RBN Authentic News (24 June 2024) | Jim Fetzer

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ Jim Fetzer talks about how the conflict between Ukraine and Russia is escalating, with Russia launching new offensives and using powerful bombs, causing significant casualties. Meanwhile, there are speculations that the US might replace Ukraine’s current leader, Zelensky, with Zahuni, who is considered more suitable for peace negotiations with Moscow. In other news, the Houthi forces are causing significant damage in the Red Sea, disrupting commercial traffic and causing a decrease in merchant traffic through the Suez Canal. Lastly, Armenia has formally recognized the Palestinian state, becoming the latest country to do so during the war in Gaza.
➡ Armenia’s foreign affairs minister has criticized Israel’s military actions in Gaza and the taking of captives by Hamas. The minister expressed concern over the use of civilians as shields in conflicts and called for the release of captives. Meanwhile, there are reports of Israel using a wounded Palestinian as a human shield, tying him to a vehicle. In other news, the US is considering strengthening conscription registration due to a lack of volunteers for the armed forces, and there are concerns about escalating conflicts in Gaza, Ukraine, China, and Russia.
➡ The speaker discusses a controversial book and a related movie, expressing confusion about Alex’s actions and reactions. He also mentions his offer to testify in court cases, which was declined. The speaker speculates about potential pardons by President Joe, particularly for Hunter, who he believes has committed many crimes. He ends by emphasizing the importance of spending time with loved ones and supporting RBN.
➡ Hanwha Systems and Hanwha Ocean are buying Philly Shipyard for $100 million. The shipyard, which builds ships that meet the requirements of the 1920 Jones Act, currently employs about 1500 workers and has several ships under construction. The sale is expected to close by the end of the year. In other news, President Trump has announced his vice presidential running mate, but has not revealed who it is yet.
➡ Steve Bannon discussed a report about Paul Ryan hiding a controversial dossier from 2016. There’s also a debate about the U.S.’s commitment to Israel, with some politicians questioning it. Comedian Louis CK sparked conversation about immigration and the left’s agenda. Lastly, there are claims about the U.S. government building internment camps for political dissidents, raising concerns about freedom of speech and privacy.
➡ The text discusses various topics including Amazon’s censorship of certain books due to pressure from Biden officials, new products from a company called Ease Off, a Confederate store called Dixie Republic, positive reviews of a health product called Xtendivite, rumors about the royal family, and a critique of Chuck Schumer’s grilling skills. It also mentions a motion to open judgment related to a court case, the benefits of a substance called Shilaji, and a call-in radio show discussing current issues such as immigration and crime.
➡ The speaker criticizes the current state of America under President Biden, arguing that the country has deteriorated more in the past few years than ever before. They express concern over potential conflicts with Russia, China, and North Korea, and criticize the handling of immigration policy. The speaker also disputes claims that Donald Trump wanted to take away guns, pointing out that Trump’s sons are avid gun owners. They suggest that America was better off under Trump’s presidency and express fear for the future under Biden’s leadership.
➡ The text discusses a conversation between several people, touching on various topics such as political figures, conspiracy theories, and personal opinions. They discuss the spending of taxpayer money, the influence of media, potential political deceit, and the importance of independent voices. They also mention a product called Poudia arco super tea, which is said to have health benefits. Lastly, they discuss the personal life of a politician named JD Vance.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the naming of Pennsylvania Avenue, allegations of misconduct in the White House, concerns about the voting system, and the intelligence of the Chinese. They also question the responsibility for the Federal Reserve’s debt and express worry about the number of enemies the United States has. The speaker then transitions to a discussion about the Beatles’ original contract with Brian Epstein and speculates about Epstein’s death.
➡ The text is a conversation about various topics, including the influence of affirmative action on college admissions, the role of connections and hard work in academic success, and the potential future of political debates. It also discusses the influence of Israel on American politics and the responsibilities of veterans. The speakers express different opinions and challenge each other’s views throughout the discussion.
➡ The speaker discusses the role of veterans in defending the country, expressing concern over attempts to disarm them. He criticizes the current state of the military and fears that veterans are being viewed as enemies. He also mentions a legal case he’s involved in, where he feels he’s being unfairly targeted for his views. The speaker calls for support and understanding from government officials and the public.


Casting network got a good reason but they can easier way out now it was a day driven it took me so long to find out I found out this is Jim Petzer your host on authentic news right here on RBM Live this 24th day of June 2024 simulcast you know speak free radio things are not going well for Ukraine in the war with Russia south front reports the new offensive is bringing many losses to Ukraine the war this is basically a mopping up operation amid the ongoing heavy battles the front lines have started moving in new directions in Ukraine the russian army launching new offensive operations forcing the armed forces of Ukraine to deploy their depleted reserves or on extended fronts at the same time precision strikes by russian drones and missiles are pounding the ukrainian rear on the night of June 20 the russian military launched a series of strikes in ukrainian rear regions explosions centered in the city of Dnapo a large fire broke out russian strike hit targets in the city of Kiniv Rick according to confirmed report the target was a military airfield of the ukrainian air force the vinit region also came under russian attack local authorities confirmed damage to some strategic infrastructure facilities but get this you wouldn’t have wanted to be there bad news for Ukraine Russia drops Fab 3000 M 54 beast bomb for the first time cam casualties in 24 hours 21 65 that’s right 21 65 casualties from a single bomb how about that? And it’s not even nuclear.

The russian air force used for the first time the FAB 3000 bomb I think that means it’s a 3000 pound bomb against the ukrainian basin Kirchhoff causing an electric shock to the ukrainian military command Russia’s monstrous three ton FAB 3000 bombs will prove to be a game changer in the conflict in Ukraine as they can destroy entire ukrainian fortifications hit underground targets concrete reinforced command posts if they thought they were secure in the past they are no longer meanwhile zero hitch how likely is it the US replaces Zelensky in the first half of next year? Frankly it may be much sooner Brett Putin shared his view during a press conference in Hanoi that the US will replace Zelensky during the first half of next year after they use him to make unpopular decisions such as further lowering the draft age.

His prediction coincided with russian foreign intelligence service publishing its latest such report about the scenario which came that Zahuni is being seriously considered by the US as a replacement and is also deemed to be more suitable for negotiating peace with Moscow than others. What do we know about him? It explained last month how Russia hopes influenced Ukraine’s possibly impending us backed regime change and after the same service released a related report about this at the time. The strategy continues to unfold as evidence by Putin declaring two weeks ago that the Rada speaker is now the legitimate leader of Ukraine if the constitution is being followed accordingly, he said Russia could negotiate with him or someone else if Kiev is interested in peace, but not Zelensky.

Remember his term expired last month. John Mearsheimer reveals Russia offered peace proposals to Ukraine NATO into disintegration Neil Farage claims Russia was provoked into the war with Ukraine. There’s no doubt about it. Here we have the truth seeker. Neil Varge said the EU and NATO provoke Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by expanding eastward as the reform UK leader was challenged over a series of policies and beliefs. In a sometime combative tv interview speaking of BBC’s Panorama Friday evening, Brush said Brexit would have benefited the UK economically if he had been running the country, and that many of the reform candidates criticized for saying offensive things have been stitched up in the most extraordinary way.

Challenged on his belief over the invasion of Ukraine and his stated admiration for Vladimir Putin, which I share. Raj said he disliked the russian president personally, but admired him as a political operator because of the extent of his control over Russia. I admire him in a broader sense as a great, humane leader, vast intellect, great knowledge, a superb president of Russia. If only we had someone remotely comparable on why Putin invaded Ukraine. For I said I stood up in the european parliament in 2014 and I said there will be a war in Ukraine. Why did I say that? It was obvious to me that the ever eastward expansion of NATO in the European Union was giving this man a reason to say they’re coming for us again and go to war.

He added, we provoke this war. Of course it’s his fault. He’s used to what we’ve done as an excuse. He’s used what we’ve done as an excuse. Not quite right. Remember the coup of 2014 engineered by Victoria Nuland, using 5 billion us taxpayer money to dump the Russia friendly president and install a western stooge, who of course has been succeeded by Zelensky, who is such an obvious puppet. Meanwhile, Houthi attacks causing more damage in the Red Sea. Merchant traffic through the Suez canal is down more than 50%. This is us ni us Naval Institute news in the last week, Houthi forces killed a merchant mariner, sunk a commercial ship, forced a crew to abandon another in flames.

