RBN Authentic News (19 July 2024)

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ On July 19, 2024, the Republican convention in Milwaukee ended with Donald Trump giving a strong speech, supported by his family, including his granddaughter Kai Trump. Trump claimed he could stop wars with a single call and criticized the Biden administration for trampling over due process and the rights of Americans. Meanwhile, there were discussions about the recent assassination attempt on Trump, with questions raised about the official story and the lack of social media presence of the alleged 20-year-old shooter. The article also mentioned a potential second shooter and the lack of Secret Service at the event.
➡ The article discusses the controversy surrounding Thomas Matthew Crooks, who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump. Despite being registered as a Republican, evidence suggests he was a leftist, including his donations to the Democrat party. The article also mentions speculation about President Biden potentially exiting the presidential race due to pressure from top Democrats and poor polling. Lastly, it promotes a product called Get More Tank, which claims to improve engine performance and save money on gas, and another product called Extendivite, which users claim improves blood pressure and joint health.
➡ The speaker discusses various theories and sentiments about recent events, including a cancelled visit to the U.S. by an Israeli figure, speculation about an attempt on Trump’s life, and the belief that Trump was spared due to divine intervention. The speaker concludes by encouraging listeners to enjoy their weekend and spend time with loved ones.
➡ The article discusses a potential second Cold War, with NATO planning a global conflict expansion. It also mentions the recent NATO summit, where security measures were heightened and President Biden’s performance was scrutinized. Additionally, Germany plans to reduce its military aid to Ukraine, and there are tensions between Israel and other nations. Lastly, the article hints at a possible assassination attempt on President Trump, with claims of a cover-up by the Biden administration.
➡ In an interview, Cheadle denied that there was supposed to be someone on the roof of a building for security reasons, but Bongino’s source contradicts this. There’s confusion and blame over a security lapse at a former President Trump rally. Meanwhile, there are debates about whether the alleged shooting of Trump was a real assassination attempt or a staged event. There are also discussions about potential replacements for Biden, with some suggesting Kamala Harris, despite her low popularity.
➡ The text discusses various topics including a professor’s stance on abortion, a promotion for Dixie Republic, a Southern merchandise store, an advertisement for Liberty Lighthouse Classroom’s online courses on the US Constitution, a report on Christian colleges being influenced by Planned Parenthood, a court ruling stating that Covid mRNA shots are not vaccines, and a discussion on the demographic change in America.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including a plan they believe is aimed at destroying European and American cultures by encouraging interracial marriages and migration. They also express skepticism about the qualifications and intentions of certain political figures, including JD Vance and Ramaswami. The speaker also shares their views on the upcoming election, predicting a low voter turnout due to dissatisfaction with the candidates.
➡ The speaker discusses their skepticism about Trump’s bravery and his potential presidency, expressing concerns about his pro-Zionist stance. They also share their suspicions about a staged event involving Trump and criticize Amal Clooney for her silence on the Gaza situation. The speaker further discusses their discomfort with the changing racial demographics in their local Walmart, attributing this to Zionist influence. Lastly, they touch on the topic of cosmetic surgery and its advancements.
➡ The text discusses the speaker’s views on cosmetic surgery, particularly in China, where the speaker believes the goal is to make everyone look white. The speaker also shares personal experiences about marriage expectations within their community in Bethlehem, emphasizing the preference for light skin and fair hair. The speaker expresses concern about preserving the white race and Christianity. The text also includes a conversation about political agendas, women’s rights, and controversial views of a person named Vance.
➡ The text is a conversation between a radio host and various callers discussing political topics. They debate about abortion, the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, and the role of the Jewish community in these events. They also discuss the concept of victim mentality among different demographic groups. The conversation ends with a discussion about a boy named Matthew, who the caller believes was used as a scapegoat in an unspecified event.
➡ A woman shares her personal experience with abortion due to a life-threatening condition, and criticizes men who dictate women’s choices without understanding their situations. She also challenges the sincerity of pro-life advocates, asking why they don’t address the issue of pregnant women being murdered by their partners. The conversation then shifts to various callers discussing their opinions on different political figures and issues, including predictions about future political events and debates about the authenticity of certain incidents.


But they can leave you dead. This is Jim Fetzer, your host on authentic news, right here on Orbn Live, this 19th day of July, 2024. Where else to start? But with the republican convention in Milwaukee, which had a splendid conclusion last night, there was so much going on, much to share with you, including that Donald Trump gave a really quite excellent performance, and they were hoping that Ivanka was never going to talk to him again. But she was there, and his 17 year old granddaughter, Kai Trump, who believe half of the entire speech. So tonight, whether you’ve supported me in the past or not, I hope you will support me in the future, because I will bring back the american dream.

That’s what we’re going to do. You don’t even hear about the american dream anymore. With great humility, I am asking you to be excited about the future of our country. Be excited. Be excited. It wasn’t just, it was a presentation. At one point, he pulled out some charts showing how devastating the effects of the criminal invasion has been by the tens of millions of illegal aliens. And noting, this last time I put up that chart, I never really got to look at it. But without that chart, I would not be here today. In case you’ve been living under a rock, that’s the chart that was displayed at his rally last Saturday, which caused him to turn his head as he was talking about it, which saved his life from that assassin’s bullet.

The Marxist Democrats and the operation Mockingbird assets and the media aren’t just upset that Donald Trump’s still alive. They’re also upset that his entire family still backs him. They were hoping that Melania was going to divorce him. By now, there she is, standing by her man, and they were hoping that Ivanka was never going to talk to him again. She was there. And his 17 year old granddaughter, Kai Trump, who spoke at the convention the night before, a lot of people have put my grandpa through hell and he’s still standing. That really made the libtards mad, because they did succeed in scaring Ivanka Trump out of politics, really out of the public eye.

But now Donald Trump’s 17 year old granddaughter may want to throw her hat in the ring for me. I have a lot of faith in the american people, and whoopi isn’t worthy, honest to God. Meanwhile, Trump said he could stop wars with a single call. That may have been an exaggeration, but a lot of people believe in it. In typical Trump fashion, the official republican nominee went off script, told American it could stop wars with just a phone call. Warn Hamas to return all hostages or face his wrath. I like it. With regard to Ukraine, I’m very unhappy with his attitude toward Palestine, which I think is grossly wrong.

Meanwhile, Scott Ritter talked about JD Vance. The constitutional republic means that we are a republic that’s governed by the rules set forth by the Constitution. And, you know, constitution and powers, voting. It’s an important thing. We promote the peaceful transition of power. We are premised, our existence is premised on the fact that our representatives are engaged in a battle of ideas. And the side that has the best ideas that can generate the most support amongst the people who will then vote through democratic processes, tends to be in power again. Their power is, of course, restricted by the four corners of the Constitution.

It’s not absolute power. Majority rules, you know, the Constitution protects the minority. We get it. That’s such an important point. It’s not majority rule, but majority rule with minority rights. Otherwise you get the mentality. The mob, the lynch mob, for example, because they’re in the majority, they may want to take the suspect and string him up without due process. That obviously would be wrong, which why due process is so fundamental to our constitution. And without any doubt, the Biden administration had been trampling over due process and the rights of Americans. They’ve been promoting outrageous actions like opening our board or a dereliction of duty.

Completely outrageous. The fact that Trump turned his head, I actually agree. I’m not. I’ve in the past had differences with Mark Dice, but in this instance, I think he’s got it right. There’s much more going on here. Here’s, for example. The official shooter story makes no sense whatsoever. The more we learn in the wake of the assassination attempt on President Trump last weekend, the weirder and more implausible the official story sounds. Nothing we’re being told by law enforcement or other government agencies make sense. Secret Service Director Kim Chee hill and her boss at the executive branch mayor are refusing to testify to Congress about the security failures that took place.

What possible excuse could there be for that? In what universe? They get to refuse to testify to our representative senators who have oversight over their agencies. The fact they won’t tell us tells us they know something we don’t know. It could be the fact that shooter is looking more and more like a patsy with every passing day. They expect us to believe a 20 year old kid in this day and age had no social media presence whatsoever. No Twitter x account, Facebook, Instagram, discord, which nothing. What was he, Amish? Gen Z kids are practically born with screens in their hands.

