RBN Authentic News (20 August 2024) | Jim Fetzer

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots




➡ This Jim Fetzer text discusses various political events and speculations, including protests at the DNC, Kamala Harris’s controversial platform, potential chaos ahead of the 2024 election, and international affairs involving Ukraine, Russia, and Israel. The author also suggests that the media may be manipulating the public’s perception of these events.
➡ Israel expects support from France, Britain, and the US-led coalition if Iran attacks, despite Iran’s right to retaliate under international law. Tensions are high in the Middle East, with ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, and attempts at mediation proving unsuccessful. Meanwhile, there are concerns about the US’s role in the conflict, with some accusing it of supporting genocide. The situation is further complicated by political dynamics, including the perceived change in US leadership and the influence of lobby groups on Congress.
➡ The speaker criticizes a woman, calling her mediocre and unintelligent, especially for someone in a high position in the American government. They also suggest she may have a drinking problem. The speaker ends by encouraging listeners to spend time with loved ones and support RBN, promising to return the next day.
➡ The article discusses various political events, including the criticism of American lawmakers for their support of a controversial figure, the revoking of charity status for two pro-Israel organizations in Canada due to misuse of funds, and the history of CIA’s covert operations, including assassinations. It also mentions the quality of a coffee brand, the benefits of a health supplement, and political developments in the Democratic party.
➡ The text discusses various political events and figures, including Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and Kamala Harris. It mentions a potential plot to assassinate Trump, censorship issues involving Elon Musk’s company, and Kamala Harris’s political campaign. The text also discusses potential economic plans and their potential impacts, as well as various controversies surrounding these figures.
➡ The text discusses various political issues, including the lack of a clear platform for Kamala Harris, the Republican’s 2024 platform, and concerns about inflation and unemployment. It also mentions controversies around Kamala Harris’s rallies, immigration policies, and the Supreme Court’s decisions. The text ends with a discussion about potential violence at the Democratic National Convention and the possibility of a false flag operation.
➡ The text discusses various political theories and opinions, including speculation about the state of a convention, criticisms of political figures like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, and predictions about potential future events. The speakers also discuss the possibility of Kamala Harris becoming president, allegations of election fraud, and concerns about violence in Chicago.
➡ The speaker expresses strong dissatisfaction with the current political climate, accusing politicians of deceit and manipulation. They criticize the media for spreading misinformation and express concern about societal decay. They also voice their support for Trump, predicting his victory in the upcoming election. Lastly, they mention a product called Poudia arco super tea, which they claim has numerous health benefits.
➡ The speaker discusses various political topics, including the DNC, politicians who didn’t attend Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech, and the passing of NAFTA. They criticize both Democrats and Republicans for their roles in these events. The speaker also mentions the national debt under Trump’s administration and criticizes Rush Limbaugh. They express their intention to vote for Congressman Thomas Massey and encourage others to do the same.
➡ Journalist Richard Medhurst was detained for 24 hours and accused of being a terrorist, unable to contact his family for 15 hours. The caller fears such actions may soon be seen in the U.S. too. The conversation also touched on the ongoing protests against U.S. support for Israel, the growing security state, and the divisiveness between left and right. The caller emphasized the need for unity to stop illegal wars and the importance of individual action over relying on elections.
➡ The text discusses various issues including protests at universities, the influx of Indians in the United States and Canada, and their perceived lack of loyalty to these countries. It also touches on the potential for conflict involving Iran, Israel, and Russia, internal issues within Israel, and the influence of media personalities like Rush Limbaugh. Lastly, it mentions the possibility of a transgender president and rumors about Kamala Harris’s alleged alcohol problem.



You can’t handle the truth. You’re listening to Republic Broadcasting Network. Visit republicbroadcasting.org today because you can handle the truth. Got a good reason for taking the easy way out, but taking the easy way out. Now she was a dance, a trip up one way again. It took me so long. The final well, this is Jim Fetzer, your host on authentic news right here on RBN Live this 20th day of August 2024. Something is wrong about this Chicago convention. I couldn’t put my finger on it yet, but it’s very, very strange. And it may be our head is spinning by the end of the week.

Rough start. Protesters tear down a security fence as thousands march outside of the DNC. And of course, these are pro palestinian protesters who are objecting to genocide. I was listening to a reasonable discussion of what’s going on here on Fox when a commentator took exception to Biden saying that the protesters had a point and a lot of innocent people are dying going on, on a rant about October 7, clearly not understanding that was preposterous. That was obviously an israeli volkswagen to justify the genocide. He was going on and on as oamas were terrorists and bad people.

I thought it was pretty bizarre. Meanwhile, we’re getting conflicting reports here. The gateway pundit is reporting that the, there are lots of empty seats now. Lots of empty seats. Wow, they’re blocking access to this story. Here’s another inside the DNC, low energy, less than half full. And yet if you turned into the convention, and I was commentating on a whole lot of it, I watched gruesome Hillary make her speech, AOC, it looked like there was a large and enthusiastic crowd. Well, we know how much they fake it could be. What we’re seeing over television is an illusion created by artificial intelligence.

Meanwhile, the Trump war room has put out a report about the priorities of the Democrat party. And remember, and this is a point Fox was making that’s very telling. Kamala has no platform. What we’ve seen in the past is remnants of Biden’s talking about him running for his second term and all that. They don’t want to put up Kamala’s platform because it’s open borders, transgender everything, putting criminals out on the streets, giving all kinds of benefits to migrants. What she said about her economic platform of building these millions of new homes and giving $25,000 subsidies, a first time buyer turn out to be catastrophic.

They had an expert on from the real estate industry and he said, frankly, her policies as announced thus far are absurd. Where is Trump war room priorities of the DNC in terms of Tommy’s mansion. Trump, 147 times economy. 27. Border, eight. Crime, six. Prices, five. Inflation, three. Yeah, they’re still. That get Trump party. They’re still anti Trump. That is there by far their predominant focus now. I was surprised when Keith from Montana, Zeppelin, a big mic at the convention. This is a very strange appearance. This is not Michelle as you’ve thought of her. This is a big guy in tawdry clothing, kind of a plunging neckline.

Clearly, this is a guy with boobs. I don’t think there’s any way to conceal it. Leading me to speculate, are they going to go whole hog and promote Michelle as a transgender to take it away from Kamala? Any of you who have looked at Baffinet, this is a demonic image of the past. No. Baffinette has male member and female breasts. So Michelle is very much the embodiment of baphomet. Very, very strange. Meanwhile, Klaus Schwab tells us an era of shock events is coming ahead of the 2024 election clash swap. We have warned it’s coming ahead of the election as the global elite prepare to unleash chaos in society.

In a dystopian article, the WF warns citizens heading to the polls in November should be expecting destabilizing events, including a cyber pandemic, which is intentional, the emergence of a new global extremist group and fast track climate change disasters, including a sudden sea level rise in a submerged island nation that can be created artificially. The globalist elite are desperate for the election in 2024 to go their way as they continue attempting to evade prosecution for crimes against humanity perpetrated in the post pandemic eradic. In this context, it’s no surprise that WF is warning us to look for global risks, to be further exasperated by unexpected destabilizing shock events.

How can they be expected if the WF is predicting them? Obviously they know they’re coming because it’s a WF. And the global elite that are going to perpetrate these events have no doubt about it. But the warning should be taken seriously. Meanwhile, a thousand Chicago cops have called in sick. This suggests to me they know that something very dirty, very bloody is coming. And because they’re running out of time, it could be tonight. I don’t see how it could be later than tomorrow where Pritzker, the governor, is very eager to use his national Guard of Illinois to shoot up a whole bunch of pro palestinian protesters.

Believe me, something like that is in the works. Have no doubt about it. Turning to international affairs, the russian media blazed with reports that Ukraine wants to set off a dirty bomb somewhere in the vicinity. Reports are pouring in out of Ukraine claiming the ukrainian armed wars are losing so badly in their fight against Russia, they’re planning to detonate one, perhaps even two dirty bombs at one or two nuclear power plants. The detonations would trigger the entry of NATO into the russian Ukraine conflict. Remember, NATO said something about any nuclear explosion would trigger their entry. So the Ukrainians are going to trip the wire which is going so badly for Ukraine.

They’re desperate enough due to something like this. In fact, three separate military experts from the US, one from the UK told me just minutes ago their only hope is to have NATO enter the war. If NATO does not enter, Ukraine will disintegrate before Christmas. Now those are accurate report. You can take those to the bank. There’s another. The United States is preparing to jettison Voldemort Zelensky. Cue up auld lang syne. I think we’re seeing signs that Ukraine’s not so comedic. Genius is going to hit the skids. One of my loyal readers and supporters, Dave, you know who you are flying last night? Wall Street Journal article for me, a drunken evening, a rented yacht.