The attacks come as the Houthis continue to escalate its eight month campaign against commercial traffic in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Ayton. Houthis attack MV for being a ukrainian owned police operated bulk cargo carrier and liberian Frank MV Tudor leading both crews to abandon ship after the damage caused fires and flooding. Tudor sank following missile damage led to flooding while Verbena’s crew abandoned the ship after it could not put out fires caused by the Houthi strike. Aircraft from the Dwight D. Eisenhower carrier strike group as well as another commercial ship helped evacuate the crews.

More Washington faces defeat in Red Sea Donnybrook this is from Moon’s review by Mike Whitney. The Houthis have agreed to end their attacks on commercial traffic in the Red Sea if Israel allows the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian this is not just a reasonable proposal, it’s a policy that is supported by the vast majority of people around the world. In June, the DIA Defense intelligence agency was headed, by the way by Michael Flynn release a report highlighting the impact of the Houthi attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea. The report is a devastating account of Washington’s failure to protect critical transit corridors in one of the world’s most important waterways.

The Biden administration makeshift naval coalition dubbed Operation Prosperity Guardian has not only been unable to ensure safe passage for commercial carriers in the Red Sea, it’s actually made matters worse. Othis have fine tuned their military operation while adding more lethal weapons to their arsenal. In short, othis have shown that a disparate group of militants can impose costly penalties on their enemies by implementing asymmetrical strategies that undermine the rules based order. And there’s more. Here’s another piece from the truth seeker. The US spent a billion dollars. Find the Houthis and lost. This is actually Ron Paul. Why does it seem the Pentagon is far better at spending money than actually putting together a successful operation? The failed Operation Prosperity Guardian in the disastrous floating Gaza Pier pictured above are but two recent examples of enormously expensive initiatives that, though they no doubt enriched military contractors were incapable of meeting their stated goals.

To great fanfare last December, the Pentagon announced the launch of Operation Prosperity Guardian, a joint US UK operation to halt the many Houthi disruption of israeli linked commercial shipping through the Red Sea. The Houthis announced their policy in response to civilian deaths in Israel’s war in Gaza. But when the US and us military became involved in as they would target us and UK shipping as well, the operation was supposed to be quick and easy. After all, the ragtag Houthi militia was no match for the mighty us and UK navies. But it didn’t work out that way at all.

Over the weekend, the Wall Street Journal published a devastating article revealing that after spending more than $1 billion on munitions alone, the operation had failed to deter the Houthis and failed to reopen commercial shipping in the Red Sea. The general reported that April Haynes, director of national intelligence, recently told Congress that the US led effort had been insufficient to deter the militant group targeting of ships, and that threat will remain active for some time. Meanwhile, the article inform us that a continued us effort to fight the Houthis over Red Sea shipwreck was not sustainable. Perhaps the most revealing part of the article came from a Washington military expert, Emily Harding of CSI’s their supply of weapons from Iran is cheap and highly sustainable, but ours is expensive.

Our supply lines are crunched and our logistic tails are long. Yes, indeed, very similar to the situation in Ukraine, where the Russians have far better equipment, it’s far cheaper to produce, evident in greater abundance, and their supply lines are very modest. Meanwhile, against violence towards civilians Armenia Armenia recognizes palestinian state Armenia has formally recognized the palestinian state, the latest country to do so during the war in Gaza, prompting Israel to summon the armenian ambassador. In announcing the move Friday, Armenia’s minister of foreign affairs also condemned Israel’s military conduct in the Gaza Strip and palestinian group Hamas taking of captives.

Armenia deplores using civilian infrastructure as shields during armed conflicts and violence toward civilian populations, the ministry said, adding that it joined the international community in demanding the release of the captives. More than 37,400 have been killed in Israel’s war on Gaza since October 7. The death toll in Israel from the Hamas led attack stands at 1139, with dozens still being held captive in Gaza. Indeed, how good of Armenia to stand up. Meanwhile, Israel uses wounded palestinian man as a human shield. How typical is that? They’ve got him strapped to the front of a vehicle they were filmed using a palestinian civilian they shot as a human shield on Saturday in the West bank.

Breaking israeli forces shot a palestinian, then tied him to the hood of their vehicle while he’s injured and bleeding to be used as a human shield. This is a hit right now in the Jabayara neighborhood, Jen and West bank. They also prevented an ambulance from reaching him. Here we have a short video showing it. You can see there’s the ambulance. Very nasty, very nasty. But then what else would we expect of the IDF? What else would we expect? Meanwhile, Biden is in full denial as he escalates his wars. Phil Jerald the UN’s review when are american soldiers not really engaged in combat? Over the past week, it was revealed Congress is considering legislation to strengthen current conscription registration requirements and could even include women.

It seems the us armed forces can no longer obtain enough volunteers to meet their needs and are getting desperate given the wars both ongoing and planned by the national security state the Pentagon planners made note planners note how the wars and Gaza in Ukraine are also escalating alarmingly, and China and Russia are being targeted over the horizon. But when Joe Biden is able to compose himself enough to express something that he considers to be an elemental truth, he generally limits himself to a few words that he has memorized. One of my favorites is the empty of meaning expression no boots on the ground, meaning that the United States will not rush willy nilly into any of the wars it has started recently by engaging actual american armed forces in hand to hand combat.

Of course, the narrative would work better if old Joe were not lying about what he has been up to secretly in both Israel, Gaza and Ukraine. One recalls that Joe made a mistake, made a morale boosting trip to support Israel back in October of 2023 when he was photographed together with a number of US Delta Force special ops soldiers in full combat gear. The White House actually posted the picture on its website before deleting it altogether with a description of the photo reading. In Israel, President Biden met with first responders to thank them for their bravery and the work they’re doing in response to the Amazon attack.

It was explained to the media at the time, the men were there to provide assistance to Israel in defending itself against but they were apparently first responders, whatever that was supposed to mean. Not combat soldiers. Actually what it meant. Based on other reports, the us military were the first to enter Gaza and they took all the hits. Virtually all of the first thousand troops sent into Gaza were killed by Hamas diapers. But that’s the way the Israelis like it. They want Americans to die in these wars, not them. Meanwhile, us labor leader previously demanded blanket backing for israeli military ops.

How bad? Before becoming uk labor leader, Keir Starmer issued a man to his predecessor, Jeremy Corbyn, for total party support for any future military israeli operations. Corbin was ousted from his position later, the party itself, in a campaign centered around claims now widely debunked, that he allowed anti semitism to go unchecked among members. The politician, who has a lifelong record of pro peace and pro palestinian activism, made the revelation in an interview with independent journalist Matt Kennard published on Wednesday. Canard has grown it. While it was shocked by the level of support that Stammer and other senior labor figures had offered Israel in its ongoing military campaign in Gaza he said he was not surprised.

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The sub was joined by an unidentified service ship at the time. Significant development, rather like Russia having their subs in the Caribbean. Meanwhile, chinese submarine captain reports major firepower breakthrough again military watch the Chinese People Liberation Army Navy had made a number of sophisticated breakthroughs in improving its capabilities. Of course, the recent interviews with personnel marking the 70th founding anniversary of the country’s submarine force. In an interview with the state run China Central Television, submarine Detachment Captain Wen Xu Zhang provided insight into progress in submarine capabilities, stating, we have achieved historic breakthroughs in terms of maritime verifications on our torpedo attacks and missile attacks.

This means that our combat capabilities are stronger, we can reach region further away and we are more confident in our missions. They also seem to have a new hypersonic missile, rather like those that Iran used on Israel that even the Iron Dome could not stop. Meanwhile, US Naval Institute reports south korean shipbuilder Hanwha makes hundred million dollar bid to buy the Philly ship lord the secretary of Navy del Toro praises the deal. An american shipyard that builds domestic cargo vessels and training ship for us maritime colleges has agreed to a deal in which it would be bought by a major south korean ship wilter.

Pending regulatory approval. Philly Shipyard is set to be acquired by Hanwha Systems and Hanwha Ocean for 100 million from its norwegian parent anchor Asa, according to a statement from the Philadelphia yard on Thursday. Recognized as a global leader, Hanwha brings a wealth of sophisticated shipbuilding experience that will enable Philly shipyard to realize a grander vision for its employees and customers, Kristen Rocca, chair of the Philly Shipyard Asa, said in a Thursday. Say what? The South Philadelphia shipyard was built following the 99th exclosure of the former US Navy Philadelphia Navy shipyard and specializes in building Jones act ships, vessels that meet the requirements of the 1920 law that requires American built in flagship to move goods inside the United States.

Yard currently employs about 1500 shipyard workers, currently has five ships under construction, three more under contract companies, Kelly Whitaker told USNI News. Among the ships Philly shipyard was contracted to build five national security, multi mission vessels for the Maritime administration. They’re set to serve as training vessels for us maritime schools. Yard delivered the first Empire State seven built for the State University of New York Maritime College last year. Patriot State two for the Massachusetts Maritime Academy is set to deliver this year. This authorization, authorized by Congress in 2016, has been praised for the speed of development and construction outside normal federal acquisition process.

