RBN Authentic News (28 August 2024)

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ On August 28, 2024, Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Tim Walsh, are scheduled for a pre-recorded interview with CNN, after avoiding media interaction for nearly 40 days. The host, Jim Fetzer, suspects that the interview might be manipulated or ‘deep faked’ due to Harris’s past performance. He also discusses potential election fraud, referencing the 2020 election controversy in Michigan. Lastly, he talks about the role of propaganda in modern warfare and politics, suggesting that mainstream media often colludes with the government to shape public perception.
➡ The Russian Wagner force, a mercenary group, has clarified that it is not currently involved in the conflict in Ukraine. Meanwhile, tensions between Israel and Hezbollah continue, with both sides claiming success in recent attacks. The U.S. has reportedly delivered significant military aid to Israel since the start of conflict in Gaza. Lastly, Israel’s economy is reportedly struggling, with claims that it’s facing a dead-end unless it changes its current political stance.
➡ The text discusses the importance of challenging complicity and silence, particularly in relation to Jewish identity and the actions of Zionists. It emphasizes the need to understand and identify those who are part of the problem, even if they are not actively opposing it. The conversation also touches on controversial religious practices and the emotional reactions they can provoke. The text ends with a reminder to spend time with loved ones and support Revolution Radio.
➡ The text discusses various global events, including Egypt’s opposition to Israeli control of the Gaza-Egypt border, a knife attack in the UK, the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durhoff, and concerns about President Joe Biden’s ability to lead the US. It also mentions a coffee company called Blackout Coffee and its commitment to freshness and quality. Lastly, it discusses the potential for a nuclear Armageddon due to a lack of intelligent leadership worldwide.
➡ The article discusses various political events and controversies, including claims of a fake Biden, Kamala Harris’s stance on Israel, alleged election trickery by Democrats, and criticisms of JD Vance’s education. It also mentions attempts to buy Latino votes for Kamala Harris, surveillance of Tulsi Gabbard, and Mark Zuckerberg admitting to pressure from the Biden administration to censor Covid information. The article ends with a discussion on media manipulation and propaganda.
➡ The text discusses the influence of media narratives, particularly from left-wing outlets, on public opinion. It highlights the work of Dr. Peter McCullough, who advocates for patient well-being over pharmaceutical profits. The text also mentions the benefits of hemp paste, a social media platform called TLB Talk, and the positive effects of a product called Extendivite. It ends with a discussion on freedom of speech and the arrest of the CEO of Telegram, a platform used for sharing uncensored information.
➡ The speaker discusses concerns about freedom of speech, immigration, and political issues. They express fear about posting videos due to potential backlash, and mention a case where a man was killed for speaking against the government. They also criticize the handling of immigration, suggesting a 10-year halt on all immigration to deal with current issues. The speaker also mentions the influence of different cultures on American media and the need for preserving white American culture.
➡ The speaker discusses the economic struggles of poor white Americans, criticizes Mark Zuckerberg’s political donations, and expresses concern over immigration policies and cultural shifts. They also mention the Danish government’s actions against immigrants owning luxury items while receiving welfare. The speaker warns of potential unrest if Kamala Harris becomes president, due to her perceived stance on race and economic issues.
➡ The text discusses concerns about a potential North American Union between the US, Canada, and Mexico, which has been discussed in various circles but officially denied by government officials. It suggests that such decisions are often made by powerful elites without public consent, citing historical examples. The text also touches on issues like job outsourcing to China, safe injection sites in Canada, and the treatment of migrants. It ends with a critique of how migrants are treated at the border, suggesting they are given preferential treatment.
➡ The text discusses the Ludlow massacre, where European immigrants were brought to work in JD Rockefeller’s Colorado mine and were later killed by the National Guard when they demanded better living conditions. It also mentions William Lyon Mackenzie King, a former labor minister and later prime minister, who advised Rockefeller on how to handle the aftermath of the massacre. The text further delves into the role of elites in shaping global politics, particularly focusing on the influence of Jewish elites in the United States and their control over foreign and domestic policies. The author suggests that these elites are part of a global alliance that includes Britain, Canada, and other Commonwealth countries, and that they manipulate others to cooperate with their plans. The text concludes by suggesting that the current immigrants being brought into the US are being given good living conditions and jobs so they will not fight against the ruling elite.
➡ The discussion revolves around the speakers’ views on Israel and Jewish people, with a focus on their perceived power and influence. They discuss the concept of Jews as the ‘chosen people’ and how this belief impacts their actions and relations with others. The speakers also touch on the criticism of Israel and how it’s often labeled as anti-Semitism. They express their concerns about the future coexistence with people who believe in their superiority and entitlement.


Well, this is Jim Fetzer, your host, right here on authentic news on RBN Live this 28th day of August, 2024. We begin with Kamala having agreed to an interview with a bias CNN anchor. She’s gonna bring Tim Walsh with her. The anchor has lied on their behalf before. And I guarantee you this is not gonna be a legitimate interview. It’s pre recorded. Mark my words. They’re gonna do a deep fate with Kamala because he’s a complete moron. Here’s the report. Vice President Kamala Harris will finally sit down for an interview later this week, nearly 40 days after she became the Democrat de facto nominee.

And she’ll have her running mate by her side. Harrison, Minnesota Governor Tim Walsh was sit down with CNN anchor Dana Bash on Thursday as a vice president has been slammed for refusing to talk to the media. Hold a press conference at being crowned by the Democrat, the Democrat presidential nominee following Biden’s exit from the 2024 race, as you know, but most Americans do not. He died in Las Vegas. And then it was followed by the statement withdrawing from the race, not on White House stationery with a Ford signature, not having the kinds of signs that are required by the Federal Election Commission to be authentic.

And where because he that when they drafted the statement, they forgot to anoint Kamala. There was a separate tweet about it. Just ridiculous. All fraudulent. It appears. The interview will be pre taped and will be aired at 09:00 p.m. eastern time, according to CNN. Yes, pre tape. Because just as I’ve said, I mean, it’s not merely the circumvent who are making a verbal gap. They’re going to have a deep fake at Kamala Harris a whole bloody time. I’m convinced. And I worry that during a debate with Trump, they may resort to a hologram or have a body double.

Believe me, Hillary’s done it. Got away with it in her debate with Bernie Sanders and then with Donald Trump in relation to the 2016 debate. I mean, if they can do that and get away with it. When Hillary was there on the stage at the DNC, it was not her face. She has these chipmunk cheeks. They weren’t present on the mask that was being worn. I mean, it may or may not have been Hillary. The right girth. It appeared she was heavy enough, I think, to have been Hillary wearing a mask. Just outrageous. And if you want to know why they’re so arrogant about all of this, the gateway pundit has just published the fix is in.

Michigan’s Democrat secretary of state Benson makes a threatening video warning election officials not to question the next cheat. If you don’t certify the election results, we will come for you in 2020. Democrats pulled up what many still believe is the largest election heist in american history. Sadly, Michigan was at the epicenter of the battle. Stunned Americans watch as windows were covered in the massive absentee count room at the TCF center in Detroit. This prevented GOP and independent poll challengers for looking into the room when they were locked out after a top Wayne county election official suggests they take a break and go to lunch.

While election workers prepared the military ballots to be counted, hundreds of poll challengers filed affidavits testifying to the harassment, bullying, and fraud they witnessed at the TCF center. I was a poll challenger who was able to push my way back into the room before they chained the doors, and I was shocked at the number of ballots I wanted to process. After election workers couldn’t find the voters names in the poll box. Challenges were ignored. Threats were made by an almost exclusively, if not entirely party, super Democrat party supervisory team. When the Gov poll challengers left the TC up center, many of them remarked that they felt they had just been to war.

Well, it’s going to happen. They’re going to steal the election or make an effort to do it once again, mark my words. Meanwhile, when it comes to war, Colonel MacGregor is advising about american illusions regarding our capabilities, our military capabilities, and they’re smacking ridiculous. Harris Waltz and other ads, of course, right on top of everything worth watching on the Internet. Here we go. Judge Napolitano, Tanius Lee, and up to the minute, exactly how and where to find us. Colonel McGregor, my dear friend, it’s a pleasure. Thank you so much for joining us. I want to talk to you about an interesting topic, a topic I find interesting, and I think you do as well.

And that’s propaganda and delusion in modern foreign policy. Is propaganda itself. Has propaganda itself become a goal of modern warfare? I don’t think it’s an in of itself, but it’s a critical tool in a, Napoleon Bonaparte used to say that one or two opposition newspapers in any of the countries where he was going to fight were probably worth 30,000 troops. So I think this has always been true. Whatever disinformation can be disseminated, designed to confuse or obscure the truth, those things have always been valuable in war, and they are valuable right now and what arguably is unending war with this administration and western Europe and the United States.