But the 120 year old who never used the Internet tried to kill Donald Trump? Or is a more likely scenario that the FBI investigation is wiping all traces of the shooter from the Internet? No doubt about it. Here, watch. Jimmy Dort. Love the guy. Hey, I’ll see you on tour in Las Vegas, Chicago and Grand Rapids. In Chicago, it’s stand up and a live panel show. Go to jimmy dore.com for a link for tickets. And make sure you go to jimmy dore.com. the official story about the shooter, Matt Walsh tweets this out. He says a random 20 year old acting completely alone, walked within 150 yards of a presidential campaign rally with a rifle, climbed onto a rooftop in full view of Secret Service snipers, set up his shot and fired without anyone intervening and with no help from anyone.

Also, everybody, all the regular people there for the rally saw the guy minutes before it happened and were screaming for the cops. There was reports in the AP that a cop climbed up that ladder, saw him, and then climbed back down. Why wouldn’t you? First of all, if the cop sees a shooter on a roof, aren’t you supposed to go code red, get the president off the stage into your radio? It’s two. Why wouldn’t you pull your gun out and shoot that guy? Why would you climb back down the ladder and leave the guy up there to shoot the president? This 20 year old is also so politically radical as to attempt an assassination, and yet not radical enough to have ever posted any political writings or commentary on any social media site ever in his life.

So Kurt was saying, this sounds like Mkultra. Like, this sounds like something they got to him. Micah, this was the first thing I said. I said, they found some mental defective and they encouraged him to do something he normally wouldn’t do. And Kurt went the extra mile and said it was mkultra style mind control stuff. Could very well be mga ultra. The guy was indeed the patsy, as I’ve called out right from the start. Meanwhile, whistleblowers explained hardly any Secret Service were on the scene at the time. Hardly any Trump’s attempted assassination. We are getting big breaking news here on this Friday.

This is all according to Senator Josh Hawley. He has whistleblowers coming to him. That detail. Most of Trump’s security detail working the event last Saturday were not even Secret Service. Again, we’re not even Secret Service. DA, DHS assigned unprepared and inexperienced personnel. So this is the letter right now that Senator Josh Ollie just put out to the Department of Homeland Security saying, I write to raise concerns brought to me by whistleblowers about your department’s stunning failure to protect former President Trump on July 13, 2024. As secretary of homeland security, you are ultimately responsible for your agency and its components, including, indeed, Mayorka.

Sad to be involved in setting this up. I don’t have any doubt about it. There seems to be evidence of a second shooter actually located on the water tower. Here’s a government rag reporting about it. Shadowy figure recorded on water tower above Trump rally shooting. I’m going to play the video. Obviously, you won’t be able to see it until, but remember, forensic acoustic analysis showed at least three weapons were involved. The first firing three shots, the second five, the third one taking out the shooter. Who fired the first three, who I take to be the rooftop shooter.

And here, if you listen very carefully, you can hear what sounds like a flurry of shot being fired, apparently from the water tower. Hold that chart that charts a couple of months old. And if you want to really see something to say, take a look at what happened. Did you hear the initial? And then a flurry of five. I’ll go back and play it again. Hold that chart that charts a couple of months old. And if you want to really see something to say, take a look at what happened. I think that’s all very consistent with a forensic acoustical analysis.

You could hear it yourselves. Meanwhile, Trump shooter former classmate exposes the dark side of his liberal past. Liberals have been rejoicing in the fact that Thomas Matthew Crooks, a would be assassin, was a registered Republican. But that’s not the whole truth. The New York Times was strangely quick to dig up crooks voter registration. Their speed in doing so likely had something to do with the fact that his name had an r next to it rather than a d on paper. Quickly, the narrative became a white Republican with an AR 15 took a shot at Donald Trump.

Oh, yes, and a man, white republican man. I mean, just think about it. This is a dream for the liberals. This is a wet dream. White republican man with AR 15, the weapon they love to demonize. I mean, just ask yourself, who wrote this script? This had to be libtards. Vicious libtards, took a shot at Trump. This is a kind of narrative leftists have dreamt of. The problem isn’t just another of the media attempt to mislead and sweat anti GOP propaganda. Crooks may have registered as a Republican, but that’s not saying much considering anyone can go and register for any party they want.

I would suggest it was done as a ruse. Change their registration yearly, in fact vote in opposing ways every election a person. Voter registration doesn’t make them an automatic supporter of that party’s candidate. Hello, have the media never heard of never Trumpers? A more accurate way to see how he leaned politically is how they spend their money. In the case of Crooks, he spent his money donating to the Democrat party. The proof he’s a raging leftist runs even deeper. One of crooks, former classmates Vincent Tanner Mina revealed in an interview with Fox he was very passionate about politics, was a far leftist who, contrary with the liberal media telling us, has always been very anti Trump.

Very anti Trump. Meanwhile, a Fox and MSNBC new host reaction Trump imagine assassination attempt will make your blood boil. What do we have here? Joe Scarborough really pissed off. It turns out that they kept him off the air because they were afraid he was going to gloat about the attempted assassination. We don’t know why that didn’t happen, Scarborough said. Namely the claim that it was going out on a single feed and they couldn’t put him on. Our team was not given a good answer as to why it didn’t, but it didn’t. We were told it was going to happen and I guess after it was such strong blowback, I guess they changed their plan.

We were surprised and very disappointed. But it appears they kept him off because they thought they were going to be talking about how next time he shouldn’t miss. They didn’t want to have to deal with it. Meanwhile, axios reporting behind the curtain, top democrats now believe that Biden will exit several top Democrats. Yes, if I said several top democrats privately tell us. The rising pressure of party, congressional leaders and close friend will persuade President Biden to decide to drop out of a presidential ace as soon as this we can why it matters the 81 year old, now self isolated with COVID remains publicly dug in.

But privately he’s resigned to mounting pressure. Bad polls and untenable scrutiny make it impossible to continue his campaign, the Democrats tell us behind the scene the private message is still to its bloodstream. The top leaders of his party, as friends and key donors, believe he can’t win, can’t change public perception of his age and acuity and can’t deliver congressional majorities. The president being told if he stays in, former President Trump could win in a landslide. That’s going to happen either way, assuming we’re allowed to have an election and wipe away Biden’s legacy and Democrats hopes in November.

What is Joe’s legacy, precisely? Corruption? Ukraine withholding billions of dollars of Biden crime family, his pedophilia sniffing kids hair. That’s the legacy of Joe Biden stayed at play. The pressure to step aside as a candidate has been rising to intolerable levels, especially over the past few days. Democrats fully expect polls after the Republican National Convention to show a possible blowout that could bring down Democrats in Congress, too. No doubt about it. His choice is to be one of history’s heroes, are be part of the fact that there will never be a Biden presidential library, one of his close friends said.

I play. He does the right thing. He’s headed that way. Yesterday’s ab poll showing nearly two thirds of Democrats want Biden to withdraw Ricochet to the White House in Congress, two thirds. Meanwhile, Biden has infuriated Democrats with a post Covid I’m sick tweet. Get this congressional Democrats were baffled Wednesday when President Biden’s campaign X account posted I’m sick as a fundraising appeal just after the 81 year old president tested positive for Covid. Why it matters the post, which exemplifies what many lawmakers feel when the campaign tone deafness since the debate only adds to Biden’s rapidly deepening isolation on Capitol Hill.

I doubt Joe Biden approved that tweet. Not helpful at all, said one House Democrat who stayed largely silent on Biden’s candidacy since the debate. The lawmaker added they need to re read the roof. A Biden campaign official said it ranked only behind a post after Trump’s conviction for top fundraising social media post of the year. Between the lines, Democrats who spoke the Axios for this story regretted anonymity to speak candidly about their concerns over Biden candidacy as recoveries from COVID Representative Roca Hayna, California set on X after Biden does it positive, but before the I’m sick most fellow House Democrats can we in this moment unify, show some decency and simply wish I Biden is speedy and full recovery.

Please do not use this moment to advance your own political agenda by launching more private Republic attacks on Biden. Several House and Senate Democrats offered well wishes with Senator Peter Welsh of Vermont, who has called for Biden to withdraw. Posting on X he and his wife wish Biden a full and quick recovery from COVID lives in a dream waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in her job by the door who is it for all get more tank will save you money every month on gas I’m Dave von Kleist and I noticed increased performance after my first tank of gas.