Sale of the yard is expected to close by the end of the year. One might think that american national security would be better served by having a shipyard here in the United States owned by american companies. That’s not the case, and it’s clear there’s no concern because it’s a south korean ship builder. But frankly, I would take nothing for granted. Meanwhile, we have developments right here in the United States, Donald Trump has announced. I picked my running mate will be at the debate, President Trump said he’s chosen as vice presidential running mate, and that person will be in attendance at Thursday’s debate with Democrat President Joe Biden.

He told a group of reporters in Philadelphia he hasn’t told anyone else who his choice is. For now, it’s only inside his own mind. Three finalists are reportedly Senator JD Vance, Senator Doug Berggram and Senator Marco Rubio, albeit right. You are tuned in to the Republic Broadcasting Network. Visit our website by going to republicbroadcasting.org dot did you know that essential oils have had a multitude of natural health and skin uses in history, but have been somewhat forgotten by recent civilization? Susanna’s Secret offers 100% pure natural oils at prices you can actually afford. Do you have a house or office with a musty smell or mold? Studies have shown that essential oils like the one in our thief and robbers blend, will kill or inhibit mold, viruses, bacteria, and fungus.

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Consultations are free and we provide a free title search to confirm if your mortgage has legal defects. Email Tom t o M at republicbroadcasting dot blah blah blah blah blah blah. Nothing you can do that can’t be done, nothing you can sing the comfy song, nothing you can say, but you can learn how to play the game more reports about politics NBC News Trump team moved behind the scene to shift the GOP platform on abortion and marriage. They’re working to satisfy the right wing, quietly getting involved in a little notice fight over who will serve on the committee to set the Republican national platform.

NBC spoke with nine familiar with what’s happening, including Arizona, South Carolina, Kansas and Iowa, among others, is that the campaign involvement is intended to stop those on the party’s right flank from trying to push the official republican national committee platform too far to the right. An issue like abortion and same set marriage headed into the general election. I agree with that. A Trump campaign official acknowledged NBC that there are conversations throughout the party about culture war infused policies that they have been watching engaging for some state level races for spots on the RNC platform committee. The official noted, it’s not unusual for people most closely aligned with the president get key positions.

One of those, apparently that’s under consideration is declare right to life that begins at conception. Frankly, that’s inconsistent with law and even with morality. It’s a question of personhood. At what point does the developing entity qualify as a person, which is a status with legal and moral standing, which has historically been envisioned as a Korean at the time of viability, at the end of the second trimester, when the fetus has the capacity to live outside the uterine environment. Roe v. Wade basically recognized this by declaring that the first real right to life, to not be subject to abortion other than to save the life or the health of the mother, occurred at the end of the second trimester.

I think that was the right ruling where abortions were under restricted during the first trimester, where the state could control them during the second. But were any abortion for any other reason than to save the life or health of the mother qualified as murder? I believe that was the right policy and I believe that it should be a womans right to choose within that framework defined by Roe v. Wade. And I believe the court made a humongous mistake by sending it back to the states, creating a patchwork quilt it was settled law. It should have been recognized and left in place, in my judgment, even though italian tv is mocking Joe Biden and they have a whole, whole series of tweets about it, you know, a little clips that, of course, Jean Pierre is claiming to be fake videos.

I mean, how ridiculous is that? They have an ace up their sleeve. Get this. Maybe Mike Wendell wasn’t so crazy when he showed that Dominion voting machines switched votes from President Trump to Joe Biden. Mike has a receipt to expose the election fraud, and he just can’t find a judge courageous enough to look at the evidence and expose the biggest crime against Americans ever, stealing the right that jizzu leads them. Get this. Biden’s sister is married to Stephen Owens, who owns Dominion voting Systems. Does anyone else see this as a huge conflict of interest? Pretty nice.

Pretty nice when you got a family connection to the owner of Dominion Voting Machines, which ought to be rejected out of hand. Meanwhile, Cash Patel has dropped a bomb. The Gateway pundit, which has been publishing a lot of good stuff online. A british court has revealed that Paul Ryan was the first to receive a copy of the Steele dossier back in 2016 and hid that information for years. Saturday, former Trump official cash Patel joined Steve Bannon in the war room to discuss his latest blockbuster report on Paul Ryan. According to Cash, with L, Paul Ryan was the first to receive a copy of the bogus Steele dossier back in 2016, and Paul Ryan hid it from investigators, his republican colleagues and Trump officials.

Remember now, the Steele dossier includes such absurdities as Donald Trump in Moscow hiring two prostitutes to pee to urinate on a bed. Barack Obama and Michelle, the other lovely Michelle, had slept on. Trump said it was bogus. It was ridiculous that he was germaphobic, among the points he made. And it was ridiculous. Turned out it all been paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign. How disgusting is that? Paul Ryan, what a pathetic pos. Meanwhile, First Amendment blues, David Cole’s dubious doubts about denial. What have we got here exactly going on? The subconscious speaks in symbols. Freud wasn’t the first to point that out, and we can see it in ourselves.

I saw when I first started reading articles by the jew David Colin, the Russian Anatole Carlin, I got two messages about them from different levels of my brain. My conscience told me they’re interesting intelligence writers. My subconscious, they’re trying to pick your pocket. In other words, these are propagandists. Meanwhile, what’s behind the historic pro Israel spending in a New York house primary? Represent Jamal Bauman, one of the newest members of the progressive squad is facing a fight for his political life. On Tuesday, he defends his seat in the House of Representatives by competing in the democratic primary for New York 16th district.

This is going to happen tomorrow. While incumbents are rarely challenged, facing one of the most expensive contests in the history of the House, progressive groups and politicians, politicos, commentators say the bells, a direct result of Bowdoin’s vocal criticism of Israel’s war in Gaza as group like the American Israeli Republic affairs committee seek to unseat him. Bowman is part of a small but growing number of voices in Congress questioning the us commitment to Israel, its ironclad ally addicts, which are bullseye on his back. This is coming from Al Jazeera of all things. I mean, we should all be anti Israel in the sense of opposing genocide.

That’s not the same thing as being anti Jewish. I don’t know anyone who’s anti Jewish. Probably some are and I don’t know it. But the point is everyone ought to be anti genocide and therefore anti Israel insofar as they’re conducting genocide. Meanwhile, Louis CK this is from revolver accidentally reveals a bigger plot behind plotting the US with Israel. No, it’s not just for votes, as Louis CK pointed out. He believes it’s simply not fair that the US is so much better than everyone else. According to what he expressed, the leftist mindset is that we need to be brought down a few pegs, and the quickest way to do that is by importing low iq, low skilled filth into the country.

Gad, every once in a while you listen to someone. What comes out of their mouth is so raw and real makes you wonder if they meant to say it. That’s exactly what many are saying about comedian Louis CK after his recent chat with Joe Rogan about Biden’s devastating border invasion. It was one of those candid moments where he let the beans spill all over the floor, revealing firstly that this invasion was planned. He went on to discuss why the left is determined to see America overrun with uneducated, low skilled and often criminal illegals. This, of course, isn’t how you create fairness, it’s how you topple an entire country from within.

And the fact that the matter is the left knows this and is more than okay with it. Just look at what the left is doing with our twisted and dangerous dei agenda that promotes people based on charity, not excellence. We’re dumbing down the US at a rate that’s mind blowing. It’ll take decades to recover. Frankly, I don’t think we can ever recover, I’m really sad to say. Meanwhile, San Francisco school District has to close school because it’s going broke. And you believe schools in a progressive haven in San Francisco are facing a major budget crunch. Things are so dire that the district may have to actually close some schools.

It’s amazing these schools are having cash flow problems when you consider the taxes people pay to live there. Officials from the school district recently met with financial experts who gave them some tough love. But then, who really wants to live in the feces capital of the universe? Meanwhile, get this worth contemplating. News target that’s, of course, Mike Adams outfit treason documentary, their concentration camp being built right under your nose in all 50 states. An upcoming documentary from former Customs and Border Patrol agent JJ Carroll called Treason claims. A federal government of the United States is currently constructing a huge network of internment camps in all 50 states that will be used to house political dissidents, not illegal aliens, as is falsely claimed.

