RBN Authentic News (19 September 2023)

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots


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➡ The narrator criticizes Ukraine’s President Zelensky, alleging he’s a puppet for the Zionists with an objective to establish Ukraine as a new Israel. He also argues against the narrative of Russian aggression and fears that the U.S could push for the introduction of nuclear weaponry in Ukraine, potentially provoking a large scale conflict with Russia. He concludes with an assertion that Israel is manipulating western nations, attempting to provoke a war between the U.S and Russia for its own benefit.
➡ The text discusses the political tensions and military conflicts involving the Ukraine, Russia, the US, and other global players. It mentions the claims that Ukraine has been prepared for causing Russia’s strategic defeat, with US and its allies providing Ukraine with significant military support including training soldiers and supplying weapons. It also talks about the potential consequences of escalating support, the threat posed by Russia’s nuclear power, and various viewpoints on the situation including a declaration from Hungary’s prime minister suggesting that bringing back Trump is the only solution to the Ukraine war.
➡ Pence insists that the US might have to intervene if Ukraine fails to repel Russian invasion, despite Ukraine not being a member of NATO. This assertion is met with skepticism given Russia’s specific reasons for entering Ukraine and past examples of exaggerated threats. In other news, new equipment promises increased production and lowered maintenance costs for meat processing companies. Finally, hundreds of 1st responders from 9/11 continue to die from health complications related to Ground Zero’s toxic dust, equaling attack casualties. Altogether, these events spotlight concerns for international politics and domestic affairs.
➡ Nancy Mays, the Republican of South Carolina, hinted she may support a motion to oust House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, due to unfulfilled promises made to her, including ones related to women’s issues and gun violence.
➡ Meanwhile, Mayor Adams of New York City is facing criticism for cutting the NYPD’s budget to manage the migrant crisis, amid fears this act, combined with other contentious policies, may lead to social unrest and economic decline. The author suggests this forms part of a larger agenda to provoke a civil war and transform the U.S. into a socialist, communist nation. In addition, critics accuse Adams of failing to enforce immigration laws, exacerbating the city’s homelessness problem, and endangering residents.
➡ A team of legal researchers is successfully helping homeowners declare defective mortgage documents unenforceable, potentially stopping foreclosures and returning property ownership to the homeowners. They have been in the business for twelve years without a complaint.
➡ Tahibo Tea Club offers original pure pouty arco super tea, known for its antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial properties and immune-boosting benefits, and is suitable for health-conscious individuals and those with serious health conditions such as infections, diabetes, or cancer.
➡ Terahertz is a soothing healing frequency that resonates with healthy cells, assisting in new cell growth and reducing joint pain and muscle aches; it represents a new way of maintaining our health and well-being.
➡ Colony Ridge, a rapidly growing development in Texas, USA, has become a magnet for illegal immigrants, raising concern that it could serve as a strategic asset for cartels; the quality of life appears poor, but the area continues to be developed.
➡ Blackout Coffee offers freshly roasted coffee using quality beans, hoping to provide coffee as good as those founder John experienced during his travels abroad; the company promises shipment within three to five days after roasting for maximum freshness.
➡ A radio show named “Authentic News” discusses various issues including the subject of missing children and a speculated depopulation plan.
➡ The speakers discuss their belief that Israel may be involved in or attempt to benefit from conflicts between the US, Russia, and Ukraine due to what they perceive as Jewish superiorist beliefs. They also speculate about potential changes in Russian leadership and how the dynamics of global conflict could change with more Russian missile bases in the Middle East, while criticizing the US’s numerous military interventions.
➡ The text involves a hypothetical discussion on the worries related to nuclear warfare, specifically in relation to Russia and Ukraine amid current geopolitical tensions. The conversation also covers topics such as historical events like the Chernobyl disaster, potential future nuclear disasters, and the significance of key figures and locations. The text touches upon conspiracy theories about past political figures, mentions innovations like 3-D printed bunkers, and promotional advertisement of a pasture-raised meat company.
➡ The text contains a conversation about public figures like Ho Chi Minh and Dr. Fauci. It also discusses the impact of immigration and potential racial implications in the U.S. pharmaceutical industry, including the popularity of CBD oil and hemp paste for relief from pain. It touches on various products and services, including adaptogenic superfoods, processing tools for meat producers, and personal anecdotes from callers. On an international front, it debates potential geopolitical strategies, including Putin’s motivations in Ukraine, and speculation around U.S. politics.
➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, asserting that various natural disasters are a result of directed energy, U.S. government operations, geoengineering, and weather control techniques. They also debate on political issues, alleging immigration problems, election fraud, and instances of treason. The speaker voices strong criticism of political leaders and mentions instances of alleged corruption.
➡ The text discusses a radio show that involves political commentary, with themes like manipulating power structures, understanding historical events, and the impact of immigration. Highlights also include health/wellness product promotions such as Extendivite supplement and Natural Earth Medicine skincare products.


Quickbroadcasting. org today because you can handle the truth. Don’t for taking the easy way out. Got a good reason for taking the easy way out now. She was a dead trip up one way ticket. Yes. It took me so long to find out. I found out. This is Jim Fetzer, your host on Authentic News, right here in RBN Live. This is the 19 September and there’s a whole lot of news about Ukraine.

Of course. We got a UN. General assembly taking place. I watched part of Zelensky’s presentation and it’s just astonishing to think about the meteoric rise of this figure to such a central place in international politics. You got to understand, this guy is a gay. No doubt pornographer, plays a piano with his penis. He’s as corrupt as they get. But because he has a manner of presentation, he’s a great and artful liar.

And that’s what the Zionists want. Remember, this is ultimately an effort to take Ukraine as a new Israel. Have no doubt about it. There’s no other explanation in the world for why the United States should be giving so much money to Ukraine except that our congress is Israeli occupied territory. Israelis know their tenability in the Middle East is growing weaker and weaker. The Palestinians are growing stronger and stronger.

They’ll reach a point where they’re going to just take out the Israelis. They’re running an apartheid state there. They’re being totally undemocratic. They’re picking up Palestinian kids for sport. But this guy Zelensky is a perfect puppet on the stage for the Rothschilds. Listening to what he had to say, he was accusing Russia of all kinds of crimes that he himself and the Ukrainian Nazis have been performing, claiming Russia was kidnapping children.

That’s not something that Russians do. That’s something. That Hillary Clinton. That Joe Biden and the other pedophiles. Read what Joaquin Igobian has to say about it article after article on my own blog@jameshpencer. org, where Joaquin is a leading expert on pedophilia and child trafficking and politics in the world today. He was also claiming the Russians are trying to weaponize nuclear power plants. What kind of sense has that made? What kind of ridiculous claim this is on a par with the Biden admin or Zelensky claiming Russia blew up the Nordstream pipeline? Russia invested billions in the pipeline.

The idea Russia would blow it up was simply absurd. Victoria Newland and Joe Biden had both declared publicly that if Russia were to intervene, were to cross the border in Ukraine, nordstream two would be no more. Seymour Hirsch has explained it. We did it. Now you got this POS Zelensky saying Russia to weaponize the nuclear power plants. What that tells me, he’s signaling they’re going to create a nuclear disaster in Ukraine and blame it on Europe.

Almost certainly the Zaberzai nuclear plant. They’ve been shelling it before in the hope they could bring about a catastrophe. It’s the largest in all of Europe. The effects would be catastrophic, worse than Chernobyl, which, incidentally, is also located in Ukraine. Believe it or not, I think Zero head had it right. In anticipation. Hold on to your wallet. Zelensky’s back in town. The Ron Paul Institute explains that after shipping some 45 billion in military equipment to Ukraine, the Biden admin is urging Zelensky back to Washington to beg for more money.

But with the war going badly for Ukraine and strong US opposition to spending more on the effort, it looks like an uphill battle. So that’s one report that we want to take into account. There’s, in fact, much more going on here. Biden exhorts world leaders at the UN to stand up to Russia, warns not to let Ukraine be carved up. Now remember, this isn’t even the real Biden.