I remember another one liner from Napoleon with which you, as a military historian, are no doubt familiar. History is not a record of what has happened. It is a record of what people think has happened. And of course, he, like Joe Stalin, believed that they could mold history after. After it happened to. I think. You tell me if I’m wrong, Blinken and company. I can’t say this is the president who knows what he knows, are as interested in molding opinions of the slaughter in Gaza and the likely defeat in Ukraine as they are a victory. Of course.

Remember, for these people, whether it’s Netanyahu or the Biden administration, its members, blinken and so forth, free speech is only something they like if it conforms to their will. And so they’re looking for a specific message, and they want that message to drown out everything else. The media is a critical component of the current ruling political class in Washington. The media is as important as anyone sitting in the Senate right now in terms of shaping american perceptions, which is why alternative media and the kinds of things you and others are doing vitally important. When? The morning.

I’m not sure who started it, but it occurred in darkness. The Wall Street Journal had about a quarter page, top of the fold photograph of what it said was an israeli missile exploding, a Hezbollah one in midair. Unfortunately for the Wall Street Journal, the sun was out when that picture was taken. And when Alistair crook saw it, he said, oh, I know that picture. It’s about nine months old. So. And I’m not picking on the Wall Street Journal specifically. This photo was also reproduced on a smaller version, but the same photo in the New York Times and elsewhere is mainstream media.

Does mainstream media collude with America to present the narrative that the government, unlike Vietnam, to present the narrative that the government wants? Yes. In fact, this goes way beyond manufactured consent, as no Chomsky called it. I think your other guests that are intelligence officers, who are better qualified to address this than I am, can readily tell you that these narratives are spun up in London and New York City and Washington, DC, collectively, and they put them out. And this is the truth as preordained by the respective political leaders. And this is now a class thing. In other words, I keep talking about the ruling political class, and it’s why we talk about a uniparty, because the uniparty ruling political class, the media, finance, all of it is inextricably intertwined now.

So it’s very difficult to get to the truth. You have to dig for it. And, you know, judge, it’s not that Americans are lazy. Most Americans are busy, worried about putting food on the table and keeping their mortgage payments up. They don’t have time to dig as much. And so a lot of people are still too easily influenced by the mainstream. In other words, the american public is easy picking for propaganda, no doubt about it. Meanwhile, responsible state crap Ukraine and the west are crossing red lines. Why isn’t Russia reacting? Putin’s aces, non western countries aligned with the US are also preventing him from upping the ante.

Here’s how the world of cold warrior espionage was famously described by former CIA counterintelligence chief James Jesus Zhangaltan as a wilderness of mirrors one of those rare coinages that so beautifully captures the subject matter is to require little by way of elaboration. The wilderness of mirrors itself is a rather brilliant literary appropriation from TS Eliot’s 2020 1920 poem Geronto, a hauntingly foreboding portrait of interwar abjection that gripped a generation of Europeans hurtling at breakneck feet toward another, even greater calamity lurking just around the corner, to wit, World War Two. Angleton blocked that praise from its original, admittedly vastly different context to capture the grasping in the dark, or, as Eliot put it, braving life’s many cunning passages and contrived corridors, only to arrive at a distant echo of the truth at a parcel of intelligence and counterintelligence work.

This is quite a brilliant article. I encourage you to pursue it. Meanwhile, Russia’s Wagner force has emphasized it’s not currently fighting in Ukraine. This is not because it’s in principle opposed. They simply do not have any forces there. MOSCOw, Russia’s Wagner mercenary group said Monday it only operated in Russia and in russian ally Belarus. Its soldiers are no longer fighting in the Ukraine war. Ukraine sundae culture and Belarus pull back what described as significant forces deployed along their shared border. It said these included special Belarus special forces and former Wagner mercenaries. So Wagner is correcting the record.

Meanwhile, the question becomes, how far will Iran go in striking Israel with Scott Pritter? Let’s get started with the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel. Israelis are talking about that their preemptive attack was successful. On the other hand, Hezbollah is saying that they have achieved nothing. What do we know from what’s going on between them? Well, we have two competing narratives. One is that Israel carried out this massive retaliation strike, making use of the most advanced military capabilities in our arsenal, f 35 fighters, 100 aircraft targeting a number of sites preemptively. We also know that Hezbollah retaliated using low technology equipment that appeared to saturate and carve a hole or a gap in the israeli air defense, which was then exploited by drones, which carried out a very successful attack against one of the most sensitive intelligence sites in all of Israel, unit 8200.

They’re basically the equivalent of the national Security Agency of the United States. Hezbollah has said that the Israelis hit nothing. We don’t know. We don’t know what the battle damage assessment is. What we do know is that both sides have toned down the rhetoric at this point in time and that it looks like the emphasis is being shifted back to Gaza for the time being. I think this is just part of the managed escalation. You know, I think, though, if the israeli preemption was successful, Hezbollah still demonstrated that it didn’t preempt anything, that Hezbollah was able to penetrate Israel’s air defense and launched a successful strike using very low technology weapons.

But if the israeli intervention was not successful, as Hezbollah is telling the truth, Israel has actually given away a lot of information. First of all, this was a major military operation, 100 aircraft, f 35s, refueling. It involves targeting, and we’re talking about immediate targeting because this is a preemptive strike. So Israel is saying that they are detecting things as it’s happening to try to prevent an imminent threat. I don’t know what Hezbollah’s intelligence capabilities are. I can tell you that if I were a Hezbollah intelligence officer, based upon what Israel did, I would be able to reconstruct or deconstruct the israeli actions and identify the, you know, the various nodes of criticality when it comes to preventing Israel from doing this again.

Israel gave away a lot doing this attack, and I believe if Hezbollah’s right, accomplished little or nothing. Hezbollah claims that it didn’t stop any of the rockets that were intended to be fired. They were all Katyushka rockets, very low sophistication. Israel did manage to destroy some of the launchers after they had launched their rockets, but none of Hezbollah’s advanced capabilities were affected by this. So Israel gave away the farm and accomplished very little. So advantage Hezbollah. I would say right now neither side wants to see this thing escalate out of control. And so I think right now we have a lull in the escalation.

But until they get a ceasefire agreement, until this Gaza conflict is brought to an end, the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah will continue to go through this cycle of escalation management. Excellent, excellent commentary. Fascinating stuff. Meanwhile, Colonel Jacques Bond talks about his bullet response, if we can find him. There are too many political reports now, and of course, they’re going to be ubiquitous right up until the election. And they’re all intended to affect the outcome of your vote but potentially to mislead you regarding the Democrat candidacy. Here we have a colonel. If you don’t have any weapon, it’s very difficult to have to achieve anything.

But I would hear say provocatively that what is the key aspect of victory is to have a sound approach of war. Something, a consistent integration of what you have, regardless of what you have. The ability to integrate that into something consistent is more important than the quantity of weapons you have. And no doubt that’s the case. Meanwhile, Israel says the US has delivered 50,000 tons of military aid since the start of the slaughter in Gaza. Israeli Defense minister reported Monday USA delivered over 50,000 tons of weapons. This is Biden Harris, Biden Harris and other military equipment.

That’s the start of Israel genocidal campaign in Gaza demonstrating the Biden Harris administration stunt support for the slaughter since October 7. 107 ships, 500 transport planes that brought us military aid shipments to Israel. We’ll be right back. When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody’s help in any way now. But now these days are gone, I’m not so self assured. Get more tank will save you money every month on gas I’m Dave von Kleist and I noticed increased performance after my first tank of gas. My mileage increased by 2.5 miles per gallon and I’m saving money on every fill up.

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Alaska, known to the Israelis as Temple Mount, is one of the holiest sites of Islam. If I could do what I wanted, a synagogue would also be established on the Temple Mount, van Gurb told Israel’s army radio. If I were to say that Muslims are not allowed to pray, you would kill me. I suspect a move like that would instigate a holy war unlike any ever seen in the Middle east before. Meanwhile, the truth seeker reports Israel’s economy is crumbling. It is unheard of when the headlines of Israel’s mainstream newspapers and the slogans of the BDS movement are almost identical.

No state on earth has been able to inflict so much damage to the israeli economy as a state of Israel itself, and the result is growing indications that the israeli economy has reached an impasse with no path forward as long as the state remains an apartheid zionist state rejected by the whole world except the US and Germany. When israeli protesters against the government carried a huge sign with a BDS slogan from startup nation to shutdown nation, it was nothing short of a copyright violation. But this was in February 2023. After October 7, everything changed and we know it changed because of staged events of October 7.

