RBN Authentic News w/ Jim Fetzer

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RBN Authentic News (19 October 2023)



➡ The text discusses alleged Israeli actions against Palestinians, specifically related to a bombing at the Baptist Hospital in Gaza in October 2023. It highlights a perspective that Israel uses propaganda and disguised attribution to continue perpetrating human rights violations, specifically emphasizing on a pattern of alleged untruths or “big lies”.
➡ This text discusses allegations of Israel failing to hold its military accountable for acts of violence, including the killing of journalists and activists, and obstructing investigations into potential war crimes. It also mentions Israel’s propaganda efforts, challenges faced by Human Rights organizations, and different international views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
➡ The text further highlights various news such as the international media’s bias towards Israel, viewership decline of NBC due to its coverage of the conflict, potential involvement of the United States in the Middle East conflict, and Russia’s stance on the Gaza blockade. The text concludes by addressing claims about Israel’s alleged involvement in the 9/11 attacks.
➡ The text discusses a range of issues, including allegations of false flag attacks, the situation with Middle East refugees, opioid addiction and alternatives, a critique of President Joe Biden’s foreign policy, and debates over various global events including the conflicts in Israel and Afghanistan, and the January 6 Capitol insurrection. It equally mentions advertisements for health-related products and a critique of mainstream media narratives.
➡ The text discusses various political events such as Biden’s moves against Israel, Trump’s travel ban plan, an imposed gag order on Trump by an Obama-appointed judge, potential threats to Trump’s personal safety, efforts by Democrats to influence the 2024 elections, and the discussion around Jim Jordan’s potential bid for speaker of the house. There’s a hint of potential support for a national divorce between states along ideological lines among Democrat and Trump voters, with figures of 31% and 41% respectively.
➡ TLD Talk, a new social media platform, provides a space for unified users and operates solely off donations and merchandise profits, while Blackout Coffee is a brand offering fresh roasted coffee beans. There’s criticism of Israel’s supposed mistreatment of Palestinians, which is believed will lead to repercussions. Lastly, the Heritage Foundation report contradicts claims that murder rates are higher in Republican-run counties, indicating that Democrat-run counties have consistently had higher homicide rates.
➡ The speaker elaborates on their belief in the Zionist influence behind political figures like Stephen Harper and alleged media control. They reflect on the difference between Judaism and Zionism, suggesting Zionism is a destructive and controlling political force. They warn that Zionism has taken control of not only journalism but politicians who they consider as puppets for this political force, and urge individuals to be wary of these influences when voting.
➡ The text discusses potential political motives behind Israel’s actions towards Iran, a problematic interpretation of a two-state solution creating dual citizenship, criticisms of Henry Kissinger’s viewpoints, communication between callers and hosts, mention of a meat processing and pasture-raised meat company, and concerns over reparations endorsed by a Kennedy Jr. interview.
➡ The text is a transcription of numerous callers discussing various topics including religious differences, political commentary, and immigration controversies on a talk radio show. A commercial break promotes therahertz technology and a coffee company. The conversation then resumes with more political discussions, focusing heavily on the issue of illegal immigration.
➡ The speaker explores political events and concerns, specifically related to election processes and the potential involvement of immigrants. Furthermore, they address societal issues such as drug use and failures of intelligence, as well as sharing personal opinions on current dialogues surrounding the Anti Defamation League, international politics, and potential interventions in conflicts.
➡ The discussion revolves around various issues: a presentation on the RBN website by John Statmiller, listener’s opinion on leaders like Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump, along with their influence on global and domestic politics, concern over Palestine, and the alleged control of Zionists over international politicians.


Take it easy without a good reason. Don’t. This is Jim Fetzer, your host, right here on Authentic News RBM Live. This 19 October, 2023. There are all kinds of protests taking place with the Palestinians and the Israelis exchanging charges about who is responsible for the hit on the Baptist Hospital with a staggering number of deaths. There shouldn’t be any basis for the exchange except for Israeli propaganda. They committed a massive blunder and they’re trying to undo it.

Mark my words, this is a litmus test. If anyone’s promoting the idea that this was a Hamas rocket fired astray, they are either gullible SAPS or big time liars. Here. I want to share with you, though it’s not my style to spend a lot of time on a single article. In this case, I’m making an exception. This may be the single most accurate and perceptive ever written about Israel.

In this case by Chris Hedges. As I read through it, you’ll understand it’s also available on my BitChute channel, also available on my blog@jameshfetzer. org and my Twitter account at jimfetzer. But listen to this a guy who spent 20 years in Israel israel, which always seek to blame Palestinians for the atrocities it carries out, is the least trustworthy source about the bombing of the hospital in Gaza. Israel was founded on lies.

The lie that the Palestinian land was largely unoccupied. The lie that 750,000 Palestinians fled their homes and villages during their ethnic cleansing by Zionist militias in 1948 because they were told to do so by Arab leaders. The lie that it was Arab armies that started the 1948 war that saw Israel seize 78% of historic Palestine. The lie that Israel faced annihilation in 1967, forcing it to invade and occupy the remaining 22% of Palestine as well as land belonging to Egypt and Syria.

Israel is sustained by lies. The lie that Israel wants a just and equitable peace and will support a Palestinian state the lie that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. The lie that Israel is an outpost of Western civilization in a sea of barbarism the lie that Israel respects the rule of law and human rights. Israel’s atrocities against the Palestinians are always greeted with lies. I heard them.

I recorded them, I published them in my stories for the New York Times when I was the paper’s Middle East bureau chief. I covered war for two decades, including seven years in the Middle East. I earned quite a bit about the size and lethality of explosive devices. There is nothing in the arsenal of Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad that could have replicated the massive explosive power of the missiles that killed an estimated 500 civilians in the Ali Arab Christian Hospital in Gaza.

Nothing. If Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad had these kinds of missiles, huge buildings in Israel would be rubble with hundreds of dead. They don’t. And I embedded here where you can actually hear the missile. You hear a Palestinian missile compared with a missile that hit the hospital. I’ll play it because it’s very brief, and then you can play and watch it on my blog or when you watch their show at well, amazingly, I got the wrong video there.

I’ll fix that because I do have it available here. Meanwhile, the whistling sound audible on the video moments before the explosion appears to come from the high velocity of a missile. This sound gives it away. No Palestinian rocket makes this noise. And then there’s the speed of the missile. Palestinian rockets are slow and lumbering, clearly visible as they arch in the sky, and then tumble and free fall toward their targets.

They do not strike with precision or travel at close to supersonic speed. They are incapable of killing hundreds of people. The Israeli military dropped roof knocking rockets with no wareheads on the hospital in the days leading up to the October 17 strike, the familiar warning given by Israel to evacuate buildings, according to Alhashi hospital officials. Hospital officials also said they had received calls from Israel saying, we warned you to evacuate twice.

Israel has demanded that all hospitals in northern Gaza be evacuated following the strike. On the hospital. HANANI Naftali, a digital aide to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, posted on X, formerly Twitter, quote, israeli Air Force struck an Amos terrorist base inside a hospital in Gaza. End quote. The most was quickly deleted, but we got copies of it since October 7. The October 7 incursion into Palestinian into Israel by Palestinian resistance fighters, which reportedly left some 1300 Israelis dead, many of them civilians, and saw some 200 kidnapped as hostages and taken to Gaza.

Israel has carried out 51 attacks on healthcare facilities in Gaza that have killed 15 healthcare workers and injured 27, according to the World Health Organization. Out of 35 hospitals in Gaza, four are not functioning due to severe damage and targeting. Only eight of the two primary healthcare centers are partially functioning. This, I add, is all by design. The brazenness of Israeli lies stunned those of us who reported from Gaza.

It did not matter if we had seen the Israeli attack, including the shooting of unarmed Palestinians. It did not matter how many witnesses we interviewed. It did not matter what photographic and forensic evidence we obtained is real lie, small lie, big lies, huge lies. These lies came reflexively and instantly from the Israeli military, israeli politicians and Israeli media. They were amplified by Israel’s well oiled propaganda machine and repeated with a cloying sincerity on international news outlets.

Israel engages in the kinds of jaw dropping lies that characterize the spotic regimes. It does not deform the truth. It invents it. It paints a picture that is diametrically opposed to reality. Those of us who have covered the Occupied Territories have run into Israel’s Alice in Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories, required under the rules of American journalism. Although we know they are untrue. Israel has invented an Orwellian lexicon.

