RBN Authentic News (29 August 2024)

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ On August 29, 2024, Jim Fetzer discussed the escalating conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The Russian army is advancing westward, while Ukraine struggles to maintain its positions. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy plans to visit President Joe Biden to discuss a victory plan over Russia. However, the situation in Ukraine is deteriorating, and experts question the feasibility of Zelenskyy’s plan.
➡ Putin is controlling the current situation between Russia and Ukraine, with Russia using funds seized from Google to support its war propaganda. Meanwhile, the US has no backup plan if Russia decides to disrupt the West’s internet and GPS systems. The US has also adopted a new nuclear strategy, which includes the possibility of simultaneous nuclear war with Russia, China, and North Korea. Lastly, the CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov, is facing potential charges in France, including facilitating drug dealing and money laundering.
➡ The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has not yet informed President Harrison Panhe about her Republican opponent, but more voters are satisfied with the Democratic ticket. Former Hawaiian Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has endorsed former President Trump, praising her as a true American patriot. Meanwhile, Donald Trump Jr. suggests that RFK Jr. could oversee federal agencies like the CIA and FBI if Trump is reelected. The media is accused of biased coverage, favoring Harris and negatively portraying Trump.
➡ The article discusses allegations of media bias and potential election manipulation favoring Kamala Harris. It suggests that the media is preparing the public to accept a potentially manipulated election result. The article also mentions a pre-recorded interview with Harris and her running mate, Tim Walsh, which raised questions about her ability to handle solo interviews. Lastly, it discusses claims that former President Obama may be guiding Harris’s campaign and that Harris’s team offered a job to a rival candidate to drop out of the race.
➡ This text discusses the backgrounds and achievements of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, comparing their education, careers, and political records. It highlights Harris’s law degree and her time in the California Senate, but criticizes her for not passing any legislation and having a low approval rating. On the other hand, it praises Trump’s business school education, his successful businesses, and his large number of employees. The text also mentions various products and services, and ends with a discussion on health benefits of aspirin and the effectiveness of COVID vaccines.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including their anger towards Pavlov and the CEO of Telegram, the escalating tensions in Ukraine, and the potential for World War III. They also mention the threat of nuclear war, arguing that while it would be devastating, it might not be as catastrophic as commonly believed, citing the survival of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after nuclear bombings. They also express concern about the manipulation of public opinion through media and the importance of whistleblowers in revealing the actions of intelligence agencies.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the potential impact of a nuclear exchange, the importance of political leaders’ stances on issues like abortion, and the possibility of misinformation about the Sputnik satellite. The speaker also mentions a movie called “China Cries” and its potential implications for political regimes. Lastly, the text touches on the importance of owning physical gold as a form of wealth protection.
➡ Gary, a physicist, believes that the Sputnik satellite reports were fake news, based on his analysis of the orbital elements. He also suggests that the CIA was creating stories about Russia and the US producing satellites to gain public support for a larger space program. Additionally, Gary questions the reality of the Nevada nuclear test program, based on his readings about radioactive fallout and his own measurements of background radiation in South Arkansas. He argues that the physical properties of uranium do not support a nuclear fission chain reaction.
➡ The speaker discusses various societal issues, emphasizing the need for unity and understanding. They argue that many problems stem from internal conflicts and manipulation within groups, rather than external threats. They also highlight the economic struggles that prevent people from having children and the need for a healthier lifestyle. Lastly, they suggest that everyone should focus on making America healthier, which would benefit all citizens.
➡ The text discusses a military conflict involving Ukraine and Russia, with a focus on the geographical and strategic aspects of the situation. It also includes various callers sharing their views and experiences on different topics, such as nuclear bombs, World War II, college debt, and political figures. The host encourages listeners to spend time with loved ones and announces a break on Labor Day.


Well, this is Jim Fetzer, your host, on authentic news, right here on Rbn this 29th day of August, 2024. We begin in Ukraine. Colonel Douglas MacGregor, Ukraine front collapse dated yesterday. Let’s get it. The eastern front on the Russia Ukraine war is in the possibly the early phases of an actual collapse. Things are starting to fall apart at an increasing rate in the east. The russian army is making larger and larger advances to the west, and the Ukraine is having a hard time even maintaining their positions, much less to stop the russian onslaught. Meanwhile, in the northern part of the country, the Ukrainians continue to be stuck in their incursion in the Kursk region.

Their forward momentum has effectively stopped, and it’s not clear how much longer they can stay there. In the midst of all of this, we have a public statement by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine, who says he’s going to come next month to Washington to visit with President Joe Biden to give him the victory plan over Russia. So that is by itself a big eye opener and a head scratcher. And we’re going to get into all why that is with Colonel Doug McGregor, CEO of our country, our choice, combat veteran, highly decorated, who’s himself been in tank battles before.

So there’s nobody better to talk about these things today and bring some reality into the situation desperately needed. Doug, welcome to the show. Thanks. Well, listen, just jump right into this one because there’s no sugar coating this. This is going to be hard for you to watch. It was hard for us to put together, and I can only imagine how you’re going to respond to some of this if you haven’t seen it. But, wow, you know, I feel kind of bad for a lot of the western public who’s, who only sees the, some of the clips that were about to pop up there without the context and without the analysis that we’re going to be asking you to provide here in a second, because some of these things are just incredibly detached from reality, even more so than some of the things we’ve been talking about earlier in this ward.

If you think I’m exaggerating, first of all, let’s start off with Zelensky himself. This is what he had to say yesterday at a press conference, is operation plan for Ukraine’s victory. Maybe to some it sounds ambitious, but it’s a very important plan for us. There are some things I can say, but I’m not sure I can tell you everything. The first part has already been done and it was cursed. The second part is Ukraine’s strategic place in the global security infrastructure. The third is a powerful package to force Russia and the war through diplomatic means. And the fourth is economic.

The plan has been prepared. I think it will be fair if I present it to the US president first. Whether the plan will be successful depends on him. Okay. So I want to put just a wee bit of context on his .3 of his, basically five points there before we get your comment. This is, he says he’s going to have a powerful new package to force Russia into a negotiated settlement. And this is after they spent somewhere between six to nine months preparing an offensive in 2023, which was utterly crushed and had its teeth broken on the first of five defensive lines by the russian side there.

And now, then after all of that, he comes out with this plan. Doug, what do you say when you hear him say he’s going to force Russia to negotiate? Well, frankly, if he’s planning on a trip to Washington, you said next month it might be a one way trip because he may not be able to go back. That’s how bad things are in Ukraine. And I cannot conceive of any means of turning this around, certainly not with any particular weapon system. And the armed forces themselves are decimated. It’s pure fantasy, once again, for the consumption of people in the west, especially because he’s saying that his part point one was that the Kursk operation, this incursion, this bulge, if you’ll forgive the analogy there, where he pushed up into the russian side there, he said that was part of his plan.

That’s what pushed Russia into negotiated settlement on the first point. Let’s just look at the russian side of this. What do you think from all the history that you understand about Russia, that they’re going to take a single, even partial tactical setback, and it’s going to have strategic implications that they’re just going to say, all right, we’ll go ahead and negotiate with you. When you hear that, what do you think? Well, russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavarov has spoken on this topic, and we need to take him seriously. He’s been in the job for 20 years, and he is in the grand tradition of other former russian foreign ministers like Nesseloda and Gorshakov in the 19th century.

He understands his own people, his own state. He understands what President Putin is trying to achieve. And he’s made it abundantly clear the period of negotiation is at an end. There’s no longer any willingness to do that. So I think the Russians are now on a path to what I would call final resolution of the conflict. Not sure what that looks like, but I certainly think it looks like Ukraine without Zelenskyy and the regime and Kyiv. Now, for the benefit of those who may not have seen, I’m going to real quick hit. Whoa, wrong button. I’m going to pull up.

That’s just wonderful. McGregor is so good. Meanwhile, may mcGovern. Ray McGovern equals authority. Talks about suicidal russian invasion. Ray McGovern. And this is where he’s having a conversation with Judge Napolitano. But first, this. A divisive presidential election is upon us. And the winner is gold. Let me more. That’s why I happen to agree with our colleague. I know this is a lot of multiple questions against Roger Ailes rules of questioning, but you and I have been doing this for a while. Was it, as our friend and colleague Larry Johnson says, an american invasion of Russia? Put your arms around this and tell me what you feel.