This is another guy. He’s got a different shape and size skull, he’s got different manner, he’s got different signature. This is Panama. This is Hollywood coming to Washington on the world stage, united Nations President Joe Biden made a robust case before the UN General Assembly Tuesday today, that the world must remain united in defending Ukraine against Russian aggression, warning that no nation can be secure if we allow Ukraine to be carved up.

As he tries to rally support for Kiev’s effort to repel a nearly 19 month old Russian invasion, it has no end in sight. Well, that depends how you look at it. It’s pretty obvious ukraine has lost the war. It’s all over but for the shouting. Except we don’t know how drastically the west is going to react, what measures are going to take. Ray McGovern’s worried that sending cluster bombs there, they might even send tactical nukes.

And Russia has made it very clear that the introduction of nuclear weapons would bring about an all out assault from Russia. And believe me, Russia is the most sophisticated and massively nuclear armed nation in the world, far superior to the US. I believe. We’re counting on our directed energy satellites. Maybe they think those satellites can take out the Russian missiles in flight. I tell you, that’s a hell of a bet.

Russia has made it very clear, just as Russia made it very clear why they were intervening in Ukraine. There was an all out assault on the Dunbass that was about to be launched by Zelensky to slaughter the ethnic Russians and Russian friendly population of the Doneskin Luhans regions. They were about to do it. There’s also, of course, some 30 biolabs, some of which were developing biological weapons genetically designed to attack Russians.

I mean, listen, what happened here was fully justified. And the fact that the west entered into a duplicitous agreement of Minsk accords to bring about peace, when even Angela Merkel has acknowledged that it was all just pretense, it was just to get Ukraine beefed up well, they beefed up Ukraine, and they’re still getting the hell beat out of them. The Russians have a tank that can take out any Ukrainian tank from a distance the Ukrainian tank can’t even reach.

And they’re getting 300 to 500,000 of the toughest troops in the world from North Korea. I cannot begin to tell you how bad this is for the west. It’s impossible. I declare impossible for NATO, the US, the UK, in combination to win a conventional war against Russia, impossible. But that, of course, is all the more reason Ray McGovern may be right. And worried that the US may decide to send tactical nukes to Ukraine.

The US president called on world leaders to not let support for Ukraine diminish, arguing that Russia is counting on countries to grow tired of prolonged conflict in Kiev, which will allow it to brutalize Ukraine without consequence. Russia alone is standing in the way of a resolution, Biden argued, saying Moscow’s price for peace was Ukraine’s capitulation Ukraine’s territory and Ukraine’s children. Children? Why in the world would he say that Russia doesn’t want Ukraine’s children? Russia wants a state on its border that’s not a member of NATO.

Russia wants a state on its border that isn’t a major threat to Russia. Meanwhile, and this was reported about a week ago in Israel. Net yahoo. Tamit Zelensky On sidelines of UN. General assembly Kiev’s, On Voices prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet Ukrainian President Voldemort Zelensky on the sidelines of the UN. General assembly. Ukraine’s ambassador to Israel Yevgan Korin yacht said on Tuesday this is about a week ago.

The lower profile setting, relative to a visit to Yev appeared to be the preferred backdrop for Netanyahu, who has sought to avoid upending Israel’s ties with Russia. Well, it’s probably been Israeli press. You think Russia isn’t going to notice? This is an occasion for Netyah to get his marching orders from someone very near to the top of the pyramid, who wants this war to go forward so Ukraine can become the new Israel.

Bibi Nanyahu, who has more political lives than a cat, is the guy. And remember, it was he, along with Yehud Umbert who are responsible for who conceived the plan of 911 to attack the United States in a manner that would be blamed on Arabs, of course, to justify US. Military intervention in the Middle East, to take out the modern Arab state that served as a counterbalance Israel domination of the entire region, and eventually to confront the Persian nation of Iran.

That’s what 911 was all about. Anyone who thinks Israel is our friend has their head where the sun does not shine. I cannot emphasize this strongly enough. It’s taken me a lot of time to sort out that Israel is not our gallant ally in the Middle East. Israel believes it’s our master and that Israel can destroy the United States if it benefits Israel. And frankly, as best I can discern, israel wants to provoke a nuclear war between the United States and Russia and then Israel.

This is unbelievable arrogance, but I believe this is their mindset isn’t going to come forward and rule the world. They think that’s God’s will. Read Isaiah 55 65 all the nations of the world are supposed to bring their wealth to Israel, to the Jews. They are the superior people. They are the chosen people. They are the people who are destined to rule. They believe it. You may not, they do.

And of course they’re acting on their beliefs. They think God is on their side. Zelensky and net. Yeah, who have admit since the latter returned to power in late December, the Bermier has bucked repeated requests to visit Ukraine, making him one of the only Western leaders who had yet to make the trip. Net, Yao’s predecessor, Naftali Bennett and Yere Laplett also avoided meeting Zelensky. They don’t want the role of Israel here to be outed.

They’re going to keep as low a profile as they can. Meanwhile, Russia is not missing a step. US is at war against us. Antiwar. com reports russian Foreign Minister Sergey Labrov And he’s one of the great statesmen in the world today one of the greatest diplomats of all time in my judgment blasted the US for waging a proxy war in Ukraine. The Washington led North Atlantic alliance has transferred nearly 100 billion in military aid kiev most, of course coming from the United States.

Labrov said the White House was controlling Ukraine’s military decisions. Well, since Congress is Israeli occupied territory since Biden is a puppet, I don’t doubt it’s really me calling the shots. On Sunday at the Eastern Economic Forum, the Russian diplomat explained Moscow’s position no matter what it says, the US controls this war. It supplies weapons, munitions, intelligence information, data from satellites. It is pursuing a war against us. Remember now, Russia is the most powerful nuclear nation in the world.

Russia is besieged by the United States. This is not the way it should be. According to the Kiev Institute, the US and its allies have transferred slightly under 100 billion of weapons to Ukraine since the start of the war. Additionally, the west has trained thousands of Ukraine soldiers and provided Kiev with other military support such as targeting and intelligence. That’s very bad. Labrov said the proxy war the west is waging against Russia and Ukraine was a long planned effort aimed at Moscow’s strategic defeat.

He stated well, what is going on is that Ukraine has been prepared, has long been prepared for infecting strategic defeat to Russia using its hands and its bodies for that purpose. The Wall Street Journal last week reported the White House is considering escalating support by saying long range ATACMS missiles which can hit targets at 190 miles away. Labrov asked how Moscow might respond if Washington provides Kiehl with these rockets.

I’m unable to comment on their statement, but the fact that it will not change the essence of what’s going on in Ukraine is obvious. I predict they’ll be taken out in rather short order. Meanwhile, and this is a sort of thing we were getting from him. At the UN today, Zolansky said Putin could cause World War Three if the US. Does not continue support for Ukraine. After already plowing 70 billion into the nation, ukrainian President Zelensky said he believed World War II could become a reality if the US.

Does not continue to support Ukraine, having already contributed roughly 70 billion for the effort. Speaking on 60 Minutes Sunday night, zelensky compared Russian President Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler. Of course, the whole world has to decide whether we want to stop Putin or whether we want to start the beginning of a world war. We can’t change Putin. Russian society has lost the respect of the world. Well, for those who are paying attention, ukraine and Zelensky lost any respect a long time ago.

They elected him and re elected him and raised a second Hitler. They did this. We cannot go back in time. We can stop it here. I don’t think so. Now it’s all really a fantasy. Now here’s a guy who’s got it right. Hungary’s prime minister says bringing back Trump is the only way to end the Ukraine war. I must say, one of the most endearing observations Donald Trump made when he began campaigning was talking about becoming friends with Russia.