The real story of the Nord streamline sabotage. You know you’re dealing with real professionals when you have a group that is mixing a booze blast with eye explosives. Allegedly. After I stood up straight, I doubled over in guffaws. When I read the opening paragraphs, I realized my old friends at CIA were sending a message. That is, Mister Zalinski, your time is up. While the article singers out, former general, now ambassador to the United Kingdom Valerie Zucchini as the one who launched the operation to blow up the nordic pipeline. It does not exonerate little Mister Zalinski. Unlike Zihar’s account of the destruction of Nord Stream, which relies on real sources from the us intel community, the WSJ article reeks of bad fiction.

It’s a Gilligan’s island of the Baltic Sea. The WSA article ignores that technical challenges and expertise required to plant explosives in deep water. This ain’t scuba diving in the Caribbean. I’m sticking with size account of what happened. Meanwhile, Ukraine’s plan to buy russian made nuclear reactors sparks an uphore. Ukraine government is fighting off growing opposition to its multi billion dollar scheme to buy mothballed nuclear reactors, facing accusations that officials are opening the door to corruption just as they push to clean up the country’s energy sector. That ain’t likely to happen. Anytime soon. The government want to bring two new units online at the Kalmolinsky nuclear power station in western Ukraine, arguing they will help shore out the country’s energy grid that russian bombs have decimated.

The quickest and fastest ways to do so, they argue, is to buy russian made reactors, currently sitting in storage in Bulgaria at an estimated cost of 600 million. But the deal needs lawmakers signing off several parliamentarians, including at least one president Zelensky’s own party, alleging the deal could blow a massive hole in the country’s tattered budget for outdated technology that won’t necessarily help Ukrainians stave off looming blackouts. Meanwhile, Israel stuns I may have reported this yesterday, but it’s worth repeating, saying the US, UK and France will assist in offensive strikes on you, rain, because the US, UK and France haven’t made such declarations.

Israel just up the ante. And it showed out with Iran amid ongoing concerns that attack from the islamic republic could still be imminent in retaliation for the July 31 assassination of Bahamas leader Ishmael Hanhai. Foreign Minister Israel Katz and Friday he expects, he expects notice that he’s making a state, he’s a statement he’s attributing to himself. He expects not only the US but also it’s allied Britain and France would assist in offensive operation against Iran if it attacks Israel. He conveyed the comments while meeting british foreign secretary David Lammy and foreign Minister Stephanie sojourn in a bit of a risky diplomatic preemptive move, given neither of these countries have openly proclaimed the raid launch direct attack on Iran.

The Israeli PM was invoking the example of the US, saying Israel expect France and Britain to publicly clarify to Iran that it is unacceptable for it to attack Israel. And if Iran attacks, the US led coalition will join Israel not only defense but also in an attack against significant targets in Iran. Now Iran has the right under international law to retaliate for the bombing in Tehran. The secretary general of the United nations has already made that declaration. So here you have the foreign minister of Israel preempting the facts of the matter to presume that this would be an appropriate action to take place when it would not.

It would be a violation of international law, in effect contending wrongly, falsely mistakenly, obviously, intentionally deliberately. Iran doesn’t have the right under international law to retaliate against Israel when it clearly does, when Iran has been acting in accordance with international law, when even when even the secretary general of UN has conceded as much. Meanwhile, Middle east monitor us is not a credible ceasefire mediator but a genocide partner and it’s showing a photograph of the new fake Joe Biden being taller than Bibi Nanya, who remember how we have had the expose at a replace the old Joe with a new Joe who’s even four inches taller, seems in better health, who gave the speech last night with a lot of enthusiasm, a lot of vigor, using lots of hand gestures.

Unlike the quasi cadaverous former fake Joe Biden, who was virtually mute, could barely speak clearly. They’re getting a lot of benefit of the new Joe Biden, whom I have been told is actually being played by Jim Carrey, senior US Egyptian at Qatar. Officials, along with others from the region, parts of the world have been exerting massive mediation effort to reach a ceasefire between the israeli occupation of the palestinian resistance. Father reports today there’s no hope for it. Bibi doesn’t want it. It’s not going to benefit him politically, personally. He’s not going to support it. Meanwhile, get this jew settlers begin mass killing Palestinians in the West bank and burning their houses.

At least one palestinian been killed after dozens of israeli settlers, some wearing masks, attack up village in the occupied West bank. Videos on social media showed cars and houses on fire and jet city near Nebula. Here’s a report about it. Well, you can’t hear the sound, but it’s nasty. A nasty business taking place there. Meanwhile, five updates. This is again from Middle east monitor now. 300 213,000 Palestinian forced out by israeli evacuation orders in Gaza during August. Since the beginning of this month, the israeli military has issued nine evacuation orders that are affecting an estimated 213,000 across.

Can you not? And to a lesser extent northern Gaza, forcing Palestinians out into the open where they’re easier to kill. That’s what’s going on. Meanwhile, the egyptian president meets Blinken warns of regional expansion meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Egyptian President Del Fatal al Sisi warned Tuesday of the risk of the Gaza we’re expanding regionally in a way difficult to imagine. Meeting in El al Miyan, northern Egypt, the two side reviewed mediation effort by Egypt, Qatar and the US are each ceasefire in Gaza and swap prisoners. But it’s not going to happen because BB doesn’t want it.

Meanwhile, Chris Hedges writes, thou shalt not commit genocide. There’s only one way to end the ongoing genocide and cause it’s not through bilateral negotiations. Israel simply demonstrated, including with the assassination of the lead Hamas negotiator, that it is no interest in a permanent ceasefire. The only way for Israel genocide of the Palestinian to be halted is for the US to end all women shipments to Israel, and the only way this will take place is if enough American make clear that they have no intention of supporting any presidential ticket or any political party that fuels a genocide.

Sad to say, both parties appear to be supporting the genocide. It disgusts me beyond words. The arguments against a boycott against the two ruling parties are familiar. It will ensure the election of Donald Trump. Kamala has rhetorically shown more compassion than Biden, but they’re not enough of us to have an impact. We can work within the Democrat party Israel lobby, especially AIPAC, which owns most members of Congress, is too powerful. Negotiation will eventually achieve a cessation of the slaughter. In short, we are impotent and must surrender our agency to sustain a project of mass killing. We must accept as normal governments the shipment of hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to an apartheid state, use up vetoes at the UN Security Council to protect Israel and the active destruction of international efforts and mass murder.

We have no choice, I’m sorry to say. I think that’s pretty close to where we are. Meanwhile, here’s a nice piece from the truthsaker the US best nothing you can do that can’t be done. Our tank will save you money every month on gas I’m Dave von Kleist and I noticed increased performance after my first tank of gas. My mileage increased by 2.5 miles per gallon and I’m saving money on every fill up. Get more tank is America made is used by trucking companies and heavy industry and is now available to the public. Get more tank works in any gas or diesel engine, cleans your engine, improves performance, reduces emissions and you’ll feel it every time you step on the gas.

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The truth seeker is just republished a piece by Kevin Barrett, my dear friend and colleague that was first published couple of weeks ago. The US special relationship with Israel abject enslavement. I think he’s got it exactly right. Us special relationship I recently turned to the US after a year long absence, having taken up residence in exotic Morocco last July. Unfortunately, I had a tight connection in Laxen, which became even tighter when US Customs and border singled me out for interrogation. It seems that interesting stuff always pops up on government screens when they enter my name. How else would they know that? I’m a writer known for questioning the official story of 911.

So who did it? The agent asked. Israel, I answered without hesitation. A split second later I was cursing myself for my impulsive honesty brought on by sleeplessness and jet lag. If that CPB agent is a zionist told me for hours and I’ll never make my connection. Fortunately, the agent took no offense and released me just in time to catch my plight. Apparently America isn’t a complete zionist argument by totalitarian hell hole yet, but we’re getting there. A sign of the time was israeli speech to Congress July 24. Good news is 92 lawmakers boycotted the genocidal war criminal speech.

The bad news is that the other 443 senators and representatives offered repeated standing ovations. Why did more than four fifths of american lawmakers passionately salute the worst war criminal of the 21st century? Why the nauseatingly obsequious demonstration of loyalty to a genocidal foreign entity? It all comes down to what is euphemistically called the US Israel special relationship. Brilliant piece, Kevin. Love it. Meanwhile, Middle East Eye reports activists celebrate as Canada revokes jewish national funds charitable status. Announcement follows an audit revealing that the JNF used donation to help fund infrastructure for the israeli military. Good a modicum of justice in Canada? Hard to believe.

