RBN Authentic News (20 May 2024) | Jim Fetzer

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ On May 20th, 2024, the Iranian president and foreign minister died in a helicopter crash, with some sources suggesting it was shot down. Meanwhile, the situation in Ukraine is critical, with a decisive battle in Kharkov that could determine the outcome of the ongoing conflict, this all covered by Jim Fetzer on RBN Authentic News. There are also reports of communication failures on the Ukrainian side due to Russian interference. Lastly, Victoria Nuland, a former U.S. official, is calling for more strikes on Russia, while others predict Ukraine’s imminent collapse.
➡ Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, is expected to lose his legal status and may become a target for Russia. If a neo-Nazi replaces Zelensky, Russia will destroy Ukraine’s political and military establishment. The U.S. and Europe are trying to distance China from Russia, but this is unlikely to succeed. The article also discusses the potential for a global financial crisis and the need to protect personal wealth, as well as the ongoing conflict in Gaza and Yemen.
➡ The text discusses various military conflicts and political issues, including the war in Gaza, recruitment problems in the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, and the potential influence of foreign powers on U.S. politics. It also mentions the controversy surrounding former President Trump’s legal challenges and the influence of wealthy Jewish donors on New York City’s mayor. The text ends with a discussion on protests against the Israeli government’s actions in Palestine.
➡ The article discusses various issues including secret collaborations of wealthy Jewish individuals to advance Israeli interests, suppression of free speech, and manipulation of politics. It also covers the funding of pro-Israeli counter protests at universities, the influence of far-right billionaires on state courts, and the efforts to shut down protests. The article also mentions the training of illegal immigrants to vote in certain local elections, the obscuring of private aircraft ownership information, and the controversial views of a socialist member of the Chicago City Council. Lastly, it promotes a service for avoiding income tax and a product for combating mold and bacteria.
➡ The article discusses a controversial bill in Congress that aims to reintroduce diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) quotas in college admissions and other aspects of American life. The bill is disguised as a victory for privacy rights, leading some Republicans to support it. The article also mentions the term “fear porn,” which refers to media content that plays on people’s fears to provoke strong emotional reactions. Lastly, the article discusses a debate about the influence of Jewish billionaires and Israel on American politics, with some arguing that this influence is harmful.
➡ The text is a conversation between multiple people discussing their dissatisfaction with the current political situation in the United States. They express concerns about the misuse of tax money, the loss of jobs to overseas companies, and the impact of immigration. They also discuss their disappointment with certain political figures and the potential outcomes of the upcoming election.
➡ The text discusses various issues such as the speaker’s disapproval of certain political figures, concerns about immigration, rising debt, and the presence of drug cartels in all 50 states. The speaker also mentions the potential collapse of Social Security and the threat of an EMP attack on the power grid.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of Social Security and Medicare, which he has contributed to since he was young. He also talks about his various jobs and encourages others to work for the government. The speaker then discusses potential legal issues with mortgage transactions and promotes various products and services. Lastly, he expresses concern about the upcoming election, potential lockdowns, and societal changes, urging listeners to stay informed and involved.
➡ The conversation discusses the alleged assassination of Iran’s president and foreign minister, suggesting Israel’s involvement. The speakers express concern about potential global conflict if Iran retaliates. They also discuss the perceived favoritism of China towards Russia, as evidenced by their warm reception of Putin compared to the U.S.’s Blinken. Lastly, they touch on China’s advancements in electric vehicles and their alliance with Russia, Iran, and North Korea, which they believe could pose a threat to the U.S.
➡ The conversation discusses the benefits of living in China, such as free education and healthcare, as long as one respects the government. It also touches on the issue of freedom of speech. The discussion then shifts to the topic of war and the importance of individual actions in spreading awareness about various issues. Lastly, it emphasizes the importance of spending time with loved ones and supporting Revolution Radio.


Today because you can handle the truth. This is Jim Fetzer, your host, on authentic news right here on RBM Live. This 20th day of May 2024 on speak free radio. The iranian president and foreign minister are dead. They died in a helicopter crash. It was in a very inaccessible region of Tehran. They were part of a three helicopter convoy. The other two choppers landed perfectly successfully without any problem. We have a report. Russian sources say the chopper was shot down. The Israelis declaring, of course they had nothing to do with it. But that’s what they do.

They are the world’s biggest liars. The most notorious. The official announcement from the iranian news service said that Foreign Minister Osana Miya Bedoulian was among those aboard the chopper. The governor of the province and the region chief western and israeli intel services came to the same assessment regarding the death of the president. But they claim it happened due to bad weather conditions or a lack of maintenance. According to russian sources, the helicopter was shot down either by a bomb or a manpad anti aircraft missile. I have no doubt the Russians are giving us the truth. The US and Israel are lying about it.

Contemplate. Contemplate. Who benefits? Obviously Israel benefits as a form of retaliation for the iranian strike on those two air bases from which they launched the assaults on the consulate in Syria Damascus. In violation of international law. Law? Iran has been comporting itself in accordance with law. Israel has not. Meanwhile, the situation in Ukraine is dire. For Ukraine, a zig situation. Seven brigades are rushed to Kharkov. This battle will decide everything. A turning point in the war. This is from war news 24/7 highly reliable ukrainian endless war of the ukrainian army is entering an irreversible situation known as a zugzwang.

Knowing the battle of Kharkov made his side everything ukrainian experts enlighten the situation. Believe Ukrainian. If the ukrainian troops do not turn the tide of events in the near future, and I guarantee 100% they will not, then the situation where the ukrainian armed forces would become a zugzwang in a game of chess where players put it at disadvantage by having to make a move any move he makes leads to a worsening of his position. Most ukrainian analysts are convinced the attack by russian forces in the northern part of the Kharkov is not the main in that the russian army could be preparing a really large scale attack in another direction.

However, everyone agrees even if it is not the main attack, Ukraine cannot ignore it because in this case the russian army will enter Kharkov. It’s happening. Russia is decisive. But get this. I mean it’s absolutely fascinating they have the potential for surrounding and eliminating 40 to 45,000 ukrainian troops 40 to 45,000 ukrainian troops and as I’ve already reported the head of the ukrainian air force has admits he’s got no one to replace them meanwhile even the Washington Post reports Starlink communication failed the day of the russian attack in the Khargov region it began it began on May 10 when the russian offensive initiated the ukrainian military lost all ability to track the movement of the russian troops from drones due to interference brought about by russian electronics meaning that the Russians have the ability to disrupt the ukrainian army uses Starlink this is Elon Musk network of satellites for basic communication.

The connection fell for the first time since February of 2022 well how totally appropriate how totally appropriate the morning of May 10 an assistant to the head of the Pentagon John Plom said american and Ukraine specialists were able to stop the use of Internet terminals Starlink Internet terminals by the russian military on the battlefield in Ukraine making it sound as though that was something they had done as though Russia were using Starlink to spy on Ukraine well maybe Russia has found a way to use Starlink to spy on Ukraine I mean military engagements have been severely altered by the fact that drones and satellites leave everything revealed so it’s utterly fascinating that on this crucial day with regard to this crucial series of maneuvers there was no coverage for Ukraine.

here’s another report about it defense failures jam satellites allowed Russia to disrupt the defense of the ukrainian armed forces in the Kirkov region very very significant Russia should have this ability western media continue to look for new reasons to explain the failure of the ukrainian armed force during the offensive of russian troops in the Kharkov direction one of the key factors was loss of satellite communication by ukrainian units yes well that’s another advantage for Russia strike it up meanwhile, Victoria Nulhon, about as despicable a human being has ever walked the face of earth is calling for more strikes on Russia she’s no longer in office.

Bear in mind this is a woman in journey the KU in Kiev in 2014 that initiated all these results because it deposed the Russia friendly press at hand I mean Russia and Ukraine were doing just fine and it replaced him with a western puppet of whom Zelensky is a successor and thereafter artillery bombardments of the Donbass commenced from 2014 to 2020 to 21 killings up 2000 in the Donbass which is a Russia friendly ethnic russian russian speaking section of Ukraine and indeed it was when the ukrainian army was about to launch a massive slaughter the Dun pass parallel to what’s happening in Gaza that Putin intervened.