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By the 1980s, the two sides employed thousands of medium and intermediate range weapons, both ballistic and cruise. The most prominent US army unit equipped with such weapons, the 56th Artillery command, deploying battalions armed with MGM 31 Pershing one one a and Pershing two nuclear ballistic missiles. The former had a range of 740 km, carried a single warhead with a yield of up to 400 kilotons. The latter was maximum up to 1770 to 2400 kilometers with a single 80 kiloton warhead. The army also deployed GLCM ground launch cruise missiles. What they’re saying is it’s happening all over again.

We’re having an instant replay. Meanwhile, NATO is planning NATO. NATO is planning a global conflict expansion right at their summit. Let’s hear bit from the gray zone. I just, I didn’t get down to NATO, but there wasn’t much, much of a point this week because entire city blocks were sealed off all around DC. It was reminiscent actually of the post January 6 period where the National Guard was called in and entire sections of DC were sealed off with like blast walls. But you know, you would just go downtown and just see huge accumulation, accumulations of police motorcades rolling around with, you know, different delegations from the NATO states.

And then the area around the convention center was completely sealed off to the public. No one could get anywhere. Metro stops were being arbitrarily closed. It was kind of a microcosm of what NATO has done to the world and is doing to the world. And it was a momentous summit for a lot of reasons, which we’ll discuss in this stream. One, obviously the Beltway chattering class all wanted to see how Biden would perform. Most of Biden’s remarks there, seeded with Jen Stoltenberg, NATO secretary general, were scripted. He was handed sheets and basically told what to say.

But then he had what Trump called his big boy press conference after or on the final day of the NATO summit, where Biden had to face the press, kind of just alone without teleprompters and, you know, we’ll talk about that. But I think what the Beltway press wasn’t interested in was how NATO was laying the groundwork for a new cold war and possibly a nuclear war. Max Blumenthal is simply excellent, very good. Meanwhile, Germany is displaying a modicum of intelligence planning to slash Ukraine spending in half. Germany is planning to cut its spending on military aid for Ukraine in half next year.

Is telling Kiev to look elsewhere for more. Fonting according to Germany’s draft budget for 2025, Berlin will bring its spending by Ukraine to €4 billion, down from 8 billion this past year. German Chancellor Schultz was initially reluctant to arm Ukraine and resisted sending heavy weapons like tanks, but he eventually agreed Germany had become the top supplier weapons to Ukraine in all of Europe. That’s running out. Meanwhile, a Mossad chief says net Yahoo’s demand may thwart a ceasefire to you. Mossad director David Barnia, the official israeli leading indirect negotiate with Hamas, said Wednesday one of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s latest demand may pretend prevent a potential ceasefire and hostage heal.

Barnes presented the security cabinet with differences between Netanyahu and the negotiating team. The main problem? Netanyahu’s insistent on creating a mechanism for Israel to monitor Palestinians returning to North Gaza during a potential ceasefire. Other stories Turkey threatens Israel after army uses a Gaza hospital as a base. China stops armed control talks with the US over arms sales to Taiwan and from a historical perspective, 170 years of us aggression against Nicaragua. What else is new? You are tuned in to the Republic Broadcasting Network. Visit our website by going to republicbroadcasting.org. hey there, are you gonna wait till the cows come home to get your new ease off, drop and lift? What in the world is an ease off, drop and lift? Re’s office is a new tool to increase production for your meat processing company.

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You know I need someone. When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody’s help in any way now. But now these days are gone, I’m not so self assured now I find a chamber, I’ll open up the doors. Help me if you can. I’m feeling down and I do appreciate you. Let me reiterate that although I know a number whom I respect to think this whole thing was scripted and fake, I believe it was a legitimate but very amateurish attempt to take out President Trump. Here we have on infowars videographic showing how close Trump came to being killed.

I think it’s accurate. It reveals how he turned his head in order to just barely miss having his brains blown out. I’m going to play it. You’ll only be able to see it. Yep. Shows him turning, shows a bullet clip in his earthenhouse. I gotta play it again. I think this is right. He would be dead had he not turned his head. It’s that simple. As I see it, the gram, the diagram reflects it. Meanwhile, we have a report, even, even from us news and world report, that a second shooter, that a second shooter was involved in taking out President Trump.

Let’s hear what they have to say. Look, they’re all pointing. Yeah, someone’s on top of the roof. Look, Jerry’s right there. Right there. See him? He’s laying down. See him? Yeah, he’s laying down. What’s happening? Well, there’s more of it. You get the idea. In the earlier video where the water tower is very, very troubling, keen observers notice a major change in the makeup of Trump’s secret Service detail. Trump security became a whole lot less diverse in gender after the assassination attempt Saturday. When he strode confidently into the Republican National Convention, he had a different detail.

At least three females that accompanied him in Pennsylvania did their apparent best, which was pathetic when bullets started firing. When Trump entered the convention, however, with a band each year, he was flanked by several hulking male agents with nearly a female in sight. I think that’s right and appropriate. Those diversity hires were completely incompetent and hired regardless of merit. Meanwhile, get this. Biden administration told Secret Service director to keep her mouth shut about what really happened in assassination attempt. I mean, that’s a major tell. Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino spoke with Tucker and Donald Trump junior at the RNC reveal Bombshell intel about the Trump assassination attempt which access the Biden administration was in on it on.

Gino revealed the director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheadle, is being ordered by the Biden regime to keep her mouth shot about what really happened and instead spread blatant lies. Cheadle claimed in an interview with ABC there was nobody on the roof where those shots came from because that building in particular has a slow proof at its highest point, and so there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put someone up on a sloped roof. And so the decision was made to secure the building from inside. According to Bongino’s source, however, there was supposed to be someone posted on the roof, but for some odd reason, they didn’t show up.

They didn’t show up. Mangino said. The slope narrative is just a nonsense story they’re putting out in the media. No one knows why it didn’t happen, unless, of course, you’re setting it up to explain it all away on the basis of reported incompetence, which was in abundance. Meanwhile, Secret Service director backtracks she’s not going to testify. After having initially agreed, secret service director Kimberly Cheadle appeared to backpedal Tuesday as her as her agency and local law enforcement pointed fingers over the security lap at former President Trump Pennsylvania rally. What else is new? Meanwhile, ugandan children pay tribute to Trump with a reenactment of the attempt at assassination is really quite darling, you got to see this.

These little ugandan kids are all standing like ones at a podium. Here’s a reenactment. You won’t see it until you get a chance to watch. I really see something that said, take a look at what happened. They got a little kid throwing his fist up. Throwing his, his fist up. I like it tick tock. They hate tick tock because they actually allow freedom of speech. Meanwhile, we have a report that the guy who actually shot him was someone with a very different name. And we have a image of this guy and it does look as though the dead guy is not Matthew Crooks, but a guy named Matthew Yarrick.

Matthew Yerek. Now, Karen, Kevin Barrett, who’s a dear friend and colleague of many years, tends to believe this was a phony event. He’s got a piece entitled the false flag drop shooting when a violent, shocking, spectacular american history during event occurs. Examples include sinking the USS Maine, the Lusitania attack on us ships at Pearl harbor, the golf Atakin, Tolkien Kennedy assassination, 911. History teaches us things are seldom what they seem. All of those incidents and more were deceptions orchestrated by forces that stood to benefit. The schoolbook narratives of all these events, and many more, are lies.

The key that unlocks the truth is the latin phrase cui bono? Who benefits? In all the above cases, a powerful faction that wanted war, call it the war party, orchestrated deceptions that enabled the wars they wanted. Does the alleged shooting of Donald Trump last Saturday fit that pattern? Like the others, it was a spectacular act of violence that, in retrospect has likely seen his history changing. The election is likely to be a landslide. This probably reduces uncertainty, said Nick Ferris, chief investment officer at Vantage Point Asset Management, signed polls showing a surgeon support for Reagan after the attempt on his life.

The weak counterargument admits that shooting significantly improved Trump’s odds, but those odds are not 100% said nothing is set in stone. Long and short is that those who won a second Trump presidency were the obvious beneficiaries. But that’s only because it didn’t succeed. Had in fact Trump been taken out, the overwhelming benefit would have been to the Democrats. They finally got rid of the one guy they couldn’t possibly touch. And the fact is, we had a company that represented a dozen or more israeli firms, put short options on 12 million shares of DJT stock, betting it would drop where it would have dropped precipitously had he actually been killed.

