RBN Authentic News (23 August 2024)

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ Jim Fetzer, the host of Authentic News, criticizes the DNC convention, claiming it lacked policy discussion and focused more on attacking Trump. He also questions the authenticity of Joe Biden and accuses the national media of ignoring this issue. Fetzer criticizes the convention’s lack of discussion on important issues like interest rates, China, fracking, crime, poverty, and more. He also criticizes Biden’s speech, claiming it was full of lies and misleading claims, particularly about the economy and tax rates.
➡ The article discusses a new TikTok trend among women, controversy over job reports and the state of the US economy, and the Biden administration’s investment in electric school buses. It also mentions a new medical condition called Kamala Olatosa, a poll favoring Trump over Harris, and a warning from a Putin ally about potential global war over Ukraine.
➡ The speaker believes that the CIA and media have significant influence over U.S. politics, suggesting they played a role in Barack Obama’s rise to power. They also express concern about the upcoming election, fearing it could be manipulated. The speaker criticizes the Republican Party for not being as aggressive as the Democrats, and expresses worry about the country’s leftward shift. They end by encouraging listeners to spend time with loved ones and support RBN.
➡ The article discusses the escalating tensions between Ukraine and Russia, with Ukraine attacking Russian territory using NATO weapons. The EU’s top diplomat, Joseph Borrell, has called for lifting restrictions to allow long-range strikes into Russia, which some see as a declaration of war. Meanwhile, China is concerned about a new US nuclear strategy that focuses on China, Russia, and North Korea. The article also mentions internal disagreements within Israel over control of the Gaza Egypt border, and protests in the US demanding an end to the war in Gaza.
➡ Protesters called on Biden, Harris, and the Democratic Party to end US support for a war, but their efforts were largely ignored. Meanwhile, Trump praised Obama and considered a role for RFK Junior in his administration, while Laura Trump criticized Kamala Harris and praised Trump’s achievements. There were concerns about rigged polls favoring Kamala and potential election theft. The article also discussed various political figures, including Tim Walls and his questionable dealings, and Gavin Newsom’s political career.
➡ The article discusses concerns about the political and social state of the United States, touching on issues like immigration, political polarization, and potential civil unrest. It also mentions various products and services, such as Get More Tank, a fuel additive that improves engine performance and Wild Pastures, a company offering pasture-raised meats. The article also reports on political controversies, including allegations of stolen valor against a potential running mate for Kamala Harris. Lastly, it mentions a program in Panama that flies illegal immigrants back to their home countries, funded by U.S. taxpayers.
➡ This text discusses various topics including crime rates in Chicago, political commentary on Kamala Harris, Tucker Carlson’s critique of her, and the situation in Ukraine. It also touches on the issue of illegal immigration in the U.S., the potential economic impact, and the requirements for obtaining a driver’s license.
➡ The text discusses various political issues, including protests at the Democratic National Convention, the treatment of Palestinians, and the role of Zionism. It also criticizes the actions of politicians, particularly Donald Trump, and discusses the potential endorsement of Trump by Robert F. Kennedy. The conversation also touches on issues such as illegal immigration, the prison system, and the pharmaceutical industry.
➡ This text discusses the financial stress many Americans are facing, with nearly half the population struggling with mental health issues due to money worries. It also mentions the importance of investing in gold and silver as a form of financial security. The text further delves into political discussions, criticizing certain politicians and their actions, and expressing concerns about illegal voting. Lastly, it introduces new products from a company called Easeoff, which are designed to improve meat processing operations.
➡ Getmortank.com offers a product that cleans engines, improves performance, and reduces emissions, suitable for various types of engines and equipment. Blackout Coffee, founded by John, offers freshly roasted coffee beans, promising superior quality and taste. The text also discusses a proposal for a decentralized medical care hospital, the influence of big pharma on politicians, and the potential negative effects of blue light. Lastly, it mentions the endorsement of Donald Trump by RFK and the potential impact on the upcoming election.
➡ The text discusses various global issues, including the potential impact of independent voters on an upcoming election, Iran’s possible retaliation against Israel, and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. It also touches on the Palestinian protest movement, suggesting that it’s controlled opposition and arguing that Palestinians will only achieve their goals through active resistance, not peaceful protest. The text ends with a call for people to share their ideas widely to influence the development of artificial intelligence.


This is Jim Fetzer, your host on authentic news, right here on RBN Live. This 23rd day of August 2024, we mercifully endured the DNC convention. Here’s a report from NBC at five key takeaways not to be taken overly seriously. Vibes and joy over policy, except the policy was seldom ever discussed. For example, can we be joyful over the over 10 million illegals pouring over our border? You hardly heard a word about it. In fact, they acted as though Trump had been in office here the last several years rather than Harris and Biden. She praises Biden. She doesn’t mention.

This is a new fake Joe Biden, who’s four inches taller than the old. I called it out. Jimmy Doors called it out. Joe Rogan has called it out. But where’s the national media? They’re allowing this kind of fraud and fakery take place on a national scale. Who is our president? 1968 redux no, we did not have our apprise of the furious anti war movement over the Vietnam war. At the time, it was far more modest and contained a broad anti Trump coalition. Trump attacks were far more prevalent than any discussion of any policies. You hardly heard a word about any policies, but you heard plenty of words about Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, the Obamas and celebrities steal the show. Yes, Michelle, a man in address made a big hit, gave a sensational speak. But how many are going to be willing to vote for a man with breast implants and a huge shaving bill as commander in chief? Just more of the gaslighting taking place at the Democrat convention. As Trump explained to Newsmax nominees acceptance speech, he’s accuser of lying. Said she had a very general speech, meaning it was vague, that didn’t address the most important things. She didn’t talk about interest rates, China, fracking, anywhere, let alone Pennsylvania. Crime, poverty, crane crime, trade deficit, child trafficking, women trafficking, drugs, a border, of course.

Nothing, because all those issues work against her. So it had to be kind of a spiritual emotional event. Uplifting, lots of uplifting language, but virtually bereft of specific policies and completely detached of facts. Meanwhile, trace Gallagher had a wonderful critique afterwards. Here are a few of his observations about the convention. Once, once we, if we can get across. Yeah, especially sad to say. Meanwhile, even CNN is calling out the Biden, the fake Biden, in a brutal fact check. Joe Biden’s speech was so chock full of lies, even CNN, one of the most left leaning news outlets that exist, that called him out.

David Rubin played a clip of CNN’s Jake Tablor and Daniel Dale discussing various lies in half truth. Check this out. This is the story of the most prolific serial killer of the 21st century. We used to import products and export jobs. Now we export american products and create american jobs. Hey, guys, I’m off the grid for August. But who could have seen this coming from the DNC convention? I guess. Let’s start with the precedent. What did you make of it? There were certainly some false or misleading claims there, especially on the subject of the economy. I want you to listen to something he said on the subject of us imports and exports.

We used to import products and export jobs. Now we export american products and create american jobs right here in America where jobs belong. This claim is misleading. Jake, us exports of goods have increased under President Biden. So far, so good with that claim. But contrary to the other part of that claim, we are still importing a whole lot of stuff, too. What he didn’t mention is that us imports have increased during his presidency. Increased, not decreased. In fact, increased by more than exports have increased. So therefore the trade deficit in goods has increased under President Biden, not declined as this claim suggested.

It was over $1 trillion in each of his first three years in office. It had never hit that level before. I also want to play something else he said on the subject of the economy and the budget. This is something he said about billionaires and tax rates. We have 1000 billionaires in America. Know what their average tax rate they pay 8.2%. I’ve called this misleading before. It’s still misleading. An expert at the nonpartisan tax policy center has told me this number is, quote, way too low. Now, he said the average federal tax rate for billionaires is 8.2%.

What he doesn’t explain is that that number is not an actual tax rate. What it is is an alternative calculation from economists in his own administration that factors in unrealized capital gains that are not actually treated as taxable income under current law. Now, there’s nothing wrong with using an alternative figure when you explain it as the White House does, but Biden himself uses it like it’s a tax rate. Under current law, it’s nothing. So what, Jake, do? Tax rate? What tax rate do billionaires actually pay? A precise figure is not publicly known at the moment, but a study from two well known economists estimated that the top 400 households paid an average effective tax rate of 23% in 2018, much higher than the president’s number.

And that issue about unrealized capital gains, if your house goes up and appreciates in value, say you paid 250,000. That’s now valued at 400,000. Kamala Harris has a plan to tax you on that extra 150,000. Even though it’s not money in your pocket. You might have to sell your house to pay a taxes on money you don’t have because it fluctuates. It goes up and down until you actually sell it. It would create chaos, absolute chaos in the economy. Meanwhile, remember just a couple of weeks ago, the Washington Post was publishing Biden should stay on the ticket, but he should replace Harris.

