listen to Donald Trump and back Jim Jordan.

Now, the second piece of this is those moderates that Kristen was talking about, and they are a very critical block. But there’s a key difference between the moderates and the hardliners. The moderates think governing is important, and their interests are not around a prolonged vacancy here with the Speakership. They’ve not been as willing, because they care about governance, to blow up everything in order to get what they want.

And so I think it’s much more likely that you see them work behind the scenes to figure out how to work with this than to openly revolt against it. I think it’s very highly probable Jim Jordan will be the speaker. I’ve been saying here it made much more sense for Jim Jordan to be speaker and for Trump to fight all the other fights he’s battling on so many different fronts.

Here’s a very significant tweet from Tom FitOn breaking I’ve carefully reviewed the latest brief filed by Trump’s legal team, which alleges that the US. Constitution prohibits the Biden regime’s unprecedented attack on our constitutional system. Through a crazed prosecution of Trump her daring to question Biden’s election victory, trump’s legal team makes a powerful and persuasive constitutional case to dismiss the Biden regime’s effort. To jail him for simply doing his job as president to try to ensure the laws concerning election were faithfully enforced and follows the brief’s introduction worthy of your contemplation.

The President of the United States sits at the heart of our system of government. He is our nation’s leader, our head of state, and our head of government. As such, the Founders task the President and the President alone with a sacred obligation of taking care that the law be faithfully executed. Constitution Article Two, Section Three to ensure the President may serve unhesitatingly, without fear that his political opponents may 1 day prosecute him for decisions they dislike, the law proscribes absolute immunity or acts within the outer perimeter of the President’s official responsibility.

Nixon v. Fitzgerald, 457 of 1982 breaking 234 years of precedent. The incumbent administration has charged President Trump fracks that lie not just within the outer perimeter, but at the heart of his official responsibilities as President. In doing so, the prosecution does not and cannot argue that President Trump’s effort to ensure election integrity and to advocate for the same were outside the scope of his duties. Instead, the prosecution falsely claims that President Trump’s motives were impure, that he purportedly knew that the widespread reports of fraud and election irregularities were untrue, but sought to address them anyway.

But as the Constitution of the Supreme Court and hundreds of years of history and tradition all make clear, a president’s motivations are not for the prosecution or this court to decide. Rather, whereas here a President’s actions are within the ambit of his office, he is absolutely immune from prosecution. Spaulding versus Belays, 161 of 1896 quote the allegation of malicious or corrupt motive does not affect a public official’s immunity, and the motive that impeled the official to do that of which the plaintiff complains is wholly immaterial.

Therefore, the court should dismiss the indictment with prejudice. Midland Asphalt Court versus United States, 49 of 1989 dismissal of the indictment is a proper sanction when a defendant has been granted immunity from prosecution. Excellent, excellent. From Tom Fitton. Absolutely spot on. Totally relevant. Meanwhile, would we be surprised to discover the FBI has been secretly targeting Trump supporters ahead of the 2024 election, labeling mega followers as domestic violent extremists? We have a report from The Blaze laying it all out.

Absolutely critical and utterly consistent with everything I’ve explained before about January 6, and how the very idea there was to lay a foundation for making the category of domestic terrorists prominent in the mind and consciousness of the American people. They did that deliberately, even though, as we know now, there were so many FBI assets in the crowd there that day they can’t even keep count. I’m sure it was in the hundreds.

Hundreds of FBI assets participating in an orchestrated event manufactured by Nancy Pelosi, the mayor of Washington, utilizing the Capitol Police, evidently under the coordination of the FBI to create a phony pretext for charging Trump with inciting an insurrection in the mistaken belief they could use an obscure clause of the 14th Amendment to preclude him from running for office. Again, as the American thinker explained at the time, not only was there no incitement, there wasn’t even the remotest prospect of an insurrection.

The whole case was ridiculous. And the way in which a January 6 committee of Democrats moved forward was by selective editing and excluding obvious statements Trump had made, such as at the Ellipse, we told his supporters to protest peacefully and patriotically. They just edited out as Trump were inciting violence, outrageous. But they’ve been caught, they’ve been nailed. There’s no turning back. The Democrats have demonstrated their insincerity, their hypocrisy, and they’re willing to go any length in order to tarnish the man who threatens them, as no party has ever been threatened in the history of the United States.

Meanwhile, second smartest guy in the world reminds us get this putin Warns Globalist Terrorist Klaus Schwab his Days Are Numbered world Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab is a globalist terrorist who is holding humanity to ransom, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who warned the elite that their new world order has failed and their days are numbered. Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech on October 5 at the Plenary session of the 20th meeting of the Valdez International Discussion Group in Sache and emphasized the tectonic and irreversible shift taking place in the global order.

According to Putin, globalists, including Schwab and his close advisors, are legitimate military targets because they have been actively attempting to seize power illegally via a globalist coup d’ETA 16 years ago. At the 2007 Munich Security Council, Putin told Western leaders that the natural type of international system is multipolarity, fully showing Russia would oppose the creation of a new world Order based on the international liberal, rules based order aggressively pushed by the globalist elite in their liberal politicians.

In western democracies. The moment of truth has come, according to Putin, and the global elite plans for a new World Order are receding in front of our eyes, while a new multipolar world in which traditional cultures retain their heritage within their own borders is rising like a phoenix, a statement made yesterday by Vladimir Putin. Very significant, even historic. Meanwhile, sirens blare across Russia as they conduct a nationwide emergency drill and warn their citizens to be prepared for the potential of a nuclear war.

Moscow sirens wailed across Russian TV stations interrupted regular programming to broadcast warnings Wednesday as part of sweeping drills intended to test the readiness of the country’s emergency responders amidst the fighting in Ukraine. The exercise that started Tuesday follows Ukrainian drone attacks on Moscow and other cities as the readiness drill went on. The Russian Defense Ministry said air defense has shot down 31 Ukrainian drones over border regions. Early Wednesday, as part of the drills, TV station broadcast a notice saying attention to everyone.

The readiness of the public warning system is being tested. Please remain calm. Russian media said the exercise scenario mentions the increasing danger of a conflict between nuclear powers and simulates a response to a situation in which 70% of housing in all vital infrastructure have been destroyed, wide areas contaminated by radioactive fallout and a general mobilization announced. The stark storyline echoes Kremlin warnings that Western support for Ukraine has increased the threat of a direct confrontation between Russia and NATO, as indeed it has.

Meanwhile, NATO officials say they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to providing weapons stockpiles to Ukraine. We are running out of the ability to support Ukraine as a consequence is freaking out over the lack of new US aid from Congress. Ukrainian officials this is from Antiwar. com are freaking out over the uncertainty of new Ukrainian aid being passed through Congress, a Ukrainian member of parliament told Politico.

We are freaking out. For us it is a disaster, said Ivana Kayev push to Santos and Mbu chairs a committee on Ukraine’s integration into the EU. We are interested in getting things started, sorted out, so American democracy can function and so we can restore the bipartisan consensus on supplying their own national interests supporting their own national interests by supporting Ukraine. That’s, after all, supposed to be the story we’re supposed to buy.

By supporting Ukraine. We’re defending America. But it’s nonsense. Olster of Representative Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker means there will likely be no legislative action until a new speaker is elected. The House cannot vote on laws until a new speaker is in place, but all other work, including in committees, continues. Observe the Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States, Choke Osanka Markova, who said separately there’s at least 1. 6 billion left for the US.