Children killed by Israelis become children caught in crossfire. The bombing of residential districts with dozens of dead and wounded becomes a surgical strike on a bomb making factory. The destruction of Palestinian homes becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists. The big lie feeds the two reactions. Israel seeks to elicit racism among its supporters and terror among its victims. The Big Lie fosters the myth of a clash of civilizations, a war between democracy, decency and honor on the one side and Islamic terrorism, barbarism and medievalism on the other.

George Orwell, in his novel 1984, called The Big Lie double Think double Think uses logic against logic and repudiates morality while laying claim to it. The Big Lie abolishes nuances, ambiguities and contradictions that can plague conscience. It is designed to create cognitive dissonance. It permits no gray zones. The world is black and white, good and evil, righteous and unrighteous. The Big Lie allows believers to take comfort, a comfort they are desperately seeking in their own moral superiority, even as they abrogate all morality.

It feeds what Edward Bernays called the logic proof compartment of dogmatic adherence, all affecting propaganda. Bernays writes, targets and builds upon these irrational psychological habits. Israeli supporters thirst for these lies. They do not want to know the truth. The truth would force them to examine their racism, self delusion and complicity in oppression, murder and genocide. Most importantly, the big lie sends an ominous message to Palestinians. The Big Lie states that Israel will wage and campaign a mass terror and genocide and never take responsibility for its crimes.

The big lie obliterates the truth. It obliterates the dignity of human thought and human action. It obliterates facts. It obliterates history. It obliterates comprehension. It obliterates hope. It obliterates all communication to the language of violence. When oppressors speak to the oppressed exclusively through indiscriminate violence, the oppressed answer through indiscriminate violence. The cartoonist Josako and I watched Israeli soldiers taunt and shoot small boys in the Khan Eunice refugee camp in Gaza.

We interviewed the boys and their parents afterwards in the hospital. In a few cases, we attended their funerals. We had their names, we had the dates and locations of the shootings. Israel’s ranch was to say that we were not in Gaza. We had made it up. Israeli Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, Defense Minister and Israeli Defense Force spokesperson immediately blamed the killings of the Al Jara journalist Shireen Abu Akil in 2022 on Palestinian gunmen.

Israel disseminated footage of a Palestinian fighter they said shot and killed. The journalist was wearing a flak jacket and helmet marked Press. Benny Gantz was at the time Defense Minister, stated that no Israeli gunfire was directed at the journalists and that the Israeli army had seen footage of indiscriminate shooting by Palestinian terrorists. This lie was peddled until video footage obtained by Basellim, the Israeli Center for Human Rights in the occupied Territories, identified the location of the Palestinian gunman depicted in the video.

The video the human rights organization found was taken in a different location from where Shireen was killed. When Israel is caught lying as it was with a murder of Shireen, it promises an investigation. But these investigations are a sham. Impartial investigations into the hundred of the killings by soldiers and Jewish settlers of Palestinians are rarely carried out. Perpetrators are almost never brought to trial or held accountable. The pattern of Israeli obfuscation is predictable.

So is the collusion of nearly all of the corporate media, along with Republican and Democrat politicians, u. S. Politician decried the murder of Shireen and dutifully repeated the old mantra calling for a thorough investigation by the army that carried out the crime. A few months later, Israel admitted there was a high possibility that an Israeli soldier killed the journalist by accident. But by then the eruption of street protests and rage over the killing of the journalist was over and her murder largely forgotten.

By the time the conclusive proof comes out about the bombing of the hospital, it too will be a distant memory. There is dramatic footage captured in September 2000 at the depths of REM junction of the Gaza slip, where I saw a 19 year old boy shot and killed by an Israeli sniper by France two TV of a father trying to shield his traumatized twelve year old son Mohammed Aldura from Israeli gunfire that ultimately killed him.

The killing of the boy resulted in the typical propaganda campaign by Israeli officials who spent years lying about the killing, first blaming the Palestinians for the shooter, later suggesting that the scene was faked, finally insisting the boy was still alive. When an Israeli soldier in 2003 murdered the 23 year old student and American activist Rachel Corey by crushing her to death with a bulldozer as she tried to prevent the illegal demolition of a Palestinian doctor’s home.

The Israeli army said it was an accident for which Corey was responsible. The Israeli military has killed at least 20 journalists since 2001 with no accountability, according to a 2023 report by the New York based Committee to Protect Journalists. Immediately after a journalist is killed by security forces, israeli officials often push out a counternarrative to media reporting, the CPJ concluded this includes blaming the deaths on indiscriminate fire by Palestinians or attempts to discredit those killed as terrorists.

Israel blocks the work of independent human rights organizations into atrocities and war crimes it commits in Gaza and the West Bank. It refuses to cooperate with the International Criminal Court into possible war crimes in the occupied territory. It does not cooperate with the UN Human Rights Council and prohibits the UN special raplatour on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967 from entering the country.

Israel revoked the work permits for Omar Shakar, the Director of Human Rights Watch Israel and Palestine both in 2018 and expelled him in May of 2018. Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs and Public Diplomacy published a report calling on the European Union in European states to halt their direct and indirect financial support and funding to Palestinian and international human rights organizations. Act, quote have ties to terror and promote boycotts against Israel.

After the bombing of the hospital, Israel first released a video that perverted to show Palestinian Islamic Jihad rockets which struck the hospital. Israelis hastily removed the video when journalists noticed that the timestamps showing the images were taken 40 minutes after the strike on the hospital. Israeli propagandists, aware that Palestinian rockets have little explosive power, then claimed that Amos stored munitions under the hospital. This caused the massive explosion, they said, but if this was true, it would mean there would be a secondary explosion.

There was not. And now Israel has released what they say is a recording of Dua Maas militants discussing the missile strike in the hospital. The militants ask each other in a self incriminating conversation as too ridiculous to believe if Hamas or Bij carried out the strike. Please. How is Israel completely in the dark about an incursion by thousands of armed Palestinian militants from Gazant, Israel on October 7, yet able to capture this incriminating conversation by two supposed militants? Israel as a whole unit.

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com the Sunday it’s all right. Well meanwhile, remember one man Sarah is another man’s freedom fighter calls for a day of unprecedented anger against Israel amid Biden’s visit I regard that visit as absolutely shameful. That the United States should be there apologizing for a terrorist rogue nation like Israel is beyond belief. I find it insulting. Meanwhile, Hezbollah is stepping up their attacks on Israel from southern Lebanon. They are taking losses.

I believe Netanyahu has been very worried that Hezbollah might come in full force and want Biden there to hide behind his dress, as it were. If you want to have any doubt about where the US stands on all these issues, get this us vetoes UN Security Resolution calling for humanitarian pauses in Gaza we won’t even stand up for humanitarian pauses in Gaza. And in case you missed it, the other day the Department of State told all of its diplomats not to talk any language of Deescalation.

In other words, they want this to go full force forward so that Israel can slaughter every Palestinian left in Gaza and then turn its attention to the West Bank. Meanwhile, Malaysia has its readiness to send military forces to occupy Palestine. Many other Muslim nations feel that way. I believe this is not going to pan out well for Israel in the end. Meanwhile, we have a bill in the US for the involvement American forces in a war in the Middle East.

Israel will not succeed alone if his Mola also attacks. So we got to draw the United States into another war, another war on behalf of Israel. Meanwhile, Putin’s observed of the attack on Israel vladimir Putin says the blockade of Gaza resembles the tactics of the Nazis at Leningrad and calls for a Palestinian state. Meanwhile, der Spiegel Unintentionally shows a photograph of Israelis committing a terrorist attack. They’re showing us a photograph of white phosphorus being deployed on the Palestinians, evidently not realizing what it was they were publishing because the use of white phosphorus has been internationally pro.

Scribed Henry Mekow has a rather sensational number of posts about the lies and deceit and deception of Israel. It’s a list that goes on and on and on. I encourage you to check out Henrymacow. com for more. Meanwhile, MSNBC tanks by 33% because of its biased coverage of israel. MSNBC, the leftist media outlet known for its biased coverage, has seen a significant decline in viewership due to its distorted reporting on the Hamas attack on Israel.