To all those naysayers who declare President Biden should drop out after the first presidential debate, I say, hold on. The reason about where you stand, as well as who is your candidate? I for 01:00 a.m. very clear. Do I believe in a party that values a woman’s right to choose and that prioritizes her access to physicians who care for her without fear of legal reprisals? Do I believe in a government that meets the threat of climate change by promoting alternative energy sources rather than by brazingly courting gas and oil companies for campaign contributions? He goes on, I know where I stand on these critical issues.

If your values are clear, you know what you need to do. Go vote with conviction. Believe in your future and that of your children, grandchildren. Say yes with conviction. Wow. Democrats, however, need to do the one thing we never seem to get a grip on in close range. Biden did look old and tired at the first presidential debate. I imagine being president do that. The idea that he should drop out is just absurd, not based on a track record. But with the end of the debate came the predictable toward a media demands a democratic party start by shooting itself in the foot.

The probability of finding a truly electable alternative is akin to finding a needle in a large haystack. No other candidate or commentator has two vital qualifications. Only Biden successfully campaigned against Donald Trump. We know that success was because they fix the election. And only Biden has successfully managed the country in the aftermath. Fat chance. Ridiculous. Here we go round calling for Biden to drop out. Democrats should demand the following rumors. Campaign fire the prep team. Ditch the second debate. Go all in on your candidate. One of history’s most successful presidents. The disaster we cannot see by November.

But remember Reagan? It goes on to talk about replacing Kamala Harris. This is just weeks ago. Now she’s a superwoman, according to the media, and opposed that falling in line. Meanwhile, we have muslim women for Harris Wald pulling their endorsement after the DNC denied the uncommitted delegates of speaker slot. How appropriate on both sides. They want to conceal, of course, the extent to which the Democrat party, Joe Biden especially, has been supporting the genocide by providing the bombs and weapons and ammunition, killing all the innocent men and women in in Palestine. The group muslim women perhaps waltz.

And on Thursday, it’s disbanding and withdrawing it support for the campaign. In response, VP Kamala Harris’s team denying anti Israel committed delegates a speaking slot at the Democrat National Convention. One more way, they’re promoting a fantasy. Meanwhile, there’s the latest TikTok craze of white women impersonating a drunk Kamala. No wonder the elites want to shut tick tock down earlier this year. The federal government doesn’t care. Tick tock is potentially chinese pineapple. Did you think Facebook is not a CIA spying up? All our apps are spying on us. They want to shut tick tock down because it’s one of the last two remaining places where american people can mercilessly mock our illegitimate leaders without being censored.

Earlier this year, it seemed an eternity ago, Biden was still running for president. A new dance craze went viral on TikTok during the time which involved drunk white women at parties. It was a fairly simple dance move to perform. Plant your feet firmly in place, about 3ft apart, squat down slightly, make a scrunchy face and start to make grunty noises as if you’re pooping in your pants while standing. The simple tick tock dance craze was known as the Biden and drunk white women everywhere were doing it. Now that Joe is no longer running, drunk white women suddenly need to do something new.

The Biden just doesn’t seem relevant any longer. You know how fickle bob culture can be. So drunk white women have come up with a new TikTok raid based on the viral rumors Kamala’s of raging alcoholic and basically an image. You’re a drunk sorority girl. Ladies and gentlemen, here’s the last tick tock raised drunk white women in person. Kamala, here we have an example. Do you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? Do you exist in the context all in which you lived and what came before you? That’s right, that’s right, that’s right. Meanwhile, a jobs report from the administration shows that they’ve been lying.

Trump is his major claim. Economic numbers have always been a hot topic, especially with this more controversy. Recent job reports that ripples to the market concern over the overhealth of the us economy. With inflation still pressing issue, interest rate playing a crucial role, any fluctuation can trigger strong reaction from Wall street and Maine. The latest have only had fuel to the fire, raising eyebrows in question about what’s really happening behind the scene amid economic turmoil. A familiar voice has entered the conversation, bringing his signature bold claims to the forefront. The development have led to renewed scrutiny of how job data is reported, whether it truly reflects the state of the labor market because new report had revealed how weak is Biden’s economy and Trump is calling foul.

Labor Department said on Wednesday the number of jobs the economy added in the year ending March 31 was likely 818,000 fewer than reflected in the monthly reports Trump charged previous monthly figures were fraudulent. There has been a report that job numbers were fraudulent, he said during a speech in Michigan on Tuesday. Well, there’s no doubt about it. Absolutely no doubt about it. But guess what, Einstein, Secretary labor has no idea what’s being talked about here. I mean, this is absurd. Listen to this. Harris Biden, commerce secretary, junior Raymond. She doesn’t believe new government data that shows almost a million of the jobs that Harris Biden claimed to have created don’t actually exist.

I’m not familiar with that. When you hear that, do you potentially think that this new numbers could be a liability for this campaign? No, when I hear that, first of all, I don’t believe it because I have never heard Donald Trump say anything truthfully. It is though, from the Bureau of Labor. I’m not familiar with that. She’s not familiar with statistics from the Bureau of Labor when she is a secretary of commerce. How bad is that? Meanwhile, and this is showing how fake events can be embedded within a, a fake convention. They’re running out. Oh, supposed Sandy Hook survivors who have only been gifters, who are learning, benefiting off the public trough.

Do you know that those who participated in the FEMA scam being presented as mass murder to promote gun control don’t pay any taxes? Did you know they get free college? Did you know they’re all sign non disclosure agreements that the scam is still bringing in a million bucks a month? Can you believe? And they had the nerve to run out Sandy Hook survivors list and check it out. Sgt report never speak of this. You’ll understand what happened at Sandy Hook. Remember, I’ve been in contact with a couple of the participants who were cast in their roles by their mothers.

They never signed the non disclosure agreements they’ve been rounding out. My understanding of what happened, it all began when Eric Holder came to Newtown in 2006 and offered the community $114 million to participate in a scam. They gobbled it up. Families that didn’t want to participate, moved out of town. Elaborate. Check it out. Sgt report. Never speak of this. Meanwhile, Doctor Lima Lebo has done a new research. She’s diagnosed a near neuro oral pharyngeal disorder revealed in which cognitive processes are separate from oral phalangeal audible output. Kamala Olatosa, she calls it. And we have plenty of examples of Kamala olitos.

Here’s one. Check it out. Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday touted the Biden administration’s investment in electric school buses. $5 billion from the infrastructure law will go toward funding electric school buses over the next five years. Harris decried the fact that millions of students ride to school in yellow buses every day, yet 95% of buses are powered by diesel fuel. She praised the administration’s actions, labeling it as an investment in children’s future health and education. She also touted it as an investment in domestic manufacturing, which will also help create jobs. Good morning, everyone. Good morning. And to all the young leaders who are here, and the youngish leaders, good morning to all of you.

Good morning, my dear. Good morning. Good morning. I’m here because of you, by the way. I’m here because of all of our young leaders who are here. It is you who has motivated the work that we are doing that is demonstrated by these beautiful yellow school buses. She even sounds drunk. Comaltosis, which has no known treatment or cure, is expected to be fully treatable with a newly developed vaccine within the next four to six days. If available by next Wednesday, camelliolotosis will be the most rapidly developed unemployed vaccine in medical history. Clinical trials showing it was safe in a vaccine were carried out over lunch last Saturday using one 8th of a battery dish.

All the bacteria either died or disappeared. I think doctor Rieme got it right. Meanwhile, the largest poll ever, 5.8 million. It was on Twitter. Thus it was unscientific, but the outcome? 73.2. Trump 26.8. For Harris, here’s a more reliable or objective yardstick, betting trends favoring Trump over Harris. Here’s where it stands now. Donald Trump 51. Kamala Harris 49. You know I need someone. When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody’s help in any way now. But now, these days, I got so self assured. Find your inner rebel at Dixie Republic, the world’s largest confederate store located in South Carolina.

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Help me if you can I’m feeling down and I do appreciate you turning to international affairs, where the Biden Harris administration proven to be especially incompetent. During a rare interview, a key Putin ally says the west risk global war over Ukraine. Hear it out. George Shemino’s close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin says the US and its western eyes risk triggering a global war if Washington continues to provoke the conflict in Ukraine. It allows Kiev to attack russian territory. His remarks offer rare insight into thinking in Putin’s inner circle following a surprise ukrainian incursion into Russia’s cursed region, to which the president promised a worthy response, does not yet explain what that will entail.

But get this, we have a top EU diplomat calling for long range strikes into Russia that’s declaring war on Russia. Joseph Borrell, the EU’s top diplomat, called Wednesday for western countries providing weapons to lift restriction to allow long range strikes inside Russia with NATO weapons. I guarantee you that is a declaration of war. If that happens, NATO will be taken out. The US is allowing Ukraine to use US provided weapons in a cursed offensive, but not permitting them to be used in long range strikes. Ukraine’s Kursk offensive is a severe blow to Russian President Putin’s narrative, Burrell wrote.