Governor story for these concentration camps are needed to house and process tens of millions of illegals pouring across the southern border. The reality, however, is that the facilities in question are being designed for american citizens to be interned. If they step out of line, it’s not for these illegals, said former contractor Christy Hutchinson, a woman fighting for american film. I believe it’s kind of like what the Nazis did with the Jews concentration camp processing facilities. They’re going to need somewhere to process a dissident. Here’s a clip. We have a saying on this show. The conspiracy theories are just six month spoiler alerts for what’s to come, and there’s no shame in raising these questions.

So here’s one for you. With over 30 million, upwards of 43 million illegal immigrants that have poured across the border during Biden’s presidency, and the federal government is building massive facilities, massive facilities that can sleep tens of thousands of individuals all across the country. You probably haven’t heard about these large facilities, have you? Well, why are they being built? Who are they for? We might finally have an answer. Listen, it’s not for these illegals especially. Let’s go off the numbers that they’re telling us that there really are. They’re saying, what, 11 million in reality, I can tell you right now with talking to all of the agents that I’ve talked to, private sector, looking at the cameras and all the real data, we’re over 30 plus million who’ve actually entered this country.

And so even with that, even though that’s enough, just replace about 36 states population, why would they need to continue to do that if they’re trying to absorb these guys, make them productive members of our society, get them into housing, because we know that they’re already housing projects being coordinated with builders, again, with our money, I believe it’s to kind of like what Nazis did with the Jews. Concentration camps, processing facilities. They’re going to need somewhere to process the dissidents. So it’s not for illegal immigrants. Who is it for? Dissidents. We’re going to unpack this with former 24 year veteran of the Customs and Border Protection JJ Carroll, who the fact is dissidents are going to be like, who listen to RBN or revolution radio or speak free radio, who like to speak their mind, who have opinions that the United States has become called robbed, that transgenderism is ridiculous, that the slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza is grossly immoral, that a war in Ukraine with Russia is evil and contrived.

I mean, if you have opinions like those, you’re not going to be able to say them. And if you do your best, they already know who we are. That’s the whole point of all the spying on us going on again and again and again. All they got to do is round us off and send us off to one of these concentration camps for re education. And if we’re resistant, I would not be surprised if they lob off our heads. I mean that literally, not just figuratively. Here’s Alex Rosen on X. We just busted the head of the LGBTQ Dems of Maryland going after a 14 year old girl.

Here’s another woman charged with rioting after philly looting gets a slap on the wrist on January 6. Inmates rot in prison. Another revealed Amazon complied with demands from the Biden regime to censor books critical of big pharma. Does this. Amazon banned six of my books. Nobody died at Sandy Hawk, and nobody died in Boston either. On Charlottesville, on Parkland, on Orlando, in Dallas, even on the moon landing. And I suppose we didn’t go to the moon either. They were all banned to suppress information that blows apart the phony stories you have been told. And I suppose now one indication you might be a suitable candidate for one of those camps is if you’d actually read any of those books and liked.

How about that? Let’s go back, get more out of this one. Revealed Amazon complied with demands from Biden regime Representative Jim Jardin revealed that Amazon complied with demands for the Biden administration to censor various books they consider a threat to their political agenda. That’s why mine were censored. There are threats to the Obama Biden political agenda of gun control. In a lengthy thread on the X platform, Jornick Plain how internal documents within Amazon confirmed Biden officials had requested Amazon add various titles to a do not promote list. Here’s Jim Jordan Tweet Amazon files, part three Amazon censored book list we knew that Amazon censored book because of pressure from Biden.

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That’s dixierepublic.com, where you can meet all of your southern needs. Support those that support the network. Support Dixie Republic at dixie republic.com. email proudsouthern 120 threemail.com and let them know that RBN sent you. People often write to tell us what has happened for them since starting xtendivite. Allow me to read a few. In one month, my blood pressure dropped significantly. I no longer get chest pain after exercise. It’s amazing. And I ordered my second bottle. The reviews are spot on. My target is to get off BP meds and if it keeps going like this, I see a light at the end of the tunnel.

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Prince William gave Prince Harry a warning about Meghan Markle, namely that they might be rushing things. The story explains how William was engaged with Kate for about ten years and she had the opportunity to size up what life would be like with the royal family and whether she could handle it. I really thought Kate was sensational. She’s basically been missing in action since December, however, and during an interview with Nicholas Kollerstrom of the UK, we concluded that she appears to have been subject to a satanic sacrifice. In December, you won’t be seeing Kate again. Meanwhile, Chuck Schumer shared a photo of him grilling on father’s day that made him look like a completed.

Yet Schumer is very much a phony. He wanted to make himself appear as though he were a normal guy. So the photograph actually is him grilling hamburgers. And we all know when you grill a hamburger, you got to finish the hamburger before you melt the cheese. He put a cheese on a raw hamburger, showing he didn’t have any idea what he was doing. Meanwhile, I encourage everyone read on. State of the nation Jim Fetzer, PhD motion to open judgment pursuant to extrinsic fraud and fraud upon the court. Wolfgang Holbeck called me this morning. He told me he’d read my motion through three times now.

And he thought, and it made it completely clear, completely clear how corrupt are our courts and how the whole business is handling so much sham. You’ll even see sensational photographs about how for 60 minutes, a person calling himself Leonard Posner was supposed to appear. But although Leonard Posner from Sandy Hook has had his photograph appear millions of times worldwide, they had to hire this celebrated makeup artist, Kazuhiro. Performance craft on a subject would go to play Leonard Posner. You also see photographs how superposition of images of Michael Vander on Noah Posner prove conclusively that Noah Bosner was a legal fiction made out of photographs of Michael Vabner when he was a child.

And if you look at the photographs here of the witness who came to testify in Madison as Leonard Posner versus Leonard Posner, from Sandy Hook. You can see he looked older back in 2012 than the witness did in 2019. And then you see the result. How it appears to me that it was a witness from Madison was made up by the famous celebrated artist to look more like the Sandy Hook Posner. Outrageous. I want somebody to love oh, I can find a little help from my friends do I get high with my friends? Yes, I can find a little help from my friends with a little help from my friends health simple with Colorado Shilaji fact bit number two in ayurvedic pharmacology, Shiloji is the king.

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Look for the gold Mountain and medical symbol logo in banners on republicbroadcasting.org to watch the full video and see more information. Use code go RBN when ordering. That’s G O R B N. This is RBN, the Republic broadcasting network. Look at you. See the love that’s sleeping why my guitar gently? Welcome to the second hour of authentic news right here on RBN Live this 24th day of June, 2024, where I take your calls. Four already on the line. Lines are open. Tom in Florida. You’re up to bat first. Tom, give us your thoughts. Well, yeah, good day, everybody in RBN.

Jim? Yeah, my thought is today is, well, you know, first off, I think everybody on our RBN is off. We are taining to be warriors because if not, we’re going to get devoured by what’s going on in this country. And I just want to say that I think we’re all warriors. Everybody calls in and we have to be prepared because we’re going to be devoured if we don’t. But anyway, yeah, the reason I called in is I was watching eight senators today. There’s eight senators now. Lindsey, Goober Graham, believe it or not, you have Rick Scott in Florida, you have Hagerty in Tennessee, Blackburn, Holly and etc.

Etc. I think it’s going to grow quite a bit. And you have these senators, Jim, I want to ask you this. You have United States sitting senators are saying that Joe Biden is complicit and derelict in the murders of all these women who are getting murdered and raped. What’s your take? You mean by illegal migrants he’s allowed into the country? I think there’s a form, I think there’s a responsibility there. And of course, the actual Biden is incompetent. He couldn’t pass a competence test. He could never be put on trial and held responsible. He’s a walking cadaver.

But I’m telling you, the american government is responsible. I put my orcas on trial and see what the jury thought about that. Well, he should be hung with a rope, in my opinion, like Fauci. But I will say this. You, when I see United States senators, and there’s eight of them right now, they’re probably going to grow all the way to the majority. And I even believe there’s demon rats that better start speaking up and call these women’s name out like Lake mon Riley, Rachel Morin and Molly Tibbets. They gotta start calling these names out because I don’t know, I don’t know how much more this country is going to take on this.

I really don’t, Jim. And I can tell you, these people that are coming in like I tell. I know. Tom Thomas. Hey. I try to bring out pertinent information. What’s happening to my country, your country, our country with all these illegal invaders. On top of that, the crime committed by afro american communities, insanity. Another 39 shot in Chicago, ten dead. It was all just on Breitbart. You can look it up on Breitbart every, all these, every weekend. Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlanta. This is going on and on and on. Detroit, it never ends. And we’re looking at a vicious cycle here.