And if you assume those shares were worth $10 a piece, which is minimal, they put $120 million out there on the assumption that Trump stop was going to drop because Trump was going to be dead. I find that very powerful evidence. Meanwhile, PK, this is a wonderful guy. He’s done a lot of great work in the past. Proves Trump shooting 100% crowd behind him is crisis actors. I apologize. I haven’t had a chance to take a serious look at it, but I will do that because even though my conclusions, I believe, are very well founded, and I believe them, I am open to new evidence or alternative hypotheses.

Similarly, Doctor Reema Trump assassination attempt. I call bullshit. Meanwhile, Doctor Scorpio, a longtime colleague at Giselle, who’s now had a reconciliation and returned to the air. He believes the shooting, like myself, was a real assassination attempt. Meanwhile, here we have an accounting on Twitter. Health Ranger. Fascinating how Austin private wealth, the company that shorted 12 million shares of Donald J. Trump and 34 million shares of Rumble. Also get that 34 million shares of Rumble says they accidentally added six orders of magnitude to the size of their order. And it was a mistake. That’s a pretty incredible mistake to make on the day before Trump was shot.

And this mistake wasn’t caught until yesterday. Apparently, now they’re walking it back. Had Trump been killed, however, this mistake would have generated hundreds of millions of dollars in windfill profits as DJ T and Rumble fell. Would they have walked it back after that or take the profits? Hmm. Can someone direct me to a casino in Vegas where you can take back your bets if they don’t pan out? How absurd is that? Further confirmation. It was totally corrupt. A real effort. Meanwhile, republican hawks want Mike Pompeo and Tom Cotton in Trump’s cabinet. I’m not happy with that idea.

Meanwhile, a former GOP finalist to be his running mate said that Donald Trump referred to him as mister secretary on the phone call. That was North Dakota. Governor Doug Bergun is a very fine man, and I predict with confidence we’ll be in the cabinet. Meanwhile, after Vance lands the Gopdhead VP, reports swirl on who might be his Senate replacement. It’s Governor Mike Dewine, who is a Republican, who will be in a position to appoint him. Representative Jim Banks of Indiana is saying he’d like to see former republican candidate Vivek Ramaswamy be his replacement. Ramaswami has since responded he would be interested in replacing Vance.

I like Ramaswamy a lot. What a super smart guy. Meanwhile, Brit Humb’s comments about this old timer, this world war two, that they had, what a great face and great expression. I’ll tell you, there were a lot of highlights at this GOP convention in Milwaukee. I expect what happens in Chicago is going to be a disaster. Meanwhile, even this Democrat wants Biden out. You’ll be a bit surprised, I think, in a striking new development making it increasingly untenable for Joe Biden to continue as his party’s presumed 2024 presidential nominee. Even his longtime ally, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has joined the course of Democrats demanding that Biden bow out.

It’s coming. It’s going to happen. Meanwhile, Jan Misaki, former press secretary, has expressed her opinion on who ought to replace Joe Biden. Jen Masaki floats Kamala Harris as Joe Biden’s replacement. Democrats are now talking that it’s inevitable the pressure campaign to force by now to the Rays will succeed. Donors aren’t given any money. Hollywood, led by George Clooney and Michael Douglas, have turned on Biden, and Barack Obama is pulling strings behind the scene to find a new nominee in the face of bleak private polling showing Biden set to lose in a landslide to Donald Trump, even Biden loyalists are talking past him.

Former white out press secretary Jen Misaki, for example, appeared with pod Save America co host John Lovett to push for Kamala Harris as the nominee. She must not be reading the polls because Kamala is even less liked, has even worse polling than Biden. Here’s a statement JD Vance made about unborn beatties that has pro abortion Democrats in a frenzy. Frankly, I think that Vance was a bad choice. I think it’s a major mistake. It didn’t take long for Democrats to start attacking. Vance first elected the Senate in 2022. He’s only been two years in the Senate, and Democrats in the abortion lobby are in a frenzy over comments he made about protecting innocent lives when he ran for the Senate.

A Trump Vance administration would be the most dangerous for abortion and reproductive freedom in this country’s history, president CEO of reproductive freedom for all Minnie team Mirage, you said in a statement, Emily’s president, Jessica Mackler said. By naming Vance to his ticket, Trump made clear his administration will sign a national abortion bandaid, but birth control and IVF in vitro fertilization at risk. During an interview in 2021, Vance defended the sanctity of life, and said he did not even support rape or incest. Exception for abortion bans. It’s not whether a woman should be forced to bring a child to term, he said.

It’s whether a child should be allowed to live, even though the circumstances of that child’s birth are somehow inconvenient or a problem to society. I’m very disturbed by that. I believe the pro choice position is the only one consistent with the Constitution and american principles of freedom of choice. After all, the pro choice position doesn’t force anyone to have an abortion. That’s up to the woman and her circumstances. The pro life, however, consigns a woman to carry to turn an unwanted feed hus very inappropriate, turns women into reproductive slaves. I think that’s all wrong. I believe in a woman’s right to choose and that Roe v.

Wade was properly decided, and I know that there are many who hold alternative views which I fully respect. I’ll simply explain. Over 35 years as a professor of philosophy, I had debate after debate about the abortion issue and came out on this side, where, of course, third term abortions are illegal and qualify as murder other than to save the life or health of the mother. I endorse that position whereby the Supreme Court in effect declared the end of the second trimester, when viability occurs, was the right time for the first primitive right to launch find your inner rebel at Dixie Republic, the world’s largest confederate store located in travelers rest, South Carolina.

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Escape the IR’s. Let avoidincometax.com help you. We guarantee our five easy steps or your money back. Go to avoidincometax.com I look at all the lovely people I look at all the lovely people Helena Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been lives in a dream waits at the wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door who is it for? All the lonely people where do they all come from? All the lonely people, why do they all belong? Three final stories, each of which is disturbing in its own way.

Meet the 70 christian colleges that have been co opted. Very troubling. Let’s get to how that has happened. I am as a devout Catholic, there’s no doubt Justice Scalia intended his word to be a challenge specifically to Christians, a constituency rightly understood would be critical to abolishing abortion in the United States. Planned Parenthood, of course, understands all this, too, which is why the abortion lobby is going all out to make inroads in American Christianity. Planned Parenthood knows that by cooperating, co opting young christian men and women, their bloody business will be safe for generations since student life president Kristen Hawkins after all, if christians don’t speak out the sanctity of life, who will? Second story 9th Circuit Court rules Covid mRNA shots are not vaccines listen to this.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, as you know, ruling on something we’ve been trying to save for years, the pharmaceutical companies abruptly changed the definition of the word vaccine, I could refer to its mRNA injection for Covid as vaccines. A four judge panel for the 9th Circuit has ruled the mRNA shots are not, we repeat, not vaccines. This has massive implications and could ultimately strip away big pharma’s liability protection that prevents Americans for suing them for Covid jab injuries. Teachers from the Los Angeles Unified School District were fired over the refusal to take the shots when Gavin Newsom mandated them.

They sued the school district on the grounds the shots are not actual vaccines. Three of the four justices hearing the case agree with that argument in their ruling. Excellent, excellent, excellent. I know a woman that Monique Lukens, who has been very active with that school district and even invited me to participate with doctor Peter McCullough in a conference. Meanwhile, exclusive. This is coming from the defender RFK juniors us government saddled with COVID vaccine injury mass while vaccine makers avoid liability as early as January 2022, NIH researchers were aware of at least 850 peer reviewed case reports and or research articles about COVID vaccine reactions, according to emails obtained by children’s health events.

In one email, name and agency redacted NIH research. We’re told the federal government was saddled with a mess of dealing with all those injuries due to the liability shield enjoyed by the vaccine manufacturer. We shall see. Hey there, this is Sheila with hemp. Based by my nutrition why is hempace better than other CBD options on the market? It’s important to point out that the common CBD oil does not contain CBDA or CBGA, and they’re only found in fresh or raw hemp products like hemp paste. Hemp paste contains the entire plant, minus any stems. This means the product retains the complete genetic coat of the plant, which also includes those two vital cannabinoids, CBGA and CBDA.

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Paul, glad to have you back. Hello mister Fetzer. I hope my phone works today. I think I got the problem all worked out. Go ahead. Anyway. Yeah, I’d like to discuss about JD Vance. Yeah. And you know, some of the callers, like myself, are disturbed about him and his indian wife. Yes. You know, you know, I think we on the alt right are against the great replacement where whites are being placed one at a time in all these different positions. And, you know, we’re older men, Jim, and so we remember back in the sixties and fifties when we were kids and America was basically all white except for the black minority, you know, about 10% of the population back then.