Lifting restrictions on the use of capabilities versus the russian military involved in aggressive action against Ukraine in accordance with international law, which it would not be would have several important effects, he claimed allowing long range strikes would help peace efforts. Russia is ruling out any negotiation with Ukraine in the wake of the crucial offensive launched on August 6. This is a madman typical of the lunatics who are in charge in the EU and even in the US. Meanwhile, World War III watch as a gateway, Pundit reports. As traditional strategic nuclear deterrence wears off, russian doctrine threshold gets lowered and navy trained for preemptive tactical nuke attacks.

There’s no shortage of distressing developments in the present war in Europe. One of the most frightening is the fact that the old and tired nuclear deterrence seem to have lost its effectiveness, clearing the way for kinetic displays of nuclear power in order to jolt the memory of the european leadership. As to the dangers of messing with a russian bear, add to that fact that Moscow’s red lines have been breached one after another. As I write, Ukraine is striking russian territory with NATO weapons like there’s no tomorrow, and we can see how the situation has impossibly escalated.

It has now arisen that Russia has trained its navy to target sites deep inside Europe with nuclear capable missiles at a potential by now virtually certain conflict with NATO. Yes, it’s going to happen. Meanwhile, China gravely concerned over report of us nuclear strategy, the chinese foreign ministry said Wednesday gravely concerned over a report from the New York Times that Biden, who is this Biden, approved a new nuclear strategy that focuses on China for the first time. Who in the world is calling these shots? We know it’s not the fake Biden we’ve had for several years. Now it’s a new fake Biden who’s four inches taller.

This is just preposterous. Even if you believe that the earlier fake Biden was a real Joe who actually died in 2017, you cannot doubt that the new guy four inches taller is not even the original fake that we’ve been dealing with for all these years. China is gravely concerned over the report, which includes preparation for tumultaneous nuclear war with Russia, China and North Korea. Current estimate put China’s arsenal at about 500 warheads. Pentagon claimed Beijing’s on track to have 1500 by 2023. China acknowledges it modernizing its nuclear arsenal, but previously denied US claims it’s rapidly building up its stockpile.

Well, will they should when the US is openly talking about going to war with China, Russia and North Korea? And don’t forget to throw in Iran for the mix. Meanwhile, Netanyahu at odds with israeli military over the Gaza Egypt border PM Netanyahu continues to exist. Israel must maintain control of the Gaza Egypt border, known as a Philadelphia corridor, as part of any hostage and ceasefire deal with Hamas. But the israeli military does not agree. According to the Wall Street Journal, israeli military leaders think Israel doesn’t even ah, look at all the lonely people. Helena Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been lives in a dream waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door who is it for all alone.

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I mentioned three. First, 65% of Jews oppose criminal prosecution of soldiers suspected of gang raping palestinian detainees. That’s correct. I a shocking who polls that almost two out of three jewish Israelis opposed criminal prosecution for soldiers suspected of gang raping palestinian detainees at this demon torture facility. How bad is that? You want to get a nice, clear read of where Jews stand on the Palestinians? There, you’ve got it. Meanwhile, the robbery rate in Europe is just becoming catastrophic, and the question becomes, gee, I wonder what’s causing that. When you bring in millions of untalented, untrained immigrants who need money because they have no honest way of earning it, you’re going to see the robbery rate skyrocket.

And of course, if you have all these men who don’t have women to accompany them, the rape rate is going to become catastrophic as well. That is what’s happening in Europe. Stand by for it to be replicated right here in the USA. Meanwhile, check out website prevent genocide 2030 dot prevent genocide 2030 that that United nations is the beast. There’s a whole lot going on here which we need to do to get us out of the United nations now. Remele boas us rise to the 10 million Patriot challenge. Check it out. We need to get out now.

Situation growing worse. Meanwhile, returning to domestic politics, thousands march in DC to demand an end to the war in Gaza, but they got nowhere. Notice how the muslim women for Harris Walls has dropped its support on the opening day. Democracy now Amy Goodman was on the streets of Chicago during a march on the DNC as thousands held a rally in march at Colin Biden, Harris and the demsite to end us support for Israel amid the ongoing assault on Gaza. But it got nowhere. Here are some of the voices, the headlines. This is democracy now. Democracynow.org comma war, peace and the presidency breaking with convention I am Amy Goodman with Juan Gonzalez.

We’re broadcasting from the studios of canned tv here in Chicago. Hi, Juan. Hi Amy. And welcome to all of our listeners and viewers across the country and around the world. The Democratic National Convention opened on Monday with speeches by top officials of the Democratic Party, including an unscheduled appearance on stage by Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden, wrapping up the night with a 50 minutes address. Earlier in the day, thousands of protesters took to the streets to voice their opposition to Israel’s war on Gaza and to call on Biden, Harris and the Democratic Party to end us support for the war.

Demonstrators gathered in Union park for a rally before setting off on a march through the streets. Amidst a heavy police presence, a few dozen protesters broke away from the larger group and marched toward the United center. It was all for naught. It made no difference. It wasn’t even acknowledged. Apart from the fake Biden saying they have a point. That was it said and done. They have a point. Indeed they do. Meanwhile, Trump stone critic with praise for a nice gentleman, Obama while Barack was slamming him at the DNC. Kind of odd as such a generous gesture on his part.

I can’t explain that one. Meanwhile, Trump says he consider a role for RFK junior in his administration. Today was to be the day RFK would declare he’s withdrawing from the convention and endorsing Trump. But the last I heard, his running mate said that they would only do this contingent upon Donald Trump admitting Operation Warfare. That had been a mistake and apologizing to the contrary. I think it was very unwise politically to make that statement publicly. That’s something that ought to have been negotiated behind the scenes. In any case, we’ll look for the latest news and update.

Meanwhile, he would Trump would consider RFK with a role in his administration. Shouldn’t work out. Laura Trump declares Kamala to be untrustworthy. What is the evidence? Well, there’s a huge amount of evidence as he juggled him or with seriousness, Laura pointed out many critics of Trump overlooked the achievements he accomplished at his time in office. She stated, while some may say he’s rambling, he’s indeed not one to underestimate when it comes to understanding the intricacy of politics. Laura noted Trump has successfully negotiated pivotal trade deals, even made to break some diplomatic eyes. Shaking hands with leaders like Kim Jong undeveloped, it takes Vanessa to special kind of knack to walk into a hutch.

Such high stakes situation, she argued, qualities have made Trump stand out, which of course Biden and Harris severely lack. Meanwhile, this is a crucial point, maybe the most important story today. Rig polls create a false narrative to enable election theft Paul Craig Roberts I have repeatedly warned that rig polls are turning Kamala into the leading candidate in order that the theft mechanism democrats have in place can be used to steal the election after suspicion raised by the 2020 and 2022 elections, it’s risky for the establishment of represented candidate trailing in the polls as a winner of the election.

Therefore, a pre selected winner is positioned as a leading candidate so there’s no controversy when the pre selected winner wins the election. Here we have a report about how it’s being done. Wow. Experts, of course I’m bullying, are skeptical of what they’re being told because it’s clearly fraudulent. Meanwhile, more reports coming in, including seven counties in Florida, got fake voter guides from the corrupted Florida Party of Republican Party of Florida. They picked seven counties because they knew that if they could manipulate those counties, which were the strongest voting for Trump, they could affect the outcome. These are rhinos.

These are traitors to the Republican Party and to America because they do not respect the democratic process. Meanwhile, brass check at least twelve mind boggling things you won’t hear anywhere else. Let’s check it out. Hi, this is Brass. Check. And it’s Wednesday, August 20, 2024. And many of you have heard me complain about the million dollar podcasters, and I’m still going to complain about them. But I have a new tactic. I’m just going to declare us the billion dollar podcaster. That’s because we’re a thousand times better than all of them put together. I’m going to prove it with this program.

It is 2024. We’re going into the presidential election. How much do you really know about what’s going on? We’re going to lay it all out for you like nobody else has. Trust me on that. As one of the candidates would say, the first person we’re going to look at is Tim Walls. Something I’d love a minnesotan to do is document the reality that besides the fact he was the worst Covid governor of all, he made Cuomo and the freak out in California look like North Dakota. But he’s also a thief. One of the ways he stole money from the people of Minnesota is one of his best buddies owned an abandoned supermarket in a mall.

It just failed and it was a useless, worthless piece of property. Guess who bought it for many, many millions of dollars to help with the COVID situation? And guess who never used it, but Tim Wall’s buddy got a lot of money from it. There’s a million oh one stories out there. We know there are people that call themselves reporters. Get on it. But anyway, here’s some good reporting from our I won’t call our friends at Fox because they’re jerks too. But they did some good digging on Mister Walz. Indiana Congressman Jim Banks writing a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin demanding answers on whether Democrat vice presidential nominee Minnesota governor Tim Walts complied with foreign travel reporting requirements for the security clearance that he likely had while serving with the Nebraska and Minnesota National Guard.