He said, Isn’t that a good idea? Isn’t that better than being enemies? Of course, he was right. This is one of the reasons why the deep state couldn’t allow him to become president again. There would not have been a war in Ukraine had Trump become president again. Viktor Orban, Hungary’s prime minister, said in an interview, the only way to end the war in Ukraine is to call back Trump.

In a roughly 30 minutes interview posted Tuesday on Tucker Carlson’s account on X, Mr. Horbont said the best foreign policy in recent several decades belonged to Mr. Trump because he treated Russia, the North Koreans, and the Chinese nicely. We’ll be right back. Find your inner rebel at Dixie Republic, the world’s largest Confederate store, located in Travelers Rest, South Carolina. The anti white, antichrist anti Southern world ends at the asphalt.

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Floating with the Petrodollar so the value of our own currency is determined by its role as a reserve currency in international oil transactions, which is becoming rapidly a figment of the distant past. With the emergence of BRICS and the drop of petrodollar by even nations as important in this role as Saudi Arabia was abolishing the draft which Nixon did to take the wind out of the sails of the anti war movement.

We appear to have had a paranoid fixation that John Lennon might lead a massive movement that may or may not be related to his assassination. Not by Mark David Chapman, who is a patsy, but by Jose Perdomo, who was a doorman and a member of Op 40, which, not coincidentally, was a group of assassins organized in the Eisenhower administration over which Richard Nixon was ahead. So it’s not really a stretch.

What I find flabbergasting is a new poll 48% of Americans under 30 support sending US troops to defend Ukraine. I hope they realize that means them. A bull release Sunday by CBS News. UGOV shows 48% of Americans under 30 support, sending us Troops to defend Ukraine from Russia’s invasion of the former Soviet state. Support presenting troops dropped dramatically for each older age group, 30 to 34. It’s down to 20 817 percent for 45% to 68% among those 65 and older.

Why? Because we understand better what war is all about. Because we have no draft. Most of these young people who are supporting the idea don’t have any military training. They’ve never had any serious responsibilities. They have no idea what would be involved. Overall, 24% of adult Americans support sending troops to Ukraine, with support for sending weapons at 54%, aid in supply 67 and sanctions on Russia 75. Well, those sanctions on Russia, by the way, are just what has led to the development of BRICS and the loss of support for the dollar and the former economic system in which we were the reserve currency by other nations because they see the sanction violate international agreements.

Meanwhile, warmonger Mike Pence says U. S. Military may have to fight if Ukraine loses a ward of Russia. In a recent town hall appearance, republican presidential candidate Mike Pence made a concerning statement that should give every American pause. Pence told News Nation host Leland Vetter that if Ukraine fails to repel the Russian invasion, and there’s no way Ukraine cannot fail to repel the Russian invasion, the US. Military might have to step in under the NATO treaty.

Notice this is a stretch. This is a reach. Ukraine is not a member of NATO. So why, if Russia defeats Ukraine, would be any reason why the United States would need to step in under the NATO treaty? I’m convinced says pants. And this is the same guy, by the way, who was derelict in his duty to send back the slates of electors for the 2020 election when there were competing slates.

The constitution specifies a state legislature to determine how their votes will be cast. He had an obligation to send it back, which he did not. I do not have any enthusiasm for this guy whatsoever. I’m convinced that if the Ukrainian military doesn’t stop and repel that Russian invasion, it’s not going to be too long before that Russian army crosses a border that our men and women in uniform are going to have to go and fight for under our UN treaty.

I truly believe it. However, according to NATO, ukraine is not a NATO member. Ukraine is a NATO partner country, which means it cooperates closely with NATO, but is not covered by the security guarantees in the alliance and founding treaty. Where have we heard this before? Russia has expressed no interest whatsoever in any other country. It had very specific reasons for entering Ukraine, which Vladimir Putin outlined in his Magisterial speech on February 24, the very day that the incursion began the special military operation.

This is like the bullshit we got from past administrations, including Lyndon Johnson, about the domino theory that if Vietnam fell, so would the others when Vietnam was fiercely independent. Right, Matt? Helena rigby up the rice in the church where a wedding has been listen, a dream waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door who is it for? I want the truth.

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We have a report from Principia scientific international post 911 1st responder deaths now nearly equal to attack Casualties get this the number of 911 1st responders who have died from ground zero related health complications is now nearly equal to the number of first responders who died during the attacks. Driving the news, the New York City fire department announced last week the addition of 43 names of first responders who died from 911 related ailments to its memorial at the world trade center.

The names included those of firefighter, paramedics, and EMTs. These brave men and women showed up that day and in the days and months following the attacks to participate in the rescue and recovery efforts at the world trade center. We will never forget them. In the 22 years since 911 341 fire department New York members have died from rare cancers and diseases caused by the toxic dust at ground zero.

Let me tell you, it’s much more than the toxic dust. This is not from asbestos. This is from the residue from the use of nuclear devices to destroy the twin towers. And while there they’re talking about first responders in the fire department, the fact is that when you take into account local residents and others who have died from the effects, it’s much greater. The number is even up to as many as 70,000, with a pattern of medical maladies and death very similar to that of Chernobyl.

Meanwhile, in terms of domestic politics, jack Smith had filed a gag order attacking Trump’s first amendment right. Surprise, surprise. Following filing a request for a gag order against him by special counselor Jack Smith, former president Trump declared he was being deprived of his first amendment rights. No doubt on September 15, during the concerned women of america’s summit in Washington, president Trump claimed that Smith sought to revoke his first amendment rights.

He wants to take away my right of speaking freely and openly. Trump added, never forget, our enemies want to stop us because we’re the only ones who can stop them. They want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away yours. Friday, Smith filed a 19th page motion in federal court asking judge Tanya Chalkin, who, by the way, we know was deeply involved in Russia gate and a whole other horrific events which were clear violations of her obligations under the law.

In my judgment, she is unqualified to be presiding over this case to seek a narrowly tailored injunction restricting the former president’s ability to speak publicly about the federal case surrounding his alleged plans to challenge the 2020 election outcome. The defendant has repeatedly and widely disseminated in public statements attacking citizens of the district of Columbia, the court, prosecutors and prospective witnesses. Smith wrote those statements. The defendant threatens to undermine the integrity of these proceedings and prejudice the jury pool.

Wow. Once again, the situation is virtually exactly the opposite. Here’s another case that is just insulting beyond belief. Hunter Biden sues the IRS over tax disclosure after agent testimony before Congress. Hunter Biden you think this guy was some kind of saint with clean hands when he’s as dirty and repulsive as they get? Hunter Biden sued the Internal Revenue Service Monday, claiming that two agent publicly alleging tax probe interference wrongly shared his personal information, a case that comes amid escalating legal and political struggles as a 2024 election looms.

The agents targeted and sought to embarrass Mr. Biden with his sharing of confidential tech information in press interviews and testimony before Congress, the suit set. His lawyers argue that whistleblower protection don’t apply, but a lawyer for one agent said any confidential information released came under whistleblower authorization. The lawsuit marks the latest legal pushback from Biden from Hunter as a long running federal investigation into him unfolds against a sharply political backdrop that includes an impeachment inquiry aimed at his father, President Joe Biden, seeking to tie him to his son’s business dealings as though that were a stretch.

My goodness. There’s no question about it. No question about it. I’ll call you when I’m off, but I know we’re okay. We’re okay. I can’t hear anything, Jim. Thank you, Julie. Represent. Nancy Mays, Republican of South Carolina, said everything’s on the table when it comes to potentially ousting. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Republican of California From the speakership. Bates made the remarks during a Sunday interview with ABC News Jonathan Carl on this Week when asked about Representative Matt Gates and others saying they’re going to try to oust McCarthy as speaker.

Could you see yourself under any circumstances supporting a motion to vacate against McCarthy? Carl asked. It hasn’t happened yet, and I’m not about to comment or conjecture here, she said. Either he’s going to file it or he’s not. If he’s going to do it, put his money where his mouth is. I do hear that some votes might be up for grabs because people were made promises that have not been kept.