And we lived in an all white world. And it is disturbing for us to have seen this demographic change. And in all honesty, I don’t like it at all. I don’t like it. I wish we never passed the Immigration act of 65. I never want any of these Hispanics or Indians or third world people in here at all. I preferred my America white, right? And I preferred my second ladies, who are the vice president’s wives. I prefer them being white instead of indian eyesores. In all honesty, and in all honesty, I’m going to tell you part of the reason.

I just think white people are more prettier, they’re more handsome. And I really find the Indians as a racist, an ugly race of people. I really do. And each one of them is, they take a position like Vivek Ramaswamy, Nikki Haley, all the rest of this, these people, it’s a reminder of our dispossession that white men are getting pushed aside. Now these very aggressive, haughty brown migrants are just pushing in, taking over these positions. And in all honesty, I think they’ve got horrible attitudes. I really do. I think they lord it over us. Well, just to give a preliminary reaction, Paul, to those comments, I think there are good Indians and bad Indians just like they’re good Jews and bad Jews and good Catholics and bad Catholics and good agnostics and bad agnostics.

I don’t have an issue with his wife being indian. Ramaswami, in my opinion, is one of the smartest candidates I’ve ever seen for our highest office. So I take exception. But I fully respect your right to those attitudes and opinions. Paul, go ahead, add more. And by the way, I remind you to look up Ramaswamis. I called about him several months ago. He’s a pump and dump artist and a scam artist, so don’t fall for him. Look at how he ran these businesses. He scammed a lot of people, a lot of investors out of money. Anyway, getting back to the clergy plan, though, you see, it’s kind of funny.

Like a lot of the callers here on this network, they’re against the Kelurgy plan. And you know what that is? That’s where they bring in all these non whites into Europe. The whites intermarry with them, and then what’s left of european people are considered like the can everyman among the jewish plan to flood Europe with migrants from Africa to dilute their culture and destroy it? It’s the same going on here in North America. It’s a plan to destroy our culture. I don’t think there’s any doubt about that whatsoever, Paul, and I think every American is opposed to it, finds it monstrous, which is why what Trump’s statements about closing the border and getting a massive deportation program are resonating so strongly across the country.

You know, now get this. Now, let’s say they bring 100 million non whites to Europe, which seems like the goal. It’s going to happen, from the looks of it, the way things are going. But the fact is, if not one European had sex with any of these minorities, Europeans would remain genetically european. Because to me, the clergy plan is not only the horrors of the culture, it’s the horrors of the corruption of the european gene pool by introducing genes which are dominant phenotypes. And so therefore, basically, it breeds out the blondes, redheads and blue eyed people, which are european racial characteristics.

Sure. And it’s a jewish plot to, you know, destroy other races so they can’t compete with the Jews. The Jews do nothing, encourage interracial marriage. They’re very strongly opposed to it. They want to preserve the purity of the jewish genes because they are destined to rule the world in their own minds. That is certainly the zionist conception, Paul. So have no doubt. Yes. This is a jewish plot to destroy european culture on the one hand, and american on the other. Have no doubt about it. Yeah, but like I said, it’s not just the culture, it’s the race.

Because introduced. Oh, I get it. Yeah. Look, that the genetics are so elementary. Of course, you’re absolutely right. But now, but now, here’s the thing. Like I said, just because they bring these minorities in here didn’t mean JD Vance had to marry one. You know, he wrote a book about Appalachians. Look, look, who Jd vance marries. Is jd vance business? I don’t think you should be second guessing him, and I find that highly inappropriate. I just do, paul. I get your general. I get your general concern, and I agree with that 100%. But it comes down to who marries who.

I think that’s very much a personal, individual decision. I wouldn’t second guess who you might or might not marry, nor I would presume, you, who my might or might not marry. And I don’t think. I think vance is entitled to that same option. I don’t see that a basis for criticizing vance. His enthusiasm for bombing palestinians. Now, that’s a basis for objecting. And of course, you know, I think he was a terrible choice on a whole lot of grounds. But I want you to finish your thoughts. Go ahead. Yeah, but my point is with jd vance, first of all, he is a.

And he’s living the clergy lifestyle, and he’s, you know, clergy is looking down. Up from hell, saying, good job, jd. Right? You’re making up the european gene pool. Now, listen, one last point, though, if you let me, Jim. Yeah. Is that. My point is, if he had married an appalachian white woman with his wealth, he could have brought that woman out of poverty and made her his wife and had children with him to perpetuate appalachian identity. But obviously, he’s not really so happy about his appalachian identity because he mixed his blood with an indian, so he is.

He’s a clerk. There are endless Quidda, woulda, should, as we can debate forever. You’ve made your point very clearly, and I appreciate in respect you’re making a point, even though I disagree with parts of it. I don’t disagree with the overall thrust about the clergy plan, which is a monstrous idea, a mechanism for destroying cultures and races, as you rightly observe. Paul, thank you for the call. Let’s see. Dan. Dan. Yeah, thank you, Paul. Dan in Washington. Go ahead. Daniel, are you there? Are you there? Go ahead. Go ahead. Yeah, I kind of. I called about JD Vance, but real quick, Ramaswami, I think your.

Your attraction to him is purely shallow, and it’s just affirmative action. I mean, the guy is like a damn artist. And you like him because he’s brown. I like him because he’s smart. Dan. Don’t give me bullshit like that, or I’m gonna tell you to stuff it. You got it? Ramaswami is by far, Ramaswamy is by far the most intelligent of all the candidates who have appeared on the stages in the last half a dozen debates. Okay? I tell you for a fact, I admire intelligence. He’s a successful businessman, and you’re saying I’m somehow kissing up to a brown guy is just absurd.

All right. So you don’t shovel that shit here. You got it? Okay. All right, I’ll drop that subject real quick. The Teamsters president, I thought that was a good speech and I thought it was smart politics of Trump to do. And I think JD Vance, like a lot of us, the people who call Republic look into stuff a lot more than the general public. So I think by calling the Teamsters to the RNC, which is the first union guy that they’ve act, I think in like 100 years at the have invited it to the republican convention.

Yeah, I think they’re really going to get the blue state. Oh, look, I’m predicting they’ll take all 50 states. I don’t think there’s going to be any left behind. Daniel. And yes, it was law of bread and circuses, but it was really well done. And even the cheesy, like Hulk Hogan stripping off his shirt and all that, it worked. And Trump has a way of connecting with the american people. He just stood up there and talked for about an hour and a half and every word he said resonated with the ordinary Americans. The guy’s a political genius, I’ll just tell you.

And he has a way of mastering the media unparalleled in american history. Unparalleled. Dan, go ahead, agree. I think. I think. Yeah, no, I agree. And I think. I think they have it. The only thing with this election, you’re going to have a lot of democrats not voting because genocide. Joe. And you’re probably going to have a lot of, you know, white nationalists or a lot of populists who just don’t like republicans anymore, because Joe is nothing. Josie, you gotta understand, he’s bowing out by this weekend. The last ticket I heard was unbelievable. Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton.

I do think Michelle wants to get in there, but Hillary, I think, can bump her out. Hillary’s a monster. Who’d want to vote for a ticket like that? But that may be the best they can do. Dan, give us a final thought. That’s, that’s what I’m thinking. This election, you could see massive voter, non non voter turnout, like. Yeah, I like what happened in England either. Anyway, thanks for taking us on. Thanks for the call, Layla. Delighted to have you back. Your thoughts? Yeah, hi, Jim. On the subject of Ramas Marmye Lazrishi Sunak, I’m sure that man was a genius.

And yet look what a wonderful leader he was. I think we have to consider. Anybody can rehearse the speech, anybody can rehearse the debate, and anybody can buy and dump their stock and make money, especially when you’ve got associates and people to help you. We don’t really know until they’re actually out there on their own. As Rishi Sunakhe showed us, a billionaire Hindu with his billionaire hindu wife, who took over England, which used to be as white as England could, as any country could be. What was the saying? England as English, as English, as English as England is.

Was it what every country longed for? And so England has been destroyed. Well, then there was America, as american as America was. Apple pie, motherhood, and the flag gone. And we’ve got these Hindus now standing up there as the wives of the vice president, who himself is an obnoxious man, utterly inept, and really not. We don’t really know that he has these degrees. Any university will issue degrees now if they’re told by the government, give us a document that says, this guy is stuma cum laude, just like what’s his name? Obama was Harvard and editor of the Law Review.