This is during his 30 trips to China. Banks writes, any individual traveling dozens of times to an adversarial nation in a personal capacity while having access to classified information poses an obvious security risk. An individual with a clearance should have had the good judgment not to engage in such travel in the first place. Walts lived and taught in China for a year. He honeymooned there and ran a business taking students to China. What do you know about the Democrat nominee for vice president in terms of his engagement with communist China? This is an extremely serious matter because taking high school students to China for these trips would have had to improve by the Communist Party’s united Front Work department.

That’s the part of the party that is in charge of subverting foreign governments. So this is obviously a very sensitive matter. And then when you add onto it that he may not have notified his superiors and finished all the reporting requirements, that means that this is deeply, deeply suspicious. And if he didn’t report this to his superiors, then this is, I think, a firing offense. He needs to be off the ticket, and he probably should no longer serve as Minnesota’s governor. All we keep hearing is how great they’ve been treating Tim waltz. He said he hasn’t.

I mean, one of the comments that he made, Gordon, was that he was treated exceptionally well in communist China, and he doesn’t think he can be treated as well anywhere else. What? And that explains why, even though he’s talked about human rights in China, and I applaud him for doing that. The point is, it has not affected the way that he acted as a representative in Congress. He did not move to impose costs on China for all those things he talked about. And because he’s been very supportive of engagement. That was music to Beijing’s ears. You put all of these things together, and it paints a very disturbing picture.

Someone who should not be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office. Well, I agree with that. We certainly don’t want somebody who’s a chinese agent to be in the White House. Look what happened to Canada, flip. He was asked which country he most admired and referred to China. There’s a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say, we need to go green as fast as we need to start, you know, investing in solar. I mean, there is a flexibility that I know Stephen Harper must dream about, of having a dictatorship, that he could do everything he wanted, that I find quite interesting.

Okay. And you may have noticed, Tim, walls aside, there’s a trend to have pretty boys at the top of the executive ladder. We got the Trudeau in Canada and Newsom in California. They are pictures from an accomplished political career. Gavin is no stranger to the national spotlight. He’s known for same sex marriages here in San Francisco of a San Francisco mayor turned California governor. But, I mean, half of the agenda for this governor is going to be taking on Donald Trump in the White House turned proxy for President Biden. He’s practiced at deflecting the presidency. Question.

No, it’s not. The moment Brown became mayor, even then, as Newsom became parking commissioner, then city supervisor, it was Newsom’s political future attracting attention. Now, the former parking commissioner turned governor is a global brand. Traveling to war zones, to China, and crisscrossing the US, campaigning for the Democratic Party. He’s making a pair of high profile visits overseas to China and Israel. Governor Newsom still insists that he is not running for president. Yeah, I’ll remember too. Willie Brown had a role in promoting Gavin Newsom. He did Kamala Harris when they had a very public, well known affair.

Meanwhile, downward job report because the illegals are being hired under the table. This is most interesting. I’m going to push back on the repost the assumption that downward meant fewer job, but it might mean filing a w two, firing a w two employee for an under the table employee. So the job still exists, just held by someone off the books. That would not be surprising. Will the migrant crisis be the end of the United States? I think with high probability it will be when Trump turned his head. Perhaps a hand of hate could save us from civil war for now.

Nevertheless, our model turns upward for civil war beginning September 4, 2024. Our nation has become so polarized. Living through the forecasts our computer been making the best decades is surreal, for these forecasts have not been my vision, certainly not my personal desire. I too have to live through them as well. I saw an invisible common thread running through history from my days in high school. Every empire, nation and city, state has risen with such hope, believing they would endure forever, only to fall to death if he swept aside to a common grave. In recent years, I’ve grown more concerned about a prospect of a complete democrat breakdown in America.

I’ve studied how such grand empires, also founded for eternity, crumbled, split and turned into revolutions spawned by civic unrest. I’ve immersed myself in centuries of literature describing the polarization of societies and the rise of political violence. It appears that common source have begun with the idea of a federal government that seeks to impose its will upon a people in a one size fits all approach. Bear in mind this massive number of immigrants. Kamala wants to build them free housing. She wants them even to be made eligible to vote. Already it let us hope, does not come to pass.

Meanwhile, a Soros funded anti Trump site is ramping up in Nevada. Courier news from an organization largely funded by billionaire George Soros is rambling up in Nevada, which local news website has been boosting govary through digital advertising to push back against former President Donald Trump and other Republicans in 2023. Courier, founded by former journalist Democrat operative Karen McGovern, hated got juice you at all he want only roller he got hair down to his knee got to be a joker. He just do what he please. Get more tank will save you money every month on gas I’m Dave von Kleist and I noticed increased performance after my first tank of gas.

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The cost borne by us taxpayers. One of multiple venues by which a new panamanian president, Jose Ral Molino, is following through on his campaign pledge to end his country’s role as a major funnel of illegal immigrants bound for the United States. Excellent. Excellent. Meanwhile, 50 us vets in Congress slammed Kamala Harris’s choice for his stolen valor for claiming to have served in combat when he did not. In fact, he abandoned the military when his unit was being assigned to Iraq. He got out of Dodge. So this guy who seemed to me just to be a big progressive slob, just a slob, wants to make Minnesota the transgender capital of the universe.

He’s a guy who didn’t crack down on all the riots, the looting, in the arson in the wake of the George Floyd fake event and now claiming to stolen Valor. How bad is that? Meanwhile, Eric Holder responded, a journalist who asked if he would look into it. Things got heated at the DNC when conservative commentator Jack Prosbeck, senior editor at human events, tracked down former attorney general Eric Holder for an impromptu confrontation. That topic, the vetting process for Camilla Harris potential running mates, especially Minister Governor Tim Walls. Let’s break it down. Tim Holder was responsible for vetting candidates to potentially join Harris.

Proceed. Was keen to question him about Walt’s background, the reason he’s come under fire for committing stolen valor. Let’s get the response here it is a report about it. Excuse me. Ag Holder. Ag Holder. Why didn’t you bet Tim Waltz? Why didn’t you vet Tim waltz? What about is it with stolen valorous? Why are you hurting me? What about stolen Valor? Why didn’t you vet him for stolen valor Ag Holder. Why did he lie? Why did he lie about deploying Holder? You can stop pushing me now. You can stop pushing me now. Remember attorney general, former attorney general.

Holder traveled at Newtown in 2006 and offered the community $114 million to participate in a scam on the american people, a FEMA drill that would be presented as mass murder to promote gun control. $114 million. As I mentioned before, if you participated, you don’t pay taxes, you get free college, and the scam is still bringing supplements. I want somebody to love. Oh, I can buy a little help from my friends. Yes, I get by a little help from my friends with a little help from my friend. Tahibo Tea Club’s original pure pouty arco super tea helps build red corpuscles in the blood which carry oxygen to our organs and cells.

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to 05:00 p.m. california time. That’s 818-965-9113 drinksupertea.com. you’re listening to the Republic Broadcasting network because you can handle the truth gently at the floor, and I see it needs sweet green. Welcome to the second hour of authentic news right here on RBN Live this 23rd day of August, 2024, where I take your calls. Delighted to hear again from JP in Chicago. JP, give us the latest what’s going on down there. Yeah, the quick report on the shots fodder. If you look at what’s going on, there’s been 56 people shot this week and 14 Kia murdered, obviously.

And over the year so far, there’s 2022 shootings and about 400 murders so far. So that’s a shot collected in Chicago. As for commentary, boy, I listened to a little bit of that, Kamala, but I listened it through the ears of Tucker Carlson because he had one of his black friends on there and they were critiquing her and stopping the video of mutiny her and say, wait, that’s a lie. Wait, that’s a lie. And what I didn’t like most about it was she was saying, oh, Trump is being convicted for this and he was convicted for that.

And she was a DA that worked for George Soros. Right? She was put in there to let bad people get away and convict good people and keep black men in jail to make money off of them and the sweatshops and the jails there. She’s well known for doing that. And even, you know, she got a lot of people locked up for marijuana and she was doing marijuana herself. So she’s a hypocrite and a liardeh. So that’s, but to listen to Tucker, though, I gotta say, Tucker had watched his version on Rumble, him and his, I don’t know his friend, but they really, they chop up that presentation very well.

They do a good job. Excellent. JB, I’m glad you mentioned that. Yeah. I’ve been a longtime fan of Tucker. I couldn’t believe what Fox gave him. The booty was their best draw. He was getting like 6 million listeners per show. Since they gave him the boot, it’s been cut down to about half as much. He’s doing his independent thing. But I miss the guy. I still think he’s, he’s wet. He’s a little wet behind the ears regarding conspiracies, but he’s pretty good on most political issues. I like what you’re telling me about his critique of Kamala.