Well, judge, I think it’s a difference in kinderg. What it is, is an invasion of Russia. But whether or not it becomes a big deal depends on one person and one person only, and that is Vladimir Putin. How will he react now on the ground? One can say with great confidence that it makes no military sense. The Ukrainians have put their best trained, best equipped troops into this, and they all are about to be slaughtered in the next couple of weeks. The notion that they thought they could seize and hold a goodly portion of Kursk Oblast was crazy.

They could not do that, and they’re not going to do it, and they’re going to lose their best troops. Where did some of those best troops come from? They came from the line in eastern Ukraine, in the Donbas, which is now porous as never before, giving the Russians a carte blanche to move forward. So it makes no military sense. So what kind of political sense might make. Well, today we have this morning just headlines just in. I haven’t read the articles, but a massive russian attack using all kinds of missiles on the power grid and other places in Ukraine.

And you have simultaneously or just after that? Zelensky. Oh, God. Now, now you got to come forward. Now you NATO people have to come forward with what we need. Okay. It’s not going to be enough to persuade the US or NATO to come in even quicker or even faster, even if they could. Now, the premise here is that it is a given that the US knew about what was going to happen. But what has to distinguish between Blinken and Sullivan and the rest of the US establishment? Lincoln and Sullivan are running this ship. Okay. And they certainly knew, together with the British, what was afoot.

So what was the general objective? In my view, the best guess, and it’s still a guess, is that they were hoping to provoke Putin into the kind of war interpreted as a casus Belli and to do something really, really more violent than he had done before, which would give the US and NATO. Well, NATO. NATO is the US. Okay, so we’ll give the US the pretext or the reason to respond in a very, very more violent way and risk a war with Russia over Ukraine. Why? Because they have to do that before Ukraine falls apart, before the election in November.

Well, will Ukraine fall apart? Well, it was falling apart anyway. This hastens their falling apart. Would the Ukrainians be so cynical as to sacrifice their best troops in this endeavor? Yes, they would. There’s precedent for that. Think about Bakhmut, back just a year ago. So that’s my. I’ve had some good counsel from some british friends and from other soviet and russian specialists, and I watched John Mearsheimer puzzle through what sense it makes militarily. And the answer is no military sense, some bizarre political sense. But the Russians are not rising to the occasion. And as I said in the beginning, Putin is the person regulating what happens now between now and the election.

In other words, the ukrainian leadership is just as incompetent and unintelligent as american leadership. No surprise there. Meanwhile, Russia has seized more than a hundred million bucks from Google to fund war propaganda campaign. I mean, look, the Russians are entitled to explain their point of view, which has been more accurate historically, more truthful than anything we get from the west, bar not. Russia has seized more than 100 mil from Google, using the money to run its propaganda campaign. In so part of Putin’s ongoing war in Ukraine, remember, it was initiated by Kiev with a bombardment of the Donbass, and they were all about to unlatch a mass slaughter, which prompted Putin to intervene.

Court documents obtained by the british newspaper Telegraph show Google’s bank accounts and Russia were emptied out shortly after the invasion two years ago, leading to the bankruptcy of the tech giants russian division. The confiscated cash was transferred to state owned russian channels, including RT and N Sagrad. And that pledge? Use the money to back the war effort. Well, really, that’s propaganda from the US. They’re going to report on the war? Hell yes, they have to. Meanwhile, Russia is signaling that it could take out the west Internet at GPS. And the fact of the matter is the west has no backup plan.

Just imagine taking out the Internet. How incapacitate we’d be from corresponding with one another communicating. And the gps that’s used to regulate all flights across the United States. And for a host of other issues. Most american cars today have a gps no longer would be functional and there’s no backup plan. Understand, the US cannot get away with applying all these weapons that attack Russia, even contemplating long range weapons, and not expect there’s going to be a retaliation against the United States because Putin is so much more intelligent and humane than the western leaders. It may be a more intelligent and humane response, but it will happen.

Meanwhile, believe it or not, SVT is reporting the US nuclear doctrine today. Attack everyone at once. Listen to this strategic deterrent. One of the most important aspects of any global power superpower security architecture. Countries such as Russia and the US have the world’s largest stockpiles of thermonuclear weapons mean that their ability to inflict untold damage on anyone is absolutely unparalleled. However, despite this, not even such humor, powers should focus entirely on the military part of their doctrine, but on maintaining normal communication with other nuclear armed states and ensuring that the world at least doesn’t get destroyed because of some trivial miscalculation.

However, the United States seemed to have other ideas. Namely, despite it perpetual Brexit and an aggression against the entire world, Washington, DC is also responsible for creating the most dangerous strategic situation the world has ever seen, when that could easily result in the total annihilation of humanity. America is the only country on earth that has a plan to wage a simultaneous nuclear war, with three nuclear armed states, Russia, China, and North Korea. At the same time, back in March, the us government adopted a new nuclear strategy, addressing the possibility pushing for a more decisive response by the Pentagon.

This extremely important document is updated approximately every four years, meaning that its changes are highly classified. According to the New York Times, this new strategy is the first to examine in detail whether the United States is prepared to respond to a nuclear crisis breaking out simultaneously or sequentially with a combination of nuclear and non nuclear weapons. This was previously underscored why Prade Vedatti, special presidential assistant senior director for arms controlled disarmament and non proliferation at the national at the National Security Council, Vadi, another high ranking of Asia, particularly those from the NSC, publicly discussed that strategy changes, with Vatty stating back in June, the plan underscores the necessity to turn Russia, China, and North Korea all at the same time.

Another important change is the fact that Moscow isn’t considered the sole strategic threat to the US. This now applies to China as well. And while Russia’s strategic arsenal, the world’s most powerful, is still considered the primary threat to America, for the first time, the strategy places significant emphasis on China US military projects that Beijing nuclear arsenal can grow from around 500 warheads of 1500 by 2035, which is still a long way to go, as well as an effort that will require enormous investment in the military and a massive change in China’s nuclear strategic doctrine as Beijing would be trembling its current thermonuclear arsenal.

And we know now french prosecutors have revealed the potential charges against Durov, the telegram head who’s been arrested. The Paris public prosecutor office released a list of a dozen charges that could be brought against telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov, ranging from complicity in drug dealing and money laundering to facilitating the distribution of child pornography. They all sound fabricated to me. The 39 year old Russian, who also holds citizenship in France at UAE, in St. Kitts and Nevis, was detained by french authorities Saturday after rising in Paris. Remember by Jean by private jet. In a press release Monday, prosecutor Laurie Bukhari said the Rob was arrested as part of a broad criminal inquiry against a person of name.

As part of that inquiry, twelve charges were being considered against Durab, including facilitating narcotic distribution, money laundering and organized crime, and aiding in the distribution of child pornography. Adult pornography is so commonplace, there’s nothing to it. That’s no crime at all, so far as I’m able to ascertain. Intur manure is also being investigated for refusing to cooperate with cybercrime and financial crime. Investigators see there’s a backup charge. If you don’t, say, somehow come forward and implicate yourself, which you’re not required to do under our fifth Amendment, then they can charge you with inhibiting or, you know, becoming an obstacle to an investigation just for exercising what in the United States would be regarded as a legal right that you possess? Criminal investigation in France are run by special magistrates charged like those when I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody’s help in any way now.

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Still not have enough money for all the bills if you’re feeling a tremendous amount of stress about your finances, you ain’t alone. According to a recent survey, approximately half the entire population is struggling with mental health issues due to financial stress. 47% of adults say concerns about money have at least occasionally caused anxiety, stress, worrisome thoughts, loss of sleep, depression or other effects that according to bank rate’s latest money in mental health survey. Bank rate? Who in the hell is bank rate? Carl Kettlemarine Limited today at 602-799-8265 percent of the people say their biggest concern is inflation and rising prices, and nearly 60% say there’s stress to rise from paying for everyday expenses such as groceries, utilities.

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Well get this no convention bump for Kamala after weeks of remarkably positive media, a new morning console poll suggests why President Harris did not receive a bump from the DNC convention in Chicago last week, though she still has a lead of four points nationally in the survey. Here’s the report. Vice President Harris leads former President Trump by four percentage point. Mind you, these are all managed or rigged polls following the DNC 84 to 888, 48 to 44, matching her standing before the week long confab in Chicago. The DNC hasn’t pad advised President Harrison Panhe of her republican opponent, but it has left more voters satisfied with a Democrat ticket than the alternative is.