So we can thank this woman for engineering all of this. Here’s what she’s saying now. Russian attacks that are coming from, they need to be able to stop these russian attacks that are coming from bases inside Russia. So I think there’s also a question of whether we, the United States, and our allies ought to give them more help in hitting russian bases, which heretofore we’ve not been willing to do. I think if the attacks are coming directly from over the line in Russia, that those bases ought to be fair game, whether they are where missiles are being launched from or where they are where troops are being supplied from.

I think it’s time for that because Russia has obviously escalated this war, including, as you said at the beginning, attacking Russia’s second city, Kharkiv, which is not on the front lines, and trying to decimate it without ever having to put a boot on the ground. So I think it is time to give the Ukrainians more help hitting these bases inside Russia. One of the reasons that the administration has hesitated is because they believe it will escalate things even further with Russia. Pull the US further in. Why not? Why? So why do you think that’s a good idea? Because it’s Russia that has escalated this war.

Russia has learned how to pull its forces back out of the range, where we have allowed Ukraine to use our weapons and get our support. So they are getting a direct advantage in this war from our hesitation. And they have escalated massively. As you know, they have flattened a third of Kharkiv without ever having to get on the ground there. So it is time to stop that and help Ukraine push them back. Maybe there’s no single figure on earth more responsible for the war than Victoria Nuland. Meanwhile, Joaquin Nicobia publishes again on my blog, western liars aggressively promote World War III and Europe.

And there could be no greater western liar than Victoria Nuland. Here’s how it begins. Things appear no better this week on World War Three’s european front. That unelected worm. UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Monday at a meeting on the 13th with a policy exchange think tank actually stated, if Russia succeeds in Ukraine, the UK might next, adding that Moscow’s recklessness has taken us closer to a dangerous nuclear escalation than at any point since the cuban missile crisis. All these western puppets read from the same central bank cartel mono script. They’re all saying the same thing. This city of blood and weasel actually accused Russia of cutting off the west gas oil supply when it was western puppets following orders of their money changing master to destroy Russia with unending economic sanctions.

Achievably the cause of the west mess today, including, of course, a Nord stream pipeline. I mean, what a stupid thing for the prime minister of England to be sane. Just ridiculous. Meanwhile, Judge Napolitano had an interview with Larry Johnson, and interestingly, let’s see. Chuck Bold one provides a summary of what happened. Takeaway number one. What many of us don’t know is that much of the billions of aid Washington sent to Ukraine was in the form of cash. Of course, there’s zero accountability. What happens to that cash? Supposed to be used to fortify Ukraine defense position, but it didn’t.

So what happened? You know what happened. It went into the pockets of Zelensky and his crony. Takeaway number two. Sorry. Johnson said in no uncertain term, Ukraine will collapse. He said the collapse will come sooner rather than later. NATO can do absolutely nothing to stop it. That Russia produces three times the number of artillery rounds and actual artillery leases in the west. No, the Russia produces as many tanks in one month as the US and Europe produce in one year. Takeaway number three, Ukraine’s Zelensky terminology buyers. Tuesday. Actually, tomorrow. Zelensky refused to allow his country to hold an election.

Furthermore, he did everything he could squash, imprison, torture his political opponents, whether an election is held or not. And it would have been today. After Tuesday, tomorrow, Zelensky will no longer be the legitimate president of Ukraine. The significance of that is, when Zelensky loses his recognized legal status as president, he can and no doubt will become a target of Russia. Meaning, unless Washington sends special forces to Ukraine to whisk Zalinski away in the middle of the night, his days on earth are probably numbered. Takeaway number four. If Zelensky in place is taken by a neo Nazi, Russia will completely destroy Ukraine political and military establishment.

They will not abide a nazi regime in Ukraine. We Americans have no concept of what the russian people endured during the 20th century. We cannot begin to fathom the pain and suffering along with the resolve and determination that is now endemic to the will and psyche of the russian people. To them, war is not a video game. Men do not go into the military for healthcare benefits, college opportunities, or career advancement. Russian men are in the military to fight and destroy the enemy to save their families and homes. They are more than willing to surrender their own lives.

To accomplish that end. Johnson makes a terrific point about all of America’s war crazy politicians who are more than eager to send american troops into wars and conflict all over the world. He said, if America is sitting a policy where any politician who votes to send american troops into these incessant foreign wars either had to fight those wars themselves or send their eldest children to fight in those wars, war mongering in Washington, DC would end immediately. Love it. Great peace. Good job. Good work. Meanwhile, we have Colonel Jacques Bod of the swiss army reporting on what’s taking place, and we’ll have it right here.

Jacques Bod, we know that the west tried so hard, Anthony Belinkin, Janet Yellen, Olive Scholz went to China to force them, to convince them not to help Russia. And right now this, visited Xi to Europe, chose the same manner that he comes to Europe and he goes to Serbia and Hungary that are much closer to Russia than France and other countries. We know that the west is wishing to distance China from Russia. How do you see the situation? Is that possible, in your opinion? No, I don’t think so. We have to remember that the main target of the US and hence of the Europeans, because the leading figure here is the US and the main target is China.

This is what challenges the US leadership, especially in the Pacific area, but not only and also economically, domestically, if you want. And you may remember all the issues with Huawei and now this kind of war that you have with electric vehicles and things like this. So the Tesla is. Is the problem here because they don’t sell cars anymore because they’re too expensive. So as a result, the target is China. The reason for trying to weaken Russia was in the mind of certain individuals in the State Department and others, beyond the fact that there is still a hatred of Russia since the cold War.

I mean, for many people, the Russians are still communists. Somehow I don’t understand how they come to that. But that’s a little bit. I mean, if you read some texts, sometimes they talk about Russians as communists, don’t understand why, but that’s. That probably were beyond reason here. In any case, there is a hatred of Russia, a basic hatred, and a fear of Russia in Europe and in the United States. But this was not the main reason for weakening Russia. The main reason was to make Russia collapsing. Is that so Russia could not reinforce China, because also geographically, you see that those two countries are very close.

I mean, they have common borders, obviously, and they are complementary because Russia. And we see that very much now that Russia needs China to improve its industrial product and China needs pressure for raw material. And be right back. Tejbo Tea Club’s original, pure, pouty arco super tea helps build red corpuscles in the blood which carry oxygen to our organs and cells. Our organs and cells need oxygen to regenerate themselves. The immune system needs oxygen to develop and cancer dyes and oxygen. So the tea is great for healthy people because it helps build the immune system and it can truly be miraculous for someone fighting a potentially life threatening disease due to an infection, diabetes or cancer.

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Once again, our phone number 602-799-8214 it’s almost Friday. There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done, nothing you can say in the comfy stone. Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game well, quite a lot. Houthis are succeeding in shooting down drones over Yemen. We have one board from the south front which is, as I’ve explained, highly reliable side showing a successful interception of a us drone over Yemen. The Houthis have released video of what he joined the successful interception of an MQ nine Reaper combat drone of the United States military over the central Yemen province of Merib on May 16.

These drones, which cost around 30 million a piece, are primarily used to collect intel but have the ability to conduct pinpoint strikes. And the advanced drones can operate more than 27 hours and reach altitudes of over 25,000ft. Good for the Houthis. Here’s another report about it may or may not be the same. This is from zero hitch Hoothi shoot down a fourth US Reaper drone Emmons Saran Ling guthies have announced they’ve shot down yet another $30 million american military drone. Footage is widely circulating what appears to be the wreckage of an MQ nine Reaper drone in Yemen, but the Pentagon has not yet confirmed.

They’re not happy about losing all this expensive merchandise. Houthis are able to do it on the cheap. Meanwhile, unpacking the israeli campaign to deny that Gaza genocide, Manta was reporting a recent media flurry over the number of palestinian killing Gaza amounts to nothing more than genocide denial. The campaign to discredit the Gaza health ministry is simply a strategy to allow the Gaza genocide to continue. Everyone’s watching it 24 hours. I mean, it’s just insane that they should try to deny it. Here we have a report from the Palestine Chronicle. Israeli army devastated in Gaza. This is a resistance roundup as of day 2222.