Yeah. And he’s pretty honest. You know, if he, like he minute 911, he was wrong because he was working for CNN at the time and he was spreading the lies and he admitted, hey, I was fooled just like everybody else, you know, so, but he’s got, I don’t know, his father. I think he’s got some clown connections. I don’t want to go in. I don’t want to call him out. Yeah, he has CIA connections. You may or may not recall when he interviewed Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Putin called him out and said, well, you know, that agency that you wanted to work with or that your father did.

I mean, Putin doesn’t miss a track. Tucker. Yeah, he’s comfortable, a little uncomfortable with that revelation. But of course, it was very appropriate. Continue. I think he just plays stupid. But he’s got those really good faces, like he looked someone in the eye and he’s got that look like he’s contemplating the thoughts of the universe. You know, he’s just, he’s a great interviewer. And I say to give the Kahunas to go to visit brought Moscow during a war and they were trying to prevent him from doing that the whole time. And he, he pulled it off and I think he did a good interview and he showed Putin’s cards, you know, that Putin’s really a slick little KGB snake.

You know, he was KGB back when I was exchanged in Germany. That was 40, you know, 30, 40 years ago. So. And then he’s been running the show for, since 1999. He might have went back in the background with the prime minister, you know, back and forth with Novanovich, but he’s still been in power for over 20 years. So he’s slick. But what I worry about now with Ukraine, my brother, is they went a bridge too far. They went a bridge too far. They’re strung out. They lost 5000 troops, over 300 APC’s and tanks, over 50 tanks just like you said.

And now the Russians are just going to swarm in because their mother Russia and the nuclear power plants are being attacked and the bridges and infrastructure being attacked. So they. Putin has saved face. He’s got to do it. He’s got to do a full out invasion. That’s no other choice. That’s my opinion. I agree. He’s got to take all of Ukraine now. No longer just a special military op which was to defend the Don pass with very limited goals, now he’s got to take all of Ukraine. And as I reported, he got the top diplomat of the you supporting long range strikes in Russia.

That’s a declaration of war by the European Union. This is going to be the decimation NATO. It’s going to be the death of the North Atlantic Treaty alliance which has long outlived its usefulness. Well, we’ve crossed all the red lines. We put, you know, s 16 in there that can launch nuclear missiles. We put the long range high Mars in there which we said we want to do. We’ve been loaded them up with foreign mercenaries which we. Oh they’re not NATO. Yeah they are. There’s a lot of polish and romanian and bulgarian, French and they’re all mixed in there including London, british and Americans.

So hey, one thing about report of US National Guard getting orders to serve in Ukraine beginning the middle of next month. How bad is that? That’s horrible. And I agree. My major Danes, everybody knows he’s still alive. Get a wife in Ukraine. I’ve lost contact. His emails gone dead. If anybody in army intelligence know I’ve heard of Major Ed Danes, please send a link to doctor Fetter. Let me know he’s alive because he’s a good friend of mine. Jd, let me say, I’m so appreciate your reports from the Windy city. Apparently none of those protest movements ever really got started.

I didn’t hear of any bricks being tossed. Do you have any current info on whether or not such events happened? No. I sent my brother out there on his bike and he didn’t see nothing. There’s no really riding. They prematurely boarded up all the windows though. On Michigan Avenue. The stores boarded up all the windows, but nothing happened so far. Very wise. That was a very wise wick. And all the evidence suggested they be bombarded. JB, thanks. This is really good stuff. You’ve been very faithful all week. I. I look forward to more calls from you, my friend, and.

Take a good weekend. Take a break off of speaking, Jim. You need to take it out. Easy, man. Have a good weekend. Well, you know how they say there’s plenty of time for sleep in the grave. I appreciate it, JP. I’m doing my best. Long as I can do it. Okay. But I want to enjoy life too. Thank you. But all week you’ve been kicking butt all week. Getting it out of the park, hitting out of the park. Good job. Good job. Much appreciated. Okay, silly girl. Francis, North Carolina, join the parade. Oh, boy. Hey, young man.

Yes, it’s a silly viking gal at your disservice. One thing I got, I wasn’t going to call for at least a month, but after I’ve seen a couple of things come up, and after a couple of commentaries you made earlier, it’s like, yeah, that sounds typical. Before I get started on that, may I remind people there’s enough hate out in the world to sink a major cruise ship. We don’t need to add it to the airwaves. So when it comes to, if you don’t like something that someone’s saying, that’s fine, keep it to yourself. We don’t need a sliding of each other because it’s unethical, unprofessional, derogatory, and a lack of personality.

So enough is enough. If you have information or something helpful, that fellow human being, go for it, but don’t go attacking each other. Now with that said, there’s several things I’ve come to know that you mentioned about that people coming in illegally and so forth, and know what they’re getting handed out of, being given access to vote and so forth. I have to make a couple of corrections. One, these people coming in, making it bad for everybody else, that’s ordinarily here to start with, losing their work because of items, food and whatever, heavy clothing going up, shooting up sky high.

I’m just trying to figure out when it gets that bad to the point of trying to cause the economics, atmosphere or scenery around you to implode, thus imploding the US. Are they going to stay here? No, they’re going to hightail it back. They’re going to hightail it back. And what are the politicians going to do? Cry, boo hoo, it’s so and so’s fault? No. For one thing, the, I’m finding it ironic because if they’re being given out so much money to supposedly spend, for one thing I do know is that the DMV is not going to grant a license to someone that’s here illegally.

They’re not going to. They have to provide some interesting documentation showing that they live here, they belong here, and so forth in order to get a license. So if the federal government or some fraction of it is providing that so they go to the DMV, then something funky is going on in Denmark that sinks to high heaven to start off with. Now, speaking of the aspect of people being here complaining about this and complaining about that, I did accidentally come across an article on the local news, as it were, here in North Carolina that at the DNC, I hate to even talk about or even giving them credit for even being mentioned that people that were protesting what’s going on with the Palestinians and how they’re being treated were not allowed into the convention, duh.

Which is pretty much a given. But actually, it’s a disgrace, and it’s a disgrace to the so called Democratic Party, for that matter. But the funny part is, is that they allowed someone who is a Zionist to come in and actually speak during. I think I could be wrong about that part, attending the DNC in Chicago, which I thought was in poor taste. So they’re proving even more that they are an zionist organization more than anything else, let alone the federal government and the district of criminals. So it’s really getting reprehensible to the point that I have to agree.

There’s two things, two part deal for this thing. As far as Trump goes, people say, well, oh, they hate Trump. They hate Trump. You know, it’s not a matter of hating someone. It’s a matter of if a politician, whether they’re naturally to it or viewed as a business, as apparently he does, if he does something that makes people think, hey, this dude’s worthwhile, then go, fine, go for it. But it’s all they’re doing is blind siding and hoodwinking and all this stuff. For example, the people on January 6 that have been in prison all the time, if he was actually in that office to begin with, the first term, he could have expunged them and had them removed from prison currently, now, not wait until the election coming up to do that.

That’s B’s. That’s a load of B’s. Period. As far as the people that are here illegally, if he was actually served in the office before guiding, or whatever you want to call it, then he could easily have them removed now, not wait until the next time around. Whatever depends happens with that, how it’s rigged and so forth. So when I hear these stories, I’m thinking, you know, he was not this before for four years or whatever. Why wait until the next time around? I mean, this is all a zionist movement. Our action of how to brainwash people and think, oh, this.

He makes things butter. Give us a final. Give us a final thought, Brent. Well, two things. One, my heart’s always out to the Palestinians. And two, you mentioned about Rima Labo. I’m looking forward to getting a hold of her because Jessie Ventura, back in the nineties, had her and interviewed her at one point. But she had to be very cautious because she no longer lives in the US. Because if anything they could was she shared with him, they would like to have jailed her. She does not live in us. For your information, we just did an interview this morning, which will be on my bitch, you channel probably already.

I can’t believe I missed that. And I’ll post. You didn’t hear it because revolution radio studio b is out of action until Monday. Oh, so you didn’t hear it because it wasn’t broadcast. But it’ll be up on my bitch and it’ll be on my twitter. Okay, gotcha. Thank you, Francis. Thanks again. Yeah. Meanwhile, Tom. Tom from Florida joined the conversation. Tom. Yeah, yeah. Good day, everybody in RBN. Jim. Yeah. The JP’s call. Yeah, he’s right. What he’s saying about the Chicago and the statistics, I like that. But he doesn’t. What he’s got to realize is the catastrophic wounds that the ones that didn’t get murdered are going to perpetrate on american citizenry, which is in the billions and billions of dollars.