What about your vote? Is it up for grabs? Carl S I mean, could you support that effort? Mace responded, we’ll see how it turns out. But I will tell you, I’m one of those members who have made certain promises. I’ve worked on women’s issues. I’ve worked on issues, you know, related to gun violence I feel are very important. And, you know, it’s fallen on deaf ears, and if I give a handshake to someone, I expect them to follow through with it.

I’ll notice Mace did not rule out supporting the motion to vacate, which could result in McCarthy’s ouster. I might you know what? Everything’s on the table at this point for me because I want to do the right thing for the American people, Mace said. I want to do the right thing for women. I’m trying to show there’s a path forward for women post role for birth control from women who are rape.

Survivors and such, which is, in my opinion, very appropriate and completely responsible. Meanwhile, Black Trump mayor makes his biggest mistake yet. This could bring his broken city to its knees. What’s happening? In recent months, Democrat run sanctuary cities have become increasingly bothered by an influx of illegal immigrants, despite their support to house aliens and encourage their illegal entry into the country. Democrat mayors that complain that Republicans are busing these migrants to their cities.

Recently, Mayor Adams of New York warned that this endless flood of outsiders would destroy New York City. His complaint earned him the title Black Trump. I left this journalist writing for MSNBC. However, Adams does not appear willing to deport any of the people overriding his city. In fact, he’s doing something very anti Trump to accommodate these aliens, and it will actually put residents of New York City at great risk.

From the post millennial. On Saturday, city officials announced that the New York Police Department’s budget would be cut with that money reallocated to solving the migrant cris. Budget director Jacques Jiha revealed in a memo over the weekend explaining that Mayor Eric Adams, who recently said the migrant crisis could destroy the city, will soon issue a directive to implement an overtime and overtime restriction initiative for our city’s four uniformed agencies.

It appears New York might be destroyed, but by Mayor Adams, not these aliens. The Democrat is issuing budget cuts to the New York Police Department plans to redirect that money to fund the migrant crisis. Instead of requiring these illegal entrants to return to their countries of origin, adams will deplete the police force of resources, all to reward people who should not be in New York City in the first place.

New York has already suffered a crime epidemic thanks to pro criminal policies. The former mayor slashed the NYPD’s budget by staggering billion dollars. Democrat Das and the Governor have eliminated cash bail, putting criminals back on the street. Many residents have fled New York in recent years, those, by the way, with enough wealth to be able to move, meaning at the same time they’re moving out, they’re dropping the tax revenue basis significantly.

The top money earners are those who are leaving the city and therefore no longer contributing to the city budget, prompting fears of decline tax revenue. Meanwhile, Mayor Adams allows more and more migrants to enter the city. Not once has he pressured Joe Biden or his administration to start enforcing immigration law by deporting migrants. Instead, the mayor will be depriving police of overtime pay. This will result in fewer police committing to overtime.

Fewer police are going to join the force. With a police force already lacking enough officer to keep the street safe, a cutback in overtime will be devastating to the city. New York has already run out of places that high of these migrants. Reports indicate they have trashed luxury hotels. In Manhattan, residents have protested the creation of cities near public schools and have been arrested for it. It remains unclear how New Yorkers will react to this news.

It’s unlikely locals will approve of a cut in New York Police Department funding to benefit illegals. But what may be unlikely, I’m not going to be surprised at all. Let me say, by the way they’re bringing in all these illegals, there’s no place to house them. How’s that going to work out? There appear to me endless efforts to provoke a civil war in the United States. A civil war.

Now, if they succeed in bringing about a civil war, because know legalizing shoplifting, they’re teaching, you know, anal and oral sex in the public schools to kindergarten kids, they’re sending all this money to Ukraine. They’re giving the migrants vastly more benefits. Speaking with a friend in Cleveland today, he was observing again these migrants are getting $2,200 a month. $2,200 a month. Think about it. There may be as many as 6 million already born across the border.

$2,200 a month. Just multiply that out. You can see where your tax money is going in mine. Not to benefit the American people, they’re letting the homeless grow in the cities. San Francisco, once the most beautiful city perhaps in the world, had become a cesspool. How does provoking a civil war work? Well, let me tell you, this, I think, is the bottom line. It’s taken me a very long time to arrive at this point.

If they can provoke a civil war, if they can’t get America to take a barn, to oppose a tyrannical government, to defeat and overthrow it, which a Declaration of Independence declares to be our God given right, they’re going to impose martial law. They’re going to use all the phony propaganda they’ve generated out of January 6 about domestic terrorists to declare every conservative, every Trump supporter, every Oath Keeper, every proud boy, every NRA member, domestic enemies.

And listen, it would not surprise me if they use those directed energy weapons we saw so vividly applied in Lahaina, Maui, and in Paradise, California, to turn each of us into charcoal. I mean, it does it instantly, instantly. You won’t feel any pain, I presume. It’ll happen so fast. But there’ll be an outline of you just have we’ve seen the outline of that dog in video from Maui or people in video from other occasions where directed entity weapons have been used? I believe once they’ve taken us out, there are going to be a hell of a lot of residents that are open for Occupancy.

They want to transform the United States by destroying it and then reconstructing it as a socialist, communist nation based on the principle of equity, where everyone is treated exactly the same. This is why they hate Trump. Trump is a capitalist. He’s an entrepreneur. He’s a self made man. He makes money. They don’t like distinctions between people who are successful and accomplish things based on their ability and effort and themselves who are for the most part utter mediocrities or incapable of distinguishing themselves in any field.

So they translate their resentment into the desire to destroy American society and rebuild it. This is implementation of the Cloven Pivot plan overwhelm America as a welfare state and bring it to its knees and then rebuild where the government is all controlling and treats everyone equally. Except, of course, some will be more equal than others. This, I believe, is the plan. This, I believe, is the big picture.

This, I believe, is the agenda. So they are hoping to provoke a civil war. And it’s a hell of a dilemma we’re in. Because if we take this line down, we’re defeated. And if we stand up and resist, they at least believe they can defeat us. I stand with Patrick Henry. Give me liberty or give me death. I’m telling you, this is all out. They’re throwing everything they can at us.

There’s going to be another pandemic. It’s going to be a more serious threat to health. They’re going to seek to oppose it around the clock. Stand by. I’ll be right back. Now these days are gone and I’m not so self assured now I find the chain of mine and open up the doors help me homeowners. If your lender has gone out of business or sold your transaction to another lender or servicer, you may be the victim of a wrongful foreclosure resulting in the loss of your home.

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I gotta say, I believe it really is a war on whites. Honest to God, it’s extraordinary we should be in this situation. Here’s a development in Texas that I find very troubling. This is where a determiner is going to make big bucks for himself off of this massive influx of immigrants inside Colony Ridge, the fastest growing development in the US. A magnet for illegal immigrants, a Texas land developer has established a sprawling settlement north of Houston where thousands of illegal immigrants are believed to have settled, raising concerns among experts and elected officials that the development, 400 miles in the interior of the United States, could become a strategic asset for cartels.

Located in Liberty County, Texas, near the small town of Plum Grove, the Colony Ridge development is a sprawling community that, based on an analysis of publicly available information, is now over 60 sq. Mi, nearly the size of the nation’s capital, Washington, DC. Its population is estimated to be anywhere between 50 and 75,000 and is growing rapidly thanks to a marketing plan targeted at Texas Hispanic population. The Daily Wire surveyed the development by helicopter to assess the true extent of its growth.

The flight began in the wealthy Woodland neighborhood. It was only minutes before the designer homes and pools gave way to half built homes, dilabidated trailers and heaps of trash houses on the ground fly the flags of foreign countries, and many homes display their addresses on spray painted pieces of plywood. Many structures, some of which are not hooked up to running water, were under construction, while others were unfinished but didn’t appear to be actively being worked upon, at least one plot of land had no structures at all, just a tent in the corner nestled between shrubs.