I mean, it’s just such a game. And then back to Trump. I’m sorry, with all due deference to your superior knowledge, Jim, it was huge. Truly. I know you’re a military man, and I have asked, does adjacent tissue to something like a bullet wound become scarred and bruised and swollen? Normally, on most human beings, it is on Trump the miracle man. Maybe not. The whole thing was too well rehearsed. We knew that Trump was going to win anyway, quote, win whatever, be appointed or crowned. But we knew he was going. But where was his only weakness? First of all, it was a weakness that he had never served in the military.

So here’s a man who’s going to prove that he’s brave. As soon as I’m shot, I leap into the air and throw my fist and say, ah, I’ve conquered. It was an act, and that’s my opinion. And I know I could easily be wrong. And again, listen, listen, listen, listen. Layla, I love your opinions, and I’m glad you’re here to express them. And all the time I followed Trump’s career, I never once heard anyone complain that he hadn’t served in the military. And the fact that Mayorkas and the secret Service are covering up, not participating, tells me they’ve got a lot to hide.

And when you got 120 million minimally invested and put options and apparently a whole lot more anticipating Trump’s going to be dead, that tells me that was the plot. That was for real. And, yeah, I think it was stunning that he wasn’t killed. Frankly, they had every good reason to think he would be dead. And if he hadn’t turned his head, it would have happened. My take? We’ll know better in a decade. In a decade or two, what really happened. Trump is going to be the next president, and then we’ll know within a year or two just how good he is for the country.

I agree it’s a gamble. And I’ve been very disturbed by his pro zionist. And this man says, just awful. I think it’s an awful choice. I’m just very upset about it. I want you to understand. That’s why, Jim, I’m so suspicious of this event. Because the one thing the Zionists have always done, even when they had almost every possible angle covered, they never left anything to chance. So Biden’s weakness had to be exploited even further to the max. They always do things to the max. They don’t even leave enough room for a little razor to squeeze through to make an error.

They make sure that everything is covered and it was all too well rehearsed. I’ll say no more on that, except let me go on now about what was done discussed yesterday, where I raised the topic of Amal Clooney. I don’t know anything about the woman personally. Obviously. All I know is rumor and gossip from people who may be in a better position to know than me. However, she has been criticized for being a human rights lawyer and yet doing and saying so little, if anything at all about what’s going on in Gaza. She wasn’t even amongst those who presented with South Africa, she who served with Soto mayor who was appointed by Obama, whose wife, Michael, is another one of those transgenders.

And now, if you’re looking at the RBN site, Mike has very kindly posted a story that I asked him to post about a christian palestinian woman that was transgendered by the Israelis. And Reuben, at the time, it was Reuven Rivlin, who was the president of Israel. And there he is with his ugly wife and ugly daughter who needed cosmetic surgery or genetic alteration, far more than this man to become a woman. Take a look at those photos. Now tell me that man, that transgender, is not even more attractive than Amal Clooney. I’ll tell you. I asked about them all.

No one came to me and gave me the rumor. I saw movements, behaviors that intuitively said to me, those are the way a man move. When I asked. Then I heard that there was this talk and these rumors in Beirut and even in amongst the Druze, and it’s not. It’s Druze. She, by the way, the caller yesterday, I respect your. You’re entitled to your opinion. You want to believe she’s italian. You do that. But the name is Amal al Muadin. That doesn’t sound very italian to me. Just because she married in Venice, where they have the whole world out there to watch them, to watch their private moment, to celebrate their wedding.

But then suddenly, when she’s pregnant. Oh, we want our privacy. Please. No cameras, no photos. Layla, hang on. I’m carrying you over. I’m going to carry you over through the break. We’ll be right back with Layla. Lives in a dream waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door who is it for all are you sick of censorship? TLB Talk is the cure. TLB stands for truth, liberty, and balance. We are the newest and most unique social media platform to hit the Internet. We were built out of necessity because big tech, big pharma and big brother are out of control.

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And that is the white culture. That is where I agree with Paul. I have to tell you for the first time in years. I went into Walmart about a week ago, and I felt like I was on another planet. I think I ran into two or three other white people, and it was almost as though we wanted to wave at each other. We recognized each other in an alien in another planet, or in a cage in a zoo. I came home and I was nauseated. I was disgusted. They were so ugly. I’m sorry. Most of them are bloody ugly.

And that is despite the fact that the Zionists have helped perfect the technique of cosmetic surgery. If you look at that story of that christian palestinian woman, man who has been made into a woman who was more attractive than the other one, that’s Clooney’s woman. If you look at her, you can see the false cheekbone in one of the photos. After you click on the story and scroll down, one of the photos show cosmetic surgery has become so sophisticated. But anyway, the idea of destroying an all cosmetic surgery, what is the goal? Make everybody look white.

That is the main goal for the Chinese. They try to elevate the nose for the ones with the big, fat noses, they put in a cone to give it a higher bridge, a higher, narrower bridge. They put in cheekbones, they narrow down the jaw. They make. It’s just the whole. That is the classic concept of beauty, the white race. And I will say one final thing. In Bethlehem, there were two small towns on the outskirts, bet Jallah and bet Sahur. When I found relatives who thought, oh, we’re cousins, and what’s their background? They were from Beth Sahur or bet Jallah.

Well, no, you’re not related to me, because we from Betlem, from Bethlehem, always married from amongst our own. Only the ugly ones or the clumsy or the stupid ones could not find a spouse from a Bethlehem family. And yes, it wasn’t the individual who chose who they married because it affected other people. You take other people’s relationships are affected by who you marry. And so in Bethlehem, there was always an exclusiveness. And the thing that they prided, they prized was light skin and if possible, blue eyes or green eyes. But light skin, fair hair and brown eyes.

If you’ve got beautiful white skin and nice proportions, well, good ratio. When I was 27 and still unmarried, my father, who desperately wanted, believed he was trained in the old way. Your job is to preserve your daughter’s purity until you can deliver them to a worthy husband of equal status. At 27, my father said, okay, I no longer ask that you marry a man from Bethlehem or that you marry even an Arab or a Palestinian, but I beg you, find some. There must be someone you can marry. As long as he’s a white Christian. What he didn’t know was I was already planning to marry my husband, who was or was a white Christian, a brilliant man.

But anyway, we’re losing ourselves, and the Zionists are behind it, and especially with the white races also, there’s a. Christianity is dominant, and he’s got to preserve that. Paul’s concerns about genetics, I think every geneticist would agree the white race is the more highly evolved race. I mean, I don’t think there’s any real serious doubt about it, but I’d be open to getting a bona fide, you know, physical anthropologists, population geneticists, whatsoever to discuss the matter. I’m open to that. Layla, I so appreciate all your thoughts. Yeah, give us a. Fine. Give us a. I don’t want.

I don’t want to leave on this. There’s just one thing. Every race has its unique, unique small group. It’s always like the bell curve, there’s always someone who is at the very top. There are some very. I must. In some gorgeous, gorgeous black men. Sure. And I’m talking about very fine features. It’s. It’s. We got it. A lot of gorgeous people that are not white. But there is something special about preserving the white race. Let’s not lose it. Let’s not lose Christianity. Let’s remember that. No in doubt. You are fair mindedness, Layla. You are among the most fair minded of all those I know.

You’re wonderful, and I appreciate every, every call. Thank you. Thank you, Jim. Bye. Francis in North Carolina, give us your silly thoughts today. Hey, young man. Yes. Silly Viking gal at your disservice. Go figure. One a fun weekend to all and you and yours and so forth. At IZM, there are several things to be touched upon. I find the irony of if you have color eyes of anything other than blue or green or whatever, then that means they’re an abomination. Oh, hang on, Francis. We’ll carry you over. Stand by. I want the truth. You can’t handle the truth.

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He just do what it please, Francis, carry on. Hey, young man, what do I carry on with? I guess Montreal thought one thing. You know something, as far as people’s ethnicity is concerned with Vance, I really don’t care if his wife is purple with yellow polka dots. I really don’t care. Now, a lot of people think, well, that’s my you should be all for white people. Excuse me, but I happen to be multiethnical myself, for crying out loud, part of which is european as well. So there’s a lot I can speak about that would blow your pants off your backside.