What’s happening is that change of tactics on a part of the resistance, altering the nature of the battle of Gaza altogether. The initial assessment about the latest development in the israeli war in Gaza is the war has gone back to the very start, despite 222 days of constant fighting and relentless israeli bombardment. This reading emerges from reports published in israeli media citing israeli military officials saying Hamas has regrouped in northern Gaza, an area supposedly subdued by the israeli army in the early months of the war. Today’s fighting in Jubilee, however, suggests Hamas, another resistance group, may have done more than just regrouped.

News from the battlefield documented by Gaza’s resistance shows the israeli army is weaker than ever and that palestinian resistance has the upper hand on all fronts. Earlier in the day, the al Qasim brigades, a military wing of Hamas, had killed twelve israeli soldiers from zero distance, only one of many statements issued by the Gaza resistance throughout today. Later, israeli sources, citing an al Jazeera admitted in a single attack, 20 occupation soldiers were killed or wounded Wednesday after a booby trap building was detonated with israeli forces inside. Wow. You must adapt in war. Meanwhile, here’s another report.

A hundred tanks, 100 tanks blown up in ten days. This of course, is 100 tanks in ten days. That’s fantastic. Meanwhile, in terms of american military report from natural us aircraft carriers can be destroyed with certainty by just two dozen hypersonic missiles, of which both China which are possessed by both China and Russia. Yes, yes, it’s long been evident that aircraft carriers are a relic of the past and can easily be taken out. Meanwhile, probably so many problem with recruitment Navy Marine Corps focused on smaller, eligible population as recruitment problems mount, the Navy’s ongoing struggle to meet recruitment missions and the Marine Corps growing concerns on the shrinking pool of possible enlistees topped a Senate panel hearing on personality issues facing the services.

The Navy predicts it will be 6200 and listed short of its 40,600 for fiscal year 2024. The service added it missed the last fiscal year what it missed last fiscal year to the current year. He added that work requirements in the fleet that we need to maintain so we can work out of the hole. When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody’s help in any way now. But now these days are gone, I’m not so self assured. Now I find a change of mind and open up the doors. You are tuned in to the Republic Broadcasting network.

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Senator Cruz urged Dojfi to investigate whether foreign adversaries are behind the Gaza war protests in the United States, as though protesting against genocide were un american. This is disgusting. Zero hedge Senator Ted Cruz of Texas had called for us federal authority to investigate whether foreign actors are promoting contentions within the United States, including recent protests over the war in Gaza taking place on us college campuses and other venues around the country. What’s wrong with him? During a Wednesday, May 15 episode of his personal podcast, the Verdict, Mister Cruz noted a recent report by network Contagion Research Institute alleging connection between the shut it down for Palestine movement and the Chinese Communist Party.

Oh, of course, Ted Cruz, the chinese communists are behind the student protests of war crimes. Meanwhile, wondered where in the world all those stories about, you know, Hamas beheading israeli babies had come from. Well, this is rather disconcerting, but here you have an israeli soldier boasting about cutting the heads off of palestinian babies. And I was more concerned about the blood on his vestibule then he was killing the babies. He admitted to killing 13. Listen to this. How many Palestinians have you killed? I told you, 13. How long were you. 82 days. Listen, listen, listen. You hook.

Suck your motherfucker. Now. Listen, we care for you, okay? Go ahead. Yeah, go ahead. Okay. Do you know how much it take to take off this vest and clean all the Palestinians baby’s blood like this? You know, like he took a baby head and cut his head. The vast majority of Americans stand behind you. They stand behind Israel. I mean, yeah. Who stands behind Israel? Who stands behind the slaughter? Palestinian babies. This is grotesque. Michael Jones, whom I recommend breaks down the takeover of the us government by foreign powers. You see, Ted Cruz has it the opposite.

It’s not that the foreigners are interfering or promoting the protests. It’s that the foreigners have taken over our government, which Ted Cruz is apart. Does he not recognize what has taken place as we have the question and raised by american greatness? Is it 2024 election of political renaissance for America, or the path of totalitarianism? To ensure that continuation of the american republic will require not only support for President Trump, but also extraordinary vigilance by the american people through the election in its aftermath. Well, I gotta ask, when Trump has come out so strongly for genocide, complaining we just aren’t killing the Palestinians fast enough, when he’s come out with Mike Johnson for funding the Ukraine war, when he’s ignoring the border, I don’t see how there’s any potential for an american renaissance on the horizon.

Very, very, very troubling. I mean, give me a break. Meanwhile, we have CNN taking Trump’s side on an issue in a previously unheard of development. Some anchors of the leftist propaganda machine CNA and are now coming to the defense of Donald Trump, as one prominent host had taken a former president’s side by admitting that the hush money case in New York would never have been brought against a different person. On his CNN Monday show, Sunday morning shows gps, CNN host Fareed Zachariah expressed skepticism regarding the unique application of the husband case against Trump, questioning if such charges would have been leveled against anyone else under similar circumstances.

Zachariah observed a rallying effect among Republicans that Trump confronts multiple legal challenges while attempting to return to the presidency. Republicans seem to be uniting behind Trump, and whatever opposition he faced in the primaries largely melted away, and the trials against him keep him in the spotlight. Jen Bsaki was complaining about this infuriate his base. You see him as a martyr, may even serve to make him the object of sympathy among people in general. Believe that the prosecutors are politically motivated, as they obviously are. Meanwhile, this is a doozy. The Washington Post reports wealthy jewish donors push the New York City mayor to launch the New York Police Department crackdown on the Columbia protesters.

Surprise, surprise, over a dozen jewish billionaires worked secretly in concert with the israeli government as part of a private WhatsApp group, which conspired to push New York City Mayor Eric Adam to crack down at pro palestinian anti genocide protests at Columbia University. According to bombshell leaked chat logs obtained by the Washington Post, the most shocking report shows how many of the most prominent jewish billionaires and multimillionaires in America work together in secret to advance israeli interests on multiple fronts, suppress american free speech rights, reward politicians who do their bidding with donations, and hide their connection with the israeli government.

Are you surprised? As absolutely. Standard operating procedure in America today. Meanwhile, Jessica Seinfeld and Bill Ackman fund pro israeli counter protests counter protests at colleges Jessica Seinfeld, cookbook author and wife to comedian Jerry is funding a pro israeli counter protest at UCLA, where violence broke out Tuesday night after mob attacked demonstrators. And those were the Shabbat blueberries. I don’t know if they needed any additional incentive in the form of money. Just the idea of bashing the heads against the Goyam, I think would be enough for them. Meanwhile, far right billionaires are waging a war to capture state courts.

This is coming from truth out, as state courts continue to hear cases related to abortion bans and protection across the country following the overturn of Roe v. Wade, with which I disagreed 100%. These institutions have come even more into the crosshairs of a few ultra wealthy extremists want to codify and impose their personal religious beliefs on all of us via binding law. Now here you see this is taking the opposite side. The same right wingers are trying to affect politics, but they don’t spend any time talking about the Israelis and the Zionists who are manipulating and even getting our kids heads bashed in.

Absolutely disgusting. Meanwhile, Professor John Mearsheimer, donor class versus the First Amendment. This is a good, good issue to consider. Let’s see what he’s got to say. Mearsheimer misleads to shut down the discourse, to do everything they can to end the protests. And if you read this amazing article in the Washington Post today about the efforts of rich jewish donors to shut down the protest, you see this behavior clearly laid out in great detail. In fact, it’s thoroughly documented. And again, what they’re doing is just trying to shut down the discourse, which is another way of saying suppress free speech.

Did the great University of Chicago, on whose faculty you sit in an endowed chair, once known as the mother of free speech amongst major high end academic institutions, cave and call in the police to shut down lawful, nonviolent demonstrators? Yes, with one caveat. They didn’t call in the Chicago police. They used the university security forces to end the protest. But I think the essence of what you say is correct. I was actually seeing the justification that this person, whoever the president is, must know the rich tradition going back to then president and soon to be Attorney General Edward Levy.