Those wounds are in the billions that we’re, we got to flip the bill for. And the people in Chicago and state, Illinois, I mean, it’s crazy. And you’re talking, and that’s just in one city. You’re imagine all over the United States, the lower 48 and eight anchors and Alaska, they have murder there. I mean, a lot of these little minorities in the tax bill that they’re flipping on us is insane. But now, forget that. And that was nonsense. The chameleon looked like a chameleon last night. I listened to some of that. I couldn’t hear the spew anymore.

I couldn’t take it. I had a screeching voice of hers and, like, giggling. Laugh like they ought to call her Harris the hyena Harris the hyena. Killer Kamala. Killer Kamala, that laughing. The laughing hyena. Hyena Harris, whatever. Anyway, here’s what I want to get rolling out, Jim, let’s talk about this. RoBeRt F. Kennedy just today endorsed President Trump for the presidency. And did you hear what Robert F. Kennedy said today, sir? Did you pay here? I want to hear you fill us in, Tom. I want to hear all of this. Go for it. Robert F. Kennedy just said today.

You can look it up. He say that he would want, he would like to help Trump with the help human health. Human and health department. And he’s going to expose Fauci and he’s going to expose how they were using Covid-19 as a cover. Who are these people to play God? Killing beagle dogs, killing all these animals, and yet a lot of millions of human beings, these devils. He’s demonic swine. In China and here in the United States and everywhere else, scientists and Bill Gates should be hung on a rope, too. He’s a crook that Bill Gates.

Know what his wife left them. Did he. Did RFK junior. Did RFK junior attack Bill Gates, too? Yeah, he’s. Yeah, he kind of did. Yes. He said he was talking about all these. Yes. Robert F. Kenny went off the chain today. What do you sound about how this pharmaceutical companies are running everything? He said everything today was everything run by drugs. The biggest industry in the world that are pharmaceutical companies. And he’s gonna help Trump clean it up. Think. I think Trump’s gonna put it. Yeah, yeah, that’s right. And that’s what I. Health and Human Services is perfect if he doesn’t put him at CIA to clean up the organization that helped to kill his father and his uncle.

Good, Tom. That would be wonderful. That would be wonderful, Jim. That’s a great idea. That’s where he does what Trump should put him in the CIA to run the CIA or the health department. Either way, Fauci needs to be hung on a rope. He’s an absolute cabalist. Mass murderer. That little Fauci. That little Anthony Fauci lives on a pension. You, none of us on the audience could understand. He’s the highest paid pensioner in the United States of America, more than the president of the United States. Tom, what do we have? What we have from Trump in response to RFK’s endorsement? Have we heard from Trump about it? Well, yeah, he’s in Las Vegas right now and he’s pumping up this no tax on tips deal.

And they even have now because Kennedy endorsed, they even say Trump has a good shot of winning the state of Delaware. He’s looking four points in Delaware. Got Kamala right now. I love it. Donald Trump might pick up Delaware, 311 votes. Even striking distance to take the state of Delaware. Wouldn’t that be a shock country. And matter of fact, Jim, JP calls in Monday. I heard. I just saw a poll. My nephew called me from Chicago last night. He was watching the Bears beat Kansas City, and he was telling me at halftime that right now they know the polling.

Chicago and 65% of all the black males in the city of Chicago are voting for Donald Trump. 65%, I believe, carry Chicago. He carries the state. Yeah, Chicago goes to state. Sure. My nephew said that. He said that fat Pritzker over there. Guys a billionaire. That fat pricker comes on after Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders is a marshes. And then right after Bernie comes on, you had this fat JD pricker, fat slob who never really worked for his money in a heritage at all. And he talked about Donald Trump. Donald Trump made his billion in a billion.

This guy pritzker was handed a billion dollars. Hang on, I’m carrying you over younger, so much younger than today I never needed anybody’s help in any way now but now these days are gone I’m not so self assured now I find a chamber. Hello, hello, hello from beautiful Colorado. My name is Samuel Jungk and I am currently the lead Shiuji hunter and master herbalist for Colorado Shilaji company. In this video series, I will be discussing what we believe is the greatest of all adaptogenic superfoods and the single greatest natural healing remedy gifted to us by mother earth.

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She made his career, she put the money behind him. She had to know he was gay. Who knows what her orientation may be? But because that tort affair he had with Rahm Emanuel and the bathhouses of Chicago was so well known publicly at the time, so she may be the one. We’re responsible for his rise to fame and becoming president where he could do so much more damage to the United States. Yeah, Jimmy, he was a community organizer. Go figure. That was exactly right. You’re 100% right. But before I get into the meat, but meat and the potatoes, I want to really say the most important thing today.

I hope Sebastian Sweeney or Mike in Brazil are miles in Maine or even a Jim in New York. And even that guy Reese. Reese, if he talks about immigration, I like what he’s got to say about immigration if he ever called in. But here, I want to say this, Jim, here’s what I want to say. You’re absolutely right. The fact pictures were billions. My nephew told me all about this criminal and he is behind Obama. He was behind Big Mike and Barry sortero Hussain. Oh, Hawaii Obama. Hawaii Five. It was his sister. It was his sister, Tom.

It was his sister Penny. Not Pritzker, but his sister, Penny Pritzker. Yeah, that’s correct. That is correct. Right here. Jim, here’s a major news that you. We got to talk about. You saw what happened at the DNC for the last four days. What the main news is, it was on the news today. Tell me. The main news is Joe Biden and Kamala communist Harris comrade are trying to get a half a million illegal aliens to vote in this election. Look it up. It’s breaking on all the networks. They tried to get a half a million illegals to vote and they’re using their, their, um.

They’re an orphan. They’re adopted kids as fodder because these illegals came over the adopted kids. They’re trying to feed them through the process to vote for this election, Jim. It’s all over the news. I believe it. I believe it. They’re. They’re pulling every dirty trick in the book, Tom. This Democrat party’s a disgrace to America and committing treason right and left. They don’t believe in the constitution. All they believe is in power and mucking up the lives of Americans. Absolutely, Jim. This guy Garfinkel, this guy, this son of a gun ag, he tried. He gave orders to actually kill Trump in Mar a Lago.

And Trump got out of line. And his special, uh, his special protection service. This guy, Merrick darling, is a criminal thing. He should be hung on a rope. All these people are criminals, Jim. They’re all criminals or deep state criminals. And look what happened today to the Secret Service. Five of them got suspended because they actually tried to hit. Put a hit on Trump and Robert Kennedy. Would be great in the CIA post. I love that fight, Jim. Love it. And, uh, so I just hope we’ll see what happens. But Kamala Harrison, the whole thing was a ploye to try to get a half a million illegals registered to vote in a November election.

Jim. Yeah, criminal if you know, she got it. She wanted millions to be able to vote, not just a 500,000, Tom. She would like a mold of. She’s. She is a disgrace. She’s an empty vest. Yeah. Java Newsom in California didn’t go to the rapid. The DNC. Why is that? Why did Gavin Neeson go there? This guy’s a real crook. He turned California into Mexico. It’s a mexican milk and honey. It’s the land of destitution and prostitution. Yeah, graceful what they’ve done to California. And there’s a lot of white, fresh wc hung with a rope. That’s what I got to say about these filthy rags.

You are full of piss and vinegar today, my friend. I agree with every word you’re saying. Well, thank you. Thank you, Jim. I appreciate that. There’s a lot of great callers that are coming up. I know that. I hate to waste the time, but you know what? I try to get out printed information a lot of people won’t talk about. I try to bring it home and thank you. You’re not wasting a minute, Tom. I want to thank Alexander for that nice call he made about me yesterday. He’s a great caller, too. Alexander makes some great calls.

Really does. There’s a lot of great callers. And I hope, I hope Dana, Washington would go as a truck driver, go out on Washington, start hitting out pamphlets, how the state of Washington can actually turn the truck and go conservative again. How can Washington state with a name after Washington, the president can be so liberal, for God’s sake. The same Washington. How are they so liberal in that state? Are they a bunch of wackos? I don’t get it. Or it could may even worse. But you got the whole west coast gone wacko. Completely wacko. Disgusting. Look at the fire they had in Hawaii.

And they’re still gonna vote Democrat. But Oprah Winfrey trying to buy up all the land over there. That Oprah badass Oprah fire sale. A fire sale. That’s right. She’s a crooked, she’s colored purple by acting the color communist red. I agree. And she was up there wearing purple, you know, just like. Right. Just like Hillary when she came out to make her concession speech. It was like. And Bill wearing purple thank you, Jim. Have a wonderful weekend. You, too. Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church we’re a wedding. Lives in a dream waits at the window wearing a face that she keeps in her job by the door who is it for? All I want the truth.

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But you can learn how to play the game. It’s easy. Continuing with our caller, Cynthia in California. Welcome back. Hi. Hi. Good afternoon, sir. Your discussion about RFK’s junior’s running mate brought back some information I just got the other day. She tries to fund $100 million decentralized medical care hospital. And she made this proposal to a neurosurgeon named Jack Krause, who’s been an activist for a long time and lives in El Salvador because of that. And the upshot of it is that he ended up being introduced to the president of El Salvador and being asked to write a medical freedom clause for their constitution.