Stray dogs without collars can be seen drying along the side of the underdeveloped streets. But despite what appears to be poor living conditions, throughout much of the development colony ridge is exploding. The view from the sky revealed a sprawling labyrinth of roundabouts and endless roads of sidewalkless streets with empty plots waiting to be developed. The edges of the property are dotted with construction vehicles, each one tasked with cutting and clearing the surrounding forest to make way for yet more growth.

We’ll be back and take your calls. You need anybody I just need someone to love I want somebody to love oh, I get by little help from my friend gotta drive from my friend I get high little help from my friends I get by a little help from my friends with a little help from my friend my name is John. I’m the founder of Blackout coffee. And I started blackout because I really love coffee.

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com and use the coupon code repub that’s Republic. You’re listening to real talk radio only on the Republic Broadcasting Network. Saving why my guitar gently and I see sweet breath fill my guitar gently weep welcome to the second hour of Authentic news, where today is the 18th plus one day of September, the 19 September, and I’m very pleased to take callers. We have chance in West Virginia. Standing by.

Chance, join the conversation. Yes. Hello? Jim Bow. I’d like your opinion on a couple of points I got to make. I consider you an extremely intelligent man and that’s the truth. I ain’t just blowing smoke up your butt, Jimbo. I like to know what you think about these things. I’ve been thinking about this. I think how Lehana Lehana, however you pronounce it, is handled right now is the big test.

You realize 2000 kids are missing still. Even if just one single kid was missing, it should be cause for concern. Oh, yeah, chance, of course. I agree completely. I originally, of course, believed they sent the kids home to make sure they would be extinguished. They would die in the directed energy holocaust to follow so that they couldn’t make legal claims on the property, and the state would have an easier time mopping it up in this massive land grab.

I now believe the kids were actually buzed, probably to aircraft locations and flown out of Hawaii to be sex trafficked and eventually killed and have their organs marketed. Each of those kids is worth a tidy know on this black market. Yeah, it’s horrific, Chance, but that’s my take on how things, Jimbo? I got another point to make. This depopulation plan is so evident now that one has to be blind and stupid not to see it.

We’re at the point now where it doesn’t matter who one votes for because the population plan is actually in motion to kill us all. Now, this thing was provoking Putin. What kind of psychos would persist in this genocidal know? I think they’re doing this because it fits a depopulation plan. And this is what I think. I think this country just might reinstitute the Giraffe, send us kids to their deaths inflect biological weapons on us, and say Russia nuked us, blame it all on Russia.

See, it’s the perfect hegelian theory problem reaction solution. Go ahead with this psychotic behavior and then say Russia did know it’s all well and good that people amongst themselves talk about illegal immigration and the elections, but I feel it’s useless complaining right now because that horse already done left the barn, because this depopulation plan is underway. And how people cannot see this. They talked about this in the 50s with their big conferences, UN conferences about depopulation, and now we’re actually seeing it in fruition.

It’s well underway. How do you feel, Jimbo? I think you’re spot on, Chance. I think you’re on top of this. I have been meaning to add articles substantiating my estimate that the world’s population had been reduced by a billion. A fan noticed a couple studies that reinforce that opinion, and I want to share it. Remember, I think that Israel would like to provoke a war between the United States and Russia to take out those nations so they can I mean, it sounds absurd, but I believe they have the mindset that they are supposed to rule the world.

Right? This is God’s will. They are the chosen people. They are supposed to rule the world. If you get into this stuff, you find figures like Menachem Bagan, who was an early PM of Israel, declared that the Jews were as superior to the other races as the human races are superior to the cattle in the field. He said that, and he described the other races as though they were insects, where the Jews are entitled to lie, cheat, steal, and murder the Goyam with impunity because it’s God’s will.

Chance. It’s that bad. It’s disgusting. Not only that, Jimbo, I’ve been occasionally tuning into press TV and what’s going on in Israel right now. Not only are the Israelis gunning down the Palestinians like dogs, but the Jewish people there are on the verge of a revolution against their own government. And I start to say to myself, wow, maybe this is why Israel wants to get into Ukraine, because that’s ancient Khazaria, so maybe they want to take over Ukraine.

That’s a thought, yes. Oh, you’re 100% correct. I’ve been saying this for quite a while, Chance, that they want Ukraine to be the new Israel. And here’s the Rough, they want it all. They want Crimea, they want the Dunbas, they want all. They don’t want Russia to have any part of it. That’s part of their mindset. They want everything, and for the rest of the world to have nothing.

And I got to tell you, it’s the Rothschild banking empire that is the top of the pyramid in terms of world power, wealth, and control right there. And they are behind all of this. All of this, in my opinion, Chance, it’s a disgusting situation. It’s totally inhumane. And it derives from this belief that I think, of course, is ridiculous. But you act on your beliefs in Jewish superiority.

Now, most or a lot of Jews don’t buy into it, but I’m sorry to say, the most powerful and influential do, and we are suffering the consequences. So I am not prepared to argue any of the points you’re making. Chance. I think you’re right on top of this. Well, God bless you, Jim Bo, and you’re a credit to the patriot community now. Well, I appreciate that, Chance, and how glad I am to be here at RBN.

I really feel I found my niche. I’ve had eight or nine radio shows, but none that I’ve enjoyed as much as this. Thank you for calling Chance. I look forward to your next call. Miles in Maine. Miles, share with us your thoughts. Hello, Uncle Fetzer. Just a couple questions I’d like to get your opinion on. Is there any knowledge on how much Israel has contributed to Ukraine? That’s a great question.

I’ll see. Maybe I can do a search right now and come up with some answer. Keep talking. Yeah. So now, Russia’s lost that one big warship early on in this or months back, that big ship that took years to build. They’ve lost a few key generals, then they lost Pergosion, then they’ve lost the pipeline. So they’re heavily invested now. Plus, they’ve lost a good number of troops themselves.

So, under public pressure, say Putin decides to leave, and under public pressure, the next leader tells Zelensky, you got 72 hours to vacate, or we’re going to vacate you, help you vacate. And at the same time, he says, you know, I think I’m going to call a few of my friends in the Middle East, maybe Egypt, maybe Jordan, maybe Lebanon, and see if I can park some because we need some more room if we can park some Su 600, 708 hundred over there.

What do you think, in your opinion, the dynamics would be, and I’ll take your answer and let someone else call in? Thank you. No, I want you to stay on a second, Miles, because I was looking up the answer to your first question and didn’t get all of your second. As the war progresses, listen to this. Israel has increasingly insisted it’s on the side of Ukraine, providing over 22.

5 million million in humanitarian aid and setting up a field hospital to treat wounded Ukrainians in the early days of the war. And here’s another article. Mind you, 22 million is a pitons. We’re contributing nearly 100 billion. Here’s another article why Israel still refuses to give military aid to Ukraine. No Ukrainian has refugee status in Israel, which has also granted nationality to some 15,000 Ukrainian Jews. A strong majority of Israelis, 76%, support Ukraine in the war.

Israel has seen multiple pro Ukrainian priorities. But I’m telling you, Israel wants to be the great beneficiary of Ukraine. It seems to me they want it on the cheap. I won’t play into any stereotypes there, but I think they want it to be handed to them on a silver platter, and they’re expecting the United States and NATO nation to do it for them. The other question run it by me, Miles, again.

So, say, under public pressure, Putin resigns, and the next Russian leader says, mr. Zelensky, you got 72 hours to vacate, or we’re going to help you vacate. We’re going to vacate for you. And then says, by the way, I’m going to call a couple of my associates in the Middle East, namely like, say, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and says, you guys got any room for us? We’d like to put a battery of Su 600, 700, 800s in over there.

Can you help us out? And they get obliged by maybe one or two of these other nations. What do you think the dynamics become then? Well, I think that’s very interesting. There’s some speculation that Pragozhin was taken out because he posed a political threat to Putin, because progoshian was a fierce Russian nationalist. Now, I have many times compared Putin in relation to Russia with Trump in relation to America, where Trump is an America first guy and Putin a Russia first guy.