The campaign kicks into high gear. I doubt that seriously. Our head to head survey show no booster support. Two things appear to remain true is that Democrat nominees race to lose, and that would certainly not be the case where Biden is still there. Our weekly tracking Joe’s Harrison waltz continue to be more popular than not and face a remarkably positive news environment, offering a stark contrast with the popularity of the republican ticket and Biden. A remarkably positive news in the environment is euphemism for fawning media coverage that ignores Harris’s record, allows her to avoid all spontaneous conduct with the media or with voters, and describes former President Trump in negative terms.

And we know it’s so imbalanced. It’s like 90% positive for Harris and even higher negative for Trump. Meanwhile, mentioned before now a report ex dim Tulsi Gabbard endorses Trump. She, of course, was my choice to be his running mate. Didn’t happen. Former hawaiian congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard made an appearance at Trump rally in Michigan to officially announce her endorsement of the 45th president. Introducing Gabbard, Trump told his defense Detroit audience she got great common sense, great spirit, and loves our country. Yes, indeed she does. Here is part today, I’m honored to officially welcome another true american patriot, a 17 year veteran of the Hawaii Army National Guard, a four term Democrat congresswoman, very, very popular, the former vice chair of the National Democratic Party and a 2020 Democrat candidate for the United States presidency.

You know, she was a very good candidate. Every time she ran, she was good. She did well. She decided to leave. She couldn’t take it anymore. But she is very special. And I didn’t know this, but she was a lieutenant colonel. That’s not bad. Lieutenant colonel, not bad. I didn’t know that. You know, I just found out. I said put it down. You got to put that down. That’s bigger. That’s better than all the other stuff I readdeze. But now she’s a special person. She’s got great common sense, great spirit. She loves our country and she loves the people in this room.

Tulsi Gabbard Tulsi please. Tulsi terrific. Meanwhile, here’s another story about it. Additional former Democrat joins a Trump campaign this is from Rt. Tulsi Gabbard shall do everything she can to send a former president back to the White House. Trump brought Gabbard on stage during a speech to the National Guard association annual conference in Detroit Monday, which we just heard introducing the former hawaiian congresswoman as a true american patriot with great common sense and great spirit. Indeed, she also is an excellent debater and eviscerated Kamala Harris previously. Meanwhile, Donald Trump junior says RFK junior could get an oversight role under Trump.

According to Trump, junior, Kennedy junior may be assigned an oversight position over various federal agencies such as CIA and FBI in the event his father is reelected. The comment was made during a lighthearted segment on the Benny show with Benny Johnson, which aired August 21. Trump junior made light of the fact that Planned Parenthood had been providing free vasectomies outside the Chicago DNC. He said gladly donate enormous amounts of money to sponsored vasectomies for the extremist left. Speaking of RFK, Benny mentioned he could envision him leading the Food and Drug Administration of CDC, the CIA, or the FBI.

Trump junior suppose he might be put in several positions with the responsibility of rooting out inefficiency and corruption. At least a dozen roles he’d like to see him in. Yes, very, very good. Meanwhile, it’s a bipartisan miracle. Oh, I look at all the lovely people. Eleanor rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been, lives in a dream, waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door. Who is it for? You are tuned in to the Republic Broadcasting Network. Visit our website by going to republicbroadcasting.org dot did you know that essential oils have had a multitude of natural health and skin uses in history, but have been somewhat forgotten by recent civilization? Susannah’s secret offers 100% pure natural oils at prices you can actually afford.

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Email tom@republicbroadcasting.org t o m@republicbroadcasting.org here come old flat top here come groovin up slowly got juice, he got hair down to his knee got to be a joker he just do what he please well, it’s not exactly a bipartisan miracle for over 200 Bush, McCain Romney aides to endorse harehouse. These are rhinos who never gave a damn about the american people, big corporate, big bank people, unlike Donald Trump. Meanwhile, a new presidential poll by an independent journalist Cheryl Atkinson has had rather staggering results. She has over 500,000 followers, nonpartisan investigative journalists, five Emmys. The mural, the Rt may be interesting.

Silly, wrong. She follows facts, not a crowd. She’s got a list of strings and awards a mile long. She did a poll, listen to this. Three days ago, she asked her followers, but it was her followers. And if they’re intelligent enough to follow Joe Atkinson, she has a functioning brain. You might have thought it’d be close to 50 50, right? After all, that’s what the mainstream tells us. Get this. It turns out the result was 96.2% for Trump, 1% for Harris, three tenths of a percent for both, 2.5 for neither. So if you’re smart enough to follow Cheryl Atkinson, you appear to be smart enough to understand who you ought to vote for in this election.

Meanwhile, Paul Craig Roberts, the Democrats last hurrah or the death of a nation. The agenda is to elect Kamala. Dear Americans, this is your next presidential administration. It’ll be anti white, anti family, pro open border, pro legalization of sexual perversity, pro sexualization of young children, and pro war. It cannot be deterred by your votes because the election will be stolen. In the swing states, a method you by Democrats seal at 2020 and 2022, elections have been legalized. Moreover, if news reports are correct in some, perhaps all, of the swing states, it’s now illegal to challenge election outcomes.

If you will remember, when Kamala competed for the presidential nomination in 2020, she was immediately eliminated. She had zero support. You will remember she’s been an unpopular vice president. Yet today, the media presenter is leading Trump, who continues to trump massive attendance at his appearance as the likely next president. The media uses rig polls and positive coverage at Kamala, negative coverage of Trump to create in the voting public’s mind, the expectation of a Kamala victory. The polls are rigged by overweighting Democrats and the bold population. Google Kamala, you find 90% of the information is favorable. Google Trump.

90% unfavorable. By creating the expectation of a Kamala victory, the ground is laid for stealing the election. It’s not possible to steal an election unless the election is close to the person for whom the election is stolen is presented as a leading candidate. Ask yourself, how did Kamala go from zero support among them? So the leading presidential contender, she did not win the primary election, as it was no primary. She’s not had any debates, much less triumph in one. She represents everything but white american families, sexual morality, peace, laws of shield for the people. Instead of a weapon in the hands of government.

Nationhood instead of a tower of Babel. Truth instead of lies. The constitution instead of a woke age. Gender based rules. The media have made it completely obvious that the election is going to be stolen. Why else are rig balls and bias coverage? The public is being prepared to accept a stolen election. Sad to say, he’s got it right. Here’s more evidence. CNN’s Dana Bash has one job, to protect Kamala incumbent vp and her stolen valor support liar Tim Walsh was sit down with Dana Bash Thursday for Kamala’s first unscripted appearance. Except it won’t be. It’s going to be taped in pre taped.

It’s not going to be live. They’re going to edit it. She may well have a ear plugs, you know, be told her answers. They may even have a body double or be a deep fake. I guarantee you CNN chief Kamala cheerleader Dana Bash will have only one objective, do no harm to Kamala’s candidacy. CNN is no longer concerned with its credibility, not been for over a decade. A news outlet concerned for his professional integrity would have fire Jake Tapper for spooging over Kabbalah’s conventions. He’s like a 19 year old virgin in a strip club back room.

CNN is concerned with only one thing told on to his residual viewership, over half a mil hardcore leftist who enjoy being lied to. Yes, yes, yes. Meanwhile, CNN Scott Janney demolishes Kamala’s weak source sauce. Dual interview with walls Kamala’s finally had agreed to do an interview with CNN Dana Bash after weeks of docking interviews and being handed the nominees without a primary by the people. But as we reported, the interview won’t be live, it’ll be taped. She’s going to do it with her running mate Tim walls and immediately raised questions, is she so weak that you can’t even do a basic interview by herself? Former President Trump, his running mate are doing solo interviews all the time.

It shouldn’t take all this effort and arrangement. It’s like mulling teeth to even get a joint interview out of her. There’s a big problem there. Megyn Kelly even skewered a weakness, referring to walls as her emotional support. Governor CNN even had a panel discussion about their own interview. Anderson Cooper asked, is the line going to be why isn’t she doing it by herself? Scott Jennings political commentator than just skewered her. I think it’s incredibly weak, weak sauce to show up with your running mate. The fact they don’t have enough confidence in her to let her sit herself.