Meanwhile, is Egypt reiterates its opposition to an israeli military presence on the Gaza Egypt border Egypt on Monday reiterated its objection to Israel maintain control of the Gaza Egypt border, known as the Philadelphia Corridor, as part of any Gaza hostage or ceasefire deal. Egypt reiterated to all relevant parties its rejection of any israeli presence at the palestinian side of the Rafa crossing or the Philadelphia Quarter. An egyptian official report. The comment came after Hasi dealt talks concluded in Cairo Sunday reports no progress had been made. Israel’s demand to maintain the Philadelphia corridor is among the major obstacles to a deal, as Hamas was an israeli withdrawal from Gaza very appropriately.

Meanwhile, british riots Bile Smith is a very interesting guy. A skeptic of remarkable proportions challenges almost every official narrative. Here is one where he’s talking about the muslim protest in England and the knife attacks it is appearing appear to be manufactured. On July 29, 2024, a knife attack allegedly took place in a dance studio at Southport, Merseyside, UK. Three children were allegedly killed and ten other people, including eight children, were injured. A 17 year old teenager was arrested at the scene, charged with three counts of murder, ten counts of attempted murder and possession of a shop object.

The deck took place at Taylor Swift themed yoga and dance workshop held at heart space. This is the official version. He goes on to say he believes it’s trying to generate civil unrest to promote more government control, that the people will welcome the government intervention to calm the situation that the government itself has manufactured. Meanwhile, we have three reports about the arrest of the Telegram founder Pavel Durhoff. Candace Owens has been very good on this. She is completely brilliant. I’m a huge fan. Let’s pick up a bit of what Candace has to say. The us government should be your engineer.

Wrong. That’s fine. Meanwhile, Joaquin Gobean arrest of Telegram founders latest episode of globalist tyrannical war against Truth. You can find that on my blog at james hfetzer.org. here is how it begins. Two weeks ago I was prompted to write censorship on steroids. Truth Teller alert. In response, unprecedented Internet censorship co time with increasing persecution of highly visible truth tellers nearly a decade ago, I wrote a global research article entitled a History of America’s war on whistleblowers and journalists since 911. The list of dead american whistleblowers and journalists is long. Shereena I look at all the lovely people Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been lives in a dream.

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I am more convinced than ever we are headed for a nuclear Armageddon. And as readers know, I admire Russian President Putin. But the reason to admire him make him a failed war leader. Putin is a product of an old conception of foreign affairs as a rational enterprise conducted by gentlemen who relied on agreement rather than the imposition of power. Consequently, when faced with non gentlemen, Putin finds he played his cars wrong and lacks power. By this I mean conventional power. He went to war in Donbass without an army and he still doesn’t have one. Therefore, the defense of Russia now resides in tactical nuclear weapons.

Once they are used, it goes full scale. Putin failed to understand that the conflict in Ukraine provoked by Washington had to be quickly wondez. He had failed to comprehend realities in 2014 when Washington overthrew and did nothing the ukrainian government he still hasn’t built a massive russian army that would cause second thoughts among Washington’s NATO puppets. How leader Putin’s equality fails in this way is beyond my understanding. Rap Putin is a western liberal created by decades of voice of American Radio Free Europe propaganda beamed into the Soviet Union. So many russian intellectuals known as Atlantis integration, is a product of Washington propaganda and thus a threat to Russia.

Putin has never enforced any of his red lines. Consequently, everyone had been crossed with zero consequences to the west. Oya’s western audacity was the american led invasion of curse. Putin said the attacker would be held accountable but the very limited strikes on some ukrainian military and civilian infrastructure hardly count as acts of war. Sorry to say, he’s got it right. Meanwhile, here we have the babylon be democrats concerned Biden may be too old to finish destroying the country at a secret meeting of high ranking party leadership, Democrats express grave concerned that President Joe Biden may be too old to complete the party’s mission of the other destruction of the country.

Democrat party power brokers agree that Biden has served his purpose well in helping to push the United States closer to the brink of collapse. They agree that his advanced age may make it impossible for him to finish the job. It’s a shame he’s so old because he’s done such a tremendous job of being awful, said one party official. We’ve never seen a leader with such an innate natural gift for steering the country toward utter annihilation. It’s been truly impressive to see the horrific results he’s achieved in just a few years. Unfortunately, he may not last long enough to finish it off.

Leading Democrats feel they may be forced to turn to a replacement to ensure the country’s demise. There’s certainly a danger the country will still be standing when Biden leaves office, said Jamie Harrison, chairman of the Democrat national Committee. He’s made a lot of progress in just one term in office. We know a second would be more than enough time to wipe the United States out of existence. It looks like Joe’s just not going to make it at publishing time. After considering alternatives like Amala Harris and Gavin Newsom, Democrats unanimously agree keeping Biden in office after his death would give them the best chance of achieving their ultimate goal.

Well, as I’ve explained, they’ve actually done that. This was the fake Biden, who’s now been succeeded by a new fake Bidenhouse. And it’s of course just disgraceful. But so obvious when he’s four inches taller and the mainstream media isn’t calling him out. Just stunning. Meanwhile, Kamala’s speech killed any hope she would end the Gaza Geno side, and he hoped Kamala Harris would condition her suspend arms or funding for Israel’s engaging ongoing genocide in Gaza was killed by her speech at the DNC in front of an excitable crowd chanting USA. USA. USA. Harris deployed familiar language I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself.

I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself because the people of Israel must never again face the horror that a terrorist organization called Hamas caused on October 7, including unspeakable sexual violence and the massacre of young people at a music festival. We know that’s Balderdash, but has become the conventional wisdom. Meanwhile, George Joseph is caught trying to buy latino votes for Kamala Harris. This is just one of many different schemes. Democrats in 2020 use the COVID pandemic to create an entire new pool of election trickery, from universal mail in ballots to unmanned ballot drop boxes to ballot harvesting and more.

These tactics, along with other alarming anomalies, raise serious questions about the authenticity of the results of the 2020 election. The tricks continue into 2024, when the DNC structured a primary to substantially vantage the incumbent Joe Biden. The idea was that former President Trump would potentially come out of the crowded GOP primary bloodied, while Biden would enter the general election unfazed. Democrats, however, couldn’t continue to lie about Biden’s significant physical and cognitive decline without costing themselves the election. It gave Democrat time to regroup, boot the Democrat president out and select a Mulligan candidate. That do over is Kamala Harris, and it currently looks as though the strategy is working as a Democrat vice president putting up a much stronger fight than her boss.

But the border czar comes the election with almost hitlery level baggage. With that in mind, Tuesday, November 4 near Soros had a plan to cover for her weakness. With Democrat media allies doing their bidding. It’s up to independent journalists and alternative media outlets that spread the truth. But get this, they are trying to buy them. Here’s Savannah Hernandez Latino political organization offered $1,000 to voters who will publicly endorse Kamala Harris. Voto Latino, an organization that targets Latinx voters, has put out an ad on Craig list offering to pay Latinos swing voters up to $1,000 if they join their social media and endorse Harris just one more form of fraud, the Democrats have nothing going for them.

Meanwhile, JD Vance claims the american people just won’t buy vp cabal at changing her policies, as president. Trump has in the meanwhile won a battle over the debate rules. The Democrats wanted to have open mics when the other candidate was speaking in the hope that Trump would interrupt and they could call him out for being rude to a woman and otherwise try to demonize him. Meanwhile, Vance points out, we’re not giving you a promotion, he points out. Day one was 1300 days ago for Kamala, Senator JD Vance pointed out during the Tuesday campaign stop. As far as Kamala is concerned, day one is long past and she’s had ample time to all the things he’s promising to do now if she were elected President Vance, former President Trump 2024 running mate to our crowd in Michigan, Harris has had 1300 days to make positive changes.

You had your chance, you failed and we’re not giving you a promotion. I gotta say Vance is very good in debate and he makes a lot of excellent points. Meanwhile, Tim Walls insult advanced so horribly even CNN thought he went so far. This was criticizing him for going to Yale. Minnesota Governor Tim Wall Bazaar conventions contained many odd moments. One of the strangest when he attacked us Senator JD Vance for going to Yale Law School. I grew up in put Nebraska down to 400. I had 24 kids in my high school class, none of them went to Yale.