To arm Ukraine using their Presidential Drawdown Authority, which allows President Biden to assemble weapons directly from military stockpiles. However, the Pentagon has told Congress there’s 5. 4 billion left for Ukraine, which gained available thanks to an accounting error that overvalued previous Arm shipments. Of course, Markova said there was 1. 23 billion left in budgetary aid, which US provides to the World Bank and pays for Ukrainian government services and salaries, among other things.

Did you know we’re playing the salaries of Ukrainian bureaucrats? The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday us only had enough budgetary aid to pay for the month of October, and the funds would dry up if Congress doesn’t authorize more aid. And believe me, with Jim Jordan in place, that’s most unlikely to take place. There’s a story here about Ukrainian aid interviewed with Scott Bennett on RT. Let’s pick up a part of it.

It looks like the Fed has just declared war on Americans again have begun questioning the need to continue funding Ukraine. Yet in the National Security Council, spokesperson continues to insist that it is necessary in the grand scheme of things, supporting Ukraine strengthens our national security. It’s the right thing to do, not just for the Ukrainian people, but for the American people as well. Countering Putin’s ability to wage war on a neighboring nation may actually prevent a larger conflict in which American troops might be needed.

While claiming to stand for America’s own national security interests, the White House insists on dishing out even more money to Kiev. Two weeks ago, President Biden announced the latest $325,000,000 aid package, including air defenses and additional cluster munitions. The Pentagon says Washington has committed almost $44 billion in security assistance to Ukraine. We’ll be back slowly. Got juju apple he wants only Roller he got hair down to his knee got to be tahibo Tea Club’s Original Pure Pouty Arco Super Tea comes from the only tree in the world that fungus does not grow on.

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It does worry me, Biden said. But I know there are a majority of members of the House and Senate in both parties who have said that they support funding Ukraine. While mine is correct that a majority of Congress still supports a proxy war, house Republicans who oppose army in Ukraine do have significant power, demonstrated by the oustro McCarthy. Matt Gates launched the effort over allegations that a secret deal was cut with Democrats to bring new Ukraine aid to the floor for a vote after it was stripped from a stopgap funding bill.

One of the Republicans who’s announced he’s running for speaker, Jim Jordan of Ohio, has said he’s opposed to additional funding for Ukraine. Jordan has voted against aid for Ukraine going back to the 40 billion package of May of 2022, the only standalone Ukraine aid bill. Because of his position, Jordan has earned a great f from Republicans for Ukraine a neoconservative project launched a rally GOP support for the war.

Representative Steve Khalis of Louisiana has also announced his intention to run for speaker. Scalis has supported arming Ukraine, earning himself a grade of b from Republicans from Ukraine. So have you wondered how much of a difference there is between the two of them? That’s a major development, but the US is going to do everything it can to work around another report from Antiwar. com. The Pentagon announced Wednesday it had transferred a shipment of ammunition typically used in rifles to Ukraine, but it claims to have been seized from Iran last year.

On October 2, 2023, the US government transferred approximately 1. 1 million 7. 62 military rounds to Ukrainian armed forces, the US. Central Command said in a press release. They claim the ammunition was seized on December 9 off a vessel bound for Yemen. The US. Said the ship was from Iran and was intended to arm Yemen’s Houthis. For their part, Iran denies that it arms the Houthis, and the Houthis deny that they receive struggled uranian weapons.

But the government will say anything, do anything to keep the transfer flowing. Meanwhile, Jim Jordan speaks out on moving forward with an eight package. Ukrainian speaker daily wire reports. I’m against that, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio said this week. If he becomes the next speaker, he is against sending another aid package to Ukraine. The remarks from Jordan come after Representative Kevin McCarthy was ousted from the role following an historic vote on Tuesday led by Representative Matt Gates, several other Republicans in the entire House Democratic caucus.

Are you willing to move forward with an aid package to Ukraine if your speaker CNN’s men who raj you asked. I’m against that, Jordan responded. At some point, we’re going to have to deal with this appropriation process in the right way. We’re going to try to do that in the next 41 days. The most pressing issue on American month is not Ukraine. It is the border situation, and it is crime on the streets.

I think Jim Jordan has got it exactly right, and I think he is going to make a terrific speaker. Meanwhile, Christine Ohm delivers her prediction. 80% chance it’ll be this guy. Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is out, and the race is on to determine who will replace him. McCarthy was ousted from his seat Tuesday after eight Republicans joined all present Democrats to force him from the chair. Several candidates have declared their intention to seek the speaker’s gavel.

This red state governor believes there’s one Republican who has the clout to secure the gavel over any other. He’s from Ohio, he’s respected, and he’s investigating alleged Biden family corruption. From the Daily Caller there’s an 80% chance it’s going to be Jim Jordan. I think he’s probably the guy that most members will land on and give the chance to then Governor Christine Holme majority Leader Steve Scalise is also running to succeed McCarthy, but rome believes Jordan has the edge.

She pointed out the Speaker’s job is difficult. Take someone who can handle the high expectations of the person wielding the gavel. I think she’s got it right. Meanwhile, Senate Democrat issues a surprised threat. He’ll do the unthinkable for more war cash just prior to Speaker McCarthy’s House seeing the House pass a government funding bill meeting certain demands from the conservative wing, including cuts of spending. The fate of this bill remains unclear as it has to be reconciled with a spending bill passed by the Senate days earlier.

It appears Republicans and Democrats on both sides are on board. Right back. Here comes the sun here comes the sun I say it’s all right. It’s darling. It’s beat up. I want the truth. You can’t handle the truth. You’re listening to Republic Broadcasting Network. Real news, real talk, real people, because you can handle the truth. My name is John. I’m the founder of Blackout Coffee. And I started blackout because I really love coffee.

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I don’t help me. If you can. I’m feeling down, and I do appreciate you being around. Help me get my feet back on the ground. Although it seems like decades ago, trump unloaded on the 2024 GOP candidates in the wake of the second presidential debate. As reported by Political Elephant. com, he expressed his strong disapproval of fellow GOP candidate Nikki Haley. Using some colorful language, Trump took to truth social to voice his criticism, branding Haley a bird brain.

He made it abundantly clear he and the mega movement could not support her, sign a lack of loyalty and an abundance of untruths. According to The Hill, Trump specifically by to Haley’s earlier statement, in which he pledged not to run for President in 2024 if Trump decided to launch another White House campaign. Trump reminded of her words, saying, quote I will never run against our great President. He has done an outstanding job, end quote.

To which I responded, how nice of you to say, Nikki, knowing full well her words mean nothing. She even came to Mar a Lago with her family bearing gifts. Anyway, birdbrain doesn’t have the talent or temperament to do the job. Make America great again. The social media outbursts from Trump came in response to criticism from Haley and others during the debate, as her popularity within the GOP presidential field has been based on the rise.

Haley, clearly undeterred by Trump’s remarks, responded to his post on Friday, indicating that it signifies her campaign’s growing momentum. She confidently stated love this. It means we are in second and moving up fast. Bring it. Not likely. Trump has an act for finding names for people like Cricket Joe that they never outlive. They never outgrow. Meanwhile, Fetterman crossed a big line. Now that is generating a certain degree of disbelief.