And Jim, I reason I bring this up to you. I wish you all could look at some of the website up. Barry Cunningham. Fanfare because he’s an afro american man and he was saying, this ain’t going to get no better. With another four years of Biden, we’re doomed. And I want to ease Rick’s mind in Arizona. Rick, I want you to know this. Donald Trump’s son, Don Junior, is probably one of the biggest guns owners out there. The guy’s a full throttle. I hope he takes the presidency of the NRA one day. So I think that would ease Rick’s mind about Donald Trump wanting to grab everybody’s gun.

I don’t believe that. Eric Trump and Donald Trump are big time gun lovers. Big time. Let’s see, Don. He’s off the charts. I mean, I think the guy owns like a hundred thousand, couple hundred thousand dollars of weapons. So I have to disagree, or, Rick, about Trump wanting to grab anybody’s guns. It was Joe Biden who’s one that said, go got, buy a double barrel shotgun, saw it off the twelve inches and that’s all you need. And put double odd buck in it. That was out of Joe Biden’s mouth, Jim. So, you know, you got a bubbly, stumbling idiot like that saying, go get a do something illegal, saw the shot, shotgun off the twelve inches and put double out, double odd.

Look at it. What does that tell you about Biden? Okay. Yes. So Trump sons are both big time gun lovers. His daughter in law is a big time gun owner, Laura Trump. So I just have to, I have to say, I disagree with, with Rick on here when it comes to Donald Trump on guns, no way. And Donald Trump is. Let me ask you, Jim, let me ask Rick and everybody in the audience, were you better off four years ago or three years ago when Trump was. Now, I joke. It’s a joke. America is deteriorating. America’s deteriorated more under Joe Biden in the last few years than it has in the entire history of the nation.

Outrageous. And by the way, Rick, Rick was in the lineup. Rick’s in the lineup, so he’ll have a chance to respond to your comments. Tom, go right ahead. More. Well, yeah, Jim, you’re absolutely right. 100%, 100 million times correct. I mean, three years ago, I was, I was okay. My wife was still okay. I have, I’ve lived three years of a nightmare. Three years of utter hell and just some. And I told my buddies the night they elected that criminal, when he stole that election, that this country is doomed. And look, we’re on the precipice of world war three with Russia or China or North Korea.

We don’t know what the hell is going to happen next in Taiwan. We don’t know, but it’s not, it’s a horrible picture with this imbecile we got in there and by our citizenry getting murdered and every one of these scumbags, and say, we’re a nation of immigrants. No, we’re not a nation of immigrants first, ladies and gentlemen, we are a nation of citizenry first. Then you’re a nation of immigrants. And by the way, like I told you, there’s more Germans in this country. Than any other ethnic group. But you know, they won’t never be allowed to speak German all over the place.

They won’t ever like a Spanish. Got 1020 stations down here and only two gringo stations. I mean, come on, who’s sitting who? What kind of design is this? And I can tell you what kind of design it is, Jim. It’s all by these schmucks, these communist, marxist, bolshevik, communist schmuck heaves that, you know, they’re the ones that say we, you know, don’t say Jesus was a prophet. No, he wasn’t a prophet. And that’s where they’re wrong. And it has to do with religion. Because let me tell you, and I tell you, Jim, what’s going on in Israel, I’m sorry about what’s happening in all those Palestinians and all that, but I.

We have our own fish to fry right here in the United States, man. We got our own fish to fry right here. When we got a government that has 51 intelligence agents saying that Hunter Biden’s laptop was fake, when it was real. And if that doesn’t make everybody in your audience wake up, I don’t know what the hell will. But when you got intelligent agencies lying your ass off to protect Joe Biden, his criminal son Hunter, we are doomed. Yeah, little Rocket man was attained with Trump. He ain’t tame anymore, Rick. Rocket man’s not tame with Biden.

He’s ready to let loose, man. And I, you know, I don’t I hear a Trump bashing. I mean that Trump’s a stumbag in some ways. Maybe he is, but goodness gracious, who’s a bigger scumbag? I would have to say you had 51 high ranking intel officers committing treason to the United States, Tom. How bad is that? Yeah, justice. Despicable thing I ever heard. You know, Jim, I gotta say, you know, when I was a young man, Jimmy Carter was president. Thanks, Doctor Reagan came along, but I thought Jimmy Carter was bad. Jimmy Carter is, would be to rank in the top ten greatest presidents of all time compared to this idiot Biden.

This guy unequivocally destroyed the United States, man. And if we don’t put this guy out, I can’t imagine what’s going to happen in another permit is imbecile. But you know, Jim, look at Chicago. 38, 39 shot over the weekend. They’re having their convention there. Probably have one of these, what do you call it? They won’t even have actual convention. It’ll be like one of those, what do you call it? I can’t think of word right now where they like a fill in convention. And because can you imagine a protest that’s going to happen in Chicago during a Democrat, Democrat convention, Jim? Can you imagine? Yeah, yeah.

No, I know, I know, I know. I don’t even know. Chicago is going to be chaos, Tom. It’s going to be absolute chaos. Absolute. Absolutely. Jim, you know, I got to say this, you know, this January 6 nonsense, this penny raid, which was a disgrace in itself. Well, I tell you right now, Jim, I can tell you right now, if you took, and I don’t care what happened to group, I would love to see afro american men, white men, hispanic men, indian men from American Indians. I don’t care who you are, if we were to march out Washington with 5 million men and women and children and the government would attack us, that would be the start of a revolution.

Because what they’ve done in our immigration policy. What they’ve done with our immigration policy, Jim, there should be heads rolling. And I mean seriously rolling. I’m not talking about the guillotine, okay? But that might not be a bad idea, what they did in the French Revolution. But I tell you right now, Jim, we are on the precipice of total annihilation. And by the way, Jim, I’ll leave you with this thought. You know how many legal gang members are in California right now? They just have it on Breitbart. Are you having any idea how many? Over three.

Hot. I want everybody to hear from RBN. Over 300,000 gang members in the state of California alone. Yeah. Counting New York. That’s not counting Baltimore. That’s not counting Philadelphia. We’re talking. And a lot of, most of them are illegal, illegal gang members, Jim. Those are the legal. Those are the legal ganglion members. Yeah, Tom, and it’s going to grow because people are going to be so threatened, there’s going to be so much criminality, they’re going to need to be members of a gang to protect themselves from other gangs. It’s going to get worse and worse tomorrow.

No doubt about it. Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. And you know, Jim, when you look at what they did in January 6, that, that panty raid and all, and even having on tape that Donald Trump did ask for federal troops, and Pelosi denied it, and she’s been lying her ass off. General Millie, General Milley ignored it for like 3 hours. He deliberately did it. He’s admitted it. It’s bad, tom. Pelosi was responsible for the whole bloody thing. She wanted it to disrupt the discussion of evidence of fraud in the election. And they, they had a clever plan to do it.

It’s just a disgrace. Tom, you’re so right across the board. Final thought, you know. Well, my final thought is Pelosi’s hammer beater with dildo. He, he got 30 years because they wanted to send a message. But I still say Pelosi. Oh, man, I tell you, from when I heard reports, I heard that guy’s a homosexual. So I don’t know what’s going on with that, of course. But of course this guy was devious. Yes, Tom, this guy was his regular boy toy. I mean, they knew each other, but he initially made the call and even said someone had broken in.

But they. And they asked, what, can you identify him? And then he admitted, he said, well, actually he’s a friend and his name is David. I mean, you know, the whole thing was absurd. Speaker one. Right, right. Well, Jim, you know, you know this guy, Adam, shifty, pencil neck shift, who ended up caught costing american taxpayer with a Russia, Russia, Russia collusion. $52 million they spent for that. What, Mueller? Do you know that he was funded by a guy that killed two afro american guys? Od them. That guy Ed Buck. Look it up. And Buck, Ed Buck, a $1 million to add a campaign tub.

Give us a final thought, Brent. Brent, final thought. Final thought, Jim, is that my final thought is thank God there’s RBN. And thank God for you guys. RBN. We can get our opinions heard in our, our voices hurting. You know, we got to wake up the masses, man. The masses got to be awoke. You know, Jim, I really freak out when I see all these people on these networks making millions of dollars. I say, why isn’t Fessor. Why isn’t Michael Rivera? Why was it Mike? Why isn’t all you guys making a million bucks? You guys got out the most pertinent information, the real fruit, the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help you God.

But you got these flying, conniving, macho maddows and that all these criminals, all these criminals, just Dana bass and all these lying bitches, and they’re all making millions of dollars. Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom. Thank you. Crazy. And Tom, believe me, we here at RBN appreciate you. We’re glad you’re here. Thank you, Tom. Great call. Thank you. God bless Laura in Michigan. Laura, join the conversation. Hello, mister Fetter. I’ve got a couple of items for you. Today is the american cluster bomb that hit those sunbathers off Crimea this weekend. Yes, yes. Disgusting. Say it’s just disgusting. Yeah.