But aside from that, the only reason that Vance is out there, regardless of what color, ethnicity his wife is, they’re being paid big bucks in order to propagate a political agenda, and they’re just simply falling back on that ethnicity deal to suede people’s thoughts about, well, they’re not white. They’re not white. Well, if Vance is not white, then I don’t know what is, for that matter, along with Trumpy pooh. So aside from that issue, especially given that a lot of things are going to be propagating in 2025 project as well, women are not going to have many rights about what they can do, especially if they, for example, get knocked up by a family member.

That is incest. They will not be able to be able to get that out of their system because they’ll be expected to hold and carry the child and so forth till birth, which is a poor admiration. And, you know, Francis, you know, Vance actually said that, that he said he didn’t think there should even be an exception for rape or incest. Thank you. Destiny is so wrong. Yeah, I know it’s wrong. I know it’s wrong. He also said, if you want to see how much of it. Hang on. You want to see how much of an authoritarian this guy is, he thought thousands of nurses should be fired because they wouldn’t take the van.

I know, I heard about that. You know, this guy is bad news. Trump should have taken Christy nome, Tulsi Gabbard, Jim Jordan, a whole bunch of other people would have been a hell of a lot better. I’m very, very upset about this. The only reason that Trump took him on is because he was paid off to do so. That’s all there is to it. Don’t give us a silly argument. You wouldn’t be doing this political. Francis, thank you. Thank you for your call, as always. Joe in Florida. Joe, join a conversation. Hey, Jim, thanks for taking my call.

A little noise is distraction back. If it gets to be a problem, let me know. But I have to say, though, because it came up here, you know, here’s something. You’re 100% wrong about the abortion question. I’ll just get this off the table. By the way, I’m not a fan of JD Vance. He’s a rabid zionist. But the story about abortion is, the fact is, okay, the reason why we believe there’s no exceptions for rape or incest is because you don’t punish the child because the father is a killer or murderer. Joe, you understand the word child isn’t even being properly applied here.

You got the embryo, you got the zygote, you got the fetus. It’s not a child until it’s a result of a live birth. Now, in essence, the court and Roe v. Wade suggested, in effect, you could call the term child after the second trimester because viability is set in. I don’t buy the bullshit about calling a little developing zygote of child. I don’t buy that. I understand that. The question, Joe, is not biology. It’s a developing human entity. No doubt about it. The question is, what stage does this developing human entity deserve? Legal, social, political, moral protection? That’s the question.

Personhood. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that’s all wrong. Okay? And so here’s the question. Before you rightly, and I get good credit, describe mass immigration flooding America and Europe with these totally foreign people that have nothing in common with the people that live here as a jewish plot. Well, guess what, you know also is a jewish plot. Abortion is a jewish plot in 22. I don’t see it, Joe. I don’t see it that way. You know. You know, you’re one of my favorite, you’re one of my favorite callers, Joe. I always like hearing from you. So, you know, I hate, but I respect your opinion and your point of view.

That’s what this show is all about. Okay, well, let’s, let me put that aside. We’re going to agree to disagree out of respect to. You obviously think that you’re wrong. But the real reason I really did want to call, okay, it was not the first time. We’ll be the last. Go ahead, Joe. Oh, no, we disagree on that. Okay. I mean, that I should, and I should be. That I should be thought to be wrong. That’s what I meant. It’s not the first time. It won’t be the last. Oh, no, no. Listen, Jim, I have deep respect for you because you’re a class act, okay? We disagree about that issue.

One thing that you’re 100% correct on. Thank you for staying focused on the assassination attempt of Donald Trump, which is not a fake, which actually happened, and in my opinion, is jewish from top to bottom. Okay. Yeah. And one of the things, so, for instance, and one of the things I found out, I didn’t realize the other day was on Saturday. You had three events that the Secret Service was covering, okay? You had the visit of Vice President Kamala Harris to Pennsylvania. You had the first lady, Jill Biden, who apparently is a psychopath, egomaniac, think she’s running the country, and she has her Secret Service team in Pennsylvania on the same day.

So as Trump, what I’m saying is when you talk about conspiracy, it’s not always like sneaky little things. It might be something as easy as allocation of resources. This is how Trump winds up with three clowns, little short, little five foot two women supposedly protecting him. And Joe, that listen, that’s such a great point that they were stretching the Secret Service then in Pennsylvania deliberately. I have no doubt about it, Joe. And the fact those put options were from a bunch of jewish companies who wanted to make big bucks because they knew they were taking out Trump.

That is so revealing and so disgusting. Exactly. And at the risk of being called an anti semite, what’s the other security plan? A security plan at a very high level. How could it possibly be? It’s just a coincidence that a building for less than 400ft away from where the president was speaking is declared to be outside the zone of the federal security zone and in the zone of who? Oh, the friendly jewish governor. Shapiro. Right. Shapiro is the governor who controls Pennsylvania state police. These are all the pieces. But listen, we agree to disagree. But I I so welcome all these wonderful points you’re making about the assassination attempt.

And you look at all you got to do is look at the security zone. It had a notch in it for that building. It was ridiculous. It was half of the security. You got to cover every damn building out there. And they deliberately did not. They deliberately set it up, and now they’re telling her to keep her mouth shut. Somehow this governor who’s a vicious, anti Christian, anti Trump person. Shapiro. He’s the one that controls. Right? So how do you follow that thread? Oh, in other words, everywhere up and down the line, they made it very convenient to pull this off.

And we should not miss the importance. Even the Trump people, I think, are beginning to politicize and minimize the importance. This was one of the two major presidential candidates who was very closely almost killed. And I don’t think they’re going to stop trying to do it. I agree. They’re not going to stop. Joe, wonderful, wonderful call. And I don’t mind our disagreements. I just welcome your calls. They’re terrific. Renee. Renee. Now, if you can avoid attacking white men generally, that would be spectacular. But if you want to attack a specific white man like Vance, you’re welcome.

Well, the only reason I do it is to give people a dose of their own medicine because they attack everybody else all day, every day. But it doesn’t seem to work, okay? It’s like if there’s anybody, any group, and I blame Rush Limbaugh for this, okay, because he beat it into y’all’s head for decades, that everything was everybody else’s fault. And you’re the biggest fault of. The thing is, it’s like I hear these people, when a white or a black or a woman complain, well, they got that victim mentality, you boys. And they say, I really don’t blame you all in a lot of ways, because I think it was an intelligence op, okay? As part of the divide and conquer.

The thing is, they’ve been working on your heads to, like, you know, get y’all all aggravated, that you might be getting the short end of the stick, even though by accident of birth, were born into the demographic group that has had control of this country for hundreds of years, has actually convinced you that you got the short end of the stick and you’re the biggest victim. Y’all whine more than anybody. I’m sorry. Not all y’all. But the thing is. The thing is, that not what I called about. The thing is, I’m actually feeling sorry almost for this little Matthew crooks.

I don’t think he even had real bullets in his gun. The thing is, this little kid had problems all through school, being bullied and picked on. Those counselors are like spies. Okay? I have a feeling that little boy was targeted, okay? The government, you know, they probably send off all those records to the government, okay? And he was kind of the perfect little target. The thing is, I think it was from the water tower. So many things don’t add up. No way he could have put it over there with a huge ladder in here. Over. Hold it from his car.

Car, not truck. There’s so many inconsistencies. I think he was a patsy. And this is the thing we need to war game out. The thing is, look what they did. They tried to pull. It was the intelligence community, not the Democrats. Most of the people that get shot are Democrats, okay? Most of them. JFK, MF, all of them. Okay, well, stone, you know, the long from Louisiana. Most of the ones targeted and died are Democrats, except for Reagan. But see, the Reagan, I think, was shot at because Bush was vice president and he wanted to. Oh, sure.

Oh, sure. Okay. So that’s what I think that was. But the thing is, you know, I. The thing is, this is. I wish y’all would quit. We need a treatment center or something for y’all. Y’all cannot stop playing the right left paradigm, the Democrat Republican game. Every time you do that, they have you. They have us stuck in that paradigm, and they just keep playing it and pushing us back and forth in this game. It is the unit party. And the thing is. And we have to stop this. And I hadn’t planned on talking about this, but I’m uniquely qualified to talk about abortion because I was what was called a therapeutic abortion 73, three years ago.

Okay. You yourself were the subject of an abortion. Wow. I agree with the choice because it was due to placenta previa, where my mother was hemorrhaging. Well, we would both would have died. The thing is. So the thing is, I agree. I was the one. I agree that was the right choice, even though nobody expected me to live. I was. It was six and a half months gestation. 73 years ago. They could hold your mother. And my father had no wife. Okay? So that was the right choice. So the thing is, are these men telling women what to do when they had no clue? And another thing, this is not about them caring about the babies.