The actual top of the ticket and do a single interview. In fact, I think the hand wringing and the gibrations over this the past month show a troubling lack of confidence in her political ability. Which also makes you wonder, as a voter, what kind of president would you be? If this is a small time decision, can we do an interview or not? What does that look like for decision making going forward? Yes, I think the Republicans are. You think it’s pretty weak to show up effectively with someone to take up half the time? Well, he’s going to try to save her from glitches, but I guarantee you because it’s going to be edited, they can do takes and retakes again and again.

Meanwhile, Obama running Kamala’s campaign in a developing expose of the true nature of Kamala’s White House candidacy. It’s a merged former President Obama may be running the campaign through a number of his former high profile staffers. For example, David Plufa, over orchestrating his 2008 campaign, subsequently guiding Facebook CEO Zuckerberg through a contentious Zuckerbucks initiative in 2020, has embarked on a new advisory role. His expertise is now directed toward Vice president Harris ongoing campaign. Their strategic team has now been bolstered by the inclusion of seasoned operatives from Obama’s tenure, one after another after another. Don’t have any doubt about it.

Meanwhile, Cornel West Kamala offered me a job, debt payoff if I dropped out, independent left wing presidential candidate doctor Cornell west told said Friday. Vice president Harris campaign offered him a job inter administration to pay his campaign debts if he dropped out of the 2024 race. Is anyone surprised? I’m just glad he’s come forward to talk about it. Meanwhile, Tucker has a hilarious response to Kamala Harris fakery, claiming she got a letter from Tucker endorsing her gun control. You know, this is just ridiculous. Kamala pulled a handwritten letter from someone named Tucker. Obviously fake and phony, but designed to imply it came from Tucker Carlson.

Wrong and weird and creepy on so many levels, but not all surprising for this woman or her administration. Tucker, thank you for writing to me. While we may not agree on every issue, we know that every person, our nation should have the freedom to live safe from gun violence, which is contradicting because gun violence goes up when gun ownership goes down. So she’s arguing backwards. She does not know the facts. But then she doesn’t know the facts about any other issue either. How bad is this? Well, Tucker wasted no time in producing his own fake letter in response.

Take a look. Letter from a fan dear Tucker, I can’t believe I’m writing you this letter, but here goes. Honestly, I never thought we had all that much in common since college. I consider myself moderately progressive in the sense I didn’t believe in law enforcement, national borders, or the right of american citizens exercise fundamental human autonomy. And no doubt that letter from a van is signed Kamala. Meanwhile, the Biden Harris files reworked with a new indictment against Trump. This is bad. Special prosecutor Jack Smith filed a superseding indictment against a republican nominee, Trump, on Tuesday after the Supreme Court ruled that Trump was immune from prosecution for Max and taken within the realm of his job responsibilities.

The new indictment is the same four charges he faced before, including two felony cats of obstructing an official proceeding, one of conspiracy to defraud the United states and want of conspiracy against rights. All the charges remain the same. Some of Trump’s alleged conduct was removed from the new entitlement, doing allegations that he tried to use the DOJ to support his claims that the election had been rigged. We all know the election was rigged. Meanwhile, Trump shooting update. There are a number of new reports about it. Everyone, I only want you to donate to my campaign if you can.

Yeah, I’m all for that parallel Trump shooting investigation with newly hot and steamy night out here on the dock. My name’s Mike. For the new folks out there, I know we get a lot of new folks with these videos. And we are once again talking about the President Trump assassination attempt. And as of what I’m recording this, it is the 27 August, meaning that we’ve had six weeks pass and we still have a ton of unknowns and misreporting, whether deliberate or nothing, on what happened on that day on the 13th. And we’re basically going to walk through some of the things that have come out in the past week, and we’re going to go through them in chronological order, roughly.

So the first big one that came out was the Clay Higgins report. Basically, Clay Higgins is a congressman. He has a law enforcement background. He went to the Butler farm grounds and conducted his own investigation, talked with a lot of the local law enforcement on site, and gained a lot of new perspectives and new information that we didn’t have prior to that. Again, all of this has been reported on my twitter page, but there’s a lot of things in this report that really are new for the first time have been reported, and there’s a lot more that came out, some of it even yesterday.

Here’s another report. Cory commentary was not killed by a sniper at Butler. There’s more here. This is part of the footage from the actual event. Trump actually speaking at the. So that arrow, the direction drop is pointing red arrow at a billboard. Cory competition simul simulation mannequin. Ah, a simulation mannequin. This is pretty interesting. Listen, there was, as I said before, a real plot to take out Trump, but Trump got wind of it and flipped the script. So the actual shooting sequence was staged? Yes, but it was a real plot, supported by now that the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and the Secret Service unwillingness to provide their records of their coverage of the event in Butler and the 29 million Donald J.

Trump stock that were shorted before the event. That is as significant as you could get as a red flag. Meanwhile, Kamala versus Trump, a comparison of background and achievements. Listen to this. Hello, everybody. Getting closer to what could be the most important election in our history. I just wanted to say a few words. It’ll just take a minute. I’m going to present a few facts. I’m going to keep it super simple. I’m going to keep it short. Please, just hear me out. Kamala Harris versus Donald Trump. Just the facts. You can fact check me. It’s all true.

Kamala, she graduated from Hastings College of Law. The law school is ranked 82nd out of 196 law schools. She graduated, she took her bar exam. She failed. She failed the exam. She has never had her own business. Never had any of her own employees, ever. 2017 to 2021, she served in the California Senate. During those four years, she worked in 164 pieces of legislation. Not one of them ever became law. What makes it worse is that she’s a liberal governing in a liberal state, and she was still zero for 164. So during the four years she accomplished nothing as vice president, she has a record, the lowest approval rating ever in the history of this country.

28%. Donald J. Trump. He graduated from Penn’s Wharton School of Business. It’s ranked number one out of 124 business schools in the country. He has run many businesses over 53 years, employed hundreds of thousands of employees over that time. Currently, he has 22,450 employees, split between men and women. That equates to hundreds of millions of dollars over time that have flowed into the economy. Personally, I don’t just vote blindly along party lines. I just vote common sense. Let me keep it simple. If your parents had a company and you inherited this company and you didn’t want to or couldn’t run it yourself, who would you pick to run it? Kamala or Trump? Someone that has never run anything or someone that has run companies worth billions of now, let me extrapolate for a second.

Forget about this company. I was saying your parents own. What I’m really talking about is a company called the United States of America. Again, please. Common sense. Thanks. He’s absolutely got it right. Kamala’s undistinguished in every possible way. Plus, she’s a moron. Have no doubt about it. Meanwhile, Franklin Graham reveals a move that Trump has made that took democrats by surprise. Let’s pull it up here. He reveals Trump’s secret weapon. Son of the late evangelist Billy Graham praise Trump on social media for having former representative help him prepare for the debate. He got hair down to his knee.

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And then extend it to policemen and firemen and airline pilots and begin to think about the jeopardy to your life being promoted by the Democrats obsession with diversity and what they call equity. Meanwhile, the FDA tries a fat check RFK junior and ends up in epic phase palm, meaning they’ve fallen flat. The BZR test fraud and injury. Also children’s defense fund. RFK junior has done so much in this area, and this is partial why I think he strengthens Trump candidacy in an area where Trump is vulnerable because he’s gone after big pharma, the FDA, the CDC, that’s terrific.

And he deserves an important role in oversight with regard to those agencies. Meanwhile, fast saying historical retrospective Sputnik did the space age begin on a lie? A fascinating little review suggesting maybe the whole business was fake, was what Nick first appeared in the Skyd. Meanwhile, a swedish Pfizer batch analysis confirms a heterogeneity of the COVID injections. I’ll return to that one. Meanwhile, many forget the health benefits of aspirin. Something as simple as aspirin can have enormous health benefits you ought not to overlook. And here’s doctor Peter McCullough being interviewed in epidemiology external validity or generalizability is very important.

That means when a finding is discovered in one population, it’s confirmed in another with the same exposure. I was fortunate to interview doctor Vibic Manje, PhD, danish hepatologist, lead author of a recent publication comparing suspected adverse events after injection with Pfizer vaccine in Sweden and Denmark. Major findings Denmark highest risk batch of vaccines were released in December 2020 to March 2021 in Sweden. The high risk batch continued in June of 2021. The proportion of low risk batches where essentially nothing happens after injection was 32% in Denmark, 22% in Sweden. That’s good news for the 75% of Americans who took the shot.