Wal Sunder what does that supposed to mean? He also attacked Vances education. A previous interview on MSNBC My Hill Billy cousins didn’t go to Yale. I’ll tell you what they did. They contributed to our community and we’re proud of it. Wall seems to think Vance wrote the best selling book hillbilly elegy about his rough upbringing in Kentucky, in Ohio. Whereas down on there, like family battle, poverty and addiction isn’t an authentic hillbilly because he rose above that to make something of himself. Bad, bad. But waltz is really a nobody. Meanwhile, there’s a wonderful meme going around.

Only traitors help invaders. Only traitors help invaders. Agree. Meanwhile, Miles Mathis says a number of his iconic iconistic he’s really shattering icons. According to, according to Miles, it’s all a bland fail of the Democrat party. There’s been a mountain of commentary since the stage presidential debate, but all that is worthless and diversionary since no one is breaking this. Yes, Biden is suffering from dementia, but we’ve known that for years. Trump was also horrible, demanded in a different way. But none of this was organic or accidental. As I’ve been saying for years, the office of president has been staged for decades, since the time at Gerald Ford.

After Watergate, CIA took over the executive branch in toto, using it only as a front. By 1980, they had installed a Hollywood actor. That of course would be Ronald Reagan. And you should have figured it out by then, but almost nobody did. He goes on with a lot of fascinating stuff and I just say it’s so valuable to have an alternative point of view. I highly recommend his essays. Meanwhile, the Gabbard episode shows a surveillance state as strong and stupid as ever. Former representative Gabbard is apparently the latest Biden critic to be targeted for federal surveillance and harassment.

Gabbard, an outspoken opponent of american forever wars, is reportedly being targeted by Transportation Secretary administration’s air marshals, part of the agency’s quiet skies covert operation targeting suspected threats to aviation. No doubt it’ll increase. And she’s now endorsed Donald Trump. Meanwhile, file release, what comes next? Because, listen, the Martin MLK files, Amalgam X Files, the 911 files, the Sandy Hook files, the CIA five Eyes files, the J. Epstein files and Covid-19 files, the January 6 files, the Mar a Lago raid files, the 713 assassination files. I mean, the list goes on. A lot of people at most assume are good people are going to be disclosed, and you already know a few of them.

And this will help dismantle the three letter Alphabet agencies. Even though the EPA versus West Virginia case basically did this along with the Chevron doctrine, the only thing left is public dissemination. We will understand further why our government has been complicit in many of these organizations. This is assuming those releases take place. And by RFK junior and Tulsi joining trumpet increases the reason why he might very well follow through on all his declarations. Most recently, of course, to create two new presidential advisory commissions, which incidentally do not require Senate confirmation. One on the release of assassination related records, the other on the big pharma american health policy, where I expect RFK junior to take a major role.

He would make him a cabinet secretary, but there are too many rhinos and Democrats who would oppose it to get through. Meanwhile, a judge just stepped in against New York Attorney General Leticia James from going after pregnancy clinics with a First Amendment claim this woman is completely unfit for office. She’s another affirmative action, or in this case, equity diversity, higher. New York Attorney General Letitia James showed for years she’s seemingly nothing more than a puppet for the woke left. She’s done by focusing most of her energy on furthering the left radically anti Trump agenda and actually protecting, rather than actually protecting the people of New York.

Unfortunately for James, this seemed to be finally blowing up in her face. This week, she got some bad news from a federal judge that will stop her latest woke effort dead in its tracks. She was just hit with a preliminary injunction blocking her from going after pregnancy clinics on the grounds doing so would restrict free speech. This move will bar her from targeting pregnancy clinics. That narrative promoted a abortion pill reversal procedure. Meanwhile, Zuckerberg he admits the Biden administration pressured Meta to censor Covid information. Meta platform CEO Mark Zuckerberg said senior officials in the Biden admin had pressured his social media company to censor Covid content during the pandemic, adding he would push back were this to happen again.

He also said was wrong for his social media platform to suppress news coverage of the hunter laptop ahead of the 2020 election. As the New York Post has now reported, well, better late than ever. Meanwhile, there’s a piece how the media manipulates your mind. And of course it’s massive and extensive. The role of propaganda? Staggering. Here’s a bit from what this report has to say. In today’s world, the media isn’t just a source of information, it’s a tool of manipulation. The real concern isn’t just a blatant false as a mainstream media pop out daily, it’s how many people actually swallow these lies.

Without question, the left wing media has mastered the art of crafting narratives, observe their agenda. And the frightening part is a vast number of Americans who don’t just believe these stories, they internalize them. Take, for example, the endless coverage of climate change. The media portrays it as an imminent apocalypse despite bounce of evidence that it’s a fabricated claim. Really disturbing. Meanwhile, won’t someone be the most voice of sanity? Here’s a new eye opening question answer series here Doctor Peter McCullough, whom I admire greatly. Peter McCullough, distinguished internist, cardiologist, epidemiology recognized for his courageous leadership during the pandemic.

He provided expert advice to the US House and Senate. Co author of the Courage to Face Covid, he advocates for medical strategy that prioritize patient well being over pharmaceutical interests and profits. His work challenges many mainstream narratives. He got hair down to his knee got to be a joker he just do what he please hey there, this is sheila with hempase by my nutri why is hempace better than other CBD options on the market? It’s important to point out that the common CBD oil does not contain CBD or CBGA, and they’re only found in fresh or raw hemp products like hemp paste.

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They are being very short sighted and stupid to harass her out of envy because they feel she’s gained so much attention. It would be equivalent to what Tiger woods did for golf. He made it a national pastime. They’ve been great players before Arnie, for example, Jack Nickolaus, but it was Tiger brought it into the modern age. Caitlin Clark can do the same. I’m gonna play this. You only see it in the video version but mark my words, she is a phenomenon. Looking round about I gotta be I don’t wanna be I don’t wanna be alone I know.

Well, for those of us who appreciate round ball and what she’s doing for women’s sports, here’s one of my favorite songs by Roy Orbison. You might think of Marilyn or Julia Roberts when you hear it, but I think it equally fits Caitlin Clark. Listen to this. I don’t believe you. You’re not the truth no one could look as good as you. Mercy pretty woman what are you? Pardon me? Pretty woman I couldn’t help but see pretty woman pretty woman walking down the street pretty woman I like to meet pretty woman I don’t believe you need anybody I just need someone to love to love oh, I can bible get more tank will save you money every month on gas.

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Welcome to the second hour of authentic news right here on RBN Live this 28th day of August, 2024, where I take your calls. We have two excellent callers on the line, but otherwise the lines are open. Please do join. Take this opportunity to call in. You got something on your mind? Today’s a great day to share it. JP in Chicago, welcome back. We have so appreciate reports from the Windy City. JP, give us the latest. Well, I’d like to plug your show. That latest raw deal with Mister Rogers and Sophie was excellent. Anybody has watched that, it’s up on your rumble now.

I recommend it. Good stuff. Excellent. I especially like Sophie because we were talking about the GMO and the foods and how it leads to legal question. If it’s GMO, the owner owns the patent. Same with GMO people. Homo Borg, Genesis. And. And she was right about how our food has been. You know, they’ve over fertilized things through chemical processes and then they use genetic manipulation to put things like pesticide in the seeds, you know, so they’ve been doing this for years. And that woman, Sophie, she’s sharp as a tack. She knows. Yeah. Sophia. Sophia, so f I a.

Yes, she’s wonderful. Sophia Smallstone. I’ve owned her, oh, I don’t know, two decades. She’s just terrific. And the other thing I’d like to talk about is freedom of speech. You know, that’s the CEO of telegram, Pavlov Giraffe, been arrested by the french franch macron and his. Mister little Weiner and his little gay women, man, whatever that is, he’s married to, right? I mean, this is, this is a good telegram is good because I get videos. I’ve been doing a lot of my Wu Wei reports since the beginning of this war, and I’ve been getting play by play every day.

What’s going on through telegram, through people’s phones, and they just upload videos, but they’re from all over, UK, Russia, Middle east. And so they’re trying to stop that. That’s the, you know, that’s one of the reasons I think they arrested them. Just like Julian assize. What do you think, Jim? Yes, yes, of course. He’s getting too much truth out there. Yeah, telegram been terrific. It’s been a lot like tick tock getting the message out, and they’ve tried every which way to shut them down. I’m sorry to say the Democrats are the most corrupt party we’ve ever had here in the United States of America.

America. And that, that Babylon be satire about worried that Biden’s not capable of finishing the job of destroying America is rooted in truth. The guy with the red skin and the devil horns, he was like the head of the mainstream media corporation. You remember that video? It was sort of the same thing, but he played the devil, and he was talking to all the factions of the democratic party, antifa, black Lives Matter, you know, the anti abortion movement, blah, blah, blah. And they all had their actions, but he goes. Now, you must agree with me. You worship me.