On the 25 July, the Canadian Review agency revoked the charity status of two pro Israel charities, including the Jewish National Fund of Canada. JNF Canada. This announcement on a year long audit revealing JNF used donation to helpline infrastructure for the israeli military, a foreign army which contravenes Canada’s tax code. Up to 25% of JNF canadian budget comes from canadian tax dollars. The other organization stripped of its charity status, the Nelman foundation, has been linked to the undercover assassination unit Dudevon and lone soldiers, including Michael Levin Base Base for lone soldiers and brothers for Life, as well as donating to reservists on duty.

Niman has also provided fund to israeli settler leader Daniel Weiss Nachla settler movement, which advocates for israeli settlements in the entirety of occupied Palestine, including Gaza, which had been placed on Canada’s sanction list like June of this year. Good. Meanwhile, every leader of the US has assassinated. Here’s a piece of. Here’s our piece about. Today we’re diving into the shady world of the assassinations carried out by the CIA. For decades, the US has been pulling strings behind the scenes, changing the fate of countries and their leaders, often in brutal ways. We’ll check out some key figures who met their end thanks to these covert operations.

Let’s get started. On January 17, 1961, Patrice Lumumba, the first elected prime minister of the former Belgian Congo, was brutally murdered following the Watergate scandal of the Nixon regime. A US Senate committee uncovered CIA plans to assassinate Lumumba as part of a broader strategy to support Joseph Mbutu, who would go on to rule the Congo for three decades and not be assassinated. The CIA, founded in the late 1940s, quickly gained a reputation for its covert operations aimed at neutralizing leaders and overthrowing governments the US perceived as threats to their interests. During the cold war, the agency engaged in various subversive activities to prevent the spread of communism, often resulting in the overthrow or elimination of foreign leaders.

This included targeting Lumumba, who was seen as dangerously close to soviet influence, with a growing momentum for nationalization, collectivization and general legal overhaul. Mostly targeted at the massive mineral wealth of the country, which would greatly benefit the congolese people to the detriment of Congos exploiters. The US swiftly aligned with the Congos former colonizer Belgium, to oppose Lumumba and what he stood for. On September 5, 1960, President Kazaroubu dismissed Lumumba, a move backed by the CIA, which had provided funding aimed at bolstering anti lumumba efforts. Despite Lumumbas attempts to secure UN protection, the CIA initiated direct assassination attempts as soon as he was dismissed, with the conspirators cooperating very closely with the CIA and their belgian advisor friends to sell their country out to the US.

Lumumbos capture and imprisonment was a coordinated effort between the CIA, Sportomobuku and Belgium backed secessionists. He was taken to Thistle prison, where he was. You can’t handle the truth. You’re listening to Republic Broadcasting Network. Real news, real talk, real people, because you can handle the truth. My name is John, I’m the founder of Blackout Coffee. And I started blackout because I really love coffee. I’ve always loved coffee. And after traveling so much to Europe, South America and trying so many different coffees that were so good, and every time I came back to the US, I was so disappointed with the coffee, so I figured that I had to do something about it.

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Pelosi recently told Democrat elite allies that Biden was such an efficient commander in chief he should be added to Mount Rushmore. Now she completely flip blocked on her stance about the aging Democrat president, said she’d been dissatisfied with Biden’s campaign long before it decided to drop out, which actually happened because the body double dropped dead. He’s now noticed four inches taller. It was very clear last night when he gave this feet. There was Jill regal in her hypocrisy she’s one of the greatest frauds we have in the Democrat party, extolling the virtues of her long dead husband.

The real Joe died in 2017. Now we have the fake Joe, dying in 2024. And now we have the new Joe, four inches taller. Be me. Be me has to look up to him. Whereas before, Bebe was taller than the Biden double. How bad is that? So of course, Nancy can’t keep straight how she convinced Joe to step down because she didn’t do it. That’s why we had the statement. Not on White House stationery and with a Ford signature. It was all a monster fraud, but just par for the course for the Democrat party. That’s what they do.

Meanwhile, Nate Siller Silver warns Democrats getting over their skis with Kamala Harris. Election forecaster Nate Silver joined Megyn Kelly in her podcast to go over the state of the race. Since they get her place at the top of the ticket, Harris has shot to the lead nationally in many of the swing states. Here’s a cook report has Harrison, Pennsylvania, by five. Harrison, Michigan, by two. Harrison, Wisconsin, by five. Harrison, North Carolina by two. Looking good. But he warns that she benefits from a coordinated effort by the media. The portrayer is an historic figure that descended from the heavens to rescue american politics from the gentrify of Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

By the way, a new report I’ll have in tomorrow shows that the media coverage of Harris has been 85% positive of Donald Trump, 89% negative. In other words, the media is doing everything it can to manipulate the outcome. Here. A surprise coming from Alvin Bragg. I’m fascinated by this. I can’t imagine what induced him. Alan Bragg is no longer going to impose the motion by the Trump attorney to put off the sentencing until after the election. Alvin Bragg has deferred the decision of most playing Trump sentencing request to Judge Roshan. The entire case is election interference.

No decision should we made until after the election. Well, here to my astonishment, Alvin Bragg is conceding that maybe sentencing after the election would be appropriate. Meanwhile, Dave Hodges is reporting irrefutable proof. Top is winning in a landslide. Here. He’s got two images that Donald Trump hated for expressing the truth, and then of Elon Musk, hate it for letting the truth be told. So there’s this new breakfast hack that helps people. Yeah, you got commercials no matter where you go. Hey, guys. Donald. This is another one. Donald Junior. Can we get to Dave Hodges? There he is.

Hello, America. Dave Hodges here, host of the common sense show. And to our friends around the world. Welcome, welcome, welcome. We are the show that spring America wondeh slave minds at a time. Thank you so much for joining us. And we’d ask that you’d share far and wide. We got to wake up a lot of people, and we really have. I don’t know how much time we have left, but I’ll put a ceiling on it. We’ve got 83 days. That’s our ceiling. But it could all cram crashing down sooner than that. And speaking of crashing, 63 banks in trouble.

But I, the feds won’t tell you what they are because you might take your money out to protect yourself. No, no. Can’t have that because they own your money. Dodd Frank 2010 says when you put it in the bank, your retirement is connected with the bank. They control it, say, really? Yeah. Well, how about this? Gold is supposed to. I just read these projections yesterday and today, and I sleep better at night. You will too. Go to Dave Hud. I said I thought Trump must interview my reach 100 million. So wrong. I’m going to give you the numbers and then we’re going to break it down for you demographically.

Now, let me step aside just for a second before we get into this. He appears to be talking about the interview Elon Musk and Donald Trump, which garnered, I don’t know, over a billion hits. Over a billion hits. Meanwhile, Kevin Barrett has a nice satirical piece about the shooting in Butler bullet that Nick Trump ear found on stretcher at Parkland Memorial Hospital. Now, I agree Trump wasn’t actually hit in the air. I agree that Trump was involved in flipping the script. That’s where perhaps Kevin and I disagree, because it’s increasingly obvious to me that there was a real plot to assassinate Trump, that Trump was able to flip the script.

And the fact the FBI, the Secret Service, unwilling to release their records is because they would have revealed that they were complicit in allowing Trump to be taken out, maybe having a very active role. Meanwhile, X bands Naomi Wolof after an interview with Alex Jones exposing multiple White House coups currently underway. What is going on here? Even with Elon Musk at the helm, X is still censoring people, including Naomi Wolf, who has dropped on the social media platform following a powerful interview with Alex Jones. After Wolf revealed to Jones that I’m a big fan of her, that there are multiple coups going on, the White House X decided to axe from the platform.

According to infomercial, Musk is not to blame, but others moles still in his organization who have yet to be purged. Wolf wrote a piece that infomercial published, explain how it all went down. What she sees happening inside the White House as warring faction fight to the death for power was there to viewers, revealing the political turmoil happening behind closed doors. I explained to Mister Jones that to me it looked as if there were at least two coups underway at the White House, possibly three. Clearly the Harris team has taken out a play, the Biden team. And now with a bizarre interview in which Nancy Pelosi was distancing herself from President Biden, it appears that the schumer, Pelosi Obama team is distancing themselves from and gunning metaphorically for the Biden and Harris teams.

Shortly after the assassination attempt on Trump, she wrote a piece on her sub tag warning about one of the coups. She explained the Biden crime family is likely behind it and that fishy business was behind Joe Biden’s strange resignation. The letter resignation, President Biden boasted on Twitter, did not have VAC disclaimers required by law by candidates. And I warned the auto pen signature looked different from the signature on the letter. Absolutely right. Close. He later agreed the letter didn’t sound like Biden suggesting someone else is in charge, while Biden simply acts as a figurehead. No, no, no.