But why the radical change? Is that the donor class putting pressure on him or her, wherever the president is, we don’t have any hard evidence as to what happened in the Chicago case. There are some of these other cases where you can see evidence, for example, in the Harvard case and in the Columbia case. But there’s no hard evidence of the lobby’s influence in the case of Chicago. But I’d be willing to bet a substantial chunk of money that enormous pressure was brought to bear on the Chicago president to end these protests as quickly as possible.

Good man, John Mearsheimer. And, of course, Judge Napolitano continues to do wonderful, wonderful work. E. Michael Jones has addressed a new anti semitism bill. It’s very, very troubling that there should be such a bill coming forward. And, of course, it’s outrageous, violative of the most fundamental constitutional rights embedded in the First Amendment. Meanwhile, get this. Washington, DC is training how to get illegal immigrants to vote. Cheryl Atkinson reporting. This is to vote in city elections in Washington, DC. But it’s very extensive how they’re going about it. They explain exactly what must be done according to federal law, only us citizens can vote in federal elections.

But a growing number of state and local elections allowed non citizens to vote, among them San Francisco and Oakland, California, along with some cities in Maryland and Vermont. In February, a state appellate court ruled in a similar New York City law that a New York ruled a similar New York City law violated the state constitution. But in DC, they’re moving forward. Meanwhile, we have a, there was a spat in Congress, kind of a cad fight, where MGT suggested that a black gal who was having trouble reading, you know, a Democrat was having trouble reading a bill, suggested that she might not have so much trouble if she didn’t wear those heavy fake eyelashes.

It was just kind of an amusing diversion. There’s a, here’s another report about it. This is from NBC News. Body shaming, iq insults and cross talk Krause committee meeting devolves into chaos and personal insults. Here we have Marjorie Taylor Greene. Oh, Goldman, that’s right. He’s advising. Okay, well, it’s too trivial to spend more time on, but amusing. Meanwhile, Gorsuch dissent in a consumer agency bill ruling calling a funding mechanism on press attended. This is Alito and Gorsuch both dissent in a bill that might actually have more consequences for us citizens than one should imagine. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito penned strongly word of dissent.

The writing is colleagues at a May 16 decision of holding a financial regulator’s controversial funding mechanism. The case, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau versus Community Financial Services association of America question the constitutionality of the CFPB’s ability to determine its level of funding from the Federal Reserve, albeit with limited restrictions. Cases one of several posing major questions this term about the scope of administrative power. Congress set up a funding scheme when it created the agency, but CPSA argued legislators exceeded their authority under the appropriation clause of the Constitution. Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if they had. Would that be surprising to you? Meanwhile, Congress has made fully obscuring aircraft ownership information a reality.

This is for the wealthy who fly their private jets around the country. They’re trying to make it more and more difficult to track who they are, where they’re going, what they’re doing. A data privacy amendment buried within the FAA reauthorization bill will allow private aircraft owners of fully block aircraft registration information, which will make establishing who owns private aircraft far more difficult and render aircraft harder to track. Gee, you wonder why. Meanwhile, this is just astonishing to me. I mean, even in this day and age, this is so extraordinary. Socialist member of Chicago City Council thinks the idea of punishing criminals is racist calls America Garbage society.

Rosanna Rodriguez, a self described socialist serving on Chicago’s city council, believes the idea of punishing criminals is racist. What does she think should be done with rapists and murder? Summer camp when you look at the breakdown of law and order in cities across the US, remember the chaos is being driven like people like her. They are the problem. I couldn’t agree more. Insane lewds. Meanwhile, this is more of the same. Actually, literally the same. A socialist member of Chicago City Council believes the idea of using police to ensure safe streets and punishing criminals is racist by calling America a garbage society.

Rosanna Rodriguez is an older woman on Chicago City Council, supports defunding the police and caucuses with a democrat socialist. An older woman who explicitly calls for critical race theory to be taught to children is also involved in the council’s education and child development committee. Yeah, good for her. Did you know the IR’s publicly admits that income tax is collected by voluntary compliance? Get the information you need to help you avoid income tax with these five easy steps. All you have to do is go to avoidincometax.com to get your five easy steps on how to avoid the IR’s income tax.

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Well, guess what? Congress is quietly trying to put dei quotas back into college admissions in every aspect of american life. They hope you don’t notice. The Supreme Court put brakes on Harvard’s race. Vacant admission policy. The backlash from the left was loud. What else is new? However, the bulk of the american people agreed with the Supreme Court, and while the left is very loud, they’re actually a vocal minority, convinced they have some moral authority to dictate the rules the rest of us must live by. Despite how unpopular the DEI movement may be, the left is pushing to reinstate this unfair practice in college and all over the us with a sneaky legislative MOOC.

What else would you expect? A bill currently working its way through Congress will embed racial, gender, and religious quotas into nearly every aspect of american life, housing, employment, health care, insurance, credit, all on the chopping block, which are set to become battlegrounds for DEI of this new bill. Pass it. But here’s the kicker. Bush is disguised as a bipartisan victory for privacy rights. It’s not at all. But it’s so cleverly disguised that once again, Republicans have been duped into believing they’re champ, long overdue resolution of privacy disputes and have already thrown their support behind it. Bad, bad, bad.

With the American Privacy Rights act, the days of bad actors collecting troves of our personal data are numbered, or so we’re supposed to believe. But an outcome would actually be very different. Meanwhile, Robert Malone H one n one that’s a bird flu. Truth over fear porn fear porn refers to mainstream media content deliberately and enticingly placed on people’s fears about disaster, disease, and death. It’s often used to describe sensationalized and exaggerated reports or stories that aim to provoke strong emotional reactions, such as fear, anxiety, or outrage. This type of content can be found in various forms of media, including news, social media, and online articles.

Some definitions of your point? Also include the idea it’s used to manipulate people’s emotions and attention, often for the purpose of increasing viewership, engagement or clicks. Fear porn can be seen as a form of psychological manipulation as it breaks on people’s natural fear response to create a sense of drama or excitement. What Malone has to say the above definition is close, but this is a point of various stakeholders in the fearpoint ecosystem in the sakes of the weaponization of fear of infectious diseases to advance human agendas related to public health. You don’t want to miss it.

I’ll be right back and I’ll take your calls. I just need someone to love to be anybody I want somebody to love oh, I can find I can find a little help from my friend with a little help from my friend hey, there. Are you gonna wait till the cows come home to get your new ease off drop and lift? What in the world is an ease off dropping? Lift is a new tool to increase production for your meat processing company that will get that whole hog or half of beef on or off your rail with our remote control.

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We got several lined up already. Paul from New Jersey. Paul, you’re up to bat your thoughts. Hello? Professor. Professor, listen, when we talk about the Chabad Lubovitchers, we need to remember those are Ivanka Trump’s in laws, so we should be very deft and careful the way we. I don’t know. I’m very troubled. These seem to be monsters and extremists. They need to be exposed. Remember, it was lubovitchers in Brooklyn were discovered to have this basement with bloody mattresses and kids high chairs. It looked as though sordid activities had been taking place there. And the next thing we knew, a submit truck had pulled up and filled the whole damn thing.

Very odd very peculiar, very disturbing. Do continue. I suspect you’re being sarcastic. I like it. Indeed I am. And by the way, we know that the jewish billionaires out there, you know, under our lovely capitalist system, will do everything to pay off Mayor Adams to make sure Alvin Bragg scuttles any kind of objective investigation on that. We always have these jewish billionaires always out there coming to help Israel and act as dual allegiance traitors. George Washington warned us about that in his farewell address. These people with these attachments to their favorite, their favorite other country, and they really are just agents of Israel.

And that’s the problem of voting for Trump. The people out there, like the Jamie Kelso out there in the Trump pom pom squad, I mean, we know he’s such an as obvious israeli first as the Republican Party is. I mean, how can you really vote a guy who seems to have such a strong connection and tie to a foreign power? I mean, is he going to get rid of the Farah act, you know, like the one that’s going on in Georgia? I wouldn’t be surprised if they do that. I guess if they never enforce the Farah Act, I guess this is just as good as getting rid of it.