In the end, they all bowed down to lucifer. That was a baby Babylon bee video. Very good stuff, though. But, yeah, they’re going after freedom of speech. They’re going after have love and anything out there, like Ritter. Scott Ritter. And it’s scary. Now I’m afraid to even post my videos on telegram or telegram videos anymore because they might come after me. I mean, what. Who knows? Whoever gets on that ukrainian list. There were guys on there. Remember that guy? I forget his name offhand, but he died in a gulag in Ukraine. He was Gonzalez Liraev. Remember? Yes, go ahead.

Yes. Well, he. He was, uh. He was murdered because of freedom of speech. He was going against Zelensky. He was in Ukraine. And they, uh, they sodomized him. And he died in the prison marriage in Ukraine. I remember that. So they’re coming after freedom of speech big time. And even Zuckerberg is coming out and admitted to it. He’s actually admitting that? Oh, yeah. It’s a big CIA apparatus, a listening device. Oh, really? Yeah. We didn’t know that before. Yeah. Anyways, thanks for your show, Jim. And I recommend that raw deal every week. You got. You got good subject also on my.

On my bitch, you channel Jim Fetzer and on Rumble under my name, Jim Fetzer. I appreciate, JB, all your comments. You’ve been doing a great job, Tom. Welcome to the show, Tom. And you got plenty of time. Right now. You are my soul caller. Go for it, Tom. Tommy, you there? Yeah. Can you hear me, Jay? Yes, yes. Yeah, we got a storm. We got a storm going on here in South Florida. Really raining hard here. Looks like hurricane weather. But anyway, yeah, what I got to say is, good day, everybody. What I want to say is, first off, JP brought up something when he mentioned the name Weiner.

You got to remember this. Anthony Weiner was married to Amma Ubudin. Abba Ubuddin was having sex with Hillary Clinton. Now she’s got married, getting married to this Eric Soros. And she went from one jew to another jew, and then she had. Hillary is part jews, so she had a lesbian, and then she had two jews to schmuckers, two putzes. Now she’s with the second putts, who’s got millions of dollars. He’s taken over for the old man, the frog, Soros, this crook, this murder and rat bastard. But nothing’s being done, Jim. Nobody’s arresting this guy Soros. Nobody’s ever gone after him for BLM and all the burning of the cities, bringing bricks into the cities.

All we hear is a lot of spin. Nobody’s ever been arrested. Fauci’s never been arrested for the murder he’s committed against the world population. All these people out skate with these beautiful homes they live in, Jim they’re living in massive mansions. Whatever. Draw a guy who wants a war that’s in Vietnam or whatever war he went to is living on the street homeless. And then you got this bad Matt King Waters and this guy, the newsom in California, wanted to give these illegal aliens $150,000 down payment. Jim $150,000. Tom can you imagine what that’s going to do to the housing market in California, which was already way up there? It’s going to crash.

Nobody’s going to be able to afford a house. All the realtors, all the bankers take that extra 150 and just treat it as free money, free profit for them. It’s gonna have Catech and they even admit they don’t have the money to pay for it. Jim these people all come here, don’t even want to speak the language they know. When you say mucho de niro, mucho de niro. I mean, this is all a giant disgrace that has got to be dealt with. And I hate to say, jim, the ultimate arbitrator has got to be the sword.

The ultimate arbitrator. We cannot deal with this insanity anymore. These people are not here in Florida, South Florida. They have ten spanish tv stations and only three white english stations. I mean, american, English, Germans are the most populous number of people in the country. Do you have. Yes, sir. Huh. Ten to 310 Hispanic. Wow. I’m going to tell you again, if you don’t look it up, have Mike look it up for Julie. It’s ten to three on the radio and AM radio stations. You got haitian, you got Creole, you got Spanish, and you got three radio stations in English on the tv.

It’s much the same way, I think, other than cable. You got three tv stations in English. The rest are all in Spanish, and it actually in French, in Creole. That’s what they have the model for the rest of the country to be like, put it all in a bottle, put a cork on it and watch it explode. That’s exactly, this is a model of they’re trying to do here. Fill it up, fill it up. Fill the bottle up. Put the cork as hard as you can and watch the damn thing pop off and explode. That’s exactly like a volcano ready to burst.

Now, what is going on there’s? More Germans here. They don’t let the german people keep their culture. The ones they brought all the tools and the dye factories and all that into this country, and England, too, but mainly from Germany. The ones that came in at the turn of the century that were mainly german builders. The best homes were in built in Detroit back in the turn of the century were by german engineer, german block masons, english block masons. They were built like brick shit houses. That’s why they can stand up category. Then a category five tornado.

They bull them all Dallas down, Jim, because what happened in Detroit, I don’t want to get into that, but I see all this filth perpetrated against white America, and it’s got to stop. And I hope ring a ding ding calls in as far as ring a ding and ding of me off this ding and ding and that. I watch all these documentaries about Henry Ford, all these great men who gave us all this great stuff, okay? And I got educated. My family, my brothers were very well educated in european culture, not northern european white culture. We didn’t get educated in afro ebonics or I whatever, you know.

And on the reservations, Indians have their great culture. They’re allowed to keep it. However they’re being. Like I told you yesterday, there’s drugs pointing those reservations all over the United States like crazy, Jim. Mainly out west. Mainly out west. You should see a bit of documentaries about those indian tribes with all this drugs born into those reservations and the sick, disgusting. Now, going back to what I really want to say, jim, immigration right now has got to be dealt with in the most severe way. As far as a ten year moratorium on anybody coming in here.

I don’t care where you come from, you need to have a timeout for ten years, Jim, to absorb all the people that are here until we get deal with them, to get them out of here, and all the reparations are sending back to their country that that money will never come back to this country. I like to hear what you got to say about that, but the money that’s taken and taken out of this country, never to come back. I want to hear what you got. I think that’s a very sensible proposal, Tom. I think that’s a great idea because we got undertake this vast deportation program.

We got to get these illegals out. And, you know, at the DNC, they complained that Trump didn’t support the bipartisan border deal, but that bipartisan border deal would have allowed 1.8 illegals to enter the country every year. That was a Democrat legalizing illegal immigration program. No wonder he didn’t support it. But it’s one more way in which the weasel Democrats seek to mislead and manipulate the american people into supporting programs they do not want. Yeah, I just watched a documentary you might be really interested in watching on YouTube. It’s called the county of, it’s called Elliott County, Kentucky.

It’s a county in Kentucky that’s like a bellwether for this election. And that county for 130 years voted Democrat. And the last, last eight years, it actually switched over now because of Trump. But they did vote for this guy, Andy Boucher, who actually is lying to them, the people, because they’re a bunch of hits over there. I guess you could call the word white, whatever you want to call them, the white people over there, and it’s 97% white. And they’re using as a model in Kentucky. And what those people are saying is they’re starting to see all kinds of Central Americans coming in there.

They’re going to start trying to compete for their jobs in Kentucky. And they say, hell no, you ain’t coming in here. You ain’t really coming in here. Now you go over to Chicago or you can go to New York, but you sure ain’t coming to La County. I think you’re going to come in here, start, yeah, start a little business or none of that, because they ain’t going to have it. And Jim, you got to remember, and everybody in your audience needs to hear this, there are more poor white people in this country than any other ethnic group.

More poor white people, I’m gonna repeat, more people live in mobile homes that are white than any other ethnic group. So who know wasn’t getting the raw deal. Jim, it’s the white Americans, because there’s more poor whites in this country than any other ethnic group. And you were talking about suckerbird. JP was talking about Suckerbird. That dirt rat bastard spent over $500 million to help the Democrats in the last election. And I can tell you what he did do in Florida because Ron DeSantis pointed it out. He even pointed this out two years ago when he won in the landslide that Zuckerberg and Bloomberg and all these tights were spending millions of dollars to defeat Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump and to wipe out the Republican Party.

And they wanted to get creeps like that Debbie Blabemous Schultz and all these other Schmucke Moskowitz and all these other schmucks and these thief. And they’re not come, they’re not here to help us. They’re helping here to help them destroy us. Yes. I mean, give me a break, Jim. When you got a governor of a state like Ron DeSantis saying that Zuckerberg was pumping in hundred million dollars to defeat the candidate that wants to stop illegal immigration, who wants to get rid of critical race theory and our schools, and you got people against that. What kind of, what kind of people are these people? JIM they’re monsters.