He died and he’s been replaced. You think Naomi would have sorted that out already? It’s obvious to anyone who’s paid attention. Meanwhile, to reveal how it’s actually going on the campaign trail, Harris campaign event in North Carolina doesn’t show up dozens the media construct around the political campaign. Kamala Harris took a big hit today when the Harris held a campaign event in Raleigh, North Carolina, but did not have a big name music star to bring in the crowd. As a result, only a few dozen supporters showed up here. The preliminary economic plan of Kamala Harris this, of course fits with Dave Hodges observation that Trump appears to be way ahead by a landslide.

The official crowd size was listed at 109 participants, including media. As Kamala read from a teleprompter at the event, she has pledged price controls for groceries, which will drive up the price of groceries. Pledged 25,000 down payment assistant for first time home buyers, which will drive up the browse of housing and pledge use taxpayer fund to build 5 million residential housing units for low income illegal aliens. 5 million housing units for illegals. How do you like that? Meanwhile, Washington Post bus Kamala and a glorious op ed linking communists with her proposed price controls, Kamala finally came out with a policy position.

Her prior one was she when she swiped from her opponent, former President Trump, no tax on tips. Her new policy was going after price gouging by corporations, saying she’d crack down on excessive prices and excessive profits. What qualifies as excessive? This max of the Soviet Union and communism. In addition to being truly bad policy in the US, the government doesn’t control or dictate private companies. What’s pretty funny is that the Washington Post itself recognizes, too, in an op ed entitled, when your opponent calls you communists, maybe don’t propose price controls. Nice. Meanwhile, Kamala was fuming when her former mentor and lover revealed this awful truth about her 90 year old Willie Brown was one of the power brokers in California politics for decades.

He served as speaker of the state assembly for 14 years before he became the powerful mayor of San Francisco. He helped launch the political career of Vice President Kamala Harris when she carried on a very public affair with him in the mid nineties. Harris was 29 and the married Brown was 60 at the time. She launched her political career when she ran for San Francisco district attorney in 2003 and meeting in combat, who was investigating Brown with a backing of his political network. Brown faced multiple investigations, but was never charged. Harris, then a low level prosecutor, received appointment at the California Unemployment Insurance Appeal Board and then to the medical assistance commissioned by Brown.

Those two lucrative positions paid her far more that her job as a prosecutor, where she somehow managed to overlook the investigation and prosecution of her lover and mentor. Meanwhile, can you believe this? Z her em. Kamala Harris’s website has nine different pronoun settings for interested applicants. Or they can write in their own weird pronouns. I’m telling you, this is bizarre beyond belief, but count on it. Typical of the Kamala Harris airhead, the extreme leftist fanatic. Clearly absurd. Applicants can select from the more mainstream she, him, she her, and they them pronounce you less conventional, gender neutral option, including Zern Zai her.

Oh, yeah, man. Her. Her. Who? Who indicated a person who wants to emphasize their humanity over their gender info for which indicates a person is fluid between multiple genders, but not masculine genders are also presented as options. She’s a lewd. She’s a moron. She’s a lewd. Here. Dave Hodges ass. Is it possible to pick stupid before November? Here’s a meme. Democrats screaming vote for Kamala because she’s a woman, yet they can’t define what a woman is. Dave Hodges got it right. Meanwhile, we have more to report here about exactly what’s going on, but as occasionally occurs, my website is blocked.

Well, I’m being asked to verify gaining access. How bad is this? It’s happening, happening all too often when I’m right here with you on the air. Believe me, bad things are going on now in Chicago. It’s going to get a whole lot worse. Am I going to get the call or not? Not at all clear. I’m even going to get a call. Let me guarantee for you there’s a whole lot taking place. I’ll pull up further stories for discussion. Meanwhile, we’re worried about what’s happening in Ukraine. Well, worry about what’s going on in Chicago. Meanwhile, the New York Times deploying on us soil on Trump abused soldiers against riots, crime and migrants.

You’re hearing a certain amount of this from left wing sources. Trump apparently has suggested he could use the Insurrection act to circumvent posse comitatus, which declares that you cannot use police forces in order to perform law enforcement functions. Patrick J. McShay has, of course, been emphasizing the differences in their platforms. And in fact, when you look at the republican platform, it’s very reasonable. But even to this day, there is no Kamala platform. There are old remnants of a Biden platform, but not of a Kamala platform because it would be so outrageous, people would be puking over the real Kamala platform.

Meanwhile, to make clear our commitment to offer the american people the 2024 Gob platform, make America great again, includes seal the border, stop the migrant invasion, carry out the largest deportation operation in american history, end inflation, make America affordable again, make America the dominant energy producer in the world by far. Stop outsourcing. Turn the US into a manufacturing powerhouse. Sir. Large tax cut for workers and no tax on tips. Defend our constitution, our bill of rights. Our fundamental freedom, including freedom, must be freedom of religion and the right to keep it bare. Horns the Democrats are resurrecting assault weapon bans when the Supreme Court is already ruled that assault weapons cannot be banned.

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Let me share this story with you. It’s not so much something I need your history people. Closures, holidays take place after business hours. Will the inevitable collapse hold off for a while? Government is out to make you and I pay for it. Savings survive a global banking wipeout. What happens when the US soaring government spending that will lead to hyperinflation and destruction of the value? Isn’t the time that you prepare for the uncertainty. This lies ahead in the balanced protection of your portfolio. As the future of uncertainty continues to blanket this nation of ours, I can offer you the privacy, safety, security and possibly some.

And so I invite you to visit Sierra monitorypreciousmetals.com for regarding protecting your wealth. Or call me limited.net for private consultation. Once again, our phone number 602-799-8214 it’s almost Friday. Well, the Trump campaign has an add up in battleground states that hits Kamala on the economy. Here it is. Message. The alarming spike in inflation soaring to his highest level in nearly 40 years. That is called by the nominee. Gas prices rose again today, reaching a new all time high. We’re still dealing with inflation and we’ve got super high interest rates. At the same time, two thirds of Americans are just struggling to make ends meet.

And this comes after Friday’s jobs report showing a spike in unemployment. And we are very proud of bidenomics. Yep, very proud of bidenomics. That’s the number one issue on the public mind. Meanwhile, all of Kamala Harris’s rallies look like this now. Why? Because they’re being photoshopped. They’re being AI generated to make it look like they’re giant crowds when hardly anyone cares about Kamala Harris. I’ve told you before, before the 2020 election, Kamala and Joe made a remarkable, unusual, rare joint appearance and nobody came. Meanwhile, Kamala punishes to abolish ICE welcome unlimited illegal immigrants into America. Sad to say, a court of appeals has rejected a challenge to California vote by mail system, which virtually guarantees California will remain blue.

Meanwhile, Arizona wants to make an unofficial, unofficial border crossings, a state crime. A good move since the federal government is not enforcing federal laws. Let Arizona pass its own and enforce them to block the illegals. Barnard faces a backlash for deleting the post of a student holding an Arab lit quarterly. This is embarrassingly bad. I had a very serious girlfriend, fiance when I was in graduate school who graduated from Barnard, a good school. I’m shocked that they would delete a post of a student holding the arablet quarterly. Here it is. I’m looking at the image. Very, very bad move by Barnard.

Meanwhile, I may have mentioned yesterday Supreme Court has rejected Biden’s title nine push to allow men and women spaces, which is a very good thing. A major development and almost unbelievable. The BoE has launched a bond dei scheme. This is not a joke, reports zero hedge as the amount of safe assets held by the Federal Reserve, such as gold tender notes government and commercial bills has fallen in relation to the size of its balance sheet. The emergency power of the dollar has been relentlessly diminished, observed Simon White. Thus a background the Dei bond market will kill us slowly.

Western currencies on the pace path to permanent disbasement by central bank balance sheets matters. The BoEs move now they’re normalizing the deterioration of their balance sheets. How bad is this? Analysis and commentary written was produced by Bloomberg macro analyst Simon White’s excellent piece on zero hedge entitled western currencies on a path of secular and permanent debasement. We’ll be right back and we’ll take your calls. I just need someone to love me. Anybody I want, I need to love. Smash that donate button. Like russian peacekeepers smashing through the Azov neo nazi terrorists and the Donbass. Think you can explain politics without looking at jewish power any more than you can explain physics without dealing with gravity.

911 was a jointly conducted covert operation that involved multiple states, the Saudis, the Israelis, and what you could call the deep state with anti semitic remarks. Yeah, yeah, you’re jiggling juice. We used to say. Yeah, the dancing is really. So. Even the Republicans now are compromising and they’re pushing issues that are destructive to the white race. They always say, like, are we just going to talk about this stuff on the radio? And what are we going to do about it? Either we force the democracy to work by actually getting the ballot access, getting the candidates, getting in office, getting our message out there to the people, or we expose just how undemocratic it is.