Paul, Paul, the problem is, the problem is the alternatives. You know, look, I am so distraught over Trump and his enthusiasm for slaughtering Palestinians, his support for funding the war in Ukraine. Is doing nothing about abortion harder? Again, begin to tell you, I look at the alternatives, I say, well, wow, wow, are we really this bad off? Any American is going to say, were they better off four years ago under Trump than they are under Biden? And the answer is going to be a resounding yes. I have no doubt he’s going to be overwhelmingly re elected if we have an election at all.

That’s my take. I believe it. And you know, why not? Why not elect a billionaire? It seems that way. We love capitalism so much. We don’t want graduated income taxes to harm their money because that would be bad for capitalism. Right? And so you can’t vote in anybody who the billionaires are against. We’re ruled by these wealthy elite and they are globalist scum. They are by definition. Now, listen, they’re not just the globalist scum, though, too. The Republican Party last week on May 16, passed HR 8369, which is, which is basically the get the bombs for bombing Rapa better bill.

You know, like, we got to hand Israel the bombs quicker bill. Yeah, and get this, last week they voted on it was HR 8369 and the vote came out ready. 208 Republicans for, three Republicans against. And those three Republicans against it deserve an honorable mention. And that was Marjorie Taylor Greene, Thomas Massey, and Warren Davidson out of Ohio. Those are the only three Republicans who put the interests of America first, at least in this instance, and pressure Israel. Paul, it’s just appalling. I mean, not even Jim Jordan, Matt Gatz were opposing it. I mean, this is ridiculous.

God, only God. Now, of the Democrats, though, get this, there are 16 who voted to get the bombs to Israel. 1st, 16 Democrats and 184 against. So really, the only party, let’s be honest, fellas, the only party that does stand up to Israel a little bit is the Democrats. They’re a little better, you know, but this could all just be electioneering because they got the Muslims and minority populations who have no interest in seeing the white looking Jews bombing brown people. This is where I stand with Elon Omar and, you know, AOC, even in opposing Israel.

I mean, the squad’s on the right side of this issue, and I’m going to give them credit for that because they deserve it. But you’re actually, this is where. Yeah, no, actually, this is very good for race relations for nationalists like ourselves, who, let’s be honest, I’m mad at blacks and minorities a lot of the time because their politics are so crazy. But on this, we’re odd bad fellows. I’m down within the hood. My brother’s over there, except what’s his name? Hakeem Jeffries. I think Hakeem Jeffries was one of the ones who voted for it. And.

No, no, he voted against it. But nonetheless, some of the people in the urban centers, they have their priorities. They don’t want american money. And somebody is their tax money spent on foreign adventurism and buying Israel free bombs to kill Palestinians. And it’s just despicable. And I’m with you, Jim. I don’t know what to do for November. Like, who’s going to be my presidential pick? Yeah, Paul, it’s, it’s appalling. I mean, the situation we’re in that this should be the United States in 2024. Give me a break. Unreal. Yeah. And I mean, do we have to make, we really should make it law that if you could codify Washington’s farewell address, it’s too bad that never got made into, like, taking the intent of that document and made it into national laws on non intervention and meddling overseas.

Yeah. Wonderful. Great call. Great call ball. John in Texas. John, join the conversation. Hello. Is that me? Jim, greetings. Hello. Go ahead. Go ahead. We got you, John. Okay, right. Yeah, I tried to call you last week but I had a couple of problems. I. Sure you’re in Austin, Texas? Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, I heard that, Paul, Craig Roberts on with Richie Allen last week and he said a couple of things that really, really sort of shook me up and I made a few notes here and you probably know this, Jim, but as I say, it was a bit of a shock to me.

But he told me that he had told me, he told everybody that the USA recruits people from 160 countries costing hundreds of millions of dollars. They finance the NGO’s who provide the hotels, food, the water and the medical care while they are in transit. So, and this is going as, again, as you know, this is going on all over. You’re talking about the caravans of migrants as they make their way up to the border of the United States. Yeah, yeah. Unreal. And what else, what else did I want to share? Yeah, I want. And I’m not having a.

We’re financing our own destruction and, you know, it’s just like we’re financing all the corruption in Ukraine, we’re financing the chateaus in Switzerland for Zelensky and his mansion in Florida. And the whole bit, it’s just. It’s nauseating. It’s nauseating, John. That’s what it is. Nauseating. Yeah. So the other, one of the other things I wanted to share with you was, you know, and Trump’s not the only one who’s done this, but I remember him, you know, when he was campaigning and for the 2016 election and he was bumming away about how he was going to bring all these jobs back to America that had left.

And I thought, yeah, mate, every. Every part an old song, you know, and I just thought I’d share this with you. I worked the first 20 years of my life in the textile business and in the 1980s, I found myself working in the Philippines because all the jobs back home had gone, all the factories were closed down. I worked for a year for a firm in New York and they were a jewish owned company and they paid their workers a dollar a day and they worked them like slaves. They had some of them working in that factory till they were dropping with tiredness.

I then went working for a german outfit. Yeah. Compared to the other place, it was like working in an operating theatre. At least they did two eight hour shifts. The factory was clean, machinery was modern. Now, I’m just going to jump forward a few years here. When I came over to America in 98, I was here a few years. And like a lot of people, I was a fan of Levi’s jeans growing up. I used to love my Levi’s. Yeah. Before I left London, I bought a pair, and it cost me the equivalent of a. Remember going into a store here called academy Sports? And I saw them selling Levi’s for $27.

And I thought, oh, my God. And then, as I say, in 2005, I think it was, I found out that Levi’s were closing down the last two manufacturing plants, which were actually here in Texas. And I did some reading up on it, and they were. They were paying their workers $15 an hour, $600 for a 40 hours week. Now, if you’re paying that to your american workers and you’re out in the far east, you’re paying folks a dollar a day. And Donald Trump says he’s going to bring all these jobs back. If you’re Levi Strauss denim company, what are you going to say politely, no, we ain’t bringing the jobs back here, mate.

Sorry. So, I know. And William Jefferson Clinton, when he endorsed NAFTA, just did irrevocable damage to the american manufacturing and industrial base. That might have been the single greatest blunder of a president. In the last 30 years, though there have been some whoppers. That was just a monster. Give us more, John. Well. Oh, God. Yeah, here’s another one. When I was a young man, Harold Wilson was one of my political heroes because he managed to beat the dreaded Tories three times he became prime minister, and I was only a teenager, so I didn’t know much. But I found out when I got interested years later in what happened to the people of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean when they got removed from the island and put on the marine, the main island of Mauritius.

And, of course, we found out that was so as America could build a military base there for a war, they knew that was coming up in 1990 against Iraq. Now, what. What annoyed me about that was that Harold Wilson, the same guy that I used to be a big fan of back in the 1960s, I found out that as a result of this thing about Mauritius, he started negotiations with the american government back in 1969. And then they go. The negotiations were concluded with his successor, Jim Callahan, in 71. So, yeah, there was someone who was my hero when, as a young boy, turned out to be an asshole, like a lot of them.

Yes, yes, yes. I’m afraid there’s a lot of that out there, John. Good stuff. Good stuff. Yes. Thank you. Thanks for the call. Tom. In Florida. Tom joined the conversation. Tom. Yeah. Good day, everybody. Yeah, Jim. I mean, John, think about going to Salvation army to Levi jeans. Get it for $6. And they have a lot of brand new ones in there. Believe or not, people never wear them. They end up kicking off and they get a lot of donations. Salvation army goodwill is a little more expensive. They’re kind of criminal, but Salvation army get you a nice pair of jeans here, John.

Look, here’s what I’m calling about, Jim. This is the main thing. First off, let’s get to the real cookies here. I want everybody, if they can, they got the time today. I want them to look over the second hour of Robert Revolt show last night, Jim, and you included, if you can, and listen to Robert revolt show last night. It was spectacular and it was right on. It was explosive. When he had all that stuff talking about this illegal invasion of Europe and United States, it’s all been by design, by the shrine. Designed by the shrine to destroy white, caucasian, northern european culture.