This will not go unanswered. Yes. That’s all he said about it. Yes. You know, I think they did it. They’re trying to get Putin react because the debate is Thursday. They wanted something to happen. They could call off the debates. They’ll do anything to call off the debate. That’s very interesting. To call off the debate. Many wonder why the Democrats even agreed to it. Because I’m so obviously incompetent. I say, well, they can easily put an actor in a latex mask and have him come out and seem to be perfectly competent to dispel all the rumors.

And of course, you got the press secretary claiming all these videos of his incompetence wandering around the stage, not knowing who he is, where he’s going, or fake. I mean, there’s no end to the lies coming from the Democrats, Laura. It’s a disgrace. Right. Okay, my second item is Saudi Arabia. Now, we do Saudi Arabia. Said they’re not going to use the us dollar. Something was going to happen. Right. We thought maybe, was it gonna be a war, whatever. But what’s doing right now, all of a sudden, 24 years later, they found all this evidence that Saudi Arabia brought down the twin towers.

No, listen, I guarantee you it was not Saudi Arabia, it was Israel. Laura, don’t let yourself be played. That’s just bullshit. Whether Saudi Arabia. Huh? They try to trash Saudi Arabia. Yeah. So they can. Yeah. Excuse to do something good. Go into it. It was the Israelis. Net. Yahoo and Ewood, um, hurt, who was another former prime minister with a brain trust behind 911. Go right ahead. Isn’t that funny? After 24 years, all of a sudden they. They got all the evidence of Saudi Arabia. Yeah. Go into Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia, public against them. Why would Saudi Arabia have the least interest in attacking the United States? I mean, it’s just an abstoi.

That’s absurd on its face. Right? So I left. I wanted to ask, did anybody find out about Vance’s wife? Anybody looking to her? What are you saying about Vance? You know, I didn’t talk more about his wife. Trump’s possible running mates. I mean, yeah, I’m not wild about. I’m not wild about any of these names. JD Vance. I mean, he’s only been. He’s only been a senator for two years, Laura. The governor of North Dakota, Doug Berggram. I’m not impressed. Marco Rubio. Give me a break. I think that’s ridiculous. If he beats any of those, I will be very distraught, you know, very disappointed.

Go ahead, Laura. Final thoughts. I just, I just think that back when he was running for, in Congress, that’s when I heard that his wife was chinese. She’d written some books. She’s, she’s like a higher degrees and whatever. Oh, JD Vance wife is about her. I’m looking him up here. You know, he’s only 39 years old. My goodness. He was born in 1984. He’s an american venture capitalist, author, and politician, serving as junior senator from Ohio. I don’t know. He studied. He studied political science and philosophy at Ohio State. That’s good. Earned a doctorate from Yale.

That’s good. It says he’s got family appalachian values. He launched his first campaign in 2021. But see, he’s only been in office very short period of time. Let me see if I can find out about his wife. Scroll down here. I’m looking at Wikipedia’s report, which we all know has a zionist flavor. I don’t know social issues. He opposes abortion. He might support a federal ban after 50 weeks. He opposes a respect for marriage act. I believe that marriage is between one man and one woman, but I don’t think the gay marriage issue is alive. He’s proposed a bill that would make gender affirming care for minors a federal felony and block taxpayer funds from being used for that.

He once admonished Trump for demonizing immigrants, but has repeatedly called the effects of illegal immigration dirty. He supported Trump’s call for a wall on the southern border. Laura, thanks. Thanks. Nothing about his wife. Nothing about his wife. We’ll find. We’ll find out. Laura, thank you. Tahibo Tea Club’s original pure Poudia arco super tea comes from the only tree in the world that fungus does not grow on. As a result, it naturally has antifungal, anti infection, antiviral, antibacterial, anti inflammation, and anti parasite properties. So the tea is great for healthy people because it helps build the immune system and it can truly be miraculous for someone fighting a potentially life threatening disease due to an infection, diabetes, or cancer.

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Come on. Holy roll. He got hair down to his knee got to be a joker he just do what he please. Well, we know more now about his wife. He’s been married to his former law school classmate. Her name is Usha Chili Okoury. Vance since 2014. They have three children. Much of his career, Vance and his family lived in San Francisco. She is a Native American. She’s also a litigator in the San Francisco and Washington, DC offices of Munger, Tolls and Olson. She’s very nice looking. I’d say she’s a pretty impressive person. I think that speaks well.

Vance, three kids since 2014, raising quite a family. Okay, let’s see. We got next. John from Missouri. John, join the conversation. Good afternoon, Jim. How are you today? Fine, thank you. Good. You know, I want to hit on things real quick. Sure. Something really important is I still can’t believe nobody is pointing out how, you know, they burn our white house down in 1814, whatever. And built it on the District of Columbia and had the audacity to name that street Pennsylvania Avenue when it was originally built in Pennsylvania. But nobody knows that two plus two is four.

And then I want to move on. We have cocaine in the White House. It’s what more disturbing than that is, we got. If you thought guys getting caught having gay sex was bad, but you got guys watching that on video, watching gay guys having sex in the White House, man, that place is a dump. And I would run as fast as you could. And one of the reasons why people don’t want to vote is because you know how insane it is when you try and tell people, hey, man, our voting system was rigged with dominion, and we’re bringing in more of it, but we still all want you all to vote.

I mean, you basically are telling us, hey, your votes didn’t count last time and we ain’t fixed it, but we’re counting on you to come in and vote for these one of the better devil worshippers that we have chosen for you, because you can’t see the thousand people that are running. You know, we can only show you the dirty two dozen that are workforce and on our payroll. You know, and then, you know, hey, that song, when we’re on hold, you know, you guys changed it a little bit, but it’s a Phil screen, crappy song, and it might be somebody’s favorite, but it ain’t the listener’s favorite.

We appreciate you trying to help, though. And it’s. Oh, I want to say, the Chinese are smart. I want. I got to say this. The Chinese are smart. They figured out how to hook up a 3d printer to the sewage system so they could feed their people. They are geniuses. And then a couple. One more thing. Oh, those immigrants across them and across the borders, those aren’t immigrants. Those are our replacements. One day, when you get put on your big boy pants, y’all will figure that out. And, hey, the Federal Reserve debt. Jim, can I ask you a question? If you overspend and you.

You create a bunch of debt, um, who’s responsible for that debt, Jim? Well, presumably you are. Me? Yeah. If you create. I am. Mark. We know. Jim, if you. If you create a bunch of debt and you go in debt and you overspend, who’s responsible for that? Well, I would be. I mean, you know, and if I. Okay, okay, bear with me. Now. If I create a bunch of debt and I overspend, now, who’s responsible for that debt? I am. So if the Federal Reserve, which is a private company, overspends, that’s their debt and everybody needs to realize that.

Stop paying these people. What do you think, they’re going to come shake you down on your front door and bring you out and shoot you in front of your kids for money? John, it’s the national debt. Is interest paid to the consortium of private banks to print the currency at the United States compound interest. It’s absurd. JFK wanted to do, huh? Right, but it’s a voluntary program. When you signed your first w two form to get a job, nobody did their homework. They checked the check marks box saying us citizen instead of reading what? An american national or non resident alien individual.

Okay, give it. Give us a final thought, John. My final thought. Boy, as we don’t have much time left, I’ve never seen the United States have so many enemies surrounding it. I mean, they’re on our coast, we have them inside of the borders. I mean, they’re coming across, they work in government. And then we’re supposed to think that things are going to get better? Somebody smoked some serious friggin dope. Yeah. Thanks, John. Thank you. You got it. Rick in Arizona. Join. We’re going to hit the break, but I’ll carry you over, Rick. Okay, first of all, JD Vance’s wife is from India.

Extraction, not native american. She’s like, you know, like not native american. Okay. India. That’s okay. I thought it was an odd name. Yeah, go ahead. India. Yeah, yeah. All right. Yeah. Okay, good, Rick. All right. Just let me. Okay. Okay. I just want. For Tom. Yeah. I hope I’m dead wrong. And I hope you’re right. I hope you’re right. Now, I want to make a talk to you about. I was watching a pawn star yesterday and a guy brought in the original contract from 1962 between Brian Epstein and the Beatles and turned out to be real.

And it turned out to be real. The first. It was. And so Epstein in the first of all. Harrison, stand by. Standby, Rick, carrying you over. We’ll be right back after this break. I want the truth. You can’t handle the truth. You’re listening to Republic Broadcasting network. Real news, real talk, real people, because you can handle the truth. Homeowners, are you in foreclosure expecting to be served with a foreclosure lawsuit or suspect your lender has coerced you into an illegal mortgage transaction? A huge number of mortgages made in the last ten years have legal issues and are possibly defective state laws and the US Supreme Court have upheld that.