Over the course of four days, from October 7 to ten, MSNBC experienced a 24% drop in its overall audience. On the other hand, Fox saw a remarkable 42% increase in viewership, while CNN experienced a 17% increase. These numbers clearly demonstrated MSNBC’s inability to compete with other networks during important global events. And I’m glad CNN and Fox are doing a better balanced job of reporting. Meanwhile, here’s a very appropriate tweet relating 911 to what’s happening here post Spook block.

As I recall, Mossad had no conscience when they blew up the World Trade Center tower. So what’s a big deal about a hospital? What’s to prevent them from blowing up a unit or two of US. Military land claim it was a mosque to inflame the American public? I’m done with a false flag slaughters. I just said I think the most prominent targets now are these two aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean off the coast of Israel, which could be taken out with cruise missiles or even perhaps torpedo boats.

I mean, they are sitting docks. Meanwhile, Democrats just proposed an insane plan to open the border to Middle East refugees, right? It’s not as though we don’t have enough criminals and thugs and drug dealers and rapists and miscreants coming across our border. Already, the war between Israel and Amos is set to escalate, and Democrats believe in never letting a crisis go to waste. They’ve just an insane plan to open the border to Middle East with refugees.

We’ll be right back. When I was young so much younger than today I never needed anybody’s help in any way now these days are gone I’m not so self assured now I find a chain of mine and open up the doors. Help me. I want the truth. You can’t handle the truth. You’re listening to Republic Broadcasting Network. Real news, real talk, real people. Because you can handle the truth.

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Patrick Slattery. Mike, get off this anti cicada agenda. I’m a born again traditional Christian, and my favorite possessions are right here on my nightstands. That would be the King James Bible and my 357 revolver. I’d rather be ruled by Chinamen than Jews. Call it with the anti Semitic remarks, right? Just because you steal an election and terminate the Republic, doesn’t mean you terminate the people in the Republic, because we’re still here.

I’m not taking the vaccine to you, Bill Gates. There was a way forward, still on January 6. What needed to be done is to object to every single state. The COVID-19 virus was the setup. The vaccine could very well be the bioweapon. The Patrick and Jeremy Show. Tuesday at nine Central and Wednesday at one Central. This is Elizabeth McCabe, aka Lucky, one of Truth frequency news. I wanted to tell you all about Extendivite from Heartdrop.

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Or visit heartdrop. com. Extend your life with extendovite. Look at all the lovely who is it for? All around me. Where do they all come from? All around. Well, some of you may have been rather astonished yesterday to hear that an insurrection was taking place inside the Capitol. A pro Hamas, pro Palestine takeover. I think the word insurrection was being used deliberately to pan what was going on, because it was a protest.

It was many more gathered together in concentration inside the Capitol than we saw on January 6. But there’s no likely that anyone’s going to be arrested in this instance. The president had been set by the crooked J. Six committee and crooked DC judges. Whenever you storm the Capitol and overtake it, you must go to prison for multiple years. Looks like we’re going to need more prison, because this is a full scale insurrection.

I have video. First. We start with MTG. Who’s reporting live on the scene. This is Marjorie Taylor Green. Okay, so we have an insurrection happening in the Canon building. This is the march outside, the pro Palestinian march going on outside. And then we have this happening inside of our building. I’m going to take you guys down so you can see what’s happening on the third floor. Well there are a lot of people down there and they have comparisons here of what we saw inside the Capitol on January 6 which looked pretty mild by comparison.

In all canter, what happened outside may have looked a whole lot more energetic and horrific. But what happened inside January 6 compared to what was happening here just yesterday look very modest by comparison. And frankly American people under the First Amendment we have the right to petition our government grievances. We have the right to peaceful protest if it hadn’t been for the FBI beefing it up, planting hundreds, I now believe hundreds of agent provocateurs in the crowd on January 6 had Nancy Pelosi not been complicit in Chuck Schumer and the mayor of Washington.

And they’re sending those people away for vast, they are keeping them in solitary confinement. They’re violating their habeas Scorpus rights. This is one of the most disgraceful developments in the history of American jurisprudence. The way those mostly peaceful protesters, and in this case they were mostly peaceful, unlike the BLM and antifa who were doing all the looting and arson and violence during the Summer of Love in the wake of the George Floyd event, which by the way was staged.

I guarantee the government is manipulating us every six ways from Sunday. All outrageous. Here’s a very interesting piece breaking Biden author all the ways Joe Biden has harmed Israel. It’s impossible to overstate just how terrible Biden’s foreign policy has been over his 50 year career in politics. I dedicate a substantial portion of my New York Times bestselling breaking Biden book to exactly that. However, much of his most disastrous decisions have been undersold to the public, ignored by our media, forgotten or some combination thereof.

So he’s going to talk about some of the low lights from his career in no particular order, first trying to revive Iran nuclear deal he spent most of his first term trying to revive the disastrous Iran nuclear deal over the objectives of allies Saudi Arabia and Israel. Well, just to show how much difference of opinion we can have here, I actually know working out with Iran was a good idea.

So I don’t know that I would call that one a blunder. They claim Iran wants to wipe Israel off the map, but it’s really Israel that wants to wipe the Palestinians off the map. Funding the funders of terrorism. Here again, I would say I’m not completely convinced this was wrong. Returning money to Iran, that was Iran’s own money that we’d improperly frozen. This is one of the kinds of events that’s promoted the BRICS people seen that know when Russia came into Ukraine, the US moved to take them out of Swift, which is this international transaction financial entity and the original, the then chair of Swift refused to do it.

So the US as is its woke had him deposed and replaced with someone who would be accommodating and take Russia out. That meant Russia had to be dependent on other modes, which now have included, of course, BRICS, which is growing like mad. And other nations looked at what happened to Russia and said, well, gee, if we do something the US. Doesn’t like, maybe they’ll kick us out of Swift too.

Now, here’s one for sure bungling the Afghanistan withdrawal. There’s no doubt about that. Alienating saudi Arabia snubbing netanyahu. Well, frankly, I regard BB. Netanyahu as one of the great war criminals of all time. If there were any justice in this life, bibi would be saddled with this kind of characterizations that are commonly directed at Adolf Hitler. But Bibi is the real deal. Taking three days to condemn Hamas, well, I don’t see that as necessary bad.

I mean, the Hamas thing is very interesting. Israel actually created Hamas to be an alternative to Yasser Arafad, who was a legendary leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Everyone admired and was loyal to Yasser. So Israel created Hamas to be an alternative, and then they, as I see it, took out Yasser, and that left Hamas. This is following Lenin’s dictum. The best way to control the opposition is to lead it.

Here are others pushing for A-U-S. Consulate for Palestinians in Jerusalem, moving to defund Israeli academic institutions in the West Bank, rejoining anti Israel organization like UNESCO, and the UN human Rights Organization. Frankly, I do not find all of these ways in which Biden is supposed to have been bad for Israel to have been bad. Things are the wrong things to do. Meanwhile, Trump has an incredibly effective way to keep jihadists and their sympathizers out of America.

The plan is called Agenda 47. We’ll reinstate and expand Trump travel bans on entry from terror, plague countries, territory, and places. Let’s back off allowing Saudis into our country, Yemenis into our country, people from Kuwait, you don’t know what their intent is. This is a conversation between Pat and Jeff. Jeff agrees and adds, all the other countries surrounding Israel and Gaza are certainly not opening up their gates for Palestinians.

There’s a reason for that, responds Pat, adding, they don’t trust them either. Well, frankly, if I had to choose between trusting a Palestinian or trusting an Israeli, I think I would give the nod to the Palestinians. Meanwhile, we have the judge gagging Trump. Barack Obama famously said in an interview he would love to keep running the country from his basement out of office. He found it incredibly tempting to continue running America while wearing his pajamas.

If only he could have some figurehead pretending to be president who could take the blame for everyone that’s happening right now. An Obama appointed judge had just placed a gag order on the most beloved president in recent American history, donald J. Trump. Meanwhile, Senator Rand Paul is warning that Biden might actually flip the Internet. Kill switch to stay in power in 2024. Joe Biden and I happen to agree with these sentiments is a complete moron and a dementia potato.

So we all have a tendency to underestimate him. Unfortunately for all of us who think that way, biden is not the one who’s actually running the show. It’s a trained Marxist and America hater. Obama. In court on Monday, Judge Tanya, chuck Kane imposed a gag order on President Trump. Under the gag conditions imposed, the judge who was appointed by Obama imposed an order that prevents Trump from speaking publicly about his special counsel in January 6.