I have a very serious source who insists that Putin’s only half hearted about this, and that’s why Russia hasn’t prevailed, who suggests that Putin has ties to Israel, or at least to certain cliques in Israel, and inhibit him from doing the job forthwith. It seems to me the war could have been mopped up much sooner than now, and that Mendevid, who’s been a past president of Russia is a stronger nationalist and could succeed Putin under certain circumstances.

Now, in the past, I’ve gone so far out of Putin to describe him as the only true statesman astride the world stage. But if my source is correct, he may have a fatal flaw. And it could be that there will come about a change in the leadership of Russia. By and large, I felt Putin was managing Russia extremely successfully, showing good judgment. This is clearly a just war, no question about it.

His statements, in my opinion, have been virtually flawless. I’ve published on my blog his statement for 24 February about why Russia was entering Ukraine with a special military mission. But I think it’s an open future, Miles. It’s an open future, and it might be. Go ahead. Submet comes in and calls some of his friends in the Middle East and says, we’re going to bring some batteries of Su, 600, 700, 800 to Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan, some of those nations.

What do you think happens then? Yeah, when you’re talking about 600, 700, do you mean troops? No, the Su 600, 700, 800 missiles that they got the highly yeah. Well, Russia has got the best missiles in the world. They got the best anti missile missiles in the world. They got the best anti ship missiles in the world, and they got the Satan Two, and they got the Satan Two, which has 15 independently targetable warheads where a single one could take out all of France.

They’ve got the firepower piles, they’re just not deploying it. So that’s what I’m saying. So say that firepower ends up in Egypt, Lebanon, or Jordan. What is the dynamics of this whole nonsensical war go mean? How many troops can NATO in the US and how much money can the US? How many wars? How much can they fund? Oh, I know, the whole thing is absurd. We have 700 basis.

The United States is a true miscreant in all of these situations. We’ve lost so many wars in the military, intervention at various nations. We’ve assassinated their leaders. We’ve destroyed democracy. On MSNBC, I was watching the broadcast of Zelensky, and the idea that this guy who’s a major, a big time tyrant, should be described as a bastion, a leader for democracy and freedom, it’s just insulting and beyond belief.

But it’s being pushed with a whole lot of propaganda, Miles. And I know people very near and dear to me who believe virtually every word of the propaganda, I’m sorry to say. I don’t know if I’m completely answering your question, but we are certainly in a dire situation, and Russia could do much more. And perhaps Putin is going to be moved. Know, when you have Lavrov declaring that the US is at war with Russia, that’s very serious.

And it’s one of the reasons I’m spending as much time addressing this issue as I am. It’s a threat to your life and to mine. Because if we stupidly send tactical nuclear missiles to Ukraine, russia has made it very clear it will respond with an all out retaliatory response. And then we won’t be having any conversations on RBN, my friend. We won’t it’ll be all over miles. Listen, I look forward to your calling again.

OK. Meanwhile, we have David in Massachusetts. David, I’m glad you’re calling early today. Join the conversation. May I please speak with Director SATSA? You got him. Very good director. Yeah, because that’s what Jay Edgar Hoover used to be known as mr. Director of the FBI. But in his private life, when he was on vacation with Clyde Tulson, he was known as the direct dress. The direct yeah, as you obviously know, being the direct dress when he was doing the cross dress and stuff and everything.

David, as you obviously know, but many in our audience may not. Just as Hoover had sex dossiers on the members of Congress by means of which he could blackmail them, the mob had a sex dossier on Hoover, including him in compromising positions with Clyde, tolson whom you mentioned. And he was known to wear dresses. I mean, this guy was quite a pervert. So that’s just for background for everyone understanding Jay Edgar when you know the truth about him is no example for American society.

Jesse opposite, though obama would probably extol him and all the other perverts who seem to have high position in our government today. Continue. Yeah. I address you, Director Fetzer, as director because you’re qualified to be the director, not J Ed jahook. You would actually have the qualifications to direct the FBI. But listen, this is one thing I was going to mention. Director is over there in Ukraine getting back to the Russo Ukrainian war and you got the Zaporazia power plant.

So the thought occurred to me know the two greatest nuclear disasters that the world has ever known may actually happen within the country of Ukraine. Number one would be the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. And the second one, I’m calling it the Ignoble Nuclear Disaster. You got the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and you have the Ignoble nuclear Disaster. Now, let me explain. David. David. David. Hold that thought and we’ll continue after this break down to his knee.

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And of course he’s just a puppet of the great global super satan. They’re in Washington, DC. The great satan and all the allies of evil, they know the key. The great satan knows that the key to turning the Russo Ukrainian war into a nuclear thermonuclear world war II. The key is zaporesia. That’s why I call it chernobyl and ignoble. Zaporizia is ignoble power plant. Once the lunch and the Ukraine sabotages zaporizha and the whole theater, the whole Russo Ukrainian war theater is contaminated with nuclear radiation and everything, then it’s definitely going to escalate to a nuclear war.

The key to thermonuclear world war three is zaporesia. And if a dumb cab driver, a dumb New York City cab driver can figure this out, believe me, look, I’m open to all that. It does create a problem that this nuclear contamination will make regions of Ukraine a pretty significant chunk uninhabitable for like 250 years. Which is a reason why I think BB might not want that to happen or the Rothschild generally might not want that to happen.

That’s my hope, that it won’t happen because it will be a catastrophe. But if it does happen and I cannot rule it out, I’m with you on this, I cannot rule it out. It’s going to be a major problem for anyone who wants to reside in Ukraine because it’s going to make that region incapable of supporting life. Yeah, well, all I can say is some of these Jew at alls on the public broadcasting are always talking about all this Jewish power and everything.

All I can say is I hope you’re right, Director Fetza, that Israel and Netanyahu has that kind of power to actually have the power to avert and contain nuclear World War II. I hope they have that kind of power. Like to do it all on public broadcast and say they have all the power and everything. Well, I believe he does. If that’s a reason. Who wants to talk to Zelensky at UN today? I say go for it, Mimi, because I know you want Ukraine to be the new Israel, but you want to be habitable for all the Khazarian descendants.

You want to move there. David, thank you very much for the call. Hey, one last thing. Go ahead. Oh, yeah. Hey, you’re a Vietnam War veteran, aren’t you? Say again? You’re a Vietnam War veteran, aren’t you, Director? I was never in country, David. I had training ops in the Far East. I was there 13 month base camp in Okinawa, training in Japan, twice in the army of the Marines during the war years though, right? Oh, yeah.

I’m a veteran of the Vietnam era, correct? Yeah, that’s what I am, a veteran of the Vietnam era. And I was in the army in 72 and 73 with John Statmiller at Fort Knox, Kentucky. I was going to say, being a Vietnam era veteran, I think you’ll appreciate this one, director Fetcher Ho Chi Minh of North Vietnam. He was responsible for the death of many, many Americans lost their lives because of Ho Chi Minh.

Ho Chi Minh was a great nationalist fighting for Vietnam. And by the way, they would never have towed to China the whole idea. If Vietnam fell, then Cambodia and Laos and Southeast Asia and all that was nonsense. But it was used politically just as you got Zelensky. The only reason I mentioned Ho Chi Minh are you still I am. Oh, yeah. The only reason I mentioned Ho Chi Minh, Director Fetzer, is you’ve heard of Ho Chi Minh.

I knew you would have, but have you ever heard of Fauci Min? There’s Ho Chi Minh, and there’s also Fauci Min. And Fauci Min is responsible for far more deaths than Ho Chi Minh ever was. Dr. Fauci. Dr. Fauci min. I don’t know him, David. But of course, they were fighting for their country against the invaders. We were invading their nation. I’m talking about Dr. Fauci. Fauci mini.