The Patrick and Jeremy show Tuesday at nine Central and Wednesday at one Central. Or listening to real talk radio only on the Republic broadcasting network. See the love that sleeping I might gently be. Welcome to the second hour of authentic news right here on RBM Live this 20th day of August 2024. So much going on in the world where I take your calls. Let me call first of all, JP in Chicago. JP, I wanted you call in, tell us what’s going on. Give us your latest report. JB. Yeah, thanks for taking my call, Jim. Yeah. Mayor Johnson’s got things under control so far because they got the Secret Service there, National Guard, they’re putting up a second fence.

As you remember, on the first day they broke that first fence and they were getting in there, but the cops there, they look pretty tough. They look like the brute squad. They had billy clubs, and they pushed the rioters back. So they seemed pretty tame. But, you know, there’s been 26 shootings and six kia since the beginning of this. We’re in the second day of the DNC. And when I say dnc, jim, it sounds like an STD. You know, it’s just everything bad about it. I know, but I remember, you know, back in those days, we got to know our history.

And I had to go back and study. I looked up an article from New York Times of the 1968 riots in Chicago, and this is before I was born, but I know my family had to flee Inglewood, which is now the murder capital of the city. But in this article, it mentioned that the whole west side of Chicago was burned down, and it was right after Martin Luther King’s assassination. Also, they mentioned these commie tribal members. We know who they are, the Yippers. They call them Reuben, short for Rubenstein, and Hoffmande. They’re the main protagonators. And back then, though, the difference is we didn’t have a commie progressive, you know, b’s mayor, like wheat Johnson.

Today we had Mayor Daley, and Mayor Daley was pro cop. He was pro, you know, back during the Democrats, when they were strong back then, you know, they’re for working class people and people that made enough money to make a living. And the middle class was big back then, so they got a lot of. But the police cracked down on them, and that led to a backlash because the police went overboard and the blacks burned half the city down. So you mentioned something earlier, and I wanted to bring this to point. You mentioned how the Palestinians might be used as scapegoats, and according to some of the remote viewing from the Hawaiian Elgar team, they seen bombs and smoke during the democratic convention as an event.

So it’s possible this could be used as a false flag to blame the Palestinians, because they seem pretty meek compared to the blacks in 1960, 819 68, they had the city burned down here. They knocked down one fence. So you might be right about that, Jim. They could be used as scapegoats in this one. Yeah, very good. JB, I want you to keep filling us in. Anything else you’ve noticed? Have you been tuning in to the convention? Have you been watching its broadcast? Can you tell whether it’s packed or half empty? Can, does any of that come through the go ahead? I was gonna say it looks empty.

It looks like a lot of seats empty. I have to use a barf bag when I listen to that. Like what Dick Durbin came on. These people are literally anti american. Dick Durbin, a lot of these guys were the ones that went after January 6. And, yeah, you know, he’s one of them. He’s one of, when he wants to put these foreigners in the military, he wants to put foreigners as cops. He’s the one pushing this legislation. And he’s up there talking about how free. And then Hillary Clinton, she looked like she’s been drinking baby’s blood.

Honestly, she’s got a. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That occurred to me. I was actually doing a commentary and I said Hillary looked like she’d had some cosmetic surgery but also drinking adrenochrome. I agree. I think. I think both are. Both are the case and you’re. Yeah, go ahead. The death of the president is important because that makes Kamala president. That makes Kabbalah that 47, she’s by default, the president right now. Yes. So if they could pull a false flag, sent us into war. She’s in, got full control of the ship. And who’s controlling her? Em hobbit was French kissing Jill Biden, but JP.

But JP Biden died. He’s dead. The fake Biden is dead. They could have moved her up right then. Instead they brought in another fake Biden, who’s four inches taller. So why did they do that? See, because they could have moved Kamala up right then and had this claim to have the first black president. It would have been all semi legit if you didn’t know the real story that she was replacing a body double for the real Joe. Why do you think they did that? Yeah. Now, this is, this was important. Jim Jordan and the House Senate, the House committee on impeaching Joe Biden came out with their conclusion that Joe Biden was, during his vice presidency, working with the Chinese.

He’s working with Burisma, Ukraine. He was doing all this illegal and he doesn’t have production under the Supreme Court ruling now because he was vp at the time. So they came out with this today or yesterday. But it’s a mute point because he’s already stepping down that I, in my book, I think they’re going to keep Kamala in as a closer. They’re going to pull some false flag. They’re going to push us into war in the Middle east. And that’s. I’m sticking with that, Jim. I think that’s their game plan. If we could stop that. Yeah.

This is a 300 page devastating indictment of Joe and the entire Biden crime family. And that’s going back to the real Joe. We’re not talking about these fake body doubles. We’re talking about the real Joe and the whole crime family, including his brothers and his son and all their associates. JP, keep us posted. You call tomorrow for sure and give us an update. I appreciate this greatly, Cynthia. Cynthia in California. Join the conversation. Welcome back. Thank you, Professor Fester. Well, I heard the most interesting interview by Paul Preston from the new California state movement. He was explaining though California joined the Union in 1849 by having a constitution that was consistent with the constitutional requirements to join in 1870s, they changed their constitution.

And he said in effect they actually succeeded. They actually were not a legitimate state anymore under our republic. So he’s. I think that would be a very interesting interview for you for your revolution radio. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m a big fan, Cynthia. Paul Bresna. I think he’s a wonderful guy. You know, I’ve got an interview with him with Sophia Smallstorm. In the book, nobody died at Sandy Hook because Paul was disturbed by what he saw coming from Newtown that day and reached out to his contacts in the Obama Department of Education, all of whom confirmed to him it had been a drill, no children had been harmed, and it was done to promote gun control.

That’s right. In the book. That’s one of the reason they want to ban it. That’s as close as you’re going to come to the Obama admin admitting that this was all a fraud. So I like Paul Preston. I’m. He’s a hero of mine. I’d be glad to have him on. Thank you for the idea. I like it, Cynthia. I like it. Tell me more. Can I mention that Lloyd Brunson has a video out where he said that $9 trillion was counterfeited by the usual suspects and sent out to foreign entities. And I suspect that’s what’s being laundered back into the United States and being used to fund all the illegals.

So it is a major federal crime to counterfeit funds. Of course. So you make very interesting point. Yeah, no, I like, I like your suggestion and your observation. I wouldn’t be surprised at all. I mean, it’s like the Israel Israelis buy up all our politicians using our own taxpayer money. I mean, how grotesque is that? Except they have received counterfeit money. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Listen, Cynthia, that wouldn’t surprise me at all. Totally reasonable hypothesis. I like it. Very, very interesting. A final thought. Yeah. If anybody knows any of those Palestinians anti Israel protesters, ask them to use the petitions@reclaimingtherepublic.org.

to get us out of the UN and out of NATO because participating in those organizations damages our sovereignty and is not permitted under the constitution. They’d be doing this a really big favor. And then the UN can follow through with their efforts to shut Israel down without the USA being there to veto it. Were you the first to mention to me, Doctor Rima Lee bows 10 million patriot challenge to get the US out of the UN? I mean, she’s right all over this, you know, and I support her 100%. I don’t know where I heard from that first, but I didn’t bring it to you.

I think she’s a wonderful person and I’m glad she’s doing it. Yeah, me too. Me too. Cynthia, thank you for the call. Look forward to your next Tom in Florida. Tom, why did I have Michelle out there? She looks awful. Absolutely awful. I wish you could see this. It’s very obvious. This, this is a man with very saggy breasts. She’s not dressed up to the nines. She doesn’t even look much like a woman at all. And she doesn’t even seem to be wearing her wig. Tom, what’s going on here? Well, Big Mike, the big Mike without a wig.

You could tell us. A man. She’s absolutely a man. Positively a man. Barack Hussein Obama was a homosexual all the way even there for that years ago. So, yeah, we know it says giant cabal killer. Cabal killer. Kamala Harris. But you know, Jim, let’s go. JB made some good points, but I think, I disagree with JB. I think there is going to be a massive problem over there in that. Chicago. Chicago. Because right now I see these protesters already getting really antsy and I think they’re going to do something crazy here in the next day or so.

So let’s just sit back and watch it all unfold. But remember, you remember what Kamala’s famous name was? We won Joe. We won Jews. I mean, we won Joe. We won jews. What is this? This is all a giant stage, giant Hollywood production cabal. And the last election was stolen from truck, as we all know, and come out with the first thing out of her mouth. We won. But she really want to say we won jews. We won. You, you are running this show jews. That’s what you really wanted to face. So this guy was like you said, he’s dead.