He was the first Democrat senator to call on New Jersey Bob Menendez to resign after federal prosecutors indicted him on bribery charges. FBI agents found 480,000 cash another 100,000 gold bars in Menendez home during their search. But Federerman didn’t stop at calling on Menendez to resign, comparing Menendez to fictional gangster. Tony Soprano. The lead in HBO’s iconic TV series is Soprano, which was set in New Jersey. I like this series a lot.

Federman said he would support a primary challenge to Menendez in the coming election. Here he tweeted, Frank Thorpe v. Senator Fetterman says Hell, yeah. If asked if he’d support a primary challenge to Senator Menendez. The last time there was a guy in New Jersey with this much cast in his house was Tony Soprano. He said love it. There’s a halfway decent act by Fatterman, whom I regard as an income poop and totally unqualified only in office because of a stolen election in Pennsylvania.

Meanwhile, and this is fairly remarkable after allowing after allowing 8 million illegals into the country, the Biden regime has decided to revive border wall construction. Texas. Check out Am. Greatness. That is Americangreatness. com. Hours after Biden builds a wall, trump makes a simple observation, a simple request. The political establishment was turned on its head after DHS Director May Orcas announced new border wall plans. The Biden administration is waiving 26 laws to quickly build border fencing across the Texas Mexico border.

About time. When Joe Biden first entered office, he immediately ended Trump’s border wall plan. He even vowed that a single new mile of border wall would be built while he was in office. But Paul was an exploding border crisis that has lasted three years. It should come as no surprise that Donald Trump is talking about the recent announcement. After criticizing Trump for years, biden is doing the very thing he was supposed now Trump is making a simple request to Biden and perhaps everyone else who doubted him from truth social.

So interesting to watch cricket joe Biden break every environmental law in the book to prove that I was right when I built 560 miles, incorrectly stated as only 450 in the story. A brand new, beautiful border wall. As I have stated often over thousands of years, there are only two things that have consistently worked wheels and walls. Will Joe Biden apologize to me in America for taking so long to get moving and allowing our country to be flooded with 15 million illegal immigrants from places unknown? I will await his apology.

Well, don’t hold your breath, Donald. It ain’t likely to be coming anytime soon. Meanwhile, Big League Politics reports DHS let 200,000 illegals slide directly into 43 cities. Think about it. The Biden admin recently introduced a new program to increase illegal immigration that allows migrants to fly straight from their homelands into a United States city of their liking. Per recently obtained records as opposed to overwhelming the Texas border.

This program allows illegal aliens to use the regime’s app to select a destination, purchase an airline ticket and flying without being effectively detected. Per the center for Immigration Studies, north of 210,000 of illegals have been processed since January. CIS filed a lawsuit against DHS for the program’s documents. Paul Bedard of the Washington Times know the figures of population as size of Rochester, New York, or of Des Moines, Iowa.

CHS had joel’s tens of thousands of intending illegal border crossing per month to instead go to the CBP one smartphone app and make an appointment with US. Officials at land ports of entry instead of crossing illegally. After making an appointment, DHS invites these inadmissible aliens to walk over to the American side at the Land port, where U. S. Customs quickly parole them in allowing them to travel to a city of their choice in the nation’s interior.

How disgusting is that? Don’t be played. Biden is still going all out to bring illegals into the country. Meanwhile, Biden commerce Secretary demures when grilled on whether Taiwan is a country. Daily mail reporting commerce secretary Gina Raimondo refused to support Taiwan’s claim of independence from China Wednesday while testifying on Capitol Hill. Ramondo sat in part of the Senate Commerce Committee and in part fielded question on her August trip to China and her interaction with Chinese heads of states.

Republican Senator Marcia Blackburn of Tennessee grilled the secretary on whether she held the Chinese to account on human right abuses and aggression. It was clear there would be no negotiation on anything related to national security export controls, Romando told Blackburn, later adding the Chinese were challenged directly on their treatment of younger Muslims. Romando demured when asked about Taiwan. The Commerce Secretary is yet to visit the island nation, despite its importance as a supplier of semiconductors and other goods to the United States.

I have had no reason to visit Taiwan, she said when pressed by Blackburn. When a Tennessee senator asked if she would recognize Taiwan as a country, Ramondo responded, the administration boss is clear in Taiwan and that Raimonda would absolutely not deviate from it. But that’s highly ambiguous, of course, and did not answer the question. Meanwhile, JD. Vance grilled the Commerce Secretary over diversity mandates for federal funding in the semiconductor industry.

Also from Daily Wire, Senator JD. Vance of Ohio confronted the Biden admins Commerce Secretary Wednesday over so called diversity mandates, dictating the hiring practices for domestic semiconductor manufacturing companies seeking federal funding as the industry faces a shortfall of skilled workers. Vance, who sits on the Senate Commerce Committee, tore into the US. Commerce Secretary the same woman Raymondo during the hearing focused on the implementation and oversight of the 52.

7 billion Chips and Science Act, which provides grant support for new manufacturing sites and research and development, also including various provisions aimed at promoting diversity, equity and inclusion. And you know damn well there are going to be so few that are going to satisfy those demands that jobs in these high tech areas are gonna go begging. Meanwhile, federal court drops the gavel on Biden they just ruled the Constitution was probably violated.

Joe Biden’s censor hably admin took another blow on the chin. His efforts to chill free speech through modern day communication platforms was just hobbled by a federal court. People in today’s world spend more time chatting about hot topics on social media than by any other means of communication. The free flow of news and ideas across the Internet supports free speech afforded by the Constitution. When Biden and his inman don’t like what people are talking about, however, they work to stop constitutionally protected free speech.

In a recent court case, Biden and company got slapped with a heavy court order for their dealings with social media companies. As Fox reported on Tuesday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals extended the scope of an injunction in place that limits the Biden admin’s communication with big tech companies to include the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency within the Department of Homeland Security. The case in question deals with how a top agency within DHS, CISA, coordinated with social media to effectively censor election related speech.

The federal court determined this likely violates the First Amendment. I have no doubt they got it right. Meanwhile, the New York attorney general blames Trump’s criticism of the trial on wait for it racism. Are you surprised? State Attorney General Letitia James fired back at former President Trump Wednesday, claiming that Trump’s complaints about the ongoing fraud trial against him amounted to race baiting. James, who ran her campaign on a promise to get Trump in order to give me the man and I’ll find the crime, told reporters that Trump loud and frequent objection to the Manhattan Supreme Court trial, which he has referred to as, among other things, a witch hunt, were offensive and baseless, as well as indeed, they are.

Here, she says Trump’s comments criticizing New York’s fraud case were offensive. They were baseless. They were void of any facts and or any evidence. What they were were comments that, unfortunately, fomented violence, comments that I would describe as race baiting. But the fact is, this is based upon a fabricated case where there are no victims. The banks who approved the loans were repaid with interest. They’re not complaining.

The judge appears to be basing his judgments on inadequate assessment of properties owned by Trump, including Mar a Lago, which he claimed at a value of 18 million. When an empty lot down the street has a value of 300, and where other realtors have appraised of 150, and where other realtors have appraised, trump property is anywhere from 300 million to 700 million. It belonged in the commercial division, where the legislators at Jurisire are familiar with real estate issues.

But not surprisingly, they found a different way to deal with it to fabricate a case. Meanwhile, after Supreme Court shuts down Biden in the dead of night Joe tries to sneak in a brand new scheme. U. S. Supreme Court had been instrumental in opposing much of the Biden admin’s agenda. The conservative majority has upended long endorsed policies by Democrats, including federalized abortion. The highest court has also undermined Biden’s gun control agenda, limiting how Democrat run states can restrict gun ownership.