Yeah, Dr. Fauci right here. Committing mass murder in the United States. Thank you, David. Thank you for that. I like that. Very nice. Misty. Misty in Kansas. Misty, join the want to I know you’re fixing ahead on the but yeah, I’m sorry. We’ll pick it up after the break. Misty, I’m glad you’re here comes the sun here comes the sun I say it’s all right it’s all in it’s be the you are tuned in to the Republic Broadcasting Network.

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Now these days are gone I’m not so self assured now I find the chain of mine I’ll open up the doors help me if you can I’m feeling down and I do appreciate you being around help me get my feet back on the ground misty in Kansas. Go ahead, Misty, with your say. I’m sorry. I just wanted to say I was wondering who was going to fill Mike’s shoes.

And I tell you what, I’m enjoying your show immensely. I think you’re doing an excellent thank you. Oh, Misty, I appreciate that. Terrific. Continue. Okay. Where you were talking about this, and I do believe it’s just fact of eliminating the white race, European race, there is an article well, not an article, it’s a statement on Twitter, which is ex now, of course, and it’s biden in 2015. It’s a quote an unrelenting stream of immigration will make white people a minority in the United States.

That’s a source of our strength. And the dude that was sitting beside him while he was saying this is in charge of the border. Majorcas. Wow. That’s a great, fine misty. That’s a great fine. This may be why they chose him to be the guy who’s going to be their puppet. I think that’s terrific. If you could possibly send me that link to that, I would love to put it in the show.

Missy, that’s great. Well, if you can just copy the link, you can just email the link. But that’s okay, Misty. We’ll look for it. We’ll look for it. Great call. So I can just go on RBN, and I can see where your email is, and I can send this to you? Yes. Perfect. And from everything I understand, I’m not saying one particular race is above the other. I think it depends on the knowledge.

And I do believe that they think if they eliminate the white race, the other races are going to be easily controlled at the same time. I want to ask you one other thing. With all this invasion that’s going on, where you were talking about civil war, prior, with all this invasion that’s going on into this country, do you think that that is possibly the tool to tell them, okay, you fight against American nationals.

Nationals. American nationals. And we’re going to give you do you think that’s the ploy here? Why all these I think that is a big part of it. Misty I hate to say we had agencies like the EPA and the IRS accumulating a billion dollars worth of military arms for which they have no discernible use. I believe those are in cashes around the country, and they’re going to arm all these migrants coming in, 70% men.

Most of them are young, physically fit with the weapons they need to do precisely that. Misty exactly. And all the other departments that, from what I understand, the freaking post office has them, too. Misty, this has been a great that’s the game plan here. Yeah, I think you’re spot on, Missy, and I appreciate the call. I have five other callers lined up. Thank you so much. Charles in Florida.

Charles, join the conversation. Charlie in Florida. Hey, listen, I just want to comment on this idea. Don’t go down this rabbit hole that Zelensky’s in with Israel. It just didn’t happen. It’s just not true. First of all, the bankers, it’s Israeli bankers that are behind this war. Basically, Putin is doing everything he can to get away from them. He first, he kicked a bunch of those bankers out of this country that were causing the country to suffer.

And then he put his country on a gold standard, which has taken it off of this fiat currency crap that we got over here, our banking currency. And then that’s what the bricks is all about. The same thing. It’s Goldback finance. Yeah, I agree with a lot of these people believe this crap that he’s in with. It because they say he’s got pictures of him with wearing a Kabbalah bracelet or kissing over there in Israel or whatever.

Those pictures, I’ve looked at those pictures. They’re all fake. Anybody with a high cube above 50 can tell that they’re fake. You look at blow them up, you can see the outline, the halo around Putin, and you can tell that that’s where they photoshopped it. That’s good. Background doesn’t match. Right? I like that. I was only offering an opinion of a source that was given a different point of view.

I still believe in Putin, just as I still believe in Trump, just to make it very clear. Yeah. I think the reason that Putin had gone in whole horses like he has, and people want to believe it, is because he doesn’t want to run that country. He doesn’t want that country back, really. I mean, he would have a country that’s always going to be subject to civil war and real problems.

He’s taken over the areas where the Russian speaking people are at. He’s got their freedom, and now he was waiting. I think he’s playing the game, waiting, hoping that they’ll get a regime change out with the Zelensky. I don’t know if it’s going to happen, but I think there’s a groundswell for that. But I don’t think he really wants to run the country. He doesn’t want the whole country he doesn’t want to have to march into.

And he might even be waiting for Donald Trump to see if Donald Trump’s going to get in, but we’ll see. But he could easily take that country, but he doesn’t want it. I don’t think you’re making very good points, Charlie. Thank you for the call, Charlie. Excellent. James in North Carolina. Join the conversation. Yeah. Good afternoon, Jim. You may have covered this. I joined you a little bit late today.

One thing I was wondering about. You believe that the Lahaina fires were started by Directed Energy 100%? Yeah. Well, do you think it was from Chinese satellites or from where? This Chinese thing is very peculiar. I have not surmised a role for China in this event, but I know Reeves, who’s very good as a video. He’s talking about Chinese satellites being there. I’m telling you, I think this was a US government op, and it’s got to do with the elites, and it’s stealing the land.

I do not see it as a Chinese event myself, James. I do not. But directed energy 100%. What other fires? What about the Canadian fires? Do you think that was also directed energy? Yes. I reported on a forensic abarus, he’s an expert on trees who’s investigating 35 fires, all of which were caused by directed energy, including paradise and Lahaina. The Canadian fires, too. They’re out to destroy the country.

I’m telling you, it’s terrible. It’s terrible, James. But that’s how I see, if that’s if if they can do that, that is really a horrendous. They can they can create tornadoes, hurricanes. They can do all kinds of weather. They can create droughts. I think the Mississippi is low now because of manufactured geoengineering affecting the weather. I think Florida was hit with a hurricane because they weren’t happy with his Sandus and his opposition to the migrants.

They’re doing all this. Look, way back in 1968, LBJ was saying, if you control the weather, you control the world. That was in 1968. Imagine how much further we’ve gone since then. Yeah. You can always trace technology back a lot farther than you think. Yeah. The military ten or 20 years ahead of what they allow to be known by the public. Absolutely. Like this hologram technology in New York City on 911.

The public have no idea. But I even have a page from an Australian military manual talking about the airborne holographic projector that confirms the research of Richard D. Hall in his Flight 175 3D radar study. It’s really fascinating stuff. You’re right, James. Yeah. Okay. Thanks so much. Thank you for calling tom in Florida. Tom, join the conversation. Yes. Good day. Jim? Yeah. To Missy’s Point. Great call. Missy made a great point there about this illegal invasion of a country.

Of course. And I want to get to Dave and Boston, but before I do that, I want Missy to know this. You got this, Alex. Soros george Soros’s son just pledged $50 million to Gavin Newsom. If he runs, Joe Biden drops out, he’s going to pay $50 million. Part of the campaign off Newsom, so get prepared for that. They’re looking at the guy newsom now. Biden decides to get out, and this guy is going to really flood Mexico, is going to be all over the United States.

They’re going to rename this country. Jim, you’re wrong about that one thing. I looked it up. There’s 76% of all the illegals right now. It’s not 80% like I thought it was. It’s 76% men and 24% women that are coming into the country. Look it up. 76. Okay, this is a disaster. Now, here’s what I want to go to. Here’s what I really called the show about. I want to know if you saw the clip of and by the way, I want Missy to know this.

Alejandro my orcas was born in Havana, Cuba. He showed family in Cuba that are Communists. He was not even born in this country. He had no right to even have that position in government when he was not even naturally born in this country. He was born in a foreign country, havana, Cuba, at the time, which was Communist. And there’s still Communist members over there. And Fidel Castro’s real name was Fidel Castro.