Okay. And the guy that he had on tape talking was amazing. What he is pointing out now, Jim, by the way, have you ever heard of a guy named Barry? He’s on YouTube. Uh, can’t think of last thing right now. I just got a freeze. Uh, I can’t think of last thing right now. But not Barry Sartoro. No, no, no. Um, yeah, I’ll get. I’ll get in a minute. But anyway, this guy’s wonderful. Maybe you can have him on a guess. I gotta remember his last name. Not it for me. Sure. You’ll come to just tell us about the message he was delivering.

Tell us what he had to say. Message he was. This message he was delivering was about the black vote in Chicago this election. He’s already compared what he’s saying. He’s interviewed on his channel over. Almost close to 40% of all black males are gonna vote for Trump. Okay? They’re not voting Democrats. You got. And if that happens, you got 12% of the black women that he interviewed are going to vote for Trump. So it’s going to be a very close election in the state of Illinois. Anything even. Even in the state of Illinois, you’re saying? Yeah.

Yes. In the state Illinois, it’s going to be very close to New Jersey, New York. Biden has been such a disaster and done so much damage, and so obviously, of course, I don’t even think it’ll be on the ticket. I don’t see how anyone could vote for Democrat after what they’ve done to this country the last four years. Tom, I can’t see anyone who’s of sound mind and good character. Voting for a democrat for president would be an act of self immolation. Just insane. It would be, Jim. And you know, the Catholic Church turning their back on this criminal because he’s even saying he’s a Catholic and, oh, he’s a great Catholic.

He. You cannot even be a Catholic if you believe in abortion. Will not even talk about abortion. He’s up. He’s a pedophile of long standing. I mean, it’s all disgraceful. Just disgraceful. Tom, give us more disgraceful. The whole country’s gone into disgrace because like revolt said on his show with that guy, we’re bringing in. We’re bringing in armies. We’re bringing literally armies of males into this country. Yeah. Turn on us going into our military. They’re pulling guns on us. They’re going to kill us. They already killed us. Do you think it’s a un american policy? Should be hung with a rope, Tom.

Do you think it’s a UN army? Are they going to don blue helmets when they suit up? I believe. I believe they’re going to put bandanas on and like, like a bunch of cartel, wild cartel members that are pouring into our country. I don’t. Jim, by the way, you have a senator in Florida and a Cuban American and a cuban congressman, Carlos Juventus and Marco Rubio saying that every illegal, hispanic, African, wherever they come from, there’s all over the Miami Herald. They have to go back to their country of origin and stand in line. Now that’s how the people are in Congress talking like this today, Mark.

Marco Rubio is saying that. Tom, good for him. Yes. Yes, he is. It’s all over the news today down here. They’re talking about that more. They’re talking about the iranian president’s got in a helicopter crash. Yeah, they’re breaking up at the same time we’re talking about the iranian president get killed. And we’ll see what happens with that. But then up again, Jim, you know, Marco Rubio was saying something. They’re talking to the Miami Herald in one of the radio shows here this morning. I was turning off for a few minutes how many people are. Can’t even pay their credit cards.

Their credit cards are in the trillions of dollars in debt. Trillions of dollars at the p. America public doesn’t have the money to pay back their credit cards. Right. You had the guy on Robert Rebolt show last night saying that they’re putting these people in the Ritz Carlton and Chicago and in New York, they want to put all these illegal aliens in these 300 $400 room night rooms. Who’s paying for all this insanity they don’t want? You and I are paying for it, Tom. That too. Yeah. Okay. Should I hang on? Find your inner rebel at Dixie Republic, the world’s largest confederate store located in travelers restaurants.

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Escape the IR’s let avoidincometax.com help you. We guarantee our five easy steps or your money back. Go to avoidincometax.com when I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody’s help in any way now. But now these days are gone I’m not so self assured I’ll find the chamber I’ll open up the doors help me if you can I’m feeling down. Appreciate you being around. Help me get my feet back on the ground. Tom, go ahead. Further thoughts? Well, yeah, Jim, I just gotta say, this criminal Biden, he’s getting ready to rape us again with the gas prices gonna go up another $18 to in the next month there because the summer blends coming in.

And that was in the Miami Herald also. And they’re talking about all these things that’s going on with his binds off insanity. The food prices are up 32% here in Florida, Jim, from what? Donald Trump. Donald Trump was president. And Joe Biden’s going around, going around line saying that when he inherited office from Trump, it was at 9%. He’s a liar. Everything out of his mouth like Cohen is a filthy lie. That schmuck. He’s punched in a way with murder. And I don’t know how many more people can take of this, Jim, but, you know, look at the health care going off the charts, and you got all these illegal aliens coming here for the healthcare and they’re dumping all their prisons.

Like you said, venezuela is a better place to go to the United States for a vacation. There’s no more criminals over there. Yeah, Tom, by the way, Jim. Yeah, go ahead. No, I was. I’m just agreeing with you, my friend. Yeah, you know, I’m bright. I’m bright. Mark, I brighten up our news today, Jim. They’re talking about 50. All 50 states in the United States is they have drug cartels from all these. God, mexican gangs. They’re on every 50 states, Jim. We have cartels everywhere. Fentanyl sporting everywhere. It’s like a massive sale and we can’t stop it.

And then you got all these people, Dean, over 100,000 a year and nobody’s being punished. There’s got to be public hangings, Jeff. We need people to be hung in public squares like they did back in the day. We would not have all this insanity with these democrats and all these other idiots. You gotta legalize drugs, Tom. You gotta pull the carpet out from under them so they no longer agree. I disagree on that. Now, Jim, you bring back public execution, you have to have public execution for breaking law. How about boy being dead? Yeah. When you stole a horse back in wild, wild west.

Young Jim, you were hung from a rope if you stole the man’s horse. And we need to go back to that kind of mentality, okay? We can’t go. No, you can’t legalize all this insanity. Too many people are dying. They’re all right. Where I was at the other day, Jim, there’s three guys that died for fentanyl. That’s the point I’m making, Tom. If you legalize it, you standardize it, you regulate it and you tax it, and you solve the financial problems of the states, like Colorado with marijuana. You got to find a way to pull the rug.

The cartels are too powerful, Tom. They’re more powerful than the government. It’s got out of hand. So what do you do, Jim? You believe in capital punishment? Tom, that’s. That’s okay, but it’s not going to do it. They can outgun us. I mean, it’s just insane what it is. You got to legalize the drugs and then standardize, tax it, and you pull the rug out from under the cartel because there’s no need to do the illegal profit making, drug running, you know, standardized like cigarettes. You got to be a certain age, Tom. I don’t see any other solution to the problem, Scott.

Completely out of hand. We agree that the military one day is going to be all minorities run. There’ll be hardly any white males in the minority military. They only be in a militia, but they’re not going to be in the military. Our military is gone. The generals are all become cowards, most of them. I know. We lost our country, Jim. We got the present. We got the. Give us that. Give us a final thought. Give us a final thought. They’re all bad. I know. My final, my final thought, Jim, what will happen if all these people that are on Social Security losing? What happens if Social Security collapses and the EMP.

We have no in our grid. I know, I know. I agree. We got. Tom. I could not make it without Social Security. My wife and I only make ends meet because of my retirement combined with Social Security. That’s it. That’s it. Just think, Jim, if you didn’t have Medicare, Medicaid for your insurance, for your health care, which I contributed from the time I had my first bicycle route when I was like 13 years old, I’ve been contributing to Social Security and I 83 now, Tom. I feel you, Jim. I feel you. I mean, I’m not that old, but I contributed since I was 13 years old.

I had a paper out, too. I worked since I was 13. I used to cut grass for a living. I used to be a whiteboard at a swimming pool. I did everything. You did everything you could. I got in the county, I mowed lawns and I was a box boy I was seeing at the grocery store. I used to do this when I was a kid. You know, they’re boxing up groceries. Wow. You know it. You know how you take back. You know how you take back the government? You go work for it. Tell everybody at RBN to go get a job as a county employee or something.

Work for the government. Thanks, Tom. Thanks, thanks. Thanks. Boba, Colorado. Join the conversation. Boba. Thank you, Tom. Bubba. Well, I heard all that. Just Boba scout rib and hang on, hang on, hang on. We got a break and right back with you. We’ll be right back with you. Stand by. Lives in a dream waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door who is it for? I want the truth. You can’t handle the truth. You’re listening to republicans broadcasting network, real news, real talk, real people because you can handle the truth.