Up to a third may be in the clear high risk batches. Twelve overlapped with Denmark, was a larger group in Sweden and comprised 48% of the dosage, much larger than the 4% in Denmark. In other words, oh, I’m gonna try? With a little help from my friends? You need anybody? I just need someone to love? To be anybody? I want somebody to love? Oh, I can find some help from my friends? Gonna try a little help from my friends? Do I get high with help from my friends? Yes, I can find a little help from my friend? With a little help from my friend? Start your day on RBN with John Moore, 710 with coffee cup in hand.

Wake up with the living man. Highly qualified guests share their knowledge with the callers Monday through Friday. His website is second tonight, calm. You’ll find everything right there. Start your day and be prepared so give a listen or a call. Tuning in weekdays RB. Start your day and be prepared. So give a listen or a call to your mid weekdays on RBN. It’s time off from seven to ten with coffee cupping and wake up with the living man. You can’t handle the truth. You’re listening to Republic Broadcasting Network. Visit republicbroadcasting.org today because you can handle the truth.

Welcome to the second hour of authentic news right here on RBN Live this 20th day of August 2024, where I take your call. Several right here now, beginning with JP in Chicago. JP, welcome back. What’s the latest from the Windy City? Well, hello, Jim and crew. I gotta say, great topics today. I’m really angry about Pavlov, Dharma, rest of that telegram CEO. That just really hurt because I went to a kangaroo court in French. Macron reminds me of that movie the Matrix with the french man. Remember how he had. He had neo trapped in the basement in the subway? He said, I have control of Neo and there’s nothing you could do.

Well, the Russians could send some spetsnaz in there and get him out. You know, he’s a billionaire, you know, so. Yeah, I’m glad you talked about that today. There was more, I think, yesterday, in fact, about him. But, yeah, JP, it’s an ongoing story. Continue. Sorry, my dogs. I wanted to play. Okay, so back to Lavrov. World War three escalation. Lavrov says there, Zelensky is like a child playing with fire. He’s getting some very serious threats. Lavrov is very serious man. When he says something, they usually do it. You know, he’s. He’s been a head diplomat for 20 plus years, unlike our, you know, blinken lies all the time.

You know, when Lavrov says something, he does it. Hezbollah has been attacking the west. Hezbollah has been attacking now with drones. And the west, back, as you mentioned before, has been attacked. And Iran, according to chatter, intelligence agency, they’re supposed to be attacking sometime by September 1. But I don’t know. Who knows where we’re going to go with that one. But definitely Ukraine is escalating to the point where Lavrov’s saying he’s not just going to strike back. Poland, you know, Germany, whoever the airplanes are coming from. He says he’s going to strike back at America. And he did it in.

So, you know, it’s on Judge Napolitano, if you want to watch it. He breaks it all down together with some of his guests, but very, very. I would say we’re like 15 minutes to midnight, Jim. We’re really close to World War three, unfortunately, and I think these demon credits want to push it along. I think we’re a whole lot closer than 15 minutes, JB. To tell the truth, I think we’re virtually on the edge. It’s outrageous. And we. And this Zelensky keeps pulling different studs, and there’s no one reining him in. And we in the west seem to be egging him on in the most utterly reckless, irresponsible actions imaginable, as though we wanted to be wiped out by a more powerful nation with a nuclear weapons.

It’s just stunning. As if there’s traitors, like, you know, renegade Obama running, you know, the ship into the iceberg on purpose, like the Titanic, you know. Yes. Well, final, final thought real quick. I know you got other calls coming in. I think unlike the movies, you know, I was a. When I was 16, I ran the Dalton movie theater on the south side of Chicago before it got taken over the commie Kratzen. And it was a great job. I just got to cut and edit. And just like that movie fight Club, you know, I could edit things if I wanted to, but I didn’t.

But I got to see that how movies and the media and our Internet and even our social media is all being controlled to weave a certain way of thinking. And they got people controlled on the left and the right, and they’re having some very sophisticated ways of controlling people’s mind. And I’m glad Zuckerberg came out, and I hope to. I hope this guy Pavlov gets free in France, because guys, guys like that are very important. Snowden, you know, and that fellow from England that just got let free. The albino fellow. Yeah, from England. All those fellows, they’re very important for us because we wouldn’t know what the deep state and all these intelligence agents were doing if these guys weren’t coming out talking about it.

And that’s what’s important. And then we got to keep the First Amendment alive, brother. And I’m glad you’re out there with your show, because you’re hitting it hard every week. God bless you. Thanks. Thanks, JB. Great call. Paul in New Jersey. Paul, join the conversation. Well, Mister Fetzer. Mister Fetzer, since you touched upon a nuclear war discussion, I’d like to bring up some points about it. Sure. In the 19. Yeah, in the 1960s, we have to remember they passed a nuclear test ban treaty, I think it was in 63, because they detected the radioactive isotope strontium 90 in breast milk.

And that’s what kind of scared everybody and inspired the above ground nuclear test, bandaid. Now, during, you know, when they first came up with a nuclear bomb, there’s been about 520 atmospheric nuclear explosions with a total yield of about 545 megatons. By the way, I’m getting this from Wikipedia, which is on these type of issues, you know, pretty. Pretty good. And so, since strontium 90 has a half life of 29 years, that means there should be a quarter of the amount of strontium 90 in breast milk than there was in the sixties. So, in a sense, what I’m first saying is that this might give ideas to the ruling class to have a limited nuclear war.

Because to get the overall global radiation, ambient radiation, asian levels up to the 1960 level, I worked it out where they should be able to use, you know, like put out about 340 megatons of nuclear bombs could be used in the atmosphere before we hit back in those 1960s level. Understand what I’m saying here? Yes. So. But now, get this. The total nuclear arsenal on earth is, they say it’s estimated 1.5 gigatons. Now, here’s the thing. It would be such, you know, why doesn’t the Europeans, you know, basically white Americans, formerly basically white, and the Russians a white nation, right? If we all have a nuclear exchange and all that radiation basically stays in the northern hemisphere, don’t all of these countries like NATO and Russia and the United States, don’t they realize that China will probably be unscathed and China will be inherit the earth? Don’t they realize if we have a nuclear exchange, South America will be fine and they, you know, they’ll prosper.

They won’t have much radiation coming all the way down to the southern hemisphere from the northern hemisphere. But I also think even as Americans, when we hear about, oh, nuclear exchange is the end of the world, Hiroshima got nuked. Nagasaki got nuked, and those cities are still populated today. Hiroshima has 1.9 million people and they’re living long lives, and the background radiation levels are like those in other cities on earth. So you can have, what I’m saying is that you can have a nuclear exchange, but it’s not as bad as we think. Now, after Chernobyl, right, they found, you know, when you hear about Chernobyl, there were some deaths of the people working with the radiation in the nuclear facility that happened, and a lot of people in the surrounding areas got exposed to high doses of radiation.

And the worse that it gets, really, there’s not that many deaths. They got what is to survive. They got what is called a Chernobyl necklace, which is a horizontal scar because they have to go from thyroid ectomies to remove the thyroid. But once the thyroid is removed, basically these people do okay, too. So I’m just trying to point out that, you know, that we could survive a limited nuclear exchange, but really, the western nations and the white race as a whole has to put a stop to this, you know what I mean? To stop to the talking about it, to stop considering it, because if there is a nuclear exchange, the white race would be severely cold and the rest of the world will be fine without us.

Because in a sense, we are in a bit, you know, the way this inclination to fight, you know, the Chinese don’t have this inclination to fight everybody like we do. You know what I mean, Jim? Yes, yes. Yeah, I get it. I get it, Paul. You’re making a lot of interesting points. Yeah. And so I just don’t give it much worry or thought about it. And one last thing, Jim. It’s very interesting. And I urge people to look it up is to look at what happens to the animals that are living in the Chernobyl area. Because, you know, they kick people out of a big area, like 20 miles round circumference around Chernobyl, where it’s a no go zone, because the high radiation levels even today.