Not long ago, the court ruled that a plan to revoke billions of dollars in loans by the president was unconstitutional. The plan was ridiculed by critics as a way of buying votes. The court decided Biden could not pass what amounted to a massive spending bill without approval from Congress. Despite this massy blow, Biden is going ahead with a portion of his plan anyway. From the post Millennial on Wednesday, the Biden admin announced it had approved an additional 9 billion in student loan forgiveness.

The money will help 125,000 Americans pay off debt they incurred while receiving postsecondary education. The moon cause as a pandemic era pause on student loan payments come to an end, forcing student to begin making payments. He hopes he’s thereby bought 125,000 more votes for himself as president. Blatant. Vote bind fraud. Embarrassing, but there it is. Meanwhile, a popular red straight governor has broken a massive record, which could be a 2024 game chamber within just a few weeks before critical elections.

Governor has been raising money for his party. He’s been successful so successfully, he’s broken records in Virginia. Now some are wondering what this could mean for 2024. From Fox governor Glenn Youngkin is hauling in big bucks ahead of November’s closely watched legislative elections in Virginia, as the Republican governor aims for total GOP control of the state government. Youngkin’s shattering of fundraising records in the commonwealth is sure to create even more buzz among some in the GOP donor class, who want the popular governor to consider a late entry into the 2024 Republican presidential nomination race.

Ain’t going to happen. He’s not going to go anywhere. Trump has got the nomination sewn up. Really, he has. Take it to the bank. Trump will be the GOP nomination in 2024. Here’s another story, a positive one from the Daily Wire, Philadelphia area. We’ll be right back with that story. Look at all the lovely people. Helena Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been.

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And I pay for it. Will your savings survive a global banking wipeout? What happens when the US. Sees hyperinflation? What if taxes soar? Not only for the rich? Can you survive the stock market tanks look between a stock market wipeout, waves of bank failures, soaring government spending that will lead to hyperinflation, and the destruction of the dollar’s value. Isn’t it time that you prepare for the uncertainty which lies ahead? Protect your money now or forever kiss it goodbye.

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net for private consultation. Once again, our phone number 602-799-8214 via it’s almost Friday. He got hair down to his knee got to be a joker he just do what it please sh. Will the Democrats ever learn? Here we have some students setting an example of the absurdity of their extreme agenda in regarding to transgender, gay, and lesbian issues. Philadelphia area school district bans biological boys and girls bathrooms after 400 students walk out in protest.

They needed 400 students to walk out in protest. And, oh, you shouldn’t have boys in girls bathrooms. A Philadelphia area school district this week banned biological boys from utilizing girls bathrooms after parents and hundreds of high school students called an uproar over the issue. The Percomian Valley school district on Monday voted five to four even that it was that close five to four during a Eden board meeting to approve a policy saying that students must use school bathrooms based on their sex.

The decision followed weeks of controversy after father said his daughter was distressed over believing a boy was with her in a high school girl’s restroom and was no longer using the school bathroom because she was too afraid. There is zero reason for someone with male genitalia to be in the girls facilities, the father told the school board. It’s a simple matter of biology, safety and personal space. The father added the students who were to choose their identity as something other than their biological anatomy can use single user bathrooms.

I’ve been suggesting yes, have boys bathroom girls and then have open gender bathrooms as a separate facility. After the alleged incident came to light, parents and even some school board members expressed anger they were not aware of the school district policy allowing trans identifying students to use the bathrooms of the opposite sex. Initially, the board had voted five to four on September 11 against a similar policy regarding requiring students to use the bathrooms of their biological sex.

However, hundreds of high school students in the district reacted by staging a walkout. I applaud them and their parents. They did the right thing. Meanwhile, Sound of Freedom has set a new record hit a milestone that has forced Hollywood to take notice. Sound of Freedom came out of nowhere to become one of the biggest movie hits of the year. A film surprised critic by establishing a strong connection with its audience.

It has hit a major milestone, forcing Hollywood to take notice. Sound of Freedom languished on a shelf for years after Disney produced the film, but refused to release it. Angel Studio purchased the right to release the film by utilizing crowdfunding to secure the resources needed to distribute and market the film nationwide. The movie good for them. Taking your calls I’m gonna try from my friend you need anybody I just need someone to love I want somebody to love oh, I can buy help from my friend gonna try the help from my friend oh, I get high are you sick of censorship? TLB talk is the cure.

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com and join the social media revolution. You’re listening to the Republic Broadcasting Network. Because you can handle the truth. I see sweeping feel my guitar. Well, let me welcome you to the second hour of authentic news right here on RBM live, where you have a chance to make your voice heard on the 6 October 2023. To complete that last story, sound of Freedom has brought in over 217,000,000 in counting at the box office, making it one of the top ten most profitable films in the country this year.

The movie beat out established Hollywood franchises like Disney’s, Indiana Jones and Paramount’s Mission Impossible at the box office this summer. The massive success of the film has turned it into one of the highest earning independent movies of all time. An independent film is one major distributed by someone other than a major Hollywood studio. Get this sound of Freedom surpassed Quentin Tarantino’s 1994 movie Pulp Fiction which brought in 214,000,000 to become the 18th highest earning independent movie of all time.

Pulp Fiction was, of course, tremendous and very popular. And yet Sound of Freedom beat it out. I encourage especially first time callers take advantage of the opportunity to call into the show. We have several standing by. George in Nevada. Join the conversation. George, your thoughts? Hello. Thanks for taking my call. I more of a listener than I am a caller. I called Rivera twice over a period of several years.

It’s the first time I called you. I think it makes me a first time caller, doesn’t it? Yes. Excellent. Okay, what I want to talk about is the Bush family. Now, over the years, several books have been published that go in a great deal, great detail about what a bunch of dirt bags they are. I have four of them. Anyways, the most recent one I have was written by St.

John Hunt. E. Howard Hunt’s kid. And in that book he claims that John Hinckley Jr. Had a gun at a pistol that shot five rounds. He shot all five rounds, but none of them hit Ronald Reagan. I believe that. Do you believe that? Yes, I do. And I know St. John by the oh, good, good. Now, in that same book, st. John Hunt claims that George Walker Bush is more fond of men, especially bald headed men, than women.

You buy that or never got concerned? You’re talking about w we had a recent george Walker Bush the kid, the idiot. Yeah. We had a recent report about a young man who disappeared as a child. Turns out to have been an individual who was signed into the White House for rendezvous. Go ahead, George. You tell your story and then I’ll comment on it. Go ahead. Well, then. Now, I’m in touch with many people from Erie, Pennsylvania.

Now, at 911, when 911 occurred, george Walker Bush was president. His first Secretary of Homeland Security was Tom Ridge. Yes. He was then governor of Pennsylvania. Yeah, right. And he didn’t even fulfill his term. Anyways, now, many people I talked to say that claim this part is pure speculation. On my part or just hearsay. Anyways, claim that Tom Ridge is every bit the pervert that George Walker Bush is now, have you ever heard that? I’d not heard that about Tom Ridge.

He looked know, he looked all American, looked kind of like a football player, like a guy who might be the captain of your high school team. I think he had the appearance and they liked that for the first appointment. But I’m open minded about what you’re saying. Tell me more. Okay. Well, when he was campaigning to be he was a congressman and then he became governor. When he was campaigning to be governor, he said he started talking about his children.