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to 05:00 p.m. california time. That’s 818-965-9113 drinksupertea.com. here comes the sun, here comes the song, I say it’s all right. Papua Scott, Colorado join the conversation. Be concise, my friend. You got it. Well, I will be. Bout rib is the real deal, but we told them, don’t put that stupid song while you’re on hold. Instead, put this one on, because this is the one you want to put on. Anyway, what we’re saying is what happened is Bubba studied the history of western civilization and things. That’s why I don’t like to read. And we call our there’s a line from this song.

It’s called road we ride a tank, hold a general’s rank while the blitzkrieg reigns and the bodies stank. You know where that’s from? And that Nick Jagger, maybe he wrote it and then when we looked into it, we’re not like that we don’t want sympathy. We’re on top of the government, so we’re bringing it to the enemy. You don’t understand our aim. That’s it. But you got to know our name. Bo scout rep. And a weird thing is, he writes this song, and then we find out he married this supermodel in Texas, this Runway chick. Her name was Jerry Hull.

Well, she divorced him because she caught him naked with David Bowie. You see what I mean? This is the civilization that’s taken over. It’s sick. And I can’t look at these people here because of that. You heard about that story, but is it true that is Nick Jagger attending the London School of Economics on top of everything else? Those baby and jerks. Did he really attend that school? I can’t answer that. I think I’ve heard the rumor, but I can’t confirm it. That’s what I’m saying. And the king of England just started admitting he’s a direct descendant of that Count Lugosi of Transylvania.

How much sicker do you want it to get? So is it any wonder it’s taken over by north african darkies and the arabian peninsula darkies, people. There’s not even any real white people left in London or any of them big towns. They talk about that and the whole civilization is crumbling. There’s only. And last night, Joe, listeners all missed. It’s called Caravan, the midnight general McInerney, Thomas McInerney. He used to be on Fox News. Now he’s only relegated to this. John D. Wells, Dallas, Texas. They know about us. They all know about Bo scout reps and the Vulture squadron.

And he said, yeah, this. It’s not going to turn out the way you think of this election. They’ve added modifications to their hammer and scorecard to reverse the vote totals. It’s all. So how do you think it’s going to come out? It may not even take place, but if it does, they can transfer vote from the one you figure is going to win to the other jerk without. Are you telling me the Democrats are going to win the election at 2024? Is that it? That’s what he was hinting at. He said, you’re going to have to go all out to stop this.

And the mail in ballots are coming and the lockdowns are coming. They’re going to do the same thing with. It’s been revised even worse this time by 2020, but even worse. That’s what he’s talking about that for half hour, General Thomas McInerney. And he’s known by the whole Pentagon. So this is just getting worse. And the only ones I can talk to out there are never been married, white race, double x chrome, females who seek no future for themselves. They’re really confused because of the gender y bending homo stuff. And like, Bob says that our social workers, the veterans Administration, says you can’t use that word anymore.

Homo. It has to be called African American. No, no, they have to be called queer. So it’s come full circle. It’s all queers instead of FOMO. It’s thick. There’s no end to this. So I can’t look down because I look on a hilltop, so I look up, so the people in Kansas and Oklahoma, you’re screwed. It’s coming your way. You can see the clouds building. They cover over the plains and head southeast and wreck you down there. It’s building up and it’s your way. And that’s what you can’t look at. The people here. I’m telling you, it sucks everywhere I look.

And it’s never going to get better. It’s just never get better. Give us. Give us a final. Give us a final thought. Yeah, change. Change. That song that’s on hold, the bad moon rising. That city put that bad. And also mention Bo scout rep everywhere. And don’t stop because I know we can do something about this. And Boa, she’ll take over because. Yeah, she studied the whole western civilization and all the people you say that have infiltrated and been brought in by this sickness. It’s a big sickness disease that took over. And fix. Fix your archives.

If we use multiple phones, we can’t get it to play. Not just our phones. Thanks. Okay. Thanks. You got it. You got it. Glad to have you here. Joe in Florida. Joe, join the conversation. Hey, Jim. Good afternoon. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so. And the surge that you started off with, which were great, by the way. So let’s talk about this. The death of the iranian president for a minute here. Okay. So is there anybody who would doubt that the psychopathic genocidal maniacs in Israel would kill the president of Iran? I don’t think there’s anybody that would doubt that if they were honest about it.

Right. And also the foreign minister. The foreign minister was killed in this terrible accident. So far, we’re still calling it an accident. Let me tell you. I don’t think. And you were alluding to this. I don’t think it’s a far stretch. And here’s my concern is all we need is even a tangential. And I don’t think it’s going to be alone before we come up with some kind of proof that Israel, Mossad, us, but primarily Assad is behind this. Okay, so then what happens? Well, world War three starts. Frankly, that would start world war. Why? Because this is an act of war.

Okay. Israel cannot get away with murdering the president of Iran and the foreign minister and think we’re all going to be distracted by their protests. Are you anti Hamas or this distracting conversations that they keep coming up with these events to try and get us not to see what they’re doing? I don’t have any doubt that they killed this president. What do you think? Yeah. The Russians are reporting the helicopter was shot down either by a bomb or by a man pad anti aircraft missile. I agree with you. The Israelis did this. Now the question is how to react to it.

If you take covert action in response, you might avoid world war three. But I have no doubt this was an israeli office. I agree with you. The question becomes, what’s the right way to respond? And the Iranians are incredibly patient and thoughtful, so I think they’re going to handle it in the best possible way. I don’t think there’s any country in the world that will handle this better than Iran will. Now. Yeah, I agree with you. I pray that they will. But I also look at this idea. Look, here’s the president has been. And if it’s shown that Israel was behind it.

Right. You have to also, whoever the elected official is going to take gas over, I think they’re going to have an election as a vice president there. Now they’re going to have to take into account what is the reaction of the public in Iran and any country. You know, we’ve been. We’ve been brainwashing to think Iran is a demonized country. I mean, it’s a normal country like any other country. If you kill its president, people are going to want to strike back. I could see. And actually, I’ll be as controversial as to say I think it would be good then for Iran to declare war on Israel.

I mean, hey, listen, if Iran declares war on Israel and takes care of the leadership of that wicked, satanic nation, isn’t the world a better place? All right, I’m leaving. As a rhetorical question, the other thing I wanted to touch on real quick was you. And thanks for covering this story, by the way. Victoria Nuland, the human rights war criminal, walking genocidal war criminal. Okay. By the way, have you heard that she’s been. That she went, she’s been hired by a university. Guess where she’s going to Columbia University. How city, right? The same, you know, zionist hotbed who sends out stormtroopers if somebody dares to point out that the Jews are committing genocide in Palestine.

Yes, she’s going to be. That’s where she’s working now. But what I wanted to say was this. I noticed in your clip, she’s saying this way they always speak. Right. Oh, well, we need to be able to send more weapons so that Ukraine can fight Russia deeper into Russia. I mean, who’s the weak? I mean, why isn’t this woman in jail on her trial for war crimes and being tried as an international war criminal? Wherever she goes, she brings death and destruction. Yes. So she says we. We. Oh, talk about we. She’s not we, because the we is America.

It’s rhetorical. Yeah, right. It’s a rhetorical device to grant her greater authority, as though she were speaking for more than just herself and her clique. You’re right. She was talking as if she was talking for more than the psychopathic jewish terrorists in our state Department. Yes, you’re. Joey, you got it. Absolutely. You’re absolutely right. Yeah, you’re nailing it. Give me. Give me a. Give me a final thought, Joe. Yeah, well, you know, I mean, I just think we need to start calling her out and the people like that out blinken and saying, let’s talk about what this person is saying.

Right. What does it mean when she says we should send more weapons so they can. They can attack deeper into Russia? Are you talking about starting World War Three? That’s what they’re talking about. How dare we think that we can have a lackeys fire into Russia on russian terrorism? It’s great. And the last thing I say is, Jim, one day, I promise you, I’m going to call up and I’m going to tell you how I really feel. Terrific, Joe. I love it. I think the idea of Iran declaring war on Israel has a lot of merit, by the way.