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Tell us about the Beatles and Epstein. Yeah. Okay. So anyhow, the Harrison and McCartney’s parents had to sign the contract because they were both miners at the time. Now, Epstein, he was only 27 years old when he cut that deal. Pretty good. And you know what? He cut his, you know what? He cut himself in for 25% of everything that the Beatles made for five years now. Amazing. I did not know this. Yeah, fascinating. And so near the end of the contract, Epstein died of an overdose of sleeping pills and barbiturates, if you believe that, in my opinion, he was probably murdered to get him out of the way so somebody else could scoop up the Beatles contract.

Then the Beatles went unmanaged for a while, and they didn’t do a very good job of it. So then they hired Alan Klein. A few years later, Lenin fired Alan Klein. But anyhow, I thought that was amazing. It’s an amazing story that this punk kid zoomed in on the Beatles, cut that deal. That’s better than Trump. Yeah, fascinating, Rick. Fascinating. Anything else you’d like to add? You got a final thought? I would just say I’m rooting for Tom and Trump. I don’t want to see Trump turn out the way I, what I’m thinking. I want to see Trump do good.

I wanted him to be a good president. I want him to be a good president, too. And I’ve got my heart in my throat in hoping that will be the case. Thanks, Rick. Good. Good stuff. Alexander. Alexander. Yeah, thanks, Rick. Alexander in Canada. Join the conversation. Alexander. Yes, hello, sir. I just want to respond to what Renee said last week, another ridiculous call she made last Friday. So she said, the reason, affirmative action. Let me just qualify and say, I don’t think your goals are ridiculous, but you’re entitled to your opinion. Go ahead, Alexander, give us your argument.

Well, she said, yeah, I’ll tell you. Let me explain what she said. She said affirmative action is the reason and the only reason why white boys, as she calls them, are in, got accepted into colleges. Affirmative action is the reason why white people got into colleges. Like, like, that’s what she said. If there was no affirmative action, the colleges will be full of Jews, Asians, and white girls. Now, see, sir, here’s the question. Where did she get that statistics from? She keeps on saying all these things, but she never backs it up. And as you know, and everybody on RBN knows that, like, that’s a lie.

That, that. Listen, listen, listen, Alexander. Somebody saying something false doesn’t make it a lie. It makes it false. It doesn’t make it a lie. It’s only a lie if they know it’s false and they deliberately assert it as though it were true. That can confuse her audience. I don’t think Renee is a liar. She may, like all of us, occasionally say things that are false. I don’t want you to draw the conclusion because someone said something false that they’re a liar. Okay. Okay, sir, I agree with you. Okay. What she said was wrong. What you said was false.

That’s. Okay. Wrong. False. That’s fine. Yeah. Okay. And. Yeah, so if you look at the record, why people go in universities because of their merit, because of their. Because of their achievements, and so do a lot of Asians as well. And, like. And Jews, I’m not. But see, so if you look at the record, a lot of Jews get in because of all the connections that they have. Like, the Jews are 2% of the population in the United States, and there are 27% of Harvard’s population. And more than half of the graduate student, the graduate. More than half of the professors are jewish.

You see? So they got in because of all the connections that they had, because of all the networking that they do. The same thing in Hollywood, the same thing in Disney, the same thing in the pornography business. They’re all connected, some because they have high iq. And as you saw, according to my research, the Asians, like China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, they have high iq. It’s not because they’re because they’re intelligence. It’s not just intelligence. It’s because they. They work. They do more homework than anybody else in the world. Like, they’re more disciplined. They take more courses.

They learn stuff earlier than we do in math and science or whatever. They do things like martial arts and health and fitness a lot more religiously than we do. It’s not just based on, like, your brain cells. It’s also based on the environment that you’re in. Yes, I agree. If you look at the record, the Jews and the Asians and the white girls or the white women, they are 35% of the population of the United States. So like, again, like it’s another, it’s another wrong confusion. I just want to, I just want to throw out there that lots of lines are open.

If you’ve got the inclination to call, it’s a good time to call. Continue, Alexander, continue. It’s just even if you look at the numbers, like less than 40% of the population, the Jews and Asians and the white women are 40% of the population and they would take over all of the universities if there’s no affirmative action. Like, see, it doesn’t make any sense. So, so, and yeah, like that’s the reason. Like, like that’s my final thought. Okay. It’s good stuff. Alexander. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Joshua New York. You got it. Joshua New York. Join the conversation.

Joshua. Hey. Yeah, so I’m listening to this video and I didn’t go over the Quran yet in my life. And they’re going over the Quran and Islam and that, and they’re painting it as, I guess, truthfully that Islam is not up to par when it comes to. Would you agree real quick that we were about to, we were about to fuck everything up? We were about to start getting into very competitive debating realm, right? Where debating was gonna be a very, very competitive thing, right? I’m not quite making out what you’re saying, joshua. We were about to get into what yeah, as in like the world, right.

As well, America that like debating for like politics. That, you know, means learning what the, you know, people are going to start really wanting to debate and be interested in debates. Do you see, see that that was a future that was going to be happening. Debating. It’s a good idea. I mean, promoting the idea of debates about political issues. Well, they are like if you pay, that’s what they have to do. That’s what they’re going to have to do. That’s what they were going to do was because so many people are now waking up and paying attention what’s real.

They were going to obviously want to listen to somebody that really knew was going on. That’s my thought. You know, I mean, that people would start obviously having to go entertain and then they’re going to really need to know truth and so they’re going to be looking for who’s the real best debater. Point is that after, let’s say ten years maybe of this, right when it starts right now, new popular is the beginning. And when ten years has really been going, if the Quran and muslim religion in that is flawed, right? It’s. If it is flawed and it’s a fact and the jewish religion is going to be better or Christianity is.

Well, I know what they want to do is take Christianity and by proving the law going down, the constitution to take Christianity and prove that Jesus was alive, and now we credence to the New Testament of Christianity. And that’s what the constitution is based off. Right. Joshua, give us. Yeah, yeah. I think that they were getting everyone ready for debating for the next decade, so to speak. And by the end of the decade, they’d wind up having a bit or maybe five years, they would have a debate of the actual religions. And if it’s the case, then Islam was set up to fail from the very start.

Thanks, Joshua. Thanks for sharing all that. Jerry in Chicago. Jerry joined a conversation. Oh, thanks for taking my call. Professor Fetzer, I got a question for you. You were in the military, correct? Yep. Four years, US Marine Corps. Resigned my commission as a captain Kenner graduate school and earned a PhD in the history in the philosophy of science. All right. You like a lot of other people before you and after you for a note to defend this country against foreign and domestic. Yes. All enemies, foreign and domestic. Yes. Right. Would you agree that we are have a like about, I want to say, at least a 67% domestic terrorist organization going on in this country? How do you come up with that percentage? I’m not quite clear about how you’re arriving at that assessment.

Just tell us more. Okay. Well, we’ve got a 67% influence. 64% to 67% influence of Israel. How? Jewish persuasion in our congress, Senate judiciary, and executive branch. Now, the way I look at it is you got 435 congressmen plus 100 senators. That’s 535 plus nine judges. That’s 544 plus a president and a vice president. That’s 546. 546 people that we can basically say 67% of them aren’t worth their waiting in urine. You’re saying two thirds of those groups you specified are controlled by APAC? That that’s probably a pretty good number. I’m not gonna. I wouldn’t dispute that.

Go ahead. But, I mean, my thing is, is that. And I’ve always told myself this is, if I ever got up in front of a court and I was sworn to take an oath, so help me God, I couldn’t lie. I’d have to come clean. I’d have to be honest. Okay. Yeah, yeah. I look at, I look at the veterans and everything else. I’m not putting any weight on your back, don’t get me wrong, but I asked this of a lot of veterans whether I’m working with them or whether I know them as neighbors, Vietnam vets, korean vets, everything else, and I says, did you or did you not swear an oath to defend this country? Well, yes, I did.

You were done with that oath after your term of duty was over. Or does this carry on until the day they bury you? That’s good. That’s good. I like that. Yeah. Okay. And I’m just, I’m just saying that you get a couple of decent people that were. They don’t have to be generals. They don’t have. They could be captives, whatever. You get a couple of people, we sign. They sign some sort of a petition. Go ahead. They fear. They fear veterans because veterans are actually trained, know how to use weapons, have a certain degree of discipline and care about the constitution in their country.