Well, he didn’t have any children, so he went out and adopted two kids. And now that part is I don’t know. I’m sure he adopted two kids, one girl. Anyways, I just wondered if you knew about that or had any insight into that matter. No, I don’t know. But I do know that Michael, the guy who succeeded him as the head of DHS, was a dual US. Israeli citizen.

And when they apprehended the dancing Israelis from Liberty State Park, Chertoff, he released them. After 44 days, they went back to Israel. Three of them went on Israeli television and explained they were there to document the destruction of the Twin Towers, which of course, implied foreknowledge. Israel was behind the entire plot, which I attribute to Bibi, Net, Yahoo and Omar, both of whom were prime ministers of Israel.

Bibi having more political lives than a cat. Being the present prime minister, it was orchestrated in range, especially using the Port Authority of New York, the transfer of the World Trade Center into private hands just six weeks before the event to Silverstone Properties where Larry Silverstone, its owner, is a personal friend of BB and they spoke every Sunday. It was all designed to create a pretext for American forces coming to the Middle East and exercising their power to take out the modern Arab states that served as a counterbalance Israel’s domination of the entire region and eventually confront a burgeonation of Iran.

It was brought to a halt in Syria when at the request of the democratically elected president of Syria, russia and Iran provided troops to put an end to it. But it was not for lack of trying. And in relation to your earlier story about the Hinckleys, they were actually friends of a Bush family, I believe it was the Neil Bush family was going to have dinner with the hinckley parents.

As best I’ve been able to determine. George Reagan was shot under the left armpit when he was pushed into the vehicle by a Secret Service agent using a flashette that barely missed his heart. But he got the message let George do it. And of course, there we’re talking about George Herbert Walker Bush, who was also one of the supervisors of the shooters on the ground in Dallas on 22 November 1963.

And they wanted to pay Silverstein for one incident, for one bombing. And he said, oh, no, there was two. So they paid him twice. Correct. Right. Because there were two planes. He did two things when he first took control of the World Trade Center. He fired the security company that was American, that had looked after the World Trade Center since it first opened in 1970 and hired an Israeli firm.

And he renegotiated insurance. So there was an antiterrorist clause. And because there were supposed to have been two planes, he claimed two attacks and got double indemnity, pocketing about four and a half billion on $114,000,000 investment. They don’t call him Lucky Larry for nothing. Okay. I think eventually it’ll come out about Tom Rich being a pervert too. But I’m not optimistic about it. But I’ve looked and looked and all I can come up with so far is he claimed to have children, didn’t have children and went out and adopted two children.

Yeah, well, having a family or really a pseudo family tends to be a cover. I’m hearing gruesome stories about Mike tents, too, as being a very active gay man. And it turns out that powerful people can control politicians by blackmail. I mean, this was a practice of J. Edgar Hoover. He had sex dossiers on virtually every member of Congress so he could manipulate he’d have an agent drop into a congressman’s office and drop a photograph of him in bed with his mistress.

And they, you know, Congressman, we just want you to know we have these photographs and we’re going to make sure they don’t get into the wrong hands. And then as they’re leaving, they say, we hope you’ll remember the FBI at appropriations time, but the mob had a sex dossier on Edgar of him in compromising a sexual relations with Clyde Tolson, his close personal friend and aide. So they were the second FBI man? Yeah.

They were able to manipulate Hoover the same way he manipulated members of Congress. Okay, thank you for taking my call. I’m glad, George, for our first call. That was a wonderful call with lots of good stuff. Thank you so much. John in Michigan. John, join the conversation. Hello, Jim. Just a couple of things. Jeremy brought up some interesting things about the Bushes being perverts. The Franklin cover up about boystown and that was tied to the Bushes and also other people at the White House that enjoyed having fun with boys.

I think Bush Senior was into girls. I think he was a pedophile. And if you look at Kathy O’Brien’s book The Transformation of America she talks about how none of them wanted to have sex with Dick Cheney because he was well hung. But also how George H. W. Bush had a predilection for little girls and liked to be their first time. It’s a very shocking book. If you’ve never run across it, brace yourself because you’re going to be blown away.

Go ahead, John. No, that’s I’m glad you promoted it as something people should read because the Bushes, the Carries, they’re related, they’re skull and did you ever meet Charlote Iserby or have a chance to talk with her at all, Jim? Yeah, I interviewed her about the dumbing down of America. Yes. Okay, well, her website’s still up. She died last year and I would recommend people to go there.

And also her son’s, her site is deliberatedummingdown. com. Deliberatedummingdown. com. And her son’s site is Americandeceception. com. On his site he has so many different categories and all the history of everything from education to religious stuff. It’s a great site. You go to the education one and you’ll understand what took place. Pennsylvania, Oregon and Michigan. I think I brought this up before to you were the pilot states for this garbage that David Rockefeller, Hillary and IRA magazine are developed with behavioral psychologists in the we have the results.

Yeah. Which states were the pilot project? Michigan, where I’m at across the pond from you. Right. Oregon, which is a holy hell place, and Pennsylvania, which is a holy hell place, and Pennsylvania. Oregon. Pennsylvania. Michigan. Very interesting. You mean for reducing the quality of the academic curriculum in public schools to dumb down Americans? Well, there’s an article on her sun site, sheep’s and Wolves Clothing, and written in 1995 and the governors had complete control over all the funding.

They used executive order to bring it into their state and then they dropped it wherever they felt would be the most effective, which was here in northern Michigan in these small communities. I got exposed to it. We fought it up here in northern Michigan. I went to four years of school board meetings to try to expose this trash. Four years, folks. And now we have all these parents that went through outcome based school of work education and people on the school board that went through the same stuff.

So they don’t really know what a real education is and can be facilitated like the folks up here were with people from the Agenda 21 program and also the school to work program. Just something I wanted to bring out to folks that are listening, that have family, that have children that you’re dealing with a bunch of dumbed down people and ignorant when it comes to a lot of things except for what they’ve been indoctrinated with.

Yeah, I pulled my children out of school up here in Bel Air, Michigan. It’s still going on. It’s getting worse. I mean, it’s gotten worse. They don’t know how to read or write or spell. They don’t know cursive. But I ended up pulling them out and we home schooled them, which was due to it wasn’t even on our radar that that would be something we do. But my son went to college a year early because of his ability to finally we had to de educate him.

Everything that they thought wasn’t true. And they were in 7th and 9th. Yes. Yeah. Just as Bill Casey, when he became director of the CIA, told the staff, and I know a member of the staff who was there at the time to hear him say it. Our disinformation campaign will be a success when everything the Americans believe is false. And that’s pretty close to where we’re at, John, and I’m sorry to no, I agree.

And at that deliberatedummingdown. com, folks, you can go there. Charlote was in the Department of Education with Reagan and walked out of their documentation with their agenda. He was supposed to eliminate the Department of Education that was set up, I think, by the peanut guy. But she has her book online. You can download it and read it. But she told me she was 92. She told me that both her father and her grandfather were in Skull and Bones, which is a Yale Club exclusive Satanic, and that she said the education system is run by Skull and Bones.

And so you can imagine their agenda for the folks. Is that music I hear? Not yet. Okay, so I’ve been very concerned about Yale because it seems to have so many ties to the CIA. I worry about Yale. Not just Skull and Bones, but Yale more. John, do you have a final thought? Go ahead. Well, the CIA is over there on the East Coast, and of course they will recruit from any source that they can.