Truther, Jack Smith. That’s a joke. That sarcasm. It prohibits Trump from speaking about court employees. We should assume this means a judge herself and prohibits him from speaking about potential businesses. The ruling is as consequential as it is destructive. Trump’s right to publicly defend himself against these bogus charges have been technically stripped away from him. He will appeal it, but it may take months to overturn. The trial is set to start in just six months.

That’s how long Trump will likely have to comply with a gag order under pain of contempt of court violation. By the way, there’s been some discussion of Trump even saying he’d be willing to go to jail. Well, jail’s not a good place for Donald Trump. Donald Trump needs protection by the Secret Service. In jail, he’d very probably be a candidate for being taken out. How is the Secret Service going to protect him in jail? I therefore believe that if there were to be a contempt brought against Trump, and I frankly also believe it’s highly likely that that’s going to happen, because Trump is a guy who speaks his mind.

He’s not going to be inhibited because he’s under an instruction from a judge that he would be confined to house arrest. Maybe Mar a Lago couldn’t go anywhere else. Now, notice whether he were in prison or house arrest at Mar a Lago, he wouldn’t be out at the campaign trail drawing the huge crowds that he’s drawing in Iowa, New Hampshire, everywhere he speaks. The man is a phenomenon.

He’s not a marketing genius, but he’s a politically most astute politician in recent American history. You’d have to go back to JFK to find someone comparable, and before that, probably all the way to FDR. So without any doubt, what we’re seeing here is one more manifestation of the efforts by the Democrats to influence the election of 2024. Now, here’s a report that I find very distressing. You’ll recall that Kevin McCarthy went through 15 rounds of voting before he acceded to the speaker’s.

Chair Jim Jordan, we’re learning now from Breitbart, will not seek a third speaker vote. Representative Jim Jordan confirmed Thursday he will not seek a third vote to become speaker of the House and will back a plan to grant Speaker Pro TEM Patrick McHenry more powers. Jordan had lost two votes for speaker after facing swift opposition from New York Republican moderates and many members of the House Appropriation Committee.

Breitbart has documented how 22 House Republicans have denied Jordan the ability to serve as speaker despite overwhelming grassroots support for the Ohio Republican. And we get a list. Now, it occurred to me when I recognized, when I discovered that Elon um Omar from Minnesota, member of the squad who’s an outspoken pro Palestinian, had been attacked by those in the American military and intel claiming they had proof that the rocket was a mosque and not Israeli and she was more or less deferring under the fog of war.

Well, given all the evidence we have, we know that’s pure propaganda. We know those are lies. We know Israel specializes in lies. We know the United States goes right along with all those lies. So I called to her office and I explained to her that it had been a JDAM rocket, that we even had video. The sound shows it was a JDAM. The damage done shows it was a JDAM.

That we have that wonderful report by Chris Hedges showing that Palestinians don’t have any rockets with anything like the explosive power that she was being played. And I recommended she check out the article, most of which I shared with you at the beginning of the show on my blog@jameshfencer. org, where I’ve embedded the video. All correct. And get the right one there because it’s available. And it’s also available on my Twitter.

You can see it there easily, effortlessly, at Jim fencer. I also added that she and the squad ought to consider supporting Jim Jordan because, like Donald Trump, he’s a non interventionist. He doesn’t want to send all this money to Ukraine, and I’ll bet you he doesn’t want to send all this money to Israel either. In other words, Jim Jordan would be a natural ally for Ilan Umar and others who are pro Palestinian if they could find it in themselves to break with their party to support Jim Jordan.

Having sent that message this morning, I was hoping she might have the opportunity to give it some thought, because if they were to come over, it could start a surge of support for Jim Jordan. I’m therefore especially distressed since I believe Jim Jordan would make a superb speaker of the House that he has now withdrawn. Meanwhile, we have Democrats backing Marjorie Taylor Greene in a bizarre turnaround. What’s this all about? The proposition put up by Marjorie Taylor Green regarding a potential national divorce between states aligned with conservative and liberal ideologies was met with derision from Democrat members of a more progressive persuasion.

Furthermore, her response noise subjected her to ridicule, but created a perception she was endorsing the notion of an internal struggle within the nation. Recent research, however, indicates an increasing proportion of individuals affiliated with a Democrat Party share her point of view. According to a report by the Washington examiner, in a survey of 2008 voters conducted by the center for Politics at the University of Virginia. 31% of Biden supporters want Democrat controlled states as the seed from the US.

To form their own country. Among voters who back former President Trump, 41% support secession. I think it’s a loopy idea, but there’s a lot of support out there. We’ll be right back. Slowly. Got juju eyeball he wants holy roller he got hair down to his knee got to be homeowners. Are you in foreclosure? Expecting to be served with a foreclosure lawsuit or suspect your lender has coerced you into an illegal mortgage transaction? A huge number of mortgages made in the last ten years have legal issues and are possibly defective.

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com and use the coupon code repub 10. That’s repuv. 10 ran. Nothing you can sing that can’t be sung, nothing you can say that you can learn how to play the game easy. All you need is love. They got it right. It is all you need, and you’re not going to get that from Israelis. I just am appalled with what’s going on here, where the Palestinians are being slaughtered massively, but I do believe the prospect is very high.

Other Muslim nations are going to come to their defense, and if Gaza is subject to a ground atault, all hell is going to break loose. Even Iran has declared that if Israel undertakes a ground assault of Gaza, that Iran will respond. Meanwhile, I want to encourage you to check out my Twitter at jim Fesser side. I did Tuesday with Scott Bennett on his global Great Awakening show. An overview about the missile air and ground attack, about hitting the Baptist hospital, which has proven to be a colossal blunder.

You got the Chris Hedge article here, also linked covering the Middle East 20 years for The New York Times here, he’s outdone himself with a masterpiece about a hit on the hospital. And now Hamas has nothing in its arsenal with that kind of massive explosive force. Nothing much more, too about the damage that was done at the hospital. More too about the raising of the black flag. This is very significant.

A black flag is raised over the Iman Reza shrine in Iran for the first time in history. Symbolism in the Islamic historic tradition. When the black flag comes from Corzan, Persia, Central Asia, go to them. Even you have to crawl on snow. Among them is the caliph of Allah, the Mahdi. It calls Muslims together to engage in a jihad or a holy war. And we also have that video of the missile approaching the hospital.

Same sound as a j. Dam. It cannot have been Hamas. It also means the hospital was deliberately targeted. Chris Hedges was confirming all of the above. Truly stunning developments here that are going to have vast repercussions. Final story murder rate is higher in blue states than in red ones, in blue counties than in red ones. A new report from a conservative think tank reveals the rate of homicide have consistently been higher in Democrat run counties than Republican run one since 2002.

Going to Fox, the report from the Heritage Foundation directly contradicts the unproven claim reported by many democrats that the opposite is true. Governor Gavin Newsom, for example, claimed eight of the top ten murder states are red. Far left billionaire George Soros similarly and falsely claimed the murder rates EBIT rising passes in Republican states. It’s bullshit. My friend, don’t be played I just need someone to love I want somebody to love oh, I get five from my friends gonna try little help from my friends I get five little help from my friends with a little help from my friendship find your inner rebel at Dixie Republic, the world’s largest Confederate store.

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Support those that support the network. Support Dixierepublic@dixierepublic. com. Email proud Southern. Let them know that RBN sent you’re listening to the Republic Broadcasting Network because you can handle the truth. You see the love that sleeping while my guitar gently love at the floor and I see it needs sweeping. Feel my guitar taking weed. I don’t know. Well, this is Jim Petzer, your host for the second hour of Authentic News right here on RBN Live.

And by the way, we’re simulcasting with Speakfree radio@speakfreeradio. com. I’m delighted to report we have a couple of callers already standing by leela in Canada. Join the conversation. Welcome back. Yes. Hi, Jim. I’m so glad that you’ve commented on the absurdity of the idea that the Palestinians, whom the Israelis and all the Israeli allies have always ridiculed as being inefficient, incompetent and animals. Suddenly, these animals have the ability to create with homemade materials in their supposedly underground tunnels, a very sophisticated rocket that they can send up into the sky without injuring everyone, including themselves.