They’re demonic as hell. Promoting homosexuality as a great lifestyle. What kind of country are we going to have here? Look at the queen of England, what she did to England. Jim and Charles. They’ve allowed England to be invaded with Muslims all over the place. Yeah, the most popular name in London is Mohammed. Jim Yep. Ireland and the little countries like Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden and so forth are suffering the consequences because they have a much smaller population. It’s so much more obvious, the effects of bringing in massive numbers of illegals. It’s catastrophic. It’s a clergy plan.

It was a jewish plan from the 1930s to destroy the culture of these nations by bringing in migrants from Africa in the case of Europe, and now it’s been adapted to the western hemisphere to bring them in from all over the country to destroy America. And it’s working. TOM yes, it is. But however, you know, I don’t know if you heard what the danish government just did, Jim, last year. Are you familiar with the danish government did in Denmark? Tell us if they, if they see any Muslim with gold or rings on their hand, they will confiscate it because they’re sick and coming here, getting all this jewelry and stuff, and then they have to pay them on welfare and all that hospitalization.

So the danish government says you better not own think you’re going to own all these possessions and still get all this free stuff that you’re getting out of the danish government and the danish taxpayers? So I think that’s a starting point. I think it’s a great thing that the danish government. Yes, yes, they want. Yes. Jim those are the country. To Vikings, England was a viking country. Denmark, Germany, they had lot. Those were all viking countries. Russia, believe it or not. Why would they allow this incursion even in the Europe? What the hell is going on? I hope Sebastian from Sweden called that in and gives us a low down in Sweden.

We’d like to hear his report about Sweden and. Yeah, go ahead, Jim. Tom, you’ve made so many great points. I now have two additional great callers standing by. I want you to give us some final thoughts. My friend. Well, my final thought, Jim, is this election is going to be up here quicker than we think. It’s right, right around the corner now. And if they put this communist, Camilla Harris, in their gym, I’ve been saying it for two years on your show or whatever, how long you’ve been on without a year. I’m telling you right now, we are looking at all our revolution because people are not going to tolerate, they will not stand six, $7 a gallon for gas, the heating oil.

We could not tolerate this insanity and the critical race theory down our throat and all this, how the minorities are so great and the white man such a bad, evil man. This is all coming if this Kamala Harris gets in there, ladies and gentlemen, they’re going to point out how bad Whitey is. Whitey’s the cause of this and Whitey’s the cause of that. No. Hell, no. We’re not going to put up with it. We’re not going to tolerate it, period. Tomorrow I am with you. I know. Thanks. Thanks for another terrific call. I’m delighted to have Layla here from Canada.

Layla, welcome back to the show. The mic is yours. Yeah. Hi, Jim. I have to ask you to excuse my voice. I’ve got a sore throat. I was just. This is not an assertion, but I’m wondering, it’s more a question. If there is a north american union that is a secret agreement between the three governments, does that not explain the bringing in of immigrants and why they’re not considered illegal? Because if there is a formal document, and here in Canada, it was widely covered in the media, which was still somewhat legitimate as a news media in 2005, mostly because they were ridiculing Stephen Harper, who attended the meeting in Mexico wearing a flak jacket that was actually khaki colored and it had zippers.

And everyone laughed at how unprofessional he was dressed. Unprofessionally. He was dressed in how ridiculous he looked. And the whole meeting was called the meeting of the three amigos and how they talked about the North American Union that was going to. Its purpose, theoretically, was to secure the borders of the three countries so that no external invasion could affect, kind of like the NATO agreement except applied to the North American Union. So it was then widely discussed in the canadian media because, again, everyone was ridiculing the unsophisticated Stephen Harper, who later became very sophisticated in his dress.

Leila, this is terrific stuff. Terrific stuff. Stand by. I’m keeping you over. Of course. We’ll be right back with Layla from Canada. Okay. Health simple with Colorado Shilji fact bit number one what goes in must come out. Whatever we ingested, breathe in or transfer by contact must be expelled, expelled directly as burned calories through perspiration, respiration, or expelled via urinary and gastric channels. Every element that is not properly used or removed by our bodies become toxins, and toxins, as we know, are causal to every disease and ailment. Toxins are what makes us subpar, unable to be at our best.

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I just did a search, is the us part of a new north american union? And got the response. Some form of union has been discussed or proposed in academic, business and political circles for decades. However, government officials from all three nations say there are no plans to create a north american union, that no agreement to do so as wouldn’t propose, much less sign. But I don’t rule out that’s propaganda. I don’t rule out that you could be right, which is profoundly disturbing. The american people are entitled to know and require their consent to undertake such a massive transformation of the relationship of the United States with Canada and Mexico.

You raise a very disturbing possibility. The consent of the people has always been insignificant and totally out of consideration of the ruling elites. Those in power do what is in their self interest, and they are usually intermarried, kind of like the monarchs used to be in ancient time. There is a deep, there is a kind of incest, intellectual incest, political incest. They are intermarried. Stephen Harper appeared before the Bilderbergers when he was a nobody. Suddenly he was a strong candidate to become prime minister. And it was shocking to everybody because he was considered a radical, a reformer, a total right wing nut, and nobody would elect him.

Well, he ended up winning. And then when he became prime minister, I met him at a convention because I was at the time a conservative. I went to a conservative convention nearby, not in the same city, but only a couple of hours away. And I was shocked to see a man who looked like he was on stilts with a big pumpkin for his belly. He had such visceral fat, a greasy face with a crooked nose, two bumps in it and dandruff, and he was obviously wearing a wrinkled suit. And I thought, oh my God. His speech was mediocre.

But nonetheless, I went up. I shook his hand because I wanted to see up close what I couldn’t believe my eyes. I went off to Florida for a period of time, then came back. The election was over. He had won. And I remembered reading that he had been approved by the. You have to go to the Bilderbergers to be given orders to be given approval. My belief is that he was given approval on the condition that he would throw the election in 2015 and allow Justin Trudeau to win so that he could then, as a lefty, comply with the global plan to raise the planet like a globe and shake it around in a snowstorm.

And people would be migrating all over the planet. Now this reminds me of. I do believe there is. Remember the Sykes Picot agreement? Nobody knew about it until after they divided up the Middle east. Remember that was in 1916 between the French and the British. And the Zionists were probably on the side, but even the Russians agreed to it, and it was Imperial Russia, not Soviet Russia. In 1916, they agreed as long as they were given Constantinople because they wanted a warm water port on the Black Sea. So there are many, many, many formal agreements that are binding by the power structures, the ruling elites, that we only are remotely aware of anyway they do with us.

We’ve always been slaves, whether or not we know it. When the US, once corporations started sending jobs over to China, there was already an agreement in place that China would eventually become the powerhouse, the engine of production. And all of those who dared dare challenge corporate owners and say, we want a decent job, decent hours, safe working conditions and freedom to live our lives as we please. That was the death knell. Because the corporate owners bought out the leaders of unions, they bribed them and they eventually sold out their membership and jobs. It was called downsizing and then it was cutting costs and then suddenly everybody was out of work and at the same time in Canada anyway, they started establishing safe injection sites.

Then the government also provided safe drugs. So these were placed in neighborhoods with families and near schools. And that was even before all of the migrants. Then the US, the media here was saying, why is it that migrants are coming from the US crossing the illegal border from, I think it’s Vermonte into Quebec City at Wroxham Road? It was a Wroxham road crossing. It was not a formal crossing. And who was there acting as the porters and hotels? The RCMP and border guards were bringing over another break. The thing is, I’m going to take over. Waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door who is it for? All the people.

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Check us out@susannasecret.com. that’s Susanas secret.com susanas secret.com Keylad Otzman says the essence of jewish power is the ability to prevent the discussion of jewish power. Jewish power requires anybody in politics to understand it and know about it, but never talk about it. My awakening really sums up with the very best evidence, the facts, and the truth about race, and the fact that race drives history and the truth about the jewish question. The younger you get, the greater the percentage of people who identify as Alphabet soup. You know LGBTQ rs. This woman, she’s like, oh yeah, I identify as a koala two years ago and I’m like, well, a koala what? Maybe if it was quickie koala that might be cool, but otherwise, I don’t know.

How about an inward pass? Have you ever received an inward pass from any of your black friends? Biden invited a drag queen to come for the signing of the Respect for Marriage act it expects for anal sex act. So I mean, let’s just call it like it is. The Patrick and Jeremy show. Tuesday at nine central and Wednesday at one central. Help. I need somebody help. Not just anybody help. You know I need someone help. When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody’s help in any way now. But now these days are gone and I’m not so self assured now I find a change of mind, I’ll open up the doors.