But that doesn’t stop the animals coming and going through that radiation zone. And what they’re finding is that the enemy, these animals that have lived there for, you know, many, many generations, because, you know, they have litters, like every year or two years in most of these species. So the adaptation to the nuclear radiation is way faster, you know what I mean? Because of the severity of the adaptation and the need to adapt among these animals. But what they’re finding in that nuclear zone around Chernobyl is a lot of animals are doing fine. Brown bears, bisons, wolves, lynxes, some horses and bird species, and they’re living in these nuclear zones.

So I just think, you know, we don’t want a nuclear war. But some of these facts could be tempting to neocons like Sean Penn, who was, you know, caught up in it and just thinks like, is cavalier about a nuclear exchange. But I don’t think it’s something we have to be totally, like, if there is a new nuclear exchange, like we have to immediately commit suicide. I think a lot. It’s a lot more survivable than we think. On that note. Oh, it’s extremely, extremely interesting, very sophisticated. I know of no reason to dispute any of the facts you’re reporting here.

I’m glad you made this call. Is there a final thought you’d like to add? Yeah, I just think it’s something not to worry that much about. That’s what I really believe. That and on that. Thank you, Jim. Okay. Okay. Okay. I think the problem policy, actual exchanges are going to be devastating. You know, when you can kill a hundred thousand people in a whack if you got a nuclear. Ferris, or London, I mean, the cities will never be the same. And it’s got nothing to do with a longer term capacity of Florida and fauna to survive there.

It’s going to be a catastrophe for mankind. But I. I value the call. Laura in Michigan. Laura, join our conversation. Yes, first of all, here RBN in a day and a half. So anyway, I don’t, I don’t know why, I don’t know why. But I gather we did get cut off the air and I’m just glad we’re back in time for this show, at least that a couple of streams weren’t working. Go ahead. Anyway, I want to talk to you about that movie China cries. If you watch that movie, you will know how a Harris Walls regime would be.

And I’ll tell you why. Nora, in that movie, they had her journaling. And you know they had kids journaling already in elementary school. What? That communist. Do you have your journal? So you know what your feelings are about the government or what your parents have been doing. Like, maybe you’ll say, I went to this forces club, took on her safety. Kids never know what they can’t say. That type of thing. Anyway, while she was journaling, she was. By a blackboard. She drew a little cross, just a little cross, to look at it, and I. The person was guarding her.

That’s it. We’re gonna. You’re gonna get executed. He took her outside. He had formed a firing squad. Okay, firing squad. Ready to shoot her. Don’t forget that point. She’s eight months pregnant, and you get this firing scot because she looked at a crosse. I’ll tell you why I’m bringing this up in a minute. Anyway, I won’t tell you what happened to anybody who gets the movie. Very exciting. Anyway, he’s more than a marxist. He’s a Mao Marxist. I didn’t realize this, but one. Beck brought this up. If you want to be a teacher in here’s in his state, you have to sign affidavits that you don’t have any affiliation to any religion.

Really? How extraordinary. Wow. I was unaware the american people are going to be impressed by that fact and not in a positive way. Right, right. I. That just shows what kind of a. He’s a mile mark Sparks. I’ll be honest with you. The guy terrifies me. Yeah, well, he’s not a good guy. Yeah, right, right. I’m hoping on the mother’s note, I hope they’ll see an RFK act as advisors, and they. And Trump gets rid of that. Susan Wilde? Yes. I found out that that rents guy, R E N Z. Your lawyer. He did our documentary on that woman, how bad she was.

Kabbalah you’re talking about. I’m talking about this advisor for Trump. Oh, wow. Oh. I’m hoping Tulsi and RFK get rid of her. Okay. I don’t know about her, but I’m glad you mentioned. Yeah, it was that lawyer. Renz Rnz did a documentary on her. Now, how bad she is. Trump goes and gets her as an advisor. Come on. Does he want to win this or not? Hopefully, he’s got the right people in there now? Well, I think, yeah, I think it’s wonderful that Tulsi and Bobby Junior have signed up with a Trump effort. I think it’s all to the good and such an inspiring example for others.

Give us a bit more, Laura, including your final thoughts. My final thought is Donald Trump is going to lose a lot of the catholic vote. I listen to catholic radio because of the abortion thing. What do you mean? You’re talking about Catholics for abortion. Catholics historically have been opposed to abortion. He’s in, Trump’s not talking for life. He’s talking more about, you know, he’s trying to fuel to the left. Help me sort this out, Laura. I understand Latinos are gravitating toward Trump precisely because he is pro life and they’re averse to the Democrats because they’re so eager to promote abortion, just that blacks are gravitating toward Trump because he wants to secure the border and so many blacks are being adversely affected by migrants coming in here illegal and taking their jobs.

I think there’s going to be tremendous. Say again? He needs to say it clearer and more often that he’s pro life because it’s kind of sounding like he’s willing to capitulate a little bit on that issue. Well, you know my position. I am pro choice. In a sense. I believe Roe v. Wade was properly decided in any lunatic like waltz who wants to allow abortions up to the moment of birth, or it would appear, even after that murder, that’s murder. Even under Roe, that was murder. If it’s not to save the life or health of the mother after the second trimester, I don’t have a problem with morning after pill myself.

I think that’s just fine. We’re talking about early term. There are all kinds of reasons why someone might woman might find herself in circumstances where bringing a child into the world is very, very problematic on multiple grounds, including financial, economic, personal, etcetera, I believe it should be left up to the woman to decide. Thank you, Laura. Thank you. Everybody gets that cry. China. Find your inner rebel at Dixie Republic, the world’s largest confederate store located in travelers rest, South Carolina. The anti white, antichrist, anti southern world ends at the asphalt. Welcome to God’s country. Log on to dixie republic.com to view our southern merchandise, from flags to t shirts to artwork at the store.

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Now these days, I got so self assured. Gary in Arkansas, what’s on your mind today, Gary? Join the con. Good afternoon, professor. I think I heard you say something about the Sputnik satellite today. Is that true? Yeah. There’s a report here that the Sputnik story may have been a fabrication. Let me put, let me pull it up. As I remember, I called you in 2017 and told you that. You actually called and told me that before. Yes. And as I remember, you said it was the most ridiculous thing you’d ever heard. And you, Scorpio and Giuseppe both thought the same.

Well, we may, we may owe you an apology. Now, listen, I haven’t had the chance to watch this all the way through, but I had a friend who has, and he’s very impressed that it may be the case that the space age began with a deception. Gary, Gary. We all may have to make judgment based on our understanding of issues at the time, but it may be we owe you an apology. You were right and we were wrong. I’m open to that. Let me share with you very quickly what I was going to say in 2017, and it is I did an analysis of the orbital elements that are publicly available and I decided that those were not consistent with the geophysics of the earth and therefore it was likely a fraud.

Then I found, as I was researching this later, that Fordham University did a conference in 2017 based on the declassification of the Sputnik satellite reports. And they classify, they characterized the report as a fake news story. The reports about Sputnik being in the air were supposed to be fake news stories. That’s, that’s what Fordham University called it in 2017. They called it fake news. The basic situation was that the CIA was putting in, they were putting in articles in the New York Times, in the Washington Post claiming the Russians were about to produce a satellite, and they were putting similar stories in the Moscow newspaper saying that the US was about to produce an artificial satellite and the idea was to generate public support for a bigger space program.

Yes. That’s the theme of this new report. Yes. To get more money. So in the, in the Fordham conference that I read, they didn’t discuss anything about the geophysics of the orbital elements of the, the satellite. That’s what I did. I looked at the orbital elements and I decided they were not consistent with the physical properties of the earth. So do you have, you have some background in engineering or physics? Tell us more. I’m fascinated, Gary. I have two degree, two university degrees in physics, and I taught physics at four universities. Wow, I love it, Gary, this is sensational.

Listen, we got to get together. I’d like to bring you on one of my shows for us to talk about all this is great. Okay, let me, let me tell you why I called today, which is not about Sputnik. I’ll share with you a story from my personal experience. I decided to become a self educated amateur scientist when I was ten years old, and this was in 1958. So I went to the magnolia, Arkansas Public Library and I read the science books. And I also bought a subscription to a magazine called Science News Digest. This was about a four or five page weekly publication that was folded up the size of a post that card, and mailed.

So I opened this thing up and read it every week from 1958 until I graduated from high school in 66. So those eight years I read this weekly science reader. And in this reader I read a lot of stories about the above ground nuclear testing program in Nevada, specifically about radioactive clouds that passed over the southern United States and around the world. And the detection equipment was so sensitive that they could detect the passage of these radioactive clouds over the southern states three different times. Right? I read articles about the dairy cows in the southern states having strontium in the milk and how people were getting radioactive materials from, from ingesting the dairy products.