Harvard and Yale are probably good sources for people that will follow. And when George Bush Jr. Got into office, he had all of his Skull and Bones folks show up for a party. So, folks, the Bushes were very evil. They are very evil. So are the Clintons, and it has to do with their beliefs and their actions. They’re just very despicable people and have really compromised our country with all of the Bush saying we won the war and all this stuff over in Iraq.

I mean, they’re just so disgusting. I heard too know there’s a Bush crime family article by Stu Webb if you can find it still. Stu Web, he’s from Colorado, and I think there’s a lot on there that explains a lot of things that Bush SR. Was in charge of Tesla just before his death. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard that. Yes. Yes, I have. And in fact, I know Stu Webb very well.

I’ve done many shows with Stu Webb. John, you made a lot of valuable points. A final thought. Well, just thank god be with you and your family and bless you and I’m 82 years old. I’m 74 this month, and so it’s going to be hard to catch up to you. Terrific, John. Excellent call. Thank you so very much. Charlie, we’re going to be hit with a break here momentarily, but we’ll carry you over start off already, Charlie, if you like.

Yeah, okay. I wanted to comment. About what’s going on up there in the house. And, yeah, this is a breath of fresh air for the country. Actually, for the first time, I felt like the sun had come out behind the clouds and it had been raining for like, a month or a year for the last two years. And so what’s going on? But I don’t think we can as people.

I don’t think we voters, the little guys, the listeners out here, I don’t think we can let go on this yet. I think this was an action done, because we called the people the house. We called them and we told them, look, we don’t want this guy in there anymore. I’m pretty sure there was the voters that swayed a lot of these people to vote to get McCarthy out of there with Jim Jordan.

Yeah, I agree 100%. Please stick around. We’ll pick it up. Love. Hi. Tom Bolton for ease off. I know so many of you are finding our easy four carcass drop and lift an essential tool for your meat processing operation. But today I want to spotlight four of our new products. First, our right height hog cradles with steel or aluminum frames. Our customers love this backsaving innovation that enhances sanitation and speeds production.

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Charlie, I like your phrase, a breath of fresh air. I feel the same way. Exactly. Jim Jordan’s a force of nature. Let him become speaker and do a lot of good for this country. Well, I agree 100%. And I think the way we’re going to have to do it, though, is we’re going to have to continue to apply pressure, the voters, all of us out here, by calling the people of the House, our House representatives and all that, and letting them know that we don’t want Scalise, we don’t want McCarthy Two or Minnie McCarthy.

We want a breath of fresh air. We want Jim Jordan, and that’s who we need to get in there. We got to keep pressure on, because now’s not the time to give you I’ll tell you, with Trump support, I think he’s a shoe in. I think it’s going to cement support for Jim Jordan to become the new speaker. I expect it to happen very fast. Well, I certainly hope so.

The other thing I wanted to comment on was that I don’t know if you know about this, but there was about a week or so ago, there was an insider wrote a report, an inside report in NATO for NATO think tank. And it recommended using first strike nuclear bombs and even talked about using to consider using false flag nuclear attacks to make it look like Russia had performed a nuclear attack or done some type of because get this because they don’t want Russia to be influencing the European Union and NATO Russian influence.

Right. Just like what you were saying. That’s why we got to stop them over there. Right? Supposedly. Well, this is real. I think Putin and having this drill and everything, I think he understands what’s going on. We’re pushing us closer to nuclear. Bad. It’s a really bad idea, Charlie, because Russia is the most powerful nuclear nation on the face of Earth, and Russia has excellent intel. And if the US or NATO plans some dirty deal such as you’re describing, putin will intervene.

It’s just like Kiev was planning to wipe out the Dunbass. They were going to launch an all out slaughter. And that’s why Putin intervened with a special military operation at that time. They knew what was coming. I think it’s real tough to put anything over on Putin. And Russia, in my opinion, is today the moral leader of the world. The moral leader of the world. God knows it’s not the United States, the UK, any NATO nation.

We are tattered and torn. We are morally bankrupt. I like everything you’ve been saying, Charlie. Do you have a final thought? Yes, I do. I agree. I think Putin is the moral leader of the world right now. And I think that the other day we were talking about this Zelensky appointing this witch over there. I can’t think of her name right now being to go around as an ambassador, to speak in the schools and stuff.

That should make people think the Bible I know you’re not a Christian, but the Bible tells us that we fight spiritual wickedness in high places. Yeah. And that should tell everybody what side we’re on. I mean, what side is right? Putin, on the other hand, is opening churches up in Russia and promoting Christianity, bringing it back from the old Soviet Union days, and then this guy’s going around promoting a witch to be how do you not see a contrast here? Which side should be on the moral right there.

Yeah, but final thought on it real quick is that yesterday there was a missile that hit a school, I think it was, or something like that. It was a building there in Ukraine that killed 50 people. And of course, this is what they’re trying to blame it on, putin saying he attacks innocent civilians. But I got a funny feeling that this is like part of one of these false flags that they’re talking.

Yeah, because Putin wouldn’t have any reason to do that. But Zelensky, on the other hand, would, because if he can prove that there’s been some, he can get more money, that’s why. To continue the war. See? Yeah. Remember, Zelensky and the Ukrainian are panic stricken that aid is being cut off, they’re desperate to get more money, and it’s all corrupt. I mean, half of that money is going into their own personal pockets.

But, yes, this is a perfect situation, Charlie, for another attack to blame on Russia that Ukrainians are doing themselves. I think you’re spot on everything you’ve been addressing here today. Thank you. That’s all I have. Charlie, great call. I look forward to your next. Meanwhile, we have Bruce in Texas. Bruce, join the conversation once again. We’ll pick you up right after the break. Brutes, stand by. When I was young so much younger than today I never needed anybody’s help in any way now these days are gone I’m not so self assured now I find a chamber mind and open up the doors help me you are tuned in to the Republic Broadcasting Network.

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Where do they all come from? All of them. Where do they all belong? Bruce in Texas. Join the conversation. Your thoughts, my friend? Yes, sir. I know this little period here is very short, so if you want to hold me over, great. If you have too many callers, that’s fine too. My second topic is going to be 911. First of all, I want to say these first callers today have been terrific, especially that guy, your very first one.

Very good stuff there. I want to say tom Ridge. I think maybe he was more like the face of the DHS, like you say, like that football player. Look at all American guy. He didn’t stay in office too long, did he? He was replaced by Michael Chertoff, who I believe was actually the person they had intended to put in there in the first place. It was kind of like a script.

His mother was a massage agent. Yeah, well, Cherdov himself, Bruce, looked like a Nazi prison guard for mean, you know, he conveyed the wrong image. I think they need someone who looked all American. Like Tom Ridge. Yeah. Like that football player that volunteered to lead the NFL to join the US Army Rangers. And they used him as like a poster boy for recruiting. And then he had questions and he had questions about what was going on there.

He saw the opium and everything, and then he got a couple of bullets across his head accidentally. That’s what they do, what they do with firefighters. These are heroes and they lionize them and everything, but they don’t tell you exactly how they know. They just say, oh, he sacrificed himself, so maybe you should too. It’s a good thing to do. This whole thing that’s going on with Russia in my mind and correct me if I’m wrong, but these are trusty eyed Jews that are in the Western, especially the US state Department.