I think he’s a zombie up there. I don’t. What the hell is this? But you know, Jim, watching some of this nonsense play out, and I’ve seen these christians marching with these jews, and you know, it’s one thing, you know, there’s some great jews. I always say that. There’s some wonderful jews I have nothing but respect for. I like what Michael Savage goes on in the fact on jews. And he’s a jew. I think he does good. But you know, watching this whole thing play out and he’s dummies are voting for a woman. What is the abortions done to the black community? I would like for Lawrence from Ohio calling.

Does that help the black women? I mean, they’re 8% of the population and their men are 5%. And right after this election, I mean, this, this convention is over. I hope JB or Jerry call in. There’s going to be another 32 shot over the weekend, last week and 32 shots Chicago, Jim, before the convention. 32 shots in Chicago. What’s going to happen this weekend? Coming up after the convention? It’s going to happen this week. It’s going to happen today, tomorrow, tom, they can’t win it off any longer. They got to do it now. Now or never.

Well, Jim, you know, the main reason I really called the show, though, this is really on my call when I think it is. Silky, dirty black irish bastard always invoking his son Bo’s name. Why is on Hunter screwing her in her crack, turning her into a crack. Or the sister of beau Biden is daughter in law. Okay, yeah. This hunter Biden was buying her crack cocaine. She said she’d only have sex with Hunter unless he went and got her crack cocaine. Now here’s the main reason I called the show, though. When I hear this dirty rotten irish bastard talk about Charlottesville and how he ran for president.

Speaker one. But Tom, Tom, it’s a body dumbbell. It’s all politics. This isn’t the real Joe Biden. You know that, right? You know that, right? Yes. Okay, okay. But here I’m talking about the narrative, Jim. The narrative. Dirty demon rats. The demon rats always threw throughout when this guy last night was giving his. Whoever this guy is. Oh, Charlie. Charlie feels why I ran for president because I had a clear class plan, all that. And I say myself, you dirty irish bastard, you allowed Philadelphia to black Panthers to stand there and only let white people go vote.

The black Panthers around the polls in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and they couldn’t even vote in 2016 with Hillary. And you got this dirty rat back. They’re talking about the one woman got killed at Charlottesville. How many white men, men got killed in via the black lives matter rioting and all the antifa. Who’s kidding who here? Business has burdened a billions of dollars and you got this kosher media lying your filthy ass off about Joe Biden and all the minorities. Hang on a second, Tom. I think everything the Democrats are doing is fake. I mean, we know they got these stage rallies.

We know the only way she could draws a crowd is if there’s a popular musician. So people come in for the, for the concert and she piggybacks. So when she doesn’t have a musician, there’s nobody there. I’m getting multiple reports that the, the convention is actually half empty, but what we see on television is just packed to the gills. I think they’re perpetrating a Hollywood style fraud across the board in every aspect. What do you think? Correct. I said you’re 100% correct or more 150 time correct. When she brings Megan Italian. I mean, Megan, thee stallion out there, shit twerking.

And what kind of nonsense, what kind of, what kind of decadence and decay have we turned into? This country’s a turn into decadent decay nonsense. It’s pitiful. And I watch these morons and some really white, white trash, or white trash young kids are voting for this crap. They’re my country. New England in the field. It’s disgusting, Jim. But I gotta say what I want. When I watch this presentation by this ghost media or marxist communist bolt of it, I say, man, I’ll tell you what, the mind control that they’re putting on the public, it’s super powerful, man.

It’s like a new laser they got out or something. Tom, what do you, what do you think about Klaus Schwab saying we’re going to have a series of shock events before the 2024 election? I think he should be hung on a rope like Barbara Specter. I think white people, people you actually have to start hanging. I think hanging the rope. Bring the rope back out. You need to hang these people. Look what’s going on in England. The king of England is allowing his country be annihilated. The most popular name in London is Mohammed. Go figure that one out.

They’re not even making. The white english women are barely having kids. The Muslims coming over there having four babies per birthday. Woman like Lauren was paid from Ohio. The white people don’t even want to breed because they’ve been brainwashed about all the guilt they have with this. Not huge. I’ve been putting on it for the last 80 years. The demon rats, the derby dirty rats. They’re filthy cabalis. That’s what they are. They’re dark angels and they’re all going to hell with a pitchfork show right up their ass. That’s where they’re going. That’s my opinion. What I got to say about that.

Now you want to ask me another opinion about Hollywood? Look at everyone that’s won in Hollywood, Jim, name every one of the producers. Weinstein, Epstein, I mean, Weinstein, all Katzenberg, schma. I need to. We all know, we all know Hollywood is run by the Jews. That’s not a secret. They even boast about it. Tom. Well, Thomas Madison didn’t make the movie projector for them to get that power. He was, he wasn’t no jew. Edison wasn’t no Jewish. Give me a final thought, because we’re going to hit a break. Give me a final thought. Well, my final thought is what’s going to happen? This convention is going to bring the demon rat even further down in a depth of hell.

And I think Trump’s going to win this election. But I also say they’re going to do throw the pitches, think at Trump. But I think Trump and the Christians are going to unite behind Trump because I think right now something major is going to happen with these demon rats and this guy waltz. They’re wanting abortion all out. I mean, the whole thing is nothing about murder with the Democrats. They’re all murder. Look at Hillary. How many people died because of Hillary? I mean, this whole thing is a giant monstrosity that we have gotten to resolve. There’s some weird, there’s something weird with Michelle being down there dressed so dowdy.

Her size is obviously gargantuan. She doesn’t look like a woman. She looks like a man with sagging breasts. It’s very strange. Tom, I have, I have a friend who was a stuntman in Hollywood and made commercials. He says he thinks there’s a commercial campaign going to promote Michelle as a tranny that the Democrats may want to run and be proud of it. Frank Marshall Davis is the father of Obama, and look at how his mother was a house. That’s all I got to say. Thanks for the call. Thanks for the call, Tom. We’ll be right back.

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Please. Let’s continue with Paul in New Jersey. Paul, you’re a thoughtful guy. What the hell’s going on at the DNC? I’m not really paying attention to it. Okay. I don’t. Okay. I don’t have it on my key. I don’t really. Okay. An antenna for that. Okay. Do whatever points. Yeah. For one. I. Since one of the earlier callers mentioned Dick Durbin, we should remember Dick Durbin did not attend Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech when he spoke in front of our government a few weeks ago. Good for him. You gotta give him credit for that. Yeah, we should remember that.

About eleven of the people who did not attend and included Bernie Sanders, Pelosi, Kamala Harris, et cetera. And of course, they’re playing up to their muslim voters. But still, that is still the right thing to do anyway, because he is a genocidal killer and he’s just a, you know, he did 911, so please tell us. And. And by the way, the only Republican who didn’t attend that day was the great congressman from Kentucky, Thomas Massey. I’d like to remind you. 40 minutes and I’ll call you. Keep going. Now. Now, you had a caller yesterday mentioned NAFTA, and he tried to pin it all on President Clinton.

Well, I went through the voting records on that, and in November 1993, NAFTA was passed. And in the House we find that among the Republicans, there was about a four to one majority for NAFTA with 132 ayes to 43 nays. Among the Democrats, we had about two thirds dissenting. We had 102 to 156 nays. So really, NAFTA was a Republican bill. It was passed because of the Republicans. And because those Republicans of the day, they’re basically globalists. And Clinton being globalist, Clinton signed it. We should also remember that NAFTA was promoted by the bloated republican bombast Rush Limbaugh.

He supported NAFTA, and all the Republicans at the time got all worked up and into it, and they thought it was a great idea. Not me. I was registered Republican back then. I voted for Ross Perot, so don’t blame me for NAftA. I wash my hands. Paul. Paul, I like all that. What the world was rush doing supporting NAFTA? You would think he was such a brilliant guy? What the hell fooled him? Well, Rush Limbaugh is a disgusting capitalist pig, that’s all. You know, he’s just, look at the man. He married four white women, not a baby out of either.

He’s just a degenerate, really. Piece of garbage. Talk about being Mister conservative. Here he is, he marries four women, doesn’t get one of them pregnant. Got it? And by the way, I would remind people this, you know, republicans go around all the time talking about liberty, liberty and freedom. Let’s remember about Mister Trump. Mister Trump, in his four year period of time, he ran up the national debt, $7.8 trillion in four years. In four years. Now listen, I looked up the record yesterday. Did Donald Trump veto any of these spending packages? From what I saw, Donald Trump used about eleven vetoes during his tenure.