Help me if you can. I’m feeling down. Layla, your final thoughts? I’m delighted you’re here today. Well, actually my, I wanted to describe more but it’s going to take up too much time because they treated them, the border guards and the RCMP were acting like porters, bringing them over the border, the illegal border and putting them into making, emptying out the military barracks and putting them into military barracks or expensive hotels and giving them monthly cards. Just like you’re now aware it’s happening in the US. It was happening here 1015 years ago. Anyway, this calls to mind the Ludlow massacre.

L u d as in dog lo w massacre. That was Rockefeller, JD Rockefeller’s Colorado mine. He brought in a group of people from Europe that did not speak the same language. He thought they would never form a union despite the fact they did not speak the same language. They did get together and demand better living conditions. Then they brought in the National Guard that assassinated them. Then William Lyon Mackenzie King, who had been the Canadians and the elites of Canada and the US have always been in collusion. William Lyon Mackenzie King had been a labor minister.

He later became the prime minister after he was an advisor to JD Rockefeller. He advised him to put on a good face, go down and make nice with the people who had been massacred, that survived the Ludlow massacre. And then he’s the one who advised Rockefeller to give land to create the United Nations, Carnegie hall and a number of other institutions. Then his William Lyon Mackenzie King, who was a Satanist. We learned that when I was in my history class because we studied british history in Canada. When I was in elementary school. He was jokingly known as someone who would consult his dead mother in his crystal ball.

He never married. He was known as a satanist. If you go to the Macau website, you’ll see more information on William Lyon Mackenzie King and numerous other Canadians who were working with the British. Remember the british zionist alliance, how they planned to take Palestine in order not so much to serve the interests of the Jews, but in order to enhance the wealth of the european. The white elite. I’m sorry, it is a white elite that caused a lot of these Muslims and many Muslims. Muslims are white. A lot of them came from Africa and other countries because it’s easy to become a Muslim.

But who is it that destroyed their homeland? Who destroyed Iraq? Who destroyed all the. Who destroyed Syria? Who destroyed it was the white countries. They caused them to leave. There was nothing. They were either fighting with each other. Instigators create. Now, my prediction. My prediction is that they are now abandoning the zionist element of their elite global alliance because Israel, everyone is saying, will be gone in a year. I don’t know. I have no idea whether that is true. But certainly what is happening now is self destructive for Israel. Thank you for the time. Layla, why don’t you stand by? We have Peter from La here.

Let me bring in Peter. And if time remains, I would like you to say more. Let me bring in Peter first. But what you said was just magnificent. Peter, join the conversation, my friend. Well, I mean, I don’t want to get into debate or anything, but yeah, Leila, you’re right. It was the white countries that did it. But by saying that, you totally ignore who gives the orders in these countries. The people, the elite that give the orders. Everybody acknowledges it. Now, anybody with any sense at all are the jewish elite in the United States that control the jewish elites in England and Britain and France and everywhere else.

So yeah, you can say it was the white countries, but under jewish control. Do you have any. I agree. Is there any objection to you saying that? Well, that’s a better way of saying the jewish elite are the Zionists. Yes, but there are also a lot of Zionists that are not jewish. Yeah, I understand. Governor of the bank of Canada. Look at the Trudeau’s. They’re basically communists as well. Look at the Philby, Kim Philby and the Cambridge. Leila, I understand that, but they don’t hold any real power, just like Biden does. They did. They dance. They dance.

They dance to the. To the billionaire banking Zionist. And with Lester, Pierre, whoever you want to bring up, that’s who they dance to. And so you know, it’s a little bit misleading to say that it was white countries. Yeah, white countries under complete foreign policy control and more than that of the jewish elite. I’m sure you. I think we actually have agreement. Of course I agree with that. But it’s not only. It’s not the Jews alone and it’s not all Jews. There are a lot of Jews that were used. It’s not all Jews, but it’s the ones that control our foreign policy and largely our domestic policy.

Yeah, I agree. I agree. Christian Zionists that do that, it’s not anybody else. Those people that control it, everybody else is just a functionary. Yeah, I agree. But they may set the plan, but they manipulate everyone else to cooperate. And many of those are non Jews. We cannot overcome. I agree with you. They cause it. The strategy is there. It always has been in the protocols from. And it was only down in writing around 1900. It was certainly a plan from centuries before. And yes, they were an elite that we. Today, we call them Jews. Who knows what they really are? But yeah, the Jews identifies a certain group that exercises phenomenal power that is horrendous.

It is actually very satanic. I wouldn’t even call Jews that are doing this. It’s easier to say they exercise power at the very highest level in western society. At the very highest level. Okay, but what do you call a jew? They’re not a genetic group. If they were a genetic. All I know is who we’re ruled by, and I don’t. And I don’t want to get submerged in a debate on who and what is a jew. I’ll tell you what they don’t do. They don’t criticize the rank and file. Almost none of them. Unless you’re talking about Max Blumenthal or Aaron mate or Glenn Greenwald, that kind of person, Jeffrey Sachs.

They don’t criticize. And that’s a recent phenomenon, by the way they go along. They enable these people who are pulling the strings on all of us because we’re not allowed to criticize them. They may be controlled opposition, I don’t know. But I do know what I’m talking about is the fact that there is an alliance between Britain, Canada and other members of the so called commonwealth. The elite people like the guy who was the governor of the bank of Canada, became the governor of the bank of England and then coming back to become the governor of the bank of Canada in the near future.

And his relative was married to Pierre Trudeau’s wife after he got rid of her. I, after he used her. It is also, it is almost incestuous. Certainly politically it is. Now, are they part of a zionist alliance? You know, those guys are functionaries. Leila, you know it. I know it. It is incestuous. And just like the Clintons and the Bushes and, and all those people and the, and Obama, it’s, it’s all in the end. And Biden, it’s all incestuous. But they’re just functionaries. They’re just exercising the will. They just fulfill the will of the billionaire. Why are they.

But it’s more than that. I think it’s far beyond. They’re already rich. It’s far more than that. They’re part of an alliance that, I don’t know whether it is jewish Satanism, zionist satanism, but there are so many, and they also happen to be, many of them, sexual perverts like really Yuval Noah Hariri, the Israeli we don’t hear about anymore, who is a married homosexual in Israel. And he was for a while considered, he very briefly made it into the public awareness and now he’s vanished again. But he’s an Israeli now. Israel was for a while the headquarters for this organization, but it was actually global.

It was always a global movement. Who and what are they? I don’t know. Is it simply the Jews? There are going to be a lot of people who are going to be implicated simply because they identify as Jews when they may have been the first victims of this plot and their delusion, their delusion that they are a chosen people, that is a tragedy that they are being used and not recognizing it. And until the Jews rise up and liberate themselves from this tyranny and this exploitation, the rest of us are all going to suffer. I don’t care what color our skin is.

I don’t care what our religion is, whatever our beliefs are. The thing is that those who are being brought into the US, they’re not going to be like the Ludlow victims who were massacred. They lived under horrendous conditions. So now the ones that they’re bringing in are being given good homes, good money, and good cars and good jobs. So they will not fight one another. They will not fight against the ruling elite. They will serve the ruling elite. Now, who’s doing all of that? Is it all the jews that go to your neighborhood synagogue, or is it some kind of zionist elite? That’s what I think it is.

It is the atheist zionist elites like Herzl and his gang and those preceding them going way back a few centuries, eventually put it down into the protocols of the elders of Zion. And that is what we have to look. Who are they? Who are these talmudic monsters? Leila. I think we all agree. And actually, they’re headquartered the City of London, that 1 sq. Mi, where you have the financial headquarters, but yeah, when it comes to the military, political manipulation, Tel Aviv was a very prominent place. But they are. They are now, and they caused their own demise.

They’ve lost their. What is that? That sense of, that mystery, that magical aura that they once had of being the chosen people they are now. They’ve exposed themselves. The mystique. That’s the word I was looking for. Yes, I think the three of us all do agree, and I think the demise of Israel is imminent. Peter, give us more of your thoughts, and then we can invite Layla to comment. Go right ahead, Peter. Frankly, I was just calling in because I thought you needed callers. Well, I could. I still. And you guys, you are two of my favorite callers.

I could not be more happy about this. Just go right ahead, Peter. Well, I just had this discussion with a friend of mine last night. The whole thing about, as a whole, the Jews en masse enable all this because they never self correct, they never self criticize. And if you do, your self hating or, or whatever, there’s some very prominent people who I greatly respect, but they also, all of them benefit from the ability to say, to look at you or me or Jim and say, well, you’re criticizing Israel. You’re an anti semite. They can criticize their business competitors.