Now, he says that he spoke with the attorney for RFK’s election run. Candidacy run and was told that he didn’t think that anybody, any politician in the United States could touch it because of the power of big pharma over politicians. So I’m going back to that issue of we need constitutional constitutions of our counties so we can take and put that in there because we’re not able to expect support from the state level either because they’re also rather compromised. He, by the way, is also an expert on issues of blue light affecting us. And he says that the blue light is a major cause of obesity and you can’t get rid of it easily unless you do early morning light.

And he said, by the way, they’re planning to do away with all incandescent light bulbs within the next five years. And so we actually need manufacturing capability here in the United States and constitutional issues at the county level saying we have a right to incandescent bulbs if we want them enough of this mercury laden leds and fluorescents so that reclaimingtherepublic.org has that petition that you can use, you can modify to name the World Health Organization that we wanted out of this country. We want the UN out of this country, and we want the NATO contracts to be ended because they all impair our sovereignty and can be used to invade us.

One of your fellow hosts at RBN just very recently said that California may actually ask for the UN help if they have major, major demonstrations and riots, and that he believes that they already have UN troops here that are chinese, that have blended in with the chinese population. And that very well may be true. I’m just saying that it is high time to get organized. There’s an article at that site, reclaimingtherepublic.org, reclaiming the republic. Because dust off that old dusty constitution and put it back into force at your county level and then force it in at the state and the federal level.

We have to take our country back. We’re going to have to do the work. There is an article there that says how important counties are and gives you the arguments you need so you can initiate that effort. You still there, Jim? Yes, Cynthia. I just want to express appreciation for you bringing all this out. Nothing would surprise me. Give us a final thought. Yeah. People need to locate those interviews of Jack Krause because he explained that they knowingly disseminated polio vaccines that had sv 40 in it. And, you know, that’s the one that’s more recently been found in the COVID vaccine.

And they have a long history of understanding that is in there. And there’s absolutely no good reason for it being in the current vaccine. None. Well, except they did this. No good reason, except they want to kill us. And, yeah, thanks for all that good stuff. Keep it coming. Keep it coming. Joe in Florida. Joe, join the conversation. Hey, Jim, thanks for taking my call. Yeah, good to hear you. Hey, listen, just a little further information on the RFK endorsement, if you’re interested. I am, basically. Yeah, it was because I know you were on the air, but I was watching it.

It was an explicit endorsement of Donald Trump. Okay. So as to clear about that, because confusion, and then not only that, but at one point in his remarks, RFK goes on to start talking about that. He not just had a conversation with President Trump, but he had more than one. Two meetings, very, very long meetings where they get into real specifics about trying to reform the agency capture, but, you know, the big pharma and all pharmaceutical industry and of course, that’s his baby. That’s the issue that he’s built his career on. And at one point I noticed, at one point, I noticed RFK even said, under President Trump, we’re going to try and cut that agency capture of the pharmaceutical industry in the medical, you know, federal government agencies like the FDA.

So in other words, it sounds like he’s already saying he’s part of the campaign. I don’t know what the promise was, hhs or whatever, but at least from RFK’s perspective, it sounds like he’s all in. I noticed that he said, funnily, he said, oh, this may be a problem, you know, for my wife and my children. In other words, it seems like his wife and his children are probably anti Trumpers, but he definitely explicitly endorses Trump. And your question about what, Trump’s reaction. So RFK spoke in Phoenix. Trump has a rally starting at 07:00 eastern time tonight in Glendale, Arizona, and then heard even some rumors that there’s a possibility that RFK shows up at that rally.

Sure. Trump is already linking him. No, he will. He will, he will. He’ll show up. I have no doubt. You’re right, Joe. It’s good stuff. Yeah. And I think just quick announcement about this, I think that’s a little bit of a game changer. Look, this is going to be a very, very close election no matter what happens, right? So even if RFK was getting five or 7% in a very close election, there are going to be voters. Maybe I was one of them, who would be tempted to have voted for RFK. You know, as long as you had Biden on the ticket, I think RFK was taking votes away from Biden.

Now, with Kamala Harris up there, they’ve got their own little act going on. I think there was a great danger that votes would have been taken away from Trump by RFK. And even if it’s one or two, that in an election this close, that could be a game changer that would have gone to RSK going Trump. Let me add, let me add to your observations, Joe, with which I all, I agree, all of them. This was Trump’s greatest weakness. The whole vaccine, the whole pharmaceutical. This is a tremendous patching of his position. It greatly strengthens him politically.

The only legitimate complaint against Trump now is the war, his ongoing support for genocide. But where Biden’s outdone him by supplying the bombs and the weapons, and Kamala’s endorsed Israel 100% already, ironclad support for Israel is already in the democratic platform. Statement. So I think this really is a great strengthening of Trump. I think it’s going to make far more than 5%. I think it could make as much as ten. And it’s going to solidify his base. You could be right. Yeah, you could be right. And along those lines, you also got to think about people who are independents or let’s say independent minded Republicans.

Those are the kind of people who will be, who will go to Trump if they see that this endorsements, they always say they don’t play that big a role. But I think in this case it could be those independents looking for somebody. And with RFK actively, it seems like actively campaigning, that could be a changer. One other thing I want to mention is this is most welcome. No, I want you to continue. Yeah, give us more. Give us more. Yeah, great. Well, I mean, on that, I do think that it could be a game changer. But on another issue, I just want to mention real quick.

So actually, Pastor Dankoff, you know, Mark Denkoff on the show before you, he brought up something which I think is good because we may forget it, losing the focus. So he talked about the idea. He’s heard information that Iran is definitely still going to retaliate against Israel for this attack on their territory when they assassinated Ismail Haniyyah. You know the negotiator, right? Yeah. I mean, how unbelievable is this? They’re supposed to be having ceasefire talk and Israel, satanic jewish terrorists, they murder the person that’s supposed to be having ceasefire talk negotiating with. Yes. Yeah, yeah. So, so I think, and I mentioned that to once before.

So the us intel, right? Maybe there’s still somebody with half a brain somewhere in the intelligence community giving that information to iranian leadership about the ten Mossad agents that are in Iran that helped 1111. Okay. Oh, great. So that to me could be account for this probable delay. There’s really no other explanation. You know, maybe Iran is taking care of those people. I don’t at all think that that rules out that Iran is still going to do a retaliation. And rightfully so. It has every right in the world. No nation in the world can do it.

So just by way of saying, even in the midst of this campaign, in the election, I still think, look, we’re going to be actively involved in world war three before the election. So, I mean, we’re in a much more. I think a lot of people are thinking, oh, you know, well, things will work out by the election, whoever gets elected, maybe. But, you know, I think we’re, we’re still in very urgent times. And even with Ukraine, Joe, remember, Klaus Schwab said there were going to be a series of cataclysmic events before the election. Before the election.

I don’t doubt it. I don’t doubt it. And the other, the very last thing I guess I’ll say about Ukraine and Russia, it’s become more and more obvious that this was a desperate attempt by CIA and NATO. The incursion into Kursk. Right. I’ve heard that they’ve lost, Ukrainians have lost more than 5000 men. Right. They’re expending people. They don’t have any. They don’t have any men to spare. And it’s a completely illogical attack. It doesn’t make any sense. I think it’s the desperate gas of psychopaths. Once Russia gets on top of that, that’s the other part where we’ll be lucky if we get to the election.

It’s the way I’m thinking of it. We’ll be lucky if this country is in one, one teaspoon. By the time we get to the election, we’re in great danger right now. Totally reasonable. I’d say it’s 50 50, Joe. It’s 50 50. Unbelievable. All right, great. Thanks a lot. Thanks. Great call, Joe. Thank you. Thank you. Joe in Tennessee. Join the conversation. Joe in Tennessee. You know, I’ve been thinking a lot about the protest movement, in particular with the Palestinians. You know, I’ve watched different protests, and there’s always, like, abortionists, you know, it’s all about pro abortion and pro Palestiners, LBGPT.

And. And there’s always, like, a lot of jewish looking people speaking for the Palestinians, you know, the left wingers, you know, and then they go out and they block traffic, you know, and I have friends. They’re like, oh, well, you should join them. Even though they’re like some antifa and BLM and people that hate you as a white person, you should still join them, you know, to show strength and solidarity with the Palestinians when it’s a loser. When it’s designed to be a loser. The protest movement for the Palestinian is a losing cause. It’s designed to be a losing cause.