And from the looks of it, all his vetoes had to do with, oh, don’t sell these weapons here. It was all military related, don’t sell these guys these weapons here. It was never overspending. So the Trump voters out there, you need to remember that saying by Einstein, and that is if you were expecting a different result from doing the same thing, you’re not going to get a different result. Donald Trump will probably, if he gets elected, he’ll do it. By the way, Joe Biden is doing the same thing right now. He’s running up the debt about 8 trillion, 7 trillion.

And Trump is going to be rewarded if he’s elected in November and he’s going to do the same thing. So this is Paul. So, Paul, you’re encouraging us to vote for Kamala and this guy from Minnesota, right? That’s your recommendation? Not at all. I personally will be voting because I think the problem with the system is we have to step out of the system. And we know how many disaffected white guys out there are on this network, like Mike Gatye, all these other talk show hosts on this network, they say they’re not going to vote. I’ll be, I vote.

I always vote. And I’m going to write in Congressman Thomas Massey, because I think the best character of the people in the government and more people did this. Now, listen, let’s say people followed my lead and we got 20 million people who voted for Thomas Massey in November. Do you understand the effect that could have on Trump or other unemployed republicans if they learned when they’re unemployed and the future politicians that, gee, there’s a big anti Israel League out there and want responsible spending out there, maybe I should fashion. What’s up? Paul Thomas Massey, thank you for that ball.

Excellent call, my friend. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We’ll be right back. Lives in a dream waits at the window wearing a face that she keeps in a jar by the door who is it? For all the love you are tuned in to the Republic broadcasting Network. Visit our website by going to republicbroadcasting.org. homeowners if your lender has gone out of business or sold your transaction to another lender or servicer, you may be the victim of a wrongful foreclosure resulting in the loss of your home. If you’ve already lost your home, are in foreclosure, or even in good standing, you can challenge the mortgage transactions illegal issue and your property can be restored to you and your foreclosure can be stopped or reversed and the mortgage transaction declared unenforceable.

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Did I hear you mentioned before Klaus Schwab and his schwab kebabs? Yeah. Klaus says we can have a series of stunning events before the 2024 election. An era of shock events, he calls it. Oh, that’s what he said, huh? I don’t know if you heard about this one, Jimbo. Yesterday, the author and journalist Richard Medhurst was arrested and detained for 24 hours before he boarded a plane in England. Have you heard about that? Tell us. Was accused of terrorism, Jimbo. For what? Reporting on that protest fight against the illegal. Well, I guess that’s what they call terrorism nowadays.

It’s coming to a neighborhood near us. I would imagine it is. Well, I just wondered if you heard about Richard Medhurst. Well, I don’t know that I have specifically. I heard some about journalists being arrested there, but, you know, I’m glad you bring it up. Tell us more. Give us more chance. He was detained for 24 hours, accused of being a terrorist. And he couldn’t make a phone call to his family or friends for 15 hours. Yeah. In other words, they’re cranking it up there in full gear over in a good old jolly England. Tells me, yes, go ahead.

And that tells me. Go ahead. Yeah, that tells me it’s going to be coming here too soon. They’re going to bring that over here, too. You can count on that. Think of the poor families who didn’t have any idea where he was for 15 hours. I mean, that would drive him off the wall. They’d be so worried, so anxious. Terrible. That’s just. Well, this crap started with the Bushy boys, didn’t it? Back in the Bushy boys. Remember? I think you remember Cat Stevens, the musician. He became a muslim and they detained him. Also accused him of being a terrorist.

You remember that? Vaguely, yeah. Your memory is marked, but. Yeah, well, it’s coming here. So Mary Madison, she made an. She made a good investment. What do you think? I think I was right. School. I think you got it right. I think you got it right. I think you got it right. All of them. All right. Thank you for taking my call, Jim. Glad you called. Glad you called. Phil in Florida. Phil, join the conversation. Hey, Jim. Thanks. I’m hoping we talk a little bit about this. I’ve mentioned to you before that I was a founding member of Colonel Bob Bowman’s chapter in veterans for Peace and served as co chair for zero, five to 16.

And I want to share some of my experience with the on the ground protest and the divisiveness between left and right. And it relates to what we’re seeing today and going back a while and, you know, right now and the use of language, which is your. Your thing, people protesting, you know, at least the central theme of the protesting is against us funding, arming and political support going to Israel for their genocide of the Palestinians. You see, and the way that it’s been worded on television, and I hear it in some of your callers who watched television and, you know, we parrot things we don’t even realize.

We are in the echo chamber. Pro Hamas, anti Israel. No, they’re anti genocide, you know, especially with us support. And we need to keep a focus on that. And I know you do. I can hear it in your feedback to the callers. But we got involved in 0405 with the anti war movement when it was the Republicans, Junior Bush and Cheney. And we went through the veterans for Peace and the anti war movement all through those two terms, you see, and I learned a lot Jim, because then in zero eight all the way through 16 was two terms of the Democrat Obama.

The wars continued unabated and the security state grew and grew and grew to what it is right now. The difference between 68 and now they got the whole city of Chicago fenced up and cops everywhere and security cameras and tanks. And it ain’t like 68 when the people, the people used the constitution, the First Amendment, you know, to free assembly to protest our government for redress of grievances. You know, it was very clear then that the government, according to the constitution serves the people, you know, and the people are the boss. But when you got the government fencing off the whole Dagon city and around the, the people’s house and the representatives in DC, you know, and you got free speech zones.

I remember that, you know, we were back in, what’s his name, Kerry, you know, reporting for duty in zero four to stop the war. And in Boston they actually had a free speech zone, you know, and now the american people have accepted that. But I want to say one more, one more thing with this left, right. You know, when Bob was member of vets for peace and you know him well or knew him well from the 911 truth, he could have been out front, but because he was questioning the justification for these wars, you know, the 911 fairy tale, the left threw him under the bus.

But when, here’s the other thing. When, when Obama took office in zero nine, so the baton switched from the Republican to the Democrat and more than half the anti war people disappeared because they had their guy in Bob Bowman on April 19, the day that the oath keepers started, he went and gave speeches in Florida and he tried to bring the left and right together and say, look, our common goal is to stop these illegal wars. You know, just put the other stuff. Agree to disagree. But as veterans, we’re going to, you know, let’s, let’s do this main mission here.

You know, and, you know, in the military yourself, Jim, you know, you’re in with guys that you wouldn’t associate with if you, if you hadn’t been in their unit together with them, you know, and you all focus on the primary mission and you leave all the rest aside. And here you got the protesting going on in Chicago and yeah, you got the gays and the LBQs and you got the communists and all that. But we are so divided by team. We defeat ourselves by not coming together on the common. You know, there’s strength in numbers and we defeat ourselves because we find something we can disagree on and we throw the baby out with the bath water and what’s his name? Chance from West Virginia just mentioned the Robert Medhurst, Richard Medhurst, you know, and you can find that story, Caitlin Johnstone Page, a great, great journalist.

Her post yesterday, Israel’s shared values with the west. And she writes this, jim. She writes, vote or don’t vote in whatever way you want. No matter who you vote for, you’ll get tyranny and war and genocide. Vote for Harris, you’ll get tyranny, war, genocide. Vote for Trump, you’ll get tyranny. And I’ve got a point to this, vote for Kennedy, you’ll get tyranny, war and genocide. Don’t want tyranny, war and genocide, go ahead, blah, blah, blah. Tyranny, war and genocide is all you get to elect. So vote however you want, or whatever. You know. There are no answers in electoral prowess.

We’re the answer. That doesn’t mean there are no answers. It just means you don’t live in a free society where power is held to account by the electorate. And that was 1968, you know. And the other fellow that spoke earlier, JP, he mentioned, you know, that the blacks burnt down half of the city after the fact, after the crackdown. It wasn’t, it wasn’t the ones who were showing up the protest, the democrat support for Vietnam, you know, so, so they were doing, and you know damn well about Coventel pro boy, you know, that’s as old as time, and we certainly saw it in the anti war movement.

You know, you gotta be smart. You gotta keep your eye on the prize. And we all of us know this, Jim. All of the listeners know this. When it’s not election season, we’re talking like this, and we fall into the same damn thing every time. And it’s happening again, you know, so appreciate you let me rant. It’s been an excellent call, Phil. I greatly appreciate. I think you made a lot of things very, very clear. I like the call. I look forward to our next conversation. Go ahead, Phil. One other thing. As far as being active, being the answers ourselves, you know, I’m a real pusher of the old fashioned handbill, and I’m gonna suggest folks go to if Americansnew.org knew Alison Weir’s organization, and they’ve got some great flyers on their facts and flyers page there, and they’re free downloads, Jim.