Have it drop right back down onto the hospital and utterly flatten it. And this hospital was built by the British at a time when construction had tremendous endurance. There is no way that a homemade Palestinian rocket by any so called terrorist group could have done that. And furthermore, I saw on Al Jazeera that the ambassador to the UN, the Palestinian ambassador to the UN said that they had made a copy of the first tweet via ex Twitter, formerly Twitter, where the Israeli army sent out its duragur, required warning get ready, we’re going to bomb the hospital.

And then immediately the tweet was removed. However, they did get a copy of it. So all of that with acoustics and sound and all the other when they find the remains of the shell, they will be able to determine who it is that actually fired that rocket. And the other question, the age old question, who benefits from this rocket being fired. Certainly the Gazans don’t, but because do you think their own people will not slaughter them, tear them apart, if they know that they actually shot the rocket? I have no doubt that Israel has plants inside of Hamas.

I worked in Beirut in 1971 for the Institute for Palestine Studies, where I first learned about how the Zionists were implanting embedding their people and getting forcing them by threatening the lives of their wives, their children, their parents and tormenting them, including forgive this image but they would attach electrodes to the genitals of the people that they held. They would cover their heads in sacks that were reeking of vomit and other bodily fluids, keep them in a concrete cell that was like a closet.

They could not lie down for days on end until they agreed to be tools and weapons. This Institute for Palestine Studies I was only at net secretarial capacity, nothing more. But we helped collate a presentation to the United Nations Human Rights Commission. That was 1971. And I was then warned that the activity all around me, all of Beirut, was filled with spies from different countries. People took me around to many different buildings where I could see bombed out windows from different office buildings.

Those were the intellectuals, the smartest amongst the Palestinians who were in their offices receiving letter bombs. They called it decapitating the head. And what they don’t know is that the intelligence of the Palestinians, the high IQ, is not rare. It is very common because they come from the ancient people of Judah who were particularly spiritually inspired and highly intelligent. And it’s just so obscene that they’re making this accusation.

But what I’m calling about today, Canadians, I beg of you, listen very carefully. I became a Conservative a long time ago after I found the Liberals. I felt the Liberals were corrupt and had sold out to the Zionists that they were controlled. They first featured Michael Ignatiev, then pulled the rug out from under him and then threw their support behind Stephen Harper. At the time, I was campaigning for Stephen Harper, so I knew exactly what was going on.

I was still in touch with the upper bigwigs at the Liberal Party who insisted that Michael Ignatik would win the election for them. No, he did not, because the Zionists who know how to control the political system had decided Stephen Harper was going to be their next PM. And he went before the bilderbergers to get the blessing. And then suddenly he did a huge cosmetic makeover. Try and find a picture of Stephen Harper from 2004 2005.

He looked like a country bumpkin, which is what he was, but he’s had a cosmetic makeover. Today he looks like a mannequin. He’s so gorgeously, quaffed and cosmetically redone and well trained in terms of his lingo. So I observed all of this and realized that the Conservative Party, both the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party were controlled by the Zionists. Now, I also contended when I worked for the CBC in Vancouver, I learned the hard way that the CBC at that time was controlled by the Zionists.

If you remember the days of the Journal, the producer was Mark Starowitz, a Jew. He hired every reporter and producer in a decision making capacity. They had to be a Jew. I actually had the brother of one of the reporters say to me, you should have gotten that job, not my sister. She wasn’t qualified. But I had the sin of acknowledging that I was a was never my I always had a ceiling above my head.

But anyway, you go back and the CBC was controlled by the Zionist. Barbara from was the host of the Journal, the producer, Mark Starowickz was the Jew, and Barbara Fromm’s husband was the bagman for the Liberal Party, the fundraiser. And who was her son? David Fromm. You all know him as a conservative in the US. And in Yiddish means righteous or observant. And he and his sister are now in the Canadian Senate for life with a huge salary.

Yes, he is actually in the Senate as well. Not only writing for all the Zionist documents. Where did they come from? They’re Yiddishers. When I lived in Montreal, it was a beautiful city, I have to give it that. Jews, one thing they do is they like the best of the best. So if you live in a city where the Jews have influence, you will live in a city that is well run, clean and organized.

And there are many good Jews. I knew a lot, I’ve met a lot. I was friends with many of them. I was very close to many good Jews. However, Zionism is another thing. Unfortunately, so many Jews have come to believe that the crap that Zionism is the same as Judaism, it is not. Zionism is a Satanically inspired, political, military, human destroying movement, and they have been co opted into it.

To my great shame, as soon as I saw what happened to Gaza, I went to a website that claims to be Jews advocating for peace. Shalom Hartman I went right there and I signed up again for a newsletter. When I checked back five days later, on day five, what did their podcast say? That Hamas was pure evil. I was absolutely stunned. This is how they present themselves. We are advocates for peace.

And then the good Jews get lured in. Basically, they’re being conscripted. Whether or not Jews know it, do not pay for the crimes. You good Jews with a decent heart and who believe in the integrity of your original religion, which was a good religion before it was destroyed, like Christianity, you who are good people do not fall into that net. Do not be the little minnows that get scooped up in the net and then get thrown as cannon fodder when they are looking for another spectacular event where they can say, look, our Jews are being slaughtered because you will be sacrificed.

These are not Jews. The Zionists are not Jews. They are not one of you. They are an alien force. I don’t know where they are. Whether they are Satanic or what they are, I can only speculate. But my opinion is my personal opinion, and I’m not an insider with the big rigs at the top. Although I was lured into their hazbarah at one point, I was lured in.

And what I discovered about how they managed they spent years controlling Palestine. They used to pretend to go up in small planes with picnic baskets filled with surveying equipment decades before they planned their actual military actions. They would take photos from the air and the poor Palestinians thought, oh, aren’t those Jews interesting? They go up and take small planes, open air planes, and they fly around above Palestine.

They were mapping out and photographing the best places to invade. And how did they succeed? They were trained by the British Army during World War II. They were also fascist. There was a group called Baytar, B-E-I-T-A-R that was organized by Zeb Jabotinsky, who praised Mussolini. They were murderous. They were brutal. They were definitely in my opinion, they played a major role in advising Hitler. Whether Hitler was knowledgeable that he was being manipulated by the Jews, by the Zionists, I do not know.

But we do know that he had an agreement with the Zionists that he would help to train all of the Jews of Germany in order that they would be ready to take over Palestine. And he also allowed them to transfer money if they would just get out of Germany peacefully. That was called the Ha avara. And I can produce all of that information in subsequent I can give you the titles of books and everything else because there have been some moral Israeli politicians and historians who have documented all of this information.

But Canadians, be aware of Pierre Polieb. He is a Satanist. He is a disciple of Netanyahu. He is a Zionist. And Melissa Lanceman I need not tell you what Melissa Lanceman is and who she is. And I also need not remind you that Kathleen Nguyen destroyed Ontario. She and her wife, she and her homosexual lesbian wife destroyed Ontario. And now we have Melissa Lanceman set up to become the deputy prime minister.

Those of you who think that Justin Trudeau is a problem, let me tell you that he has spent eight years learning. I personally have already resigned from the Conservative Party, but they did not acknowledge it. They sent me a memo saying that I’m still active. They’re doing the same thing that Zionists do. They don’t accept your rejection or your recognition of what they are. Canadians, if you want a jack boot on your neck, if you want to be used and abused by Zionism, vote for polyevra who doesn’t even say his name correctly.

He calls it. And he is also, you know, his origins. The son of a 16 year old girl who gave him up for adoption. Yeah, that’s exactly what conservatives admire. And what does Pierre Polyev do as soon as he gets elected? He puts his wife on the microphone as a marketing tool because she’s going to appeal to immigrants. And when you look at him, he’s got all these immigrant faces behind him.

He’s using the liberal playbook. He’s no different. Except he’s more dangerous than the liberals because he is a Zionist only for his own gain. Under Stephen Harper. The conservatives are dangerous. You are better off if the liberals do not have a new leader in the next election. Vote for Justin Trudeau. He has spent eight years learning what it means to be a leader. I think Justin Trudeau has shown in his recent statements that he is the best man to save what little is left of Canada.