They weasel their way in. Victoria newland. Now they’re funding the Ukraine war through grants from the State Department. So they’re doing an end run around Congress. That’s how desperate they are to keep the pump up. Ukraine. Yeah. And her husband, Robert Kagan, along with another Klosky Jew and his father. You can look up his history. Crystal. Robert Kagan. Yeah. Bill Crystal project for New American Century. The 1999 white paper.

Rebuilding America’s defenses. Yes. We need a new Pearl Harbor. We can look into that too. But also I heard a disturbing podcast yesterday, this migration replacement saying it’s all funded through the State Department. The UN, all these governments, they’re the ones that are doing, oh, we need to build a wall, saying I think that’s just window dressing. That’s just purely PR because these Northern states are becoming overwhelmed and too much criticism, it’s just looking too bad for them.

So they’re going to make a half hearted effort at building the wall. I don’t think it’s going to happen. Yeah, I think it’s highly probable. You got it exactly right, Bruce. Yeah. And over there@uns. com now, the discussion went for a couple of hundred comments, fairly rationally, and he had people discussing the pros and cons of possibly what was used on 911 with the nukes or something else.

And now the trolls are coming in. I think one of them in particular that you’re familiar with, mr. One Born Free. Yeah, I’ve long thought he was sincere but misguided. But I could be mistaken about that. Yeah, I posted one picture that shows, like, as the tower came down, there’s a dark swirl inside the inside the cloud of smoke that’s kind of, like, spiraling. You know what I mean? He said, that’s a fake picture.

It’s been photoshopped. And then I dug up the oldest version, and it was posted on a Russian website back in 2008. He said it’s rushing disinformation. Bruce, do you know the significance of the swirl? If you’re talking about a horizontal swirl, that’s when a plane passes through smoke, it’ll create that. So that would be evidence suggesting a real plane had been used. I’m not looking at the photograph, but I suspect that’s what’s going on.

In which case, one Born Pre may be right about that one, because it wasn’t real planes that hit the north or the south tower. No, this is not a horizontal swirl. It’s inside the smoke as the building as one of the two towers came down, there’s a gap in the white concrete, pulverized concrete cloud. It’s very dark, and it’s called a dark swirl. I’ll send it to you because send it to me.

Send it to me. Do you have another thought about 911, Bruce, before your final thought? Yeah, these people they’re bringing up oh, you’re full of crap, because I watched, you know, you’re familiar with Ryan Dawson? And actually, Rivera had him on one day as a guest host and he started really cracking up and his voice quivered and he hung up on me when we were discussing the so called plane that went into the Pentagon.

And Ryan Dawson tried to debunk the University of Alaska study into the collapse of building seven. And he maintained that the entire structure shifted sideways off its foundation and then went straight down. It’s patently absurd, but it is true that the top floors of the south tower did tilt, and then it just blew apart. I mean, it’s stunning. Even Steve Jones acknowledges he can’t explain it. It required a massive source of energy to bring that about, and then, of course, the rest of it was destroyed, so far as I can tell, by many nukes from the inside out, from the bottom to the top for the inner tube, and then the top to the bottom from the outer.

But that is one of the most puzzling aspects of the whole case that has received far too little attention. Bruce, a final thought. Yeah. So is building six. The Jew crowd and the mental thermal people, they don’t want to look at building six either. As a matter of fact, neither does the US. Government. You don’t ever see pictures of building six. It was literally caved inside out. Like if you put a stick of dynamite inside a watermelon and it just opened up from the inside out.

Yes. The remains were smoking for days and days, weeks afterwards. There’s only one thing that could have done this. One source of energy, and we all know what that is, but that’s all I had. Good call. Thanks very much. Thanks very much. Bregan in Wisconsin. Bregan, my friend, join the conversation once again. Hello, Jim. I’m going to try and make it as short as I possibly can. Three bullet points, the crystal ball, the October surprise, and an off election year.

What are they going to spring on us? And I’m going to put four bullet points up for your consideration. I’ll be off the air right after that. So there’s going to be the CV 2023 Plausibly Bank holiday, Plausibly, border terrorism, what wide open. You never know who’s coming in. Or also suspicious deaths of, say, investigative journalists or anyone who, let’s say Jim Jordan. Maybe he’s an upstanding person and maybe comes down with sudden cancer.

Also expedited schedule of Trump bought four years that they didn’t expect. So trudeau is faltering, macron is macron. And people are, I think, in the elite political class starting to freak out. Maybe I’m wrong, but they’re going to panic. And when a caged or a cornered animal is cornered, it’s going to lash out. And then the third thing and then I’ll hang up the upcoming longer term is the who and WEP timeline.

They were thrown off by a couple of years. So I’m saying the H 20 scarcity that they just announced the most we’ve got a lot of water on the planet and then the daughter of John Kerry espousing that we should get rid of. 4 billion people in and I’m out. Thank you. Oh, Brigan. Yeah. You’re covering a lot of nice points. The most wonderful remark just happened yesterday when Vladimir Putin declared a World Economic Forum, klaus Schwab is a global terrorist holding humanity to ransom, and that he and his allies, the elite of the New World Order, have failed and their days are numbered.

When Vladimir Putin says, I mean, you can take it to the bank, Reagan, I’d say all of the above. We’re going to get all of the above. Thanks for the call. Meanwhile, Dan in Washington. Dan, join the conversation. Dan, are you there? Dan, are you there? There you are. There it goes. Yeah, I called about the sound of freedom in the Indiana Jones. I would just recommend if people can see these for free, go ahead, but I don’t think you should give them any more of your money.

Indiana Jones I broke my own advice and watched that this week, and I was just disgusted with the Spielberg propaganda. The basically, you know, the first one, he chops the Nazi guy up with the plane propeller. And then this one, they drowned a Nazi. And then Indiana Jones says, oh, it’s fun punching Nazis, which is a term they were using during the, you know, go punch a Nazi to promote violence against nationalists.

So it’s a pretty radical I mean, someone asked me to describe just I had no idea, really, looking back, Indiana Jones, how Jewish? It’s a Jewish revenge film. That’s what it was. It wasn’t even that. I think that’s a nice point, Dan. I mean, I enjoyed the Indiana Jones movies heretofore, but this last one, I gather, is a complete waste of time. The one with Kate Capshaw, whom Spielberg married, she’s a mediocrity as an actress.

That was ridiculous. And of course, they’re trading on stereotypes here about Nazis and all that. They’re trying to turn Trump supporters into Nazis. So I think a lot of those themes are tied in with a Democrat political agenda, and Hollywood is doing its best to promote it. So I think you’ve made some nice points. Dan, a final thought you’d like to add? Well, yeah, Sound of Freedom, it’s almost the same way.

I think we should figure out what happened with know that sexual blackmail. But the producer that made The Sound of Freedom adopted two. This sounded to me this is like just a conservative attempt. So they want to say, look, we’re not racist. We’re adopting all these third world kids. Because most of these sex trafficking things are in, like, Guatemala. And I could just see them using this, try to prove they’re not racist.

That’s what conservatives are good at. Just look at me, I’m not racist. Here’s my mulatto grandkid. That’s kind of what the story the moral of the story. It sounds like it’s just to go adopt Third World kids. You saw the film. No, I didn’t see going to once I found out the producer was that kind of guy that was adopting these. Dan, take my word for it. Go see the film.

It’s very good, it’s very well done, and it focuses on a crucial issue about kidnapping children and their sexual exploitation. Actually, you’re going to wind up liking the film, which isn’t to say that your concerns about other aspects might not be well founded. Go watch a film. Let me encourage you. It’s actually very much thanks very much for the call. Dave in New York. Dave, join the conversation.