Hang on, I’m going to carry over. I want to talk more. Elena Rickby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been a dream waits at the window, wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door. Who is it for? All I want the truth. You can’t handle the truth. You’re listening to Republic broadcasting network. Real news, real talk, real people, because you can handle the truth. Homeowners if your lender has gone out of business or sold your transaction to another lender or servicer, you may be the victim of a wrongful foreclosure resulting in the loss of your home.

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I’m fascinated. Okay, so the point is that I read this science weekly magazine from 58 to 66, and I saw a lot of articles in there about the above ground nuclear test program and how the fallout was. Was drifting across the southern United States. In 1966, I went to college in south Arkansas and I took a physics course. And that physics course had an exercise, a laboratory exercise on radioactivity. So there was four tables with about 20 students, and each table had a Geiger counter and some uranium ore. So the first thing that these four tables of students did was to turn on the Geiger counters and measure the background radiation.

So in 1966, I witnessed the measurement of the background radiation in South Arkansas. And we measured four tables of students, measured a half a count per minute. So if I go look up the radioactivity of fallout and that material is alleged to have a half life in the hundreds of years. Yes. So in 1966, the background count in South Arkansas was a half a count per minute, measured by four different Geiger counters. Yeah. I couldn’t imagine in 1966 that the nuclear test program in Nevada was a hoax. But today I can’t. And really, that’s also. That’s also your opinion, Gary, that.

That the test program in Nevada has been a host? Tell me more. Yes, sir, it is. And it’s more than. It’s more than opinion. We have the declassified reports from the Manhattan project. They were declassified in October of 1994. That will be 30 years ago this year. And you can look at the physical properties of uranium. It is. It is documented in those reports. And you can look at that stuff in the articles on Wikipedia, on the Internet, and you can see that the physical properties of uranium does not support a nuclear fission chain reaction. Well, this gets a bit complicated, Gary.

Yeah. Listen, I’d like to feature you on my other show. If you could leave your phone number with Julie, I’ll give you a call and we’ll work something out because I’m especially on this botnet. But we can also talk about the nuclear test. Is that good with you, Gary? That’s good with me. Yes, sir. Oh, yeah. You call back to the station and leave your phone number here for me to reach out to you. Gary, I appreciate your call. Very interesting stuff. Thank you. You got it. Call her back. Renee. You’ve been very patient. Welcome back.

Give us your thoughts. Well, I tell you what. You know, Paul and I would not agree probably on everything, but I really appreciate his efforts to not just, like, parrot right wing talking points. He goes and he digs and he looks into stuff and he thinks about things. So I actually really like his coffin, like I say, because this is kind of like, what, I’m on the line, too. Like I say, yeah, let’s talk about saving the white race. Okay, okay. But let’s get honest about it here. The thing is, I’m sorry, but you men need to somehow face the fact that you’ve been bamboozled the worst by your own kind.

When you look at history and we say, paul, when he’s looking, he’s analyzing what would happen and stuff. And I’m like, oh, he has some good points here. And then I go back and I’m thinking about history. Y’all need to face the fact the enemy is within and he looks like you. The thing is, how often have your own kind manipulated you to go and kill your own kind? We would have more white people if they hadn’t killed off hundreds of millions of each other, okay, and been reproducing all this time. Okay, so the thing is, look, look, would Britain kill the Irish? And then, right, Ashkenazi Jews that are in control of Israel, those fake Jews are european Jews, okay? So they white.

And then in Ukraine, those are white. And the Russians, they’re. They’re killing white people. Killing white people. And the thing is. The thing is, you know, y’all need to, like, wise up because they take advantage of, like, that them and us mentality to go get people to be real tribal and point you in the direction against those that are different than you. But when you look at history, your own kind has been responsible for killing off most of. Of your own kind. If you sit and think about it and know a little bit about history and you think about it for a little while, you’ll see what I’m saying is correct.

And like I say, the thing is, you know, they talk about, like, the women in the abortion thing, y’all killed so many people who were already born, and it just continues. So really, right now, what woman in her right, mom, in the situation on the. On the verge of world War three, you’d have to be stupid or crazy or hateful or something to want to bring a child into this mess. And then I heard RFK junior say this. He was talking to some black women, and he said, you know, 85% of abortions are on black women, and they’re for economic reasons.

Okay? So in other words, they’re not just going, I want to kill my baby here. It’s like, they have thought about it. They can’t afford it. The statistics are right now, you need $25,000 a year to raise a kid, and they don’t make enough money. You know, they’re making maybe under $60,000 a year. It’s mathematics, where people are not having children because with the economics just don’t work. The thing is, so, in a way, they’re making the wisest decision. Until we can turn this around, it’s just not feasible for people to have children right now. I mean, what do you want to do, watch them starve or be killed or thrown into a meat grinder in the war? Let’s see.

Let me think about that. No, thanks. I’d rather not go through that suffering to see. Have to bury my childhood, you know? We need to get our shit together. I’m sorry? We need to get our shit together as human beings. And they say close the border, and we have to get this country straightened out. The thing is, it’s ridiculous when you have people they can’t have. You know, they’re like, elon Musk is, oh, have more children. Have more children. Good for you. And you’re having them out of wedlock, okay? You can afford them. The thing is, like I say, you know, but, like, Jeff Bezos makes, I think, $312 million a day.

A day, okay? And so many people are suffering and doing the math, and they can’t afford to have children, so. And tell people just, oh, you women just, like, keep having kids. Like I say, any woman right now considering having a kidde, I’d have to question her sanity until this is straightened out. And like I say, y’all need to quit the tribalism worrying about what women do or what brown people do. It is your own white men that have led you into wars where you kill off each other. Like I say, just look at history. That’s all I want you to do.

Look at history. And so that you can get honest, instead of having y’all’s minds hacked, see, they start hacking our minds at birth, okay? The religious and political leaders and stuff, it’s really. It’s like you have to come to face to face and go get that other person over there on the left that brainwashed. What’s wrong with them? Get in there and go look at your own. All of us have been brainwashed. All of us, not just the other person, okay? And we. And you have to realize most everything in your head. Some people say 95% is not your own life experience.

It’s stuff you were taught your parents had been teaching you from the time you were born. And like I say, a lot of the ignorant stuff are dysfunctional or just mean. Stuff in families get passed down intergenerationally. We need to straighten things out. And instead of. But it’s so much easier. Just go. Yeah. What’s wrong with them over there? They look different. They’re different sex. Let me hate on them. Okay. The thing is, we have to stop this or I don’t have much hope for humanity. Yeah. Renee, you make an awful lot of good points. An awful lot of good points.

Fascinating stuff. We’re in a hell of a predicament, aren’t we? Do you have a. Yes, we are. Final thoughts you’d like to add? Yes. You know, I didn’t really like at first that RFK junior had appointed that little Shanahan. What’s her name? Nicole Shananny, whatever it is. But the more I listen to her, the more I like her. I think she’s a good person, just like Whitney Webb’s a good person. But if these evangelicals get in control, we’ll have to shut up people like Whitney Webb or Nicole Shannon, whatever it is. So the thing is, she has had a great idea.

See, make America great again is kind of a dog whistle, okay? But that divides people. But she said they. I get this hat. Make America healthy again. That’s everybody. That’s inclusive. That’s all the Democrats, Republicans, liberals, conservatives, commies, capitals, everybody. That is a uniting thing, okay? That benefits everybody. Because the poison in our food, our dysfunctional medical system. I don’t know if you’ve ever been in the hospital, but you know what they feed you? Poison. The food they bring you is processed food. They don’t have butter, they have margarine. I mean, it’s disgusting what they feed people in nursing homes.

All this processed food. This. The thing is, we have to. If we don’t have our health, we got. Anybody who’s ever had a health issue knows you ain’t got your health. Yeah. Zip. Nothing else matters, okay? And the thing is, they’re killing us off slowly at a profit. That’s why I recommended that guy the other day, because he’s a doctor and he talked about all this, too. There are some doctors who like, no, I don’t want to participate in this. I don’t believe in it. And they’re trying to come out with new, healthy information telling us, yes, get out in the sun.