So I’m sorry, I think people should look for Pierre Poliev’s comments and Melissa Lanceman stands up right away beware candidate and the US. You’ve got the same problem. Trump is another Zionist owned and operated know. We’ve got all these ono puppets that have been put in there either by first they all go before the Bilderbergers to get their stamp of approval. The same with journalists. A great journalist in Canada.

Used to be. Andrew Coyne. He went to the Bilderbergers and suddenly the tone of all his articles changed dramatically. The complete opposite. So beware they have taken over not only journalism and I worked on the inside, so I know, but they have taken over the instruments, the propaganda tools, as well as, most importantly, the puppets that speak for them. I’m sorry, Jim, I went too. No, you take my breath away.

I may not agree with you on every point, but I’m telling you overwhelmingly, with your background and your knowledge and your articulation and your passion, what a combination. That was just marvelous. Really marvelous. Do you have a final thought? Yeah, we’re just seeing the beginning. Nagorno Karaba, the last time that there was a war in Azerbaijan and they got rid of the Christian Armenians, they didn’t completely defeat them, but even though they won the war, israel established a garrison right on Azerbaijan’s southern border on Iran.

So now what they are planning, the recent one, the Azerbaijani who are sympathetic with Israel, if they are not Jewish themselves or Zionists themselves, they have driven out the Armenians from Nagorno Karabak. And now you can be sure that that is a sign that Israel is planning to invade Iran and they are going to use Gaza as a pretext to destroy Hamas, then destroy Hezbalah, and then go after Iran.

And you are the ones, you and your sons and your brothers and daughters and sisters are the ones whose blood will be shed and your money and your future is going to be the price to try and destroy Iran. So be wary, be careful. Wow. Anyway, I can’t thank you enough for all of that. Just overwhelming, fascinating. Thank you again, David, en masse. I look forward to your next call.

Wonderful. Just wonderful. David, en masse. We’re going to hit a break, but you’re going to get to talk after. Go ahead, give us your initial thoughts. Yeah, director Fetcher, it was good to hear from Layla. If she can hear me. The board office has permission to give Layla my new phone number. I have a new phone number since I talked to last, so Mike has permission to give it to Leila.

And I might add that if you ever wanted to talk to me privately, Director Fetza, you have permission to get my phone number from the board also. Thank you, David. Thank you. Yeah. So should I start with my point, or do we have to go to go ahead. Yeah, start. Okay, listen, this business about a two state solution, okay? This is what the problem is about the two state solution over there in Israel and Palestine, the Palestinians believe that a two state solution would be composed of Israel and Palestine, two states.

But the problem is, the Jews have a different definition of the two state solution. Their definition of the two state solution is dual citizenship. Do I have to explain that? Yeah. They have a two state solution, and it’s being a citizen of Israel and a citizen of the United States, their definition of a two state solution. What do you think about yes, yes. And as I’ve explained before, dual citizens should never be in policy shaping or decision making positions in the American government, because you cannot know their loyalty to the other state does not outweigh their loyalty to the United States.

Even Anthony Blinken, meaning with Erdogan, said he represents himself as a Jew rather than as the American Secretary of State. That was just disgraceful and inappropriate and all wrong. David, I know you have more to say. Go ahead, give it a shot, and we’ll just work our way around the oh, the one thing I was going to mention. I sent you the link to my old web blog if you want to check out some of my essays.

Director yeah. David take a deep breath and we’ll continue conversing with you after this break. Stand by. Here comes the sun becomes the sun I say it’s all right, darling, it be hi, tom Bolton for Ease Off. I know so many of you are finding our easy four carcass drop and lift an essential tool for your meat processing operation. But today I want to spotlight four of our new products.

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Help me if you can. I’m feeling down and I do appreciate you being around. Help me get my feet back on the ground. David, your further thoughts? Go ahead. Okay. Director Setzer, listen, I’d like to dissuade folks about something. Henry Kissinger, about ten years ago, said that in ten years, Israel will not exist. Now that’s Jew speak. Director setsA. That’s Jew speak. That’s mosad Jew speak. What Kissinger was really expressing in code is in ten years, Palestine and the Palestinian people won’t exist.

But you’d be amazed at how many patriots actually give credence to Kissinger’s words that Israel will not exist. But I just want to also point out, I remember years ago, I read a book, Kiss the Boys Goodbye by William Stevenson allah, a man called Intrepid and Monica Jensen Stevenson. And it was Kiss the boys goodbye. And I always refer to as kissinger the boys goodbye. It was about how kissinger that lion Jew betrayed our POW mia.

So I hope you patriots out there don’t believe that lion Jew about Israel won’t exist in ten years. That was code for in ten years, Palestine and the Palestinian people will no longer exist. That’s what that’s very astute. I’m very glad you added that final thought. The final thought. Layla might not have heard me. Sometimes as soon as you hang up, but Layla, you’ll probably tune back in.

I have a new phone number and the board operator has it. Mike. You’re welcome to have my Mike’s welcome to give it to you. I’d love to hear from you and I tried calling you a couple of times, but I couldn’t get through. I don’t know whether maybe you have a new number too. David, thanks. We got the message. We’ll work on that. Thank you very much for the call.

Laura in Michigan. Welcome back to the show, Laura. Mr. Fetzer, first of all, I got to do this. Anybody who exchanges phone numbers with David, be careful. I did that a few months ago. He called me up at like a 10:00 at night, said, you’re sleeping with the whore. Turns out he’s Catholic somehow. Sleeping with the whore. Okay. It was very inappropriate. Okay. Anyway, I’ll get started. Glenn Beck today, I think he’s a rabbi, daniel Lapin, he’s written a lot of books.

And Glen Beck asked him, can you define evil? And Daniel Lappin said yes. Evil is anytime a Jew gets hurt. Wow. Yeah. Isn’t that something? I think that is the attitude. I think you nailed it, Laura. That’s fascinating. Yeah. Anytime a Jew gets hurt, non Jews, it doesn’t matter. They can be slaughtered or blown to bits, that doesn’t matter. Have their brains blown out of their head, that doesn’t matter.

Evil is when a Jew gets hurt. I think you’ve nailed it. Right? That’s what he said. That’s the definition. So there. Wraps up everything you said in your monologue. Thank you, Laura. Thank you very much. One other thing. Kennedy Jr. Was getting interviewed. He said he’s for reparations. I think I can’t believe that. That is for reparations. That means he wants to spend millions of dollars on people who aren’t working and don’t deserve it.

That’s really shaken my confidence in the guy, to tell the truth, Laura. I find that very disconcerting. Anything more you want to add? Final thought? That’s it. Just keep that definition in. Yeah, thanks. Thanks, Laura. Great call. Tom in Florida. I know you got a lot to say. Go ahead, Tom. Start now. Yeah. Well, good day, James. Jim? Yeah? Layla had another powerful, very powerful call. But I got to tell Layla she made a point.

But you know what? How you beat these Jews, Jim? You got to tell them you’re a Jew for Jesus, because they are. You’re a Jew for Jesus. You cannot beat these Jews. You got to tell them. You got to bring Jesus Christ into this, because they hate that. And they’ll tell you he’s a prophet. That’s all they’re going to tell you. He is a prophet. No, you tell these Jews, designist shwiness.

No. Jesus Christ was the son of God, and they can’t stand that. And that’s what you have to hit these people. I’m just telling you that’s how I feel, and Layla has to understand that. And as far as Trudeau goes, I don’t trust that criminal. He’s probably the son of Fidel Castro. Another Communist Jew. His name is Justin, is the son of Fidel. You’re absolutely right, Tom. Of course, as an agnostic, I’m hesitant to wade into the deep theological water of differences between religions, which is a real sticky wicket for me.

But, Tom, go ahead. Give us more of your thoughts for today. Well, Jim, the real thought I want to tell you is what’s going on right now in our country. I don’t want to hear about I’m sick and tired here about Israel and Israel and all that. Our country is being invaded. We got these imbeciles, these rhinos in the House of Representatives. Hey, Tom, we got it. Stand by.

We’ll be right back. Look at all the lovely people. Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been listen, a dream waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door who is it for? You are tuned in to the Republic Broadcasting Network. Visit our website by going to RepublicBroadcasting. org. Einstein once said, future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.