It’s controlled. It’s controlled opposition. I’m not saying don’t protest. I’m just saying don’t be part of the organized protest because it’s all controlled by Jews or by people that don’t have the palestinian interests at par. My advice is, first of all, the Palestinians aren’t going to win this battle by protesting, especially in this country. The Palestinians are going to win this battle and they are winning this battle by fighting, by blowing up israeli soldiers. That’s how they’re going to win it. Like the Viet Cong beat us in Vietnam. Yeah, I think if I was going to be out protesting, I’d be out there with signs of maimed and blown up israeli soldiers.

And I try to demoralize the Israelis because that’s very interesting, Joe. That’s very interesting. I like that. They’re not. And that side’s not going to be put on the news because the news doesn’t want to see the Jews demoralize. But the demoralization is very important. But you’re not seeing that because they know. Now I see these Jews out there going, we don’t want a ceasefire. If I was a Palestinian, I’d be going, no, we don’t neither. We want to beat your ass. We’ll take it. We’re going to take you down. You soften freaking juice. What you can do is, well, there’s not going to be a ceasefire.

There’s not going to be a ceasefire because BB doesn’t want one and there’s many israeli generals who want one, but BB does not. And unless they take him out politically or literally, it’s not going to happen. That war is going to go on. They’re losing by attrition. I think you’re making key points. Ukraine is losing massively by attrition to the Russians and the Israelis are losing by attrition to Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran. Get involved here, it’s going to be very bad for Israel. I agree. Well, if I were, like I said, if I was behind any, I would be celebrating the fighting spirit of the Palestinians.

I would be broadcast, I’d carry pictures around as dead Israelis. I’d remind the Israelis of the 70 israeli special forces and that that video got taken down so fast. Did you see that with the video of the Houthis, the hooties killing 70 special forces Israelis in Mercedes? I love those hoots. They are wonderful. I admire them. You know that. And there is a reason why the control system takes that down right away because it is demoralizing to the Israelis. So my advice is don’t go along with these like baggy, you know, protesters, especially with people that aren’t, that don’t have your interest in mind, blocking traffic at airports.

That’s a great tactic. No, celebrate the fighting spirit of the Palestinians. Because when you’re dealing with people that are in for genocide for you, protests aren’t going to work. You have to defeat them, you have to beat them in a fight. And they are beating them and I celebrate them for it. I watch the videos every morning of them blowing up tanks and bulldozers and I cheer them on and I don’t look at them like victims and little cowards. They have more balls than any Israeli out there. And I’m just. This bit of. This has been a very inspiring call, Joe.

I like it. I like your attitude. Give us a final thought. I’d just like to say something about AI. AI is in the process of like coming. It’s like growing and part of the way AI is growing is by listening and by taking information. That’s part of the reason it’s so important to censor people like me and you and others, because they don’t want our ideas getting into the AI, because we speak the truth. We are rational and computers and intelligence understands that more than all the bullshit lefty stuff. That’s why they’re so intent on censoring us.

So I want everybody in your audience, the rational people, to get your ideas out there, broadcast them, type them. Don’t be intimidated because we’re training AI. We’re training AI to take our ideas which are based on truth, okay? And we’re subverting their system that they’re going to try to use to control us. But we can use it, we can hijack it by using our truth. This has been a super call. A super call. I look forward to your next Joe exhaust. Hey, Frank. Thank you, Frank from New York. I’m delighted you’re calling in, Frank. You will be the last caller today.

Go for it. Hey Jim, this previous caller, I love his spirit, you know what I mean? And I think all of us are looking for the Palestinians. But I sent you a couple of emails the other day where, remember, I don’t know, they were both from jewish sources too. And one was calling some guy a terrorist because they were throwing rocks at somebody, at a bus driver at a bus in Jerusalem. They call them terrorists. And the other article, okay, showed that we’ve sent over 10,000 2000 pound bombs, okay, to Israel and 4000 or 5000, you know, 1500 pound bombs or something.

I mean, it’s just, you know, the Palestinians, they’re not going to win on the up. I mean, you know, they’re, they’re out there fighting with tooth and nail and we give them credit for standing their ground. However, you know, I mean, they’re outgunned and, you know, you can’t beat the bombs with rocks. Jim, earlier you were talking. I don’t know. You said about Pritzker’s wife. Now, were you saying that she was the force behind Barack Obama? Yes. Okay, well. Well, actually, Jim, it was the CIA. You’re familiar with Wayne Manson? Yes. Okay. You know, Wayne Manchin wrote a detailed.

You know, he wrote a couple of articles on that, and he shows how the CIA controlled Obama. You know, I took him out, they brought him over, they put him in Chicago. And, you know, I mean, to me, the CIA runs the show. You remember Operation Mockingbird? I mean, they control the media. You know, they give us what they want. Talker believes, you know, and I believe, you know, they were involved in knocking off JFK. And, you know, I mean, you know, that. I mean, obviously there was other people involved also, you know, but, you know, to me, you know, Pritzker’s wife may have done something, but to me, I mean, the CIA was the big, total force behind putting Barack Obama where he was.

And then the media puts him out there. And then, you know, they took Jimmy Carter. I don’t if you remember, but back years ago, penthouse wrote an article, Jimmy Carter, how David Rockefeller made Jimmy Carter president. And they were showing how the Rockefeller had influence, and then they had influence in the media, and they took Jimmy Carter out of nowhere. He was on. I don’t remember. What’s my line? Okay? What’s my line? If you were celebrity, if you came on, the panelists, they had to put masks on, okay? He came on, and nobody knew who the hell he was.

Okay? He was the former governor of Georgia, all right? Within two years, he was the president of the United States. Nobody knew who he was. But the media got in there and they pushed him. They made him, you know, an overnight, overnight household name. And that’s the way it works. And the media is the biggest force in this country, and unfortunately, it’s not on our side. And that’s why I think that Wayne Matson is correct when he said it’s the CIA that kind of got, you know, Barry Satoru brought him in. Frank, I’m completely open to that.

I think it was about local money and that she had the billions of the pritzker fortune and she put it behind Obama, but that he was overall managed by the CIA. I don’t have a serious doubt about it. I think you’re right. Oh, I think so, too, Jim. I think you can check it out. Wayne Manson, he’s written, like I said, a couple of articles on this. And you can check him out what he says. And, you know, he’s got the goods there, I believe. And, you know, I mean, you can get a lot of money, but, you know, the media helps you.

And obviously the forces with the CIA and the Mossad, these creeps basically, you know, our CIA, we’re trying to topple governments all around the world. World. You know, they were, you know, they’re not supposed to be working in our country. It’s supposed to be the FBI. But, you know, they’re involved in stuff here, too. You know, it’s disgusting. We know that. What’s your take on where things are going with the DNC and how this election? Are they just going to steal it again? Tell us your thoughts. Well, I think, you know, anybody’s going to vote for Trump, like, I got to think so.

Okay. You know, like you said last week, we got a roll of dice. Okay? You know, he broke some promises, but maybe he’ll come back and maybe he’ll have a vengeance against these people and he’ll take control. But by bringing in this woman now and they’re setting it up, it looks like they could steal it again. And that’s the problem with the Republicans. You know, the Republicans make a lot of noise, but they really don’t go after people the way Democrats go after people. I mean, look at all those people. January 11, in jail down there for years.

Now, a couple of them for years. Years from what? Going down and just standing up saying, hey, Democrats, play dirty. And the Republicans, by and large, do not. I mean, those people who are dirty use techniques and methods that those who are principled and moral will not do. The Democrat party today is as unethical and immoral as it could possibly be. Totally corrupt. They’re scraping a belly. They’re using every dirty trick at their disposal. So your concerns, your warnings are very well founded. I mean, you know, they’ve weaponized the Department of Justice. You know, they let those people from antifa and black lives matter.

They’re building down burns, killing cops, killing people. You know what I mean? Even in New York City, gave a bunch of them a ton of money. Some of the protesters down there said, oh, we were wrong in doing this. And I forget what, they gave them ten grand apiece or 20 grand apiece or something. It’s crazy. I mean, we can see what’s going on, but, oh, no, no, antifa, that’s just an idea, you know. Yeah, that’s just an idea. People got killed and buildings were burned down and, you know, they were doing a lot of destruction.

But, you know, did the Department of Justice go after them? Not to my knowledge. I mean, you know, but they’re going, after they weaponize it, they’re going, they want conservatives to just keep their head down, move along and don’t get out of line. Okay. And that’s the problem, Jim, with the Republican Party. You know, they’re out there, they make a lot of noise and they do stuff and they get these hearings and nothing comes about. You know, I told a friend of mine, he runs a radio show and I told him, I said, you know, the Democrats are saying socialism, socialism today and the Republicans go, no, no, no, socialism tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.

The country continues to move leftward, Jim. You know, when are we going to repeal some gun laws or some abortion laws or moving the right direction? But hey, you have a great week and give up the great work. I appreciate, appreciate it. Spend as much time as you can with your family, your friends and people you love and care about because quite literally we do not know how much time we have left. Have a great weekend and support RBN.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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