And I’ll prove it to you right now. How come I never, ever hear any of these men? You know what the number one cause of death of pregnant women is right now? Year to year, it fluctuates between one and two. Being murdered by their husband or boyfriend. Now, because heterosexual men are killing two people, both the fetuse and the woman. And I never hear these men complaining and going on and on about being pro life and trying to start up something to protect pregnant women from being murdered by their husbands. I will believe they are caring people in pro life when they take up that cause.

And that ain’t gonna happen because it’s not the real agenda. Renee, let me just say how courageous it is of you to talk about this openly. I think that’s absolutely wonderful. I think this is a memorable call, and I’m very grateful to you for speaking out on this issue. Okay, so, Barth. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Let me see. Losing track of the list here. We got Bruce in Texas. Bruce, join the conversation. Bruce. Hey, Jim, honey. Yeah. Yes, sir. I guess I don’t have much time. Okay. Y’all got a little bit of time. Kevin Barrett.

You know, I respect both you and Kevin Barrett, but I also disagree with both you and Kevin Barrett from time to time. So. Sure, I guess we’ll make up our own mind. Sure. Kevin is still. Kevin is still sitting on the fence about the Sandy hook. I can’t believe it. But go ahead. Yeah, go ahead. Yeah. In my opinion, he’s letting his emotions. What’s going on in Gaza. And, you know, Zion Don. And you know, he picked JD basket because he’s the biggest zionist. He was told to. And pressure. Yeah. Horrible, horrible choice. Go ahead. Yeah.

And the difference between you and Kevin Barrett is you take callers. He doesn’t. I never, since 2010 when I first found y’all, I’ve never heard him on a show where he takes callers. You know, he’s got that full blank collar kind of air at the bottom, and you only. He only have guests on it or degree. And. That’s very interesting, Bruce. That’s very interesting. I’m glad you mentioned that. I’m. That’s very, very interesting. Yeah, I guess he thinks we’re all, you know, bread and circuses, gummies, you know, I love. I love you guys, honestly, the calls are my favorite part of the show.

I mean, I love having you here, let me tell you. What up the water. Good stuff. Bruce, you want something else? We got. We got a couple others hanging around. Go ahead. I got somebody else here. Do you have another caller? Yeah, I got. I got two others. Minimal. Yeah, go ahead. Go let them on. I talk to you. Okay. Okay. Tom. Tom, here you are. But you got to be concise, my friend. Tom. Yeah. Good day, everybody. Yeah, Jim, I just got to tell you this. Just Kamala Harris, when you come back on air Monday, I believe Joe Biden’s going to step down Sunday.

And I believe this guy, this Kamela communist. Harris and her kosher husband are going to pick this guy Shapiro in Pennsylvania as a running mate, or she’s going to use this off with which to Whitmer or Michigan. She need to pick one of those two. They’re going to try to get those rust belt state. So just get ready prepared. Monday, I just step down the demon. Well, you want to reward. You want to reward Shapiro for at least trying to kill Trump? To kill Trump? Yes. Alejandro Mayorka should be hung with a rope. Yes. Committed treason against this country.

They should take. He’s a corrupt. Now, Jim, here’s the main thing I got telling Richard Kerry yesterday. It’s all about the money. Now the billionaires are lining up against each other. You got the Jews on one side on the left. You got the republican Christian guys like Musk, the other guys on the right. It’s gonna be a battle royal. And right now you got 18 white. Trump’s a shoe in, Tom. The money’s not gonna make any difference now. Trump’s got it in the bank if we’re allowed to have an election. Well, I agree. Totally agree. But, Jim, I’m not.

I’m talking in the future. The future is gonna be real nasty with these. I know they’re early on to destroy the country all out. So like you said, this guy Shapiro, they dropped the ball into Pennsylvania. They know what they wanted to hit from. Because if they imagine he wouldn’t even have this, we wouldn’t even have this convention if Trump were to get murdered that day, it’s his thing. He was by the miracle of God’s creation. And what happened here, as the head’s got a roll, you got to start rolling his head. And I mean, if he has to take hanging to do it, you got to hang him.

And all those jewish companies would have made money hand over fists. They were betting on his death and they lost their embarrassed and they’re trying to cover it up. How outrageous. They were caught with their pants down, Tom. 1.8% of the population, Jim, and I’ll say maybe, I’ll say maybe three tenths of our good people, like Mark Levin, you got Michael Savage, you got some great views, I’m not going to lie about it. You got some jews who really loved our constitution, but you got really evil Kabbalah’s, wicked jews who have to be punished. And if anything, ship them right back to Israel.

Let him stay in the country of Israel. Yeah, we don’t need them here. I agree. And remember those jews against genocide who occupied Grand Central Station? I admire each and every one of them. Jews against genocide. I hope Joe calls on Monday. And I want Joe to know this from Florida. They just had a thing in the Miami Herald, the Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel, that these illegal aliens there, one third of these illegals that came in the last three years are residing in Florida. So I’m going to try to reach out to the Santa’s office and I’m going to ask them what the hell is going on.

You told me there was no illegals in Florida. Florida, that’s bull crap. Yeah, they are here. We need to hear them in the Delaware. Good Tom. Good Tom. Good Tom. I got one more caller, Tom, I want to bring in. Okay, thank you. Great call. Great call. James in Vancouver. James, join the conversation. Yeah, so I’m looking at a picture of former secretary of State Cyrus Vance, wondering if he’s related to the new Vance, the JD Vance. I don’t know what he’s asked that question yet, but might be worth asking. Yeah. I wanted to talk about last night, my professionals of the Gila concert, Hollywood show, the Republic convention, and in Wisconsin Milwaukee.

And I heard the speech, but then I switched to the video and the end of the show, Donald Trump and all his family got up and I think JD Vance was up there and they played rock and roll music, and they were looking out at the audience and the audience was looking at them and everybody was cheering. And it was a real gala event. Did you see that? Which part again, James? Right at the end, when, after the speech was over, Donald Trump, you know, stood on stage and he was joined by all his family, Melania, everybody.

And they played rock and roll for a good 15 or 20 minutes. And they were standing there looking at the audience and the audience was going crazy. And I said to myself, hey, I said, that was one good show. I said, yes. The 13 July, a near tragedy to last night. Less than seven days. That’s got to be a fantastic. A fantastic run to have. Cyrus. Cyrus and JD Vance are not related. Cyrus and JD Vance are not related. Well, that’s probably too bad, because I was a fan of Cyrus Vance. But I just want to say one thing.

Thing. And then I’m going to let you go. Sure. With electronic caps that are activated by electromagnetic radiation, I can make it look like you’ve been shot in the air. A cap is a blasting device, as, you know, primer for dynamite and stuff like that. They can be activated electronically. So, James, there’s lots of ways this could have been faked. It I just don’t think it was, but I respect those who have their. Yeah, I’m saying that the people who did it, right, want to make a statement about, you know, how things can happen, and then to, uh, you know, pour out their sentiments.

You see, James, so that it isn’t. That it’s a fake or not, but the manipulation, you can’t get away, James. Thanks. I want to squeeze in hijacker with just a word or two. Hijacker. Go ahead, squeeze it in. Yeah. Can you hear me? Go ahead. Yeah. So I got something. You’re really gonna love this. So BB was scheduled next week to come to the United States, right? Right. He’s cancelled. Oh, really? Oh, hijacker, that’s great news. I love it. But think of the implications. Why would he schedule it? Then we. Now that we know that Trump almost got his brains blown out, can you imagine the israeli president, Prime Minister over Donald Trump’s funeral? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Look, you’re making a lot of great points. I think this reinforces that Israel wanted him out and that he wasn’t killed. Has caught Bibi to cancel. That’s fascinating. Fascinating. Hijacker, fascinating. Yeah. And the other. The other little thing I’ll leave you with is a lot of people think that Trump wasn’t killed. Because, you know, God thought he was a righteous man. And the King David. No, I didn’t like so the country wasn’t ripped apart. That’s why he spared us. Anyways, always great show. Thanks, hijacker. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Meanwhile, everyone enjoy this weekend. Spend as much time as you can with your family, your friends and people you love and care about.

Have a great weekend. Back Monday. And remember, support Rbnna.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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