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com and use the coupon code repub. That’s repub 10 juicamo flat top. He comes goofing up slowly. Got juju eyeball. He wants holy roller. He got hair down to his knee. Got to be Suzanne in southern cal. We know you’re having trouble connecting. If you can connect, I’ll get you on earliest opportunity. Tom continue your? Yeah, Jim. You know, Jim Jordan dropped out today. The republicans can’t get their act together.

They’re going to put a guy like akeem Jeffries, which was at farrakhan, and they’re talking about Steve’s Khalise with David Duke. This is so sickening what’s going on in that congress with these republican embeciles. They’re destroying our country. They’re allowing millions of illegals to pour into the borders, and they’re not doing a damn thing about it. And I got to tell you, I want to thank Miles for the other day telling me that I was right.

You need to call that 2024-3121, call your congresspeople and tell them we demand this government gets straightened out or everyone in me need to be primaried and kept out of office. They’re all criminals. They’re creeps. Now I want to go back to know layla was talking about Canada and all that. Well, Canada, it seems like with their immigration, it’s not quite as bad. But they also are a bunch of libs over there bringing all this craziness in there.

And these people are coming from hot countries. I mean Central America, haiti. Why would they bring people up in the north cold like that? And you have Jerry Fat Pritker in Chicago and saying, we can’t take nobody’s illegal aliens, they can’t handle the cold weather coming this next month. I mean, this is all a big, giant zog. Barbara Spectre Zionist, they’re going to spec you, all right? I mean, we’re being flooded.

When all these people can’t handle the cold weather, why don’t they ship them all into Delaware? I say take every one of these illegals out of California, New York, and ship them right there in the Burlington, Delaware, right in the Delaware. Joe biden’s home turf. Right, Tom? Joe Biden’s, Home Turf. Yeah. Give us you had a host that was speaking yesterday at one of the late night shows, and he was saying how the Dakotas, they’re bringing these illegal aliens in north and South Dakota.

Like that’s really going to be acceptable for those white people up there that have great jobs in the oil fields and all that. And they’re going to bring all these illegals and cut their throat just like they did in California. The block trade and the electrical trade and the plumbing trade. All these white guys were out of job in the were making 28, $30 an hour. You can’t even find any white electricians or blockmasons or plumbers in California anymore, not in Southern California.

Costa mesa is gone. All that area is gone. Orange county. That’s all Hispanic. They don’t only speak the language, how they brought their they bring their brothers, their mother, their father, Dang, their babies, the whole damn thing. Tom, you make so many great points. Give us your final thought for today. Well, my final thought for today is that fat Jerry Pritzker, who eats like a pig in the governor of that state of Illinois, he’s knowing well that there’s no such thing as sanctuary law, but they’re bringing all these millions of illegals in these cities.

They call them sanctuary. Do they have sanctuary cities for bank robbers, for people who steal cars or can’t pay their bills, for their landlord? Do they have sanctuary cities for that? Do they have sanctuary cities for people who can’t pay their child support? But they’re bringing people don’t even think the language in here. They’re coming here and tell you, give them 1% business loans, Jim. They’re giving these people businesses that white Americans and black Americans can’t get.

When is a black American community going to stand up? Enough is enough as far as reparations by act. Great stuff, Tom. Great stuff. Thanks. I love your calls. Reese in New York. Reese join the conversation. Reese, are you there? OK, let’s turn to Francis in North Carolina. Francis, welcome back. Well, that was kind of you, I have to admit. It’s been a while from Layla, and believe me, I was floored at how she nailed various aspects.

It was like, wow, where’s she been? Where has she been? Yeah, that’s a hats off to her. So you go, girl. What can I tell you with the terminology and how things are being twisted this way and that way? The Sunday morning or whatever morning you wish to choose from, that’s your pick. It cracks me up, to say the least, as far as all these political shenanigans are going on.

Still, it’s going to be interesting to see how they do this election, if it’s even done at all. Especially given the aspect that well, if these people that are being brought in to supposedly vote for various candidates and they end up realizing, if at all, that they’re being ringed, what are they going to do to the people if they don’t vote for that so called candidate that gave them all these freebies? What are they going to do if they don’t? Yes, that’s the bigger question.

Because even if they’re immigrating from another country and all that, here to us does not necessarily mean that they’re stupid. If they were, they’d still be in the country where they’re at. Did you catch the report? The UN is going to assist bringing in a million a month. I mean, it’s just staggering what’s going on here. Absolutely staggering. To bring in a million a month would be a categorical nightmare because the question is, what state are they going? What? Even if it’s to Alaska, which is unlikely.

But, hey, you never I mean, you’re talking about something almost not dissimilar to this whole Corona BS that was propagated three years ago and that people are still being murdered through, as well as the aspect that the drug issue with the fentanyl that people are dropping dead over through. They’re being brought in and laced with other drugs, such as, like cocaine. As one teenage gal that lost her life here in North Carolina, that was University of North Carolina and her parents are having a canary about that myth.

It’s like, you know, if she was such an intelligent and bright student with a bright future, can you tell me where her intelligence quotient went to? That she’s going and doing cocaine from a drug dealer that used to go to that university, for that matter, and got it from them, and it being laser fentanyl? How intelligent are we talking about? Terrible. And I taught at North Carolina Apple Hill one year myself.

It was a wonderful institution, but this is very bad and very sad. Final thoughts? Yeah, go ahead. I think people need to snap out of their stupor and whatever coffee blend that they’re drinking certainly isn’t waking them up, for that matter, because quite frankly people that are supposedly intelligent are not that they’re making stupid mistakes that are causing them their life. It’s not a family member for that matter.

And so I’m just sitting back and watching you see what’s going on. If I can listen wisdom where I can, I will. If I get a weird look, no problem. Go about your life and have fun with your party. Otherwise I’ll have a green olive, not rainbow with my choice of nice. Oh and have a great week. Meanwhile later thank you thank you for the call. John in Colorado.

Join the conversation. John. Yeah. Hi, Jim. Good show. I got so many things, really. I was reading this today in the American Free Press about the Anti Defamation League and how they have made it. They’re the only ones that call everything they smear, they want to get rid of people, cancel them and everything that don’t how they see it, and it’s getting bad, and they’re just praising how they let this go and nobody wants to do.

And I know Elon Musk on Twitter he was talking about he’s got a lot of views they don’t like, and they’re trying to get him by having all these advertisers cancel out. But it’s just what do you do? I mean, they’ve got all this stuff everything is with the Jewish inn. They got the Holocaust museum in Washington that’s only know there’s no problem with the call it the how about a museum of Holocaust for everybody that happened.

Not just the Jews, not the only ones. Even stuff that the Jews caused and all those things, that was it. In Florida, they got the GoHam Defense League that tried to make and they’re trying to get rid of them, cancel them out just because they want to put some flyers out. But this is sorry about heard I think I talked to you the other day somebody made a remark to me that he was a pervert and I didn’t answer back.

I just let him talk. But he was from Trump against getting involved in overseas adventures. But whether they did, they said it was a good thing. If the Congress doesn’t have anything to do, they might not spend money to go into the wrong. Yeah, yeah. The great virtue of or one of those I mean, I happen to be a Jordan fan is that he’s a non interventionist like Donald Trump.

Trump is the only president we’ve had of the last dozen or more that didn’t get us into a war. I mean it’s just amazing and this Biden he wants to get us into multiple wars at the same time. I mean you’ve heard about a war with Russia. You’ve heard about a war with China. You’ve heard about a war with now against to the whole Middle East is going to blow up.

If the US gets involved in a ground operation in Gaza, it will be a colossal blunder of unbelievable proportion, John. It’s going to work out terribly. And you can take for granted those two carriers are both going to be sunk. They got 5000 sailors and marines on each. Those are going to be child’s play. And that would just be the beginning because the Gerald Four, they had numerous problems getting that to sail.

Whether that is going to make it through and something happens to the ship itself, who knows? All the wrong things they did with it. Another thing it was nice to hear from Layla. The only thing I question maybe I didn’t hear her district she made an objection. She thought Justin Trudeau was the only one to run continue on in Canada. What was your view on that? Well, I don’t know enough about the nuances of Canadian politics to sort out all the distinction she was drawing.

I was struck that she was speaking favorably about Justin Trudeau because that’s certainly not been my impression of the past. That’s about as far as I can go in clarification. John, further thoughts of yours are no, that’s I just wondered unless I heard it wrong. Yeah, I’ve read all the stuff that Justin Trudeau that he’s one that is not good. You ought to be on his way out really fast.