You print them off your own computer, you keep a stack on the front seat of your cardinal, you throw them in the repaid, you know, the junk mail return envelopes, you know, and, you know, you drop them in doctor’s offices or whatever we got. We’re the answer. We’re not going to elect ourselves out of this stuff. You know that. And so did a damn callers. They all, when it ain’t election season, they know that. You can hear it in the calls, you know. Bill, thank you. This has been an excellent, excellent call. Philville. I greatly appreciate it.

I look forward to our next conversation. You got it. Alexander and Canada join the conversation. Alexander so make a couple of points. The people today are becoming more aggressive towards, like the people in the government are becoming more aggressive towards the people because the people, because more and more people finding out that, are finding out the truth through social media and TikTok, unlike the people in the 1960s, didn’t have that. They didn’t do much about what was happening in Vietnam and so on. But see, some people a lot more, way more people today know, like what’s happening in Palestine, Iraq and so on.

So now the establishment is getting more aggressive now, especially the jewish establishment. And see, so you see what happened with the protests at the universities, like when they, when they attacked the students at the universities and you had jewish organizations doing little inside jobs there, like to instigate problems and so on. And the, I sort of also respond to what Dan from Washington said. He said that a lot of Indians are coming. There are a lot of Indians in the United States and Canada, like where I live, and that’s true. And see, sir, these people are here legally, but the problem is that a lot of these people, they tend to sympathize with the people who come in illegally, especially the Indians who are here illegally.

A lot of them here don’t have any loyalty to the country. And see, so we have a lot of Indians in Canada here. They have a movement to replace the canadian flag and some of the flags because you can, is a member of the Commonwealth and there’s a lot of british looking, a lot of the flags that resemble the UK flag. You have a lot of Indians in Canada. They want to change that because it hurts their feelings. So it seems like these people come here and they have no loyalty to the country. So see, that from Washington has a point that lot of people came who come in legally are causing problems as well.

Yeah. Yes. And she’s. What do you think is going to happen with, with the, like, in response to the call made by Rick from Arizona, he said that Iran is not going to attack Israel. Do you, what do you think of that? Like, do you think he’s right or do you agree with that? Or do you think the, do you think they’re going to wait at the election? Like, what do you think is going to happen? Like, why is Iran still hasn’t done anything now? Well, Putin asked him not to, and he’s given him a lot of defensive, like, s.

Israel’s going to muck it up. I mean, they’ve overplayed their hand. I think the destruction of Israel is inevitable at this point in time. Iran is a very wise nation, and they’re not going to do anything impulsively. And when they act, it will be decisive, in my opinion. And I think it’s inevitable that they will be forced to act. So that’s the best I can do for you. Alexander, I’m sorry. Go ahead. No, I just want to say I appreciate your calls, but I can’t, I can’t give you the timeframe, but I. Israel is on its last legs, in my opinion.

Israel is not going to survive what they’ve done. They played their hand and, you know, they’d like to provoke even war with Russia. They somehow think that could benefit Israel. I don’t see that happening. But Russia and Iran, Russia and Iran are more sophisticated militarily than their adversaries. And if you throw China into the mix, it’s not even a close call. And also, see, sir, if you look at the record in Israel, Israel is now fighting among other Jews because they now they want to recruit Jews by force, especially the ones from the orthodox community. So they’re telling them to recruit by force, and they’re causing a lot of problems within, within each other.

Right. And a lot of jewish people are leaving, as you mentioned a couple of days ago, from Israel. Semi rate Israeli may even assassinate Netanyahu. Frankly, that would not surprise me. He’s been a monster. Alexander, thank you. I’ve got a couple other callers. Time is short. Excellent. I appreciate your calls, Renee, join the conversation. Renee, you’re up. Well, Paul made my day. I agree with him 100%. And Chance and Phil were excellent also. The thing is, as long as we stay stuck in this seesaw between Democrat and Republican, making the deep state very, very happy, they’re killing themselves laughing at you.

Okay. It’s like, still stuck in that right left paradigm. They love that. I love what he said also. He really made my day when he did not like Rush Limbaugh. I hate that sob. Okay. Because he was a hypocrite who believed in jailing other drug users while the whole time he was taking so much OxyContin, he destroyed his own hearing. I didn’t even know that was possible. Plus he got caught with Viagra coming back from one of these kind of island places on a boys trip, you know, that’s known for sex trafficking. But the thing is, a lot of you men will go to extreme limits to be apologists for morally bankrupt men if you kind of perceive them on your team.

Okay, so let’s say I agree and that Massey guy has been heroic. I agree with that. Yeah. The thing is, we have to come face to face. They’re real good at picking out where the left’s thinking is flawed, but they never look in the mirror and go, you know that saying that they said, the CIA, we will know. Our disinfo campaign is a success with nothing the american people believe is true. They did not make an exemption for the right wing thinking. They need to examine their own, too, because they’re just as much a part of the problem.

Yeah, renee, I’ll bet you half the listeners here spent more time listening to rush Limbaugh than I have only heard a few hours altogether. The few hours I heard were quite brilliant. I mean, the guy was so articulate. But I’m open to all the criticisms are raising here and that he was, you know, in some ways that I have yet to appreciate. Very misguided. I’m open to that. I think he destroyed. I hate him because I think he destroyed the character of our white men with his constant harping on them, making them angry and feeling like they’re the biggest victim and everything is everybody else’s fault, blah, blah, blah, blah.

The thing is, this creates narcissism, okay? Which is a serious. A pattern of thinking that is seriously defective and harmful to our culture. And so I think if there’s anybody that should be roasting because he did so much damage, and you have to remember, Air America went bankrupt. Clear channel was allowed to go 40 billion with a billion to debt and change their name to iHeartradio. Okay? Why were they allowed to continue? Whose purpose did that? So was part of an intelligence operation to brainwash the people. Remember that? What the CIA guys said about everything we believe being incorrect.

And he did not leave out an exemption for right wing. Right wing conservative people. Both sides, Renee. It’s good. It’s good, it’s good. I want to bring in Laura since she’d been standing by. But those were excellent comments, renee. I appreciate all of them. Look forward to our next call. Laura in Michigan. Laura, the mic is yours. Yeah. Okay. I was gonna say that. I gotta tell Paul, it’s good to write in Thomas Massey. I know in Michigan you had to be a registered write in for them to count it at all. I don’t know how it is in other states, but you might want to.

You’re telling me even to write in a person that they’ve got to be on a list of registered writing or you can’t do it. Right. The final tally. They don’t have to count them. Yeah. They don’t have to count. Yeah. Right. Also, I was going to mention the abortions are not free in the sacrifice truck. As Republican Democrat convention. If they had Medicare or Medicaid, then the abortion is free. Oh, you mean what’s doing at the DNC? It’s not actually free. They’re actually charging. Right. Medicare and Medicaid. If they have Medicare Medicaid, then it’s free because they’re charging the government.

Right. Exactly. That’s interesting. That’s interesting. Yeah. What other little goodies have you got for me, Laura? Just, I was wondering if anybody’s from Texas. I heard that they erected a statue to the monkey God in downtown Houston. Like to find out if that’s true. That sounds crazy, but a lot of crazy things are happening these days. We can’t have Robert, you leave. But they could have the monkey God. Right, right, right. Melting down that statue was just that. What an atrocity. Just what an insult. Grotesque. I see people tear down this monkey God in downtown Houston.

What do you, what do you make of this? I got this photograph of Michelle at the convention and she, it’s obvious this is a man. She’s not even wearing a wig. Just a man with saggy breasts. I mean, what’s going on there, Laura? I thought they were trying to create that pretense, you know, this is, there’s no pretense here. This obvious what we have here. That’s why they’ve worked up to normalizing transvestites. It’s weird. Transgenders, transgenders. The left is going to eat that right up. They’re going to vote for that reason. These are sick people. Yeah.

My friend from Hollywood thinks they’re going to nominate and make a big deal and say, we want the first transgender president. Give Kamala the boot. He’s telling me there are a lot of rumors Kamala has a problem with alcohol, and that’s part of the reason she hits the sauce pretty good. Yeah. Heavy, heavy, heavy. Thinking that she’s got kind of a dyslexic problems, might be a little bit tipsy that she likes vodka. Martinis is what I’m being told. Oh, I don’t know. She is so unimpressive in every way. She’s about as mediocre as anyone ever in high position in the american government and more brainless than any that I can recall.

I’ve never seen anyone as, as dumb. That’s. Hey, thank you, Laura. Thank you. That’s what we have in our country. Yeah. Thanks. Spend as much time as you can with your family, your friends and people you love and care about, because we do not know how much time we have left. And support RBN. Thanks for being here. Back tomorrow. Yes, I get by with a little help from my friends. A little help from my friends.

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