So their ongoing efforts that demonize veterans, they, they would like, ideally, not to allow veterans to own weapons, which is just about as absurd as it gets. I mean, if you want to defend the nation, we got a pathetic military today, a woke military that couldn’t fight its way out of a paper bag. It’s pathetic. Nobody wants to join it. If we’re going to be able to defend the country and actually there’s an invasion going on, it’s going to be the veterans and the militias who are in the forefront of doing that. So you’re making telling points.

Telling points, Jerry. But again, Jim, I’m saying that at some point, a lot of these veterans, when they go to bed at night and maybe don’t sleep well, are sitting there thinking to themselves, Jesus, you know, I swore an oath, and from everything that I can that’s logical, we got a problem. You’re saying we should be out there doing something already. You’re doing something on the air. But I think in all honesty, they want to take our guns, both sides. They want to take our guns. They want to believe us defenseless because Bush made a comment years ago and old man Bush, and he says, you know, if the american public knew what we were responsible for, they would hang us in the street or morning, they chase us down the street and.

Yeah. Rip us apart or string us up. You’re right. That was George Hw. Yeah. Yeah. George Herbert Walker. So that’s got to be 25, 30 years ago. Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And he also said in his. I think in 91, he said that we will become the new world order by force. Do you think they’re not getting my guns? And what’s going to happen is I’m going to become a felon overnight because I’m a card carrying Christian, a conservative, and I’m a Republican, and I’m the enemy. And pretty soon they’re going to figure out that every veteran out there is the enemy.

I’d be very careful if I want the Amer, the veterans administration to get anything done on my body, because you gotta remember something. The military, hey, they take their orders from whoever, okay? And, I mean, they follow orders because they don’t want to be peeling potatoes. It’s all a brainwashing thing. All your boot camp and everything else like that. Stop and think about it. They condition you. You’re gonna follow orders, plain and simple. Hey, listen, I’m sorry. Sorry for letting me rant and everything else like that. Gary, today we had the time. Today was perfect for ranting.

You’re good. You’re good. You’re good. I’m glad you called, Kevin. And. Yeah, you got it, Jerry. Take care. Have a good one. Kevin in Texas. Join the conversation. Kevin? Kevin, are you there? Yeah. Can you hear me? Can you hear me, Jim? Go ahead. Okay. I got earphones on. I don’t know if they work well. Hey. What? Are you going to submit your case to Dane county court to challenge? I’m in the court. I’ve already submitted that motion. The judge rejected it without going through the proper procedure. So I’m explaining to him. And I had to file a request for relief to do it properly.

When you get a motion, you got to give the other side. See, I’m the defendant. You got to give the plaintiff the opportunity to respond. And then I, who followed the motion, get the opportunity to reply, and then the judge makes the order. But in this case, he went ahead and made the order without giving the plaintiff the opportunity to respond or me the opportunity to reply. So it was an invalid order. So I’ve called him out. There’s going to be a furious fight over this because I’ve dissected the case so thoroughly in my motion to open judgment, you know, I’ve explained exactly how the extrinsic fraud was done and how the officers of the court brought it into the case in order to bias against me by fraud in the court.

Hang on. Hang on there. We’ll be. Yeah. Okay. Love to back you. Yeah, go ahead. Okay. Okay. I think they killed it. Go ahead. Go ahead. Kevin, go ahead. Go ahead. But I. I’m there. Okay. It’s going on again. So I tell you what, a lot of people we need to pray for jam on this line. We need to pray that God would do something because the whole Sandy hook, the gun, take away the lie and you talk about falsehood. No, we’re talking about lies. And you’re the only one that’s out there that’s sticking his neck out.

And I just pray to God, Jesus, the Lord Jesus, that you would get heard in court and that somebody. Senators would hear. Where’s Senator Johnson from Wisconsin? He’s your senator. Why does he. Yeah, I like. I like him. I appreciate. I appreciate these words, Kevin. You’re very kind of you to say those things. Let me tell you how bad it is. Let me tell you how bad it is. They’ve come after me for money because I have this huge judgment hanging over my head, you know? And of course, I regard it as completely wrong. That wasn’t warranted, that it’s a form of punishment for publishing a book that exposed Sandy Hook was a hoax.

So they’ve gone after money and they’re scrounging the bottom of the barrel. They’re claiming they can take my wife’s half of our federal, in our state income tax. They’re claiming they can take my daughter’s reimbursement of my wife when they went to Costco. I mean, it’s just absurd. And the court of Appeals wrote back. They sent the case back here and told the court no. They even cited a case, prince, that you cannot take money from someone who’s not the debtor, meaning they can’t take my wife’s money. So we did it again. We had a hearing, and I explained what the court of appeals had said, that you can’t take my wife’s money.

And it was very clear that the garnish attorney for Posner said, oh, it’s all commingled. You can’t tell what money is. What? But you obviously can’t. My wife had come on and testified and identified every single item in the account. So he was prevaricating to put it kindly. And guess what? The judge went ahead and approved it. So now I got to go back to the court of appeals. I was telling him during the hearing, the court of appeals might hold this court in contempt because you’re violating what they told you. You’re doing what they said you couldn’t do.

He’s got a hit and done it. I mean, it’s just ridiculous. I mean, I. I’m telling you, I’m up against here. Somebody would hear you. I wish somebody in government would hear you. Well, it’s amazing. Where’s Senator Johnson? Where’s Thomas? Clarence Thomas? You know, where are these people? You know, I went up to this. When I went up to this the first time around, and I had a superb motion for the supreme court for rid of Sergio. I sent Amy Coney Barrett. She rejected it, and then I sent to veto, and then he rejected it, and then it went to the whole conference, and they rejected it.

But I think if I sent Clarence Thomas, I might add a shot. I think Clarence Thomas is one of few clear thinkers on the Supreme Court today. Yep. And Massey. Maybe Massey, you know, is he a congressman Massey, what a super guy Massey is. Yeah, he’s one of the good guys. A lot of good points. I just reiterate for everyone. Check it out. That state of the nation. Jim Fetzer, PhD. Motion to open judgment. I’m saying, if Wolfgang has been so deeply involved in this and he has an affidavit in my supporting exhibits, read it three times and think, is it really lays it out.

I mean, that’s a very strong endorsement. So I encourage. Kevin, thank you so much. We got one caller left, and I’m gonna love listening to you, man. You are brilliant. Brilliant. God bless you, Kevin. You’re wonderful. Hey, Dan in Washington. Wrap it up for us today. Dan, give us your thoughts. Could Alex, could trump pardon you and Alex Jones of these civil lawsuits? Is that possible, or would that be an option? I suppose he could. I’d never crossed my mind before. Alex case is very messy because he was on both sides of the case. And he claims he never even read the book, and then claimed he’d been misled by me and James Tracy and Wolfgang Helbig, who were in the book.

But if he never read the book, how did we mislead him? In other words, there’s something wrong here. And you may remember, Robert Barnes was actually in the courtroom in Austin, and he said it was unlike any courtroom he’d ever seen before. There were three cameras, one pointed at the jury. It looked at him like a made for tv movie. I think he got it right. And if you go to my blog, jameshwetzer.org, i think it’s now on the third page. Now, if you scroll down to find this article, it’s entitled Fake News the Truth versus Alex Jones, where I go through all the evidence in this movie they made.

I mean, that was the name of the movie they made. They actually interviewed me here and I explained what was really going on, but they left it all on the cutting room floor. That was so they could, you know, get me to encourage Wolfgang to do the interview. And then they, you know, attacked him in the film. Bad, bad. But the fact is, something’s wrong with Alex on all of this and I can’t figure it out. I offered to appear as an expert witness in the Remington case in the Alex and Connecticut in the Alex in Texas.

No interest whatsoever in having me appear in any of those cases, if you want. He couldn’t pardon you guys. I mean, you know, Alex supposedly was one organized January 6 and was helping to start the protest fighting for Trump. And then, you know, nothing, nothing out of Trump. You know, it’s interesting, Dan, the thought never even crossed my mind, but I suppose it’s possible. I think the president has unlimited pardon power. That’s why I’m convinced, you know, we got Joe is going to pardon Hunter and it’s going to be like Jerry Ford for all crimes known or unknown.

You know, it’s going to be one of those things to get Hunt. Hunter has committed so many offenses, I’ll bet hunters committed a hundred felonies. Thanks, Dan. Meanwhile, spend as much time with your family, your friend, the people you love and care about, because we do not know how much time we have left. And support RBN back tomorrow. Thank you, Jim. You got it, Julie. Have a good evening. You too. I get high with a little help from my friends yes, I get five little help from my friend with a little help from my friends.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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