You need that damn vitamin D. And, you know, try and face and get some morning sunlight. And they’re trying to get us back in touch with nature again and get in rhythm with nature, not destroy it, but live in harmony with it. And it will be good for nature and our health. That’s what I have to say. Good stuff. Good stuff, Renee. Thanks for all that. Thanks for all that. Excellent. Okay. Thank you, Tom from Utah. Tom joined the conversation. My friend Tom dropped. We did. Oh, my goodness. Yeah, I was thinking we had time for him to say his.

Yeah, he just dropped. Peace, Tom. Tom, if you would please call back. We’ll put you right on. We’ll put you right on. We didn’t. We didn’t get Gary’s number then. Did we get Gary’s number, Julie, or. No. No. That’s too bad. Not having a very great batting average today. Let’s go then. All the way back to what we had from Colonel McGregor. Right now, the lines are all open. Anyone, if you got a call, you go right ahead. Call right in. I’m putting on Colonel MacGregor again. In the meanwhile. Not sure what that looks like, but I certainly think it looks like Ukraine without Zelensky and the regime in Kiev.

Now, for the benefit of those who may not have seen, I’m going to real quick hit. Whoa, wrong button. I’m going to pull up the map of this incursion, because we keep talking about the Ukraine and the incursion into Kursk. You can see this here. This is the. The main line of contact which has been going on for two plus years. And then up in here is the area of the curse. Now, this, I want you just real quick, from a military perspective, when you see this incursion here. And I think the farthest point is, like, 35.

Think the whole area there is relatively wide, but only relatively, because then here’s what it looks like. Just even in the cursed region, it’s barely, I think 3% is what I saw, which is only a tiny part of the russian federation. So what is the chance militarily that somewhere between twelve to 15,000 ukrainian troops can even hold this area, much less continue to go forward within Russia? Zero. And first of all, keep in mind that this area is huge. You’re talking about adding Nebraska or something in that whole brown area to what is the size of Texas and Ukraine.

So you’re adding a lot of territory. But that territory is densely forested. Rivers, creeks, hills. To begin with, the few villages that were there been evacuated largely because the Russians wanted to encourage the Ukrainians to go into these villages, then turn them into what the Russians call fire pockets, invite them in and annihilate them with fire. Okay, we got JP from Chicago. Bag. Welcome back, JP. Go ahead. Lay on. Yeah, I had a call back about a physics rebuttal. One of your callers from Arkansas. I got a couple first hand experiences of people that witnessed nuclear explosions.

One of them was my dad’s good friend. He was a russian fellow that worked on the Manhattan project here in Chicago. And he told me he was, I, pretty high iq, and this guy was, like, way off the charts. And when he died, I didn’t believe it, my dad or him. But, you know, they had their little poo bob meetings, and when I went to. When I went to his wake, it said he was a nuclear physicist, so that was one of them. He confirmed to me that, you know, nuclear bombs are real. Also, my mentor, Major Anderson from Wisconsin, Ripon, Wisconsin.

He was one of the first marines to go on the beach after Nakasami. I think that was the second bomb that went off, which is the bigger one. And he was a firsthand witness that explained that to me, that it was his. It broke his connection with religion, but it also showed him that there must be something beyond the physical. So he got into eastern religions, meditation out of bodies. And he’s the one that was my first trainer on remote viewing in Wisconsin, so. But he was also one of the first marines. Major Anderson from Ripon, Wisconsin.

He actually has one of the swords from a samurai that he killed an officer, and he had carried the sword, and my buddy rebuilt it for him. So those are two witnesses. I also have a couple other witnesses from friends of mine, from in laws that witness the concentration camps. And I won’t go down that rabbit hole with you, Jim, but the problem is, we got a lot of disinformation out there, and people go down these rabbit holes, and you don’t know where they’re coming from, but the earth is definitely round. Okay, listen, listen. If you’re talking about World War two, Germany and all that, those were labor camps.

Yeah. There were a lot of people starving because the allied bombing of the german cities interdicted the railroad lines, and they couldn’t resupply the camps. But those were labor camps. They weren’t there to kill people. They were there to work up. And, you know, we’re absolutely right. And that’s what. That’s what one of my witnesses said. He said that the people were still alive, and they couldn’t give them their rations because they could. They had to give them intravenous food because they were. They were just without food. They were. Yeah, but they were still alive. They were still alive.

That’s my point. And, you know, they didn’t really see the death camps. And I know from firsthand witnesses also back to that Hitler thing, and Lavrov said Hitler was an ashkenazi jew. And Lavrov said that about two years ago on an interview, and it blew my mind, JP, because you’ve been on, and I got a new caller here. I’m gonna cut you off, but I want you to call back. I’d like your calls. I like your. Take care, Dan. Dan in Washington. Go ahead, Dan. Lay on. Hey, thanks for taking the call. Yeah, I agree with some of Renee’s points, you know, especially the college loan.

I get irritated with a lot of the Republicans seem to be totally happy saddling young men and women with hundreds of thousands of dollars in college debt. And they, you know, anyway, I mean, you can’t expect people to have a family if they can’t afford it. So they’re against abortion, but. But, you know, they don’t do anything to help people have kids. But I called about a, you know, Eric Striker on Own’s review. He’s a columnist. He wrote a really good article about Billy Graham. And it was called the evangelical movement in America. And basically Billy Graham was funded by the ciataine.

The guy got his start. Basically, two jewish guys gave him his first job. And his job was just to go around and call America racist so they would accept the 65 Immigration act and the Civil Rights act. And then I think he was there just to implant the talking point that Jews are the chosen people. I think Billy Graham was, will go down in history, is probably one of the biggest race traders in when they look at the downfall of America. That guy, he destroyed the southern Baptist. You’re telling me Billy Graham was promoting Zionism, that, that the Jews were the chosen people? Yeah.

Fascinating. Yeah. Franklin Graham, I’m sure, too. I’m sure he’s totally for all that. Dan, I hate to cut you off, too, but I got one more call. Yeah. Thank you so much. And you got it. Look forward to our next Tom. Tom from Utah. Join a conversation. You know, I was going to have to take some Prozac because of the separate separation trauma from yesterday. Yes. Go ahead, Tom. Anyway, I’m glad you’re back on the air, but I just wanted to say I was kind of tickled with Bobby Kennedy. He’s using a phrase that belongs to me, you know.

Yes, that phrase. Which phrase is that, Tom? Poisoning the poor. Poisoning the poor. That’s an alternate for going into gassingamerica.com. and it’s appropriate for right now because we’re coming into the season when the killing begins again. Yes, yes, yes. Further thoughts, Tom, before we have to part for the weekend, I hope everything went well with your family. Yes, yes. Well, yeah, my wife was out of sorts the other day. We went to urgent care and we got a checkup and we’re home and all. Good, Tom, thank you for that thought. I wish you well. Separation trauma.

Yes, yes. Separation trauma due to RBN being down. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I love it. I love it, Tom. Love it. Oh, we’re back. We’re going to keep doing our thing. Give us. Give us a final thought or two, Tom. Well, I have to talk to you on off air. Are you happy about Tulsi joining Trump, too? Oh, yes, yes. I’m a huge fan of Tulsi. Yeah. I wanted her to be Trump’s running mate. You know, I said that many times. Vance, I’m not so wild about, but he’s a good debater, and he’ll slice and dice his tampon.

Tim. Guy. What a disgrace. I mean, I lived in Minnesota for 19 years. What a disgrace. This guy is unbelievable. You know, I get a little frustrated the people who kind of bad mouth trump, but he’s the best thing we’ve got. Yeah. He’s our best option. I think. I think there’s no doubt about it, Tom. Now, today is today. Thursday rather than Friday. I guess it is. It’s Thursday. I’ve made that mistake before. Yeah, Thursday. We got another day to go before the weekend, my friends. Tom, please do call back at your earliest opportunity. All right.

That heavy duty stuff. Thanks for calling, Tom. Meanwhile, spend as much time as you can with your family, your friends and people you love and care about, because we do not know how much time we have left. Support RBN. See you tomorrow. Thank you, Jim. Thank you, Julie. We’re gonna take off Monday, so take Labor Day off. We’re off Monday. Okay. Thank you. Yes, we are. Okay. Okay. Talk to you Tuesday. Got it. Wednesday. Yeah. Tuesday. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you, Julie. Okay, bye.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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