Yes. Hi, Jim. Good afternoon. Share your thoughts, my friend. Yeah, well, basically I heard this show that was on yesterday on your Revolution radio. I haven’t finished listening to it yet, but it was very interesting. I think the comments on that show are rather interesting, too. It appears that no one has come up with any of the tenants or the evidence that virologists use to prove virology. So we haven’t been able to disprove any of those tenets yet.

But I’m still hoping that people will come up with that rather than calling people names and things like that. So I don’t know. What did you think of that show? It doesn’t sound like the guy who was on with you was saying that he had absolute proof that viruses exist. I think he was saying that it’s an open question and we should discuss it and debate it with only really the good scientific evidence and details of the science understanding it.

And sometimes it seemed that people were just looking at small clauses of information about alleged isolation issues. So what are your thoughts? Well, thanks, Dave. Yeah, there are a good number of videos pros and cons about viruses and virology on my BitChute channel, Jim Fetzer. I didn’t post them, but my webmaster has a keen interest been. My present position is that it’s tough to deny there are departments of virology, there are journals of virology, there are lots of articles in virology that creates a prime of presumption that it’s a legitimate field.

But it may be that there are a lot of claims being made about transmissibility of viruses in specific cases, like SARS CoV. Two, I do agree, are completely open to suspicion, where they wanted to create a threat, a tremendous threat, with a phony pandemic, and attach it to this virus, where most Americans are going to be at a total loss to sort out which end is up. So I think there’s a legitimate issue for debate, Dave.

I think there’s a legitimate issue for debate, yeah. Your thoughts? Yeah. Well, my thought that talk seemed to be only about the existence of viruses, and that’s a very important first step, because if they don’t exist, then we’re wasting our time. But no one has really shown that that the tenets of virology are false by even mentioning what they are. Well, I think there is a subject of study here.

If you have electron microscopic study of the structure of viruses, I mean, there’s something there that has a structure and it’s a type of thing, and they’re all identical and they keep self assembling in an identical fashion. It sounds rather ludicrous, but let’s consider this theory. I believe that viruses, bacteria and fungi are the three most primitive forms of life on Earth. There’s some dispute about whether viruses, strictly speaking, qualify as having all the attributes of life, which tend to include ingestion, digestion, excretion, mobility, reproduction.

We’ll see some of those may not be true of viruses, which would be suggest. They might be some kind of intermediate form, not quite life, but distinctly not merely inanimate stuff. So, Dave, maybe they’re like a little computer code on your computer that infects a virus. Very interesting analogy there. Hey, Bill Gates was involved in that kind of stuff too, wasn’t Gates? Gates appears to have deliberately designed his computer program so they’d have defects so he could make money off of patches and you’d have to buy a new one.

And a new one and a new one. The guy, he’s a con artist from the beginning, and of course he’d been warning us that if we weren’t enough impressed by the first pandemic of COVID we’re going to be impressed by the second. He’s promising us, which means he knows what he’s talking about because he participated in the design. You can take that to the bank. I think his statement is very scary.

And he was smirking. And his mate there was also smirking at what he mean. Seriously, there’s a guy in the order of George Soros that deserves to be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The world would be better off without them. Dave, thanks very much for the call. Tom in Florida. Tom, join the conversation. Yeah, all great calls today, I got to say. Yeah.

Tomorrow is my another year of disintegration, of getting constipation, I guess, with all this insanity. But tomorrow is my big day, October 7. But anyway, Jim, the reason I mean tom, you mean tomorrow is your birthday? Yeah, that’s right. How many years young will you be? What’s that beatle song? 64? Yeah, when I’m 64. Great. Tom, congratulations. Yeah. Hey, Jim. Yeah, thank you. I want to talk about yesterday.

I saw in Hannity show with Rand Paul. Rand Paul says that Fauci should be in prison for life. He’s just got a number one bestseller book. The Senator, rand Paul and Sean Hannity asked him, and Rand Paul said that Fauci should be locked up for life, thrown away, basically. Yeah, that’s what he said about Fauci. Can you imagine a sitting United States Senator is saying to the American public that Fauci should be in prison and the key should be thrown away.

Look it up. I’m impressed. I’m impressed. Yeah. Yeah, I’m impressed, too. I think his book went the number one on the bestseller list with Mark Levin here’s. Now, the biggest problem, though, Jim, and I hope Bruce calls in Monday or Tuesday, they have a bunch of black congressmen in Texas are Democrats, and now they’re saying the border wall has got to be built and Joe Biden has dropped the ball.

And Joe Biden is basically he’s broke the Constitution. He took an oath to enforce the laws of the Constitution and he’s broke. And his oath now is useless and he needs to be held accountable. I think there’s twelve of them now. Twelve black Democrats right now are on board with Republicans that build the wall, because the black community are the ones that are going to say, get back in, back in a bus again.

Yes, you’re absolutely right. Yes. Now these black leaders are like, oh, man, they’re going to take our social welfare net away from us. But they’re all freaking out. You used to be a great caller, Lenny. I hope Lenny would call in. He’s an Afro American gentleman. I don’t know what happened to him. I hope he’s still around. I hope Lenny calls in and gives a perspective what’s going on with the black community, because the blacks are the ones that are going to be punished.

Look what’s going on in Harlem, in New York, Jim. Yeah. Going on in Harlem. It’s disgusting. And all these glad I’d I’d be glad. If Lenny were to begin calling in, that would be great. Good idea, Tom. Yeah. And I hope Sebastian from Sweden calls in and let you know what’s going on with that prime Minister with all those illegals over there. They’re kicking them off. Hope to God.

And here, he’s got to get Trump back in there at all costs to get all these illegals out of here. That’s the first thing Jim Jordan needs to do next week when he wednesday, when he gets the speakership. Every illegal for 30 years is going to get out of this country, whether you like it or not. No dreamers. I have a dream myself. I want my country go back the way it was.

Yes, Tom. That’s great. That’s great. A final thought. Yeah. My final thought is this is hope, Jim. We cannot allow Texas to go blue. Because once Texas is blue, you’re definitely looking at a civil war. You’re looking at a civil war in this country. I guarantee it. It’s going to be the cartridge box. I don’t think it’s going to happen, Tom. We’re in civil war. That’s all I’m going to tell you.

Yeah. Of males. Better get grow some balls. Better get some balls, because they’re going to be picking up cartridge boxes. Tom thanks for the call, Francis. In North Carolina, you got about 60 seconds and say your piece. Girl. Hey, Gas. Hey, Mr. First of all, quick thought for you. Fantastic call today. Fresh air for change. I have to hand it to you, you rock. So, with that, you have a weekend, and I’ll have a green olive with whatever flavor margarita you thank you, Francis.

Very nice. David in Massachusetts. You’re just about out of time, David. Go ahead and say whatever you can in the remaining time. Yeah, I’m glad I just got squeezed in for a very brief, you know, to the normies, Director Fetzer. To the normies, TGIF. To the working stiff normies. These taxpayers and everything TGIF stands for, thank God it’s Friday. But you know what TGIF means to me now.

Thank God it’s Fetza. David, that was wonderful. I wish everyone out there have a wonderful weekend. Spend time with the people you love and care about. We do not know how much time we have left. Thanks for being here. Have a good one. .


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