They can criticize anybody they want, and nobody wants to give that power up. It’s like a black person giving up the right to say, you’re a racist. And the Jews have been playing it far longer than the blacks have. It’s a power that they all hold. So mostly they’re enabling. But a friend of mine was saying, and I was having a discussion that, do they worship the same God as we do? Well, I’m not even sure that they do. I goes to what Layla was saying about Satanism or whatever, but. But they believe their God chose them.

The chosen thing is completely, thoroughly embedded to the. To the. To the atom. Atom level in every, in every one of them that they’re chosen to. And because of that, they can get away. They can do anything. They can commit crimes, as everybody, I’m sure, knows. The ten commandments were really originally written just from Jews amongst Jews. They could pray on, they could exploit, and anybody who was a non jew. And frankly, it’s much that way today even. But it’s all based on that chosenness. So if how can we coexist with a bunch of people who believe in their core, to their very core, that what’s theirs is theirs and what’s ours is theirs, too, if they want? And I think, by God, I think those beliefs are inconsistent with with with civilized relations among nations.

Peter and in clearly, are you civilized? But but, Jim, they do not have civilized relations. Right? That’s what saying. It’s inconsistent with civilized civil relation with. It’s completely on force and and, uh, and and coercion and and undermining everybody. Is it being kicked out of God knows how many? What’s the count? 100, whatever it is, kicked out of all these countries for doing the same thing all the time? They’re agitating on behalf of themselves. That’s regained story after story. They’re slaughtering, they’re raping prisoners, everything else. And most Jews in Israel support it. They support raping to our Palestinians, Layla.

That’s just so offensive. You know, that’s why I say it’s not just. I mean, it’s not your neighborhood jew who may support Israel in principle, but the ones that are doing the actual sadistic satanic behavior are the israeli Zionists. And there are some Israelis who object, and they have left, so. But they have left. They dare not that the few that dare to speak up put their lives at risk. Do you think Alain Pape is not at risk? Do you think Norman Finkelstein’s life is not at risk unless they’re controlled opposition? I don’t know. I don’t know who to believe anymore.

I certainly do not trust the name mate. I’ll tell you that. There is. I’ve heard. I’ve heard you say that before, Leila. You’ve heard me say that before. Yes, I know Aaron Mate’s father, and he’s a maniac. Everyone that knew him, I was at a. I was invited. When I was a tv anchor in Vancouver, I was invited to a secular seder. The brother of Gabor Matay was John Matteh, who was working with Greenpeace. He stood up, made a toast and said to the palestinian people, may they have their Passover, their freedom, someday soon. Then Gabor mate rose up and burst out exploding and threw a slur, a whole long string of insults at me.

How could you sit down with Jews when your people are being slaughtered? Well, I didn’t know that my people were being slaughtered. Secondly, I was invited by people who were not murderers. I wasn’t invited there to be slaughtered. These were peaceful people, and I believe that dialogue was essential for peace. My answer to Gabor was, I do not want to hate. And then he stormed out of the house, and everyone said, that’s typical of Gabor. He has to be the center of attention. He always wants to be. And maybe because you were the center of attention, he attacked you.

So I do not trust many of the. Now in terms of the sadism. A lot of Jews are going to be terrified of opposing Zionists. They’re labeled self hating Jews. I mean, look what happened to the Goldstein report. Remember when Goldstein issued a report saying that Israel was apartheid and that they were brutalizing the politics? Layla, that’s the point. The point is that. That the people who control the whole movement, that control the world, all the real levers of power, you know, if the average guy next door, you know, is, he’s not the ADL, he’s not a pack.

Exactly. He’s not going to put 20 million. You know, he’s not any of the people. He’s not like, what’s that thing where they, they, they publish your name and you can’t get a job? The Canary project. He’s not. They’re not, but they, but they. Yet they, they don’t put an end to that, do they? Nobody puts an end to that. No, because they don’t put an end who might be. They’re completely, by them, not putting an end to it. They’re complicit. It’s a, it’s a. It’s just a lesser exercise in supremacy. Peter, why do you think my career was destroyed and by whom? By the CDC when it was cross controlled by zionist? I’m just trying to be as precise as we can, you know, by them condoning or at least looking away and not stopping as canary projects.

I agree. They’re coincident. It’s a lesser form of supremacism. And unless they’re absolutely heavily against it and actively against it, they’re complicit. And those things are still going crazy. They’re in full bloom right now. Peter, let me tell you about. I looked up a website of a church that is non denominational, but it’s run by a woman that I used to know. Actually, she was supposed to be the godmother of my son. She was a serbian orthodox, but for some reason, she never bothered to fulfill her duties as a godmother, or even as a friend. Anyway, here she is a pastor in a church in Boston, Massachusetts.

I clicked on, listened to the pastor’s sermon. And she started off with, we, the Baptist Christian, we know something to the effect that the Jews are God’s chosen people. I just clicked it off and I thought, oh, my God, what the hell have you sold out to? And at one point, she was complaining, look what they’re doing to the Arabs, blah, blah, blah. And I said to her at the time, since when do you care about the Arabs? What is this sudden sympathy with Arabs? 40 years ago when I was talking about the Palestinians, you were off in oblivion.

She was very promiscuous, quite frankly. Her own grandmother threatened to stitch up her, whatever that was, the serbian tradition. Her grandmother was a wonderous woman. I’m going to put a hot coal in there and stitch it up. She used to go around, she hated her mother so much. Anyway, it was a. Now she’s. Now she’s a pastor, and she’s playing virtuous, and she’s saying, the Jews, God’s chosen people. And I thought, oh, my God. I just checked to see how she’s doing, and here I live. I listened to her first lecture, and that’s the first thing out of her, one of the first things out of her mind of Jews, God’s chosen people.

And she’s a Baptist Christian who. I just blew me away. The serbian orthodox woman who’s now, she’s a satanist. And her grandmother knew her best. She threatened to put in a hot coal before she sticks her up. Maybe that’s what they did in Serbia in ancient times. This has been a sensational exchange. We’re nearing the end. I’d like each of you for your final thought. Layla, first, a final thought. I agree with everything Peter says, with only minor variations. I agree that complicit silence is complicity and not daring and not challenging and not throwing off your jewish identity.

Some of them are saying, not in our voice, but that’s not enough. Maybe they have to say, we are not, because theoretically, if they were actually genetically identifiable as Jews, then the Israelis, the Zionists, would have found a way to genetically, to GMO and whatever to kill off the non Jews. Instead, they have to have global epidemics or pandemics to kill off half the population that doesn’t comply with their wishes. But, yes, I agree with much of almost everything Peter says. As I said, only minor variations. Yeah, yeah. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful exchange. Peter, your final thoughts for today? Yeah, it’s.

I. And I echo what Layla said with very minor, violent variations. I agree with everything that. That she’s saying as well. I mean, it’s clear, you know, as Sun Tzu says, if you know yourself and know your enemy, you’ll never lose. You have to know who these guys are. That’s why it’s very important to identify the people who, not the Jews, who don’t actively oppose this, are part of the problem, just as the Christians. A couple days ago, Ben Guer said that they want to take over and hold services at the al Aqsa mosque. I sent this to a cousin of mine who is a big deal in the republican party and is also a Christian Zionist.

And I said, underneath it, I go, I wonder if they’re going to do animal sacrifices there? And she came back with, oh, are you a homo? And I sent her stuff on animal sacrifices, the whole red heifer and sacrificing limbs. Google it. They do it. They do it it. You know, and that’s what Ben Guvier’s guys want to do. But, yeah, she attend. I’m her own cousin. I’ve known her for 70 years or something. And you wouldn’t believe how emotional she got. But it’s a fact. I said, listen, you can refute it. Don’t get mad. That’s refuted.

You know, Peter, you and, you and Layla, you and Layla are among our national treasures. You are certainly respected and valued here at revolution radio, and by me especially. And I’m so grateful for this wonderful exchange between the two of you, which was intense but cordial, marvelous, a benefit to one and all. I thank you both. Meanwhile, thank you, Jim. Thank you, Jim and Peter. See you later. You, too. I want to, everyone, spend as much time as you can with your family, your friends, and people you love and care about, because we do not know how much time we have left.

And remember to support RBN back tomorrow. Thank you, Jim. Yeah. Julie, have a good evening. You, too. Did I say revolution radio? Yes, you did. Oh, my God. Thank you. Okay, bye bye. Wonderful.

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