One last thing about the ADL. I read an article too by Dr. Kevin Barrett. He was not so much against the ADL, but he said I’m not so much for having them cancel out, I’d rather debate them. And I think he’s got a good point because they won’t debate somebody like him because he’ll just bring the truth out that they can’t copy it. Yeah. Anyway, have a good day, jim, keep up the john a great call.

And by the way, let me just say suzanne in Southern California and Reese in New York, you’re welcome to call in. Now we lost you and Tom in Florida. Tom, we got a few extra minutes. If you want to add further thoughts of your own, you’re welcome to do it. Kevin Barrett’s a very dear friend of mine. We have been colleagues since 2005 and we did a show together on Genesis called The Dynamic Duo.

We’ve spoken at many events, primarily about 911, including one at Friend’s House in London on Debunking, the War on Terror where Ken O’Keefe was our moderator and Kevin and Nick colorstrom were the speakers. We got John in Michigan. John, join us. John, go ahead. Although, if you would defer we’ve had so many trouble with Suzanne. Let me squeeze in ladies first here, John. And then I’ll come to you, Suzanne.

Suzanne, go ahead. Yeah, I’m going to come to you, John. Suzanne in Southern Cal. Go ahead. No, you’re very faint. You’re very faint. Okay. Can you hear me? Can you hear me any better now? Now we can hear you. Go ahead. Okay, good. I just called in ever so briefly to say you made my day hearing you sing number one. Number two. Layla’s call. Fantastic. I was pin dropped just like you were.

And your first comment when she kind of was wrapping it up was wow. And I was thinking the same thing on my end. And like your previous caller who just hung up, she kind of lost me at the end there where she seemed to be recommending or praising Justin Trudeau, but she had me on the edge of my seat. So Layla called back again and Jim, I love you as always, and great to hear you sing and I’ll let you go now.

Well, Suzanne, you’re wonderful for a short call. That was a beauty. John Michigan, join your conversation now. Yes, James, this has to do with what’s on the RBN website right now. I believe Mike put up that one presentation that John Statmiller did. It’s right at the top now with all of the other news items and it’s the elite, Jewish elite, and it goes on. It’s a beautiful thing that people can listen to.

And also one other thing that you can search for on the website is Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story Never Told. John saw that he watched. It was 6 hours, but it’s done in segments. But he was a different man after he saw that and he said because of what he learned. So those are two things that people can really search out on their website for and get benefit and send people to and also to donate.

So God bless, James. Thanks for holding. Thanks, John. Thanks, John. Very nice. Leila, I see you’re back here. Would you like to add a few further words? Yes, Jim. I’d like to explain why I am now recommending the lesser evil. Now, I don’t want to portray it that I have probably a lot of the listeners in the past when I did call in probably heard me condemning Justin Trudeau over and over and over again.

Yeah. And I do believe that he’s made a lot of terrible blunders and done horrible things to Canada, but he was following orders from the WEF. But in the last few days, he has made a couple of statements with regard to Palestine that show that he is beginning to mature. We spend eight years of Justin Trudeau being in power, learning the job. He is now beginning to show that he understands what it means to be a prime minister for all the people of Canada and to have the welfare of the nation, of a free nation in Is.

He’s only shown himself to be a say over the two. Justin Trudeau is the better choice. That’s all I’m saying. Unless the liberals put forward another leader with more maturity. That’s all. Thank you for that. We look forward to your future calls. Two more callers on the line. Rick. Rick in Arizona. Rick, join the conversation. Yeah, Dr. Fencer, I got to disagree with you and Trump. If Trump is president right now.

He’d already given BB the go ahead to just kill a million of them. And when you said just don’t interrupt me for 10 seconds, please. No, it was amusing. Suleimani. Look at Dr. Fetzer, please. He killed Suleimani in a fashion that almost started a war with Iran. Only thing is, Iran didn’t show up. They don’t want war. But there would have been war if Iran wanted war, because they killed a hero.

And so, please don’t insult my intelligence when you say Trump didn’t start any wars. And nobody’s worse for these Palestinians than Donald Trump. You put him in the presidency office. But these poor people are all going to be killed because these people that live in Israel are the great grandchildren of the Red Terror, okay? These people have the tenacity to kill a million people. And if you put Trump in there, that’s the sign to go ahead and do it.

I’m sorry I disagree with you so harshly, Doctor, but I have to call in and say so. Thanks for taking the call. I’m hanging up now. Rick, you’re welcome to your opinion. I think you got out 100% wrong. I don’t think Trump would put up with his shit at all. But he did make a colossal blunder and taken out Suleimani, which I regard as unforgivable and have addressed many different times.

We got Catherine in Virginia. Catherine. Old Catherine. Yeah, go ahead. Go ahead. Yeah, I echo everything that the last caller just said. And Layla, I mean, she sounded good, but then once people start trashing Hitler, you know that they’re a Jew, because Hitler did nothing. I mean, I have been in such a depression over this, and today I was just listening to music because I can’t even remember the number of Palestinians killed, but I saw them laying out their children.

And what’s so sad is that people are so brainwashed. And it makes me think, you know what? It’s not long for America if people are so stupid and evil in this country. Yes, well, we confront a lot of problems. Do you have a final thought, Catherine? You’d like to add Layla? By the way, I was just going to call in about that Layla woman recommending Justin Trudeau. I think it’s going to have to go back to these are Christian countries and you can’t have Jews in you know, he froze the accounts of the truckers.

HH was honking, was heil Hitler? And they all had the sentence of Know concentration inmates, which were miraculously not killed. I mean, come on, it’s a war between Jews and Christians. Well, Layla is a Christian Palestinian. I mean, that’s an unusual combination. And I don’t know if the Palestinians are fooled about World War II history or not, because what the Jews do is they always blame somebody else.

No matter where they go, they make problems. They cause incredible strife and grief and suicides and financial collapses and pornography. And pedophilia the same Mo wherever they you know, I don’t know if Layla is honest or is a crypto Jew. Layla is not a crypto Jew, and she’s as honest as they come. Catherine in my opinion about Hitler also. And Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castro’s son. He’s a Jewish communist.

Well, I was surprised. She’s up there, and she’s paying very close attention to the politics there. She’s been a professional reporter. She knows her subjects from A to Z. Catherine I’ll just guarantee you that. And you can count on her sincerity. Let me just say something. Trump, his first wife, was out with Ghislaine Maxwell looking for little Christian girls to rape. For them to rape and use that for blackmail.

I mean, it’s an organization. It’s a crime syndicate. You can’t have Jews in office because there are too few good ones. And even if there are good ones, they still have family ties. They can be blackmailed. If you don’t do this or that, we’re going to do something bad to your family. I mentioned more than once in my first political speech in 2008, I said that dual citizens should not be in policy shaping or decision making positions in the government, because you cannot know that their loyalty to the other state doesn’t outweigh their loyalty to the United States.

Look, I’m really glad you called, and Leila has called back to called. I’m glad you called. Layla, go ahead. Yeah, I can produce my baptismal certificate from the Church of the Nativity. The Church of the Nativity has a vault in its basement from the 1300 where all of my ancestors, their funerals, their births, their marriages, their baptisms do not ever call me a crypto Jew. Call me a descendant of the original tribe of Judah.

Yes, the original Arameans of Judah. They were not Jews. Jew is a modern word. So do not ever call me a Jew or a crypto Jew. And the Daughter of Bethlehem. I am Telhamiya Leia. I’m with you 100%. And look, you got a lot of fans out there, girl. A lot of people really like to hear from you, whatever you may be saying. I think some of us, including me, was surprised to hear you speaking so positively adjusted.

Trudeau but you’re following these matters very carefully, and you’re talking about the lesser of the evils. Exactly. We have no choice. The Zionists have controlled every politician around the world. Look at Narendra modi. You think a man of India, where they used to be sympathetic with Palestinians, would make the statements he made. The Zionists have terply controlled the election of every politician. I agree with Tom that we got to worry about the Congress, but who put in there? I look forward to your next call.

I encourage everyone, spend as much time as you can with your family, the people that you love and care about. We do not know how much time we have left. Back tomorrow see you then. I want somebody to love oh, I get fire from my friend gonna drive from my friend help from my friend because I get by the little help from my friends with a little help from my friend.



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