Ruth. He was not a Catholic. His mother was Jewish. Look it up, Ruth. Juanita Castro even talked about it. Tom, I think that fits. I think you got it right. Go ahead. Now here’s what I want to talk about. I want to talk about this. I want to talk about what Marjorie Keller Green called out in the Congress when she called out my orcas. And you had these dirty, leftist Zionist Democrats trying to rag her, and they were trying to stop her from using the word liar.

And she called this guy Majorcas a big fat kick it out of there. Everybody needs to go on YouTube and look at these videos of Marjorie Keller Green. And Stefanik, he was awesome, too. From the New York. I think that’s who’s going to look at Stefanik Or running mate? Maybe Christy. Nome. What are those three women? But I’m going to tell you right now what these Zionists are doing.

These minorities look at I don’t know what you want to be calling white trash. You got white trash in Vermont voting for a guy like Dick Blumenthal who says he went to Vietnam. My brother wanted to punch him in his face. My brother was a Vietnam veteran who was my brothers. My father’s Korean War. My uncle’s World War II. My grandfather’s World War I. My great great grandfather’s.

Okay, now I got to hear this nonsense from these nink and poop Zionists. And you got this guy, Bernie Sanders is a full blown Communist in Vermont, which is 90% Christian are going to vote for an idiot like that. They can’t find a white Christian male that has godly principles to vote for. They’re going to vote for a Bernie Sanders red communist. I know. And you got this guy bloomington lion is stinking ass off.

Jim, what’s going on with our country? The white people are coming apart since Biden came into office by stealing the election, the guy who calls himself Biden, the country is being destroyed systematically. They’re being unrelenting about it. They’re being ruthless. We got to do something about it. We got to do something about it. Hey, Jim. Jim. This guy’s not even an Irishman. An Irishman doesn’t believe in abortion and homosexuality, okay? No way is this guy buying an Irishman.

He’s stealing money for China, Russia and everybody else. 20 over $20 million. His grandkids got money. What kind of nonsense is this? Not hunter biden’s the bad guy. This crazy old man, the Sheshire Cat Biden, he’s a criminal. Now. I want to go back to my orcas. This guy my orcas. You ever look at this guy, Jim? This guy’s committed total treason and treason against the country. It was by his order.

This guy should be taken to the gallows. This guy, Majorcas, he was not even born in this country, man. And he’s flooding this country with all these millions of illegal people. Where’s all the toilet paper going to come from? The paper towel? Where’s all this? Tom, I just want to squeeze in a message for James in New York. James, please call back. You were next stop. I want you to be on the air.

James in New York. Call back. You got a bad I’m just seeing our country being totally invaded. I look around, like, Miss, you’re saying pretty soon, everywhere you go, they don’t want to even speak the language. They’re not like, why aren’t the German people in this country speaking German? Why aren’t the German there’s more Germans in this country. You think the government would allow them to speak German all over the place? Yeah, there’s millions.

No, I get it. Why do we speak German? I know. Terrible. Tom deraria. As you know, in little bad it you could be born and live your whole life and never speak a word of English. That’s correct. You’re absolutely correct. I live right by there. I know exactly what it is. I know, however, there’s some great patriotic Cubans. There’s no question about it. They love this country. They have more guns here than probably anywhere in the country, it seems like, because they already went through one Communist country in Cuba, and they’re not going to go through it again.

They don’t want to have Communism like they had to run away from with a bunch of Marxist imbeciles. And that’s what we got in the White House and we got in our government by orcas Biden, all these criminals, these criminal congressmen. We have jerry Fat nadler. Adam Schiff. Did you see what Marjorie Keller Green told what’s his name? Eric Swalwell. You had sex with that fang. Fang. He said he’s a big.

I know. Yeah. And Debbie Wasserman Schultz spied on her fellow congressman with her It guy. And that’s why we got Parkland. Debbie was real worried the Democrats were going to lose eleven seats in the House alone. And she participated in orchestrating a Parkland shooting, which was another false flag, by the way. Let me tell everyone. If you go to my BitChute channel, jim Fetzer and I had the links in the notes for the show on my BitChute channel.

If you go to my Twitter account at Jim Fetzer, I put up how to Spot a False Flag, part one, and how to Spot a False Flag, part two, where you can see how they’ve been playing us over Charlotesville. We’ll be right back. Can I hang over? Jim, can I hang over or no? Yeah, hangover. Go to RepublicBroadcasting. org. Smash that Donate button like Russian peacekeepers smashing through the Azov.

Neo Nazi terrorists in the donbass. I don’t think you can explain politics without looking at Jewish power any more than you can explain physics without dealing with gravity. 911 was a jointly conducted covert operation that involved multiple states. The Saudis, the Israelis, and what you could call the deep state with anti Semitic remarks. Yeah, you’re jiggling juice. We used to say the dancing Israelis. So even the Republicans now are compromising and they’re pushing issues that are destructive to the white race.

They would always say, like, are we just going to talk about this stuff on the radio? What are we going to do about it? Either we force the democracy to work by actually getting the ballot access, getting the candidates, getting in office, getting our message out there to the people, or we expose just how undemocratic it is. The Patrick and Jeremy show Tuesday at nine Central. And Wednesday at one Central.

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I was explaining during my conversation with Tom on my Twitter account I put up links to how to spot a false flight part one and how to spot a false flight part two. Will you learn how they staged? Las Vegas. Charlotesville Parkland. Sandy Hook. Orlando. If you’ve ever had any questions about any of those, check it out. And if you’ve ever had any questions about the history of World War II and what we’ve been told, check out my blog at James H.

Fetzer where I’ve republished Jim Fetzer the Holocaust narrative politics trump Science. That’s one you also don’t want to miss. The extent which we’ve been lied to historically is simply stunning. It boggles the mind. Tom, continue with your many important points. Yeah Jim Dave, they made a good call. Dave from Boston made a good call but he’s got to understand Ukraine is a breadbasket for Europe. If they nuke that place there’ll be no food for nobody and that’s what’s going on here.

All these illegals porn in here, we’re going to be wiped out of food. They’re like locusts. We’ll have no food, no resources, the water is going to be consumed up. I mean we’re looking at disaster by letting all these people come in here to rapidly and we’re just countries not able to absorb all this. So yeah I don’t think there’s going to be no nuclear Ukraine. But the problem the United States is facing a total invasion, a conquest of all our resources and every other thing that’s going to happen potentially here with all these illegals who don’t even want to speak the common language.

They’re not coming here to compliment, they’re coming to eat our lunch, take our jobs and tell you gringo to get back and go back to Europe. That’s basically what they’re trying to it seems like you that they want to take over. You got to remember these people are not Latinos that are coming here. The Hispanic, they came out of hispaniola they never came out of Latin or the Latins are Romans, they’re not Latins.

These people are not Latins. That’s a lie. The Latins were the true Romans one in Ireland and Scotland. They never went into Spain basically they did a little bit but they didn’t stay long. But these people are Hispanic. Not Latins and they do not want well, actually, Tom, they’re from countries all over the world. They’re going all out to that. A lot of these countries are emptying their prisons and sending them to the United States because Joe Biden has invited them, sir.

Yes, sir, you’re absolutely right. Mental health institution and their insane asylums. It just like Castro did in 1981 with the Mario boat lift. Jim, the same thing. I hope Sebastian and Marco call in tomorrow. I like to hear what they got to say. Sweden and Marco and all the other great calls. And Jim from New York. But anyway, thanks for taking my call, Jim. And I know you were running out of time.

If I can hang out, whatever. I don’t know if you got another call, you’re wonderful. He made a great point. Anytime, my friend, anytime. I got to say, there’s so many lives and so little time to expose them. I’m doing my best with the help of RBN. We’re going to keep doing it. And I would encourage you, if you can find some way to donate, to keep RBN on the air.

Put that on your agenda. I think any amount will help. Meanwhile, thanks for being here. Thanks for all the great calls. I’ll be back and see you tomorrow. 20 September 23 thank you, Jim. Thank you, Julie. Have a good day. You too. Get high for my friend. .


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