I’m very intrigued by that. Sammy in Las Vegas. Sammy, welcome back. Hello, professor. You guys are forgetting that I’m an old guy. To get Social Security, Donald Trump wants to cut our Social Security and medicare. And you’ve heard him say that many times. Do you think he does? Sammy, does Trump want to cut Medicare and Social Security? He said it. You can. You can look it up. But anyway, that’s not the reason I called. Right? Reason I called. The reason I called was, did you see the. Any of the videos of Putin going to China for their meeting? I haven’t seen them know.

But, I mean, it’s an historic event. I mean, this is a very big deal. When Blinken went over just a short time ago, President Xi made him wait in his office for 2 hours for him to meet him. Nobody met him at the airport. He had. He had to go there himself. And when Putin came over. Oh, my God, President Xi was at the airport. There was red carpet. They had bands playing, young chinese women out there dancing and everything. It was unbelievable. The difference. The difference between. Between the two. You think maybe they were sending us a message, Sammy? Maybe they were sending us a message.

Oh, they were. They were sending us a message, all right. When blinking, I told you I married a chinese girl. And yes, we’ve been together for 30 years. We talked to her in laws and her sisters on WeChat. We do video calls with them. She calls them about twice a week. Yeah. Anyway, do they confirm the attitude of China toward Russia? Enthusiasm and toward the United States? Deplore that. Deplore the US and its actions. They signed contracts together while he was there. Putin brought 100 of his top officials there, like the Department of Education, the Department of this, the Department of that.

He brought 100 of them there to meet with the chinese people and work together. They were all going to be working together. And another thing, the electric vehicles, they put up 100% tariff on those. Yeah. You can buy, in China, you can buy an electrical. An electric car that’s actually better than the Tesla’s for less than $10,000 or $9,000 and change with a five year guarantee. I mean, they’re under warranty for five years. And in America, Elon Musk is selling a lesser product over here for 50, 60,000. That’s why they don’t want their cars coming over here.

But. And another thing, when Blake, when Lincoln was having a meeting with President Xi, he. Blinken was talking about the fentanyl coming into the USA, and it’s translated so you can understand what they’re saying. And President Xi said, isn’t. Isn’t that weird? It seems like what goes around comes around. He was talking about opium wars when they were sending all the opium to China, getting the people addicted. I thought that was so funny. He goes, yeah. Isn’t that weird? Seems like what goes around comes around. But anyway, yeah, I think we’re in big trouble because China and Russia are acting as one now, and with them is Iran and North Korea.

That’s right. That’s right. Look, and China and Russia are such natural allies because Russia has all this vast supply of natural resources, and China is the industrial and manufacturing giant of the world. They’re a perfect pair. And the rest of China shrink into insignificance by comparison. Go ahead, Sammy. Final thought. Yeah. One other thing. Do you know in China, education is free, your medical care is free if you want to go to university, as long as you can make the grades. Yeah, keep going and it doesn’t cost you a dime. That’s why they have hundreds of thousands of engineers.

My wife’s sister went to university and got a master’s in computer programming, and she designed a computer system where people could pay for their parking at the meter with their credit card, just tap it and pay to park their meter. She drives the Bentley. Now there’s a lot of, I love to go to China, professor. It’s clean. So nice. People are all dressed nice. No homeless. Wonderful. Wonderful. Yeah. There’s not a lot of, my impression is there’s not a lot of freedom of speech and freedom of thought there. But, you know, you just, you don’t bad wrap the government.

You do that. You just, everything is okay, but you don’t try to bad wrap the government. They’ll get you for that. But you’re actually freer over there and better taken care of than you are here trying to live with people. Sammy, I’m very pleased you shared all that. That was just excellent. Good, good, good stuff. Thanks for the call, Sammy. Thank you, Phil in Florida. Phil, join the conversation. Phil. Oh, hi, Jim. Thank you. And I like the idea of if Iran actually declares war, they’re doing a lot better than the US. When’s the last time the US did war on anybody? Yeah, but, but I did want to mention tomorrow evening and hopefully folks are listening tomorrow evening.

Alison Weir from if Americans knew, knew.org countries expert, you know, on Israel Palestine. She’s going to be on a forum that’s live streaming on all these youtubes. Rumbles Facebook’s Twitter bitchute. Okay, give the website, if you don’t mind. It’s action project.org. once again, truth Action Project. And it comes on at 08:00 p.m. eastern. And I guess Truth Action Project. Truth Action Project, 08:00 p.m. eastern tomorrow. Correct. And I also wanted to, you know, I know I always try to think, what can we do as individuals, you know, right in our own front yard backyard, as you say.

And Allison Weir, the website for if Americans knew, they have these flowers, flyers, Jim, that you can purchase a whole bunch of glossies. And they also give you the option to download the PDF where any one of us can print them out ourselves. And I like to do that. And they’ve got a great new on this whole Gaza thing since October 20, you know, the 7th, and it’s called 2024 Gaza Flyer. And I just printed up a whole bunch of them. So if you go to if Americans knew.org, forward slash about underscore us forward slash cards, you know, and that’ll get you there.

Just go to if Americans knew.org and get to, you know, fact sheets and cards and, you know, print up a whole bunch, put them on the front seat of the car, you know. And, you know, you get junk mail, Jim, you know, especially from these damn politicians looking for money. Take the postage paid envelope inside and stuff a few of the flyers in there and just drop them in the mailbox. Keep them on the front seat of your car. I was at the VA the other day, Jim, and in the waiting room, see, the doctor and I bought a few of Alison Weir’s books.

They’re like $6 or something, you know, and I bought a dozen of them or so. And I brought it to the VA and I put it in the book cart in the waiting room. I mean, these are things we can do. Do. And next week’s next month, USS Liberty. Don’t forget June 8, USS Liberty. Okay, thanks, Jim. Very good. Great talk, Phil. Thank you. Excellent. Excellent. Cynthia in California, welcome back. Thank you. Professor Fetzer. I want to take issue with the statement that we owe the money for them bringing in these illegal immigration. Anything that’s not enumerated in the constitution for the federal government to be authorized to do.

We don’t owe that money. The states have a contract, and the contract is called the Constitution. So let’s say you were a homeowner and you decided you wanted to contract to have your kitchen remodeled. And so you go off to Europe on your vacation. You come back and the contract decided to also remodel your bathroom. And you say, I’m not going to pay that. And so they put a lien on your property. So then you tell them, I’m not going to pay that. They sell that lien to somebody else, you’re still not going to pay it.

This is what they’re doing with the treasury notes, with those bonds, those treasury bonds. We don’t owe that money. And there’s been fraud involved in every, every legislator who voted for those expenditures violated the constitution and their own personal assets. That’s what would happen. But we haven’t had anybody in office who will pursue it. By the way, President Trump signed off on those kind of appropriations, right? His fortune is on the line. Good stuff, Cynthia. Let’s take one step further. Let’s take this one step further. All those people on the left who are upset about us sending money, giving money to Israel or giving money to any other country for weapons, they’re right.

So let’s get them involved in a campaign to target every legislature who has been voting for these appropriations, Senate and House, with statements that they have violated their oath of office. They owe that money, we don’t owe it, and they need to pay up and they need to. Fine. I like it. I like it. Zendaya, very nice. Very nice. Do a bonding between patriots on the right and patriots on the left. Love it. Excellent, excellent. Thanks, Cynthia. That was just terrific. We had a lot of wonderful suggestions today and of course, big news, lots of stories.

Meanwhile, let me just say, encourage everyone to spend as much time as they can with their family, their friends, the people they love and care about, because we do not know how much time we have left. And remember to support revolution radio. They’re here doing what they can for your benefit. And I suggest just think of a dollar a day, five days a week, times four a week, $20 a month. I don’t think that would be too much and it would make a big difference at the other end. So keep revolution radio in mind. We want to do all we can for you to keep America alive.

Thank you, Jim. Got it, Julie. Talk to you tomorrow. Oh, I can buy a little help from my friends with a little help from my friend. Hello, hello, hello.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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